EHDDC Paper No.73/2014 For Information on 21 Nov. 2014 Tuen Mun District Council 2014-2015 Environment, Hygiene and District Development Committee Progress Report as at 31.10.2014 No. A. Items Responsible Departments Progress (i) Drainage Improvement Works in Tuen Mun District (ii) Progress of Channel Desilting at Tuen Mun River Channel (as at 31.8.2013) and Maintenance Programme for the Coming Year Drainage Services Department Annex I (iii) Dredging Works at Fish Wholesales Market and Tuen Mun Typhoon Shelter (iv) Tuen Mun Sewerage B. Village Report on Environmental Monitoring of Mud Pit V C. Report on Water Seep age Problems at Buildings in Tuen Mun District D. Progress Report of Main Laying Works in Tuen Mun District * Chinese version only. 檔號: HAD TMGR 1-90/8/176 HAD TMD/17-230/4/06 Pt.III HAD TMD/17-122/10/13 HAD TMGR 17-20/1/85 Pt.III Civil Engineering and Development Department Annex II Building Department and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Joint Office Annex III * Water Water Supplies Department Annex IV Annex I Drainage Services Department ’s Progress Report I. Drainage Improvement Works in Tuen Mun District Drainage Impr ovement Works by Drainage Services Depart ment: - (i) Construction of Intercepting Drains at Shun Tat Street, Tuen Mun Location Shun Tat Street near Sun Fung Wai and near the j unction of Castle Peak Road (Hung Shui Kiu Section) Castle Peak Road (Hung Shui Kiu Section) near Sun Fung Wai San Tsuen The construction commenced in May 2010. August 2013. Length ( m) 600 Drain t ype Under ground pipe 100 Under ground pipe drainage drainage The wor ks were substantially completed in II. Progress of Channel Desilting at Tuen Mun River Channel (as at 31.10.2014) and Maintenance Programme f or the Coming Year Location Pui To Road to Siu Hong West Rail Station Length (m) 2400 Department DSD (Anticipated Commencement Date) (Anticipated Completion Date) Actual Commencement Date Actual Completion Date (11/2014) (2/2015) (6/2014) (9/2014) 6/2014 9/2014 (1/2012) (8/2012) 12/2011 4/2012 (9/2013) (1/2014) 10/2013 12/2013 Progress/Remarks Works under planning Works completed Wong Chu Road to Pui To Road Estuary to Tuen Yee Street 850 600 CEDD CEDD Works completed Works completed III. Dredging Works at Fish Wholesales Market and Tuen Mun Typhoon Shelter CEDD completed the dredging wor ks at Fish Wholesales Mar ket , Public Car go Wor king Area and the central part of Tuen Mun Typhoon Shelter in earl y 2010, May 2011 and December 2013 respecti vel y. MD has not instructed any dredging wor ks. IV. Tuen Mun Village Sew erage The proj ect includes t he construction of four village sewerage systems in partial area of Tsing Shan Tsuen, Tseng Tau Sheung Tsuen, Tsing Chuen Wai and Tuen Tsz Wai. The progr ess of wor ks is satisfactory. The Works were scheduled to be complet ed in July 2015. Details of these villages are as f ollow s: Location Works Tsing Tsuen of Length (m)* Actual Pipe Size Commencement (mm) Date 150 to 11/2011 250 Anticipated Completion Date Shan 4543 Tseng Tau Sheung Tsuen 959 150 225 to 12/2011 6/2015 680 Tsing Chuen Wai Tuen Tsz Wai 549 150 225 150 225 to 5/2012 6/2014 549 to 9/2012 10/2014 163 163 6/2015 Completed Length (m) up to 31/10/2014 3962 Progress Approx. 87% completed Approx. 71% completed Works completed Works completed Notes: * denote: The length shown on the table is estimated only and may subject to review based on the actual site condition. Drainage Services Department October 2014 Annex II Capping of Mud Pit IV The capping layer of mud pits IVa and IVb was completed. Contaminated mud disposal at mud pit IVc has ceased since 10 February 2012. We are currently constructing a capping layer for this mud pit by using uncontaminated mud. Progress of Mud Pit V Contaminated mud disposal at mud pit Va has ceased since 27 August 2013. We are currently constructing a capping layer for this mud pit by using uncontaminated mud. It is anticipated that the disposal at mud pit V would only be resumed in early 2016. CEDD Annex III 屯門區議會 環境、衞生及地區發展委員會 屋宇署 / 食物環境衞生署 聯合辦事處2 (屯門分處) 屯門區樓宇滲水問題 (截至2014年10月31日) 1 2 3 1.7.06 至 31.10.2014 14187 3% 13102 92% 1085 8% 接到的投訴: 完成調查的個案 尚在調查的個案 上述第2項完成調查的個案包括: 2A 經甄別後不需作進一步調查 2B 確認滲水源頭 2C 滲水情況在調查期間停止或有所改善 2D 未能找到滲水源頭 共 註: 需要作進一步調查的個案中 (即 2B, 2C 及 2D項), 成功找到滲水源頭的比率為 7330 2194 2789 619 12932 57% 17% 22% 5% 100% 39% 個案數目 2014年 9月 196 203 104% -7 -4% 113 42 40 8 203 56% 21% 20% 4% 100% 47% 2014年10月 176 204 116% -28 -16% 123 46 33 2 204 60% 23% 16% 1% 100% 57% 上述第 2A 項經甄別後不需作進一步調查個案包括: 2Aa 滲水位置濕度非常低 2Ab 問題已獲解決 2Ac 業主取消投訴 2Ad 重覆投訴 2Ae 並非本處的樓宇滲水個案 共 ------------- ------------- 77 0 31 0 5 113 68% 0% 27% 0% 4% 100% 70 0 44 0 9 123 57% 0% 36% 0% 7% 100% 上述第 2C 項滲水情況在調查期間停止或有所改善: 2Ca 滲水位置濕度非常低 2Cb 有關業主表示已進行維修 2Cc 業主取消投訴 ------- ------- 33 7 0 83% 18% 0% 29 4 0 88% 12% 0% --- --- 40 100% 33 100% 共 屯門區滲水個案統計數字 (由2009年4月起計) 2014年 6月 2014年 7月 2014年 8月 2014年 9月 2014年 10月 1. 接到投訴個案數字 (按月份) 174 168 191 196 176 2. 投訴個案的累積數字 9887 10055 10246 10442 10618 3. 完成第 一, 二 階段調查個案的累積數字及其佔累積投訴個案的百分比 9006 4. 完成第一, 二 階段調查個案平均所需工作天 91% 9176 91% 9346 91% 9484 91% 9756 43 43 43 43 43 5. 進入第 三 階段調查個案的累積數字 3087 3125 3174 3213 3243 6. 完成第 三 階段調查個案的累積數字及其佔進入第三 階段調查個案的百分比 2504 7. 完成第 三 階段調查個案平均所需工作天 8. 完成調查個案的累積數字及其佔累積投訴個案的百分比 81% 95 8423 2572 82% 95 85% 8623 2637 83% 95 86% 8809 2706 84% 95 86% 8977 2767 85% 95 86% 9280 9. 申請入屋令的累積數字 35 35 35 35 35 10. 發出妨擾事故通知的累積數字 828 843 857 873 892 11. 檢控的累積數字 31 33 33 33 33 註: (i) 第一、二階段調查主要是確定滲水滋擾及進行基本調查(例如進行渠管色水測試),若未能找出滲水源頭而滲水情況持續, 便會進入第三階段的專業調查,期間會就各個可能滲水源頭 (排水渠管、供水喉管、地台等)作出評估及進行所需測試。 92% 87% Annex IV Tuen Mun District Council Environment, Hygiene and District Development Committee Progress Report of Water Main Laying Works in Tuen Mun District 1. This purpose of this paper is to report to the Committee on the latest progress of water mains laying works in Tuen Mun District. 2. In order to improve the condition of water supply network in Tuen Mun District, Water Supplies Department is currently implementing one major water main laying project in the district: (i) Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains; 3. Currently, four works contracts of the above-mentioned water main laying projects are under construction stage. The scope of works, construction period and progress of each works contract are detailed in Appendix I. We would keep close monitoring on the works progress and ensure the contractors to provide adequate resources to complete the works as soon as possible. 4. To facilitate the District Council Members to monitor the works progress of each area, a summary of the progress of works at major carriageways and footways in Tuen Mun District as at 31 October 2014 is detailed in Appendix II. 5. We would keep close liaison with the District Council Members. Should District Council Members have any comments on the progress or arrangement of works, please do not hesitate to contact the responsible project officers of Water Supplies Department and our Resident Site Staff. The contacts of responsible project officers and resident site staff are detailed in Appendix III. Water Supplies Department November 2014 Appendix I Progress Report of Water Main Laying Projects and Contracts in Tuen Mun District (as at 31 October 2014) Project Item / Contract No. Anticipated Works Works Commencement Completion Date Date Name of Project/Contract (Name of Main Contractor) Brief Description of Works/Progress (1)Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains 186WC Replacement and Rehabilitation 02/2009 6/2015 about 39 km aged water mains in Tuen Mun District. of Water Mains Stage 3 14/WSD/08 Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 3 02/2009 6/2015 The works areas include Castle Peak Road (Hung Shui Kiu to Lam Tei), Tuen Mun North, Tuen Mun South, Pillar Point, Castle Peak Road – So Kwun Wat and Castle Peak Road – Tai Lam, etc. About 90.5% of the works was completed in Tuen Mun District.。 04/2011 12/2015 The project includes replacement and rehabilitation of about 97.7 km of water mains in Tuen Mun District. - Mains in Tuen Mun & Yuen Long (Chun Wo Construction Engineering Co. Ltd.) 191WC Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 4 Phase 1 The project includes replacement and rehabilitation of & Appendix I Project Item / Contract No. Anticipated Works Works Commencement Completion Date Date Name of Project/Contract (Name of Main Contractor) 8/WSD/10 Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 4 Phase 04/2011 12/2015 1 –Mains in Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, North District and Tai Po Brief Description of Works/Progress The works areas include Tuen Mun North, Castle Peak Road East, Tsing Shan Tsuen, Lung Kwu Tan, Tai Lam, etc. About 98.2% of the works was completed in Tuen Mun District. (Hsin Chong Construction Co., Ltd.) 9/WSD/10 Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 4 Phase 1 – Major Mains in Western New Territories (Chun Wo Construction Engineering Co. Ltd.) 12/2015 The works areas include Tuen Mun North, Castle Peak Road – San Hui to Castle Peak Bay, Choi Yee Bridge, Lung Mun Road, Fung On Street, etc. About 78.6% of the works was completed in Tuen Mun District. 10/2013 12/2015 The main works areas include Tuen Mun North, Tuen Mun Kau Hui, Sam Shing Hui, So Kwun Wat, Siu Lam, etc in Tuen Mun District. About 39.5% of the works was completed in Tuen Mun District. & 6/WSD/13 Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 4 Phase 1 –Mains in Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun (Ming Hing Waterworks Engineering Company Limited) 07/2011 Appendix II Works under Construction at Major Carriageways and Footways in Tuen Mun District Progess Report as at 31 October 2014 (A)Hung Shui Kiu, Lam Tei and Castle Peak Road - Lingnan Areas No. A13 A9 Contract No. Location Carriageway/ Footway 8/WSD/10 Fuk Hang Tsuen and Fuk Hang Tsuen Road Carriageway and footway 9/WSD/10 Tuen Fu Road Carriageway Commencement Date (Month/ Year) 02/2013 06/2012 Anticipated Pipe Completion % of Length Date Completion (m) (Month/ Year) 11/2014 11/2014 2004 755 Remark 98% The works was substantially completed. The remaining service connection is scheduled to be completed in November 2014 due to liaison with affected customers. 97% Pipe laying works were almost completed at carriageway and the carriageway was resumed to the public. The remaining connection works at carriageway are scheduled to be completed in November 2014. (B)Pui To Road North, Ming Kam Road and Castle Peak Road - San Hui Areas No. Contract No. Tsing Lun Road (near Tuen Mun Hospital Entrance) B24a B24b Location 14/WSD/08 Carriageway/ Footway Carriageway Tsing Lun Road (near the glasslands between Footway and glasslands Siu Hong court and Kei Lun Wai) Commencement Date (Month/ Year) 02/2012 12/2011 Anticipated Pipe Completion % of Length Date Completion (m) (Month/ Year) 01/2015 03/2015 300 300 Remark 88% The footpath has been resumed for public use. Further liaison with MTRC regarding the remaining works at the concerned location has been carried out and the MTRC's consent was granted in October 2013. The construction method has to be revised in respect of the obstruction of the underground hard materials. Further liaison with MTRC regarding the revised construction method at the concerned location has been carried out. The MTRC's consent for the revised construction method at the concerned location was granted in May 2014. The works is scheduled to be completed in January 2015. 88% The WSD's works have to be revised to incorporate with the proposed site formation work of Tuen Mun Area 54. Further liaisons with MTRC and the local residents had been carried out and the works were commenced in late August 2013. Regarding the ground condition near the MTRC tracks, additional grouting works was required to be carried out. The MTRC's consent for the additional grouting works was granted in June 2014 and the grouting works is in progress. The works is scheduled to be completed in March 2015. Tsing Lun Road (near the main entrance of Castle Peak Hospital) B24d Yip Wong Road (near Tsing Wun Road) B26c Carriageway Carriageway 04/2013 07/2013 06/2015 01/2015 600 120 55% The works at Tsing Lun Road near the main entrance of Castle Peak Hospital could not be commenced in respect of the current traffic condition. The works location was thus revised and the length of proposed water mains has been increased. With due consideration of the adverse effect of deep excavation on the nearby LRT rails, further liaison with MTRC regarding the construction method at the concerned location has been carried out. The work is rescheduled to be completed in June 2015 tentatively. 90% After several liaison with DSD regarding the proposed pipe laying works at the concerned location, the works programme has to be revised. The works at Tsing Wun Road could not be commenced in respect of the current traffic condition. The works location was thus revised and the length of proposed water mains has been increased. The works was substantially completed. However, the remaining water connection works is required to be carried out at the same time with the water supply suspension proposal of Contract No. 9/WSD/10 in order to reduce the number of water supply suspension in Tuen Mun district. In this regard, the works is rescheduled to be completed in January 2015. 65% The WSD's works have to be revised to incorporate with the Construction of Sewage Pumping Station near Tsz Tin Road and Associated Sewerage Works in Area 54, Tuen Mun (Contract No. CV/2012/02). The works is scheduled to be completed in December 2014. 98% The works was substantially completed. The remaining connection shall be carried out after completion at Tuen Mun Road, it is therefore it is scheduled to be completed in December 2014. 14/WSD/08 B44 San Fuk Road Adjacent to Tuen Mun River Channel B36 Carriageway and Footway Cycle track 08/2014 03/2013 12/2014 12/2014 230 735 Adjacent to Tuen Mun Road Carriageway and footway 05/2013 12/2014 1945 84% The works was substantially completed. However, the remaining works at San Hui Park shall be sought consent from LCSD. The works is scheduled for completion in December 2014. B41 Leung Tin Tsuen (2) Carriageway and 10/2013 07/2014 1940 100% The works was completed in July B42 Tuen Mun (N) Water Service Reservoir 90% The works was substantially completed. The remaining service connection is scheduled to be completed in December 2014 due to liaison with affected customers. B37 9/WSD/10 Carriageway 01/2014 12/2014 30 (C)Lung Mun Road to Lung Kwu Tan and Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Areas No. C4a Contract No. 14/WSD/08 Location Wu Chui Road (Melody Garden to Tuen Mun Salt Water Pumping Station) Lung Mun Road (Glorious Garden to Tuen Tsing Lane) C5a Carriageway/ Footway Carriageway Carriageway Commencement Date (Month/ Year) 03/2011 12/2012 Anticipated Pipe Completion % of Length Date Completion (m) (Month/ Year) 06/2015 06/2015 550 100 55% After several liaison with MTRC regarding the proposed relocation of equipment cabinets at Wu Chui Road near Melody Garden, the works programme of WSD's works has to be revised. As the completion date of MTRC's works at the carriageway of Wu Chui Road near Melody Garden was delayed, the date for resuming the WSD's works was revised. In addition, with due consideration of the adverse effect of deep excavation on the nearby LRT rails at Wu Chui Road near Tuen Mun Salt Water Pumping Station, further liaison with MTRC regarding the construction method at the concerned location has been carried out. The permit-to-work was being reviewed by MTRC. The works is scheduled to be completed in June 2015. 48% Further liaison with DSD and MTRC regarding the revised construction method had been carried out. The works is scheduled to be completed in June 2015 tentatively. 14/WSD/08 C10 C11 14/WSD/08 C6 9/WSD/10 C9 Remark Wu Shan Road (J/O between Wu Shan Road / Wu King Road) Glasslands 09/2013 01/2015 100 90% The progress of reinstatement works has been affected in respect of current traffic condition. The works is rescheduled to be completed in January 2015 tentatively. Ho Yeung Street (near Chu Kong Warehouse) Carriageway 12/2013 10/2014 200 100% The reinstatement works was completed. The carriageway was resumed for public use. Siu Lang Shui Road and Lung Mun Road Carriageway 06/2012 07/2015 2235 69% The works was in progress. 40% As portion of works area was currently occupied by DSD project, the works is scheduled for completion in November 2014. The pipe laying works is anticipated to commence in December 2014. Siu Lang Shui Road and Butterfly Beach Park Carriageway and footway 08/2013 04/2015 1338 (D)Pui To Road (South), Tuen Mun Town Centre and Castle Peak Road - Castle Peak Bay to Tai Lam Areas No. Contract No. Location Tseng Choi Street (Tuen Mun Bound) D19a Carriageway/ Footway Carriageway and glasslands Commencement Date (Month/ Year) 09/2012 Anticipated Pipe Completion % of Length Date Completion (m) (Month/ Year) 03/2015 125 87% The works at Castle Peak Road could not be commenced in respect of the current traffic condition. The works location was thus revised and the length of proposed water mains has been increased. The original location of the receiving pit has to be revised due to congested underproung utilities. Liaison with the another contracts nearby has to be carried out. In this regard, the works is scheduled to be completed in March 2015 tentatively. 77% The existing water mains were found deviated from the mains record plan, the construction method and connection details have to be revised. In this regard, the length of proposed water mains has been increased. The works is scheduled to be completed in March 2015 tentatively. 65% The newly laid water main was found defective. Additional time would therefore be required for identification of the leak point for rectification followed by further pressure test and thus the schedule of the water main connection works has to be revised. The identification works is in progress. The works is scheduled to be completed in January 2015 tentatively. 55% The WSD's works have to be revised to incorporate with the Design and Build of Traffic Improvements to Tuen Mun Road Town. Centre Section (Contract No. HY/2009/03). The works is scheduled to be completed in March 2015. Due to the working area at carriageway was currently occupied by other party, the remaining works would be completed in late December 2014. 14/WSD/08 Glasslands near Castle Peak Road (near Brilliant Graden and Fu Tei Bound) D28b Hoi Wing Road (near Gas Station) D60a Carriageway and glasslands (across Castle Peak Road) Footway and Carriageway 02/2012 06/2014 03/2015 01/2015 180 120 14/WSD/08 D67 Tsing Hoi Circuit Footway and Carriageway 06/2014 03/2015 1300 D58 Castle Peak Road - Castle Peak Bay (Near Tuen Shing Street) D64 9/WSD/10 So Kwun Wat Tsuen Kwun Tsing Road Tsing Tai Road D65 D66 D67 D68 Fung On Street D62 D63 6/WSD/13 D65 D66 Nim Wan Tsuen (3) Carriageway Carriageway and footway Footway Footway Carriageway & Carriageway & Footway 09/2013 12/2014 30 98% 03/2014 08/2014 1491 100% 07/2014 08/2014 08/2014 11/2014 12/2014 01/2015 334 658 689 85% 40% 8% 10/2014 04/2015 854 5% Tsing Tai Road Footway 02/2014 12/2014 80 100% Access road at Castle Peak Road -Tai Lam (Near Marine Police Tai Lam Chung Base) Carriageway 02/2014 12/2014 980 90% 05/2014 12/2014 185 95% 06/2014 05/2015 480 70% Tsing Bik Street Siu Sau village Carriageway and footway Carriageway and footway Remark The works was completed in August 2014. The works was in progress. The works was in progress. The works was in progress. The works was commenced in October 2014. The works was completed in June 2014. Appendix III Staff Contact List for Works Contracts under Water Supplies Department in Tuen Mun District Works Contract No. Name of Project / Contract Department/Company Name Post Telephone Fax Email 2634-1800 [email protected] (Name of Main Contractor) 14/WSD/08 Water Supplies Department Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 3 - Mains in Tuen Mun & Yuen Long (Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Co. URS CDM Joint Venture Ltd.) Mr. KWOK Wing Cheong Senior Engineer/Consultants Management (2) Mr. WONG Kin San Engineer/Consultants Management (12) 2634-3686 2634-1800 [email protected] Mr. CHEUNG King Tak Senior Resident Engineer 2443-2704 2475-7124 [email protected] Mr. LIU Tin Man Resident Engineer 2443-2704 2475-7124 [email protected] Ms. Leung Yan Yee Resident Public Relations Officer 2443-2704 2475-7124 [email protected] 6323-0136 -- -- 24-Hour Hotline (operated by resident site staff) 8/WSD/10 Mr. TSE Kam Kwan Senior Engineer/Consultants Mgt (1) 2634-3771 2634-1800 [email protected] Mr. Michael YIP Engr/Consultants Mgt (2) 2634-3506 2634-1800 [email protected] Mr. PAU Kam Tim, Mason Chief Resident Engineer 2653-7853 2653-7087 [email protected] Ms. LUI So Yin, Jenny Senior Resident Engineer 2653-7853 2653-7087 [email protected] Black & Veatch Hong Mr. CS CHEUNG Resident Engineer 9664-3350 2653-7087 [email protected] Kong Limited Mr. Stephen LAU Resident Engineer 9827-2524 2653-7087 [email protected] Ms. YIU Ming Yan, Yan Resident Public Relations Officer 6828-6543 2653-7087 [email protected] 9827-2508 -- -- Water Supplies Department Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 4 Phase 1– Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, North District and Tai Po (Hsin Chong Construction Co., Ltd.) 2634-3573 24-Hour Hotline (operated by resident site staff) Mr. TSE Kam Kwan Senior Engineer/Consultants Mgt (1) 2634-3771 2634-1800 [email protected] Mr. WONG Kin San, Ricky Engineer/Consultants Management (12) 2634-3686 2634-1800 [email protected] 9/WSD/10 Mr. PAU Kam Tim, Mason Chief Resident Engineer 2653-7853 2653-7087 [email protected] Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Ms. LUI So Yin, Jenny Senior Resident Engineer 2653-7853 2653-7087 [email protected] Stage 4 Phase 1– Mr. CHEUNG Chi Shing Resident Engineer 9664-3350 2478-7929 [email protected] Mr. Alex TUNG Resident Engineer 9664-3366 2478-7929 [email protected] Ms. YIU Ming Yan, Yan Resident Public Relations Officer 6828-6543 2653-7087 [email protected] -- -- Water Supplies Department Major Mains in Western New Territories (Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd.) Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited 24-Hour Hotline (operated by resident site staff) 6/WSD/13 Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water Mains Stage 4 Phase 1– Mains in Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan and Tuen Water Supplies Department AECOM Asia Co. Limited 9665-3721 Mr. CHENG Kei Chung Senior Engineer/Project Management (1) 2829-5633 2586-1696 [email protected] Mr. LAM Kwan, Leonard Engineer/Project Management (3) 2829-4783 2586-1696 [email protected] Mr. WONG Chung Tak Chief Resident Engineer 3698-6001 3542-5033 [email protected] Mr. LO Chi Hang, Robo Senior Resident Engineer 3698-6005 3542-5033 [email protected] Works Contract No. Name of Project / Contract Department/Company Name Post Telephone Fax Email Mun Mr. LAM Kong Keung, Paul Resident Engineer 5185-5058 3542-5033 [email protected] (Ming Hing Waterworks Engineering Company Ms. LAW Man Kwan, Lawman Resident Public Relations Officer 6622-2608 3542-5033 [email protected] 3586-0473 -- -- (Name of Main Contractor) Ltd.) 24-Hour Hotline (operated by resident site staff)
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