F. Rainbow. !( AN INTERESTING COMPARISON. The rainfall registered post office the during for 1913, the months follows:— years is specified, 1912 1913 January February 0.00 0.00 0.74 1.28 March 0.17 0.11 1.29 . April iVluy - Juue Julv August - September - October November A. Rainbow Reasonable Estimates given. Paints and Papers Oils, always lo ADDRESS—Next Kaiubow Argus' 0.02 1.G7 0.59 1.34 0.(32 2.6<> .52 3.04 AVhite) Beautifying V. BUTLAND ' Iron application. on .32 MANCELL F. Carrier Dimboola. ntote Agent," The between Reward. for above reward will be paid information lead to that will the ruhbiih conviction of persons in placing other guv place than the rubbish depot fit Kaiubow, after thfs date. rpiIE -iL All IVALTON, If. Shire l/S/13. in and goods left every attention. iu the taken,"as able ve care O.K.' and Co.. Agents, his charge All reason I ^ ROCKFtfCED and Bawling Galvanised gPlStg^gi 11 Steel suitable for Picture Specially and Seaside Residences, Front Show Offices, Stands, &c. ——j— *£v=*3i?r ^ Weather, by fixed The ®I any wind and white .tradesman. sheets small are and light thus space, making a to Country Shops, Can residing. be can big Federal £45. acres, £25. 5 £35. full 243 of Wunderlich COLLINS handy very Seated and Hooded Single Terms Easy a Melal Chaff Ceilings, MELBOURNE ST., any qu.intitico. & G-ardeii Shearer Oft Stripper, Agent Mr. for Flour, : '• Seeds., and Slirubs f* ^ W. C. Thomas'celebrated and Brail Pollard. comb, £40 Power Winnower, the on at from be can and farm new, 10s. 5in. tyres. elsewhere. l-3rd payable £40, 3, £37 4 balance cash, Butchers, Refrigerating* | 2 | 11-15. and arranged. Meat Purveyors Mutton and Preserved Ppimest Beef, LIMITED, Manufacturers G2ST.J Fioin. Pollard and Pork. to particulars WUNDERLiCH E2s-^£g§§^Mi gjemo. for c: Oats, Bran Saloon, charges. Write rely £25. Harvester, Waggons, Houses, and second-hand. new Buggies, comb, ft be in packed in transport saving Harvester, second-hand. 2, Fobtable Theatres, Facings ant Co. Stripper, Waggons, flNb SHEETING ME1HL 400 may past. Shearer SMI TmW PI Iffl JVV lilW4^feLIUlBRtCK dene Harvester, business customers quality Forwarding parcels recei will Secretary. Bros and carters general By order, Broadbent commenced Chaff, Horse Next Walliss' Hotel Federal Rainbow. Street, AGENCY— Messrs. and Cattle Medicines Veterinary Instruments Eureka hitherto subsisting and F. Mancell, and has Mancell, in future the busi on by F. Mancell. partnership P. McLeod as McLeod trading been dissolved, and ness will be carried best securing Addrss: RAINBOW. £5 HAVING above, In Solicited, A. Y. and Forwarding' Stor Federal &c Tobacconist, Trial A 2.37 11.46 Corn of Taverner=streets removed to Eureka Hotel where will find building?, you "verything up-to'date. Four Hands Going, ill Tobacconist's in stock sundries Compo. (Snow and For Cooling Roofs and Buildings. Full particulars Corner Ilns Otfice. King's & Hay OF REMOVAL. Hairdresser, charges. stock. in " General of NOTICE Decorator Street, as 1.32 .08 2.03 10.:i7 Shire- Paperhanger, and 0.61 1.07 - and Signwriter Federal Rainbow -1912 and at RAINBOW Dav^P|cj J. Painter - at ! Rainfall sale on and £3 15s £2 ton. per Oats Crushed 2s 3d SMALL bushel. per GOODS „ Price Highest for given FAT and Strauss, selected CAREFULLY conditions ensures SEASON'S NEW TO HAND. NOVELTIES SHOWING work by day and good also Hides, Skirw and refrigerated clear good health, sleep by night. ; meat brains, under kept hygiene nerves, steady good ' NOW GOODS STOCK, Tallow. • SPECIAL Bummer Embroderies, Fabrics, IN Prints Zephyrs, and Muslins.*• ; -hand •--Jxifet-to Sheetings, a Forfars, from the Manchester straight the Middleman's To arrive 100 picces Light and having enabled am etc. offer to Calicos-, Tliese goods imported direct at a come save low figure. very from S..SEssex, direct Iioylo's, Manchester, in Indigo, China, Chocks, quality Print, these before elsewherc. purchasing grounds. Inspect next week per Hoyle's Colored "F" Suitings Fit at and Mills, and profits, Orders Summer of -spocial-elupmeut-llafiihestsr Madapolann, Nainsooks, for taken now Show Millinery. Place showing. and style guaranteed. now oncc. for order your show your suit Groceries. - Highest a. . for given prices brands first-clasB Only Eggs, stocked. Hides Butter, and Skins. STRAUSS, 6. Central Alex^Maccfonafd, Rainbow. Store, Agent Rainbow. at " £15 SPECIAL PER MILE A PERFECT sasassa SEASON. GRAIN SHEEP NOTICE Grain Farmers, to Dealers, Agents ! %« 11A DALGETY FENCE Grain Wool, ABl'3 & Produce Brokers, TO CONSIGN PEEI'AHED JiECEIVE Melbourne, OF STENTS WHEAT, FLOUR, OATS, BARLEY, MAIZE, PEAS, All their Warehouses, Grain identical have GRAIN of THE LOCAL WLL KEEP AGENTS VVormo Liquid, COIL TAUT BECAUSE IT IS Cliiiworth SALE & EXPORT CARTAGE ON OF Melbourne at until Market, or Newmarket, instructions and to for BOWES II BUTTER Kemp's Nobel's & BY DAIRY O'FARRELL'S (LATE PRODUCE. Patent Sheep Federal Branding Explosives and llainbcny. Street, Laidlaw & Co., Rainbow Agents, The * brands boat very only of Wines, and Liquors Spirits, stocked. tv.*o toe PRICE, £15 PER prices do Tiitse M'LE, not incltiac 4/6 or tlic Barbed par Wire. Chain GET for OUR exnallcr IoU. * CARLTON t ALE ON Room. Dining rrable" Biiliai-'-3 in Every First-class CUT OUT THIS and COUPON POST & Boarders. 'Solci solicited. trial by all &r?ci Qiemists T< ; i iLSiiil | AND A i:i Home Home from away TO-DAY a a ™. FENCE | CATE >.r.d 459 Swanston CO.. Melbourne. Street, .WOOL WAREHOUSES, Please | eenJ me copy cf your Cyclone Cook - j Post 573 Free. to 579 COLLINS MELBOURNE. STREET, The old premises replaced by Brick Building. have been Two-Storey AUCTION 1 Venders. j CYCLONE jjj A ? CATALOGUE. ——— p for convenience order. Cora . Commodious ' * \nr k TAP. i; the Bronchitis Those who have taken medicine at its this are amazed splendid S'uliereia from Bronchitis, healing power. Cough, Crev.p, Asthma, in of Breathing. Pain or Soreness the clieit, Hoarseness, DirHculiy and rapid and to these who arc subject experience delightful relief, it to Colds on the Chest ic is invaluable, as effects a curs. complete in the Throat It is most in allaying irritation and' giving. comforting to the Voice, and it .neither a Strength .allows Cough or .Asthma to; become chronic nor Consumption to davelop. Consumption is not known where en their first been '"Coughs" have, appearance, treated with litis medicine. No house should be without properly a is it, as taken at the beginning, dose or two generally sufficient, and a complete is certain. cure RAIL. Glasgow Srleame's the sell . / The illustration shov/a a 5 line Spricg Coil Fencc 30in. high from the ground, with ba:bn, cnc 3in above and the other Sin. above that aK'<in. Altogether, t^hc lop line Fence is then 42m. mid will hold uny slock. high It barb lo int»l;c only needs one Fence absolutely Sheep-Proof. out The Felice is sent in 5-chnin Rolls reedy for erection. Top snd Bottom arc Lines No. 9 wire; Intermediate, No. 11 ; and Crops Ties, N o. 13. in T he Crlpips the ho>t?ont«l lia^s rcake Use Fence elastic, for f*i>£nsion and provide r.nd contraction caused by changes ia the weather. The Fence is elastic and cannot be str^ned tightly. too Tses The Cross form a close web through >vh:ch no stock can get, There no points to or arc sharp tear the wool young stock, injure held CONSIGNMENTS for Qulbe'l'a Sheep Dip, Spceifico Sheep Drench, H. Store DEPARTMENTS Powders. T. ELASTIC. descriptions. sale in the Loudon. to carefully marked on into receipt bags and contents positively been received'from owners. KO SPRING all for Newmarket, Shipment SPECIAL FOR B O W. . And At I'N o! Wines, Best Brands and Liquors Only the very Spirits, kept. HATED ALE CELEB STAWELL ON DRAUGHT. TABLE. A1 FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR BOARDERS This Horses Hotel and Traps on Hire. spacious situated being stonethrow of the Railway within a makes it very con Station, for venient the travellirg public. the most and best Yard and Stable accommoda Absolutely capacious in the town I have.recently attended to this "fcion matter SSIETTT FHOMPT i23 CYCLONE 4-S3 WOVEN WIRE SWAK3TO&1 FENCE STKEET, AND GATE CO., SPECIAL FARMERS' CLIPS Agents,. CHADDERTO^8^^^^^^®8®0 GASH ADVANCES For The IKELBCUnraE. Local National Library of Australia TO WOOL, HIDES, SKINS, AND TALLOW GRAIN WEEKLY. LIBERAL ATTENTION OF SALES E32STS. Company Sale in act ON yard way and stabling Electric THE ENS.UING Melbourne or Shipment as Strictly ADVANCES Covered ON GRAIN. CLIP to OF WOOL London. Selling Light Brands First-class Brokers. accommodation throughout ol Ales, H- 'fa—rt largest in; Victoria.. the lio3telry. Winea EUREKA |Jc-tf commodious a and Spirits. HOTEL; SAINBO-W http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page13467701 " at Consultations "Weeks Kainbov as , i has gradually in fiivyr commencement the in ; its Our have 1'iit.ieisVa at out expcriwiee We are long do it of Moderate within is Pain Fees and Guarantees. ' PHI VAT E The evening. character important tlie buVtueas sheet. to th« Nurse particulars Dr. or 'udln QUTt Bolac, Returned lUidin) S. visit .will Address—Federal and Regi>Wly, lull will the lie ^tock ot BARRISTER " STOCK AMD' STATIC)X LAND, FINANCE GENEKAL COMMISSION Sales Conducted in* any Victoria ••••: - i 1914 "" o'clock' 2.30 BRANCHES ; At •• under BROS., Albert'Barnes, AGENCIES instructions YOTJNG -from 5rrJ . show Pi.mboola, Your show G'eelong.' at Gymbowen,' Gorokc, Jeparitand Gerang. Minvip; offer laud; and premises; An King situate Y^OANS also a ?of Rainbow: Street; quantity as' household furniture and effects follows:— 5' on which is erected a of land, J-acre w.b. villaj containing 4'Tooms,: bathroom and pantry. bedroom Dinirigroom' Suite,'7 pieces; 2 double suite; beds; kitchen table; aud a large crockery and glassware; of sundries. quantity Cust's : - saving money at shop • Concern. 1. 1 make & - : Macdonald Buildings. Motor ' " KMffl. I of Underpants, I 2s usually lid; which we can Dolls usually 4s 3d; now Currants, 6|d per lb. 6s 3d per doz Underpants, 'Sultanas, S£d per lb, 83 3d per doss 3s lid SSS Galatea Seeded Raisins, Shirts, 4s 8£d per pkt' u-ujilly now.4s Lemon 8d per lb 3d 9d; Peel, Harvard.' Cream of Tartar, 3s 6d; Is Id Shir.es, per lb usually •" lid Carb. for 6d now,'2s Soda,'31b Fashion Shirts from 2s lid Honey, per kerosene tin, 1.53 Gd. Tennis 21b tins, each Treacle, 71bs ls'9d 3s lid fi^d; Shirt's, 21b' tins, 71bs Is l!d' 7-kl; Syrup, Tussore'Shirts,"perfect'for sv\m-. tralia ' " ' makes and 1 " in ; ' G. gooju i£e Rainbow, 2s lid, lid f'f. Goods vi'ill ' , : be cleai'cd. which price will you have given for we 'see good the cut.' value, 1'an : i5.s Tan' - 12's Rainbow. >-—' 6d 12s 'Gd othdr clear ' All NEWS for Summer, to clear"7s 6d value, 21s; value, las; to Are good, reduced lines in ' choose The your . calender of the New Real Latest. 0.f elge anything look to a you little other ;the in require better than ' { \voman. jTEETH FOR DENTISTS, TEETH. FIREBRACE 'J Men's STREET, " at Ask a for " . Say . - - - - , 1.' i3, 1, 17 Bridge 15, During St. this Salesmen Property invite have- of entries pood buyers particulars the waiting. to me Sale. Send without • • . . • give delay. for ' or Farms BALLARAT. Goods Mr. New principal and term a - of of &M 54 Market Now in showing, Infinite Variety At vent 'vehicle.' COMMON From (2) V HEAD aiid leaye joiir Xmas A at tracle, Adance for open classti of 14 HOTEL, (all GENERAL of ' Hustalfa CANKINQ V,. BUSINESS at i pcpetlts Rockhampton;Townfvi!le Kingdom.and against bills or within paid on fixed -THGBe, Gbaha% Maiiager, Summer and hi lire D^ctits or KELU al»ove « <rom liie».and 1,-- Withdrawals Vwm-Govi!r»^iu BANK OPPflRTMCNT 317 COLLINS Offtco: STREET, HELBOURNS. at |'o»t OrtW* the 2,000 Agrcncioa throughout Commonwealth Rt to, ^SOO. Interest Z% per annum* Dianch or n ay be made at any within the Agency Commonwealth, 20#, PEMSO.X iillJ-Kli, i. , II. of Hodge, Rain on experience to driving on point the house occupied Lake road hanging by the hag As lie a on from did falling he so out of ' ' Goywko??* l?allarat's Fashion Centre, ! ! • -j Taverner Death occurred on with Friday home in tragic at evening, Firebrace-street, Ann Miss of I-Iickey, at Hickey went As to her in the her, communicated Dr. and Jlead police, who very had not health Deceased,, well was town, examination on extinct. life pronounced known complained recently, and, instructions of Dr. Read Coroner, on tuary, heart The cemetery, evidencing the family sympathy extended who family, during post the mor which the due was funeral for seen thus which on took afternoon and was one Sunday largest ill-, a at failure. on place Horsham the of Deputy held perusing that death found Coroner to the examination in acting the mortem Scar position. summoned, but was away. her sister and found return she worst, them see not for look half-lying a ing the with to did she went DEPARTURE some the are of time, esteem in and held, to tho the bereaved the have had years to of two daughters, to three past the- mourn losa and the Wood read tho burial and services, the were :—Messrs. pall-bearers J. M. W. Plickey, Blake, Francisco, E. McQuillan, J. and McQuillan W. Dunn. a Deceased was sister of Mr. of Rainbow. Hickey, The husband. a son, Rev. Father Acts. Sheep Dipping TO NOTICE This SI-IEEP of summary OWNERS the provisions Acts of 1909 the is issued informa tion and of sheep owners guidance the State of Victoria. throughout and those Sheep lambs, except lambs it may be intended to keep as to be shorn hoggets, are an within the shearing nually 1st time, in any to 1st March year next July £20. ensuing. Penalty (Sees 2 of the Sheep Dipping and 1913 and 4 Act (5), Every his for No. sheep sheep 2216). shall owner after the immediately all dip shear from ing and directly shearing board in every year, and shall also of at the time his dipping sheep, dip all his lambs, or, if they cannot be conveniently from the dipped shearing board, all such sheep and lambs shall be placed and kept in a securely fenced and paddock 60 days of shearings dipped within £20. 4 Penalty, Act (Sec. (1), No. 2216.) shall within Every sheep owner month after he lias one dipped and his lambs sheep make a. to the Chief return Inspector in the form prescribed (obtainable on. to the application or undersigned for any inspector). Penalty failing make to Act No Street £5. return, (Sec. for Penalty £50. (Sec. 221G.) false 4 (3), making' return, 15, Act: 2216.} may be required by the Chief that Inspector sheep or Iambs found to be carrying ticks or lice be. clipped within his order, excepting, in the of April months to October," both inclusive. 6 (1, 2) (Sec. Act Sec No. 221G; No. 2453.)..' 5, Act for Penaiy, £10; each further period of seven days after. date of conviction, £20 additional. Sec. 6 Act No. 2216.) (3), No sheep or lambs ticks carrying, or lice or may be travelled placed, No. THREE-ROOMED DESTROYED The second occurred night Rainbow, on weatherboard Mr. J. was its ' HESITATEfor Catalogues Samp.los, or. any Information to & Go. The theatra loving public of Rainbow ivill be afforded of 'wit an'opportunity a nessing high-class entitled drama, iTic lioil' of the Drum." when the and ivi-ll-kuown Melrose popular Dramatic Co., will at the' appear race Mechanics' Ilall .on ti\ght, T.uesday, 13. January Popular will be prices and patrons desirous of securing •barged, eserved seats' may book them at Vte'rriit and Williams, where the box j«n» on ie view. in the Jane the age of 37 years. It several that appears relatives n£ the from deceased YVomvondah. East had the spent day with, deceased's and on their family, in departure the Miss evening was Fire close for run it. Sudden Horsham, — the nnintention* I '* H ariyDavtes. (i National Library of Australia J. unpleasant Day whilst has not become "Wheat-curting general he deliveries being small, but. during tho coming week'a brisk time isexpec ted. Yesterday's varied qubtations 3s from 8s 03,fd to to l>£d according The market is simple. weak, and few wiles are reported. j Central Wc-ar Early New DO NOT To"write Eslimatea, deposits. . Victorian an . • • and London, negotiated and' lovwarded (or the Common-: . Urhbaoc, Ilobnrt, en Mrs. arid Year's ; . Pranch^s &ME8 ! SAVINGS \ }., IHEL30URME. foreign place* direct. Foreign' to ot Uiiworld. liiUi any pwl ueftptiatwl and Ifu*ine*« of every transacted Exchange description, Cuireut Interest abiond. accounts opened. securities. approved ... ! * . Adjt'iuicea drafts ittMifid STREET, at . Jtaiihjrit: United mnde yc.Vltli, [ Lwtlieis . collected. co,'lccticn. "Al*n Perth, drawn Adelaide, and to, c( credit • I | *n*de COLLI?;® r . Newcastle, Sydney/Canberra, Cubic remittance* Models | . BUILDING, :«... N.ew of mil Secure the PickSeason's Importation's iPURCHASE FIIOM I»S :Because in our Goods will be found blended and Charm of Stylo^ iElegancc ••Exc'lusiveness of-Design, and of Reliability Dependability Quality, Mo.dcrate •And.Extremely Pricing. ..Buy "the day)'. 3YON£V. . EQUITABLE • ' of Jeparlt, OFFICE all and ' is Styles Spring ' Bank Display For I This Fascinating V ( 1(5. A N.TLE'S FREEM Wednesday, January Melbourne week last one too rein and pulled tightly tho the suddenly plunged, forward, with a fence •gig'colliding post. The was so violent the occu impact'' that on pants werepieeipitated to the road, Mr. Hodge falling beneath the pony's '.fvont whilst his legs, wife, although thrown clear, fell with such force as to sustain besides slight concussion, being badly and shaken bruised. She also suffered from shock to considerably the recovered .«VR!em,: but 'subsequently to proceed fo the lake. Fiillioiontly Her friends will be pleased to learn that ir.xui Mrs. enquiry yesterday, Hodge had.almost recovered from completely tho mishap. The axle was bent, but no otlVerdamage wa& done to the vehicle. BALLARAT WEALTH HOTEL, Thursday, January 15, till (6)'Friday, was of horse Rainbow, '^pwmbnvveattbjtokSanfe r; her ally Board V 60., St., by Dental Victoria. 3, 2, Compare. Prices Dougaii recorded is and - H *• Who on with the option of if required. Full all'information from 7 5-yeara,- reducing particulars ; LEASEHOLD for C. W. Money current sums district part visited ; or' 5, 4, of lowest small early which water"bag the splash board, and became detached, Mr. Hodge threw ;the reins from his right into his left in a hand, successful attempt, to pre was ' amount at rates • Have a large TO LEND in andlarge FREEHOLD and on 51ALLEE" "LANDS WE public sheet phrases holidays year. At a Albacutya. near farm the Mr. II. Chenoweth, FasliiQiis Spring' : - Money. the how, had lXOUISI • Money. - the be at its meeting Cabinet, the considered the which Mr. policy the electors, put before The death suddenness . Faiicj Christmas Cards, Polls, Teddy Hears, Handkerchief Perfume?, Boxes, Pictures, Picture Frames, etc. Many of these are reduced to less than half cost. 1 • • the the is a by heavy 75 points on being registered the 2Unl ult. This was the rain only recorded for locally the last month; year the December rainfall totalled 148 and that for points: the year 11 1912, 85 points, as inches 12 inchea 21 against for 1913. points ^ I I and rainfall, ; : ^ TYLER'S Clothing! TEETH HORSHAM 140 City Address Elizabeth St. now J 5s Packets and letters send Crash please 5s 6d; Trousers, usually to Firebrace Street, Horsham. 4s lid now Sets of Teeth from 2 0 £2 2s Bdj no'w usuallv Undershirts, Painless 0 Extractions 26 Is lid 0 Laughing Gas 5 0 43 9U; now Undershirts, usually Bridge-work, Fillings :3s 11 d GoldjC^owns, etc. at Reasonable Fees. The one fee covers extracting your teeth, making plate soon after teeth are and extracted, re-making same when gums have healed. thoroughlv NEXT. VISIT— of next Dates visit by Representative, ' i issue showing 1 " Shearer's strippers, ploughs, shares,etc. The International Harvester Co., of Australia. Cliff and Bunting's Ma Charfcutting chinerj Alston's etc. "Windmills, Troughs, Perpetual Executors and Trustees Ass. & Co's McColl Buggies, etc. "Gigs, The famous l.H.C. Gasolene Engines. Atlas Assurance Co. Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Co. Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Co. • ' Electro-Blate TEETH interest. "n— ^ post card. ^ their illustrated catalogue. you'want to he up-to-dats. • this 1914, moon joviality ; necessary. AGENT them Se.nd NOTES win will State A Monday social and good-will that assured a Christmas. There can be no merry doubt *hat the enterprise shown by the business their people in decorating shops for the festive season was rewarded for the public was to the strongly attracted several establishments. This, together with the distinctive in displays the different windows gave the street a Christmas the special appearance, effort put forth by the being shopkeepers favorably commented on upon all sides. Pay ' . of rates ^Pro and " ' Leasehold Agricultural at lowest is application Early TEETH to" Lend On Mallee perties TEETH the Carriage. good? neatly. them promptly their From headquarters Will Pack -Send - and Crockery, Glassware GENERAL ' •• ; • Horsham. TEETH rainbow/ Money 1914. amount No of seems to repetition dull the attraction of Christmas Eve in the street, and whilst it is asserted that there is not so much concen shopping it trated in as formerly, there is a of heavy volume business transacted, and Christmas Eve shopping in Rain how was on a scale to tax the resources of the staff of the various trading establishments. Towards there evening was a of visitors the large influx from and Federal-street country, presented an animated was appearance. There an air of prosperity about the people well for that bodes a year, prosperous and there was an atmosphere of gloves; order for throughout blouse, skirt, costume, millinery, LINGERIE, hosiery, - AND •Accompanying the Goods. SpringThey Are pro . showing ' Trust 3, »—> BALLARAT to '• 1 .o'clock. AGENT, JANUARY however may Tuesday, the 22nd a evening ulfc., held in the local church to bid Baptist farewell to the II. Itev. G. Dwyer and pastor, Mrs. who have been trans Dwyer, to Sale. ferred The chair was D. occupied by Mr. Payne and there was a representative gather from both ing of friends present and town the country despite inclement weather. The ministers of the other churches occupied seats on the and also platform spoke in terms of the work of laudatory Mr. Dwyer and of their personal and with friendship fellowship him and each the deep expressed of at his feeling regret departure from the town. The Chairman voiced his own and the feeling all of the of churches the of in district, the esteem which tho was for among pastor held, hem he had himself proved a a brother sincere and faith indeed, ful servant of the gospel of Christ, and a true friend. On behalf of the church and Rainbow district not Brentwood churches, including and WiHenabrina (who had held a and made a separate separate social on the presentation previous the Wednesday) Chairman pre sented to Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer a of a purse as small sovereigns token of their of their appreciation work of and the esteem in which held Mr. they were by the people. in Dwyer responding expressed his regret at leaving and thanked all for their kindnesses to many to him and Mrs. for Dwyer and the token of their love and esteem. The transfer to Sale of Mr. Dwyer loss but is our the gain of that him God place and we wish speed in .and much his work. blessing Communicated. " SATURDAY. three that, of points Watt should of Essendon. Social CLERGYMAN'S On ' *" 63, A he The /V Saturday reuneed lines to above.' portion A clearance to complete is be all made in in Harvesting line?, I)rrap.er.j. cluding Hay Forks, Winnowing Forks, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Bowing Every Line Reduced, etc. Twine, Oil, The will some following give our Wire—Get before price b.uying. idea ol the reductions:— Meat Safes, Dish Covers, Water "Crewsdon's "Calico"' No, 2, full Butler etc. Coolers, tb be width, Bags. os Dd doz low cleared at very rates. liollins' Fi. 0'iiico, fall width, Everything you require marked 4s lid doz for down Christmas. full "4s lid Long 'Cloth", width, doz double width, is 6d yd Ticking, Tickfng, singl'd width, yd Towels,good Is; reduced 9d valued We have an attractive stock and Fine range of Jap Silk, worth'Is; the Christmas will be exceed price Christmas 9d price, low. Call and inspect. ingly Crumm's Prints, 5s lid doz. Men*," all double Crepe colors, to clear. A good assortment width, 10d-yd to be sacri Dress of all descriptions Goods ficed. Do not mics this opportunity at prices that will attract. to buy your Christmas presents. Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes. See the. value we offer before buying elsewhere. Crash Suits, 18s 9d usually < 'Phone Every Hutchinson on on Farewell PunusHKD '' '" ! Boot's, x, (id';" good Boots, Eggs and clear - IrojimoBg-ery < & 1/1/14. re confident Mr. 1 " to Highest Butter. " FINANCE COMMISSION TIIHY, Proprietor. Depot, Fedsral-St., also scat, "'' . extent : J- who can Saturday, January 10, 1914. Detailed in our particulars appear auction columns. The nl^o firm advertises the Bottom Post Turkey Office Store for sale on by tender, account of L. Mr. W. McFadj-en. Tenders close at the otlices of the Federal auctioneers, Street, Rainbow, on Saturday, January 10th 1914, at p.m. and in other particulars may be found our auction columns. " and competitors « LAND, oflice, January Shanasy ' . Fancy Areus Rainbow, K. • ? ' ; the The at choice sold. are ' is situated the centre of best wheat of growing parts Rainbow and Hopetoun districts. farms are all in working condition, been sortie for years. having occupied A railway line is now constructed being from Rainbow to Turkey Bottom, which to the the railway bring practically and will be to in "time door, completed carry this season'^ harvest. The highest or not neces any tender sarily accepted. Further and arrangements particulars on made for to inspection application fche auctioneers. Tenders close Saturday, January 10, 1914, at Young Bros offices, Rainbow, one take your, articles ' The store of the ages. ' requirements. . etc. Hats, host - and'Cellar Shop Scales, extra * - ;t- ' Stable baking Felt the all our Subscribers who usually pay in advance, thereby saviug* booking arc rate, reminded that their sub on scriptions expired December 31, 1913. 10.3 per annum Subscription, (m advance); 13s booked. novel pleasing of are announces Wednes and all day claims to be called on ' . necessary before each - '• THE YvONDERFCL "OVERLAID."— The Car with and reputation, nien 'handled' whoje by "reputation car. behind the The car at a ;ntands can afford to pay. A ear that price you has all the best features of European cars at from .i!20D to ,£400 above seliiny "Overland" prices, namely, 5 bearing 3 :crank shaft, point suspension c.ylin .ders off set,honcycomb radiator swung 12 bolt independently, wheel: This car was selected specially by H. V. McKay for Victorian roads con and ditions. and eco Powerful, reliable, nomical. Prices from £355. Full on .to particulars application' and Bolton, ur Hagelthorn Sunshine •Motor Cars Ptv. Ltd., for Distributors Victoria; , the 6d I; " '< i people early and Come ' • •' J lbs' 5s wear, White . j " " ' , os 3d and.Pearl Split-PeaS line, Rai>!by, •" 2s9d to cleai:, doz lbsHelmets, and Lewis Speller 1b Whitty'3 Maizena, GJd. Straws, Is packet Boaters, Harvester" Is Btl Phenyle,' pottle Hals, Panama Gold finder Hats to Soap,' '8.|d bar; gs 3d dozen gard le?s of cost per All other Is per tin ShcfJp Clothing Tongues, for <5.1 Christmas. Sardines, £lb, per tin Colonial Sugar, Sugar Company. 1a, 15s Gd bag: 2s 9d doz White with our Boots, cool Compare these prices and LITTLE. Catalogues, and full pricea, particu lars on to application II AGELTIIORlY & UOLTON, or SU^SililsE MOTORCARS PTY. Ltd, ' ; Sago'and Tapioca, imer do'z Rice; • land (freehold) ancl -J-ftcro Jiuiklipg .Book debts, good, about £40 at invoice Stock (principally Groceries) or price, arranged Covered Waggonette (new Express axles and 1 new with wheel), pole and shafts2 Sets Single Harness Harness' t Set' Double .2 with rugs Horses, Bctachcd Bake House and Oven with all that gifts friends. bow ' 4. scores for Large ' •• > - ; ] <• • 7s 3d. por 2s 6.d doz bottle; your of please We've ties way Accounts. 1 Pianos. Undressed, iiOIt. num consequence of the large ber of overdue accounts standing books we would respectfully a request settlement as as early In the possible. instances many amounts are but in small, the the total aggregate caches a con sum. We siderable would point out that wage3, and other incidental oflice expenses have to be met week by week, and in order that we may be enabled to discharge our obliga it is essential tions, that accounts due to us should be paid promptly. on Dolls for LEND. IN ' puroliase^aa going" store^particulars above this to going ; rickies, - n. Come : ' following this ' • the by • the handle*! ears - * of doneerif, follows:—•• as the ['• - Mr.: Sunshine the general appointed Motor Cars HESTER', SIDDELK'Y-DKASY", DEL AGE, COTTIN-D ESGOUTTES, YAUXHALL, OVERLAND, - from' tenders/for they the Thd and been LANG under instructions invito W. L.; McFtulye'n, BROS., "a. notify- "" ' .. clients have and Dressed and Small. • ' Rainbow, 1 •: "\7*,OUNG Bolton, - • at to that public Agents for Pty.Ltd. linninclude 1914, •••o'clock.- •• and RAINBOW Wish ; 16, Offices," Young Bros. Hageithorn •• Close Jan. Saturday, Rainbow, •• Tenders At from Ilopetoiin.'• TO Outstanding " - . miles 12 from MONEYS pyBUSHER'S •• Situated miles Court of Aus Supreme Courts of and Queensland. Messrs. Bros Young adjoining TKUST champagne, dentist, tun last general the; and a contest in be a for would novelty have their who attained people in the nine majority past eight or who have or years, only been con since nected with the electorate the middle of 1904. Ministers are black, resida, amber will be offer on closes Janu in particulars appear The returned was the at elections, district colon?, Farmers and others in land requiring a convenient will find it to position their R. A. advantage to inspect Mr. Perkins' I-Iarcourt farm, Albacutya, which is to let by tender for a term of 5 years, at per acre. Tenders close on 10, 1914, at noon. February No tender will be accepted. necessarily Messrs. and Bolton llagelthorn report of Mr. Farquhar having sold on pccount his farm Forrest, comprising 6:>6 acres, near to Mr. R. Itainbow, at £4 Staples, acre. Possession will be ijiven on per March 1st. An announcemet to of interest in another motorists appears column to that the effect Messrs. and llagelthorn Bolton have been district appointed for the agents Sunshine Motor Cars Ltd. Full are Piopty., particulars advertised. In another column Miss Ellic Gibson (late of J licks, Melbourne) Atkinson, announces that she has secured rooms at Young's establishment, formerly Miss she occupied by Bear, where intends to carry on Sho dressmaking, of is a specialty making tailoring, and will make up customers' own material. Messrs. Young Bros., announce a sale of township property and household furniture and effects on account of Mr. Albert at Barnes, Swinburne-street, High for for fa3t dentist. sums. OBMEBQB, li. and W.A. S.A., Office ' 10 small or in and and Wimmcra Hutchinson Mr. unopposed rose Mr. J. Shanasy, It that he will visit 14th day afternoon 15th January. Mr. be tli i one only at mortgage, larue silk, cream, navy, or Further column. 14. another Monday Solicitor, Toys Dolls ' in rates, Commissioner description Barrows ary presents, Toys Tricycles, ! LEND on white, saxe, violet, forwarded. ATTENDANCE. WILLIAM These Xmas beautiful now 3d r2s TO current Japanese better Of every Grocery: MONEY are Toys Oars Ware selection. and cerise, Solicitor, STREET, alternate Tuesday. every PERSONAL and myst be seen to be appreciated. Wo have a splendid of selection Xmas and New Year Cards. German and English Autograph and the very in latest Stationery, Plush and Floral post cards. Cars Hotsp SansiiiiiB ! going a Cars. Office Store As a * ; No": A. Agent, i Motor ' . •' ' L is • Telephone Rainbow visited Jeparit afternoon than' !Eleclro wonderful value. Jewel eases, Trinket boxes, Mirrors and Ink Brushes, stands, Photo frames, Glove and Handker chief hoses, Tobacco boxes, Cigar etc. These eases, Pipe Racks, : ' " Goods. our Ware choice a wear goods Plate and " Sale by Tender Post proposition it "will wing' New Offices Bottom '••• •: : Turkey jo.ii R^tes Advances made on Wool -agents-for Zealand Loan and Mercan tile Agency Company,- Limited. The Ballar'at Executors Trustees, Agency Co., Limited. The Atlas Firo Insurance Co. The i For Lowest '• '•••• = "at ncgpti.ateu that to folio sec ' the oil auction; to the atteiitio.ii ; • by-public bis :i;ouse to and washing comprising blue, pale WALTER, FEDERAL liAINROW. and E.P. Xmas presents. for suitable Ask of : ' will New Antimony at "Nfltimuk, Bambo\v and Nhril-, Entireliy Fair their pure, the ' T. completely ontcnts. It within a fort Taverner Street, 20th when the ujt., fire in cottage and Pickett, Lehmann, COTTAGE o! occupied owned South destroyed Hew tlie by by Mr. Australia, with nil 'outbreak but it occurred is a is mystery, surmised that some of the coals in the kitchen fire have place must fallen out. Mrs. Pickett states that she had been baking in the kitchen time a short to the previous out when break, but. the alarm was. given was busily engaged; washing outside^ A full muster of firemen under of Captain the coiiimand A. V. Butlarid, hard to effect fought a, fanned save, but, the by.a breez.e, (ire was before beyond control they arrived scene. oh.the. The house, and furniture were insured for £175 in the Royal Insurance Company J. G. Helyar, local (Mr. agent.) in any other sale yard place lambs are at offered public place or. which sheep or. sale. Penalty £5. Sec. 10," or for , ' 20th., "" * AGENTS, part a in life is muni first for. Act offence, No. 2216.) In accordance with the provisions. of. the Sheep. Dipping. Act 1913, No. 2453, the clean certificate'pre-' scribed under Act' No. 2216. has. been abolished.' (Sec. 3, Act^ No. 2453).' By order ofMinister of: the.. \V. A. Agriculture, N. Robertson/ Chiel Inspector. B.V.Sc., ' ' Jan. Saturday., Knias Aluminum and ' " Street. great B. 0. Barrister AGENTS, '' * King BOLTifl, •IIORSHAM, FaPRitars. of LEND. who McRae, has been an adjoining districls, for Borung nounced-as a candidate Mr. Hutchinson, Minister against for Water Suppty and Agriculture. Silk Ceylon which on Farquhar social '• by advertisement notify card] [a AY'S s • " and ••• H&BELTHQRS asd Property TO the season's reciprocate the "Horsham Times," una Banner," Gordon Johu and Gray, M.L.A., to in order Co., in goods Australia, that, on receipt office post order, value 2s Gd, 10 of the company's famous guaran The introduce Jeparit, seats by bv | j " ' ' Township ef Monies Sheep Dip ' • / ; and Rainbow the identified with prominently industrial farming, cipal, • Kates.' Visit: ADVERTISED for vacated Mr. 1 at " Next for South • Cooper's'Celfebrivled- Money BE Trustees' Executors and 'Agency Co., Limited.: V M an agor—J OH N SANDERS. to in enveloped resi wind kept in the after late change set in, and was high i Lend \ of Ruling <• .. of "WILL affidavits taking Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania.) yards teed . Unlimited and Date Trust ••• Trust Fat lor - Markets. Amounts - • Melbourne . . Stock •-••• for j . SOLTCITOR. and (Commissioner New South Australia Drapery. - - SPECIALTY. We cordially greetings-from "Dimboola Mr. Gotch, Co. Singer AUDREY lOOPHf, with hitn and most Ladies' bring latest and Children's tip-to-date "Argus" near Street, ' • . A Made arrangements Going to Ballarat Trucking Sals • ;< SALES LAND • any Australia.. conducted and South • iii : Sales State Clearing part of the . A and ATTENDED Oflicc. RAINBOW a Rainbow. to CASES ANY WHERE. •• Auction town the ' Banyena, Hopetoun. Lake Balmoral, PenEhurst, (Mr. is observed conditions the early J.n definitely oilic?.* taking Ministers that ure say they that Mr. Watt will sanguine again score a substantial victory over Mr. at and Essendon, F, Keane will that Mr. Mackinnon easily Mr, hold the Prahran seat against II. that W. Webber. They assert will These no chanches be taken. be regarded will not opponents will be made to but efforts lightly, elector every professing bring Liberal to the poll. principles as a It has come great surprise? to State to that politicians learn doors until a when cool evening the atmostphere was cool. The squally weather delightfully of Christmas a Day was succeeded by gentle breeze on lioxing southerly Day, and under these a conditions large number of residents a must Bpcnt time at enjoyable Lake Albacutya, a crowd whilst betook themselves quite to Outlet Creek and Lake Hindmarsh. ! ' Stralhdownie, Has MIDWIFERY '• "AGENCIES Bros. representative tender known is anil' Premier, the Attorney be opposed by for the Essendon Ministers towards i • : the noon, Austin'& Wool Lascoiles, Dennys, Co,., Me'.oourne Brokers, Geelbng'hnd ^nd business with' all the arranged firms of in Auctioneers leading N.S.W. and S.A. tlnd Cattle -Trucks secured for Sheep Jiallarat and Melbourne Markets, if re and""trucking superintended; quired. rhe National Mutual Life Association of Australia, Limited. The North 'British and Mercantile Fire Insurance Company, The Australia Mutual Provident Society rhe Victorian Insurance Company Ihe National Fire Insurance Company Now of Zealand-' The Ballarat Banking Company the Australian Mutual Live Stock Tu surance Limited Society, of tlie for builuintr quietly climatic the whilst in dust, dents was disagreeable. morning Matron. .... Casterton, Terang, Murtoa, WavraokuabeaV,^. Beulah, Diml>oola,GoroUe.Ararat, & ICaniva. Donald, Jeparit Rainbow, "Minyip, Ttupanyup, Katiinuk, moat being ' HEAD-U^FiUJ^r- : Day Rainbow, in at apply Perrin.«. R,V.T.N.A., Cameron, Barton, ft Christmas and full Hospital Terms, it Watt, the Mackinnon, are to General, Labor candidates Prahran and seats, respectively, is taken being greater interest members of Parliament in the £322. AVENUE. that CONSIDERED Mr. Mr. eleetions A. tender of Mr. J. Rainbow, has been accepted new State si-hool erection of at Kvj>o. The amount of the The SERIOUSLY POINTS Now lhat Rainbow will be held next of an Severaljmattevs will be included in Association TAKEN POLICY meeting of the monthly CONFIDENT OPPOSITION or year Ollicial all post per from obtninablo are Monday HOSPITAL DART'S Rainbow—Wednesday Jan. afternoon, at 1~, and all day Thursdny, Jan. 15, Hotel. Ryan's Jeparit—A|l Jan.18. Tuesday afternoon, £201 taxation. for <<> CABINET offices. . VISIT liable Progress Visits from Thursday Saturday. Jeparit NEXT forms of rcceipt ia over RAINBOW all. in jjursun (Registered) OK P1ANOFO.RTE and SINGING TEACHER VIOLIN our Hotel. Swallow Kiss surely since 18'J3. and Withers and Mrs. Melbourne) she id arranging iii and AViniinera work No ; Four every the benefit lowest cost. to do business. irood We only the reach of of Mr. Walter Southern Flynn, that' Dogs. to. intimate classes Rainbow. Address—Eureka System Sliaiiasy's Of dentistry into f»ro\vi) Qar.ispssi (Pupil below. given Flera 'Bias . SHAftTAS¥ ,.J. ' Agents. Station the . nrsd Stock to"mnking of ' Auctioneers, tax incoiuo commissioner, prior call on the pockets the annual, announces that community,, returns ci must be furnished income by 2nd cases incomc in where February, in consists ami other oi solely salary, business ci'.sea where, are complexities in the of the involved preparation the March. returns final date ia 2nd 12/<• of Every person who ia in receipt in continuous par emplov day or more nien inu.^t make a and every return, Tlie PAINTING RAWING, " 'DENTIST. BROTHERS YOUNG '' *""" •i http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page13467702 this to set heroine makes and is villain "How—how danced, might the the both been suf eyes surprised joy expression, the thorough other of state bad Her of presence de vile human ity. an i«'or moment the luture. relative into hardly a great Her of The loved had first not was was unselfishness merits been of look thrill There herself. to fibre nature. did Queenie a in the her and re warded. "sweetheart, The Heart of a HENRY By of Author Street," Rights (All "12a "Bondage," etc. Reserved.) Affairs, a I a with, Price was it it it out before strain of her to struggle make beginning she night were this fering and (Jo. both to and on tired had The the on suf strain last Folk sale-time had for out crowd in bargains that forget to of money. dinned name very .being was her though had daughters, querulous the moods fact that tunate in bore be and But wit, He was of the cubus, his Mr. Gordou 110 pity the mill-sioue, establishment, He paternity. hardly to so in in a of but way since business, his bankruptcy had degenerated into saloon-bar plausible a loafer, backer of horses that and generally lost, went about borrowing in a bare money faced made way thai Queeuie's proud prosperous sensitive He his was called meant it them Price's given gauged, perhaps, pressed regret that, down" in the world, '; cated his to girls that the nature by his after he had the they looks educa good a al was girls had They Gordon whine. but he and money, to his well. Mr. his "well," marrying marry he had tion. be ; and cry marrying insinuating ways must and a writhe. nature Money may often-ex his not musical "come dedi comedy stage, where they might have earned fabulous on which he could salaries have battened—under the of pretence their representing business interests. Still he them expected to marry At "well." the same he time, though askance looked at poor he admirers, yas not their ad above blackmailing miration and from them se borowing cretly, never by any chance paying them back. ° His son who Philip, had inherited of his father's temperament, having in proved himself incompetent and England into trouble that nar got rowly missed a police-court af being fair, had to and emigrated Canada had been writing home for money at frequent intervals ever since. much And this the was greater Price's 1 fair-haired pretty strain and burden borne two by share falling on shoulders. a Beryl, girl, witli a pretty and ways rather all of the girls, Queenie gossamer, face and weak a na week earning a pound a as a in a city typiste office. As well as the being more striking with her character, Queenie, slender, tall figure, her well-poised line head, vital ly chiselled, features, and dark was of a auburn hair, more striking than appearance the Beryl. Perhaps bes-t to Mr. thing Gordon Price's cre dit the he had was good education his before g:ven daughters his moral was ture, es n .y 1P'\ r and financial subsidenco. It was Queenie's appearance, refinement, ana charm of manner that had her helped t her in one of the show position rooms at Voile and robe and Co.'s—the mantle department. Her services, rated at a thirty-five shilling week, were extravagantly paid from the of view point of Voile and But Co. it was an acknowledged commercial fact that Miss cent, per Price cloak evening an to its to v had add but to don twenty-five ilue. At was twenty-one Queenie youug a but of position; the nature without her deli life, impairing or her faith in e thti.cy dulling romance, her worldly Her wisdom. sion Sad taught '. .aturally ardent temperament was 1 M-i in restraint by a sensitive pride the )f ng'f her -enhanced fascination. She woman in experience—with the an gruu's'a of a eart girl. 3 -with *ove crossed its already roved i-A-n{1 But her was a ,y _*reshold. engagement even from her secret, sister Beryl, and the and marriage natural fulfil y ment of woman's had never destiny _6eemed remote to Queenie Price more than this on particular night of "shop" headache, bodily weariness, and mental depression. It is an un must written law that shop assistants in case of bank not marry, and the it is frequently set down in clerks black and white. was a Hilary Stanmore bank clerk. to indiscretions of Beryl was inclined and home-life would have the tongue, more been unendurable had Queenie's made Her engagement been known. woul(l have disapproved and father /J at the same time yet would -V^.roaned, on the man sponged liion.ih'.ave promptly have as dock would regarded whom he as a future son-in quite unsuitable v7A NG 'law. As Mr. Price it was, had suspi how of an which, uneasy nature, did not prevent him borrowing lever, from Kcasionally Hilary on. the r7 East, 3 of "friendship" p.m., J'irength the latter's 4th Queenie. lo.so face lit rw, Queenie's suddenly up with a re, p.m./ of a girl—as she flush—the flush wade her way along the street behind Voile and Co.'s premises. Perhaps p her depression had been all the great because (1" er she had not expected Hi! on this bank clerk's ary night—a cease work does not always with the [X of 4 the bank at p.m.— public closing there at the but he was corner. for h#.r such , ' . ( a 11 cions a ifi.r 1 ! ; ,1;" - "Queenie!" "Hilary, I wasn't expecting National Library of Australia you!" Hilary, the make shrill the as "like cab, clerk—whoever a in a fortune a matter of he pang a mixed was tions. There unselfishness did riage not "was week!' was clerk with up. the front with and ture. us; place. Beryl in There's flight I ship. beer at mock of not shape quence of shall be a with big why live quite person He a Hasted!" pompousness his into tones. of infused and "A a wait waiting," change want you ing through soon. think you to picture you are at both you Beryl Don't ever gives and you makes me When ing. The trance know at when a man your peace beyond loves, he taxi-cab pulled Park. Regent's to up at he herself in hour She and wore a of re had burning a her. into had of at on the pass the reached she heard her the father's reached car the landing and by loud-checlced rakish but day; a suit, hat bowler "I at him. Thorne ibut she she knew from He they initiative. reckoned- a and older Strength en conver was continued when found sation they a shadowed, quiet path. went "No, sweetheart, mine," on a of masterfulness; Hilary, with touch in "we six get married months' time, and that's too to far long wait, too down to long. But I must get settled of new and I the ways my berth first, want to have a dainty nest ready for You you. shall—you must, Queenie!" her beneath the shadow He kissed of a tree with the all intensity of a love that was and both devotional pas sionate. be "Your mother will happier, Beryl and I want to will be happier, think will feel happier to have that you us. And them with as for your father want —I don't to hurt your feeling-?, these be .Queenie, but things must in He has looked squarely the face. no to either or right burden your life He must shift for himself." Beryl's. him !l4s ths>n with man lower jaw, A week a a and heavy looked &ven^aht^>*&n»r and plodding suggested by his indicated hardly him he Queenie," you, young big a clerk, to that to see voice. low was brow were a to stranger intense bor her father no him. wanted in was disliked ago reliable the to doggedness features, but and daring his employers and plodding his punctual minute and but in initiative. quite lacking became with Prices acquainted him Beryl, pretty, fair-haired through of Beryl, nineteen summers, who in the office to Mi typed adjoining chael Thorne. When Beryl introduced him the as a a to family friend—with at once ac little blush—Mr. Price of full particulars 'Thome's quired and status and income, in consequence him with treated grave suspicion—at from time the same borrowing money him surreptitiously. and this well enough, Queenie knew had to do her knowledge something moment as with her at this expression hut there were other she faced him; thrifty, The reasons for it. a fascination over Michael exercised him since Beryl brought Beryl, but had transferred home he his to tea, Beryl as attentions to Queenie, using to a of liorse. Thanks kind stalking Mr. small loans, obliging Price with to the he was asked house, frequently till this though night regarded by Mr. as as a son-in-law. Price impossible resented the man; resented Queenie of her his way looking at with his per sluggish, deep-set eyes and his of sistent, dogged attitude expressed rather than admiration that spoken had- produced some friction be slight latter tween' herself and Beryl.-. The with had. protested tearfully Queenie, Michael Thome as hers looking upon of by a sort right, and prescriptive in a held her Bister quite unjustifiably quick Mr. to stairs could a those they did were of his, sounds voice down, large, not Queenie pro catch above the on landing lowered the top daily London, helped Queenie months. She his letter, and to at him Michael night. the had money, interest at and after Beryl—there but him; fortune. him, Beryl for cards since ulation haved ter Stanmore's liis Though that Queenie plans whole if the manner the with an to his shorthand her to late from that of account bank robbery eagerly. be at bank a into Queenie Queenie a future. Price,made her pened of the the to air is a form it as of of toil; is stricken what The for the its of the before it mucus is [ the breathed warmed, not and the enter with is mucus are air is heated, before it purified the pleasant to avoid, its The salt, ket them opened noticed crowd his the excessive tell you the Roll There be and teeth, and watching Those back, feeling the from not it lack is due the not was time the its of Headlines not she did the bled not her ed. Her eyes, to would That travelling for only God!" she be (To that be down his down swear "I with to the man he "but car. the dain't A a But It trou explain the col "that judge, vju knocked Could you NEW \ a sincerity great is deal a of ! i piece following a in up together ter tlieni and for the in small I This loz. of add celery and pepper noisettes. the of a ter but pour boil and pour salt, to In re the is vest sleeves the er their of elbow in full is is the model feature, style. the the They are in part and weakness arises in nerves and the held about Every day sends of dangerous iB abso to could a have in a two in lengths is first A the is lost in little courage. that, num a only of their re them and effort, career to have of had he has no more time to advice. are by good do bet doing articles with of the ed on way he you man. young the doctor come." doctor told because me told to me sweets." moment she couch nicest to say come?" you and see me," neglect you hare didn't dyspepsia, to The next the was girl the to all not cuckoo Thursday faltered not come fro-:i when Why "What! to did the eight. beautiful "What me told in rolled form tall wrath. is the The you not you had keep had in man away him him telling young AVOID TO When niest this follow NERVE seat he was world. the and which least possible, if at and, Go to bed Avoid draughts, smoke. Keep own at least sleep Eat dry. chest protector. to take work, that of plenty .every can. you mentally when when and and warm a or tired, excitement. dust dampness, feet your Don't wear If have you rest chance to Avoid eating vous pos your hours. eight" ily have and in open when yourself early sun cnrpet. window rate, any room. tli" rnn-n—one, no one to close a in has Have at bedroom. yottr Have a room sible, bed. TROUBLES. in sleep or stay remain indoors best-ventilated Never in state a and good or bod of ner wholesome food. INVENTORS O PAT E N T S and Else Commonwealth methods of where Appli for improved of ances. Tools, etc., any description. on Costs, sent Full Information. etc., to application in A. C.E. SACHSE, O, AUSTRALIAN FUND WIDOWS' BUILDINGS. William and Collins Corner St#., MELBOURNE. Husband (handing "There, money): winds tle i and to deserve Mother: in sizes measure; 22 to lOd. from and inches 32 each C-eorge Ade his over rugs the At to answer his on inches 46 5996, in waist measure. Ac«s's was Mother: dear, my encore.'' How does said you'd look) it hands Yes, all Jonah about that happen fish? smell of I Johnny: carried and school magazine your is from Price lit mamma. bust sizes Quarters. showing at apartment Athletic Club. "Wonderful! the reporter's Ade's to a deserve I the Sunday outside page home the the and whale. posted. George er 32 skirt think 1 some five is me Johnny, you school. Sunday a (with far-away to been Johnny at At serted eacli side seam. the top of the skirt, at the slightly raised there is a little fulness at waistline, the which relieves the back, plainness. 191 M. and sole Thorp Co., agents, have But Collins-street, Melbourne, tericlc's blouse paper patterns, 5995, an wife his Amelia, botheied has it get it fo>- }ou. applause." "Applause? little Wife: you gone fame. we must not stand world worth doing, and and of the cold shivering thinking and but in scramble danger, jump as can. It will as well we through be not do to calculating perpetually it risks and nice adjusting fcliances; when did well before the a man Flood, his an in could friends upon consult and tended for 150 years, publication to see his then live success afterwards, doubts but at present a man and waits, and his his brother par and consults one lie friends, till fine day ticular that finds that he is sixty years of age; so he has lost much time in consulting hi3 and friends first-cousins particular their end Tuesday the with this dyspepsia?" "Well, if who, begin, in anything or of the things would one sounding and hissed. "I One prevented the to do the yourself? couldn't," "I The with because in Cheap and still his vestibule was for three or section in she low below length. in pattern. and came, with one with that graves have cheap out much passed. Obtained been induced probability all fact a their who has which they that fatal. of that because and continually as desires. the COURAGE. talent obscure in obscurity making The of want men from great it deal the is that mus double OF say read ever work, he "So they regulate rate or speed their choosing. in check they of dear to them uses whatever burning within the son he he I of books were nor until loom clock the popular a pleated with and design, dart-fitted shorter included or lining skirt this upper blouse the part French escaped of smart have excelent body of were The and needless good do that fewer Sunday around, COSTUME. a with of few a Diplomacy. blouse one-seam dispose they is it who one on stock; to bought because things can buy out resem of cheap furniture tools pieces, cheap to with of who son she machinery and costs repair as machines. good cheap, always a read ever in this respect. books which the a piece. reading true the annoy he cannot tender. then flour, the gradually and be loz. is of in people dreamed a mother, falls soon pieces. hour one will celery a stewpan one of stick one ANAESTHETIC. for would egg little and on the of be form never and want just another anxious worth price, the them. neither Take the invariably digestive trouble. heart VALUE A great mained timidity, received wealthy trader recently and better invitation for himself an a well a half to spend week end with on the At breakfast known peer. Mrs. following their arrival morning in to chip off Riche," trying Nouveau ex her knife, the egg with top of an the so strength that ercised much out and .of the cup was knocked A Fry cut A be maintained. actually the brain supplied from of nerves. regulatiug world ber complainant, to hear stop A thing, lutely simmer LADIES' been discovered has recently a new anaesthetic, which prevents after an It consists pain operation. of a solution of and urea quinine hy drochloride, and before the surgeon to it is around begins injected operate the The discoverer affected region. that after the has recov says patient from the effects of the ered general anaesthetic the solution entire gives freedom it from and that pro pain, He believes that motes rapid healing. it will valuable in prove accident in since it will the pain cases, stop crushed and fractured and will limbs, avert fatal shocks. Injec frequently tion ol :i.e new compound is not fol lowed the ad by intense pain, such as of cocaine often causes. ministration the new an after If, thorough tests, aesthetic to be and proves effective it will be of to safe, great benefit mankind. to the under the table. rolled to the thing knowing correct Not she ap in such circumstances, do pealed to her husband. I have she "John," whispered," do?" What am I to an egg. dropped the mattercackle," replied "Don't John. of-fact minutes. wash ii rather There name. the in the spur. whispered. who them not at and shabby not. some son, threepence were a to scarcely sale; They make new. use some her feel does one was for only on act only nerves, action. to quicker the usually inactive, waiting for the The applying spur. other pair, the cardio-inhibitory are in action. It has nerves, always been said the heart runs in a that of and the pair tightly-held reins, simile is for these nerves true, check the disorder of speed. Fear, worry, or nervous cause the stomach system these nerves to re cardio-inhibitory then the heart to race. lax; begins There is with the nothing the matter heart and no one itself, need be alarm about it ed that because organ just beats Its is too rapidly. palpitation due to a or a psychological physical the something that has caused cause, rela/avon of veins and the allowed nerves to the the cardio-motor apply ?" returned.' did," eagerly, me." said person his motor cut when up, round Continued.) me," tell the then half, palpitation or or rate a THE "You this is them pour Well and pepper, oil, and seeing for them are They occasion intru danced. read all. mistake ghastly now. umn, looked "Thank and is is pairs and and offered the cardio-motor pair, ti to spur tip c heart but under order has that almost of which heart two newspaper. blurred attempt is nervous of the set Cook paper. fifteen for and dish them day, storekeeper Inst, and never had very One The look be on. when limp much have three and put enough and book, a to than are who two made. to uncomfortable is that the th° which lady her than chean. are newspaper, reading PALPITATION. any It of toeat If would held close out to Place A ex the last even time in get will pairs not one good pair they weight well hang the they of are an cheap half pair made first the have convenient one short made sufficient poorly the giving several her and time not well time every not have end these into a with one stewpan of stock light or gravy and of a of milk. Let it boil pint it powder salt. should floss ever, disease are There the .heart, bating, although the is not beating they were not cles out for teeth from and if rarely, itself. out that them saw stop they and Beryl press lamp, as opened sister Queenie The table in with salad if doc a buying possibly more more dress from a as dresses dresses / that and which drops round. up, is both the for second a cost good four a them. tender water teeth few celery any pairs. much dulge. knife neat cost not remove is them of season oven pint quarter noisette that good looking. Buying something and will possibly cause it is cheap one thin of use a cheap bled the may but save would in cut the roll for able dresses and is them Celery the Then it. fit wash things pay several this do and each than the economy of keeping the up bread The heart. result say," and the deposit HEART It pitiful. sympathy, of them will on it, is on from off drop if Then, perience, buy same and kind, as nearly long ing baking butter visit wet? sides done. mutton, bone; the own he economical, very the as cheap cheap sausage with the a is soles one mash and 01 onion. hot of remainder that so chopped greased them Mutton the the a salt, of off to the up in as prac hire have his insists pair, first It the saus and melted soon to doing other physically not hardening brush. is her Has sisters give dentist Chop sheet not better employ which who shoes much as cake; in is is of pair and dish, boil Put as neck bone the piece bleeding two then and teeth, up to the lower rinsed with a dental or any the takes "stunned, about gagged!" of to the bleed to downward water thread move not them. upper sines well then between run gums the both simple solution ed 'borax or to so brushed of well If for injures sides from of do Your of some is it harming some brush should both ward and without are hard but preparation of made Pour dough with meat Put mar the the round, compact, the centre. Serve on sauce needed. of Sauce.—Cut tried many What of Noisettes table re it two sugar. stale then is for gets sick, one tor more would or hire washings by a dressmaker suffering beside. four Potato.— fine; in the brush pan, bake. most the adapted friction. a gums bit brush a select condition, easily, tender be in and and tender the of thing she or centre meat a brush dentriiice. aud inclined own are will prices, good, very one's easier given and good a harmful, are un common else dentrifices many are is is be are an things cheapest with reasonable gums and howled had papers, very than care proper used little are make " of sale something if if at them a offensive and few more a let and is the best. and bake. and cup close to use taught aud some dentriiice good and meal, especially There to bed at night. breath, and BREATH. be One of the denirilices gularly There less per which Instinct creatures should tootlijbrush after every fore going few things found THE lew of of pudding slices person and the she she think all beating out lumps; a of melt milk, teaspoon butter, and salted flour to enough a Put a flour dough. upon pas roll board, into a and sheet, place a lets result. which potatoes, add the SWEETEN Children with meat. the mcuth through moistened or purified, a extent. Conse very slight the reaches lungs cold, dry, with dust and disease. tonsilitis, diphtheria and and yolks oj;gs a left-overs in in are Butter cake sponge mixture egg try lungs. a quart meringue a which something the though necessary—it He might housekeeper and sewing, ing, pos which then ai'd light; one-quarter of sugar creamed with the pound amount of and butter, flavoring taste. Rose flavor is especially it ed make and antiseptic the A over (If than the work ted. Funding—Beat Sausage by enemies of at time cold. line age six the trapped are turn with cover work of sea cup sugar, into the serving a lemon, delicate. dust and a dirt with very economy. other done some tab one tapioc.i the in time doing in doing employed importance—even be tising centre Tapioca, the work very to water, air passing the water. Boil stir whites in wastes be might of more centre, done, When more Transparent same mucus. salt tube hollow cold oi If the oven. with Minute in and eggs of a membrane This Thus to except it uently laden and Bronchitis, consumption Queenie" an J twenty-live hot with require soaking.) with dish, drawn cup the stir of the Serve inside a of living and Air teeth. enective the papers distress powbut- a Pudding.—Three tapioca soaked of a then beaten eggs over called that nostrils the reaches is on at statement. If one j into the baking. the fill mould, whipped cream. Snow not son for the all disease mucus. and manager flour baKing for tin- mould from with minutes' milk, coils is saturated Almost this does but three lungs. throat. the microbe-catcher moistened the little sym she pathetically, some in clutched an evening paper though none seen the general confusion had face her of the Her buy it newsboy. but saw was as a they white sheet; erect her draw herself up and fling challeng back her head as if she were Her the to someone. ing or giving lie the and her faith in pride absolute ex man had found silent she loved pression. heard her "It isn't say true!" they sister whose in quick, to the dry tones distress more on and were agitation "It's a mistake— the surface. ghastly it he only would ridiculous—if The lit Her voice wretched broke. the with tle only concerned newsboy, was not the surface, warmed surface this In the cake a for Tapioca lespoonfuls iu night sible buy blood-vessels These damp spreads is composed a iluid forth composed largely is taken up by lis once half-pennies, Queenie's knew Voile's of cup of turn baKe moderate a a or serve pass coated each other, hot, germicidal. among Michael or of beaten stiffly a of yolks powder juice j is the and have remove dry body, side into pours killed, angered implied employes' out glands. entire nose the had more the half eggs, in centre, .the of tne either on great, the air a of germs air through dis print. a her last. As her of cushions catcher home, though he a ot whether home place consola on for a heart tion wounded depends The of a circumstances. upper part house that constituted the Prices' invalid tenanted home, by a querulous as and used a lodging by a mother, dissolute, plausible, cadging father, was such a hardly place. One of the opened a paper girls a and searched column by swiftly street lamp light. "Poor she exclaimed to Queenie!" about her. "It js Mr. Stanmore!" those had "Yes—home!" Queenie spoken basement outdoor at Voile's, cloak-room two Only more things donned. had been a long day, and months! It the it all longer and more had seemed for time intolerable because the first taken his since he had appoint j:p no ment there was letter at Hasted Hilary for post from her by the first she reached the back exit she When anx charged with a startled cry, gave ious fear. Something must have hap white-facec at home! Beryl, the tiny reaches also a found out to most was as and elastic The sion, street into temperature Cold, outsiue curl the tin, you dozen typiste go at had sister, speed contained friends There London in Mi to in remain was more office—she Thome's in love and desperately liopel9ssly live him ever, and would with than to keep him able with papa; papa, and occa smoking cigars self now, and sionally drinking champagne, time when he to a looking forward in 'be able to indulge sixpenny would as and much without limit, cigars as swallow. he could champagne was one until Voile that to the of cup rind and teaspoontul thoroughly, a minutes use breathed at a Fahrenheit. bones bones above age, with This which commercial behind sales news telling to her furious a eye The mind "Never cried Beryl, "Come home, chael way for the the that elected It the The ted ruining her chances his sorrowful in he liad given life, at secretly thankful consent, and was the of being quit of his wife. prospect a was bitter disappointment; Queenie and was still, Beryl but there Beryl tq wise child!—while grateful -dear, for Stanmore his suggestion Hilary had to Hasted, that she should go her fine is Thus up. eutrance can't be all knowledge, street with at sonal fiance she for into Hands reached an still was air which fol Beryl, the 01 Mix tered satur disease. is be with efforts of on pure imagination the lad's He bore down on the part. of and group women girls. "'Ere y'are, ladies—latest, latest!" her played Price, In fact, Mr. properly. to the of spec his world return be capital, had on borrowed almost in the mat unexpectedly and of Queenie's engagement chance that should 30 deg. twisted were, had 'been duly signed. agreement wrote Thorne to When Michael of typiste a position Beryl offering her in the shorthand clerk great and lie had there was no re ofTices taken, I-Ie ference to a friendship. ap past her a thirty shillings offered parently she was And week because worth it. her was the when he interviewed he to business and hardly alluded man, after the asking casually past, merely her and Queenie. mother But Mr. Price _secret had^chuckjed over Beryl's good iy had disappointed sadly air from and daring mys terious at Hasted, of the a Mr. found manager, Stanmor'e, gag ged and bound, had an se astonishing devoted to late quel in the place news. The scampering newsboy, sighting crowd a of females outside Voile's •back his entrances, pitched voice high and let his loose imagination, after a glance over his to shoulder make sure no policeman was about. "Bank at robbery 'Asted. Safe busted open wiv dynamite—Quarter of million a stole—'Bank manager found and stunned, bleeding gagged" He for a 'breath—"and paused *is self took into for custody 'aving gone and done it!" The means the by which safe had been the amount opened and stolen had der. and has no in its place interior. the the air nose works on heating of a It is principle steam coil. two tubes into merely leading up down the heaa, and so to throat, tape. a cried newsboy, and local edition detailed asked now!" shown way it on a business put airily, purely the Michael basis; Thorne, who, since of his to unsuccessful proposal night seemed to have discarded Queenie, all human and emotions turned himself who into a machine; money-making his can boast, "Nothing had justified me!" He was the of a sensation stop of crazed specula sensational period made lost. In of fortunes and tion, months he had a i'our short become in mar dominating power the copper ket. of a sphinx, Always something he to much more of one now, seemed heart and have given body, soul to to become dehuman Mammon, have on ised. was a business Everything Mr. went to him basis. When Price cadgingly, pleading friendship, Mi chael Thorne let him have the had out ask the tape, it break at whites and half a grated Add orange. with shop-girls. Price as is lungs nearly TO Some work Thome Mr. but, money, the time same but Mr. will it happened?" instinct and at Voile Co.'s. A needs the home had still trousseau, and be the financial kept up, though in a way but that strain had lessened; and her awake troubled Queenie kept at of of night instead bringing peace mind. taken a Price had single-room iVlr. office in the and was city, speculating in with some suc copper apparent without cess. A man cannot speculate It was some capital. the knowledge source of her borrow of the father's ed capital that helped to keep Queenie lent and It the most body against All Beryl the Hilary half the sugar, one thoroughly also a perfect finer, important guardian thus of when—when—'When known. Come home, come home!" dear, swung and Co.'s the still bride home! at the moisture it. and cries of The the newsboys in Ox ford-street formed a kind of tone-back ground as they the topped incessant of murmur traffic. More shop-girls, from pouring the back entrance, around crowded the two central fig ures. Queenie was Price popular at Her Voile's. approaching was marriage and known, the subject of a wedding under present discussion among her "What's voices. "Don't tractedly. own through was on and with it purify leaving went on "because me draws friends. fly her ate course, truth is r.eal Queenie III. Hilary's visits it really, it, of right, the " Love, done liav,* " CHAPTER same had first, recovery. for showed dear, come Come, blow the Queenie," speed, true, Thorne second upon time no "It's the at Price, having the gas stole to speck, of the and listened. A young man who make two thousand pounds in a fortnight at once became eligible for of the post son-in-law. Michael— God bless him!—might have, either Queenie or so as he took Beryl, long one or the other. Before Queenie could say anything, had one Thorne snatched of her hands and it own gripped between his rather strong, clammy ones. "I can speak out now, Queenie! Don't laugh! That two thousand will •be ten in months. three I'm right on I've it. bought at 'Fontanas' 1/2. They are up; can going nothing stop 'em; they'll touch I've 30/got Queenie wrenched her hand free. Mr. Price, straining his ears, rolled his around tongue his mouth and burst out into perspiration. Here was an eligible son-in-law, indeed! can "Nothing stop me! Why do you hand? snatch away your You've known all I've along, Queenie, though not spoken. There's no need for us to wait "For us?" Queenie's flashed. He tak eyes was for ing her granted. and me "You '•'You mustn't talk to me like this!" she her in revolt, whispered, pride and angeredby his quite unjustifiable as sumption. "Good-night!" She to the door and stepped open ed it; in a tone repeated "Good-night" that a to go. was command "Queenie!" in his The light vague eyes was sup all the strength pressed—dangerous; of nature seemed to his suppressed find in expression the sudden protru sion lower of his heavy jaw. took Then Queenie the simplest way to end it all. "Mr. Thorne," she said, "I'm going to marry Hilary Stanmore. Good night!" who had to Mr. Price, crept down of the stairs the turn the better to a of overhear, executed sudden dance to rage, silent owing carpet slippers. Queenie had the refused "Copper for a bank King" beggarly clerk! as a Michael Thorne winced strong man does when struck a hard blow unexpectedly. Then he seemed to re cover himself partially. he "I "Oh, are you?" said, thickly. see! is It—it then!" good-night the house. He, stepped from "I he said to himself don't think!" as the door closed on him. He clenched his up clammy strong, "I You hands. don't think. sha'n't! sha'n't!" By Heaven, you ! : ' ; ; as as ears faint his keeping The hard emciency with eggs ed in the nose, and in two sec the tempera in nearly fifty raise it air four ever ihe inches can uuie, the degrees, girls. rate. Pudaing.—Beat , [ I two dous to Hilary were the a she as left for stairs, shuffle he as was and said 1 see!" still was awake sales stepped spats, angle rowed mind an romanti as II. Thorne Price an ly, describ The well call lowed and courage, next four practi dreaming to loss had wait ing passage Michael Queenie; pass wants hall Queenie arrested mind. do But which me would make happier— and on you Beryl going as slaving as I know present, or to and slave, have you with me? your mother see, sweetheart, that what happiness Hit" at night— home—collapsed into a and dressing-gown carpet slippers. He exhibited of rarely open signs but he drunkenness, became very after an excess of whisky. That weary was instead of Michael why, seeing Thorne to the front door, he had "God the stairs blessed" him on and told him to let out. He had not himself heard entrance. He was Queenie's reaching to the gas-bracket to turn the when sounds from out light below man of the nor a I-Ie "They say—they on say," gabbled Beryl, "that Hilary did it himself— and he's been arrested!" •Queenie clutched arm. her sister's was She momentarily stunned. The shop-girls around more pressed close ly. Feeling, bad perhaps, that news was better broken quickly, Beryl had rattled it off her tongue at a tremen the door, if that he him on still of his girl Queenie's uncertain. was the gas Co., quite Michael white your for the Mr. tone what's hu held above. interrupted, situation. And I had find When and of the retreating pet slippers he the Queenie opening feeling at 11. " mo reached. were and As " little a "But "won't was late. was age, foot a ager's reference goes long way!" face Queenie's was burning. He had touched her to the bottom of her heart with his generous, ungrudging of way putting hut her sensitive it; and her cried pride unselfishness out her that to it was not fair to burden a man with his wife's one relations, an invalid. She pictured her father on trading Hilary and blackmailing him on the strength of his being she had visions her father-in-law; of back brother from drifting Canada, sooner or and later, looking to Hilary f r and money occupation. They were her relatives, not his. a Such situation not might have given a less sensitive mind such 'pause. But Queenie loved unselfishly as well as intensely. sha said, her fact "Hilary," burning "I—I against his, love you for un your lfish s And I'm thoughtfulness. happy, so that happy, you've got—only -what deserve. you But—but we shall have to six in the occupied half of a classically termed "maison in advertisements. had a They door to and also a themselves, of stairs with a turn sharp be the premises on the commencing latchkey, conse bank till and was turn small no waited floor It Voile earthly reason there get something a private secretary no should the fu wife my she Prices ette" com the you," coldly, questi permission ing house, prob out," he brave for be CHAPTER in heart of the man Queenie found at of facing the foot the stairs was not stepped in included Stanmore's dreams. "I've went all unselfish cally. But first it most and thinking hurried away, would lingered dawn the door step with heart. went He his way, cally, as generously, fore thinking impulsive you. Till you'll Key however, marriage seemed closer Stanmore than Hilary to Queenie at this it was not because moment, he the ignored domestic problem. He believed he "had solved it. his will back— " mean then If, been "I ever, you hold I up. to Hilary to on, than hotter down, own. The clear, generous plans "Your mother must also Beryl. Hasted's desperate me me debt sister. with But the evening keeping his on, the right truding shall their a but, must I will sup Christian name. pretty good exaggeration, Queenie, about the stockbroker's clerk made who's a fortune. not a for It's it's to tune, but going prove the foun dation of one—two thousand pounds •in a fortnight—and the clerk's Me! At least, I've was. chucked the office. To-morrow I start on own. my They chaffed me at the office to-day—called me the Copper King. let 'em Well, the of But the prose life is ever knock ing its at the hard knuckles door. Presently London clocks out clanged the hour remorselessly. They walked away slowly home wards, the future cer becoming more tain to both of them as to they dared shape it with...the conceit confident of the lovers—with clergyman and altar in practically Love took sight. prece dence over all else during that walk to Queenie's home. The 'bank clerk and forgot Dr. £ s. and the Cr„ d., of responsibility overdrawn accounts; the shop-girl, the bullying buyer, the heat and of sales, and press the eager after hunters who the bargains forgot of the Avomen humanity serving them. the And stars twlinkled down upon them indulgently as they have twink led through the ages on countless an-i lovers—long since dust asiies. But the thrust prose of life itself upon them again with the reaching of Queenie's home. Queenie her found latchkey. Hilary Stanmore to right and looked quickly left. The snatched kiss and the swift fear embrace, swift for of interrup have tion, an of exquisite savor their her the father been only lem, Queenie would no have had to punction as its solution, but him were lier associated mother I You went a in her "It's time, home triumph answered she neither her by mar aloof. emo her of months' time!" She yielded. Great love is unashamed at big ments. was This one. And vile manity, unwittingly considerate, of splendid and being, mar 6eem so close to quite her as it did to the man beside her. To meant one of marry two things: either to transfer the burden whole of together to her keeping the home younger or to permit her hus sister, band to help the support family, and the alternative brought a scorching iiush to Qucenie's face. Something like human anger surged to her heart. She was to work her ready fingers to t' e bone for her stricken to mother, relieve the strain on who Beryl, at nineteen hungered for very naturally the and sunshine joys of life; but it was another matter to to have keep an able-bodied man, though he was her father—a father it was impossible to honor. a Scarcely day passed but he gave her cause to He dia writhe. not beat his Gordon wife, he Price; never came home grossly but drunk; his moral fibre was He rotted away. was a parasite who on his battened own and would offspring, grew fat on them, if opportunity would only prove kind. Had on, "our months' them at whispered you what "Then vein a in know "Beloved—(best of men—I'm said. "You—" is— one Michael question, Thorne, also, like Hilary Stanmore, bent on matri mony, had speculated longheadedly on the of infor strength confidential mation filched by keen and had ears, converted a hundred pounds, painfully into saved, two thousand. .Mammon is always but calling; souiciimm Le bis whips votaries and dupes and those in need desperate into an acute frenzy, Rubber had us Just now the world day. had Almost gone copper-crazy. needless to Gordon say, Mr. Price had been in dabbling copper—with borrowed money—but to him disastrously both self and the several lenders. The cried died newsboy's Hil away. Stanmore lary drew to Queenie closer him in the shadow ol' che cab. ii^r was and her heart Jiis, lips back his g-ve kiss. impassioned She was with throbbing as well triumph love. as had into his Hilary come own; but peace unselfishly now. the "fortune" The fact, exaggeration. newspaper ; "* on into I Mrs. once " week a ji. trading was to As it the in in men Price what of and shouted a newshoy. still Prices risin'! Scenes Stockbroker's clerk makes city. wife, down? Queenie, you've You don't understand You've me given in spiration. came you into my life —but I've told you that. about Every as day withoiu you wife my shortens Paradise I by a day. know what's passing through mind that sensitive of yours. I What is no sacri suggest fice to me. we Queenie, only live our in lives once this world. The situa will be tion to-day the same a year, two three years, years hence, if you and I submit tamely to that it—years and I will you lose!" She quivered. Her was love as ar dent and eager as his. The of cords her pride snapped. Only had^already unselfishness was her back holding to find closed He was right." she face drag lifted boom!" fortune a was fortitude, and Queenie's patience her mother towards pitied, ever. she cab her not you my would all "Drag use twig money. drive to back try for less she could earned. the stockbroker's with devotion wonderful. her father, was deserving were on they though amount however, sulierings her of were But went "And," pierced into in girls girls some the Price, to her than tion need quick chautteur Here they the Park. cries everlastingly chronic mother, a to her two devoted her more and trying she bemoaned when Her ears. valid, The for | are told ihe a inclined shop-assistants of flesh are composed and blood. Many of Queenie fellow Price's who lived shop-girls, in, envied her name but did not her life, they re what alise a liome depressing, dreary the it was, how hard divided struggle, and her sis between Queenie younger Beryl, to ter, keep it together. was Queenie beginning to hate the at bid a "Copper "Copper! been the day; he bank, his engagement to-night father to-morrow. to my discretion. your ly, wouiu to you "Hilary," seat shadowed. took vehemently in his arms kissed her. "I was it out in working years—and live-pound he rises," "when whispered, sent for they me. I was of thinking berth and throwing up my making meet also, it long our see di want I of yueenie the ends and, tell, was sale. greatest bewildering. life make quiet. the dead and headache Voilo "shop" concluded just their great from winter home years the reckon was tempted Regent's she to establishment She was in to he how un about had eyes seen you he understand He make summoned was board-room and to ensure her loved more he leave he He one quitted of tne bacR and Co.'s Voile drapery in Oxford-street. not to but given moping, as entrances And the lie flushed his three or of ture " down. "No," to selfishly. When rectors' and ' Queenie pressed the in particu low usually and family, de feeling badly mind. than tell was marriage possible; to throw up the fortune with both grasp hands, nis brains and financial know Price the intense thinly-dis bound was wanted was for but selfishly her for and was affairs than more it what were the it life; went six ing I. financial were tones loathed He 'wanted that arrangement married hoth he "Sweetheart," in riage takes place I lar, ebb realise you low He selfishly. and he realised lie guised to which she her oy circumstances, home-slavery in particular. "It means you—mar Life riage! begins! But we can't talk here." He beckoned to a crawling taxi-cab. be CHAPTER His 6iaver Girl. FARMER, Money-Lender," "The Quiltry means?" and eager. i do iranmy an ideal hardly of beginning loved Queenie she man recognised wuue "Have voice little a of onds For nose. of space — muddy-complexioned, face was strong the cheek-bones; pressed glow vague depths. papers?" "Queenie, Queenie have you heard ?" "Heard? No—'what?" "Hilary "Oh, tell me, what?" Then Beryl gabbled: "Queenie, dear, be but the brave; been bank's robbed, and Hilary gag ged and bound! Oh, Queenie, dear not all. It's in the Queenie, that's not papers—it came the and up on tape, Michael—Mr. Thorne— me called into his private office—he's sent me to the break news to you!" was Queenie swaying. Surroundings not. Other were employes coming from the building had gathered around by human che was in I de not rather piade that equal can | then was indefinitely heart-sick breeds taken for him to to His Bartol furnace or mao j street splendid!" her glad, and have but and also, fare loved the Marriage like hope, and had they ness, ferers. marry!" wanted He he appoint much-used I giri but adjoining sion. stove economise are two but words, we sometimes, fear, are they falsely Econo applied. as my some practised by is persons but nothing extravagance, although one have might much trouble in con the of the vincing person truth of this RECIPES. j not No ECONOMY. and j the shalt there; terred, daring and melodramatic whose designs are calcula the reader's on teeth edge. is a splendid of type girl the story absorbing. intensely character, ted The the case With HEATING APPARATUS. i and serted. premises ban "Thou removed. A TRUE Economy , new of writers Action, Me. has achieved i'ront a rank sheer merit. When his name was known serial stories hardly his commanded notice by reason of their vivid characterisation. He has been especially successful in keen focussing attention on the conditions of life of and shop assistants that great grow ing class which includes so many young women of middle-class respec In been the crush Among Farmer place by tability. the ment had ISSUE. prospec AS NOSE THE ! THIS year HOUSEHOLD. SELECTED \ IN a and the rent-free. THE I bank the APPEAR hundred rises tive than NOTES. ! etc. him HEALTH ! three Adventuress," tht me branch!" to with more lips had trembling sprung have her, seeming to come from nowhere. And away in Oxford-street news shouting boys were though something, neither their Queenie heard cries nor their 3. was catch-phrase She only conscious of and Beryl her expres disliked Thome of his nature, but it had not entered be his mind to of him. jeaious Apart from worldly considerations and domestic prob the course lems, of love had so far run with an ideal smoothness that belied the proverb. "I wanted to see re you, Queenie," peated Michael Thorne. "If I hadn't I should caught you to-night, have waited for outside to-mor you Voile's row evening." j 1 with wards t 1 "The of infinitely bolt a and picturci'. of the end an Mr. laugh: "Mairied men we but bachelors ters. eh?" report-1 Chicago were Mr. before ? Wouldnt enthusiastic taste. a the Such Supers!" ejaculations and .Ads; have l>avc . FARMER. They've given the Hasted 'blue. meant like was changed . It It Stanmore frankness his I the managership By HENRY of auernoon. Hilary the with for I from girl. Author this nii; responsible ! story, depicting fine type oi work a measure attitude. , of Girl. of | domestic difficulties a mouth full sentiment. I of OF went a little hard. He but not sentiment, false Gordon Price was neither nor nor crippled brainless, physically worn a chronic and out, merely cadger it work-shy. The sooner was brought home to him that he forcibly must turn his hand again to something, the better. Stanmore foresaw trouble, but he possessed The determination. was situation a delicate one that might into a develop painful but one, he was to with prepared grapple it. It was that simply monstrous this man should batten on his daughters or stand for one moment between them and their legitimate happiness; that simply monstrous he never con tributed ah to earned penny his in valid wife's at best support, sparing a few on shillings those rare occa sions when he happened to back a His winner. treatment would proper be to be 011 the put out and pavement the door in his face. locked Hilary foresaw Stanmore with trouble Mr. who was Price, as as "slippery" well a cadger; lie foresaw possible trouble with Airs. Price, he knew that though would she, poor woman, wel secretly come his plan. His was ! Heart powerful tlie CHAPTERS as the Then light of a street lamp caught his good-looking, clever, rather Doyish she read news and face, good suppressed eagerness and her upon it, heart leapt unselfishly. he said for "Queenie," exultantly, tne man's desire heart's seemed with in his "the directors for grasp, sent ' OPENING The A SERIAL. i THE » NEW - OUR inspection, compliment with said better better in "But, after a halves, quar scioufness held up been have "What! nis Just the Reverse. and witty clergyman, the house of one of entering his el ders one morning found the old gocd man oi>e cf his unmercifully whipping a lad 'iboi't fourteen sons, yfars old, and he at once be^an intercede for to the The we Me all his when simple think the surgeon con recovered didn hospital, "why crossing police m:*,n hand? up I'm day the the Then struck holds know A kind-hearted his Bossed. said had woman in when stop you be madam," ihe th=s by his wife, he life good you motor when stop hand9 an' could is for Jim I'd he bosa the sort other t wouldn't car:" Magin let never nis." you saw of thins people. the WATSON'S N'lO SUPREME AMONG SCOTCHWHISKIES AGE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. JAffES WATSON & C° LT° OWN DEE. boy. deacon himself The defended by "the must that youth be early saying in the he should It trained way go. Is best to make an w 'mj\ impvtssion the wax is soft" "Yes," said the that pastor, "but does hold here for not ihe whacks were soft." not let The deacon the boy go. <$o cuAomjvn ou/t fLufb Uu/rrv w (^ah, yovd t&a/ jui/Kt R^BUft ? http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page13467703 it you ACCIDENT. Woman is Company. with 8^ DALCETY CO. LTD.. A .Tack, bless He wants I B0URKE ST., Melbourne. and | may old went the line and to the with in will A revi- ships Admiral the to see want I there in Being isn't bad the to interest their ever of subject ink out Here, twenty first men beaten I'll be service!" I3ast Prentice-st., forward captain for bap morning, by any to-morrow tism thing if be ril hanged this in Arethusa in men but did! you order , ten baptised yesterday." we sir, Arethusa deuce "The St. ICilda. September 2. that "What's hand?" asked Mrs. in the didn't yoy nice only bu; kinds, foi to none is the as me it to say sort of careful way was to do something see extr;-. nicc—you the till the water* tc? and then stand too a FOR the your little a extra We buy live by or No. Commission Chickens, Ducklings from 2/6 to 6/- DAVID Cartage Charged. Old Fowls 7d. pair, & be To is J care than Waitress. for someone good women. good of most A had him sent brandy Aunt,—A kind thousand the not selves are for sent.—Your the as for HOW else PAWN. PAWN. IN MISS they Nephew." Posted Marie Marie Australian 3/9. large of of ? its a Nerrin Mt. no Pannoo Marathon mean a in holds LOCK WARD, the vigor; at every Publishers LTD., House, Mackillop-street, Melbourne, Windsor and CO. all FARM one Areas the on of No. Allotment* 12 A Fallible, just like to you, have can you friends?" your LOSE for wheat ahe^u and 1 wonder 2 and life. « Sale \laf?r& 7 14 | Clerfce' All Crown which grants half the year after first balance of the purchase for owner the time being of age, or years any person of of side of thereon this for at condition be Issued money, of the will land, approved least impatient she starts of the one may J. E. JENKINS. to subject a member by the to a of Governor in the In every year, of forfeiture the Lands Secretary. the end payment condition his family Council, and that land to Purchas© that that her she loses the 18 shall nervous well-being, inch leads Board. the STATE IRRIGATION DISTRICTS SEE IN OPPORTUNITIES THEY OFFER AND LUCERNE GROWING DAIRYING, FARMING. and CO. : 200 BLOCKS and NOW farms unimproved READY available FOR at: SWAN HILL COHUNA ROCHESTER to pre sign than of not (Rcgd.), Proprietor. Vv'eekly Reports Reports. oar to travel miles half from rates, first or in "infill la R-rATf- AND WATER SUPPLY National Library of Australia the would ging hone, head his o'er shirt I be end To a Two blood. bigger, two all The & & made liver wanted I medicine The a get of to ladies wear really While it If dresses evening not card them, out—they but because worn, how the delicate restore and it at they the faded. matter no or they or soiled colors Nov, can because become delicate dis to a all fine the coloring, its very original trifling | Melbourne St., An of a MADE At two Any FROM GIPPSLAND HERBS. Ask For It. IT this Xt, gSt t hours for half cat a to LIVER IT'S hour an and house, sleeping LATES )STIMU f9 THE on AND NON thei mat a KJDNEYS. ALCOHOLIC. i BRAIN WAVES. remarks is deepest. cut hand-made—it never worked short yet wound steam-engine. never Tears or No a is sermon with a too clock a up PEOPLE THE FOR shirt suit to room shirt my must grow— no. says, a What piece are man Every willing suffer. acts stili the Jg*| AT for long the wo hat. new I may still is made i For Lux grow— to wash white as Lux sold is in Everywhere Twopence And trou- the thing from If is man head tal like give In shirt my is charming people hospitals. is such way him a they'd to A a it the The Lux, shrink. not bruise m an on the kidneys specifically themselves to an ex devoted for a search such medium, and their was re devotion eventually warded success in compound by their a the ing medicine which possesses Cure required quality. Warner's Safe action exhibits a marvellous healing of or in cases functional chronic dis ease of and and re the kidneys liver, it storing them, generally, is able as, to do, to health of ne and activity, it, cessity due to the re cures complaints tention in the of and system urinary biliary A Vigorous action of poisons. the kidneys liver naturally elim and inates and the poisons, troubles duo io the presence of the cease. poisons Cures Safe Cure effected by Warner's ure because they permanent simply are natural. as Diseases, diagnosed have often yielded to {right's disease, treatment Warner's Safe Cure. by sold Warner's is by chem Safe Cure ists and everywhere, both storekeepers in the and in the original (5s.) bottles non-alcoholic (Con 6d.) cheaper (2s. with hat of on whole look the any moment. the just she provided straight, world of a just the villain, all attributes to Lunacq knows is prepared in the face when you les save for special tliey will get. time always is the late However is what occasions. used are your up more in to of merits thinking and blind to best she is JIT at those on lite of the woman The average into i\ve lemon divided liquids—milk weak vinegar, and ade, champagne, with down and the curtain rings tea; of a glass nasty mediciuo manners it is day the make best Women of at NEW has are nesses. A»f 9j how say are, he be ih v. a V».nftK*r. ^ P08. rolii "VEGA" MODEL Exorbitant competitora. our WE ASK all Intending these statements and is none MONEY, which these fines. PRICES: is gall, 12 GS £10 eal.. Energ«tic 15/80 £3 10/- &.sil DuriOle to death-blow charged by a dealt Prices SiiU New FKi£i£, • approach it. verify SAVE plentiful to A Tib *rr^rs 1 g-<yii*»3 §*% b i a CUHES j lydaiids, ; £7. Oast'ic 15/ 5 anu 3;<> wanted Commission Agnntr onrmrtunity Victoria. Splendid Salesmen. Livt Uicers, 6 Dtr Kid sun! r Ir'.ornal bottle. iiey Troubles, Growths. Chemists ind S'r-rc>. throughout Smart CATALOG PO!.T ! too ?or •-.KNO I and duality, M gal., £15 gal., most lis oh I The cheapiy-cc:;- buyers thus VIC. COLAC, Siinj-iwi '¥7*!£i7£l'Ji C order in be Department now "C.P.," ?SS Co. Harvester 3. FJinders 44 FRANCIS 52 to ST., A. PALMER, Lane, Melbourne. M«atio» ifelis MELBOURNE does. be to a Alston's be Geariess New unselfish. SzcellemcT Hli olatmsal, * Write take good talker to have he will usually And listener. you and And can't you good that weak our another and circumstances them away. If wants Inv^tefi, Realised. or Wirrt MAKE NO MISTAKE! Model "Veira" is no rough, Structed Separator has NO SUPERIOR in It to in price there's nothing they are married they shoulder fellow's their distressing After to go sob and much of talking or will people the sight of very you. strongest Fuads JLM.&'TZ Pricei Our brutes—before like them. marry they Our Power, Exlaclra of there left. Don't get into a way of disiral happenings, to begin dread soon under undor AHcig.Ta.nt Swedish Separators available HITHERTO UNKNOWN. of the introduction High-Clas* to u lint spend who don't to spend monoy the most middle-aged are these generally in with spang dressed black jet their bonnets. from the sea is Coming home where the nobody leaving bathroom, a drawing is entering dressed, and off a where even stocking room, would create a sensation. The oftener polished they the MARTIN. the your like are T. Trus fere t—r^Y man a have —and ladies Sydney. own Trans to 978) .ticrufactursra, money Limited, habit Committee Attorney or ti'.iro (No. at want and story imagine wickedness Receiver, Act, Collected, Estates M&oaced JOEL FOX. Manager. C. Bar empower Parliament Administrator. E.xeeutor. income that to M.b.A. Esq., ad a M.L.A., Sefj., Er,rj.. specially ia company Act of to Bar "Law. at angry. Woollens, Brothers a'jd Tru&ta, Shilling One Citly the as M.F., McARTHUE, aa tee. something. won K.C., MACKINNON, by act sweet, be may soundly so has writing are you calmness, fly—never. persistent a Merchant, at Barrloif-r Law. G. McClJTCHEON, riater but Esq., taw. STEWART death, ir.fi., at DONAKD can ruin, Directors: FANNING, rister but MELBOURNE. of Ciia.trm«.u H. IRVINE, W. Offices: ST,, Board AND £125,000 £100,000 £10,000 .. .. Fund Regint.ersd QUEEN 35 .. Liability Guarantee EDWARD any eye, Capital Reserved Tiiiii financial who woman, is her wife Never Subscribed hers TEETHING, SOOTH to KERNOT'IS are a *afe tnd They po»te*1 X/l 1/pkt».: QBELONG. Chemiaf, FOB CHILDREN nothing equal ! ING POWDERS. certain rtmedy: KERNOT, tampj. can dimple li'tle a sleeps perfect possessed you WHEAT. POISONED for People sub the would of man If a EXECUTORS. AGSKCY_CO.LTD. cooking? the EQUITY TBUSTESS. you heart. gaol even a Won't Shrink from sugar another which ac face none A | : liver found both time money do iluit probably can long man's sleep but unjust : chemical liver various made from half money. may illness, the tickle ? think will into Dou't get so much of your that tainments of others. that mean ed only ten or urea, of uric acid, mineral matter of an ounce to automatic an men man is it think will fist so a You of weight do life your Mice, gparrova For Destroying Rata, Is the only e«rts.ln Parrots, etc. It and Refuse all Imi Kenulno and preparation. tations. 5/G (large 1/-) yellow packet*; Ib 84. JTaxrawB' Itna. I in live think PITT3' smiling, always meets who big for bruise grow. To wash wool with Lever get don't THE you dear, insured. think, I to R. room, to Woollens Justwed: really ought You Hubby: to are going going from rule a to begins turn back. he be to as woman The men do unytliing for thing low, me Why do they do If «T«H hat-pin. a h:m prevents When price, price Lux'll wo MELBOURNE, and SOUTH RICHMOND O.UEEN STREET. NOTE—187 STREET. to 640 CHURCH 620 is—the man from. Unequalled. many away. normal a any and far. not < dis and price, themselves to Choose Secondhand. Hundreds New Value town. the is What man. woman. snow packets, in last cautious His any shrinking, eiderdown. as his give is Mrs. A It Soft has to is wo;ic work truth. but Without of very wants man shrink, too Woollens, of piece fancy a so. needn't shirt And J diseases such and liver haustive their at obtained doorway. Friendship shrunken "have must I to it their are and third act Ftv 294-236 Showrooms, Opinions" Bourke dig hour knawing a tree, the time the bluntest man But but be "Noted grows. shrinking A shirt LIVING? actually or three by the could Booklet mus 24 hours in LITTLE thinking shrink The shirt ounce takes and Catalogue level if that, the waiting from to forces; broken a pounds of bile everyday. the blood, it into and converts form, stores it so as to to again up be able it the as the latter supply to blood, The liver may require enrichment. is uric which insoluble, changes acid, into which is completely soluble, urea, and the liver also deals with the blood which have their life lived corpuscles no and are useful longer. When the diseased liver is inactive or we suffer from form of some biliary poisoning, such as Anae Indigestion, Biliousness, mia, Jaundice,-Sick Headache, General ani Blood Disorders. Debility, So is j,he intimate relation between ihe work done and ih.i.t b} the kidneys done that by the livav, is where'-there failure on of the any uie part kidneys the liver is affected in apt to become and vice versa.; It was the sympathy, realisation of the importance of this of the labor of these vital close union in the organs which resulted discovery of the medicine now known through out as the world Warner's Safe Cure. Certain what investigators, knowing a if some boon it would be to humanity thus are ^sr<A ^ are Central Wertheim and made | that they An day." say true, thus:—One rat, hour one down balance of in the^cold disaste* in fhat can't \ ounce. If the are kidneys this freely and all healthily matter solid leaves the body dissolved in the urine, but if, weakness through or the are unable to disease, kidneys do their work a of properly, quantity in these urinary substances remaius blood and flows the through the veins, the whole Then contaminating system. suffer some form of uric we from poi such as soning, Rheumatism, Gout, Persist Backache, Sciatica, Lumbago, ent Headache, Neuralgia, Gravel, Stone and Bladder Troubles. is In be may DOG. dog a figured spent out come an liver maker. any Oxon. ! lady. the of there a g seen shrinking, is much am Will cause in from had Is / >/ the />0 4toY«rmor-€«B*ral. ^ the SIMPLEST WINDMILL MOTION . evcr // 'nventc^ Only Three n%^~h~c I "MONKEY" I Parts worklns WINCH for ; CLEARING LAND AND Ball GENERAL of Importers' Elastic Silk Batteries, Air Send for Price BY Iff Bandages, Belts, Enormous Enemas, Trusses, SIMPLE, and promptly on day attended of Can Free. to BRANCH be post 280 BOURKE PHARMACY, 111 HANDY, COLLINS STREET. STREET, Anchored and enclosed Short fir LIGHT, to worked Get particulars receipt. or Bt with in the from Patentees your and position. Ironmongers Makers:— I TREWHELLA BROS. TRENTHAM, MELBOURNE. PTY. VIC. Run LTD., NO ATTENTION Expert aih icc & in eped f. bS in and on 30.00C "ALSTONy Mills in tsS fiEQUISEDj} Catalogues Free James Alston ; •Queen's in Case, in Oil Over available any any proof Km and Pharmacy, Bonrk* Exerted Lever. Power Galvanic Appliances generally. List—Forwarded Poet POST dee patched N«w Cushions, and Moving All. PORTABLE. Surgical ORDERS Beds Stockings, Abdominal Bearings. Throughout CONTRACTING. Bridge, on application Manufacturer MELBOURNE $ J second from claBB, a free NOBTHCOTB any to paid application Railway fares ticket, the on issued COMMISSION, Treasury A people like has literally o' "Philo." animal other varying nearly working stances \A Even1 I FROM— RIVCR8 and sgirtet Good beauty on and- wo- one Greene. snapped an laboratory. at Melbourne. can Victoria, be (obtained Office, Land's Department, Melbourne. Inquiry be refunded to those inspection taking land, when going into possession. PARTICULARS grains by better he and golfer. course, be cannot about That ECHUCA at killed heard were And the opposing about!" the weren't!" replied I after you'd gone, it under and poppel for a nest-egg!" Of The fabric MIXED two salt, LIKE "worked exchange draw grow I My cost sport'll said the dead of aware twelve to open VeH.5 SHEPPARTON J7 WERRIBEE, Certificate railway station have said, to tried Whilst re yesterday!' WORTH solved MELBOURNE. Receive C*re&ao Pork auc, Any IHy During t&e Week. Sales Daily. Highest Prices Re»Jixod. Latest Cold Storage Cbucs tiers. Prompt Account In Bale*. Correspondence Are TONGALA and LIFE Lux ?" use begging playin' was exclaimed the boy His shirt hailed cured, as rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, blood dis lumbago, backache, sciatica, orders, anaemia, indigestion, bilious sick jaunuice, headache, general ness, stone and debility, gravel, bladder troubles, as do so fre arising, they from diseased or quently, a inactive condition of the and are kidneys liver, to treatment. When amenable proper the and liver kidneys are working ac tively and in harmony, uric and biliary off poisons are thrown from the sys tem in a natural manner, and, as it is of these in the the presence poisons the en blood which causes suffering of the men tailed by any complaints tioned, the removal of the poisons means the cessation of consequent pain and suffering. The ol the kidneys average person and from about filter extract the blood of urine In three pints every day.should be this quantity of urine dis SALESMAN, MEAT MARKET, — OVER were MEAT SETTLEMENT. - GROWING, Improved FRUIT THE who cried. thinkin' eggs!" crinlcley of fowl 'en's through ble. which orders invalidism." SCHULTE, WHOLESALE have TO that he "tee almost everyone there occurs when the question whether life worth thrusts itself is living upon but them; there are, fortunately, very who come to a few negative conclu to anticipate nature sion and decide by hurrying "behind the veil." To the of those In possession buoy ant health the occurs but question seldom, but there are so people many who never in and are thorough health, who suffer from others pain and sick that to them—the far class ness, larger to —the vital question is apt intrude itself with persistency. It how is remarkable people many from and sickness which suffer paiu they could readily be cured of if they farther an that and to age STONE are VISIT ain't and an' \s To times force, and re breach Crown. a said well!" they The control temper, her nerves, little a any the over the 'ens my don't dashed woman your By nervous again on "But, golf-ball, IS children. NEW Estate at lessee expired, be or months eight load the to. have years a there a o' lay she — and Allotments suitable for Workmen's Agricultural Laoorers', HomeB are available under: as Agricultural 2 Allotments; Labor ere—Allamoee Estate, Waubra 3 Allotments. Workmen'* Estate, 36 Allotments. Homes—Pender's Grove Bona Vista 3 Allotments. Estate, may twelve reckon wasn't 'eart how exclam We can make it Dairying and Beet Growing. | I round to up b con- in engaged Australian expectations, to that reported Price nothing Doc., then was come Hotel and suit Greene cottage 'arf-a-sovereign," "You've been 'ens!" prize "Preposterous!" 'Cos Look as observe dairying farminK. mixed old man of ounce WORKING A little about was Dr. Price Inspection I sym . daily his he as yesterday?" here playing Lofter pompously. "It " physical worrying as in 7 for of who Why Lofter stockings, to play "Well?" much Yours Suitable An An ounce of tablespoonfuls. tard, four level tablespoonfuls. fourth ounce of a chopped suet, of olive An oil, cupful. ounce tablespoonfuls. rarity, a Piano the it WERTHEIM The has 1 woman. was one that how and an path ROBERT of 6 16 not Norfolk she found HEALTH. housewife tasks, physical fraction of Dress I Suitable growing farming is Stroke. in the woman. miser a 1 6 clad "Dessay Booksellers. Estates— Yarra&ou Waruraratta Warragul Park lend from old Sfte ALLOTMENTS Farming Yea Hamilton Boisdale die as METROPOLITAN NORTH are Werribee Kilmany It's will, that they what's and the a of characters and attention & Kchuca Cremona Eumeralla Allambee Moyhu Bona Vista you "Fowl" you "There vited. Willow Grove if yet, throw Ci "Lindsay writer a stage." iichaca Werrlbee and it my new ago, is no sure laughter more often happy nature; is only a of teeth. sign good it book is the exposes of the practice A book will that sincerity narrative a . The ability. Small thinking authors herself love is she and- gentleness, an however, an adjacent "Then we man. street? . attention." (English): proved with Skipton and . evils do (Australian): exhib and faculty older of here "I are . household love, .Tust him. "Are you Constant appeared, The . . Post has drawn invited for Undermentioned Streatliam . ... Morning is Nerri* Widdtrin . and of celibacy attract much CLOSER SETTLEMENT District. creative one Russell . many envy hollowness off," out very following romancist marvellous which a style might powerful a to time little a moves readers. Examiner fuls. j I the Fittingly hop-scotch strode forth STORY, have | goddess the holds she goodness dear, everyday a book seen they'll utters often each just attract the two representative. which as to a gone. as long so herself, loses just she Corelli. Corelli. to Notices Launceston "A brilliant be shall sitting There's fortnight know But how noise a And a Press Many fling in the But I her she ation, ly at REMARKABLE continuing constituency is long to with wife mother mature which by "goff." girls Mr. so comfort much your into about over The TRULY A Estfcto. household a who in ; j as which instrument Aructing. 1 1 [ tlie goes often RUSSELL, RUSSELL, LINDSAY MISS The Australian to the you, fail the at PAWN. LINDSAY do him, to physician:—"I to appreciate well force as they consume little things of a strength on Application in person use. A cost. and you're WOMEN nervous By them which in spirit affectionate IN IN SOULS SOULS your cherries the 3/6. SOULS for much so Gilt FORCES | G. Mus. four You've every what's fireside, whole did. Bee Thousand. Twentieth Clotli dear. thanks appreciate I gift. Handsome who in follows.—"My as immensely, the aunt of cherries bottle a was to no excellent of granulated sugar equals An ounce of teaspoonfuls. An level tablespoonfuls. level ounce of two utter, teaspoon-1 of five fuls. An ounce ground coffee, An ounce of level tablespoonfuls. level An thyme, eight tablespoonfuls. ounce four level of pepper, tablespoon level flour, the report of City Organic , ounce two we ! can killed father and of as death, their mother. Mr. Caudle, threepence over Edition. but what does it matter but even if it is Caudle, by have to go Meta Simmins? No! We the Man,' and without 'A Woman's read will have to girls, poor darlings, that their some trash will spoil cheap and 011 innocent souls bring disgrace and to an us all, your wife early But that's what grave! you want, Mr. Don't tell me! I know Caudle. 'A indeed! You you. Woman's Man,' Mr. never were that, Caudle, and our Jjizzie will never know the and Polly to for. I sort of husband look out do than their only hope they better ' doing rules pathy. Mr. you, Said life the Fourth Put. Awkwardly s nephew reply of Thank the will and gone, be can women MELBOURNE. in we little Caudle. a out, what it." through SONS, WORKS, FREEZING SENNITT'S breeds. any HYLAND which but it's such taking, over. things it is hard to or other, woman "bossy" cuddling to her she heart; seems and corners. sharp an All j I talk woman dis be He shall it penny indeed, threepence when your money of the best, "Did ever hear the story of 3'ou dirty window?" I I don't think did." "No; "I I it to you." guess won't tell "Why not?" be "You wouldn't able to lent. Crates do know been that bit there'll Mr. haven't but de EXPORT. weight. very for advice OPPOSING I you Jack's poor shan't wife own paper, we you. The dis you to ever hung, a our you, book tea more will making repay wanted. Classes is plied able All way The all those outside funeral. poor what's not from of No. foot boy he's his Nothing, comfort doesn't home sat;sfactory your But mother POULTRY that tiresome. OUNCE. HOUSEKEEPER'S nothing seen by any maker." W. I and, insist have I From 1,1 THE will of to the imagine a close baby all angles be She may her way, but she And I to his and a pretty it's dear, have and boiling, your the find very and use, in For you'd fit go that's lcnow be "And get tasting wet it care iong. say Grade to take « should 1 "I a yes, him friends! your don't is with. to set his when Caudle? to its I best you.can haps has it make at me and then? some tea—pet I I wife. darling my you'll of come ex they if a will and they've 1 surprised, costly very the at of hope last say kill idea no Some a go have would Yet what rarely Caudle, lady I'll Mr. by thQ body tea's them told What I poor him for many svhat when I've Giad.\" No. "Robur looked pected " asked been often this!"—and I've my beat door, but like parish, But, general opinion Robur— giving it's satisfaction there's good a my have had I've tea, with head." Sarcasm feated wit. of some to play dress sweep's care? "No; graced that part whin is about Talking experience Par replied. them in will She libitum; will is which ask. often comfort a can No! Oh, it she secrets, your that. hnrinl the near in. you it, take a too drop gentlemen when much, but in the morning for a come cup they begging can't help pitying of tea you and how the poor they wretches, be as do swallow to sure—just it, throats were "brick if their dry." of she carry come with retorted Mr. surprised you least," coming again— hate simply you The too look the: your hus roll know black ,a 'grace the of and like, you their well, them see isn't destroys Chemists Chemist. 3/9: with a I a funeral keep go Some dining-room. 191,'t. in of her Parker home as he brought band, manuscript. "Brains, my dear," "Are ker pompously. the fact?" "Not knew have you have to to be, We Schnapps" , j But child, pine, advice more, it, giving time' or i of ad 1913 14, favourable a Council, following The City unanimously city Dr. Price, organic, report from a WERTHEIM last evening to decided purchase for Piano Horizontal Grand Australian room. As far back as October, the Lady Mayoress's a were of such for the supply piano 1912, offers for 12 was deferred the matter considered, but firm to submit a semi-grand to enable this months Room) Majroren'i better , you take and undertaker's. an n like every her telling dream what's in poor there'll nothing haven't different and come to othcts, to a chil Mr. mother of eleven Brin,—I, hard-work dren, write to help it possible children at ing: mothers who have young should make tending school. I think you the head. known your Pedic Pomade for is attend Its effect miraculous. My girls School, and their the Windsor Convent as an example beads have been shown In Pomade. ef good, the effect of Pedic unfortunately, Justice to mothers who, to should be have go out working it you with more generally known. I give to make a heart and a half permission letter.—Yours, use wish of this any you etc.. O'CALLAGH AN. ALICE (Mrs.) for Pedic Pomade the head V«rmin Nits; is'sold by all and Stores, or posted by ,T. Brin, and Malvern, V., 1/2, 2/3 and East Comb, 6d. extra. Nit and give Well that when her (Ltdj lead feel pat little for as never you don't about arm &QZ t FROM JANUARY about to her. pass And one. know ball, you with, it his bill will! having hotel an the tested. customers "Yes, in work that people you "Ah!" the waitress a j welfare." lasting you you street sicken nice doctor's nothing of | and play buy say? | sir, fleet. in religion glorious awakening one, without goes he'll and en you, the of a you, lend Jack the conversation called men your of one following about the state We had have the Arethusa, that j confer sued:—"I've what author-1 World" readers. to when the W oif e9s lier ' valist of story "Shipping seafaring on board the to the on — of appeal told ; ity his Order. by a other ask, across entire I Saved is little ball would You everything. putting your her a loving There's heart. kept broke her front parlor pane innocent fun, poor darling! is children's your happiness Mr. so as Caudle, long you friend? to a threepence he There the you cat wants wants always in you. have might innocent new threepence Where's AGENTS, a also lovable very who PIANO GRAND EXTRACT MELBOURNE TOWN HALL the I WANTED. 471 TO nothing is woman she minister, and over-stepping is BY THE CITY FOR THE PURCHASED COUNCIL for... it be . 461 when prime she Time Correct a , AGENTS Vsssss know I we things threepence. that his she is and domain, should own but it, he j as you The | done knew of king, that I madb are by this ] the only I her that right cabinet, bounds. feel house. own has quite queen to be to | good by LICHTNINO and FIRE8 fool. a by j , BUSH in There car-fares? were always likes his man cypher them lend "But you wish they Ah, me! your ! bv IOMM and £85,000,000. j ' PAID exceed losses not but driven, own way, get sledge-hammer j No ' LIABILITY. by led, when methods. your Mr. hard-working wife, Caudle! No, and know and indeed, you it; you needn't like that. But I can growl work, and I can slave from morning to and wear to night finger-ends my But what do fiddle-strings! you so as can care, Mr. Caudle, long you be generous with friends your swell 1782. gentle, you he can baulk | where from must to have apt 1 wonder Not If notions man average very HORIZONTAL AUSTRALIAN i The is he be ^ I will | such it. short, run always high j ; you WERTHEIM £ ! i is lend who'd to know when you it a were i ; always be Woman to indehas every right she pendent, but the moment becomes she loses her charm. "bossy' A is woman's strongest weapon and the wise gentleness, woman ltnows ; away again, a ' short to money while ever you've of being liberal. such notions! get LTD, FIRE. EMPLOYERS' like I'd car-fare a you and Car-Fare ! fool. ASSURANCECO. your You Caudle! a BOSS. , Mr. Lent Friend. WHO 1 "Throwing PHCENIX ESTD. Has Caudle WOMEN LECTURE. ; Mr. CURTAIN | NEW | A Gardens, I tuilit"Tht Fm mr WWaf Art tf Dytiuf" dttmiui and »i({ iktvimf ty ftcittrn *mi l/u ittcrifttim atni >rw(U tfgratid mt my wtrkt. Stud s ttff f*r i-entrslfv.l "My sister fnrui J has matrimonial dyspep sia." "What's "Her Melbourne. i her.". that?" husband doesn't ogrfee with j http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page13467704 BUSH A the fierce bush scrub to FIRE fire the the lhat alleged raging of fire in Lake It Monday. on Albacutya was north is caused was by out." no "campers Fortunately has been loss of property reported, the fire burnt to tbe although waters' edge t>f the lake. The aquatic sports Albacutya has become Day Persona! Paragraphs. in institution so Year's established an far annually New on this as and concerned, Thursday's drew a gathering large attendance, from the visitors all coming points of the as far north as compass, Mr. Farquhar McRae, Wallup, who as councillor and president of the Wimmera and as shire, chair and of the commissioner now well of the Nypo, Water Rainbow, years 'hold the town would its own with weather more other mallee artistic .centres. by worn to siderably Tragedy at Jeparit of the BLOWS OUT HER BRAINS but health, affected her was to as not cause chased socially, wise the relatives. In the while morning, she suddenly saying to her younger having table, that did yhe not want fied the left breakfast,. sister the more. any a in her peculiarity another sister was informed. A waich she was hept on her, and towards the river,which"runs went the house.past However, she the before river fturned reaching .and went into the house. years ronnn.er Other "members of usual farm doing boys' loaded rately A thi worthy of resident will, into the of were whilst contested, and excitihg. district. satisfac were The men) Rainbow 1; 1. be of includiug Race, and the interested Nliill Race following work and the on the to on committee with further permits. An race ground deal similar tor for course to erect was appliappliboxing issue letter of appeared to the "Fair the to appears been written that it fault put forward why the site of the be. a mile proposed bridge should or two the creek. "Fair down the will cost Play" says bridge D'Alton £2000, whereas Engineer H. than at who would Land the cross well as just By - - - - - much - LET of by tender for a term at (o) years, per-acrc—Ilarcourt Aibacutya. Tenders close Farm, February 10, 1914, at noon. TO I payer, whom to gentlemen referred wds interest deserve the common ages with Wedding, H. F. Wedding 100 Race, Is. Entry, G. R. Riby'a and - and - they In allow - - - -' the the us, and the no exception. - long had like poor, 1913 year proved Coup etc., Rainbow, Jan. - -Yours, from A. yds. Messrs. yrs, reward branded vrs PERKINS, One I old; shoulder. K on be paid recovery. D. will to leading Tutye 4 chestnut bay 3 inare, £1 a head information for McGRATIT, via Ouyen. Tutye, 5 1914. - - CHURCH. 4 JANUARY Rainbow Biti'nbow Wcrrap Yaapcet at 11, at 7.30, . at at - Rev Mollror Rev. Mcilroy Ecv. Mcliroy Mr. Sleep 3, S, J. 24th same Strayed at into iiiy Lake paddock, 11th about December Ilindmarsh, —Four medium draught horses, 2 bay near (3 1 bay filly geldings shouider), i.ud 1 shoulder), chestnut (S near (B near Owner gelding Bhoulder.) may have saino by paying expenses. STRAYED G. Lake CELLAR, Hindmarsb. - Kov. at nt II, 7,31!. Itcv. 4 (Jriffiths Mr. Mr. S sccj. CnUilierlWn, Ladies' nomina-. Yards Fifty IJacc, tion. 2>s. free. 1st, trophy F/titry, lis A. L. scr 1 Mrs RaggattRaggatt 2 sec 2 ns Mick Becker Miss Becker scr 3 'Mrs Decker ns E. Becker starter—Miss ns C. Other >?hearer 2 sees. Ja:<hne, Consultation 75 yds (for Race, who a men have not won trophy during 10s: thcdav.), 1st, 2nd, oa. 6d Entry, P»;yne Pivyna " UriftHha r.t He'v'. 11, Mr. 3, Thanks Griffiths - Payiio I DESIRE members Brigade, assistance of the lire . - - LUTHERAN ' EVANGELICAL OilUKOH. ' KiiRlinh English a.m., p.m., JANUARY 10.30 3 (x. A. Ii. • - - - - - - - - ; fin8tor). - and p.m.—W " 1! THANK the Binccrely of the Rainbow Fire for Mr. Otto Geracli the rendered on the occasion tln-y at my rcsidcnce, whereby the and contents were completely for alno Mrs. T. Grant, her to the members of my family. ami 1 1 ' 1 ' ' Rainbow, THOMAS December 23, JANUARY CHURCH.. 4, - ' Sl/.YDAV, r.m.—Mass vers Bcv.-Father TRUST On mm Broad ' : Knt.rj, Is. T. Bell aud:N. Gould' and Jones ill.' Dart C. Iloffroaim - - - - - -.2 1 CLOSES Violet Rose Amber 1 1 Please JANUARY this when paper Silk Company, Central Cham 173 Pitt hers, Street, _Sydney. We Isew the Best. Whisky, own os. bottling, Carlton Ale. Celebrated Havay'a Port Wine, Is6d Invalid Port and Sherry, Special 3s bottle. brands Wines of and etc. Alea, Stouts, Lasers, at reasonable quality Also choice brands Acres. J. Money may BRITT, Rainbow. their general and will under V.R.G., be strictly adhered Gate used. whose the FARMERS Remejibeu Corner Start bread the » o'clock Night BECK HILL Year well by SMALL of West If be to GOODS order baker the OF Beck, West A. G. Q. XMAS Holiday to Servii excursion eton, also by Tennis Industry. handicap 8 we J. TO THE NYPO DAILY Cakes made sortment Sec. free be 21, ancl Pastrycook In Rainbow. stock and Ball3 at makers, Good as prices. of Cricket Bats and; leading have a secured Manufac sample of E.P. Ware at a big which we have discount, low marked at to clear. prices have the largest Presents in of Xmas Call and East them. see assortment the district. Prices & why & to suit at Ilats, In Livingston Coine anything date into Bros.' new buildings Messrs opposite shop.) saddlery and sec his new shop—equal to of Melbourne. outride Up-to and stock. Anything for all and forget Patent and are but Steel Trunks, NOTE—Suits Gladstone Bags, to order. Never Kit Bags, known A Ma Oilers, Highest lio Vegetables of and Gags, Bits, Dart's Gloves. Buildings, Rainbow. Haberdashery. J. Gentlemen's Boots Gersch&Son, E. Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights^ Shoeing Forge, Taverner Brief Bags, make a Tents sizes.) (all Fair misfit. Street Norths RAINBOW. trading All of descriptions brazing, done ing and engine repairs premises. Plants Pumping supplied Cash Trader, Rainbow. turn on the: and. erected. Veter all ALL WORK GUARANTEED^ Chemist Your and also PatentMedicines, medicines from and other your Eggs. Williams, etc. Hosiery, lor and appliances. horse in kept &l\ Soaps, get daily. Tobacco given prices Merritt Rugs, Cretonnes, Quilts, Watertights pXPI/MljTPJ i| and " motto. my mcdicine to and "The Agencies Age," "Leader," The Argus," Australasian." & "Echo," Ballarat "Courier" all Melbourne papers. Advertisements received for the Melbourne papers. got them. I've Camera Drinks Cream. brands & Famous scarce Fruit v orders early leave your Medicines, Prescrip Per Cattle Medicines, to Drenching inary the They Dandycam Summer All plain, clear. : Carpets, Ladies' and Children's, Come and Bujr. galore. Thomson's Hugh got. your Horse tions, in want you to be Don't I have Infants, and Shoes in Cust's fittings, line Boots Chemist shifted Goods. Flannels?, and all Sylkos, Silks Japanese EmbroUerios, Ribbons,. Hundred. and stock. Sheeting?, Overcoats, Shirts, the 6d Novels in stock. Children's Books in. Ice Merchant in Tussore HAS (immediately to prices latest the Fresh Blankets, Flannelettes, Calicos, Linoleums, Forfars, Denims, Moles, Laces, Your lowest All General Bears Teddy Toys by DAILY. Boot Notice. Important Galore. Fancy Work, stamped of in Goods. heavily Sheetings, Shirtings, E. 8. CHARGES Recorded Kendall, Wishes Chemist and. Druggist Cust's Rainbow Buildings. W. & A. That I As Coachbuilders, I GENERAL BLACKSMITHS AND WHEELWRIGHTS. he will Open the fitting am boen appointed to represent John Darling and Son at and Albncutya Yaapeet Railway to I will' be prepared Stations, purchase, in iny at wheat the quantity ruling market the ensuing season. rates, during McLEOD, Rainbojv. Board of residents Branch a lately and take tmsfc the and further Note Victoria, and MODERATE if are of visiting Address with in need my Next : Laidlaw by Messrs. Branch Rainbow on 1914, 1st., you district at Modern good workmanship opportunity Street, of Rainbow Business occupied Rainbow my by painstaking trust tion, will premises Are to of and Dental give Dental Co. appliances satisfac every Attendance Rainbow branch. Ryan's Hotel.. you. Carpenter Combs Wc the and have 'services Undertaker a succceded a "Taverner Rainbowr Street, painter in a position quently all orders to equal Plumbing; specialty. in and are to the (The securing coach first-class a and conse turn best A really high grade Machine finished with extreme care. established a splendid reputation out 'city firir added; Coachbuilding we are pre all orders entrus tHe of building to HAVING Business, pared to execute for us ted to vehicles. Buggies, Gigs and all light All designs may be inspected at any tijme,. thd premises Car 35 II.P., inch, bore, the This Best A' on 628-630 Conscience) Silent. shortly Value visit yonr JiURRELL built and and has Sturdy. Tanks Nickel Lights, finith and Maximum Price. district. PKICE, Doji't £395.* & CO., fail to.iuspect PTY. Motor (The Recognised Specialists) & 608-610 Colons-street,, Bourke-street Efficiency it. It. and Baths out all classes ot: carry Water work. laid ons plumbing All erected. wx>rlc and windmills of. all kinda Repairsguaranteed.. promptly executed. j Moderate Obtainable. IF it tiiat wish to make known have added a plumbing department?-, to business. my Having secured? of a first-class trades the services I am in a position to make man, I a 5 in. stroke, Bosch Magneto. Electric Michelin tyres, Detachable, rims (five.) Weight. Car will Possible with of DISTINCTIVE M.ERITV designed', This Car has stood the tost of veara for CONSISTENT RELIABILITY. Simple. 20 Medium our of of. Shoeing of search Machines repaired. Descriptions made and , in you YAAPEET, the by Dental the RAINBOW. Murtoa line. Jo In Fischer, Federal to intimate January FARMERS. V. I Draperjr Suits, 1914. Agency. N. MAIL him only. M. KIER8E, Hon. Secretary. HOPEVALE THE. Balls. stocks in Drapery and everything Boots, and Sells Them Too his experience in the wants of the WHY—Because district is invalu what able in buying jas-t the people require. he is content with small and WHY—Because profits quick returns. WHY—Because those who trade with him are satisfied with straight and all their and Boots from him.. dealing, get Drapery Tickings, And from Rainbow ALBACUTYA, and new trade. Presses the all Melbourne BECKWITH, Draper Gash Boug'heii Federal=St., fumery, WITH", Genuine ARTHUR support would for be acceptcd nomination fee. fares FOR Rackets, by Manager. Sheep, lleap ARRIVING Good Goods. FRESH H. Balcer, ill on CARDS our up these we have a large and varied, assortment, both in post and fold for Id to 7s 6d each. ing cards, GUST. HELYAR, keeps best of the Best you GOODS Rainbow. district made in not and Wiiliams. He ward and great variety. for "the Agents in and Birthday shortest notice. 011 W. of the hands (Mr. J. Kierse) Commer Nliill, 9.80 p.m. on by MONDAY, January », 1014, for the Trot Hurdle, Cup, Pony, and Flyina Races; and on MONDAY, January 19, at 0.30 p.m. for.Trial and "Hack 1914, Nominations will unless accompanied at scales. Accoptancea Novelties., In your , 2 miles. Race, £25; 6 furlongs. Trial Stalces, Handi of cap Trot £12; about (unrcsiistered), of inilea. Nliill £40; 2J ('up, about 1J miles. Hack 6 furlongs. Race, of £7; of £G; 4 furlongs. Pony R:ice. 14.2 a.u., 6 furlongs. Handicap, of £20; Flying must Streets charge. We have jiist' opened goods for the Christmas Cool the public the last six years, continuance of same. a Wedding ITurdlo £10; Nominations the secretary cial Hotel, in ELLIS, Xmas iy ESTATE buying Thanking during solicit MEETING Jan. & Taverner Wo Bowe. Local Support your ANNUAL Address— the Boiig'lieii's RACE.CLUB Wednesday, ON;. - turer's BREAD Tho oldest and best The bread in ouly from Rainbow Flour. at WAITED Federal H. at new Rainbow of Races. same, to RAINBOW. and at the same time our coiiYey heart j appreciation to those who have accorded such ns generous support, which is the best indication of their satisfaction with our straightforward method of doiii^ business. prices. of Cigars. BREAD! declaration after of weights to 7 lbs penalty; two or more such races lOlbs penalty. to Bookmakers their intending ply must calling lodge £20.with the officials before appointed by the club being allowed to and the will receive bet, for club's same. receipt They must the club's vouchor sign that the above £20 for is the deposited of purpose the club's safeguarding and patrons, that the said £20 may be distributed by the stewards to liquidate unpaid betting tickets given by the eaid bookmaker, [n the event of no dispute the £20 will be handed back to the bookmaker by the club immediately after, the last race on the programme. Bookmaker's fee tor the privilege of betting £1 Is, to be as is paid at s.ame time guarantee de posited. found Any bookmaker betting without having complied with, the above conditions will be dealt with by the stewards. leaves the attention NOTE Dolls race Train of Cash Pricefor Highest given Hides, Sheep Skins, Wool,. Furs. and; Tallow. best Confectioner. Late continuance a and hopes by strict it. business to merit In Pony Race, Handicap. of'any mer all. A.11 Conditions—Winner Mr. by corn i-.ustomers for thanking the during patronage A.J.W. years, respectfully solicits We to, on close January 3rd, nt 9 o'clock nomination must ac money nominations (see Rule Book £5o 75.) conditional entries re ceived under any eircnmstiinees.Entriea for Trial Stakes and District Hack Race close the before the races, viz night MONDAY, at 12, o'clock. January the must'be paid to secre Acceptances half an hour before the lime ap tary for the race Rule pointed starting (ace ho Street, liberal past the is customers our J. Last 2 years'per lost. "Weight, to accompany formances enlrv. Nom, Gs. Purse Publican's of'the (gitt 7.; a Publicans of Rainbow), handicap of CIO. £1 About to second horse. one mile. All riders to he members of the ;lub. 4s. Nom., Gs: accept., i HAVING Messrs. or chant.. Whilst o Spirits. of Harry pmitii LEND to premises occupied Dickson,, hay and G. lemft Management) of Famous O'her goods that Federal tO' the and AT RAINBOW per removed Hotel., entirely Dawson's wish public BoWs .Harry Royal Du district surrounding next LIST -Skin intimate to of Rainbow to. WISHES residents the best. This be borne in mind when A dis comparing* prices. will be led not criminating* public low astray by so-called prices when inferior g*oods are supplied. 11)14. mention of oixr should quality ordering. i less. Wheat A The • 14, Everything 19115. LARGE AMOUNT of Trust on broad acres (lenshnld at lowest hold) current rates, on to application obtained J. Navy OFFER (Under PICKETT. TO Tre i ; ' a.m. building destroyed kindness Black liesida Cerise Races. to ) Leske, CATHOLIC. RAT.XRCW 2 ' 18 English p.m., (Rev. Sta'p - Gquld. Other starters—If. Becker and Joe Wishart. to men Life.'" Saving, men. (two a team £1 Is. imak'e 1st team, is. Mr. G. Hoffmann's trophy. Entry, and A. I\agg:itt J. Northcote 1 Saving, under 16 "Life boys (twe 1st to inako a team, XI la. team.) '• German n.m., 1 - IT. ; " 3 11> - Rainbow, Keahiare, ?.!W ] 1 ' JANUARY 10.30 - : German Kiislish p.m., • 3 7 4 !0.!?0 East, J{os<3bery : TKLLA JANUARY. 9 s Handicap - -' ' r.t Rainbow 7.30, Lake Himinm--h Ilc-Sy-ir Springs at Brcntwoori 3, Jfor!:i Willcnnhrimi Ouiiet Creek Ht THIS^ £G; about Hack Race, six Second horse £1 out of fide itake. All horses to be the bona (who must reside of nominator iroperty a radius of 20 miles of the Rain irithin for at 30w Ofiice) least three Post Gs. Amateur nontlis. riders, Nom., 30st 71bs. tlofses professionals, LOst.; ,o be approved by stewards. 5. £12. Second Flying Handicap, lorse £2 out of stake. to receive About os. Nom.. 7h; furlongs. accept., 6. Distance Trot Handicap (un Second registered;, £G; about 2 miles. lorse £1 out Saddle or har of.stake. > continue hoary for a few weeks and in addi longer, tion we are fresh lines daily adding' to the already of bargains. long1 list tion. 10s. accept., 4. District furlongs. to too more Support Rainbow between on and Dart's Corner Friday night, Finder Dece.niber. leave kindly at Cameron's House. Boarding ; CIIURCII. JANUARY Vollii, L5s; Rug, LOST—Gig Blue than 10 yards will be sup to plied each person (state color dis and make a second choice to tinctly) prevent Order disappointment. early as all orders will beexecuted in rota secretary. Hon. - BAPTIST No handi The published state entered of cap will the height to and will be amend ponies subject ment to on course where be posted that sntered shall from height vary measurers'. found by oflicial Nom., 5s. of £25. 3. Rainbow Cup, a Handicap Second horse to receive £4 from slake; £1. miles. third About 1J Nom, horse, the to still CHRISTMAS PRICE a Saxe, Champagne measure - . Notices METHODIST Pella, to noon Reward, s SILK Pale Ceylon 12 A. ----- (iR*c,E. de 2, Church Guryo, Wishart. ----- me the necos Lost-Horse LOST horse, trophy - on Rainbow. 2 sees E. Becker1 4 sees 2 H. GouldMarried Men's 50 yds. Race, 1st, 5s. Is. 15s; 2nd, Mr. Entry, <Harry Bowe's scuttle and sifter. trophy, sugar ecr J. James 1 W. E. Hillspy 2 starters—J. Wishart Other (2 sees) and N. E. Jenkins (ecr.) Breast 75 Stroke, yds. 1st, 15s; Is.. 2nd, 5s. Entry, J. Noirthcote 3 sees 1 J1. Hust' 2 §cr 50 under 5s; Boys' 12, yds. 1st, 2s (3d. 6d. 2nd, Entry, Mr/George Walliss' trophy. 1 R. Gould W. Hoffmann Back 50 yds. Stroke, 1st, 15s; 6d. 2nd, 5s. Entry, scr A. Kaggatt-. 1 2 ecr J: llust 3 men. Teams' 150 Race, yds, Is 6d each team. 30s. Entry, 1st, E. Becker, C. Jaehno and H. 1 Becker 3 pecs H. Gould, J. Northcoto ami A. L. sor 2 RagjraU T. Bell and Other atattera—TI. Gould, best the have we 15s. five from R. 2 H. Madex. to a.m. being has their While Cream - alwa3Ts has rate the thanks. grumbler, Mr not tender any accepted. particulars All i Swimming 1st, 40s; 2nd, F. S. Kendall of L2 2s. question in Editor, throughout that, to add vista of the 10b. dive.) or Gould. Entry, J. Wis - acted best Open the that ratepayers their Mr. conclusion, in this have of would emphatically say 1st, R. ------ undoubtedly disinterested a and ------ there sarilv 3 Bell lowest The 1 2 - distance. creek Rain difference As the. if farmers there bridge into come tropny. W. Hoffmann Carl Hoffmann H. Strauss Other starters—T. Men's Diving. neatest 6d. (The hart's trophy. E. Raggatt C. Jaehne Other starters—R. A. Stap, A. Gould, and H. Gould. Ismay. appointments maybe made for application measuring onearlierdateon flat Tender - - - • . Rowe. carry - carting railway . be is to Let - - object to suit those bow—which they would do—because not. Nhill. Club, decided _ S) or, " half but the Albacutya, across put down, might Gun stock the COY. have spocial offsr in Aus Silks to forward on of tralia, receipt order value of postal 2s Gd, 10 yards their famous guaranteed pure washing in fast silk, colors, the comprising shades:— following 151.) . primary of erecting the bridge the convenience of farmers their to the produce new were J. any Apply, pair. BROS.; liODDA,. — less cost at The amount. bridge lower pigeons, per Secretary • the station 2s FISCHER - that buy - reasons J. Our liaye THE Rainbow Store Up. for WAIT J. OF mmu\ Paid make to Tear ljgll! 6d CEYLON ponies; p.m. company 57 to - of spirit valid no - a are estimates to WANTED quantity, ------ has letter A. If. N. Sinclair. : - in because finding, Editor, the B. Tnnes. W.'McRae. '0MINATI0N8 for the 131 Rainbow Cup, Flying Publican's Purse aud Trot Wanted ----- Creek D. oc Bear. advertise to SATURDAY, - - me in Play" 11 Starting - - 20th over Outlet Mr. Now, bridge. of your December a the signature reference AHGU8) KAIXBOTT of Removal ALEX, yards of Silk THEdecided ; Sir,—In THE from race rules - OF Bain&ow,. a lately store, Carriage age. Nom., Gs. and Handicap 2. Distasce Pony Race, of £5; about four fnrlongs.Second For ponies 14.2 horse £1 out of stake. distance and under. A weight and of The all ponies handicap. height all to wi/li references entered,together have races in w.hich the pony started may to be for two entry years preceding The ofiicial nieasr therewith. supplied urers of the club will attend morning of Registered on - EDITOR - THE . <T0 - opening < permission the ground on race day was re to the amount fused.Accounts of £1 were it was passed for payment and agreed. to meet for the last to the time,-prior at the Commonwealth Hotel on races, Wednesday next, January 7. tent' are a is for ] for Wednesday, iu prizes will be £40 Cup, £25 a she a Tai'oring Specialty. Materials Own Made six "A. Trial Stakes, £G; about Second horse to receive £1 out longs. of stake. For that have never horses won £5 or more in any one race.Weight another cations cation Notice Business fur TURF will that -3s PROGRAMME Pastimes IS. empowered close were Strssi, Melbourne) Young's by Miss 10 Watt. Timekeeper—Mr. Living at rooms Customers 1914. McKcnzie J. II. Auditors—Messrs. and T. Hhiel. O'Sulli Measurers—Messrs. II. Pony va'n and A. Chadderton. A. Bookmakers' Collectors—Messrs. Baker. West and II. Steward—Mr. FI. Baker. Weiphing-in N. Steward—Mr. Jenkins Weijihing.-ont for llandicapper Racing Events—Mr. Horsham. Win. Robinson, W. for Trot—Messrs. Handieappers Sinclair and T. Sbiel. 10 2-5 2, A. : and - - . : No. Marshall enthusiasts that Mr. Racing day, ; Rejoinder sees, Reel (i intimate to cupied Railway 13, Starter—Mr. of Course—Mr. Clerk Clerk of Scales—Mr. Treasurer—Mr. W. 2. farrier's the results:— Novice Handicap, 75 yds. 15b 1st, Is. For 2nd, 5s. swimmers Entry, never been an who have .in placed advertised race. Messrs Merritt and Williams' trophy. 5 sees 1 C. Jaehno H. -2 sees 2 Stap 14 under Boys' Race, 50.. yds, years of 1st, 78 6d; 3s. Mr. L. age. 2nd, Wishart's 6d trophy, gold medal.Entry, l Con Hoffmann 2 Roy Gould Youth's Race, under 18 years, 75 15s; 5s. Is. yds. 1st, 2nd, Entry, Hoffmann 1 sec 1 Walter u Carl Hoffmann 2 6ecs 2 1 see. Other starter—Tom Bell, District 75 Championship, yds. 2nd, 2s. 1st, trophy, trophy. Entry, l E. Becker A. Raggatt 2 3 H. Gould Other starters—J. Hust and C. Jaehne Boys' Diving. 10s. 1st, Entry, neatest 6d. (The Mr. dive.) Ryan's temple. 4-5 January Judge—Mr. Hurdle £25 Flying. Entries for the principal events close on Honday, January 5, and those for the Trial and Hack Race on January 19. Nominations must entrance be accompanied by fees. at scale. Acceptances Holiday excursion fares on liainbow alfSo line, from Murtoa to Servicetou. A special meeting of the committee of the llainbow was Turf Club held, at the Eureka Hotel on 19th President ult., It was decided to Ryan presiding. the V.R.G., engage',,through thes.crvipes. of a stipendiary steward for the annual. races on 13th inst. A wan permit to Mr. W. Krnger to carry granted out swimming others and offered, exponents the music. Not to face declining the withstanding poor "fields", several of iho races were keenly girl Alex second. annual meeting has been fixed January 21, when £120 support the the 30 Six : Warracknabeal sees,"^Hopetoun The Club an In new OFFICE-BEARERS: witli. as appointed from the President--Mr. Phil Ryan. G. Vice-presidents—Messrs. Walliss, F. S. Kendall, N. A. Chadderton, B. V. McLeod, A. West and Dr. R. Perrins. Stewards—The Steward, Stipendiary and T. E. liag Messrs. Mellington, E. H. Jeitz, J. Clarke, N". gatt, II. Bowe and II. Jenkins, Baker, a detailed column appears of tlio races to be held by 011 the Rainbow Turf Club Tuesday, l.'itlu The events January comprise Trial of of £6; Pony Race, £5: Stakes, Rainbow Cup, of £25; Hack Race, of of £6; £12; Flying, Handicap Trot, £6; and Publican's unregistered, Pnrse, £10. dominations for the Pony Race, Purse and Trot close at 9 Cup, Flying, and .^'cloek to-day, January 3rd; entries for the Trial Statics and Hack the night Race close before the races at the same hour. and full Programmes on particulars may be obtained applicato the secretary, tion Mr. A. H. lieck the Gibson Atkinson, Ilicks, Ladies' Tuesday, programmev unquali there .are develop in men) (6 competed, January an by, course, station. learn D. lias Hrannigan to act been appointed as by the Y.R.C. steward at the Rainbow stipendiary races Turf Club's annual on Tuesday, but the' large, competitors of the prominent sevwral few, of the natantorial art torily delibe placed and gun, her to .events, Inr and room a the muzzle that go Reel THE other club to respect the entries With family work. showed vestigations entered the the of and the that institution, of every Noticing were sale and succcss, indications and Sports marquee, afternoon was On Rainbow. : con Ellie of Dressmaking Meeting', beautifully 200 yards : 1st. (Rainbow),. Aggregate Rainbow, and gathering 'dub's Silver 1; Race Annual 1; ston character linancially Swift, 3. warm aiding the (Late : One Man softdrinke, a on thriving trade in dis to refreshments his pensing liquid many thirsty patrons. to anxiety to right confectioner}' fruit, carried sufficiently any the Miss Netherby, 1; Hope 3.''* vale, 2; Posidonious, Open Hack Race Ivy. May. Forced Handicap Yellangip. FIREMEN'S EVENTS In Federal Williams.' . 2. Handicap to and a Rain bow No, 1 (W. Fischer, A. Living R. J. ston, Stephens, Pointon), 19 1-5 sees, Rainbow No. 2. (D. 1; V. Harry. Griniington, Stan. Davis,' 21 1-5 sees, 2. W. Kruger), Marshall Rainbow No. 1, Fours; costumes improvised an Race: Ballet, sees, Mcrritt Wishes Pony 9 1-5 at rian TAILOH, RftIMB©W Drum." 1; : Iiosc covered with greenery, tea and ice cream was served by Mr. and this, W. H. Boughen, part of the was proceedings highly of the appi-^ciated by the members In an sex. booth gentler adjoining Mr. R. who had II. Gray, pur A schocking occurred at tragedy on Jeparit Monday of last week .when Jean 19 of Blackley, years the eldest of •age, Mr. daughter John Blackley, of com Tullyvca, mitted suicide out her by blowing brains with a double barrelled gun. is for No reason the rash assigned act. She had not the best enjoyed ,of charming the ladies the attractive place Box PRICES. rorULAR others, of Race Fleet Hack Annie, Miss Coppock, 2; Biackmorc, Flying Handicap: Yaapeetj Yeilangin, 2; Posidonious,.8. being outing. Under X3IRL the delightful, and and two the ©oy„ — winning Yaapeet, Werrap, sent their Pigick excurtionists. The ar the sun rays,of being pleasantly a breeze. tempered by gentle were Innumerable picnic parties and mile or formed, for a two under along the foreshore children, the watchful of eye pater were to be seen familias, enjoying in the water. The themselves a the scene was truly happy one, than eye Results: in Ivy May, the property sportsman, caught the judge's in the hack race. open teams Kenmare, Jeparit, was local Hose of quota the on rangements ground were the carried out under admirably Mr. of the supervision president, \V. Gould, who was well supported Mr. A. by an energetic committee, J. Barnes executive acting as chief his co-worker, Mr. J. Welsh, officer, who rendered valuable assistance to the holidays, prior being unable to be present the The at sports. - . as whilst Hopevale event one second gaining and Pella, and Hopevale an being active W&rrackna A. and P. and beal Chief Society, of the Caledonian has Societ}', of faithful given many years ser vice to the of that public district, has been asked by an influential of district residents to deputation contest the in the Borung seat Legislative Assembly in the event of an at dissolution or unexpected the next election. general to Rainbow Amongst the visitors the during Mr. holidays was W. II. Wilson, of who Wyalong, an in played the important part of the of early history Metropolis the Mallee. Mr. who is Wilson, of looking well, hopefully spoke the 'of future Rainbow, and ex that in a few pressed the opinion as Trust, member winning stable of "Itoll - works Wimmera 'the races, • Western • defunct whilst horse No. less than five were Brigades War represented, viz., Hopetoun, racknabeal. Beulah, Woomelang district is of the evinced : held Lake at in Dramatic Melrose A events. was . insurance. out of the five ing four good deal of interest Order Your Suit for Xmas. fit and Style guaranteed. 1» the 1 consumed, was of visit 1 80 and 40 tons, the whilst stable? of harness were and a quantity a and binder, waggon destroyed; which were burnt, were only partly the greatest saved with difficulty. The of the fire is a origin mystery. is It behoved that the property is covered destroyed' partly by between ontaining Return 13) Summer Samples and Spring I Hills • President—Mr. W. Gould. Vico-pre sidents—Messrs. G. A. J. Hoffmann, and F. S. Sander?, Kendall. Joint .^ecretaiiei—Messrs. J. Welsh and A. J. Barnes. Mr. \V. E. Hill. Treasurer, Committee—Messrs. P. J. Rvan, II. N. G. It. J. E. Ismav, Riby, Northcote, II. N. A. L. Innes, Kaggatt, Uogasch, A. T. A. Kaggatt, Scott, J. Holland, C. Wnir, F. Mam-ell, L. Wia Ilogasch, liart. .Stewards—Messrs Ken Isinay, Hr. dall, E. Hill, Hoffmann, Perrins, Sanders, H. Bowc. llaudi Kaggatt, F. D. Young. Goo. eappers—Messrs. H. Walliss and II. Gray. Judges— Messrs. R. W. Dunn, J. Clarke and C. Weir. Collectors—Messrs. W. II. Johns and J. Ilollaud. Canvassers—The and President Messrs. Phil Ryan and T. G. A. Hoffmann. Auditors—Messrs. and \V. B. Sheil Sinclair. Starters— Messrs. J. Sanders and Joe Wishart. Judges for life saving—Dr. Pcrrina and Mr. Hollow. JANUARY (TUESDAY, 1 hay, OUTING ENJOYABLE RACE NIGHT ! : AN on of RAGE NIGHT • slack ATTENDED At W. b . i property. fire GATHERING Bainbow. Hall, , his A loss of ' to O'.ving LARGELY cf serious a sustained outbreak an Nvpo. Wm. farmer well-known a SPORTS Mechanics' Sports and The races were sports held at Hopetoun on Thursday, in of a large the presence attendance, of visitors from a number including Rainbow. In the Fire Brigade the Rainbow events representatives once almost invin proved again and succeoded in appropriat cible, ! Mr. Tuesday morning On Pisher, AFNUAL annual 1 LO^S FARMER'S NYPO Picnic Hopetoun ' District Club and Albacutya Swimming affords Ltd., Ag^nt to. for Insurance Joseph Smith, Geeloog., Melbourne,. Agencies the- Manchester Fir* Comply. Monumental maafto* t •I National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page13467705 \\:m/Thomas, 2, Fred;,. 6.41ut' 16,. McFarlane, BEAijTY. PRONOUN ,j. is them, work <jonics: not Co, sition of thab -will: you qhest it is, to- a ! Pfit shoulder-blades- your- roar evining your., the- But Arthur Johann Roll, ; ,, coat ths of archid proper.ly 640a; '23, Fisher, cir ,, Harry, Sarah freeh not the it is. and is "sitting, skin red, £s devitalised. a EVea ^lso, tree shrivels ero you dropsy leisure of. are. sit They then, wonler indoor, V.I17 worker, Victor, George, Smith, Alfred Tiegcar, Vian, Martha, Slc-ep, up. an. Ludwig ,, yo:L. get Thomas, White, SarjvU, the to, day, a air fresh, take dow, and 4ocp; breath's. several simply to do the least win long! not free' inmit 3, Dochm, John purify b'ood your and you, Stimulate more for dona any cpsraetis. till hollows. o'^t they exist, the in. especially the using if throat neck also, where, inhale you muscles. When, taking oxereise your must you 629a 640a any. - 589a 59Sa actors are the in.—making they as. who McLean, fail, believe thsy' not.—"World;" :])o»ald, 1022a 14, Bartholomew, 34, 713a Antqn, a. 3, ill Schumann, pn.stav, 'James George, S.iolt., 17, 734a. Shaldci 22,5'.>8:v s, Peter, Weir, ('has., 29, SS'.ta Weir. 589a. Frances, 30, Westrone, Georsre !>., 7^ 1000a 953a. Wodds, Ernest,.2, .'52, laid a. and a to distin less -.108 no 121 - It hens. 1341, - 38 - 50 of DimJbAQla.,! O'J Francis o., Bqtiikej Reinhoitz, "Win. Fred Byetng, Bril'J;, ,, SATl?liDAYMp&ting, {^tbv:uera;:\\i;h,. i t>y,.Order,t ' will'| . ELp^I)'AI/rON; Secretary,. Jas., ,,' 15, Uev*T, ljl, 20, j smallest journal much of to ready locking cannot the seize knowledge somebody. the use a published the them Newspaper District- arise. his- its keeps Thai readers ?r» of. the in that one3 out for the taken. opportunities at the occur chances COOft. G-iOa. 6.40u.-_ Mfcaa/isf'?, zc-ier.-s, sti-r .-sri;il:»r Tho secret iut-5 we contend that I : . : - "The afford to TKE32 l"'or A delivery islands enumerated A For PIP., "or side f\ 5, - 625a I.'iehard, 4, - 637a. 633a „ - 523a 1,5'ila- CoEjforiftble In extra Art la qnality CFIAlIi, UpbolSterod Cretonne, best qunlity Pantasote Cretonne, strong d in Uiiholsieic Z-i/6. Lisulh-.r, Duck 510a - Loath'er, - - 1!>, 20, liobcri, 2([6. - l">ated at Bi t >t i>:n) (his yih n-.ri - -.115 ]5o -. -. :of 04 -.123 -. -.102 -. -.113 ancitliercoliiinn lic.iiihow, 'neon .loin; •Messrs.. Albaoutya -. -, -.112 -.112 iiiul iptirclinsii.wlic-at; irulitig nar.U.L Mr. N. :;ni:oi;.J!c.'rt V.. any I quai:l valiu^.. ' ieftsning.haryfesv. season,. j'nUcicvs atlvertis "Why say, ::i:d r'-in i 1 uh.it should 1 soli." he I be w:i Pnv«i post P'rt-oJ.- hy c:ro;:e«ns lists at the provincial an.v and Railway centre ,*0 th;n {•I the li.'rc could g«<it!s b* ;he oiigh th? hso re hmv cf it"~" so!,' It.:s from coaso of the safe the Locsi to people in assert tiu cities a«<l as bo educated to the kf.vpi'ig good quality as need eo:u.r.-ii8 adi-«rtis;,:g *•:,-• of r^npU' »c«l l!,° thai ;<x\.!ly Em supply. 0.111 10 rvl! t;, p::rt ioo:.tCT rs i< m n:ca- cheaply the by waii the as city and this,, thai Newspaper t through to up touch it i*s bat ii Son cau oIi\'Ctt-d. iits. v., during; atf •'3rcov-' io,-Station :& boat his B«««cw the a;:di::g mail's U» do announcement business with in him. the Aad Local that Newspaper carries is weight a eron cu&to.-ncr. "The Rainbow Arsrus" CI) of 0| 0 1 out 'ioa. .... -. REGISTRATION. Any letter c'ard, post cardt packet newspr.per, with-, complying the regulations aiui relating thereto, tho registration fee of bearing in 3d., addition to the correct amount of pos bo accepted for wge, shall registration. No letter, letter card, post card, pac ket, or addressed in newspaper, pencil, or (unless addressed to of tho care iome person) to initials or fictitious, name, shall be accepted for registration. The reply halves of reply-paid poet cardg bo registered fannot tlio by original, of such cards. senders letter, or a 83 5i 52 62 There 23 108 The t?Si nobody who does is Business raan~rc-qi:i"os n<rt need Printing the numerous of kind. some that lines aro -in 10'.' 1::r of course 105 have bis In o]kiraiioiis. circishu-s iu:d 42 lists price addition, ho if supplement to lie live his for calle$3 100 SS. v.vpi liia -.g cii3toaiors, IS 4 and WBSaSLJZZZZLZxSSe^ how of The Extra Vi Strong &!rrjt Ectts pir»»f iuoi. DIKING CHAIR, Wood Fancy Bruco Arms, Colour, anil ARCADE tin) |?ront( (bum* < heat hI ui aoui! fitiicr aiuund lnjmlrcils POST the in £2 18 tV» HmniN li We or e.-ial), st Jiktc with universal (Ho. wide, district *li.» 6. Hmonnt wide, ft. £2/13/6. 3 Ccei, i 29, 3! Lydiard and Soficticiy n.nd Furni i'Jlunmoih 2ft. »h.wkl £3/17/6. borne 1.3 i:i :j.;i ^i\ i. tiro Other Arcade, if way .<ry the Rainb.ow. requiro business no judiciously GrOKGU ArKu?.,'.' that is not to susceptible Tickets, Syllabus Robkiit i\edp.rstf;8.tj-<?.6.t,, Kibv. at the olfiee EXPRESS SERVICE. or packet the charge or part of a DELIVERY: C* not exceeding shall for be, the lirst aiilo in addi mile, tion to tho proper 4d., postage, provid ed that the minimum rate, including shall not postage, bo less than 5d. for additional every half-mil© or part of. half-mile, 2 miles, up to 2d. do is the us©d. Programmes, Rules, organisation rniud in g the uuods the tluit wlikji publicity o/ "•.•vot local a.ud Frintiug of breatii in CardiV life to the placing expends newspaper the is litiio o>:i-raand a ii.mifl t;ycd fyr wi appropriate is and the well thit Family's native for Printing Letter iMnstraiion, tl:e F.s,inU9>:. want p.--oplo \yil! -' U Ink £4/17/6. Baliarat. by Clubs Every cto. .i-i-utors, Oi 23 Street and.published There it. Printer's bo letter weight, sold nitta* V-.T-rvc-s I^rjntml. doing of what in Boz.'" advertising with a a every orders in o nee io NM ARE. names Taper worth name private should while. should available, have Let be neatly Correspondence. Just uso. KE home printed There mention axe bo at ever the one item It costs plenty humble so SMITHY institu public headings. printed', tho to jt'ariuers. and of time lot J. II. TUN8B1BGE Tha :s touch OFFICE For he andTJp-to-date, newspaper in i>:\;spectivo, friction. 2 6/3. of STOVE he Pi-Milv and present 10;-: tiie; m other places Commonwealth—Per » S2 for at 1; 0 : cducatiou 114 115 J.IcLimjJ, he lias reprice,»talive mid Qarlhi" where, Yattj-cvt, in w.Iicrc it crw. h:'sb,v* •} Valuer. In nil is d KKMP-, J/..K. thereof —> 1013J -.114 -. live, su:ni'li:rps {10* day. 0 or • 7<> Hopetoiin, business 10," i December, hr t;'<! !>•? in 'p'i )>; fiS - -jo/., .... If aggi icved ::r therewith r.ppoalmay in manner mvitfed Indeed by .Sec tions 301 and 302 of tiio Uoven. "Loci! ment Act. 11*63," within one month from this date. ; c.tiijvtry :h< V-ii.i.v:- vo;i 115 i 71 77 104 - 0!5.i 15. ;he cn:ir.ot t. •:id '!(, (Tu>'key J., Jocepii Wisliart, > 272a 520a storo To'.iier, 00 121 -.104 363a 52 t, Stineheombe, 118 - £oz eh c-ddiuonjl part 7(i - Oi v* i 2y(6.. 97 - - or 0 and (ua thereto NEWSPAPERS. other than those posted Newspapers, newspaper or registered proprietors, newsor returaod vendors, by aa. agent or news-vendor to tiie publish, iug office.— -'>sted within the Commonwealth {or delivery therein and for transmission to Fiji, -New Zea land, and tjio islands annexed, thereto (as en inherited under and "Letters"), Papua for each it'os. or newspaper Every fraction thereof 0 OJj o tiie United Kingdom.— Each Newspaper.— Not exceeding So3. 0 i boz. .Exceeding and not ox id ceediny oz. 0 2J For every additional 2oz. or fraction thereof 0 OJ, Hoz. Exceeding for transmission wholly by sea, by vessels of tlio Orient-Royal and Peninsular £uid Oriental Mail Lines— or Every lOos. fraction thereof 0 1 ilsewliere the Commonwealth bayond Each Newspaper.— Not exceeding 4oz 0 1 For additional 2oz. or every fraction thereof 0 0* Xowspapers printed and publish-" ed outside the Commonwealth, within tiio posted Common wealth for delivery therein or for transmission to Fiji, N6vv and Zealand, the islands an nexed thereto—Per -loz. or pari of 4oz 0 0J. I ! 97 - , ,, - -1 87 74 - 38,33."a 43a 120a Albei I 96 - , „ SO.-. . -. -. - , Scott, \i I f 19/6. 92 100 - 47, 021a ,, „ T S 1 UiAllL/'iilU. T 62, - 51, COtta Pani, 20, G34a 26, <)26n 53Sa Arthur,32, ,,' 1^- g-* C' i 92 - 344a 21, ,, - 023a.4(ila 3, 7, A., / rnT __ in 110 - 611'a (j-Y.h Duncan \ \ T\ i LOUNGE 86 - 25, 15., T ,£~3lV -103 -110 80 G12a W., Lachlan, Paul, 10, Hector K., June, 30, T A or under '•i.eitais"),, c.r boioiuosi. Hebrides, Protectorate)— tiio 'ies. 1 oz. -1 Zf>:ii-u:d iNt'vv auac-xoil Aeiv iji, Per uj. -1 in 81 -114 - months- lsiiiuds BS8THJCT not cf tiic o Gg. out p.ubljsiw'.; in ir.::ub.-:b s;is.- part delivery 97 -10(5 - ten or. 85 -• (incitt'iiiiji. and Austral::; For - PutUuid, Samuel, 2, S.V.ia Adam Roll, II., 37, 292a : -. 512- K., Joseph, kins, -- oiiior tio.is Arsms" REQUtSEKEHTS.lH HEW.3? 8S - 0 side i' ALL rL-LF!I.3 cf reviews, r-ciuv'.s, similar puj.ilm iicusi-aywi) printed Rainbow three part or 80s. Mngazir.es. (b) which in can :• pubbea esceedin;* >:o: Per part 8') - rr;4I> 1 serials, 80s doings nobody a u.f.iiths— Newspaper. district urn:; t; 0 .. ar.d published in numbers at pnr*ic«I A. "oz. AZTNT^S. tie C"!i!Tnor.wralih nit'.i;-, that hand, ,<f ]>hr'. Afj cr-ht'Tv Yr •a) ir. be with come p'aces— otl.er Per iM that ones in <l(ii»-r\ 2oi. are anci why is in There big littlo touch in gives business '"(ir for men—but not have it in - (i, Win. .Pei 55 -,]10 54^a, 1, 510a, 3. ji BjoS:;, the opportunities—not some is to importance opportunity advantage and id of possesses Whether three -118 - K:, 90 272a- Samuel, 12a, -. 9, 545a 422:v 41, „ tj'.eep, 41, y4-ia. 544a-. 23, whore aliv.e opportunities !isrs 872a G14a 11., Mellington, M'Calluni, 45 -. 555a' G65a.-. 11. 551a; 14, 546a FrU'belj-Fred;\V., all, It., 613ft 40 a;id 30, „ El 31, - .. - IS, ,, -.132 52,- 29, Julia, ,, OhiirU'fi _ Shire ,, Edward 80 - 046a. ,, Clarke. John, Bart, John, i) '&T. 48, McMillan, !!8 -.123 78, -.101 ' Accounts to.! .thefinatncss the of. Sw.retaiv to, previous the otherwise. Uk'V^ ' lunst.bcs.iri.tiie,hands 25, ,, ,, JL Iyl7 Qfin-(?-pondenco T>e mdutliyj'.isi 45,544a" „ Matthews, 40 70 - - 5-iia. 530a 24, ,, ,, Notice, J:Sl „ „ Parish—Pullut; $liire „ „ McLean, 100, 50 -. David, ba is.to, without SO -- - 81,533a569a 544a Margaret „ -. Allan, places 83 03 ,24,545a34, 35, „ Mckenzie, ' hatching 73 - guished the by eight 1,400 eggs. It everybody. Newspaper 88 - • 53 - has years created in of to district utmost any neglect, never 4ndj 49 -- - 33, , „ ,, ;'50 -. - fyalf Ipave.s bcc-n. which 100. -105 610a Roberts, Schmidt, for 108 - - - 587a Maddem, David Arthur Marshinan, ' has fowl; 9S CO - A „ J., 40.. - -.164 1 record-; 107 - - -. ' HenGeld -56 - -.108 100 Christian II., 24, G95a 1001a Marshnian", Arthur, 11,' Wiri. Mayes, Kaine, 28, 589a," Jas. Ji, 16, 1233a. Moaiiey, G40a .las. 33, Mitchell, 1)., sucr. v,'bp those public are J by 90 - - 592a 50, 28, (!08a 2a Gl 40, „ C. „ 53 - Kuhne, those are. 7-10a. 979a William, 14, G33a 52, ,, 40 - F., „ 72 - B-uce, Donald, 20,508a Ed. Campbell, R., 4 & 4a, 902a Carter, Fred, 23, 606a 750a Chenowe'h, VviUi}im, Disber, w;.F.,3l,'737a Ed\viii Dnijkley, Ew.en, 12, 1030a John,.19,599a Dutton, Ey, Ernest, 25, G05a,-. 735a Ferguson,' Qerirge'T., 18, John Frew, Vy., 9, 7l»la; 1000aFuller, W., 10, Gcrnniine, Alfred, G, 799a GOGa Ilall, U'jn.', 26, Mutson, Kennett", mail distant l:i 546a Sophia, Berrihard, 23, - is, than presents 107 -- - bad. what breathing; Moments." actors l?qod. qeed, such natural- more 103 - that and easier jjlhsr^—"'Spare will; - - Lena Liesfield, - find mouth. of. i:i 95 72 — - 4G, G19ii Gustav M. .Kelly, Kennett, . sopn. the „ Hofimann, - through npso—. You -• -- G33a. 42, 27, - 15, - qiver through 11, Kissel, „ - always -- - Fred. Friebel, W., lien man, Albert, r - inhale do 90 12, 541a; 520a.-. James, „ 953a 27, 21, - J., Colin, Win, ,, Fisher, - the any sucx-cas - - tend hap regard the 72 80 HO SO S3 -- 43,4S9a. II., Cowan, James, Dart, ' Slowly, - 8., possibly accomplish. These breathing exercises ^on. to. in 80 -- ,, - - than yourself - 13,'lU33a 1, '„ and have yon the tho 73 -• pt j.9, east 272a 22.& 24a, 41HU. .Butley., Ga?tle, 1Q, Cl'Ja, Joseph 6,33a Chadderton, Albert, 033a. 17,, Clark, 49,.51oa-. John, ^ 620a 640a Thomas. - oxy in a the 83 -• 32,.Gl&i. .Barnes,.Austin - - it lungs and people place standpoint. issue no is but munade of the i& it There locality fortunes ! , Alfred, - G42.a, Agnes Jane, Carl ' let your remote, t-hnso Parish—Yaapeet; . •Altuiann, - 6-iOa ' Fill, ^'x'cuse. prn. its of all gives ' 27 Bpwdch,-Joseplij Charlotte, Brazier, some, with ; Parish—Nypo. from away ;=;ct it* F., 14, William ,, ten are you If, work your to at in to «ji><yjgli enly ii of first our downfall that newspaper holds in (uritisii first -- 4-1,544;!., 591a 320a 9, 644a L., 10, 2, 640a ' times TJios. 035a 640a 37, 11., 19, ,, giu£t „ 631a 641a 320a 16, 657a 20, 041a Thomas, Walter, Richards, Roil, Johan H., doings event tho of affairs - G,.GS^a E., 25, 655a 2S, 840a ! - 30, 35, 29, 30, „ - 30,6Ua. W., 34, Gila— ;\V.estliike,.WmM Wood, Andrew. , ,, John, Rairgatt, Sanders, John, Saunders,.Jas.. s 644a 24 644a. 25. 643a 22, 640a Obas., ,, 22,. ,, 646a 40, 641a. 4, 8 Ch'as., ,, 1$. air ths fault. and rooms, ? tham makes this out. steno v.hire women from skin, tired - 640a 11, 26, McMillan, re the T., ,, McFarlane, the the business a 72 - „ 12,'G40a William, ,, an.d and 640a. 6,640a 7, 040a 64.0a, 532a. C3Sfi. 39, T. JI., llobert Matthews, makes ssljow room It that soft are ycrt makes dressmaker in hot the that can is that blood whtn you tyhat grapher it red, sparkl.3, freshes air cheeks and plastic, it what Fresh the 28, 38, ,, Laidlaw, Liddle, most but ; realise them. flakes, the eyes air 5, 041a ,, than and upon trifling eyes local touch, surroundings. claim personal' laud, on.. going Tiio • for :l „ of their keep posted Tho that City 88 80 - do Women ,, „ „ the greatest in from tho on 08 -- - is in the and free, these all bcautifiers potent are „ II., . most ^rorld ,, Fred, 13, Hobs'on, George Henry, 640a Kelly, Patrick, IS, an about. moving of W. & ,, Henman, figure and or 88 ii, - way ^asy The light . is the to- :i M'Mijhyi, ; our all Newspaper to in dailies koop can The 8;> -- -- News 98 - Ci2a- Agnes. A..,.14,.640a; 572a. Blanche,,4, M.TfieCj.nober.t, 13-.fi2lii R, Arthur-, Perkins, S3, (>5Sa, 35,,648a-640a :Read, Richard.R,, 20, 36,. G41a 'Rodgers,.Charles,.21, GiOa. 1, 657a. 057a ; „ wliat " take, nothing youthful step a a as is 20, 2/, :i. ' for makes, much There age. . your m la, f>92a, ' will Richard ,, town ariso 07 112 - V, ' it were, jMertoii,.George, 88 . you and Forrest, George, a the 85 80 - hS,.Ci:ia. in Distinct— district comparatively world? interest advantages frequently in; 17., C29a addition roal Soldo.'a lOti E.,.pt IK, i, wish a the interested. 8a (Mia. 61,1a not larger the the healthy a cf and town therefore take very of - own much side 107 -. -. Ijj,.(i48a1» & 17a, 657a 17, Ann, James, 32, -. -- 10j iJaniies.on,.Elesnor; Christian •Ku'nne, L.,34, who many 65 and,'i'honijisoiK.O;.657a. • if - ' 5, j Margaret Clothing, . walk is there . 12,.GQ9a. G-lOa. -, 1 , ,, Men's for' 92 G42n- -- District • ,, Headquarters .98 574a- i 73 - Brisk that that, a, is Bon.'fc increases as 640a JnniCf, 21, 23, Gila. Richard, 634ii lidson, 36, Margaret, Ellis, Albert, 31,, 640a. Fairley, James, 33, Q43a fif-licate walking - Hall 79 - axi4 - ' f,4 Darky, • yhich yu'.;nv-Ui U„ i Byrne, pre Rahibow* 88 -- its loom other who docs Cut of people personally thoso for world. the are SO -• 24,.(>f>(J.i. George,.7„ Churl os, , to oil v«.."?h<s.' Lem, Parigli----Nandemaniman. i: " years A Fuller, GriflUhs, - h ersreise. you—walk responding it of all 9 SO - 07, (:50a--' the. the on 80 -- - ..MOa. o70a mn: Douglas,.Stanley gg 64.2a; The li),.G41a; a, as %.hi- right,- Imagine in spring e^re 2, 7,. Freeman, ; ' heal.h, spine brain" bioskly. along and strength brings ing culation. to. :• • fi42a. i! .d 25 22' - the the walk post toll—walk If. 57 Si, 11 „. 58 27., & of they well very neighbourhood I,n 22 - of to. exhilarating the ;.phapli!),,tloyd;:vid.l;I,ugll, ' jar 'ysrve-ccnt-rcs. If you in 72 7,8 653a: ' for and figure enrVe. vents not 52 M. Helena E. II., .Atkinson, 'Caltanaeh i}ros, i. ii 565a.. i£ ail penings—is n RT *5 k-ss^ \£?Sd- Federai-Sto, j8 7.a. 042a, 041 a 23, 20, ' bach for A., : ^his do 6, ,., Emily, 28, Stephens,, and Tregcar Ifairley.,. Willifimson, Har.ry,15, n. part Chas. .Ampt, 7,3 H.,. i stand ii.lor-mad.e_ gov- Ipwer be should good t: your- it 644a. 7, Wf a which in are cation most S 17, 640a 13,412a H., 20, 640a.72 21,.640a-. II., 5, 564a, rod; If ziier,.. E:, iL~ff his - ' Mary- N'eale, Read, it flatter 15 -- 1.213; ; be should; the sliop, own. 22 -- Parish—Wii'mbool; ' to put 9r backand J,, house, carriage There--your 35 ; • Fart. absolutely-fiat, less, the Vetnuu),. Gcorgo, housemate. Fred, house, 33a. 'Youpg, saloon, post'o.tfipe. 33. -- ; «J§-9 do without to 14 -- -- 67 ; ? - ; i th keep to. easy 50 F I 12 14 -- ^JpFORD CAN by which means only affairs and news 2 -- : wine J,, Honsy Miller, th? hpedarched, • -- 35 ; good.. Yo &. great; deafc about this applies hack but the, and. shouldersupper '•'straight Qtily tbat and. 64 -- 29,496a. tfar.ah M., 35, 665a; Marshman, Miller, Henry po- .1. 640a-- 30; 1,3.20a, „. bc correct back tie., find; the and. up heard ljave the- J-, Male, Arthur, V/hen body unhealthy-. Chas. Jyieefieldi ,,. -- 65 State 3 3 -- ,,. v.a. L Rogaseh,.Helena, J. 0. H., v.a. 18 sale 53. Sanders, Jijhn, yards 11. house 13Scol.t, Senior* V., house "5 Westphalen,. John,, house 32 and: \Yillia.ins, E., house 23 house 29. Wyatl, Adelaide, 64 - and: qfr its den: is; the exaggerate, the body—seq- raiscdi out happered. badly stand; improperly, both ugly and; you and-, n n. Char.lolte. ;La.w.i:ie,. every which, J ohn , llohei 9 the is the weeklies t:, 3k,. District . the se 2js, l.E, ;-ii of the Argvus" \ contracted^ body thrown, tbs twist ran If 73 with Boots—The and Kang-aratta Ugliest in will leather existence; toughest all ao.t crack, or chip shapes.. peel; house 42' coffee 19 palare Ko;-. P>., private hospital.24 Thos., house 2. lKOi!, 37. E.,. house fowl y:\rd. Perrins,, Picket No Resident Rainbow paper. It 17/ M'Phee,'Arthur, Peden, Thos., 65. ^ 16c, 17c, 18c; G., 26, 6^0a( Ann, 8, 641a. 1.5c, iM'jL;r,(l1:v.a. 65 640a, —,,y.a. oe, 4.e, to w 042a. 32, Wm.,3S, IForsythe,. r.e&sor.ablo. spina Sqholes, -- 3., 43 33,640a upon 72; 7,2 - by carriage- the wh<n, lusgs; of organ alignment, lbs only is and; 7.2 -- 20 14 15u: 1.1,.', * ed-, Oust; coa;;idpratipc of that- the the DeU.ar, important It sjealth. suppose .&nH. upon, hclifc ip influrnco the Stylo. absolutely- most 'the-, is. figures. \hei>j 7.3 34,421a; and 51 run Fred, Li'.3(l!'j, 21 641a. fov.l -- house ol stables 3 l,i.vi:>yj-:tun)t\Yui., Love,. J.. house muneell, stables Frank, house 50 Heps'iead, .Joseph,, house 10 and Mulier, Krn., Murphy, Kate, house 69 - 641a Ca^lhie, Cl.ug&Ume, gqc>l Wimber.ton,.house30; house Amelia, 14. 44 houte Win,, K.rieger,. "The And yon will get the best possible money. All goods Yalue lor your ^marked in "which plain figures, means the bedrock price. 8 IS • way- the ojifc %2 • in. depend; body the. grace- bring to, 12 -, - points, as: -- -- 27; I so" 5M% J;oh,u,'36a, 5. 10 -. - stead- i;i?3li;a.r}.,. 7, 20 - appearance^ tjheir- a in ma,do. woiUd; only thgy, -- 19,157a, G.eoiige, 39, Gita \l^nry,. 37 & 37a,629a bo. can, if Ch .Kemp,..]., Krause, 70 64 „ realise what -- - improvement great Martha, Win., 10, 1;4. 40; - fca31y. „. ! She, says,:— most wopien, stand, and: they, thins do; feojv. little men. 25,'640a, Barnes,. 1;7 -. - for 65 6.12a 24, Il commonless tbpn 1,3,6'iOa. 642a 31:,. I.,. 13 - - life, the extcn.\ Allen, ; jo. is: Win..?.,. Francis. i be it ...... 1.0 -- - ofc for j ad- fcho.'.ld 22,641a. 14, 643a John. Geo., M., Peniisl Gran-t, 2 pt - large on :m,.B20a. . John 77 52-. 36 Harvey Bros.,, bii.t house-23: George, 38 lielyar, IJolizmaiin, honse 2 Julius,, 73 John,, house 4 Hutchi;is, 73 Jenkins,. Harnett house H.,. honse 1.0 72 Joyce, Catherine,. 320a senr.., -- u Gillies, 6,1; G4:l;a. 1,0,. smithy,. Lyndsay,"house Graham,.—,. house pt 21, Grant, Grace, house 3house Greenwood,.Christina, fi. - a night Hot- Eli;e._ 641a ,,, i to. women. not fpr." "The ! tieal'h. G.j. James, ,, " studied' I- as 58 J ; '.'beauty-building" everybody, by- on. s£Q3& Annte j regarded 6-1 9, ,, pre picture h^r as 56.8a, .f)68a 3:, 4, „ Fraa- earned; tin an authority lias and ijeauty. vies. Afei.vAlb.ert]T.J West.'-'- Kelitrman be to the pf- Miss. Baa hir-r. and represent will Spirit , for Exposition, S£iitrncnt the COMMERCIAL PAPERS (Up to 51b.) For deliver}'— the and Within Commonwealth in. Now Zealand and the islands annexed thereto (a3 enumerated under "Letters"), and Fiji—For 2 oz. 0 every or fraction thereof 1 la all other for places, any weight Not exceeding 2 oz 0 S 2oz. and -ioa 0 Between 3J-. Between 4oz. and Soz 0 4 Between and Soz 0 Gos. 4i Between Soz. and lOoz. 0 5 Each additional 2oz. ox fraction thereof 0 1 MERCHANDISE. For delivery— IVithin the Commonwealth, and in New Zealand and the islands thereto annexed (as enumerated under and "Letters"), Fiji— or fraction thereof Evory Soz. (up to lib.) 0 1 In all other places beyond the ara Commonwealth, Parcels rates payable. PATTERNS AND SAMPLES. For delivery— V/ithin the Commonwealth, and in Now Zealand and the islands annexed thereto (as enumerated under "Letters"), and Fiji— Every 2ov.. or fraction thereof to 0 (up lib.) J lu tiio United Kingdom—Every or 2oz. fraction thereof (up to Glb.> 0 I In ail other Dlaces the beyond 2oz. Commonwealth or Kvery tbore-i/ fraction ..0 1 \ur> to 12oz.) Pill.VI ED PAl'&lS (Up to 5ib.). 'he Common For de-li very within wealth.—Per ?o/.. cr part of L'az. 0 0& For delivery in all other places— 2oz. cr 0 l\jr part cf 2 oz 1 BOOKS to Oib ). (I'p Foi delivery withir. the Common wealth.: Books printed iu Australia— (a) Soz. l'c-r or p«rt of Sos. 0 (H Bogks outside (b) printe.l Aus tralia—Per 4cz. or of part <loz 0 Oj. in New 5"or delivery Zealand and the i^l^fids thereto (cs oiiumer»t(.d <i'.d*r "Letters"), New Bolo Fiji, l!ebj:'!ns, .tnd nni:i (HiiiiM Protec torate)—Ptr 4o/.. oi of p;irfc ioz. o l ... -. j 'poster-girl". (jLsco, be?a 76. Pai:ish-----K'eimar& \ the iias to 110s, -- - woman,. (ft- 7, 40s -- - Shi T., 643a FROM .,. S8, ; physician^, perfect tp$. chosen" aa the, represents, $pp. 92 640:3. 9,. STABLING. -- 69. 841g. 10,. i that Aracri,can. leading. Ann, Wm;, 21,. J.v - to. ing. Sister., IMWA - United heif appfiyranoo successful in toBfcan claim, accord a ! the made A'd.olp.h, Yi.yian,,. Walsh, White, : G,„ 3.ti;auss,. - has after London an.i ! HOURS. ALL AT FREE -- 76. 642a, MEALS -- 73. % relating sale.. - who turist, fainoiuj; culphysical; 640a O. 1'alaeo the. trusts proprietor by andstrictattention tocustomers courtesy to merit a share of public patronage. that the The proprietor claims establish ment ranks the best managed amongst in the provinces, and tliesupportalready accorded would lead to this apparently assertion oa being founded fact,. -. - svdmmer Australian in the Kellerrcan., 22,, id. 20 - Annette ' Miss Ha.rry,. Sisson, TION." 28, 29,: 640a POST CARDS. Postcards Single impressed with the and Reply or double stamp, cards, each iiaJf of which has the Id. stamp be transmitted impressed thereon, may to plaocs within the Commonwealth, and to those enumerated under places, to which letters "Letters," may be at of Id. transmitted the rate per Joz. These cards aiso be forwarded may to other t-hnn places those mentioned thit an ad above, extra id. provided hesive be affixed to each Single stamp card and to ec„eh half of a Reply card. the Postcards, Single, impressed.with each and half ijd. stamp, Reply, of which has the- IU1. 3ta;;sp impressed may bo transmitted to any ther-eon, other part of the world. Coffee i - ' PROjPQRr Q.. j..-. • above ll'ic -- - IN Jfoh,ani.i; u. and Material' on, purchased 35 etc.. yard:,, IS-house, house, etc- - PERFECT AS CED. Rogasch, AMERICAN HAVE each* Taverner Street^ Rainbow.. 7,4 -- : LEADING ,, J..,, • WHOM- PHYSICIANS AVING Caroline 20 2 45. John,, v.a. Brown, 13 George,, house,. 41 etc.-4.4 Cameron, John', house, Chadderton,. Albert, house, pt 2_2 18. 9. Charles,, Tim, house, 1 Teresa M., house,. 31 and 22.18. Collard,. Goustley,. etc. 7: 12 Wm.,,"house, v.a. -.2 Cope, Charles,, 49 12 Dart, John,, v.a. --14 Davis,/W'. G., house, 48; JDunu,* Eli*. 18 Martha, house, 20; llev. II. G 20 l.hyyer, Bapt. parsonage30 house, anil, shop, 7; Ellis,. J.oscph-,, house, 39' Eergiison, 11., 17 18. Fischer, Walter, house, 2G, house 5 Gersch, Ernest,, 1.8 «2 659a 70 640a (6, timber John, liorlace, 93. 4. Ast. ,, 8S. ?6:.m.* - 5s each. 2Jd. Proprietor, at the RATES. Pans Noxe. Address 75 - - Cameron, combined Rainbow Bartop, 80 §2 25,644a. KELLEnMAN. " AH Good's the trade 81 - - ANNETTE; \traS; - 42,545?, , 69. Q-45& 640a 24, 544a. Eliza, V; . 86. -t !?.>. KJenneth, ,, • SO; 76.! 640a 35, LOWEST to.- 98 20 .-. - LET •- 663a 212a 58,. „. Westing, 76. 6,46a( '27, E.mrng., ilcKenzrie^ AT H ,,, 32,. 55, 609a J. Palace street i .... — „ stocking.—VEvqu 77 -- C.,. 33, Jayie.sypt Coffee tavernej Pumps,, workmanship Sanitary 06. -- NEXT MILLER'S SHOP. : 1 in - the. ' Hen.p3.ain., £ FAMOUS Watt, - > 640a, - lvrew, Standard.". ing Stephen,. 32, 6,10a, David, 17, 640a AVm., 19, 64Qa- ^ Not requires entice to. reliable E 00 UC - 545a 38, - tho 9.0- - - . of 65,7a IS, - Rainbow Plumber. material quality valla 103. 132 , ADDRESS SADDLER'S 0 .." .. the New Hebridos, and 0 Torres Islands 2 0 in other places 2i LETTER CARDS. For delivery within the Commonwealth: id. Single, Id. each; reply, each half, '/or delivery Li the British Empire (see listoi' under "Letters")—Siii places Id. each. g!e. •'or in delivery New Hebrides, Banks, and Torres "Jd. each, Islands—Singio, /or ether in delivery places— Single, ' francs It j,j. ijforah, ,, 530a Grain pire For delivery Banks, For delivery - safe o.ut very e. risks. take neighbours. investment our. Tanks,. Best 83 t - We imaginative. with bo. u in V/e globe. Marv-, Waller," Staples, Robert. Thos. Stevens,, Vv m.,. TUoiyas,. - are th? Baths,. ' :3 G6:ia 47, 7, II., 8, 640a 663a 44, Soliv, - we savings oar- of quarters (jistant Slukgett, Aon, Francis - venture to continue laid r.n<i 2, -- - of foundation 523a l:S: Marv ,, t „ bred who T&Oi?.,, and and 82 35 64 120 - Tinsmith - in naturo adventurers the Empire, Jiarn.es ,, - 2a 75 124 -- -- -- 5(,55.1a ,, - the safe -- - merchant in so and Anglo-Saxon own tho:e 50, - -- 548a, 308a - comes. Our „ ' 548a Farmers' ELLIS, J. j Ho - undar certain 53, 54, i him glues Government, man „ or large NOTE 154 84 -- - posts to carrying • 9, 5-l7a 48, II., Rainbow SUaU .business on the 1st. starting -L Jlarc-h in premises lately occupied by L. Cattariacii and by strict attention lo business trust to merit n fair share of the patronage. public Only the best of meat waited supplied. Families on Cor orders. Hides, Tallow Skins, mul Horse 1J;iir bought for c;ish. Sons, for rates Rainbow. YNTEXD Konsingcoru REGULATIONS i;i for & ol Street. AND RATES terra [Wliero the "Tho Co;nmoa ifealth" is used connection with theso rates and regulations it includes Papua, Lord Howe IsLfcuJ, ajid Norfolk Island.J LETTERS. For every J.ounce or fraction thereof. For delivery withia the Common 0 wealth 1 For in the Em delivery British - on posts Ireland, in, natural how limes. C'j2;i ngeat POSTAL & CO., Butchers, - self- dis ' As large. the France, howevev correspond'ng speculative pio.lts, Sanders Sleep, John .x~' I -- secur its 040a and 59aSO appointed 75 , 5".4a 1.':!, 4r>, 55 ,, ... for ever income, assured and for passion Eleanor, Herbert, anil j for small, taste its cn French Ilogasdi, Rogers, ' character, tho of the on " caution well-known ity, rest may Federal Kesrsptors .SO ' ^ explanation ' One Family BOYS, Merchants, ADDRESS: GG - 551a 48, ,, 525a McDougall Bmall 117 -TILLER RAIN market Highest parcels, 80 FARMERS - ing. 34, H., Wheal , 40 Cliaa PQiking, . amaz is ngah. 545a and 50, 55 hi buen Messrs* 4(5 .58 545a, 22a, Has | so. result a.alanu isn---G The firstdenote allotment figures and tlie second acrcs. Wni. £65 Allan, F., 5, 6.42a Land Ballarat Mortgage Co., 'l"639a-.~ 72 Bank of N.S.W., 20, 6.40a 72 72 Boehm, Traugott, W., 6, 642a, 72 Byrne, 31,. 64,0a, A. 6.42a 8.5 Cook, B., Benjaujiii, 14, 640.a SO 15, 640a, 76 88 Jane, 1,3, 640a, 97 Cro.Wi Tl^pnias, 11, 6.45a, 23, 6.32a 79 Ferguson^B.tnjainin, 641a Fisher, James,'30, <39! 33, 65.7 a, 87 ' even the Par by the Coun up Municipal Duncan A., Carl W., M'Millan, Nowottui, 80 00 -• 272a 12, 1,1 ,, RIDING j but cil, backed course, Paris '.WEST OF 110 100 , i the (J. i»t" u * sound a 321a 17, 543a4(H>a 10, 231a , of was John, „ ' of security, credit It over. M'Lean, 45, 10, !£., 15., . - J- Robert 124 , (>10a - sto.cVJog ' times ^v;o, Johannes Linko, W'ui. M'C^iliuni, HEREBY I notice thnt give have valued the properties in the of Shire Karkuzcae for (he as under:— year 1913t14, ~jf Frcnch the cf 'llierc seems, astounding, |s perfectly the hoard limit to national |o be 'no cent, issue A three per pf savings. eighty has been subscribed fo,r just ' capacity . The KS, 515a 5, 50hi 4, 502a Clement-, Matilda, Kranse, Lies field, . - Notice. SAVING. 75 117 112 . TO •J^QTICS 80 = - Valuation FOR Ilulclipsson, Jeilz, Ueinricli, £1215 527a and^, 51, 543a- A»:ics, ' CAPACITY Wilhcliii, .. FF.2KCH THE Gi9a 30 21, Bever, Heuht, - rial!, - of Ivarkarooc Sliire •» ' STOCKING, % HUGE head of MILLER TSIIKH to the fanners notify Kcnniure ;".nd sr.rrounding ho trict that has the juirL-haEed established bhu-Usmithing bupiness J it Kcniri.ire, t];y hue tho v.util J. rU'P'.irs Whccl«riting of oupbeniou?. Under ^ ••i recently H. of carried 0:1 * Doiiovim. u!i iloscri'ji'.ior.p. atul perifOiial of dis old at by. Shoeing,. .i>}uchs:iiithi:ig. supervision. .Wednesday, i. National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page13467706
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