NOVEL INDUSTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DRY TEXTURING PROCESS FOR SILICON SOLAR CELL IMPROVEMENT B. Dresler1, D. Köhler1, G. Mäder1, S. Kaskel1, E. Beyer1, L. Clochard2, E. Duffy2, B. Kafle3, M. Hofmann3, J. Rentsch3 1 Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS), Winterbergstr. 28, D-01277 Dresden, Germany 2 Nines Photovoltaics, Synergy Centre, IT Tallaght, Dublin 24. Ireland 3 Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Heidenhofstr. 2, D-79110 Freiburg, Germany Corresponding author: Gerrit Mäder, Fraunhofer IWS, email: [email protected] ABSTRACT: The front texture of crystalline silicon solar cells plays a crucial role in order to effectively harvest light and transform it into electricity. In this paper, a novel technology based on dry atmospheric pressure etching is presented. It allows the single-sided inline etching of c-Si wafers using the global warming potential-free process gas fluorine (F2). Vast improvements of light trapping are already achieved leading to weighted reflection values below 8% without dielectric anti-reflection coating. The passivation of the relatively rough surfaces can most effectively be facilitated using ALD-Al2O3 films stacked with PECVD-SiNx layers. The paper presents SEM images of the surface structures and the basic setup principle of the new production tool. Keywords: Etching, texturisation, silicon solar cell, atmospheric pressure, dry etching, dry processing 1 INTRODUCTION The current water usage in the photovoltaic (PV) solar cell manufacturing industry is not sustainable in some parts of the world. The PV solar industry as a whole has been growing dramatically over the last 10 years [1]. PV solar is indeed recognised as the renewable energy alternative that can meet our global energy needs for the foreseeable future. Companies involved in this industry have been growing significantly, answering the demand, and scaling their production capacity accordingly. Equipment and processes developed by cell manufacturers have been for most adopted and scaled up from semiconductor manufacturing. However, the valueadd and the cost structures for both sectors are vastly different despite the manufacturing processing technologies being similar. As the industry continues to increase its capacity, very large footprint factories that have heavy consumption of chemicals, water and potential emissions of high Global Warming Potential (GWP) gases become unsustainable. New regulations, including the Kyoto agreement, will enforce strict control on water management and emissions. The availability of environmentally friendly production technologies that can cope with emission regulations in Europe will be crucial for the continuity of cell manufacturing in the EU. At the same time EU regulations are expected to further restrict the use of production technologies with high GWP. Silicon etching is a key technology in various processing steps during the production of PV solar cells: - Removal of sawing damage that has occurred during the “wafering” process, - Texturing of the Si wafer to reduce its reflection prior to the formation of the emitter, - The removal of the residual phosphorus silicate glass (PSG) that grows during the hightemperature emitter-formation step. Currently, most of the etching steps are carried out using wet chemistry equipment; the wafers are moved across large baths containing chemical liquid mixtures. Large volume of water is also required for rinsing after etch steps. Dry processing is a generic term that indicates all technologies that make little or no use of water. It has been seen as a potential alternative to the wet benches in the PV industry. However, despite being demonstrated in the lab [2, 3], there has been no uptake of this dry vacuum-based technology. This is mainly due to: - Large price tag and cost of ownership (COO) of the vacuum and plasma equipment - Limited throughput - High GWP gases required by the plasma etching chemistry (NF3, SF6). Within the EU SME project SOLNOWAT, 4 different SMEs along with 3 research institutes try to overcome these limitations by developing a novel dry etching technology featuring - use of 0 GWP gases (Fluorine) - dry Atmospheric Process (AP) using thermal activation for the etching steps - non-contact ultra sound air bearing wafer transport - process monitoring solutions adapted to the use of Fluorine. This paper discusses first results of the SOLNOWAT project on atmospheric pressure etching of crystalline silicon using F2 gas. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP All experiments were carried out in a lab scale atmospheric pressure reactor located at Fraunhofer IWS in Dresden. The reactor exhibits a thermal etching zone and a double waste gas extraction system, as etching gas thermally activated diluted F2 is used. The working principal of the reaction chamber is depicted in Figure 1. The reactor can process wafers with size up to 156x156 mm². It allows for both static and continuous passthrough dynamic etching. The system is designed to provide a dry chemical process that is single sided. Based on the results and the experience of the labtype demonstrator, an automated process development tool has been designed and built by Nines Photovoltaics and will be shipped and installed at Fraunhofer ISE (Figure 2) for full cell process integration. Figure 1: Operating principle of the dry-chemical etching technology at atmospheric pressure using climate neutral etching gas used at Fraunhofer IWS. 3 OPTICAL PROPERTIES 3.1 Surface morphology In order to remove the remaining saw damage from the surface remaining from the wafer cutting, an etch depth of around 4 to 5 µm per side is required. The first studies concentrated on using the dry etching to produce a low reflectivity surface texture from various multicrystalline silicon wafer starting surfaces. The dry AP etching process is able to create various surface structures (from more porous up to flattened surface morphologies) depending upon the variation of the process parameters, namely total gas flow, concentration, process temperature and also hardware configuration of the way the gas is delivered to the wafer. Figure 3 shows scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the different AP-etched mcSi starting surfaces produced for our first trials. Picture A represents a typical wafer surface directly after sawing and cleaning. Applying the AP etch with increasing etch depth (B, C) first of all the silicon debris originating from the cutting process are removed, while continuing the AP etching the surface is roughened again and a microstructure is formed. A Similar sequence can be observed when starting from a wet chemically KOH etched surface (picture D). The subsequent AP etching leads to a strong surface enlargement forming feature sizes in the sub-micrometer range (picture E). A more porous surface structure results from an AP etch after complete HF-HNO3-H2O iso-texturing (F), although the final surface also depends very much on the process parameters of the dry etch. 3.2 Surface reflectance As it was shown in Figure 3, parameter settings as well as wet chemical treatments prior to the AP etching process may lead to very different surface morphologies. However, reflectance measurements reveal nearly similar optical properties over a broad wavelength range (see Figure 4). All AP etched wafer surfaces reach weighted reflectance values of around 7.5 % measured directly after texturing. The corresponding wet isotextured wafer surface reaches only values slightly above 30%. The reflectance values were weighted with a typical IQE of a multicrystalline Al-back surface field cell and with the sun spectrum AM1.5g. 100 KOH + AP etch, Rw = 7.5 % Isotexture 3µm + AP etch, Rw = 7.5 % 80 reflectance R [%] Figure 2: Picture of the automated atmospheric pressure inline dry etching tool (Nines PV) that will be set up at Fraunhofer ISE. Figure 3: SEM overview of dry textured surface morphologies starting from various wafer surfaces: as-cut (A-C), KOH saw damage etch (D,E), and wet isotexture (F). References: as-cut (A) and KOH saw damage etch (D). A: as-cut wafer before AP etching B,C: as-cut wafer with dry AP etching D: wet saw-damage-etched (SDE) wafer (no AP etching) E: SDE wafer with dry AP etching F: wet isotexture with dry AP etching Isotexture Std. + AP etch, Rw = 7.4 % 60 Isotexture reference, Rw = 30.3 % 40 20 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 wavelength [nm] Figure 4: Reflectivity measurements of different wafer surfaces etched with F2. Weighing is performed with the solar spectrum as well as the internal quantum efficiency of a mc-Si solar cell between 300 and 1200 nm 4 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES Rear side SiNx / SiOxNy SiNx / SiOxNy SiNx / SiOxNy SiNx / SiO2 Front side (dry text.) SiNx Al2O3 / SiNx SiOxNy / SiNx SiO2 / SiNx Plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) was used to deposit the SiNx and SiOxNy layers (Roth&Rau SiNA). The SiO2 layers were thermally grown (Centrotherm). The Al2O3 layers were created by atomic layer deposition (ALD) using an Oxford OPAL system. The samples’ minority carrier lifetimes were measured twice, before and after the firing process. Figure 5 shows the process matrix at a glance. Wet chemical pre-processing (SDE, isotexture 3µm or standard isotexture) AP dry etch both sides Reflection measurement Cleaning (wet) PECVD SiOxNy (rear) PECVD SiNx (front) ALD AlOx + PECVD SiNx (front) PECVD SiOxNx (front) Therm. SiO2 + PECVD SiNx (front and rear) micron texture influence directly the carrier lifetime results. SiNx eff. minority carrier lifetime [µs] 4.1 Carrier lifetime results In order to investigate the influence of the AP textured surfaces, float-zone (FZ) crystalline silicon wafers (p-type, 1 Ohm cm, 250µm thick) were first wet chemically etched to create different starting surface morphologies (KOH saw damage etch, acidic isotexturisation (only 3µm of silicon removed) or acidic isotexturisation (standard amount of silicon removed)). As a reference, standard isotextured surfaces were also prepared, without a subsequent AP dry etch. All samples, except the reference wafers, were subjected to the same AP dry etch (Nines PV). After measuring the reflection properties, a wet chemical cleaning was performed prior to the deposition on both surfaces of a variety of passivation layers. The samples were fabricated into the following stacks: 100 FZ-Si as-cut 1 cm SiOxNy ALD-AlOx SiO2+SiNx 10 1 saw damage isotexture isotexture isotexture etch + AP 3µm + AP std. + AP no AP Figure 6: Overview of QSSPC measured effective minority carrier lifetime values of differently passivated AP etched samples from different starting wafer surfaces. Substrate material: FZ-c-Si, p-type, 1 Ohm cm, 250 µm, (100) oriented. 4.2 SEM investigation In order to further understand the carrier lifetime results, SEM cross section investigations were carried out for some of the passivated samples. The SEM images show that for the texture produced in this first batch, the conformality of the SiNx PECVD process is not sufficient to effectively cover and passivate the entire front surface of the textured wafer. Some AP etched samples also show some relatively deep tunnel-like openings making passivation quite challenging without a process with excellent step coverage properties. From that point of view, ALD provides a clear benefit over the other deposition techniques. The ALD process is much more conformal, and this is reflected in the lifetime results. PECVD SiNx (rear) QSSPC lifetime measurement Contact firing QSSPC lifetime measurement Figure 5: Process flow for the preparation of the symmetrical wafer samples for QSSPC lifetime measurements. From the lifetime results, we can therefore conclude that the passivation of a standard isotexturised surface is easier than for the AP etched surface morphologies produced for this first trial. As can be seen in Figure 6, the minority carrier lifetimes of the AP etched samples reached significantly lower values than the reference. For the dry texture, passivation with an ALD-Al2O3 + PECVD-SiNx stack layer system is clearly the most efficient approach. The surface enlargement of the sub- Figure 7: SEM cross section of AP etched and ALDAlOx/SiNx passivated wafer surface. 5 CONCLUSIONS As an alternative to the current wet-chemical etching steps used in crystalline solar silicon industry, a drychemical etching technology at atmospheric pressure was developed using elemental fluorine as etching gas (climate neutral etching gas). The novel cost effective technology offers single side treatment of the wafers, inline vacuum-less solar cell processing, reduced wafer breakage due to soft handling, decreased chemical waste disposal and significant potential for costs saving in a production environment. First results for a texturing process show excellent potential for the production of low reflectance surfaces. The first textures produced were passivated using various layers and deposition processes. The sub-micron structure is more efficiently passivated using a conformal ALD deposition of AlOx. This first batch represents a starting point for this project. More texture variations with the AP etching tool will be produced, aiming to reduce the aspect ratio of the texture to allow for an easier passivation while preserving the good optical properties. Beyond texturing, other processes such as back side emitter removal and surface flattening are also being developed within this project. The technology will enable solar cell producers to dramatically lower their water consumption and enable the processing of more advanced cell concepts, with the high throughput required in the industry. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA under grant agreement n° 286658. References: [1] A. Jäger-Waldau, Quo vadis photovoltaics 2011, European Physical Journal Photovoltaics 2, 20801 (2011) [2] S. Schaefer, Plasmaätzen für die Photovoltaik, PhD thesis, University of Konstanz, Konstanz (2000). [3] G. Agostinelli et al., Dry Etching And Texturing Processes For Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, Proc. 19th EUPVSEC (2004), Paris
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