BOARD PROCEEDINGS: 1. Extension in terms of Elected Members. To consider and note the Principal Director Defence Estates, Hqrs., Southern Command letter No. 1530/GEN/ELECTION/2013/DE dated 30.12.2013 together with a copy ofDirector General, Defence Estates, New Delhi letter No. 76/38Cantt Act/C/DE/2012 dated 30.12.2013 regarding extension in terms of Elected Members. 1. Considered and approved. 2. To note the minutes of Hospital committee held on 03.12.2013 2. Considered and approved with the following modif ications. Item No. 1. Discussed at length. Board resolved that since the services of Gynecologist are required 24x7, Two be on contract on immediate basis which will reduce the cases sent to other Hospitals due to non availability of Gynecologist & provide better and effective services. Budget provision catered for in budget head F(1)b in 2013-2014( R) President Cantonment Board enquired about the functioning of Kishori Clinic. He stressed that the weaker girl students should be provided with supplements and regular medical checkup should be conducted. He also instructed that counseling session should be done along with the parents, especially alongwith mother of the girl child, to get better result. Monthly progress report be put up before Health Committee and Board. Board also raised the issue of opening Mortuary in Cantonment General Hospital and directed CEE to identify proper place for it in consultation with the RMO, prepare Estimates and submit the same in next Board meeting. Item No. 2. The matter was discussed in detail and Board resolved that notices be issued and fine be imposed on those shopkeepers who have not yet applied for Trade License. Board also directed the Health Superintendent to issue trade licenses to those who have completed all the formalities within a week’s time and submit report in next HC/Board. 3. To note the minutes of Education, Sports & Cultural Committee Meeting 03.12.2013 (copy enclosed) 3. Considered and approved with following modifications : Item No. 1 As per the recommendations of School Committee regarding HMs to engage security staff, HM Dr. ZHUHS informed that one person has been engaged in day time as security guard. Board is of the opinion that proper security arrangements should be provided, especially taking into consideration girl’s security. Lady Member Mrs. Sangita Gawali spoke of one staff coming to school in drunken state. PCB directed urgent action on the same & HMs were strictly advised not to tolerate indiscipline in schools and take action thereon. Further President pointed out the traffic nuisance near the schools because of parking of school Busses, Autos & vehicles and instructed that meeting be called of all schools in Cantonment area to resolve the issue. Item No. 07. Considered and approved the Self Help Group Morya Gosavi Bachat Gat as per recommendations of Committee constituted. President suggested that food samples be also sent to Lab for finding its nutritional value before agreement is finalized and executed. 4. To note the minutes of Civil Area Committee Meeting 03.12.2013 (copy enclosed) 4. Considered and approved 5. To note the minutes of Finance committee Meeting 03.12.2013 (copy enclosed) 5. Considered and approved 6. RENEWAL OF LEASE : HOUSE No. 457 ELPHN. ROAD SY. NO. 54-A, KIRKEE. To consider the application dated 21/03/2013 from The Secretary Anjuman-E -Badri, DawoodiBohraJamat, Kirkee for renewal of lease in respect of property bearing House No.457 Elphn. Road, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board :Secretary Anjuman-E -BadriDawoodi BohraJamat. Name of Lessee : Purpose as per lease : Poor Men’s Sarai Sy. No. : 54- A Area in Sq.ft. as per lease : 9526 Sqft. Schedule under which the lease was executed : The original lease in Sch.VIII of CLA Rules 1937, lease was executed for period ending 24/02/1986 Date of Expiry of Lease Rent Reserved the Lease 24/02/1986 Rs.25/- under Rent enhanced by 50% Rent of per annum as current exesting rent STR Rs.12.50 Rs.37.50 Say Rs.38/- As per the report of the Engineering Branch there is no unauthorized construction, change of purpose, sub division of site. But there was encroachment in the form of Toilet 4’ x 3.6”= 14 Sqft. on Government Land which was informed vide KCB letter No.61 EK/P -140 dt 27/09/2013. The said encroachment was removed as ascertained by Engineering Branch vide their fresh report dated 03/12/2013. In this connection, the application is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 6. Considered and approved for sanction of the Competent Authority/Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune for renewal of the lease in respect of House No.457 Old Bazar Kirkee, for further period of 30 years from the date of its expiry i.e. 24.02.1986 by enhancing the lease rent by 50% as per the conditions of the lease. 7. RENEWAL OF LEASE : HOUSE No. 7 NEW BAZAR, KIRKEE SY. NO. 27 576 KIRKEE. To consider the application dated 04/10/2013 from 1) NarsidasJoharimalAgarwal 2) SohanlalKundanmal Jain 3) BhavarlalKundanmal Jain, Kirkee for renewal of lease in respect of property bearing House No.7 New Bazar, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board :Name of Lessee : Purpose as per lease Sy. No. : : 1) NarsidasJoharilalAgarwal 2) SohanlalKundanmal Jain 3) BhavarlalKundanmal Jain. House 27 -576 Area in Sq.ft. as per lease : 1400 Sqft. Schedule under which the lease was executed : The original lease in Sch.VIII of CLA Rules 937, lease was executed period ending 31/03/1998. Date of Expiry of Lease 31/03/1998 Rent Reserved under the Lease Rs.233/- Rent enhanced by 50% of exesting rent Rs.116.50 Rent per annum as current STR Rs.349.50 Say Rs.350/- As per the report of the Engineering Branch there is no unauthorized construction, change of purpose, sub division of site. But there was an encroachment in the form of raisedotta 20’ x 3’6 and steps 20’ x 6’ admeasuring 190 sqft. front& backside of the property which was informed vide KCB letter No.7/NBK/P-211 dtd. 24/10/2013 & 28/11/2013. The said encroachment was removed as ascertained by Engineering Branch vide their fresh report dated 04/01/2014. In this connection, the application is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 7. Considered and approved for sanction of the Competent Authority/Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune for renewal of the lease in respect of House No.7 New BazarKirkee, for further period of 30 years from the date of its expiry i.e. 31.3.1998 by enhancing the lease rent by 50% as per the conditions of the lease. 8. RENEWAL OF LEASE : HOUSE No. 17 TS, KIRKEE SY. NO. 27-420, KIRKEE. To consider the application dated 25/03/2013 from 1) ChandrakantGopalChutke, 2) Kashmirilal N Agarwal 3) Shivcharan C Agarwal 4) Sk Mohammad Subrati Chand Mohamad 5) DevrajJainuChoudhari 6) MahalingSidramHalge 7) BalannaYalannaYalmalkar and 8) KishorHarichandraPendevekar, Kirkee for renewal of lease in respect of property bearing House No.17 TS, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board :Name of Lessee : 1) ChandrakantGopalChutke, 2) Kashmirilal N Agarwal 3) Shivcharan C Agarwal 4) Sk Mohammad Subrati Chand Mohamad 5) DevrajJainuChoudhari 6) MahalingSidramHalge 7) BalannaYalannaYalmalkar and 8) KishorHarichandraPendevekar Purpose as per lease Sy. No. : : Dwelling House & Shop 27-420 Area in Sq.ft. as per lease : 920 Sqft. Schedule under which the lease was : Date of Expiry of Lease 28/10/1990 Rent Reserved under the Lease Rs.68.44 The original lease in Sch.VIII of CLA 1937, lease was executed period ending 28/10/1990. Rent enhanced by 50% of existing rent Rs.34.22 Rent per annum as current STR Rs.102.66 Say Rs.103/- As per the report of the Engineering Branch there is no unauthorized construction, change of purpose, sub division of site. But there was an encroachment in the form of Stair case on Govt.Land admeasuring 2’9 x 9’.00 = 24.75 Sqft. which was informed vide KCB letter No.17/TS/P-305 dt 05/10/2013 &dtd 28/11/2013. The said encroachment was removed as ascertained by Engineering Branch vide their fresh report dated 07/01/2014. In this connection, the application is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 8. Considered and recommended for sanction of the Competent Authority/Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune for renewal of the lease in respect of House No.17 TS Kirkee, for further period of 30 years from the date of its expiry i.e. 28/10/1990 by enhancing the lease rent by 50% as per the conditions of the lease. 9. RENEWAL OF LEASE : HOUSE NO. 61, EAST KIRKEE, GLR SY. NO. 280/71, KIRKEE To consider the application dated 20/02/2013 from 1) HisamuddinMohd. Shaikh 2) Sharif Mohammad HanifShaikh 3) Salim Rashid Shaikh for renewal of lease in respect of property bearing House No. 61, East Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board :Name of Lessee Purpose as per lease Sy. No. Area in Sq. ft. as per lease Schedule under which the Lease was executed Rules 1937 lease was executed period ending 31/08/2007 for 30 Years. The present proposal is for renewal of last/ Third 30 years. Date of Expiry of Rent Lease Reserved under the Lease 31/08/2007 : 1) HisamuddinMohd.HanifShaikh. 2) Sharif Mohd . HanifShaikh. 3) Salim Rashid Shaikh. : Dwelling House : 280-71 : 600.000 sqft. : The original lease in Sch. VIII of CLA Rs 21/- Rent enhanced by 50% existing rent Rent per annum as current STR Rs. 10.50 Rs. 31.50 Say Rs 32/- As per the report of the Engineering Branch there is no unauthorized construction,change of purpose, subdivision of site. But there was encroachment in the form of Toilet 4’ x 3.6” = 14 Sqft. on Government Land which was informed vide KCB letter No. 16 EK/P -140 dt. 27/09/2013. The said encroachment was removed as ascertained by Engineering Branch vide their freshreport dated 03.12.2013. In this connection, the application is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 9. Considered and approved for sanction of the Competent Authority/Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune for renewal of the lease in respect of House No.61 East Kirkee, for further period of 30 years from the date of its expiry i.e. 31/08/2007 by enhancing the lease rent by 50% as per the conditions of the lease. 10. PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/ DETERMINATION OF LEASES :H.No.TS 08, Sy.No.27/518. Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044-B/Lease /General/DE/2012 26/12/2012. To consider the Office report dated 18/11/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.TS 08, New Bazar, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VI of the CLAR 1925, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board in the name of 1)SuryakantDattatrayaJawajiwar. 2) IndirabaiDattatrayaJawajiwar. Sy.No. : 27/518 Description : Residential Area : 314 Sqft. Date of Expiry : 17/04/1991 lease in Sch.VI of CLAR 1925. Rent : 26/- p.a. : As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, Viz Notices- & Correspondences & advertisements- Vide Letter No.TS/8/P -135 dt24/08/1994, No.TS/8/P -136 dt 16/12/1998, No.TS/8/P-137 dt 12/01/1999, No.TS 8/P -138 dt 17/10/2007, TS/8/P -140 dt 01/02/2008, Letter NO.516/OBK/P-172 dt 02/02/2013. Advertisements (dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 published in News papers”Sakal Times & DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. Is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is Change of purpose shop on front side i.e. western side of property In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 10. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents, complying with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 11. PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/ DETERMINATION OF LEASES : H.No. & SHOP No. 57 NEW BAZAR, GLR SY.NO.27/598C,KIRKEE. Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044 -B/Lease/ General/DE/2012 26/12/2012. To consider the Office report dated 18/11/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.57 & Shop, GLR Sy.No.27/598-C , New Bazar, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VI of the CLAR 1925, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board, in the name of ShriNihalchandRupchand Shah. Description : Residential & Commercial Area : 1793.25 Sqft. Date of Expiry : 13/07/1997, Lease in Sc.VI of CLAR 1925 Rent : Rs. 96.87 As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, Viz Notice, Corrospondences& advertisements– Vide Letter No.NB/57/P -76 dt 13/03/1997, 22/07/2005, 17/10/2007, No.NB/57/P-97 dtd 21/11/2008, No.57/NBK/P-98 dt 02/02/2013. Advertisements- (dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “ DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore mperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is encroachment in the form of steps infront of shops 43’ x 3’= 129 sqft. In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 11. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents, complying with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 12. PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/ DETERMINATION OF LEASES :.No.60 NBK, Sy.No.27 -598-F Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044- B/Lease/ General/DE/2012 26/12/2012 To consider the Office report dated 11/12/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.60 NBK, Sy.No.27-598-F, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board in the name of ShriJaverilalPremraj Jain, ShriMahendrakumarShantilal Jain, ShriMahavirkumarParasmal Jain. Description : House & Shop Area : 4150Sqft. Date of Expiry : 13/07/1997 Rent : Rs. 224.40 p.a. As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, Viz Notices, Correspondences & advertisements- Vide KCB LetterNo.NB/60/P-45 dt 13/03/1997, No.NB/60/P-53 dt 04/06/2008, No.NB/66/P -55 dt 29/01/2009, No.NB/60/P-72 dt 30/01/2010, No 60 NBK/P -73 dt 02/02/2013. Advertisements- (dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “ DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is an encroachment in the form of sqft. In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 12. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents complying, with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 13. PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/ DETERMINATION OF LEASES : H.No.TS 107 Sy.No.27-413, KIRKEE. Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044- B/Lease/ General/DE/2012 26/12/2012. To consider the Office report dated 10/12/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.TS 107 Sy.No.27-413, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VI of the CLAR 1925, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board in the name of Rupesh S Garg&ShamlalNekiramGarg. Description : Dwelling House Area : 222 Sqft. Date of Expiry : 31/01/1989 Rent : Rs. 15/- p.a. As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, Viz Notices & Correspondences, advertisements - Vide KCB Letter No.TS/107/P-109 dt 05/01/1998, No.TS 107/P-116 dt 22/06/1998, No.TS/107/P-123 dt 05/06/2008, No.107/TS/P -124 dt 1S T Feb 2013. Advertisements–( dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is an encroachment in the form of step 15’ x 2’avrg & 14’ x 1’2” total 46.24 sqft. In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 13. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents complying, with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 14. PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/DETERMINATION OF LEASES : H.NO.66, EAST KIRKEE, SY.NO.280 -76. Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044/ Lease/General/DE/2012 dt 26/12/2012. To consider the Office report dated 18/11/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.66, East Kirkee, Sy.No.280-78 held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937 , B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board, in the name of ShriBhumajiKrishnaji Tote. Description : Dwelling House Area : 715 sqft. Date of Expiry : 31/08/1977 Rent : Rs. 27/- p.a. As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, Viz Notices, Correspondences& advertisements - Vide Letter No.EK 66 dated 18/04/1978 , No.EK/66/P-275 dated 27/05/1991, No.EK/66/P-281 dt 18/10/2007, No.EK/66/P-282 dt 29/04/2008, Notice U/S (1) of 185 issued No,EK/66/P-282 dated 16/12/2005, Letter NO.66/EK/P-257 dt 02/02/2013. Advertisements( dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is an encroachment in the form of a) Tin shed 14’9” x 14’9” b) WC 2’9” x 3’5” & unauthorized room on f.Floor – 10’6” x 14’9”. In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 14. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents complying, with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 15 PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/DETERMINATION OF LEASES : H.NO.TS 31 & 41, NEW BAZAR, SY.NO.27 -550,KIRKEE. Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044B/Lease/General/DE/2012 26/12/2012. To consider the Office report dated 18/11/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.TS 31 & 41, New Bazar, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VI of the CLAR 1925, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board, in the name of 1) TatyabaPanduraangKamaji 2) DattatrayaTatyabaKamaji 3) AvinashTatyabaKamaji minor by guardian father Shri T P Kama Description : Residential Area : 1110 sqft. Date of Expiry : 21/04/1989, Lease in Sch.V of CLAR 1925. Rent : Rs. 62/- pa Notices, Correspondences& advertisements : letter No.TS/31 & 41/P-178 dated 27/03/1991, Letter No. 31 & 41 TS/P-179 dt 02/02/2013,. Advertisements – ( dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is an encroachment in the form of Encl.CGI Sheets Steps infront of shops Encl CGI Sheet shed 11’6” x 6’6” total 143 sqft. In this connection, the office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 15. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents complying, with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 16. PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/DETERMINATION OF LEASES :H.No.TS 25, Sy.No.27/85 Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044B/Lease//General/DE/2012 26/12/2012. To consider the Office report dated 18/11/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.TS 25, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board in the name of ShriAnantGangaramJadhav. Sy.No. : 27/85 Description : Residential Area : 3437.500 sq.ft. Date of Expiry : 02/11/1988 Rent : 134/- p.a. As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, VIZ, Notices, Correspondences & advertisements –.Dt 17/08/1988, 27/03/1991, Notice- U/S 185(1) has been issued vide letter dt 09/12/1981, Notice U/s 256 issued vide Letter NO.25/P- 178 dt 29/06/1995, Notice under sub Section I of section 4 of the PPE issued vide Letter No.TS/25/P- 276 dt 30/09/1996,. No.TS/25/P-365 dated 20/08/1997, 12/3/Lease/P382 dt 16/10/2007, Letter NO.TS/25/P -287 dt 02/02/2013. Advertisements- dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “DNA” No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is encroachment of 405.75 sqft.too In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 16. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents complying, with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 17 PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/DETERMINATION OF LEASES : DWELLING HOUSE & SHOP 516 , GLR SY.NO.27/624 , OLD BAZAR, KIRKEE. Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044B/Lease/General/DE/2012 dt 26/12/2012. To consider the Office report dated 13/11/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing Dwelling House & Shop 516 OBK , GLR Sy.No.27/624 , Old Bazar, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board, in the name of ShriHariramKashiramAgarwal. Description : Residential & Commercial Area : 2062 Sqft. Date of Expiry : 16/02/1985, Lease in Sc.VIII of CLAR 1937 Rent : Rs. 88/- p.a. As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, Viz Notices, Correspondences, advertisements–.Dt 06/05/1985,Notice Issued lessee vide letter No.OB/516 P-165 dt 27/03/1991, No.12/03/2013 lease rental P -33 dt 16/07/1992 , OB/516 P-170 dt 17/10/2007, Letter No,OB/516 P -170 dt 17/10/2007, Letter No,516 OBK/P -172 dt 02/02/201. Advertisements –( dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “ DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed.As per site inspection report there is encroachment in the form of Shahabad flooring admeasuring 55’ x 14’x 5’6”= 264 sqft. towards northern side of property of road level. In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 17. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents complying, with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 18 SUB : PAC MATTER : MONITORING OF RENEWAL/DETERMINATION OF LEASES : H.NO.503 OLD BAZAR, KIRKEE, SY.NO.27-610, KIRKEE Ref : i) DGDE letter No. 723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012. ii) DTE, Defence Estates MOD, SC, Pune letter NO. 3044- B/Lease General/DE/2012 n 26/12/2012 To consider the Office report dated 30/12/2013 for Determination of lease in respect of property bearing H.No.503 Old Bazar, Kirkee, Sy.No.27-610, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 1937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board in the name of 1) Shri Ramesh BaburaoGarsund 2) ShriAnandBaburaoGarsund 3) ShriKishorBaburaoGarsund. Description : Dwelling House Area : 2000 sqftSqft. Date of Expiry : 28/02/1978 Rent : Rs. 66.00 As per detailed Office report, despite repeated Attempts, Viz Notices, CorrEspondences& advertisements- Letter No.OB/503/P-101 dt 18/04/1978, KCB letter No.OB/503/P- 109 dt 16/01/1979, Notice U/s 187(2) KCB letter No.OB/503/P110 dt 19th Feb.1979, Letter No.OB/503/P -116 dt 25/02/1981, letter No.OB/503/P-132 dt 25/02/1986, KCB Letter No.OB/503/P-116 dt 25/02/1981, No,OB 503/P -117 dt 08/12/1981, Vide KCB letter No.OB/503/P-132 dt 25/02/1986, letter No.OB/503/P-135 dt 27/03/19, No.OB/503/P-136 dt 27/07/1994, OB/503/P-159 dt 17/10/2007, No.OB/503 P -183 dt 21/06/2010, No.503, OBK/P-184 dt 02/02/2013, OB/503/P-154, dt 11/12/2013. Advertisements- (dated 22/02/2013 & 24/09/2013 Published in News papers “ Sakal Times” & “ DNA”) No application/willingness/documents provided so far for renewal. It is therefore imperative that the lease be determined as per its terms & as instructed vide DGDE MOD letter No.723/A/L/DE/2007 dated 19/12/2012 proposal for determination of leases is to be processed. As per site inspection report there is an encroachment in the form ottaonfront side 30’ x 1’6 + 10’ x 3’ of the property. In this connection , the Office report is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 18. The matter was considered in detail and resolved that final two weeks time may be given to exlessees for willingness and submission of documents complying, with conditions of lease otherwise proposal for determination of lease to the competent authority be sent duly recommended. 19. SOP FOR MAINTENANCE & RUNNING OF ASTRO TURF HOCKEY GROUND. To consider and approve the draft SOP for the • Governing Body will be constituted having following members:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. President of Kirkee Cantonment Board(Chairman) Chief Executive Officer (Member Secretary) Vice President (Member) Two Elected Members (Member) Two Renowned Hockey Players (Member) Two Members of Hockey Body affiliated to Maharashtra/Indian Federation (Member) • Governing Body will be taking all major decisions like organizing of tournament, fixation of Charges, time slots for various Schools in Cantonment, Organization of Hockey camps, Approval of expenditure related to Hockey camp & tournament etc. • Governing Body will meet atleast once in a month to review the decision and the reports received from the Managing Committee. • The Managing Committee constituted having following members:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vice President (Chairman) One Elected Member. One nominated Member Two Members of Local Clubs. Two Kirkee Cantonment Board representatives. Two Sports teachers of School in Cantonment. • The Managing Committee will be responsible to implement the decisions taken by Governing Body and to keep day-to-day control over the Ground. • The Managing Committee will be authorized to incur minor expenditure not exceeding to Rs. 1000/- per day to be approved by Governing Body subsequently. • The Managing Committee will submit their fortnightly report and monthly consolidate report to Governing Body for the approval. • The Managing Committee will be responsible for all happening of Pre/Post match and during the match, to maintain discipline on the ground. • The Managing Committee will also be responsible to prepare programs for coaching of School students, to conduct the camps and allotment of time slots to different schools in Cantonment. • Managing committee authorized to engage services of professional bodies/sports agencies/day to day basis and /or its security /sanitation etc. • Board is to fix charges/rates/security for Schools/Colleges/Instutions/Others etc. which is proposed as follows:- its usage by 1. Security = Rs. 10,000/- (Refundable) 2. Daily usage charges a. Ground only= Rs.3000/b. Ground +Pavilion= Rs. 5000/c. Rooms only = Rs 2000/d. Others= Rs 1000/3 Revision of 5% every year. • Usage shall be for Sports purpose only. • In case of any dispute/resolution of any issue related to Sports Complex decision of Governing Council shall be final & binding. 19. Considered and approved with partial modifications that : a) Governing body will have of 03 elected members, instead of two. b) One member from Press, of sports background be followed by invitee member. c) Students of Cantonment Board schools/colleges will be given first priority, schools/colleges in Cantt area and schools/colleges outside Cantt area,in that order. 20. REVISION OF RATES OF SUPPLY OF MILK TO INDOOR PATIENTS OF DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE. Reference: C.B.CR. No. 22 Dt. 03.6.2013. To consider the letter dated 25.11.2013 received from Govt. of Maharashtra Milk Scheme, Pune regarding revision of Prices of milk to be supplied to the indoor patients of Dr. BabasahebAmbedkar Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee as detailed below :LAST RATE REVISED W.E.F. 25.05.2013 a) Cow Milk (in Milk Container) - Rs. 30.00 per ltr. - Rs. 31.10 per ltr. INCREASED RATE W.E.F. 25.11.2013 a) Cow Milk (in Milk Container) The expenditure is booked vide F1(b) head for which provision made for 201314® budjet In this connection, the above mentioned letter along with all other relevant papers is placed on the table. 20. Considered and approved. 21. APPLICABILTY OF DIFFERENT TAXES REQUIRED TO BE PAID BY THE CONTRACTOR & THEIR LABOURS To consider the office report submitted by the HS/GS/CA regarding applicability of different types of payment required to be paid by the contractor to their labour employed by them for the Board establishment and/or taxes leviable by Central/State Governments. i) EPF- The persons employed by or through a contractor are included in the definition of “employee” under the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, and as such, they are covered under the scheme. ii) ESI- Letter received from ESIC dated 14.11.2013 states that contractors who are providing services to Cantonment Board are liable to be covered under ESI Act . iii) Bonus: The Payment of Bonus Act,1965 is applicable to the contract labours employed through contractor in Board vide letter received from Regional labor Commissioner, Pune dated 08th Dec 2011 iv) HRA- The Maharashtra workmen’s Minimum House -Rent Allowance Act, 1983 is applicable to the establishment in an industry in the areas in Maharashtra in which the Act is in force in respect of which the state Government is the appropriate government or to which the Maharashtra Industrial Relations Act is applicable. It not applicable to contractors providing their service to Cantonment Board area. v) Service Tax- According to the Notification No. 25/2012- Service tax dated 20th June 2012 issued by Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Services provided to Government, a local authority or a governmental authority by way of a) Carrying out any activity in relation to any function ordinarily entrusted to a municipality in relation to water supply, public health, sanitation conservancy, solid waste management or slum improvement and up gradation; or so said service tax is not applicable as far as Sanitation/Conservancy/Public health etc services are given to local authority. Same is brought to notice of Board as number of tenders/contract/Agreements come within their ambit & should be considered accordingly. All relevant documents and report of HS/GS are placed on the table for approval. 21. Considered and approved with suggestion that the contractor should also furnish the accurate strength and names of their labour working with him to the Board, along with their EPF account numbers. 22. PROVIDING ROUND THE CLOCK SECURITY TO CANTONMENT FUND BUILDINGS (IIIrd CALL) To consider the office report submitted by the Health/Sanitary Superintendent regarding tender received with respect to the above subject. In response to the tender notice no. 17/1//3/3 Wheeler Ghantagadi/P-101 dated 18.07.2013 published in Daily Lokmat (in marathi), DNA (in English) on 19 th July 2013 for providing round the clock security to Cantonment fund buildings, following Tenders were received on 08th August 2013 and opened on same day at 15.30 hrs in the presence of Tenderers and members of the Board :- Sr No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name of the Tenderer Lumsump amount quoted for the above works per month M/s. Group 5 Security Rs. 5, 79, 565/M/s. Accurate security services Rs. 5, 97, 512/M/s. Reliance Enterprises Rs. 7, 08, 647/M/s. Spark Security Services Rs. 6,99,702/M/s. Mehta & Shah Enterprises Rs. 6, 97, 515/M/s. Perfect Private detective & Rs. 6, 35, 711/security M/s. Om Enterprises Rs. 4, 05, 080/- Remark EMD Paid EMD Paid EMD Paid EMD Paid EMD Paid EMD Paid EMD Pa id 08 M/s. Spider security services Not received -- Rate for the same work w.e.f. April 2012 is Rs. 3, 19, 600/- per month inclusive all charges & taxes for 47 nos. of security guards and now tenders called for 52 nos. of security guards. Reasonability of the rates has been verified. Rates quoted by M/s. Om Enterprises and M/s Group 5 security are below minimum wages and statutory payments required to pay. Sr. No. 01 02 03 04 05. 06. 07. 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Description Amount 170/- (As per Chief labour Commissioner, New Delhi, minimum wages rates w.e.f. 01.4.2013 Variable Dearness Allowance 109/- (As per Chief labour Commissioner, New Delhi, minimum wages rates w.e.f. 01.4.2013) Sub Total (Sr. No 1+2) 279 EPF @ 13.61% on Rs. 6500/- (limited to payment 29.48 to Rs. 6500/- inclusive of dearness allowance, retaining allowance and other allowance even if paid more) Hence Rs. 6500/- X 13.61 % = 884.65/divided by 30 days. ESI @ 4.75 % on Sr. No 3 13.25 Bonus 8.33% on 3500/- (if we calculated on 9.72 minimum amount Rs. 3500/-) Rs.3500/- divided by 12 = Rs. 291.66 divided by 30 days Service Chagres @ of % on Sr No, 3 (per day) Total (per sec guard per day) (Sum of Sr. No 3 to 331.45 6) Service tax @ 12.36% on Sr No. 8 40.96 Sub Total per guard per day sr. no. 8 + sr. no. 9 372.41 Total II (SR. No. 10 X 365 X 52 Sec guard) 7068341.8 Materials charges per month for guard Materials charges per year (sr no. 13 X 12 month) for 52 nos. guards Grand Total per year (Sr No. 12. + Sr No 14) for 52 guards Charges per labourer / day (basic) As per calculation made considering the minimum wages and statutory payments required to be paid by the contractor to their labours and Government Rs. 5, 97,512/per month quoted by M/s Accurate Security services is the lowest (other lower two not coming within ambit) Applicability of statutory payment was done and it is observed that EPF, ESI, BOUNS and in case of security Services service tax is applicable as per the notification no. 25/2012 dated 20.06.2012 of the S.T. department. All relevant documents and report of Sanitary Section are placed on the table for approval. Budget provision made head for 2013-14. 22. Considered and approved. Board also pointed that before execution of agreement the bonifide & credentials of Security agency be rechecked. 23. AGE RELAXATION IN RESPECT OF SMT. REKHA MOHAN SALVE, FEMALE SAFAI KAMGAR Reference : PDDE letter No. 8117/B/XXII/DE dt. 19.8.2013 To note PDDE sanction letter referred above for compassionate appointment of a candidate viz. Smt. Rekha Mohan Salve for the post of Safaikarmachari. It is seen that her age on date of application was 40 years which requires relaxation under Rule 5(3-B) of CFSR 1937 for which competent authority is GOC- in -C, the Command All relevant documents are placed on the table. 23. Considered and approved. Proposal for age relaxation be sent to PDDE/GOC-in-C for sanction. Further it was also decided that the progress on Compassionate appointment cases should be put up in each Board meeting. 24. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PUBLIC AUCTION HELD ON 30-11-2013 Reference : CBR No. 32 dt. 2.11.2013 To consider the report of Auction committee & of Storekeeper dt. 20- 12-2013 regarding re-auction held on 30-11-2013 of the rejected lots vide C.B.R. no.32 dt.2-11-2013. The bids are higher than the MRP and reasonable. The proceedings of the Public Auction dt. 20.12.2013. are placed on the table. 24. Noted and approved. 25. PURCHASE OF PLAY EQUIPMENTS FOR SARVATRA VIHAR GARDEN Ref : C.B.R. No. 13 dt.06.9.2013. To reconsider the Board,s approval for purchase of Play Equipments for SarvatraVihar Garden costing Rs, 2,5 lakhs vide C.B.R. No. 13 dt.06.9.2013. Vice President in his letter dt. 06.12.2013 (enclosed) requested to purchase the Multi Activity Play System(MAPS) costing Rs. 3.48 lakhs, the rate of the same has already been approved vide C.B.R. No. 2 dt. 03.8.2012. It will benefit the children and residents of the area. The relevant documents are placed on the table for consideration. 25. Considered and approved. The balance amount to be reimbursed by Stn. Headquarters, Kirkee to the Board. 26. CIRCULAR AGENDA To note the following circular agendas amongst the Members and approved. 1. Sanction for purchase of medicine for DrB.A.C.G.Hospital, Kirkee vide rate enquiry No.1 dated 24.7.2013. 2. Sanction for purchase of medicine for DrB.A.C.G.Hospital, Kirkee vide rate enquiry No.6 dated 5.12.2013. 3. Purchase of Multi-para monitors for emergency at DrB.A.C.G.Hospital, Kirkee dated 7.12.2013. 4. Purchase of Defibrillator for emergency at DrB.A.C.G.Hospital, Kirkee dated 7.12.2013. 26. Noted & approved. 27. TO NOTE PCB APPROVAL FOR: Purchase of medicine done vide rate enquiry No.2 dated 7.9.2013. Purchase of surgical consumables vide rate enquiry No.3 dated 7.102013. Purchase of laboratory reagents vide rate enquiry No.4 dated 2.11.2013. Purchase of urgently required medicine vide rate enquiry No.5 dated 7.10.2013. Purchase of medicine done vide rate enquiry No.7 dated 21.11.2013. Contractual Instructor for Karate(female) dt.12.12.2013. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Relevant documents are placed on the table. 27. Noted and approved. 28. PURCHASE OF LABORATORY REAGENTS FOR HOSPITAL To consider the office note of RMO dated 17.12.2013 for purchase of laboratory reagents for DrBabasahebAmbedkar Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee. The rate enquiry no.8 was recalled for items which were priced excessively in the rate enquiry no.4. The cost of purchase of reagents, if approved will be Rs 80300/- (Rupees eighty thousand three hundred only). Budget provision catered for in budget head F1(b) in the 2013-2014(R). As per report of RMO duly authenticated by SEMO, rates are reasonable. In this regard the papers and report are placed before the Board. 28. 29. Considered and approved. EMPANELMENT OF ADVOCATE Ref: PDDE letter no. 8078/Panel of Advocate/Cantt/DE dt. 13/11/2013 To note the approval of the PCB, for empanelment of Advocate panel as per the interview conducted on 1st November 2013. Empanelment is done as per DGDE/PDDE SC directions circulated vide Minutes/letter dated above. Relevant documents are placed on the table. 29. 30. Noted and approved. TERM CONTRACT FOR 2013-2014 FOR GENERAL REPAIRS TO HOSPITAL AND SCHOOLS To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letterAE/TENDER/ 2013-14 /P- 318 dated 22nd Nov. 2013 for the workTerm Contract for 2013-2014 for General Repairs to Hospita l and Schools. Tender was advertised in news papers Times of India &Lokmatdt.27.11.2013, Public Notice Board and Website. As per the said report the tenders were received on 20th Dec. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs by the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:- Name of the Tenderer S.No. Above MES SSR 2010 1 M/s H.C.Lunkad 9.27% 2. M/s Unicon 19.00% 3. M/s Viral Associates 20.00% 4. M/s Hemang Construction 24.00% The lowest tenderer M/s H.C.Lunkad has quoted 9.27% above MES SSR 2010. The Board vide FCR No. 06 dated 16 July 2012 as confirmed by CBR No. 02 dated 03 Aug. 2012 has accepted the lowest rates at 19.00% above MES SSR 2010 for the work of Term Contract for 2012-2013 for General Repairs to Cantonment Fund Buildings. Comparing with earlier accepted rates the lowest rates received are reasonable. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, report of Engineering section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 30. Considered and approved the lowest rates of 9.27% above MES SSR 2010 of M/s H.C. Lunkad. CEO is authorized to get the works done. 31. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT & FABRICATION WORK IN 1.2 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT, EAST KIRKEE INCLUDING SECURITY SERVICES. To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/TENDER/ 2013-14 /P- 318 dated 22nd Nov. 2013 for the work Annual Maintenance Contract & Fabrication Work in 1.2 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant, East Kirkee including Security Services. Tender was advertised in news papers Times of India &Lokmatdt.27.11.2013, Public Notice Board and Website. As per the said report the tenders were received on 20th Dec. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs by the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:- Name of the Tenderer S.No. Amount Quoted (Rs.) (per annum) 1. M/s Chirantan 2. M/s Simran Engineers and Traders 4,30,000/- 3. M/s SantajiKadam 4,33,200/- 4. M/s Vihan 4,35,600/- 5. M/s Panse Consultant 4,23,600/- (without EMD) Blank The lowest tenderer M/s Chirantan has quoted Rs. 4,23,600/- per annum but the tender is without Earnest Money deposit hence cannot be considered. The rates quoted by the second lowest tenderer M/s Simran Engineers and Traders for Rs. 4,30,000/- per annum which when compared with the rates received in April 2012 and approved by the Board vide FCR No. 13 dated 28 May 2012 as confirmed by CBR No 02 dated 14 June 2012 for Rs. 4,20,000/- per annum is reasonable. However, since the lowest rate received is Rs. 4,23,600/per annum, M/s Simran Engineers and Traders may be asked to revise his offer from Rs. 4,30,000/- per annum to Rs. 4,23,600/- per annum. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, report of Engineering section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 31. Considered and approved the second lowest tender of M/s Simran Engineers and Traders who shall work on Rs. 4,23,600/- per annum. 32. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT & FABRICATION WORK IN 8 MLD SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT, KIRKEE INCLUDING SECURITY SERVICES. To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letterAE/TENDER/ 2013-14 /P- 318 dated 22nd Nov. 2013 for the workAnnual Maintenance Contract & Fabrication Work in 8 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant, Kirkee including Security Services. Tender was advertised in news papers Times of India &Lokmatdt.27.11.2013, Public Notice Board and Website. The said report the tenders were received on 20th Dec. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs by the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:- S.No. Name of the Tenderer Amount Quoted (Rs.) (per annum) 1. M/s Simran Engineers and Traders 9,74,400/- 2. M/s SantajiKada m 9,79,200/- 3. M/s Chirantan 9,80,400/- 4. M/s Vihan 9,81,000/- 5. M/s Panse Consultant Blank The lowest tenderer M/s Simran Engineers and Traders has quoted Rs. 9,74,400/- per annum. When compared with the rates received in April 2012 and approved by the Board vide FCR No. 12 dated 28 May 2012 as confirmed by CBR No 02 dated 14 June 2012 for Rs. 8,52,000/- per annum, the lowest rate is 14.31% more. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, report of Engineering section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 32. Considered and resolved that since the rates are on the higher side, tender be recalled. Till the time the new tender is finalized, to continue with the old AMC. 33. TERM CONTRACT FOR 2013 – 2014 FOR GENERAL REPAIRS TO CANTONMENT FUND PROPERTIES. To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vides this office letter No AE/ Tender/ 2013-2014/ P-318 dated 22 nd Nov. 2013 for the work ofTerm Contract for 2013 – 2014 for General repairs to Cantonment fun properties. Same was published in local News papers Times of India (English) &Lokmat (Marathi), on notice Board & on website. As per the said report the tenders were received on 20th Dec. 2013 up to 1600 hrs s. and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs by the Chief Executive Officer in the presence of the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The deta ils of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:- S.No. Name of the Tenderer Percentage above/below MES SSR 2010. 1. M/s Hemang Construction 23.00% Above 2. M/s Unicon 19.25% Above 3. M/s H.C. Lunkad 14.27% Above 4. M/S Viral Associates 18.75% Above The lowest rate of 19.00 % Above MES SSR 2010 was accepted by the Board vide FCR No. 06 dated 16/07/2012 as confirmed by CBR No. 02 dated 03/08/2012. As per report of CEE, lowest rates quoted by M/s H.C. Lunkad i.e.14.27% Above MES SSR 2010, may be accepted as are reasonable, found on lower side & compared with earlier, accepted rates. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 33. Considered and approved the lowest rates @ 14.27% above MES SSR 2010 quotated by M/s H.C. Lunkad. CEO is authorized to get the works done therein. 34. DESIGN, SUPPLY, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISIONING OF ONE 5. TON PER DAY CAPACITY BIOMETHANATION-CUM-POWER ENERATION PLANT TO TREAT MIX OF ORGANIC WASTES (SEGREGATED ORGANIC MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTES+CATTLE DUNG+SLAUGHTER HOUSE WASTE) AT KIRKEE CANTONMENT AREA AND FOR CARRYING OUT ITS SUCCESSIVE OPERATIONS & COMPRHENSIVE MAINTENANCE FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS. Ref:- 1. FCR No. 25 dated 14/06/2011 as confirmed by CBR No. 03 dated 21/7/2011. 2. Proposal submitted vide letter no. 4/1-D/BPG/P-60 dated 16/09/2011. 3. Sanction received vide Directorate letter no. 8111/OW/KKE/SPG/DE dated 10/12/2013. 4. Letter no MH/Mktg/13-14/068 dated 30/12/2013 received form M/s Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Ltd. To consider the office report received from Cantonment Executive Engineer, KCB for the subject work. As per the report: Tenders were received for the subject work on 22/03/2011 which were considered by the Board vide FCR no 25 dated 14/06/2011, as confirmed by CBR no. 2 dated 21/07/2011. The proposal to obtain sanction of GOC- in-C, Southern Command was submitted on 16/09/2011 to incur the expenditure, the sanction of GOC-in-C was conveyed by the Directorate vide letter no 8111/OW/KKE/SPG/DE dated 10/12/2013. The acceptance of the tender was communicated to M/s Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Ltd. vide this office letter no 4/1D/BPG Plant/P-99 dated 12/12/2013. In reply to the acceptance received as above M/s Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Ltd. vide letter referred above has requested to consider increase in their basis price of project i.e. Rs. 56.10 lakhs considering the delay of 2 years to convey acceptance. It is also requested to revise the maintenance cost of 5 years. As per the letter the details of variation in the cost are given below:Sno Description 1 Cost of Construction 2 5 years maintenance cost 3 Net Effective Quotated Rates Revised Rates Difference/Variation on 22/03/2011 offered on in Percentage 30/12/2013 Rs.56.10 lakhs Rs. 80.00 lakhs Rs.23.90 lakhs i.e. 42.60% Rs. 33.00 lakhs Rs. 43.95 lakhs Rs. 10.95lakhs i.e. 33.20% Rs. 89.10 lakhs Rs. 123.95 Rs. 34.85 lakhs lakhs i.e. 39.11% M/s Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Ltd. also enclosed the copy of recent work orders for similar type of work issued by Municipal Corporation for reference details are enclosed Name of Corporation Work order Construction Maintenance dated cost Cost 1 Coimbatore City Municipal 21/11/2013 Rs.89.75 lakhs Rs. 72.11900 Corporation lakhs for seven years Not Quoted 2 Cuddalore Municipality 16/12/2011 Rs. 90.00 lakhs 3 PMC 23/12/2011 Rs. 90.00 lakhs Rs. 87.16 lakhs plus vat for five years To justify their claim M/s Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Ltd. enclosed the copy of the work orders issued by the PMC, Pune, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation &Cuddalore Municipality. It is seen that the PMC has revised the cost of construction from Rs. 49, 32,720/- in year 2009 to Rs. 93,60,000/- in year Dec. 2011. & cost of maintenance Rs. 32.19 lakhs to 70.92 lakhs for a period of 5 years including service tax 12.36 %. Considering the delay of 32 months to convey the acceptance of tender, M/s Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Ltd. had requested for the price escalation as above. There is no provision in the contract to allow price escalation in the rates due to such avoidable delay. I have personally discussed this matter with GE(C) on the 16/1/2014 and GE(C) opined that in such case either the Contractor shall be asked to work on the same quoted rates when there is no provision in the contract for the same or in case Contractor disagree then to re-invite the tender though the possibility of getting the higher rates cannot be ruled out. In this connection letter received from M/s Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Ltd. along with all relevant documents are placed on the table. 34. Considered and resolved to reinvite the tender. 35. GUIDELINES/INSTRUCTIONS ON COMPASSIONATE APPOINTMENT IN CANTONMENT BOARD To note and consider the guidelines issued by DG,DE,New Delhi v ide their letter No. 25/67/Comp.Apptt./C/DE/2012 dated 18/07/2013 and to notify a Welfare Officer. The relevant document are placed on the table. 35. Considered and noted. Board also decided that for cases of compassionate appointment the Welfare & Nodal Officer shall be Shri Bhagirath Sakale, Accountant, who shall submit his report in every Board Meeting henceforth. 36. SERVICES ON CONTRACT BASIS OF COMPUTER OPERATOR CUM CLERK, SECURITY OFFICER & ENCHROCHMENT SQUAD. Reference :- C.B.R.NO. 8 DATED 20.02.13 To consider the office report dted 06.01.2014 for utilizing the contractual services of following individuals for period of 11 months on fixed remuneration. Sr.No Name Period Fixed Remuneration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Shri Richard R. Swami Comp. Operator & Clerk ShriDhananjaySitapure Comp. Operator & Clerk Ms.UmeshwariSallelu Comp. Operator & Clerk 07/02/2013 06/01/2014 07/02/2013 06/01/2014 02/05/2013 06/04/2014 to 10,500/- ShriBabasahebD.Farakte Security Officer ShriMahadev S. Patil Encroachment Squad ShriPopat D. More Encroachment Squad Shri A. K. Surve Encroachment Squad ShriPhulchand N. Kamble Encroachment Squad Shri Mohan J. Walje Encroachment Squad 14/02/2013 13/01/2014 02/03/2013 31/01/2014 02/03/2013 31/01/2014 02/03/2013 31/01/2014 02/03/2013 31/01/2014 02/03/2013 31/01/2014 to 16,500/- to 10,500/ to 10,500/- to 9,500/to 9,500/to 9,500/to 9,500/to 9,500/- Their services are required to ensure smooth functioning of the Cantt: Board administration and to make up for the shortfall. There are 07post of Jr. Clerks vacant out of 26 post and 320 posts in group D. The Board has forward a proposal to G.O.C.-in-Chief for absorbing Computer Operator-cum-Clerk engaged of Contract basis in Group ‘D’ category vide this office Letter no. EStt/TT/17/A/C/P-348 dated 15.06.2013 and sanction is awaited. The monthly expenditure involved is Rs.95500/budget head A(2) & B(2) in the 2013-2014(R). The relevant documents are placed on the table. per annum and catered for in 36. Considered the matter and resolved to engage the services afresh for eleven months after giving them requisite break. Also resolved to give lumpsum remuneration of Rs. 12600/- pm (Sr.No.1 to 3), Rs. 19800/- pm (Sr.No4) & Rs. 11400/- pm (Sr. No. 5 to 9). 37. INTERVIEW & SELECTION FOR THE POST OF PRINCIPAL FOR COL.BHAGAT ENGLISH MEDIUM PRIMARY SCHOOL. CBR No.14 dated 06/05/2009 Reference : Walk- in-Interview held on 04/01/2014. To consider the Selection Proceeding of Walk-in-Interview for the post of Principal for Col.Bhagat English Medium Primary School (Contractual) conducted on 04/01/2014 and recommended to appoint SmtMonica.R.Xavier on contractual basis on fixed remuneration of Rs.15000/- pm for a period of Eleven months. ShriSalim Ahmed Shaikh the present Principal of the school has informed to relieve him from the post of Principal due to health problems vide his application dated 10/12/2013. The said school is being run since 20 10 and the Principal & Teachers are on contract whose expenditure is under G1(b) Head for which Budget provision is catered for year 2013-14. The relevant documents are placed on the table. 37. Considered and approved to engage services of Smt. Monica R. Xavier on contract basis on fixed remuneration of Rs. 15000/- for Eleven months. 38. CELEBRATION OF REPUBLIC DAY 2014. To consider Office report dated 29 th Dec., 2013 for Celebration of Republic Day along with the detailed expenditure involved. Same is catered for in budget head L4j in 2013-2014(Revised) The relevant papers are placed on the table. 38. Considered and approved. CEO is authorized to incur expenditure. 39. PROVIDING 50 LABOURS PURELY ON CONTRACT BASIS TO CARRY OUT VARIUS TYPES OF COSERVNACY AND SANITATION WORKS (20 LABOURS IN NIGHT SHIFT AT KIRKEE BAZAR AREA & 30 NOS. IN DAY SHIFT FOR STN.HQRS (III CALL). To consider the office report submitted by HS/GS regarding the tender received with respect to the above subject matter. “Tenders received in response to the tender notice no.17/1/120 litres flat lid wheel bins/P- dated 12.12.2013 published in Daily Lokmat (in Marathi), DNA (in English) on 13 th Dec 2013 for supply of safaikarmacharies/labour purely on contract basis to carry out various types of conservancy works and sanitation works in Cantonment Area. Same was put on Notice Board & Website Tenders were received on 04th Jan 2014 up to 1500 hrs and opened on same date at 15.30 hrs in the presence of tenderers and members of the Board. The details of the tenders received are as follows. SR. NO. NAME OF THE TENDERER 1 M/s RajmataAhilyadeviHolkar 2 Rate quoted per month Inclusive of all taxes & charges as applicable Rs. 6,50,000/- M/s S.B.Talekari Rs. 5,50,000/- 3 M/s Mahalaxmiswaymrojgar Rs, 5,95,000/- REMARK Xerox copy of EMD which was attached with the same tender, opened on 27.09.2013 (IInd Call) which was recalled now Xerox copy of EMD which was attached with the same tender, opened on 27.09.2013 (IInd Call) which was recalled now. Attached cheque instead of Cash/ DD as a EMD. Existing rate for the same work w.e.f. September 2012 is Rs. 5, 62,,708/- /- per month inclusive all charges & taxes. Minimum rates as per rules are : Sr. No. 1 Description Amount in Rs. Charges per labourer /Day (basic) 2 Variable Dearness Allowance 150/As per Chief LabourCommissioner New Delhi rates w.e.f. 01.10.2013 107/As per Chief LabourCommissioner New Delhi rates w.e.f. 01.10.2013 3 4 5 8 9 10 Sub Total I (Sr.No.1+2) HRA 5% on (Sr.No.1 on Basic wages) EPF @ 13.61% on Rs. 6500/- because payment of employees exceed of Rs 6500/- inclusive of dearness allowance, retaining allowance and other allowance, hence Rs. 6500/- X 884.65 divided by 30 days ESI @ 4.75 % on Sr.No.3 Bonus 8.33% on Rs. 3500/- divided by 12= 291.66 divided by 30 days ( if we calculated on minimum amount of Rs.3500/-) Service charges @ of % on Sr.No.3 (per day) Total (per labourer per day) (Sum of to 8) Service Tax @ 12.36% on Sr.No.9 11 12. Sub Total I per labour per day Sr. No.9 + Sr.No.10 Total II (Sr.No.11X365 days x 50 labour) 13 14 Material charges per month for labour Material charges per year ( month) for 50 nos. labour Grand total per year ( +Sr.No.14) for 50labours. 6 7 15 257 Not applicable 29.48 12.20 9.72 ----308.4 Not applicable to sanitation services 308.4 5628300 per year Rs.4,69,025/- pm ----------------- So rates quoted by M/s S.B.Talekari ofRs. 5, 50,000/- is lowest and reasonable. However rate amount of Rs. 5, 22,000/- quoted by SantGadgebabaMaharaj Berojgar Sanstha in April 2013 for providing 50 nos. labours for sanitation works in Board area had already been approved by the Board vide CBR No. 03 dated 06.09.2013. Being 3rd call contractor may be asked to work on Board approved rates. All relevant documents and report of HS/GS is p lace on the table for approval. 39. Considered and approved lowest & legitimate contractor M/s S. B. Talekari but on Board approved rates of Rs. 5,22,000/- pm. 40. REPAIRS OF BOARD’S VARIOUS TYPES OF VEHICLES. (II Call) To consider the office report submitted by HS/GS regarding the tender received with respect to the above subject matter. Tender notice no.17/1/120 litres flat lid wheel bins/P- dated 12.12.2013 was published in Daily Lokmat (Marathi), DNA ( English) on 13 th Dec 2013 for the above subject work same was put up on Notice Board and on Website. Tenders were received on 04th Jan 2014 up to 1500 hrs and opened on same date at 15.30 hrs in the presence of tenderers and members of the Board. NAME OF THE WORK Vehicle Number Fabrication works, repairs of cabin, rear body works, denting, painting upholstery works and repairs of light system of various types of Board’s vehicle. M/s Shreeyash Sales & Services Corporation 1 MH- 12-AQ- 7307 Rs. 1,33,100/2 MH- 12-AQ-7306 Rs. 1,07,932/3 MH- 12-AQ-7291 Rs. 1,63,592/4 MH- 12-AQ-7290 Rs. 1,50,040/5 MH- 12- AU-5535 Rs. 1,55,122/6 MH- 12- AU-5536 Rs. 1,32,616/7 MH- 12-FA-8762 Rs. 1,60,930/8 MH- 12-FA-6372 Rs. 1,21,968/9 MH- 12-AQ-1450 Rs. 1,04,060/10 MH- 12- QA-6335 Rs. 1,52,460/11 MH- 12- UA-1424 Rs. 66,066/12 MH- 12-FA-6686 Rs. 31,460/13 MH- 12- DG-761 Rs. 89,056/14 MH- 12- AU-7429 Rs. 30,976/15 MH- 12- AU-6848 Rs. 62,920/- M/s Yash Auto M/s Awate fabrication Rs. 1,39,150/Rs. 1,12,838/Rs. 1,71,028/Rs. 1,56,860/Rs. 1,62,173/Rs. 1,38,644/Rs. 1,68,245/Rs. 1,27,512/Rs. 1,08,790/Rs. 1,59,390/Rs. 69,069/Rs. 32,890/Rs. 93,104/Rs. 32,384/Rs. 65,780/- Rs. 1,21,000/Rs. 98,120/Rs. 1,48,720/Rs. 1,36,400/Rs. 1,41,020/Rs. 1,20,560/Rs. 1,46,300/Rs. 1,10,880/Rs. 96,600/Rs. 1,38,600/Rs. 60,060/Rs. 28,600/Rs. 80,960/Rs. 28,160/Rs. 57,200/- Rate quoted amount of Rs. 15,11,180/- by M/s Awate Fabrication, Sy. No.41/1-B/7, Pendse colony Vikas Nagar P.C.M. Pune. is lowest. Reasonability of the rates has been verified with market rates by Health Section. All relevant documents and report of Health/Garden Superintendent is placed on the table for approval. 40. Considered and approved. At the instance of Members also resolved to get old tankers repaired and to procure, a Water Tanker/tractor. CEO is authorized to incur expenditure under budget head F(4) & F(9). 41. SANITATION OF CANTONMENT BOARD’S SCHOOLS. To consider the office report submitted by HS/GS regarding the tender received with respect to the above subject matter Tender notice no. 37/12/sanitation of Board’s school/P- dated 24.12.2013 was published in Daily Lokmat (Marathi), DNA (English) on 26th Dec 2013 for sanitation of Cantonment Board school. Same was put up on Notice Board and on Website. Tenders were received on 13thJan 2014 up to 1500 hrs and opened on same date at 15.30 hrs in the presence of tenders and members of the Board. SR. NAME OF THE TENDERER Rate quoted per month NO. Inclusive of all taxes & charges as applicable 1 M/s Spark security services Rs. 1,68,378/2 M/s Mehta & Shah Enterprises M/s Accurate Security services M/s SiddhivinayakSushikshitBeroj garseva M/s SantGadgeMaharajBaba 3 4 5 REMARK EMD enclosed Rs. 1,66,500/- EMD enclosed Rs. 1,42,792.32/- EMD enclosed Rs. 1,40,108/- + Service Tax EMD enclosed Blank Tender EMD not enclosed Existing rate for the same work w.e.f. February 2012 is Rs. 1,60,000/- /- per month inclusive of all charges & taxes for 14 nos of safaikarmachari. Reasonability of the rates has been verified and latest rate quoted by M/s SiddhivinayakSushikshitBerojgarseva is lowest but below statutory payment required to be paid by the tenderer to their employees. Minimum rates as per rules are:Sr. No. 1 Description Charges per labour /Day (basic) 2 Variable Dearness Allowance 3 4 5 Sub Total I (Sr.No.1+2) HRA 5% on (Sr.No.1 on Basic wages) EPF @ 13.61% on Rs. 6500/- because payment of employees exceed of Rs 6500/- inclusive of dearness Amount 150/As per Chief LabourCommissio nerNew Delhi rates w.e.f. 01.10.2013 107/As per Chief LabourCommissio nerNew Delhi rates w.e.f. 01.10.2013 257 Not applicable 29.48 8 9 10 allowance, retaining allowance and other allowance, hence Rs. 6500/- X 884.65 divided by 30 days ESI @ 4.75 % on Sr.No.3 Bonus 8.33% on Rs. 3500/- divided by 12= 291.66 divided by 30 days ( if we calculated on minimum amount of Rs.3500/-) Service charges @ of % on Sr.No.3 (per day) Total (per labourer per day) (Sum of to 8) Service Tax @ 12.36% on Sr.No.9 11 12. Sub Total I per labour per day Sr. No.9 + Sr.No.10 Total II (Sr.No.11X365 days x 16 labour) 13 14 Material charges per month for labour Material charges per year ( month) for nos. labour Grand total per year ( +Sr.No.14) for 16labours. 6 7 15 12.20 9.72 ----308.4 Not applicable to sanitation services 308.4 Rs. 1801056/- p.a. Rs. 150088/- p.m. ----------------- As per the new direction of service tax Dept notification 25/ June 2012., the service tax for sanitation services is exempted, while HRA is applicable in the areas where Maharashtra’s Govt. Act is applicable. Hence Service tax and HRA are not applicable. As compared to reasonability verified above, of Rs. 1, 50,088/- is minimum for statutory payment be paid to the employees. Hence the lowest rate is Rs 1,66,500/- p.m. of M/s Mehta & Shah Enterprises. All relevant documents and report of Health/Garden Superintendent is placed on the table for approval. 41. Considered and approved the lowest & legitimate quotated Rates of Rs. 1,66,500/pm by M/s Mehta & Shah Engerprises. 42. PURCHASE OF PICKUP VAN FOR PWD TO REPLACE THE THREE WHEELER TEMPO. For lifting and transport of material &labour for PWD repairs/work to different locations, there is urgent and essential need of a Pickup Van. The earlier one (Make Bajaj Three Wheeler No. MH-12 -F-9285 purchased in Feb. 1992) is now declared BER and not in use since 30.7.2012 For this quotation was called from TATA Motors on DGS & D rates which is: Sr. no. 01 Description Amount TATA ACE CNG BS IV CNG under DGS & D rate Rs. 3,88,280 Budget provision is catered for in budget head A4 in 2013-2014(Revised) All relevant documents and report of Office are placed on the table 42. Considered and approved. Suitable proposal be sent to PDDE/GOC- in -C, SC for sanction. 43. PURCHASE OF SCHOOL BUS FOR BOARD’S SCHOOLS CHILDREN Reference: i) Office note 26.12.2013 ii) Quotation enclosed from Tata Motor on DGS & D rates To consider the office report regarding purchase of School Bus for children & Staff of eight schools of Kirkee Cantonment Board . In this regards quotation collected from Tata Motors on DGS & D rates, while DGS & D rate is not available with other reputed vehicle manufacture companies. Rates details are as under: Sr. no. 01 02 Description Tata Starbus 35 +1 seater CNG on LP 909/49 CNG BS IV under DGS & D rates. Tata Starbus 40 +1 seater on LP 909 CNG BS I V under DGS & D rates. Amount Rs. 15,67,190/- Rs. 16,45,162/- Budget provision is to be catered for in G1(b) for the year 2014--2015 (O) & ( R ) All relevant documents and report of HS/GS is placed on the table for approval. 43. Considered and approved. Suitable proposal be sent to PDDE/GOC-in- C, SC for sanction. 44. EXTENSION OF CONTRACT PERIOD OF SHRI KISHOR SORGE WHO IS WORKING IN CREAMATION GOUND. Ref: CBR No. 04 dated 03.01.2013 To consider the office report of HS/GS regarding services on contract of Shri Kishor Sorge. It was engaged by the Board (on contract) on fixed remuneration of Rs.7000/- per month vide C.B.R. No. 04 dated 03.01.2013 for 11 th months from 1st Feb 2013, for Hindu Crematorium. As per report of Health /Garden superintendent Services are of essential nature and there is nobody to do the same. Budget provision catered for F4 Head. There are 83 vacancies in Sanitation section All relevant documents and report of HS/GS is p laced on the table for approval. 44. Considered and approved. Services of Shri Kishor Sorge be engaged for eleven months @ lumpsum remuneration of Rs.9500/- pm. 45 CONTRACTUAL STAFF AT DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE a) RENEWAL OF CONTRACTTUAL STAFF AT DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE To consider the note of RMO dated 13 th Jan. 2014, recommending the services on contractof Physiotherapist, Smt. Sanjivani Narayan Dhote for a period of 11 months. Her contractual period was from 13.3.2013 to 12.02.2014. In this regard the papers are placed on the table for approval. Budget provision catered for f1(a) head. There are 37 vacancies in Cantonment Hospital. b) APPOINTMENR OF DOCTORS ON CONTRACT FOR DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE Ref : Health & Hospital Committ resolution No.01 dt.03.12.2013 To consider the note of RMO & approval of SEMO regarding interview conducted on 9th Jan. 2014 to engage services of doctors in Cantonment Hospital, Kirkee on contract. One Gynecologist and two Astt. Medical Officers have been selected. There are 06 vacancies in Hospital and requirement of Doctors is of urgent and essential nature. Budget provision is catered for in F1(a) head for 2013-14(R) 45 a). Considered and approved, contractual services of Physiotherapist for 11 months @ lumpsum remuneration of Rs.16300/- pm. 45 b). Considered and approved, to engage services of two Gynecologists & two AMOs considering the dire & growing need & nonavailbility of the same for period of 11 months. 46. PURCHASE OF MEDICINE FOR DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE To consider the note of RMO dated 16th Jan 2014, for purchase of medicine items required by the hospital. The rate enquiry was done for items for which either no quotation or single quotation or rate received was on higher side in the previous rate enquiry. The rate enquiry was for total of 24 items of which rates were received for 18 items from 9 vendors. A comparative statement was made, recommended by RMO and forwarded to SEMO for approval. SEMO has approved the rates received. If approved, the cost of purchase will be Rs 185208.00 for these 18 items and is well within our budgeted amount (approved vide CBR No5 dated 6.9.2013) under head F(1)(b) for year 2013-14. 46. Considered and approved. Board instructed the RMO that procedure for purchase of medicines be reviewed and put up in next Board meeting. With the permission of the Chair, the following items were taken up for consideration : 47 PERMISSION FOR SLAUGHTER OF LARGE ANIMALS Reference : Letter No. Med/1/K/S/1243/2013 date 26.12.2013 from PCMC, Pune To consider the office report submitted by HS/GS regarding the use of Slaughter House by PCMC for 90 days. Medical Officer of PCMC visited the Board’s slaughter house and satisfied with the facilities provided in our slaughter house, requested for its use temporarily for 6 to 8 months. They stated that they would be slaughtering about 25 animals per day and 45-50 animals on Thursday and Sundays. We may permit the PimpriChinchwad Corporation to slaughter animals in our slaughter house on the following conditions. 1. To provide slaughter house for 90 days. 2. Maximum capacity for large animals is 30. 3. Only Licensed Butchers be allowed. Board may levy following charges : 1. Slaughtering fees towards passes for big animal Rs.100/- per animal so Rs. 3000/2. Septic tank vehicle will require 03 nos. trips daily and charges per trip will be Rs.300 X 3 = Rs. 900/- per day. 3. Water tanker for cleaning purpose will require 03 trips daily and charges is Rs.500 per trip X 3 i.e. Rs. 1500/- per day. 4. Conservancy charges Rs.350/- per employee per day. They shall also follow : 1. PCMC shall be responsible for vehicle and labours to pick up day to day solid waste derived. 2. The number of Licensed vendor butchers from Pimpri will be maximum 10 nos. 3. PCMC shall be responsible to make road transport arrangement to carry beef carcasses to PCMC area. 4. The vendors will observe AP Act 1976 regulations. 5. PCMC will appoint veterinarian to make day to day post- mortem inspection at the time of actual slaughter & any other condition as deemed fit. All relevant documents and report of Health/Garden Superintendent is placed on the table for approval 47. Considered and approved that permission to use Boards slaughter house to PCMC for 90 days be given on quoted terms & conditions in Agenda subject to NOC/concurrence of Pollution Control Board. 48. MINIMUM WAGES RATES To consider the office report submitted by HS/GS regarding the minimum wages rates w.e.f. 1st October 2013. Board applies the rates of Minimum wages as per the notification issued by the Government of India Ministry of Labour& Employment, Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (C) from time to time. Same are utilized by Board in engagement of contractual services directly or through outsource Agency/Contractor. All relevant documents and report of Health/Garden Superintendent is placed on the table for approval 48. Considered and approved. CEO is authorized to engage services on given rates. 49. RECLASSIFICATION OF B-4 LAND TO C OUT OF 27/2 FOR CANTONMENT BOARD’S 8 MLS SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT, KIRKEE. Ref:- CBR No. 27 dated 2/11/2013. To consider the office report regarding the consideration of proposal for reclassification of 1.859 acres out of GLR Sy. No. 27/2, 27/2A part classified as B-4 to C, located within notified civil area, land under the management of Cantonment Board being utilized for the Cantonment Board’s 8 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant, Gaddiadda, Kirkee. Cantonment Board, Kirkee had constructed 8 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant in the year 1986 on receipt of the sanction from the GOC-in-C, SC vide letter no. 10942/DLC dated 27/12/1985 and even no. dated 17/07/1986 on the open plot bearing GLR Sy.No. 27/2, 27/2A part classified as B-4 open land under the management of the Cantonment Board within the notified civil area. Now, while submitting the proposal for sanction for Major remodeling and revamping of the Sewage Treatment Plant out of “ Special Grants of Capital Assets” as approved by the Board CBR No. 27 dated 02/11/2013, it has been observed that the land being occupied for the Sewage Treatment Plant needs to be reclassified from B-4 to C. In this connection the above said office report along with the relevant papers are placed o the table. 49. Considered and approved. Proposal be sent to the competent authority for reclassification of land. 50. ENVIRONMENTAL PARK. To consider the letter no. 10987/7/A (AWWA-Devp) dated 30 Dec. 2013 received from Station Headquarters, Kirkee/Aundh requesting for development of Environmental Park in the area opposite Nehru Line for the troops, their families and civilians residing in Kirkee Cantonment. The project will be made and managed jointly by KCB & LMA. The details of the activities involved in the development of the above mentioned Park and organization undertaking the same are as detailed below:Sr.No. ActivityAgency 1. 2. 3. 4. Provision of water and pipe line Supply & fixing of Chain link fencing Provision of walking track Provision of jogging trackCantt. Board 5. Meditation Room & Canopy 6. 7. 8. Provision of play equipmentsCantt. Board Provision of high masts & lights Provision of entrance gate 9. Provision of Water body 10. Provision of fountain 11. Development and maintenance of garden/lawn LMA Cantt. Board LMA Cantt. Board (Out of MP/MLA funds) Cantt. Board (Out of MP/MLA funds) Cantt. Board Cantt. Board Cantt. Board (Out of MP/MLA funds) Cantt. Board (Out of MP/MLA funds) LMA Cantt. Board. In this connection the above said office report along with other relevant papers are placed on the table. Budget provision shall be catered in E-6, D-2 (f) & E-2 (b) for 2013-14 (R) & 2014-15 (O). 5 0. Considered and approved. Also resolved to engage, services of Architect/Landscape Architect. CEO is authorized to incur expenditure. 51. Shri S.L.Kamble, Member raised the issue of filling up the promotion post of OS/AS and HM Dr. Zakir Hussain Urdu High School lying vacant since long from among the staff in line of promotion . 51. Board resolved that separate DPCs(Departmental Promotion Committee) of Vice President, two elected members and Nominated members as directed by PCB, be constituted which will submit their report /recommendations. MEMBER SECRETARY CANTONMENT BOARD, KIRKEE PESIDENT CANTONMENT BOARD,KIRKEE (24.01.2014) CIVIL AREA COMMITEE 1. TRANSFER OF PROPERTY: HOUSE NO. 115 OLD BAZAR, KIRKEE Ref.:- Application dated 28/10/2013 from Shri Vinod Kisan Banodha. To consider the application dated 28/10/2013 received from Shri Vinod Kisan Banodha requesting therein for transfer of holding of occupational rights in R/O H.No.115 Old Bazar, Kirkee by ‘GIFT ’ due to the death of Shri Mohanlal Devilal Banodha, expired on 06/03/1995. “Gift Deed” Registered at Sr.No.5012/97 dt 19/12/1997 before Jt.Sub.Registrar, Haveli 2, Pune & Notarised affidavit cum Indemnity Bond dated 26/05/2013. GLR Sy.N o. 27469 Name of Recorded Lessee/ HOR Shri Mohanlal Devilal Banodha Name of Transferor Name of Transferee Mode of Transfer Shri Mohanlal Devilal Banodha Shri Vinod Kisan Banodha Death Certificate Of Shri Mohanlal Devilal Banodha, expired on 06/03/1995. “Gift Deed” Registered at Sr.No.5012/97 dt 19/12/1997 before Jt.Sub.Registrar, Haveli 2, Pune & Notarised affidavit cum Indemnity Bond dated 26/05/2013. Area in GLR 502 Area in Transfer Order 502 sqft The Above said site is held on old grant. As per the report of the Engineering Branch there is no unauthorised construction, Sub division, Change of purpose and encroachment on Government land at site. Public Notice for inviting Claims and objections for proposed transfer has been called vide this office letter No.OB/115/P-94 dated 21/09/2013 by publishing advertisement in Newspaper ‘Sakal Times’ dated 21/09/2013 but no any claims and objections for the same is received during the notice period. In this connection all relevant documents are placed on the table. 1. Considered and recommended to approve the mutation in respect of House No. 115, Old Bazar, Kirkee, in the name of Shri Vinod Kisan Banodha and necessary entries be made in the GLR/Taxation register subject to the following and payment of necessary transfer fee :- a) The transferee will not be entitled to have greater rights than those of the transferor & as entered in GLR. b) All the taxes/dues should be cleared till the end of the current financial year. c) Area mentioned in the GLR only is recognized for mutation purpose and the transferee cannot claim any more land/premises. d) The Board will not be liable if any litigation arises in due course regarding this mutation. e) Admission Deed should be executed before end. 1. Considered and approved. 2. RENEWAL OF LEASE : HOUSE No. 33 NEW BAZAR, GLR SY. NO. 27/586 KIRKEE. To consider the application dated 25/03/2013 from Shri Vasu Acchu Pujari S/o Lessee for renewal of lease in respect of property bearing Dwelling House and shop 33 New Bazar, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of the CLAR 11937, B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board:Name of Lessee : Smt.Kitti w/o Acchu Pujari . Purpose as per lease : Dwelling house & Shop No.33 NB Sy. No. : 27/586 Area in Sq.ft. as per lease : 1337.500 Sqft. Schedule under which the : The Lease is held on SchVIII CLAR 1937, lease was executed period ending 18/01/2001. The proposal is for and last present renewal of the next term of 30 years. Date of Expiry of Lease Rent Reserved under the Lease 18/01/2001 Rs.71.50 Rent enhanced by 50% of exesting rent Rs.35.75 Change of purpose or sub- division, if any : No Unauthorised construction, if any : No Encroachment on Govt. land, if any : No Sub Division of Site if any : No Rent per annum Rs.107.25 Say Rs.107/- In this connection, the application is placed on the table alongwith all relevant documents. 2. Considered and recommended for sanction of the Competent Authority/Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune for renewal of the lease in respect of House No.33, New Bazar, Kirkee for further periods of 30 years from the date of its expiry i.e. 18.01.2001 by enhancing the lease rent by 50% as per the conditions of the lease. 2. Considered and approved. 3 . TRANSFER OF HOLDING OF OCCUPANCY RIGHTS IN RESPECT OF HOUSE No. 20 NEW BAZAR, KIRKEE BY TRANSFER DEED TRANSACTION (REGD.). Ref.:- Application dated 10/10/2006 from 1) Ramesh Dharamchand Agarwal 2) Smt.Kamladevi Ramesh Agarwal To consider the application dated 10/10/2006 received from 1)Shri Ramesh Dharamchaand Agarwal 2) Smt.Kamladevi Ramesh Agarwal, requesting therein for transfer of holding of occupational rights in respect of House No.20 New Bazar, , Kirkee on their names by Transfer deed transaction registered at Sr. No.2877/1 -17/2008 dated 19/03/2008 before Jt.Sub Registrar, Class II, Haveli No.8, Pune, and an Affidavit duly notarised by Notary, Govt. of India. Prior permission for the same has not been obtained from the Board. Therefore clarification vide this office letter No.NB/20/P -224 dated 04/07/2011 was sought. Vide letter dated 15/06/2012 applicants requested to forgive and transfer the same as due to ignorance, prior permission for the same could not taken. GLR Sy.No . 27564 Name of Recorded Lessee/ HOR Shri Vilas Pannalal Gandhi & Sanjay Pannalal Gandhi Name of Transferor Name of Transferee Mode of Transfer Area in GLR Area in Transfer Order Shri Vilas Pannalal Gandhi & Sanjay Pannalal Gandhi 1) Shri Ramesh Dharamchand Agarwal 2) Smt. Kamladevi Ramesh Agarwal 1)Transfer deed transaction registered at Sr. No.2877/1-17/2008 dated 19/03/2008 before Jt.Sub Registrar, Class II, Haveli No.8, Pune. 2) An Affidavit duly notarised by Notary, Govt. of India. 1 2200 sqft 2200 sqft The Above said site is held on lease and expires on 12.06.2032 As per the site inspection report of Engineering Branch there is no unauthorized construction, change of purpose, sub-division of site or encroachment on Government land at site. Public Notice for inviting Claims and objections for proposed transfer has been called vide this office letter No. 20/NBK dated 26/10/2013 by publishing advertisement in Newspaper ‘Sakal Times ’ dated 26/10/2013 but no claims and objections for the same were received during the notice period. In this connection all relevant documents are placed on the table. 3. Considered and recommended to approve the mutation in respect of House No. 20, New Bazar, Kirkee, in the name of Shri Ramesh Dharamchand Agarwal and Smt Kamladevi Ramesh Agarwal and necessary entries be made in the GLR/Taxation register subject to the following and payment of necessary transfer fee :- a) The transferee will not be entitled to have greater rights than those of the transferor & as entered in GLR. b) All the taxes/dues should be cleared till the end of the current financial year. c) Area mentioned in the GLR only is recognized for mutation purpose and the transferee cannot claim any more land/premises. d) The Board will not be liable if any litigation arises in due course regarding this mutation. e) Admission Deed should be executed before end Chairman, brought out issue of dilapidated condition of said premises and pending building plan before office. Same was confirmed by report of Draughtsman and Cantonment Executive Engineer dated 03.12.2013. It was resolved to take it up on urgent basis before Board, if plan is as per byelaws and land policy. 3. Considered and approved. 04. RENEWAL OF LEASE : HOUSE NO. 178, OLD BAZAR, GLR SY. NO.27-388 KIRKEE. To consider the application dated 21.03.2013 from President Jamatul Muslemin Jame Masjid Khadki for renewal of lease in respect of property bearing House No.178, Old Bazar (Moledina Urdu Primary School,), Kirkee held on lease inSch.VI of the CLAR 1925 B-3 land situated within the Civil area Kirkee Cantonment Board:Name of Lessee : President Mohammaden Community Purpose as per lease : Moledina Urdu Primary School Education. Sy No. : 27-388 Area in Sq.ft as per lease : 1. Schedule under which : 1125 Sqft. Lease is held on Sch VI CLAR 1925. Lease was executed period ending 06.12.1992. The present proposal is for renewal of the next and last term of 30 years. Date of Expiry of lease Rent Reserved under the lease 06/12/1992 Rs.27.84 Rent enhanced by 50% of the existing rent Rs.13.92 Change of purpose or sub- division, if any : No. Unauthorised construction, if any : No. Encroachment on Govt.Land if any : No. Sub Division of Site if any : No. Rent per annum Rs.41.74 Say Rs.42/- In this connection, the application is placed on the table along with all relevant documents. 4. Considered and recommended for sanction of the Competent Authority/Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune for renewal of the lease in respect of House No.178, Old Bazar, Kirkee for further periods of 30 years from the date of its expiry i.e. 06.12.2012 by enhancing the lease rent by 50% as per the conditions of the lease. 4. 05. Considered and approved. RENEWAL OF LEASE : HOUSE NO.157, OLD BAZAR, GLR SY NO .27- 411, KIRKEE. To consider the application dated 25.03.2013 from Z.C.Gandhi for reneal of lease in respect of property bearing House No.157, Old Bazar, Kirkee held on lease in Sch. VIII of CLAR 1937 B-3 land situated within the Civil Area Kirkee Cantonment Board:Name of the lessee : 1) Zumbarlal Chunilal Gandhi. 2)Prakash Zumbarlal Gandhi. Purpose as per lease : Dwelling House & Shop Sy.No. 27-411 : Area in Sq.ft. as per lease: 1198 Sqft. Schedule under which the: The original lease in Sc h.VIII of CLA Rules 1925 for 30 years with effect from 01/07/1946 to 30.06.1976. The present proposal is for renewal of second and third terms of 30 + 30 years. Date of Expiry of Lease 30.06.1976 30.06.2006 Rent Reserved under the Lease Rs. 03/Rs.5/- Rent enhanced by 50% of existing rent Rs. 1.50 Rs.2.50 Change of purpose or sub- division, if any Unauthorised construction, if any Encroachment on Govt. Land if any Sub Division of Site if any : : : : Rent per annum as current STR. Rs.4.50 Say Rs.5/Rs.7.50 Say Rs.8/- No No No No In this connection, the application is placed on the table along with all relevant documents. 5. Considered and recommended for sanction of the Competent Authority/Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Pune for renewal of the lease in respect of House No.157, Old Bazar, Kirkee for two further periods of 30 years each from the date of its expiry i.e. 30.06.1976 by enhancing the lease rent by 50% as per the conditions of the lease. 5. Considered and approved. 06. REVISION OF CHARGES FOR TRANSFER OF PROPERTIES. Reference: CBR No.10 dated 16.01.2007 CBR No.06 dated 21.03.2007 To consider the Office report dated 16/11/2013 on revision of charges for transfer of properties/flats. Same were revised 6 years back and should be revised at least once in five years. Existing Charges in Kirkee Cantonment Board. 1) Minimum Rs.1000/- or 0.75% on the registered value of documents whoever is higher 2)Transfer fee by in heritance among legal heirs flat rate of Rs.1000/-. 3)Transfer by Release Deed/Gift Deed/Hiba [email protected]% of market value of the documents regd. With Sub.Registrar subject to minimum of Rs.1000/- Proposed charges in Kirkee Cantonment Board. 1) Minimum Rs.2500/- or 1% on the registered value of documents whichever is higher 2) Transfer fee by inheritance among legal heirs flat rate of Rs.2500/3) Transfer by Release Deed/Gift Deed/ Hiba Gift- @ 1% of market value of the documents regd. With Sub. Registrar subject to minimum of Rs.2500/-. 4) Sale of transfer of Property 4. Sale of transfer of Propery Form A ror B or C Rs.50/3- Form A or B or C Rs. 150/per form. per form. In this connection, the office report is placed on the table along with all relevant documents. 6. Sr. No. 1 Sr. No. 2 Sr. No. 3 registered. Sr. No. 4 6. Considered and approved the revised changes with following amendments:Rs 1500/- instead of Rs. 2500/Rs.1500/- instead of Rs. 2500/Rs 1500/- instead of Rs. 2500/- & 1% on value shown in document Rs 75/- per form instead of Rs. 150/- per form Considered and approved. MINUTES OF FINANCE COMMITTEE HELD ON 03.12.2013 1(a). ARREARS STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH JULY, 2013 STATEMENTSHOWINGRECOVERYOFARREARSANDCURRENTDEMANDFORJULY2013. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Head Arrears 2012- Demand Total Demand Recoveryof Recoveryof Total 2013 2013-2014 for 2013-2014 arrearsinthe Current in Recoveryin monthof July themonthof themonthof 13 july13 july13 1 Octroi 8 Total Collectionof arrearsupto July2013 9 Total Collectionof Current upto July2013 10 Balanceof arrearsupto 31/07/13 11 Balanceof Current demand upto31/07/13 2 75000000.00 TOTAL-A 75000000.00 House tax 6303261.00 Conservancy 5407904.00 3 0.00 0.00 4109442.00 3407546.00 75000000.00 75000000.00 10412703.00 8815450.00 60000000.00 60000000.00 66772.00 57884.00 0.00 60000000.00 75000000.00 0.00 60000000.00 75000000.00 1444057.00 1510829.00 137310.00 1180940.00 1238824.00 116378.00 0.00 0.00 1467725.00 1200960.00 0.00 0.00 6165951.00 5291526.00 0.00 0.00 2641717.00 2206586.00 Tax Water Tax 123443.00 Wheel tax 0.00 Dog tax 400.00 Entertainmen 1560.00 t Tax 44531.00 0.00 0.00 43800.00 167974.00 0.00 400.00 45360.00 1897.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9310.00 0.00 0.00 3600.00 9310.00 0.00 0.00 9330.00 121400.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 35221.00 0.00 0.00 34470.00 126553.00 2687325.00 11579277.00 4917994.00 0.00 0.00 11816.00 2886778.32 1430128.00 2043.00 0.00 0.00 1560.00 Rent from 2946426.32 1441944.00 4388370.32 building other than Property of Govt. 11520.00 2637907.00 2764460.00 257291.00 0.00 11520.00 23040.00 59648.00 Premiamon 49073.00 0.00 49073.00 Lease Rent from 117964.00 23952.00 141916.00 Lease Rent from 2410772.00 2961917.00 5372689.00 Landother than Property of Govt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49073.00 0.00 0.00 388.00 388.00 0.00 5230.00 117964.00 18722.00 66365.00 42108.00 108473.00 845980.00 225244.00 1564792.00 2736673.00 Total - 'B' 11836568.00 7605319.00 19441887.00 11207.00 0.00 0.00 3600.00 MARKET COLLECTIO N Stall Rent 3311764.00 3605572.00 6917336.00 Kirkee 2018126.00 10462644.00 12480770.00 Bus.Centre 0.00 13770.00 64802.00 115616.00 129386.00 92901.00 157703.00 45824.00 392535.00 621565.00 600931.00 0.00 3265940.00 2984007.00 1625591.00 9861713.00 Total - 'C' 10854125.32 18496029.00 29350154.32 156457.00 262533.00 418990.00 1343987.00 1464786.00 9510138.32 17031243.00 Grand 97690693.32 26101348.00 123792041.32 60283010.00 2900440.00 63183450.00 76601278.00 4152111.00 21089415.32 21949237.00 Total('A'+'B' +'C') 1(b). ARREARS STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH AUGUST,2013 STATEMENTSHOWINGRECOVERYOFARREARSANDCURRENTDEMANDFORAUG2013. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Head 8 9 10 Arrears 2012- Demand Total Demand Recoveryof Recoveryof Total Total Collection Total Balanceof 2013 2013-2014 for 2013-2014 arrearsinthe Current inthe Recoveryin of arrearsupto Collectionof arrearsupto monthof Aug monthof Aug themonthof Aug2013 Current upto 31/08/13 13 13 Aug13 Aug2013 2 3 129824794.00 0.00 TOTAL-A 129824794.00 0.00 Housetax 6303261.00 4109442.00 Conservancy 5407904.00 3407546.00 1 Octroi Tax Water Tax 123443.00 Wheel tax 0.00 Dogtax 400.00 Entertainmen 1560.00 t Tax Total - 'B' 11836568.00 44531.00 0.00 0.00 43800.00 11 Balanceof Current demandupto 31/08/13 129824794.00 129824794.00 10412703.00 8815450.00 54824794.00 54824794.00 283028.00 273068.00 0.00 0.00 54824794.00 129824794.00 54824794.00 129824794.00 836970.00 1119998.00 420338.00 699762.00 972830.00 389446.00 0.00 0.00 2304695.00 1900722.00 0.00 0.00 5882923.00 5018458.00 0.00 0.00 1804747.00 1506824.00 167974.00 0.00 400.00 45360.00 12805.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14062.00 0.00 0.00 3600.00 23372.00 0.00 0.00 12930.00 108595.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 21159.00 0.00 0.00 30870.00 26867.00 0.00 0.00 3600.00 14848.00 0.00 0.00 1560.00 7605319.00 19441887.00 568901.00 1554394.00 2123295.00 826192.00 4241719.00 11010376.00 3363600.00 Rent from 2946426.32 buildingother thanProperty of Govt. 1441944.00 4388370.32 41860.00 0.00 3700.00 45560.00 101508.00 15516.00 0.00 0.00 2844918.32 1426428.00 Premiamon 49073.00 Lease Rent from 117964.00 Lease Rent from 2410772.00 Landother thanProperty of Govt. 0.00 49073.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49073.00 0.00 23952.00 141916.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 5255.00 117964.00 18697.00 126036.00 100123.00 226159.00 972016.00 325367.00 1438756.00 2636550.00 3605572.00 6917336.00 21008.00 10462644.00 12480770.00 251095.00 757419.00 778427.00 66832.00 1186616.00 1437711.00 643630.00 1378984.00 3244932.00 2226588.00 1787547.00 1374496.00 8675097.00 MARKET COLLECTIO N Stall Rent 3311764.00 Kirkee 2018126.00 Bus.Centre Total - 'C' 10854125.32 Grand 152515487.32 Total('A'+'B' +'C') 2961917.00 5372689.00 18496029.00 29350154.32 439999.00 2047883.00 2487882.00 1783986.00 3512669.00 9070139.32 14983360.00 26101348.00 178616835.32 55833694.00 3602277.00 59435971.00 132434972.00 7754388.00 20080515.32 18346960.00 1(c). ARREARS STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH SEPTEMBER,2013 STATEMENTSHOWINGRECOVERYOFARREARSANDCURRENTDEMANDFORSEP.2013. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Head Arrears 2012- Demand Total Demand Recoveryof Recoveryof Total 2013 2013-2014 for2013-2014 arrearsinthe Current intheRecoveryin monthofSep monthof Sep themonthof 13 13 Sep13 1 Octroi 2 3 129824794.00 0.00 TOTAL-A 129824794.00 0.00 Housetax 6303261.00 4109442.00 Conservancy 5407904.00 3407546.00 Tax WaterTax 123443.00 Wheeltax 0.00 Dogtax 400.00 Entertainmen 1560.00 t Tax Total-'B' 11836568.00 44531.00 0.00 0.00 43800.00 8 9 10 11 TotalCollection Total Balanceof Balanceof of arrearsupto Collectionof arrearsupto Current Sep2013 Current upto 30/09/13 demandupto Sep2013 30/09/13 129824794.00 54824794.00 0.00 129824794.00 54824794.00 0.00 10412703.00 211556.00 442877.00 8815450.00 176515.00 360142.00 54824794.00 129824794.00 54824794.00 129824794.00 654433.00 631894.00 536657.00 565961.00 0.00 0.00 2747572.00 2260864.00 0.00 0.00 5671367.00 4841943.00 0.00 0.00 1361870.00 1146682.00 167974.00 0.00 400.00 45360.00 2118.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24568.00 0.00 0.00 9330.00 107673.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 19963.00 0.00 0.00 34470.00 922.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1196.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15770.00 0.00 0.00 1560.00 7605319.00 19441887.00 388993.00 804215.00 1193208.00 1215185.00 5042334.00 10621383.00 2562985.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rentfrom 2946426.32 1441944.00 4388370.32 155360.00 431100.21 586460.21 256868.00 446616.21 2689558.32 995327.79 buildingother thanProperty ofGovt. Premiamon 49073.00 0.00 49073.00 0.00 Lease Rentfrom 117964.00 23952.00 141916.00 0.00 Lease Rentfrom 2410772.00 2961917.00 5372689.00 8796.00 Landother thanProperty ofGovt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49073.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5255.00 117964.00 18697.00 117638.00 126434.00 980812.00 MARKET COLLECTIO N Stal Rent 3311764.00 3605572.00 6917336.00 11144.00 238590.00 Kirkee 2018126.00 10462644.00 12480770.00 93615.00 1033394.00 Bus.Centre Total-'C' 10854125.32 18496029.00 29350154.32 268915.00 1820722.21 Grand 152515487.32 26101348.00 178616835.32 55482702.00 2624937.21 Total('A'+'B' +'C') 249734.00 77976.00 1127009.00 737245.00 0.00 443005.00 1429960.00 2518912.00 1617574.00 3233788.00 1987998.00 2820941.00 1280881.00 7641703.00 2089637.21 2052901.00 5333391.21 8801224.32 13162637.79 58107639.21 133092880.00 10375725.2119422607.32 15725622.79 1 (d). ARREARS STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH OCTOBER,2013 STATEMENTSHOWINGRECOVERYOFARREARSANDCURRENTDEMANDFOROCTOBER. 2013. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Head Arrears 2012- Demand Total Demand Recoveryof Recoveryof Total Total Collection Total Balanceof 2013 2013-2014 for 2013-2014 arrearsinthe Current inthe Recoveryin of arrearsupto Collectionof arrearsupto monthof Sep monthof Oct. themonthof Oct. 2013 Current upto 31/10/13 13 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 2013 11 Balanceof Current demandupto 31/10/13 2 3 129824794.00 0.00 TOTAL-A 129824794.00 0.00 Housetax 6303261.00 4109442.00 Conservancy 5407904.00 3407546.00 1 Octroi Tax WaterTax 123443.00 Wheel tax 0.00 Dogtax 400.00 Entertainmen 1560.00 t Tax Total - 'B' 11836568.00 44531.00 0.00 0.00 43800.00 129824794.00 129824794.00 10412703.00 8815450.00 54824794.00 54824794.00 93333.00 71328.00 0.00 0.00 153524.00 130255.00 54824794.00 129824794.00 54824794.00 129824794.00 246857.00 725227.00 201583.00 637289.00 0.00 0.00 2901096.00 2391119.00 0.00 0.00 5578034.00 4770615.00 0.00 0.00 1208346.00 1016427.00 167974.00 0.00 400.00 45360.00 1867.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1507.00 0.00 0.00 7200.00 3374.00 0.00 0.00 7200.00 26075.00 0.00 0.00 16530.00 105806.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 18456.00 0.00 0.00 27270.00 17637.00 0.00 0.00 1560.00 7605319.00 19441887.00 166528.00 292486.00 459014.00 1381713.00 0.00 Rent from 2946426.32 1441944.00 4388370.32 135377.00 9160.00 144537.00 392245.00 5334820.00 10454855.00 2270499.00 0.00 0.00 455776.21 2554181.32 986167.79 buildingother thanProperty ofGovt. Premiamon 49073.00 0.00 49073.00 Lease Rent from 117964.00 23952.00 141916.00 Lease Rent from 2410772.00 2961917.00 5372689.00 Landother thanProperty ofGovt. MARKET COLLECTIO N Stall Rent 3311764.00 3605572.00 6917336.00 Kirkee 2018126.00 10462644.00 12480770.00 Bus.Centre Total - 'C' 10854125.32 18496029.00 29350154.32 Grand 152515487.32 26101348.00 178616835.32 Total('A'+'B' +'C') 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49073.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5255.00 117964.00 18697.00 8400.00 703177.00 711577.00 989212.00 1146182.00 1421560.00 1815735.00 21765.00 2897.00 127950.00 149715.00 99741.00 824212.00 827109.00 740142.00 1745524.00 3212023.00 1860048.00 3645153.00 1277984.00 6817491.00 168439.00 1664499.00 1832938.00 2221340.00 6997890.21 8632785.32 11498138.79 55159761.00 1956985.00 57116746.00 133427847.00 12332710.21 19087640.32 13768637.79 1(a). Considered and noted. It was highlighted by Chairman of less recovery of cabins/stall charges and no revision of rates for long time. It was directed to put up above details in a week time before Board Meeting 1(b). Considered and noted. 1(c). Considered and noted. 1(d) . Considered and noted. 1 a, b, c, c. Considered and approved. (2) REPAIRS TO FOOTPATH ON ARJUN ROAD FROM THE JUNCTION OF DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARG TO GEN. THIMMAYYA ROAD. To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/Tender/ 2013-14 /P- 317 dated 11th Sept. 2013 for the work Repairs to footpath on Arjun Road from the junction of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marg to Gen. Thimmayya Road . Same was published in Times of India and Lokmath on 13.09.2013 and 14.09.2013 respectively and web sites and on notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 03rd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:S.No. Name of the Tenderer Amount Quoted (Rs.) 1. 2. 3. 4. M/s Hemang Construction 20,40,300/- M/s Shree Ganesh Construction 20,84,450/- M/s Unicon M/s H.C.Lunkad 24,35,800/26,48,941=50 The lowest tenderer M/s Hemang Construction has quoted Rs. 20,40,300/- which when compared with the rates of MES SSR 2010 works out to 22.98% below and that with the accepted rates of the Board in June 2013 it works out to 20.67% below. The rates quoted by the lowest tenderer as compared to the rates of MES SSR 2010 and those accepted by the Board in June 2013 seems to be reasonable. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of Engineering Section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 2. Considered and approved the lowest rates of Rs. 20,40,300/-quoted by M/s. Hemang Construction. Work be carried out at the earliest. 2. Considered and approved. (3) REPAIRS TO FOOTPATH ON DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR MARG FROM RANI LAXMIBAI UDYAN TO KIRKEE BUSINESS CENTRE. To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/Tender/ 2013-14 /P- 317 dated 11th Sept. 2013 for the work Repairs to Footpath on Dr. Baba saheb Ambedkar Marg from Rani Laxmibai Udyan to Kirkee Business Centre . Same was published in Times of India and Lokmath on 13.09.2013 and 14.09.2013 respectively and web sites and on notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 03rd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:S.No. Name of the Tenderer Amount Quoted (Rs.) 1. M/s Hemang Construction 11,45,700/- 2. 3. M/s Shree Ganesh Construction 11,56,200/- M/s Unicon 13,44,500/- 4. M/s H.C.Lunkad 14,77,500/- The lowest tenderer M/s Hemang Construction has quoted Rs. 11,45,700/- which when compared with the rates of MES SSR 2010 works out to 23.34% below and that with the accepted rates of the Board in June 2013 it works out to 21.91% below. The rates quoted by the lowest tenderer as compared to the rates of MES SSR 2010 and those accepted by the Board in June 2013 seems to be reasonable. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of Engineering Section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 3. Considered and approved for the lowest rates of Rs. 11,45,700/-quoted by M/s. Hemang Constructions. Work be carried out at the earliest. 3. Considered and approved. (4) MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS AND RENOVATION TO TOILET BLOCKS AT KIRKEE BUSINESS CENTRE. To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/Tender/ 2013-14 /P- 317 dated 11th Sept. 2013 for the work Miscellaneous Repairs and Renovation to toilet blocks at Kirkee Business Centre. Same was published in Times of India and Lokmath on 13.09.2013 and 14.09.2013 respectively and web sites and on notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 03rd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:S.No. Name of the Tenderer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M/s Vaibhavi Associates M/s Renuka Construction M/s Unicon M/s H.C.Lunkad M/s Viral Associates Above MES SSR 2010 15.15% 18.00% 18.00% 24.24% 27.00% The lowest tenderer M/s Vaibhavi Associates has quoted 15.15% above MES SSR 2010. The Board vide FCR No. 06 dated 16 July 2012 as cofirmed by CBR No. 02 dated 03 Aug. 2012 has accepted the lowest rates at 19.00% above MES SSR 2010 for the work of Term Contract for 2012-2013 for General Repairs to Cantonment Fund Buildings. Comparing with earlier accepted rates the lowest rates received are reasonable. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of the Engineering Section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 4. Considered and approved the lowest rate at 15.15% above MES SSR 2010 quoted by M/s Vaibhavi Associates. Work be carried out at the earliest. 4. (5) Considered and approved. REPAIRS TO MAJ. RANE PRIMARY SCHOOL IN SANGAMWADI. To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/Tender/ 2013-14 /P- 317 dated 11th Sept. 2013 for the work Repairs to Maj. Rane Primary Schoolin Sangamwadi. Same was published in Times of India and Lokmath on 13.09.2013 and 14.09.2013 respectively and web sites and on notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 03rd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:- S.No. Name of the Tenderer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M/s Renuka Construction M/s Roshan Enterprises M/s Vaibhavi Associates M/s Viral Associates M/s H.C.Lunkad Above/Below 2010 3.00% below 15.77% above 18.18% above 22.50% above 24.24% above MES SSR The lowest tenderer M/s Renuka Construction has quoted 3.00% below MES SSR 2010. The Board vide FCR No. 06 dated 16 July 2012 as confirmed by CBR No. 02 dated 03 Aug. 2012 has accepted the lowest rates at 19.00% above MES SSR 2010 for the work of Term Contract for 2012-2013 for General Repairs to Cantonment Fund Buildings. Comparing with earlier accepted rates the lowest rates received are reasonable. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of the Engineering Section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 5. Considered and approved the lowest rate @ 3% below MES SSR 2010 quoted by M/s Renuka Construction. Work be carried out at the earliest. 5. (6) Considered and approved. REPAIRS/MODIFICATIONS TO SHAMSHAN BHUMI AT GADIADDA, KIRKEE(III CALL). To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/Tender/ 2013-14 /P- 317 dated 11th Sept. 2013 for the work Repairs/modifications to Shamshan Bhumi at Gadiadda, Kirkee (III Call). Same was published in Times of India and Lokmath on 13.09.2013 and 14.09.2013 respectively and web sites and on notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 03rd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:- S.No. Name of the Tenderer PART – I Above MES SSR 2010 1 M/s H.C.Lunkad 20.20% 2. M/s Unicon 18.00% PART – II Amount quoted (Rs.) 10,11,000/17,54,000/- The lowest tenderer M/s H.C.Lunkad has quoted 20.20% above MES SSR 2010 for Part –I and Rs. 10,11,000/- for Part -II. The lowest rates received may be accepted being the third call. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of the Engineering Section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 6. Considered. Lowest rates quoted by M/s H.S. Lunkad (being a III call) over MES SSR 2010 items of 20.20% above and for Non SSR items of Rs. 10,11,000/- found reasonable and approved, considering the special item of silica bricks and guniting. Work to be carried out as it is urgently required to do the Guniting to the exposed steel reinforcement of cremation shed for safety purpose and to avoid further damages. 6. Considered and approved. 7. REPAIRS AND RENOVATION TO URINAL BLOCK NEAR PMPML BUS STAND AND NEAR GLR SY. NO. 108-B (PARKING AREA). To consider the office report regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/Tender/ 2013-14 /P- 317 dated 11th Sept. 2013 for the work Repairs and renovation to Urinal Block near PMPML bus stand and near GLR Sy. No.108-B(Parking area). Same was published in Times of India and Lokmath on 13.09.2013 and 14.09.2013 respectively and web sites and on notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 03rd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:S.No. 1. Name of the Tenderer M/s Vaibhavi Associates 2. 3. M/s Renuka Construction M/s Unicon Above MES SSR 2010 10.20% 16.00% 18.00% (without EMD) The lowest tenderer M/s Vaibhavi Associates has quoted 10.20% above MES SSR 2010. The Board vide FCR No. 06 dated 16 July 2012 as confirmed by CBR No. 02 dated 03 Aug. 2012 has accepted the lowest rates at 19.00% above MES SSR 2010 for the work of Term Contract for 2012-2013 for General Repairs to Cantonment Fund Buildings. Comparing with earlier accepted rates the lowest rates received are reasonable . In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of the Engineering Section and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 7. Considered and approved the lowest rate at 10.20% above MES SSR 2010 quoted by M/s Vaibhavi Associates. Work be started at the earliest. 7. Considered and approved. 8. STERILIZATION, IMMUNIZATION OF STRAY DOGS IN KCB AREA . Reference: CBR No.25 dated 21.07.2011 To consider the HS report 10.05.2013 and Office report dated 22.10.2013 for payment of bill of Rs.2,73,540/- for period of 01.12.2012 to 15.01.2013 to the Veterinary Doctor Dr.Satish Bhande for sterilization and immunization of dogs in Cantonment Area, Civil and Military Units in Kirkee Area. The amount of bill is beyond agreement period from 01.12.2011 to 30.11.2012. The relevant documents are placed on the table. 8. Considered and resolved that the payments be made on the certificate be obtained from Health Supd/Garden Supdt that the dogs were sterilized and immunized are within the kirkee Cantonment area. 8 Considered and approved. 9. RELEASE OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT OF M/S MODERN SURVEY CONSULTANCY FOR THE WORK OF CARRYING OUT THE SURVEY USING LATEST REQUIRED INSTRUMENTS INCLUDING TOTAL STATION AND GPS, TOOLS AND SKILLED MEN POWER ETC. To consider the letter no. MSC/KCB/02/13 dated 29 Oct. 2013 received from M/s Modern Survey Consultancy for release of the Earnest Money Deposit for the work of Carrying out the Survey using latest required instruments including Total Station and GPS, tools and skilled men power etc. M/s Modern Survey Consultancy was issued the acceptance vide this office letter no. 4/1-D/Survey/KCB/P -25 dated 04 Oct. 2011 and further reminded vide 4/1D/Survey/KCB/P-43 dated 22 Dec. 2011 for:a) different Surveying, locating and Demarcating Boundary Pillars for Civil Area/ Bazar at locations in Cantonment Area. b) Surveying, locating and Demarcating land and Roads with boundaries of individual Survey Nos. in Sangamwadi Village. But M/s Modern Survey Consultancy deposited the security deposit on 17 March 2012, but by that time the office had reported on 27 Jan 2012 for forfeiture of the EMD due to failure on the part of M/s Modern Survey Consultancy. Of the above, the work at a) has been got executed from M/s Walmikee Surveyors & Contractors Pvt. Ltd the surveying contractor for other parts of the tender. The work at b) above the work has not yet been undertaken as there was no exigency of the work. In this connection the office report along with other relevant papers are placed on the table. 9. Considered and Recommended that M/s Modern Survey consultancy may be asked to undertake the work of Surveying, locating and Demarcating land and Roads with boundaries of individual Survey Nos. in Sangamwadi Village. On completion of the Contractual formalities, his EMD be released on completion of the above contractual work. 9. Considered and approved. 10. DR APPROVAL FOR PURCHASE OF DEFIBRILLATOR FOR CASUALITY AT BABASAHEB KIRKEE. AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPTIAL, To consider the office report of the RMO of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee dt 29.10.2013 regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter No. Hosp/Monitor-Em/2013-14/P-10 dated 05.10.2013 for supply of Defibrillator. Same was also published in Times of India and Lokmath on 13.09.2013, web sites and on Notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 22nd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:- S.No. Name of the Tenderer Amount Quoted (Rs.) 1. 3. Shree Sidhivinayak Enterprises 2,23,000.00 Alliance Healthcare -Philips 3,75,000.00 The lowest tenderer M/s. Shree Siddhivinayak Enterprises has quoted Rs. 2,23,000/- accepted by the committee and seems to be reasonable. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of RMO, Dr BACGH Kirkee and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 10. Considered and approved that the lowest rates of Rs. 2,23,000/- quoted by Shree Sidhivinayak Enterprises. 10. 11. Considered and approved. APPROVAL FOR PURCHASAE OF MULTI-PARA-MONITOR FOR EMERGENCY AT DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE. To consider the office report of the RMO of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee regarding the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter No. Hosp/Monitor-Em/2013-14/P- 10 dated 05.10.2013 for supply of Multi Para Monitors. Same was also published in Times of India and Lokmath on 08.10.2013, web sites and on Notice Boards. As per the said report the tenders were received on 22nd Oct. 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs before the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:S.No. Name of the Tenderer Amount Quoted (Rs.) 1. 2. 3. 4. Shree Sidhivinayak Enterprises Manali Enterprises, Schiller India 2,49,000.00 2,36,000.00 Alliance Healthcare -Philips Nucleus systems 4,50,000.00 2,94,000.00 The lowest tenderer M/s. Manali Enterprises has quoted Rs. 2,36,000/- accepted by the committee and seems to be reasonable. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement, office report of RMO, Dr BACGH Kirkee, Sr Registrar, Military Hospital and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 11. Considered and approved that the lowest rates of Rs. 2,36,000/- quoted by Manali Enterprises, Schiller India. 11. 12. Considered and approved. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR HAEMATOLOGY ANLYSER IN LABORATORY OF DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE. To consider office note of RMO, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee regarding Annual Maintenace Contract for Haematology Anlyser in Laboratory of Dr BACGH, Kirkee as the AMC was not done in past due to excessive cost. The machine has had one major repair in Oct 2012 amounting to Rs. 32062.50/- for replacement of diluents pumps. A Proposal has been received from Swastik Biomedicals authorized distributor for Beckman Coulter of Rs.18000/- for Annual Maintenance Contract. This will include unlimited breakdown calls & 2 preventive maintenance visits. Spare parts and consumables are not covered. The cost of AMC is reasonable and after 6 years the machine required maintenance checks and calibration. The relevant documents are place on the table. 12. Considered and approved. Also it is decided to purchase a new Haemotology Analyser, because of requirement for which CEO, in consultation with RMO is authorized to incur expenditure. 12. 13. Considered and approved. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR BIOCHEMISTRY ANALYZER AT DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE As per the note of RMO dated 11.10.2013, the annual maintenance contract for Selectra Junior Biochemistry Analyzer installed in the laboratory at Dr BACGH Kirkee is to be renewed for the period 1.9.2013 to 31.8.2014. In this respect the manufacturer Merck Specialities Pvt Ltd, Mumbai has submitted a service contract. The cost of AMC is Rs 61840.00 inclusive of labour, consumables and taxes, similar to last service contract. In this regard the papers are placed before Finance Committee/Board for approval. 13. 13. 14. Considered and approved. Considered and approved. TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF OPHTHALMIC OPERATING MICROSCOPE Ref: 1. Hosp/OOM/P-50 dated 13.9.2013 A tender was done for purchase of Ophthalmic operating microscope above reference no.1. Application was received from only one vendor i.e “Precision Electronics Instruments & Components”. The reason being the parent company Carl Zeiss India (Bangalore) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai has authorized only one vendor to bid for said tender. The bid received is for Rs 12,50,000/- taxes extra, installation charges at 3% extra along with service tax @ 12.36% and includes a warranty of 3 yrs. The AMC charges shall be at 5% of cost of item inclusive of taxes after expiry of warranty for a period of 5 yrs. In this regard the matter is referred to Finance committee/Board for approval on negotiation with vendor. 14. Considered and resolved that rate be negotiated with the authorized representative/dealer of parent company. Also resolved that Board to bear the rest of cost other than what is approved and got from MLA Fund. 14. 15. Considered and approved. ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR AUTOCLAVE INSTALLED IN OPERATION THEATRE OF DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE As per note of the RMO dated 11.10.2013, the annual maintenance contract for autoclave installed in operation theatre of Dr BACGH, Kirkee is due for renewal for the period 1.11.2013 to 31.10.2014. In this regard a proposal for renewal of contract has been submitted by manufacturer Precision Electronics Instruments & Components, Mumbai. If approved the cost of AMC shall be Rs 24719/- inclusive of tax at 12.36%, same as last year. In this regard the papers are put up before Board. 15. 15. Considered and approved. Considered and approved. 16. CONSIDERATION OF REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBER. To consider the office report of the Chief Accountant regarding the Board is engaging the services of Eminent Expert (other than Board’s own members or staff) to be part of various interviews for various posts for which a fixed remuneration is to be fixed by referring the matter before the Finance Committee/ Board. 1. 2. 3. Principal Rs.1200/- per interview Asstt.Teacher Rs.1000/- -“Rest Rs.1200/- -“- The office report dated 30.07.2013 is placed on the table. 16. 16. Considered and approved. Considered and approved. 17. CASH AWARD CORRESPONDENCE. FOR ENCOURAGEMENT FOR HINDI To consider the office report of the Chief Accountant regarding cash award of Rs.500/- to those who will make maximum Hind correspondence to encourage use of Hindi in office. The office report and relevant documents are placed on the table. 17. Considered and approved. It was also decided that Rs.500/- be granted as incentive to those who will make maximum Correspondence in regional language i.e. Marathi with public and Government/departments. 17. 18. Considered and approved. PAYMENT FOR PREPARATION OF ELECTORAL ROLL 2013. To consider the office report of the Chief Accountant dated 16.11.2013 regarding payment for preparation of Electoral Roll 2013 for which the list of employees have entrusted the work preparation of Electoral Roll for the 2013 in respective wards and completed their work as has been certified by their supervisors and hence they are liable to be paid their remuneration for the work done as per State government prescribed in the Government Resolution of Maharashtra i.e. Rs.16.50 for 100 names and Rs.23.50 for 100 families to supervisors for which total financial implication involves to Rs.8307/-. The said enumerators and supervisors are claiming for revision of rates for the work done but there is no revision from the Government since form 1994 onwards. Hence it is suggested that at Rs.1000/- to enumerators and Rs.1500 to supervisors be considered. The office report along with relevant documents are placed on the table. 18. Considered and recommended that 50% enhancement on the present rates of Government Resolution be increased subject to no revision of rates by the State Government and also Every year 10% increase be considered for preparation of Electoral Roll. 18. Considered and approved. 19(a). MONTHLY STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE MONTH OF July, 2013. To consider the monthly statement of account for the month of July, 2013 as per the General Cash Book, Subsidiary Registers & vouchers placed on the table. RECONCILIATION STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2013. AMOUNT OPENING BALANCE AS ON 01-07-2013. RS. 21998267.24 78171395.00 ADD TOTAL AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS DURING JULY, 2013. RS. TOTAL RS. 100169662.24 LESS TOTAL AMOUNT OF EXPENDITURE DURING JULY,2013 RS. 41000026.00 LESS EXCESS AMT.WRONGLY WRTTEN IN CASH BOOK RS. 180.00 40999846.00 CLOSING BALANCE AS ON 31.7.2013. RS. 59169816.24 ADD DEPRICIATION FUND A/C No.480274892 235766.00 TOTAL RS. 59405582.24 ADD EXCESS REMITTANCE IN BANK RS. 61.00 LESS AMOUNT WRONGLY DEBITED IN BANK STATEMENT RS. 84+30 (BANK OF MAHARASHTRA) WRONGLY DEBITED (INDIAN BANK) RS. 559.00 GRAND TOTAL RS. 59404970.24 BANK STATEMENT 1 M/S INDIAN BANK SAVING A/C NO.480272205 RS. 6726824.53 2 M/S INDIAN BANK CURRENT A/C NO. 480286911 RS. 5135141.06 3 M/S S.B.I. SAVING A/C NO. 11182908422 RS. 29295.85 4 M/S S.B.I. SAVING CURRENT A/CA/C NO. NO. 11182908422 11182905125 RS. 8700.70 5 M/S DEPRICIATION FUND A/C NO. 480274892 RS. 235766.00 6 M/S BANK OF MAHARASHTRA A/C NO.60081836656 RS. 826946.00 7 SWEEP A/C RS. 67155000.00 TOTAL RS. 80117674.14 LESS UNCASHED AMOUNT OF CHEQUES AS 0N 31.7.2013 RS 20712703.90 GRAND TOTAL RS 59404970.24 INVESTED FUND OF CANTONMENT FUND AS ON 31.7..2013. RS. 628144612.00 FUNDS FOR AU & RC. RS. 22100000.00 PERMANENT IMPREST AS ON 31.7.2013 RS. 51500.00 DETAILS OF SHOWING THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 2013 RECEIPTS EXPENDIT URES 1.Opening Balance Rs. 21998267.24 1. Establishment Rs.28930460.00 2.Octroi Rs. 60000000.00 2. Original Works Rs. 0.00 3.Income from Taxes Rs. 2764460.00 3. Maintenance Works Rs. 246992.00 4.Income from Non Taxes Revenue 156082.00 Rs. 6449542.00 4. Medicines & Rs. Non Medical Items 115000.00 5.Income from Other Sources 393600.00 6.Maturity/Withdrawals 7. Interest on Investment 560.00 Rs. Rs. 3925893.00 5. Hospital Contingencies Rs. 0.00 6. Elect.Bills Rs. 5031500.00 7.Elect Stores Rs. Rs. 976440.00 Rs. 8. Electricial Contingencies Rs. 9. Work Shop Rs. 0.00 124738.00 10. Stores Rs. 11.Other Contingencies Rs. 12. Investment Rs. 626005.00 9429969.00 0.00 13. Closing Balance Rs.59169816.24 Grand Total Rs.100169662.24 Rs.100169662.24 Grand Total 19(b). MONTHLY STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE MONTH OF August, 2013. To consider the monthly statement of account for the month of Augustl,2013 as per the General Cash Book, Subsidiary Registers & vouchers placed on the table. RECONCILIATION STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 2013. OPENING BALANCE AS ON 01-08-2013. 59169816.24 TOTAL AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS DURING AUGUST, 2013. 71449828.00 130619644.24 TOTAL AMOUNT OF EXPENDITURE DURING AUGUST,2013 38617116.00 CLOSING BALANCE AS ON 31.8.2013. 92002528.24 DEPRICIATION FUND A/C No.480274892 235766.00 TOTAL 92238294.24 EXCESS REMITTANCE IN BANK 61.00 AMOUNT WRONGLY DEBITED IN BANK STATEMENT 84+30 (BANK OF MAHARASHTRA) WRONGLY DEBITED RS.30+30+150+1153 1363.00 GRAND TOTAL 92236878.24 BANK STATEMENT M/S INDIAN BANK SAVING A/C NO.480272205 58793043.53 M/S INDIAN BANK CURRENT A/C NO. 480286911 1296747.76 M/S S.B.I. SAVING A/C NO. 11182908422 33369.85 M/S S.B.I. SAVING CURRENT A/C A/C NO.NO. 11182908422 11182905125 8700.70 M/S DEPRICIATION FUND A/C NO. 480274892 235766.00 M/S BANK OF MAHARASHTRA A/C NO.60081836656 1075880.00 SWEEP A/C 36677164.00 TOTAL 98120671.84 UNCASHED AMOUNT OF CHEQUES AS 0N 31.8.2013 5883793.60 GRAND TOTAL 92236878.24 INVESTED FUND OF CANTONMENT FUND AS ON 31.8.2013. 636644612.00 FUNDS FOR AU & RC. 22100000.00 PERMANENT IMPREST AS ON 31.8.2013 51500.00 DETAILS OF SHOWING THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 2013 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES 1.Opening Balance Rs. 59169816.24 1. Establishment Rs.16813865.00 2.Octroi Rs. 54824794.00 2. Original Works Rs. 7900000.00 3.Income from Taxes Rs. 2128891.00 3. Maintenance Works 0.00 4.Income from Non Taxes Revenue Rs. 7307064.00 4. Medicines & 0.00 Non Medical Items 32375.00 5.Income from Other Sources Rs. 4958586.00 5. Hospital Contingencies Rs. 669948.00 6.Maturity/Withdrawals Rs. 0.00 6. Elect.Bills 947350.00 7. Interest on Investment Rs. 2230493.00 7.Elect Stores 61080 .00 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 8. Electricial Contingencies Rs. 0.00 9. Work Shop Rs. 19969.00 10. Stores Rs. 498841.00 11.Other Contingencies Rs.11673688.00 12. Investment 0.00 13. Closing Balance Rs.92002528.24 Grand Total Rs.130619644.24 Rs.130619644.24 Grand Total Rs. 19(c). MONTHLY STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE MONTH OF September, 2013. To consider the monthly statement of account for the month of September,2013 as per the General Cash Book, Subsidiary Registers & vouchers placed on the table. ADD RECONCILIATION STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2013. OPENING BALANCE AS ON 01/09/2013 TOTAL AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS DURING SEPT 13 92002528.24 23574478.24 115577006.48 LESS ADD ADD LESS LESS LESS TOTAL AMT OF EXPENDITURE SEPT 2013 CLOSING BALANCE ASAS ON ON 31.7.2013. 30/09/13 DEPRICIATION FUND A/C No.480274892 TOTAL EXCESS REMITTANCE IN BANK AMOUNT WRONGLY DEBITED IN BANK STATEMENT (BANK OF MAHARASHTRA) WRONGLY DEBITED WRONGLY CREDITED 30+30+150+1153+936 GRAND TOTAL BANK STATEMENT M/S INDIAN BANK SAVING A/C NO.480272205 M/S INDIAN BANK CURRENT A/C NO. 480286911 M/S S.B.I. SAVING A/C NO. 11182908422 M/S S.B.I. SAVING CURRENT A/CA/C NO. NO. 11182908422 11182905125 M/S DEPRICIATION FUND A/C NO. 480274892 M/S BANK OF MAHARASHTRA A/C NO.60081836656 SWEEP A/C TOTAL UNCASHED AMOUNT OF CHEQUES AS 0N 30.9.2013 GRAND TOTAL INVESTED FUND OF CANTONMENT FUND AS ON 30.09.2013 FUNDS FOR AU & RC. PERMANENT IMPREST AS ON 30.9.2013 90837015.00 24739991.48 235766.00 24975757.48 61.00 84+30 2299.00 24973405.48 3241554.53 338964.00 33442.85 8700.70 235766.00 1350871.00 26365852.00 31575151.08 6601745.60 24973405.48 696644612.00 22100000.00 51500.00 DETAILS OF SHOWING THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 2013 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES 1.Opening Balance Rs. 92002528.24 1. Establishment Rs.16782534.00 2.Octroi Rs. 0.00 2. Original Works Rs. 0.00 3.Income from Taxes Rs. 1193208.00 3. Maintenance Works 2670543.00 4.Income from Non Taxes Revenue Rs. 6483637.21 4. Medicines & 0.00 Non Medical Items 0.00 Rs. Rs. Rs. 5.Income from Other Sources 452099.00 6.Maturity/Withdrawals 801600.00 7. Interest on Investment 0 .00 Rs. 11109097.03 5. Hospital Contingencies Rs. Rs. Rs. 0.00 6. Elect.Bills Rs. 4788536.00 7.Elect Stores Rs. 8. Electricial Contingencies Rs. 0.00 9. Work Shop Rs. 19941.00 10. Stores Rs. 876536.00 11.Other Contingencies 9233762.00 12. Investment Rs.60000000.00 13. Closing Balance Rs.24739991.48 Grand Total Rs.115577006.48 Rs.115577006.48 Grand Total Rs. 19(d). MONTHLY STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE MONTH OF October, 2013. To consider the monthly statement of account for the month of October,2013 as per the General Cash Book, Subsidiary Registers & vouchers placed on the table. ADD RECONCILIATION STATEMENT FOR THE MONTH OF OCEOBER 2013. OPENING BALANCE AS ON 01/10/2013 TOTAL AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS DURING OCTOBER 13 24739991.48 46374384.00 71114375.48 49406775.00 21707600.48 235766.00 21943366.48 61.00 LESS TOTAL AMT OF EXPENDITURE OCTOBER 2013 ADD CLOSING BALANCE AS ON 31.10.2013. DEPRICIATION FUND A/C No.480274892 AS ON 30/10/13 TOTAL ADD EXCESS REMITTANCE IN BANK AMOUNT WRONGLY DEBITED IN BANK STATEMENT (BANK OF MAHARASHTRA) LESS WRONGLY DEBITED LESS WRONGLY CREDITED 30+30+150+1153+2129 GRAND TOTAL M/S INDIAN BANK SAVING A/C NO.480272205 M/S INDIAN BANK CURRENT A/C NO. 480286911 M/S S.B.I. SAVING A/C NO. 11182908422 M/S S.B.I. SAVING A/C NO. 11182908422 M/S DEPRICIATION FUND A/C NO. 480274892 M/S BANK OF MAHARASHTRA A/C NO.60081836656 SWEEP A/C TOTAL LESS UNCASHED AMOUNT OF CHEQUES AS 0N 31.10.2013 GRAND TOTAL INVESTED FUND OF CANTONMENT FUND AS ON 31.10.2013 FUNDS FOR AU & RC. PERMANENT IMPREST AS ON 31.10.2013 84+30 3492.00 21939821.48 4249488.53 286060.70 33515.85 8700.70 235766.00 1456623.00 30293319.00 36563473.78 14623652.3 21939821.48 636644612.00 22100000.00 51500.00 DETAILS OF SHOWING THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2013 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES 1.Opening Balance Rs. 24739991.48 1. Establishment Rs.27515775.00 2.Octroi Rs. 0.00 2. Original Works Rs. 810579.00 3.Income from Taxes Rs. 518171.00 3. Maintenance Works 3560554.00 4.Income from Non Taxes Revenue Rs. 7804291.00 4. Medicines & 736615.00 Non Medical Items 272546.00 5.Income from Other Sources Rs. 4195077.00 5. Hospital Contingencies Rs. 508453.00 6.Maturity/Withdrawals Rs. 0.00 6. Elect.Bills 1307120.00 7. Interest on Investment Rs. 3856845.00 7.Elect Stores 0 .00 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 8. Electricial Contingencies Rs. 0.00 9. Work Shop Rs. 19958.00 10. Stores Rs. 581386.00 11.Other Contingencies Rs.14093789.00 12. Investment Rs. 0.00 13. Closing Balance Rs.21707600.48 Grand Total Rs.71114375.48 19(a), (b) & (c) & d. 19 a,b,c,d. Rs.71114375.48 Grand Total Considered and approved. Considered and approved With the permission of the Chair, the following items were taken for consideration. 20.DEVELOPMENT WORKS UNDER LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OUT OF THE FUNDS RECEIVED FROM MP, MLC & MLA. To consider the letters received from Chairman, DPC proposing the following works to be carried out from the funds allotted by MP, MLC & MLA. Sno. Name of Work 1 Construction of multipurpose Community Hall, Ward No.3, Surti Mohalla Class IV quarters(MP fund) 2 Construction of Toilet Block for ladies and Gents and development works, Ward No.3, Surti Mohalla Class IV quarters (MLC fund) 3 4 5 Beautification of around Shivaji statue, Ward No. 3 Construction of Library, Ward No.2 Construction of Community Hall, Ward No. 2 Details of letter No.13-14/964/13 dated 4/06/2013 Received from MP No. Nil Dated 25/09/2013 Received from MLC No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA Estimate Amount Rs.10,00,000/- Rs.7,00,000/- Rs. 3,00,000/- Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs. 10,00,000/- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 16 17 Construction of Community Hall, at postal colony Ward No. 4 Laying of Water Line, Ward No.4 Beautification near River side, Ward No. 1 Beautification of Footpath on M.G.Road,Ward No. 4 Fixing of Paving block in Kirkee Cantonment area and areas falling under Shivaji Nagar Legislative assembly Laying of Drainage line, Paving Blocks Concreting at different location Ward No.1 Construction of Vyaam shala for Nav Niketan Vyaam Shala Patarkar Chawl, Ward No. 1 Construction of Security Compound wall to Christian Cemetery nr. Holkar Bridge, Ward No.4 Construction of Samaj Mandir of Dalit Vasti on Sy No.94-A, Ward No.VII, Kirkee Provision of Cement Concrete in Darga Vasahat and Gawaliwada Vasahat, Ward No.VII, Kirkee Construction of balance work of Community Hall, Mitra Sagar Mandal, Ward No.II, Kirkee Construction of Samaj Mandir for Backward community on the open plot near Laxami Mata Mandir Ward No. 01 No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA No.13-14/1742 dated 9/09/2013 Received from MLA No.2371/2013 Date 30/11/2013 Received from MP No.2371/2013 Date 30/11/2013 No.2371/2013 Date 30/11/2013 Received from MP 1102/2013 dated 25.06.2013 Out of MLA Fund 2148/2013 dated 28.10.2013. Out of MP Fund 2082/13-14 dt 22.10.2013. Out of MLA Fund 685/213 dt. 30/4/2013. Out of MLA Fund. Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs. 2,00,000/- Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs. 10,00,000/- Rs.5,00,000/- Rs. 10,00,000/- Rs. 10,00,000/- Rs. 10,00,000/Rs.10,00,000/- Rs.10,00,000/- Rs. 5,00,000/- Rs. 10.00000/- It is required to forward the Plans and Estimates to Chairman MLA for allotment of funds. The Item is place before Finance Committee for consideration of the letter referred above and to approve further course of action in this regards. 20. Considered and approved. 20 Considered and approved. 21. Provision of Gymnasium Equipments to the Navniketan Tarun Mandal(Trust) Ward No.01 To consider the letter dt.7-8-2013 received from Shri. Suresh L. Kamble, Chairman, FC to provide Gymnasium Equipments for Navniketan Tarun mandal in Patharkar Chawl, Ward No.01. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Lat Pull Down Seated Bench Seated rowing Leg Press Leg Extension Cross Over Pulley The total financial imp lication of the above equipments will be Rs.2, 02, 720/- (Rates approved vide C.B.R. No. 15 dt. 20-3-2013) The relevant documents have been placed on the table alongwith this report. 21. 21. 22. Considered and approved. Considered and approved. ENHANCEMENT OF RETENTION FEES TO THE CANTONMENT LEGAL ADVISOR. To consider the office report of the Chief Accountant dated 27.11.2013 regarding enhancement of retentions fees to the Cantonment Legal Advisor as the Cantonment Legal Advisor is being a Retention fees of Rs. 5000/- per month as sanctioned by PD, DE., SC, Pune vide letter No. 8117/XVIII/DE dated 19.09.2003 as well as the PDDE, SC, Pune vide letter No.8117/B/XXI/DE dated 10.04.2013 has also sanctioned Professional FEE to CLA of Rs. 2000/- per case(if case is decided in favour of Cantonment Board, Kirkee) and Rs.1000(if case is decided against). Accordingly, CLA is being paid Professional Fee and Retainer Fee. Now Cantonment Legal Advisor has requested to enhancement of Retention fees from Rs.5000/- to Rs. 10000/- and the professional fees from Rs.2000/- to Rs.4000/-. Since there is no enhancement of retention fee and hence it is desirable to enhance the same from Rs.5000/- to Rs.8000/- per month and also there is no any Professional Fees and it is essential to increase the same from Rs. 2000/- to Rs.4000/- and Rs.1000/- to Rs.2000/- The office report along with relevant documents are placed on the table. 22. Considered and approved. 22. Considered and approved. 23. CONSTRUTION / EXTENSION OF I ST FLOOR OF AT INDIRA KALYAN KENDRA, SY27/2, WARD NO -2 ,KIRKEE ( Rs. 5.00 lac)( MLA Fund work) To consider the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement in Lokmat & Times of India on 13 sept 2013 vide this office letter AE/ Tender/ 2013-14/ P- 317 dated 11 th sept 2013 for the work of Construction / extension of I st floor of at indira kalyan kendr, suy27/2, ward no -2 ,Kirkee 2013-14 ( MLA Fund) The four tenders were received on 3rd oct 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs by the Chief Executive Officer in the presence of the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:SR.N O. NAME OF THE TENDERER 1 M/S Viral Associates LOWEST RATE IN MES SSR 2010 QUOTED 40.00 % above 2 M/s Vijay Construction 35.10 % above 3 M/s H.C.Lunkad 20.20 % above 4 M/s Roshan Enterprises 13.76 % Above Compared with rates accepted by the Board in 2012 for Term contract Bldg the lowest tenderer 19% above MES SSR 2010 . Now M/s. M/s Roshan Enterprises is quoted 13.76 % above MES SSR 2010 is reasonable as per market rate. In this connection the above said tender along with the compara tive statement and other relevant papers are placed on the table. 23. 23. Considered and approved. Considered and approved. 24) DRILLING OF BOREWLLS IN KIRKEE CANTT ALL WARDS,2013-14 ( MLA Fund) To consider the tenders received in response to the tender advertisement vide this office letter AE/ Tender/ 2013-14/ P- 317 dated 11th sept 2013 for the work of drilling of Borewlls in kirkee cantt all wards,2013-14 ( MLA Fund) The tenders were received on 3rd oct 2013 up to 1600 hrs and opened on the same day at 1630 hrs by the Chief Executive Officer in the presence of the Finance Committee and the tenderers who were present. The details of the rates received vide above said tenders are as detailed below:SR.N O. NAME OF THE TENDERER LOWEST AMOUNT RATE QUOTED 1 M/s Rajas Enterprises 2 M/s Chirantan BLANK Rs 10,11,355/- 3 M/s Santaji R. Kadam Rs. 10,35,780/- 4 M/s Vihan Corporation Rs. 10,46,765/- Compared with rates accepted by the Board in January 2010 for similar items and similar as per schedule of the tender, The lowest rates received now from M/s Chirantan are 0.49 % below on market rate & 27 % above on January 2010 year tender rate. In this connection the above said tender along with the comparative statement and other relevant papers are placed on the table 24. Considered and approved. With the permission of the Chair, the following item was taken up for consideration : 24. Considered and approved. SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA 25 NAMING OF CANTONMENT BOARD’S DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL CAULITY/EMERGENCY WARD IN THE MEMORY OF LATE SHRI SHARADRAO CHASKAR To consider the proposal of Shri Suresh L. Kamble, Chairman Finance Committee regarding naming of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Cantonment General Hospital Casualty/Emergency ward in the memory of Late Sharadrao Chaskar in the larger interest of general public of Kirkee. 25 25. Considered and approved. Considered and approved. 26 ESTIMATES To consider and recommend estimates for the following works:1. Moorum filling and leveling in Gadiadda Ground in Ward No. I, Kirkee. 2. Repairs to footpath leading to Patharkar Chawl, Ward No. I, Kirkee. 3. Provision of Underground drainage for Laxmi Colony, Ward No. I, Kirkee. Rs. 7,50,000/Rs. 1,15,000/Rs. 5,21,000/- Of the above estimates the works at S.No. 1 & 3 separate tenders will have to be invited and as regards the work at S.No. 2 the same can be undertaken in the Annual Term Contract for 2013-14 for footpaths. In this connection the estimates along with relevant papers are placed on the table for further consideration. 26 26. 27 Considered and approved. Considered and approved. SUB:- REDESIGNATION OF POST Ref:- Letter from Shri Salim Shaikh with the recommendation of Registrar of DR.BACGHK,dated 22/10/13 To consider the Office report dated 11/12/13 along with a copy of letter from Shri Salim Shaikh with the recommendation of Registrar of Dr.BACGHK for change of designation ‘Watchman’ to ‘Medical Store Attendant’ as in respect of Shri Salim Shaikh.Since the both the post carries a pay scale of Rs. 444-7440 with Grade Pay 1300/-.The post of ‘Medical Store Attendant’ is equated with Direcotorate of Health Services as per Maharashtra Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules 2009 (Public Health Department).Subject to approval from the competent authority. Relevant papers are placed on the table. 27 27. Considered and proposal for redesignation may be sent to PDDE for sanction. Considered and approved. MINUTES OF HEALTH COMMITTEE 01. MONTHLY REPORT OF DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2013 TO OCTOBER,2013. To note and consider the Monthly Report for the months of July, 2013 to October, 2013 received from Dr.Babasaheb Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee. The monthly reports are on the number of patients, (old and new) treated through OPD and Indoor as also in various departments in the Hospital for the above periods. In this connection, the Monthly Reports are placed on the table along with all relevant documents. 1. Noted. For giving publicity about JananiSurakshaYojana, Committee asked RMO to distribute pamphlets among patients and residents of Kirkee by 15/12/2013. Committee also recommended to contact Public Sector Banks in connection with opening of Bank Accounts with zero balance facility for patients wanting to avail the benefit of JananiSurakshaYojana.for which Chief Accountant shall be responsible to get it done by 31/12/2013. Smt.Sangeeta Gawli, Member, suggested that Board could think of giving some remuneration to those lady patients who go for Family Planning Operation after second female baby which would result in more and more patients willing to go for family planning and encouragement to girl child. Committee appreciated the suggestion and recommended that Rs.11000/- be paid to such patients on 10 National days. Committee desired to know the status of allocation of funds by the State Govt under NUHM for upgradation of Sangamwadi Dispensary. RMO informed the Committee that funds have not been allocated to any of the Hospitals till date. Committee directed RMO to make correspondence with personal liaison with them for early release of funds and intimate position before Board. Committee also recommended to engage doctors on contract for running Kishori Clinic. Committee suggested that report of the progress on Kishori Clin ic should be put up before the Committee every month. Committee also suggested that shortage of AMOs and specialist doctors such as Paediatrician & Gynaecologist should be filled up on contract basis immediately and every month a particular day/days be fixed by RMO in consult with SEMO/CEO for walk in interviews. The issue of constructing a Mortuary in Cantonment General Hospital was also discussed. Committee directed the CEE to inspect the Mortuary of MH Hospital and collect details from them and prepare an estimate suitable for our Hospital and put up before the next Board. 2. Considered and approved with the following modifications. Item No. 1. Discussed at length. Board resolved that since the services of Gynecologist are required 24x7, Two be on contract on immediate basis which will reduce the cases sent to other Hospitals due to non availability of Gynecologist & provide better and effective services. Budget provision catered for in budget head F(1)b in 2013-2014( R) President Cantonment Board enquired about the functioning of Kishori Clinic. He stressed that the weaker girl students should be provided with supplements and regular medical checkup should be conducted. He also instructed that counseling session should be done along with the parents, especially alongwith mother of the girl child, to get better result. Monthly progress report be put up before Health Committee and Board. Board also raised the issue of opening Mortuary in Cantonment General Hospital and directed CEE to identify proper place for it in consultation with the RMO, prepare Estimates and submit the same in next Board meeting. 02. SANITATION REPORT OF CANTONMENT BOARD, KIRKEE FOR THE MONTHS. To note the Sanitation reports of the months from July, 13 to September 13 given by the Assistant Health Officer, Kirkee after inspection of the Cantonment area which is placed on the table. While observing that the overall health, hygiene and Sanitation of the Cantonment is satisfactory, some recommendations have been made with respect to registration of shop/renewal of licences, unhygienic eateries, broken cemented garbage bins, Heena Dairy, fly nuisance, Cantonment Butchery, public latrines (Depot lines, Gawaliwada), lifting of garbage, notification for Food Inspectors etc. In this regard, Sanitation Dairy along with report of HS/GS is placed on the table. 2. Noted. Committee desired to know as to how many trade licenses have been issued till date.SI ShriS.Patki informed the Committee that 249 trade licenses are ready to be issued. Committee directed the Health Branch to issue them by 15/12/2013 and to conduct a survey as to how many trades are being run within the limits of Kirkee Cantonment and put up the detailed list within seven days to the CEO so that procedure of issuing trade licenses are complete by 31 Dec 2013. 2. Considered and approved with the following modifications Item No. 2. The matter was discussed in detail and Board resolved that notices be issued and fine be imposed on those shopkeepers who have not yet applied for Trade License. Board also directed the Health Superintendent to issue trade licenses to those who have completed all the formalities within a week’s time and submit report in next HC/Board. 3. APPOINTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGIST Ref: 1. HCR No. 4 dt 13.8.13 CBR No.01 dt 6.9.13 2. Hosp/Gen/Corres/1/P- 90 dated 23.9.2013 3. CBR No.45(b) dated 02.11.2013 The starting of a clinic to address the psychological/mental health of adolescent gir ls/School Children/Staff/families, Teachers was felt and confirmed vide above references HCR & CBR. In this respect the proceedings and selection of candidate for Honorary services are placed before the Committee/Board for its approval (ref no.2). The selected candidate shall be paid an honorarium of Rs 1000/- per visit. The relevant documents are placed on the table. 3. Considered and recommended to be approved. 3. Considered and approved. 4. SUB : REVISION OF HOSPITAL CHARGES. Reference: No.1. CBR No.11 dated 31.12.2003 No. 2.CBR No.07 dated 02.11.2013. To consider the Office report of the RMO, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee to revise the hospital rates which has already seen discussed in detail in the Board meeting held on 02.11.2013 and resolved that the same be referred in Health committee to approve the hospital rates for which the list has been appended below. SR NO. 1 2 3 SR NO. 4 5 DESCRIPTION O.P.D New paper Old paper ARV paper DESCRIPTION Ante Natal checkup Medical Fitness PRESENT CHR PROPOSED Cantt Out 10 30 10 30 40 150 Cantt 5/5/20/- Out 20/20/100/- Cantt Out Cantt Out 5/50/- 20/100/- 10 100 30 200 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Dressings (O.T.) EMERGENCY For Case paper BED CHARGES General Ward Semi Private Full Private OPERATIONS OPD procedure Plaster OBSTRETICS Normal Delivery 1st and 2nd para 3rd para 4th para More than 4th para LSCS Forceps X.RAY Size 14 x 17 " 12 x 15 " 10 x 12 " 08 x 10 " 6"2 x 8"2 " Dental I.V.P Ba Meal HSG U.S.G E.C.G PHYSIOTHERAPHY Per visit (for any type of treatment 5/- 10/- 10 30 10/- 40/- 20 60 20/30/50/- 50/75/150/- 40 60 100 120 180 300 30/30/- 200/200/- 75 75 225 225 75/- 200/- 300/500/1500/300/75/- 500/750/2000/1000/200/- 90 90 400 400 400 500 200 270 270 1200 1200 1200 1500 600 50/40/25/20/20/15/250/100/100/75/15/- 75/60/40/40/40/30/350/150/150/150/40/- 60 60 40 40 40 20 300 150 500 150 50 120 120 120 120 120 40 600 300 1000 300 100 10/- 30/- 30 60 10/Free 5/5/5/5/10/15/10/- 10/Free 5/5/5/5/10/15/10/- 40 10 30 30 20 20 30 30 20 80 20 60 60 40 40 60 60 40 LABORATORY 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Haemogram Haemoglobin PBS PCV BT, CT ESR Platelet Count Blood Group Stool 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 5/Free 30/15/20/25/35/30/5/15/15/15/15/20/15/20/20/25/25/20/50/40/30/10/Free Stool for Occult Blood Urine complete Pregnancy Semen Analysis VDRL R.A. Factor A.S.O Au. Antigen a) Blood Sugar (each) b) Blood Sugar (F+PP) Blood Urea Se. Creatinine Se. Cholesterol Se. Protein Se. Bilirubun SGPT SGOT Se,. Alk.Phosphatase Widal Uric Acid GTT Liver Function Test. CSF / other fluids Gram's stain Sputum AFB 5/Free 30/15/20/25/35/30/5/15/15/15/15/20/15/20/20/25/25/20/50/40/30/10/Free 20 20 40 50 30 30 30 30 30 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 100 100 90 20 Free 40 40 80 100 60 60 60 60 60 120 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 200 200 180 40 Free The office report along with relevant documents are placed on the table. 4. Considered and recommended to be approved with the following modifications : S.No. Description Present Charge Proposed Charge OBSTRETICS 17. Normal Delivery 1st 18. 2nd para 75/- 200/- 90 (free if female) Free if female) 100 300 (Free if Female) X-RAY 32 HSG 100/- 150/- 200/- 600/- 34 E.C.G 15/- 40/- 30/- 70/- LABORATORY 36 Haemoglobin 10/- 10/- 20/- 60/- 38 PBS 5/- 5/- 20/- 60/- 39 PCV 5/- 5/- 20/- 60/- 42 Platelet Count 10/- 10/- 20/- 60/- 53 a) Blood Sugar (each) 5/- 5/- 20/- 60/- 54 b ) Blood Sugar (F+PP) 15/- 15/- 40/- 140/- 65 GTT 50/- 50/- 70/- 140/- 66 Liver Function Test 40/- 40/- 70/- 200/- 67 CSF/other fluids 30/- 30/- 60/- 120/- 4. Considered and approved. With the permission of the Chair, the following item was taken up for consideration : . SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA 5. PURCHASE OF FURNITURE ITEMS FOR EMERGENCY/CASUALTY OF DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR CANTONMENT GENERAL HOSPITAL, KIRKEE. To consider the office report of the RMO of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Cantonment General Hospital, Kirkee dated 02.12.2013 regarding purchase of furniture for Emergency/Casualty ward and the rates called from Factory of Sanjivani Hospital Furniture, Kondhwa and the list has mentioned in office note. The office report with relevant documents are placed on the table. 5. 5. Considered and recommended to be approved. Considered and approved. SCHOOL COMMITTEE 01. CHANGE IN SCHOOL TIMING OF LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI HIGH SCHOOL, KIRKEE. (a) To consider the Head Mistress, Lal Bahadur Shastri High School, Kirkee report for change in School Timing alongwith Teachers applicatiojn dated 05.10.2013. The relevant documents are placed on the table. 01. (a) Considered the matter in detail. HM, LBSH informed the Committee that the present school timing is suitable for the children and parents. Committee recommended that the existing school timing to continue. HM also intimated of the security arrangements of presence of outsiders in school compound during school timings. More so there being number of girls students. Committee recommended that a) HMs can engage security staff as per Minimum Wages Act . b) Any activity other than schools be rescheduled or relocated especially Gymnasium etc. c) For security staff their bill to be cleared after the report of HMs. Committee recommended that the Gymnasium being run in the premises of the school should run only after school hours. Further it is recommended that present Imprest amount of Rs.1500/- sanctioned to all HM’s of Primary Schools be enhanced to Rs 3000/-. 1)a Considered and approved with following modifications : Item No. 1a As per the recommendations of School Committee regarding HMs to engage security staff, HM Dr. ZHUHS informed that one person has been engaged in day time as security guard. Board is of the opinion that proper security arrangements should be provided, especially taking into consideration girl’s security. Lady Member Mrs. Sangita Gawali spoke of one staff coming to school in drunken state. PCB directed urgent action on the same & HMs were strictly advised not to tolerate indiscipline in schools and take action thereon. Further President pointed out the traffic nuisance near the schools because of parking of school Busses, Autos & vehicles and instructed that meeting be called of all schools in Cantonment area to resolve the issue. (b). CHANGE OF SCHOOL TIMINGS. Reference: Letter from Headmaster, Dr Zakir Hussain Urdu High School and Headmaster Moledina Urdu High School, Kirkee. To consider the request made by the HM’s of Dr Zakir Hussain Urdu High School and HM Moledina Urdu Pr y School to Change the school timing as under due to shortage of class rooms. Proposed Timings Sr No. 1 Name of the School Existing Timings DR ZHUHS 2 MUPS 07.40 AM TO 1.10 7.15 AM TO 12.25 PM PM 11.00 AM TO 4.30 12.30 PM TO PM 05.30PM The relevant papers are placed on the table. 1(b) Considered and recommended to be approved. Committee directed both the HMs to implement the timings within a week. 1(b) Considered and approved 2 . CONSIDERATION OF CONTACTUAL PAYMENT OF HOCKEY/KARATE COACH. To consider the office report dated 10/07/2013 for releasing the contractual payment of Karate/Hockey Coach for the month of June and July, 2013 by engaging their service temporary by the HM LBSH. Financial implication is Rs. 29,334/- from 17th June, 2013 to 31st July, 2013. The office report of the Chief Accountant along with recommendation from the Head Masters is placed on the table. 2. Considered and recommended that payments for the months of June and July 2013 be paid to the Karate & Hockey Coaches. 2 Considered and approved 03. DONATION OF COMPUTER BY SHRI SURESH KALMADI THROUGH MP FUND. Reference: Office Note dated 22.10.2013. To consider the HM’s of Dr ZHUHS report dated 27.08.2013 for donation of two computers by the Hon’ble MP Shri Suresh Kalmadi to their school. The relevant documents are placed on the table. 3. Considered and recommended to be approved. 3 Considered and approved 04. VOCATIONAL/PROFESSIONAL COURSES (MODULAR EMPLOYABLE SKILL FOR THE STUDENTS OF KIRKEE CANTONMENT BOARD SCHOOLS. Reference E.S & C.C No. 07 dated 13 Aug. 2013 as modified by CBR No. 02 dated 06 Sept. 2013 resolving to tie up with ITI for vocational courses after seeking willingness from students, especially std. X onwards on payment. Accordingly, a batch of 20 girl students of the Cantonment Board’s Schools has been enrolled with ITI (Ladies), Aundh for Basic Tailoring under Modular Employable Skill Training. It has been informed to the Institute that since the girls are from Std. X and they would be appearing for their SSC exams in Feb. – March 2014 it would be appreciated that their course is completed by Dec. 2013 and their exams for the course are taken after completion of their SSC exams. Keeping this in view, the Institute has started the classes from 19th Nov. 2013 and would be till end of Dec. 2013. For transportation of the girl students from the Cantonment Board Schools to ITI, Aundh, the Cantonment Board’s second Ambulance is being used in the interest of the students and being economical. Its requested that till more economical and permanent transport arranged, this arrangement be continued. In this connection the office report along with other relevant papers are placed on the table. 4. Considered. HMs of all three High Schools informed the Committee that there is good response from the students. As regards to arrangement for permanent transportation of students from Cantonment Board schools to ITI, Committee suggested to contact the private school bus owners and check the feasibility of engaging a private mini bus/tempo till then existing arrangement of Ambulance be continued. Shri P.A.Inamdar, HM, Dr.ZakirHussain Urdu High School has been engaged as teacher incharge who will monitor and liaise with ITI and office time to time and will see that all the courses are started as scheduled. He will submit his report every month. Committee also suggested lady members to personally visit the centre and check for themselves how the training is being imparted by them. 4. Considered and approved 05 PROVIDING COMPUTER EDUCATION TO STUDENTS OF KIRKEE CANTONMENT SCHOOLS. To consider the tenders received for “Providing Computer Education to students of Kirkee Cantonment Schools”. This office has invited tenders for providing computer education (i.e. Course on Computer Concepts – ‘CCC’) to students of Kirkee Cantonment Schools, from the authorized agencies of National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT), Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi (formerly DOEACC), by publishing advertisement in daily news papers Times of India (Pune & Mumbai) & Lokmat (Marathi edition) on 11/09/2013 also published on websites & on notice boards of KCB. In response to this advertisement 06 tenderers have approached for blank tender form and on payment of Rs.500/- each, for better competition all 06 agencies have given blank tender documents. The last date of submission of tender was 30 Sept.2013 upto 1600 hours. The Tender Box was kept in the Kirkee Cantonment Board’s office premises; out of 06 tenderers 05 have submitted their respective tender documents in the tender box and one M/s. Centre for Advance Techonologies, Pune (i.e. M/s. CAT, Pune), was came late (around 1605 hours) and unable to drop their tender in the tender box. The same was kept aside by marking LATE on it by the Tender Opening committee including Vice-president of Kirkee Cantonment Board. The details found in the tender box are as under: 1. 2. 3. lowest 4. Number of Tenders Found in Tender Box: 05 Nos. Out of 05 tenderers one M/s.CANMAS, Pune, had submitted BLANK TENDER document. As per comparative statement attached herewith M/s.Creative Computers, Pune, is tenderrer. They have tendered their rates for each school Rs.1,200/- per student. The comparative statement of the 05 tenderer is as follows: School Name & No. M/s. Creative M/s. of students in each Computers, MESCO school Thane -STDC, M/s. AISECT EDUCATI M/s. Proteck Comput M/s. CANMAS, Pune (Rs. student) Lalbahadur Shastri 1200 High School (506) Lokmanya Tilak High 1200 School (696) Dr. Zakir Hussain 1200 Urdu School (299) per Pune ON (Rs. per CENTRE, student) NASIK (Rs. per student) er (Rs. per student) Institute, Pune (Rs. per student) 1800 1899 2110 1800 1899 2110 1800 1899 2110 BLANK TENDER 5. In the tender document itself, this office had requested to tenderer to submit a bifurcation of their tendered rate, as some sort of justification. M/s. Creative Computers, Thane, had submitted their bifurcation per student on their letter head as follows: a) Tuition Fees: Rs.700/b) Cost of Book/Study Materials: Rs.140/c) Examination & Certification Cost/Fees: Rs.360/i.e. Total Cost per student: Rs.1200/- In the above bifurcation cost of examination & certification contains Registration Charges of NIELIT, New Delhi, the cost of tuition fees includes the service tax @12.36% on the total amount per student basis, which comes around Rs.132/-. The cost of CCC course in the market is in the range of Rs.3,000/- to Rs.4,000/- per student. Therefore compared to this cost the rates which office have received is reasonable i.e. Rs.1200/-. As per present students strength mentioned in the table there are 1501 students from Std. VIII to Std. X, therefore the total financial implication will be Rs. 18,01,200/-. This office has already made provision in the revised budget 2013-14 in G(1)b head of an amount Rs.16,00,000/-, which will fall short by a sum of Rs.2,01,200/-. In this connection office report and relevant documents are placed on the table. 5. Considered and recommended to be approved in principle. The course will cover the school syllabus as well as professional course. Committee directed the HMs of all three High Schools to inform the students and their parents about the benefit of this course and to get willingness from them as the course can only start if there is 50% willingness. Committee also recommended that the students be categorized into two category, viz General & BPL and Board may decide on giving some concession subsidy to the BPL students which would be borne by Board. Report of HMs should come by 18/12/2013. 5 06 Considered and approved SCHOOL MANAGING COMMITTEE To consider the office report of the School Clerk regarding School Management Committee received from High Schools and Pry Schools. The relevant documents are placed on the table. 6. Considered and recommended to be approved. 6 Considered and approved 07. MID-DAY MEAL FOR THE BOARD’S SCHOOLS. Ref: (1) CBR No.12 dated 03.08.2013 (2) This office letter No.15/2-A/Nutritious Food/P-161 dated 12.09.2013. To consider Inspection Report submitted by Committee of AHO, Kirkee Chairman, Education Committee and Sanitary Inspector Shri S R Patki vide his letter No.HYG/07/2013 dt 16.11.2013 for inspection of contractors/SHG’s to provide Mid Day Meal to Schools in Kirkee Cantonment. Earlier contract given to M/s Samruddhi Mahila Swayamrojgar Pratisthan, Pimple Gurav Gavthan, Pune -61 for a period of one year up-to April, 2013 and extended for further period with P.C.B’s approval, till new contract is finalized. The office report of the Chief Accountant along-with relevant papers and report of Committee are placed on the table. 7. Considered. Committee will taste the sample cooked food of all the four reco mmended Self Help Groups and put up their report to the Board. 7 Considered and approved with following modifications : Considered and approved the Self Help Group Morya Gosavi Bachat Gat as per recommendations of Committee constituted. President suggested that food samples be also sent to Lab for finding its nutritional value before agreement is finalized and executed. 08. REVISON OF RATE FOR USE OF SCHOOL GROUND FOR MARRIAGE PURPOSE. Ref: CBR No.03 dated 01.03.2001. To consider Office report dated 19th November , 2013 for permission to use of School ground for marriages/Religious purpose as decided by the Board vide CBR referred above and on the following rates and charges for which no revise has been made from 2001 onwards. Sr No. 01 02. 03. Description Ground Rent Security Deposit Consy Charges 04. Service Tax – 12.36% Existing rates Rs.4000/- Per day Rs. 2000/Rs. 150/- Per day Revised rates Rs.7000/- Per day Rs.4000/Rs.500/- Per day No change. The office report of the Chief Accountant along-with relevant papers and report of Committee are placed on the table. 8. Considered and recommended to be approved. Cleanliness should be ensured and minimum a fine of Rs.2000/- be imposed wherever required. Only school open ground be given that too only during designated vacation period. 8 Considered and approved
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