CERRO VILLA MIDDLE SCHOOL Viking News V O L U M E X X I I , N U M B E R 5 M A R C H 2 0 1 4 Principal’s Perspective MARCH CALENDAR 1ST - * FUNDRAISER * SEE CVPFSO.COM FOR DETAILS! 5-6TH - PSA TESTING 10TH - 9TH GRADE REGISTRATION, 6:30PM 11TH - MIN DAY, END OF 2ND TRIMESTER, MARDI GRAS DANCE PLANNING MEETING, 7-8PM 14TH - 8TH GRADE ASSEMBLY 14TH-15TH - “CHARLIE BROW N” PERFORMANCE 20TH - ALUMNI LEGACY PHOTO TAKEN AT 3PM, PROMOTION PARTY MEETING AT 7PM 24TH-25TH - STUDENTS MEET W ITH COUNSELORS, 8TH GRADE REGISTRATION 26TH - LATE START 9:25AM,CHOIR CONCERT AT 7PM 27TH - OUSD BOND MEETING AT 6PM, VPHS PAC 28TH - VIETNAM VET DAY SPRING RECESS MARCH 31ST-APRIL 4TH Dr. Ken Miller, Principal GREETINGS FROM THE LAND OF THE CERRO VILLA VIKINGS!! WHAT’S NEWSWORTHY? This school year continues at a rapid pace and we are moving into our spring activities and preparing for the close of the year and Promotion. Next month’s issue of the Viking News will contain information on Promotion Party and Promotion Ceremony and the specificities on our strict dress code during these activities. I also plan to begin sending home these specifics in early March via the telephone dialer. STUDENT LED CONFERENCES Student Led Conferences were a huge success on February 6. It was wonderful to see our campus alive with our over 1,100 students and parents walking to and from classrooms after school. I know that our students appreciate the parents and family members who were able to take part in these celebratory and goal-setting conferences! SECOND TRIMESTER ENDS The second trimester ends March 11 with a minimum day, 12:05 dismissal. It’s never too late to give those academics one last push to finish out the school year with positive results. Starting the trimester with good habits of completing homework, following through on commitments and assignments and studying for tests is much easier than trying to play catch up for the end of the trimester. Please contact your student’s teachers or counselor to conference about our many intervention opportunities and remedies for student success. REGISTRATION FOR 2014-15 In the next few weeks we will be enrolling students for the 2014-15 school year! The 9th grade registration schedule will commence with the incoming Ninth Grade Parent Night on Monday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Villa Park High School Performing Arts Center. Next, our 8th graders will take part in the incoming Ninth Grade Assembly at Villa Park High School on Friday, March 14. We will walk our students over to the high school where they learn about their future classes and take a tour of the campus. On March 24-25, our students will meet with their VPHS counselors. Registration for 8th grade will also occur on March 24-25 in the students’ classes here at Cerro Villa. Parents will have an opportunity to verify their student’s course selection during Spring Break via the parent portal. Finally, I wanted to thank all of our families that have incoming 7 th graders who were able to attend Sixth Grade Parent Night on Tuesday, February 4 in our auditorium. I was very pleased you were able to meet our great staff, see the excellent new electives we are offering next year (Creative Writing, iFilm, Advanced Reading, Up Tempo Fitness, Percussion and Art with Ceramics), learn about the summer registration process and learn valuable overall information about our high performing middle school. I am looking forward to all of the exciting events and activities that make up the third trimester and 2014-2015! FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION This following is an informational item for all families: Section 5 of Article IX of the California Constitution guarantees students a “free and appropriate public education”. The State Supreme Court concluded in the 1984 case of Hartzell v. Connell, “that all educational activities carried on by public school districts, extra-curricular as well as curricular, must be without cost to the students who participate in such activities”. This same ruling found that “mandatory fees for participating in such extra-curricular activities as drama, music, and athletic competition were illegal under the State Constitution”. Furthermore, the State Supreme Court also rejected the argument that “fees could be charged as long as the district waived fees for students who were financially unable to pay”. I would like to assure you that Cerro Villa Middle School does not engage in a “pay for play” system. Thank you! AND FINALLY… The end of the year is full of celebration with awards assemblies. The 8 th Grade Promotion Party will be in early June and Promotion Day is on June 12. It is important to note that only the 8 th graders that have earned the appropriate credits for promotion will be allowed to take part in the Promotion Party and Promotion Ceremony. Students who have failed a class more than once, or have multiple F’s in several subjects, must make up those credits to be eligible for those special activities. There will be a strict dress code for each activity. More details to follow in upcoming announcements and the next issue of the Viking News. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call or send me an e-mail. Thank you for all of your great support to our school! Dr. Ken Miller, Principal The Cerro Villa Viking News is published monthly by the PFSO. If you would like to place a personal or business advertisement, please contact Robert Frackelton at 714-390-3027 or email [email protected] VIKING NEWS 2 Health Information from our School Nurse... Dear School Families: What’s in Your Energy Drink? Energy drinks with sugar and caffeine pack a punch, but at what cost? Drinks such as Red Bull, Amp, Rockstar, KMX, Shark and Monster Energy makes such promises as “vitalizes body and mind”, “improves performance”, and/or “stimulates the metabolism”. Despite their long list of ingredients, energy drinks get their stimulating effects from plain old caffeine. Energy drinks contain substantial amounts of caffeine either manufactured or from “natural sources” such as guarana seeds. Red Bull has 80mg of caffeine in an 8.3 oz can. That’s more than three times the amount of caffeine in the same amount of Coke or Pepsi! A cup of coffee has 100-150mg of caffeine depending on how it is brewed. Too many high powered caffeine drinks can cause muscle twitching, gastrointestinal problems, rapid heartbeats, or dizziness. Some of an energy drink’s boost comes from sugar, typically adding up to 27 grams per serving, which is 5 grams more sugar than in a Hershey’s candy bar! Ingesting high levels of sugar can lead to a sugar crash about 30-45 minutes later, about the same time as a caffeine crash. Amino acids, such as taurine, can help with tissue repair and maintenance of healthy cells, but they have not been shown to help healthy people. Herbs and other “natural” ingredients have not been rigorously tested but there is little evidence that herbs increase energy. Energy drinks can be addictive and cause withdrawing symptoms such as headache, lethargy and moodiness when caffeine is taken away. Grabbing an energy drink occasionally probably won’t harm you, but eating healthful foods and getting enough sleep will boost your vitality!! Brain foods to get ready for state testing and/or SAT tests Fruit smoothies with bagels Tortilla with beans, cheese, and salsa Chicken salad sandwich Cereal with milk and sliced fruit (bananas, strawberries) Pita bread with cheese and veggie slices English muffin with peanut butter and fruit juice Pasta with meat sauce If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Andrea Bautista, our School Nurse, at (714) 997-6251. Choir Department of Cerro Villa Middle School The third Choral Department Concert of the school year will be our Spring event on Wednesday March 26th at 7:00 pm at the First Methodist Church in Orange (behind Watson’s Deli). The title of the show is "Exsultate Justi” and selections include: "Joshua fit the battle of Jericho"; "Exsultate Justi"; "Sicut Cervus"; the Spiritual "All that has Life and Breath"; and many more pieces of beautiful choral literature. Come and enjoy the driving rhythms and mellifluous sounds of our choir. Tickets are $10 per person and may be purchased at the church starting at 6:40 pm the night of the show. VIKING NEWS 3 Student of the Month February 2014 Brian A. Algebra 1 H Jandy L. Physical Science 8 H Dilini A. Spanish 1B Sydney L. French 1A Kira B. Pre-Algebra 7 Sydney L. Life Science 7 Katrice B. Algebra 1A Tavita L. Language Arts Ryan B. Study Skills Henry M. Basic English 8 Makenzie B. Life Science 7 Lauren M. Exploratory Art Colin B. English 7 Xitlaly M. Physical Science 8 Sydney C. English 8 H Dina M. English / History Carleigh C. Spanish 1A Brook M. Reading 7 Jillian C. AVID Ashlyn N. English 7 Keion C. Skills for Success Emilie N. Life Science 7 H Eduardo C. Basic English 7 Jeremy N. US History 8 H Raquel D. Physical Education 7 Abbie N. World History 7 Tanner E. Pre-Algebra 7 Coco O. English 8 Taylor F. Spanish 1A Robert P. Pre-Algebra 7 Miranda G. English 7 H Nicholas R. Physical Education 7 Tyler G. Physical Science 8 Ashley S. Read 180 Michael G. Spanish 1A Kelby S. Algebra 1 Madison G. Exploratory Art Gabrielle S. Physical Science 8 Clarissa G. World History 7 Denie S. Physical Education 7 Kole H. Clerical Services Candice T. Communications Tech (CVTV) Kole H. Home Economics 8 Candice T. Life Science 7 H Kole H. US History 8 Sydney T. Algebra 1 H Kumasi J. Pre-Algebra 7 Sydney T. English 8 H Sean J. Exploratory Home Ec Marin T. French 1B Austin J. English / History 8 Alexander V. Study Skills Grace K. Physical Education 7 Ellie W. Algebra 1 H Colette K. World History 7 Russell W. Spanish 1B Emma K. English 8 H Veronica Z. Pre-Algebra 7 Jandy L. English 8 H Check us out on the web! www.cvpfso.org VIKING NEWS 4 VIKING NEWS 5 GET INVOLVED BY JOINING A CLUB OR GROUP ! Please note that students must have at least a 2.0 to participate in any extracurricular activity, some clubs/ groups may require higher. Check with contact person if you have missed a start date. Club/Group name: ASB Officers Contact person: Mrs. Hedspeth Who can be involved? To be eligible students must complete an ASB officer application. Students must demonstrate acceptable academic and citizenship success, defined as a 3.0 G.P.A. with no D's or F's and no N's or U's in Citizenship What it's about? Cerro Villa ASB Leadership Program is an eighth grade elective class that serves the school as the student council, providing representation and activities for the entire student body. When does your club start? Students are elected at the end of their 7th grade year and serve their position during their 8th grade year. They will meet for a Leadership Camp during the summer. How do students join? Students who qualify will run for office and will be elected by the 7th graders. Club/Group name: CASA PALS Contact person: Ms. Millet Who can be involved? Anyone What it's about? Community school service organization that addresses the importance of healthy choices. Some activities include: Red Ribbon Week, Great American Smoke Out, and school wide community service When does your club start? September. Students can join anytime throughout the year. How do students join? Attend a meeting or see Ms. Millet. Club/Group name: Spirit Squad Contact person: Mrs. Buchness Who can be involved? 7th and 8th grade girls What it's about? We are a "Friendship" organization that brings CV students together. We promote school enthusiasm and pride. We're involved in bake sales, talent show fundraisers, cheer training, and we donate our money to our community. When does your club start? October - May How do students join? Applications are available in October. Club/Group name: Intramural Tournaments/After School Sports Contact person: Mr. Pedersen and Mr. Jones Who can be involved? CV students with a 2.0 GPA or higher. What it's about? Skill development and team play during lunch and afterschool When does your club start? Coed activity with each tournament lasting 6 weeks Flag Football; Basketball; Track; Volleyball; and possibly others How do students join? Sign up in P.E or after school Club/Group name: Fitness Club Contact person: Ms. McCollum Who can be involved? Anyone What it's about? Making healthy choices and getting more exercise to lose weight and stay healthy When does your club start? September How do students join? Show up to a workout or see any of the PE teachers VIKING NEWS 6 Club/Group name: Honor Society Contact person: Ms. Millet, Ms. Adams, and Mr. Meulmester Who can be involved? Students who have a 3.5 GPA; No N’s or U’s in citizenship. What it's about? Academic excellence and community service. When does your club start? Students who qualify are notified each trimester beginning with 8th grade in August/ September and 7th grade 2nd trimester. How do students join? Students receive an invitation letter. They remain eligible if they retain a 3.2 GPA and have no N’s or U’s. Students are required to complete and return their service hours by the designated date to remain an active eligible member. Club/Group name: German Club Contact person: Ms. Grueder Who can be involved? German students and any student interested in the German culture. What it's about? Exploring the German culture, Oktoberfest, holiday celebrations, foods, and much more. When does your club start? September How do students join? Attend meeting in September and sign up. Club/Group name: French Club Contact person: Mrs. Marx Who can be involved? French students (and any student interested in the French culture if space available). What it's about? Exploring the French culture, holiday celebrations, foods, and much more. When does your club start? September How do students join? Attend meeting in September and sign up. Club/Group name: Science Olympiad Contact person: Mrs. Wong What it’s about? Competing in knowledge of Science. Students study challenging science topics to compete with other middle schools in the ultimate science competition. For more information, visit www.soinc.org. Club/Group name: The Cerro Villa Robotics Club Contact person: Mr. Cipolla Who can be involved: Anyone who has an interest in robotics and can work in a team atmosphere. What is it about? Our purpose is to integrate math and science in a meaningful context and to compete in various robotic competitions. When does your club start? August How do students join? Attend orientation meeting CERRO VILLA ALUMNI/LEGACY PROJECT Attention all Cerro Villa ALUMNI with children currently attending your junior high/middle school alma mater! We are interested in rounding up all local alumni and their "legacy" 7th and 8th students for a group picture to be included in the yearbook. We'd like to celebrate and honor the fact that our community draws so many to stay in or return to the neighborhoods and schools that they grew up in. This yearbook page will feature our families with 2nd (or 3rd?) generation of Vikings making their way through the green and gold gates of 17852 Serrano Avenue. SAVE THE DATE: PHOTO TO BE TAKEN on THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, at 3:00 pm Please email Stacey Meis [email protected] with the names and years of graduation for the alumni parent and the legacy student. Thank you! Go Vikings! Stacey Kirschner Meis '82 Olivia Meis '14 VIKING NEWS 7 “You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" will be performed March 14th and 15th in the Cerro Villa Auditorium at 7pm both days. Tickets are $10 and will be available at CV through Ms. Hedspeth or Mr. Babnick. Come see the following students, who have leading roles, perform: Robert Leon Sakamoto, Frankie Galuppo, Chloe Sweeney, Autumn Hawkins, Ben Pearson, and James Walter. The Dad's Club Third Annual Charity Golf Tournament This event will be held May 13, 2014 at Oak Creek Golf Course in Irvine, CA. All proceeds will go to technology related projects within the Orange Unified School District with the funds going directly to the school’s PFSO. Contact Ed Carter at (714) 313-7338 for details on Golf and sponsorship packages. Last year Cerro Villa received $3,200 from the proceeds of this event! The Villa Park Great American Picnic This event will be held on May 25, 2014 at Irvine Lake. Tickets are $5 each or $10 per family. There are fund raising opportunities available for school organizations. Entertainment, a variety of foods from around the world, drinks, Bounce Houses, NEW GAMES, and many many more items in the works - stay tuned. Contact Ed Carter at (714) 313-7338 for details, tickets and fund raising opportunities. Here is a rewarding & fun volunteer chance… Help us plan & pull off the Mardi Gras Dance! Please come to the first Mardi Gras Dance plan meeting, with all your Purple, Green, and Gold ideas: Tuesday, March 11th from 7-8 PM in a CV room (location to be announced). The Mardi Gras Dance will take place on Friday, May 9th . It is a very highly anticipated costume dance for students in the Cerro Villa Honor Society. All parents are welcome to volunteer! We would like to have volunteers assist in the planning and prepping for the dance over the next few months, and then during the busy set up week of May 5-9. Please RSVP to [email protected] and [email protected] Michelle James, 8th Grade Chairperson (714) 981-7965 Dove Thiselton, 7th Grade Chairperson (949) 795-3689 VIKING NEWS 8 Notes from the Instrumental Music Department: A correction of the donation information mentioned in February’s Viking News... Please note the $2,500 donation to repair instruments, as mentioned in last month’s issue, was provided to the music department by the Villa Park Community Services Foundation based on a grant request. Those funds did NOT come from the City of Villa Park. No taxpayers dollars were used for this grant. Instead, the money came from the privately funded Villa Park Community Services Foundation. The Publisher of the Viking News apologizes for this miscommunication and looks forward to hearing those newly repaired musical instruments play! l l i t s s t e k ! e Tic l b a l i ava THIS SATURDAY Details are on the PFSO web site at www.cvpfso.org Questions? Email Nicol Jones at [email protected]. Check us out on the web! www.cvpfso.org VIKING NEWS 9 VIKING NEWS 10 VIKING NEWS 11 PRESS RELEASE – ORANGE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT For immediate release Information: Superintendent’s Office (714) 628-4487 Orange Unified School District Launches Community-Based, 21st Century Learning Facility Improvement Project ORANGE, CALIF. – Feb. 21, 2014 – Orange Unified School District (OUSD) has launched a series of information sessions to present proposals, based on community input, for addressing much needed infrastructure improvements to its four high schools. The District’s 21st Century Learning Facility Improvement project is being presented at open meetings in February and March, most recently last evening at Canyon High School. The first session, held at Orange High School on February 13, generated strong community turnout and participation. The high schools in the District are showing the significant effects of many years of lagging investment in general upkeep and refurbishment in areas from general classrooms and labs to performing arts spaces and athletic facilities. They are also falling behind in providing the kinds of innovative spaces and resources that have been identified for successful 21st Century learning and interaction. “Our 21st Century Learning Plan includes a new vision and investment in modernizing our high schools to help build a stronger school system for students, teachers, parents and the community,” said OUSD Superintendent Michael Christensen. “These revitalized schools will provide more choices and opportunities in the areas of technology, personalized learning and career readiness, putting our students ahead with a competitive advantage.” The facilities improvement project is an integral part of the District’s overall 21 st Century Learning Plan designed to create high-quality education pathways to success that help students compete in a global economy. Input from the community has been a primary driver of the improvements identified for each high school. “Statistically, newer schools do better than older ones in creating a culture of high expectations, effective teaching and successful learning,” noted John Ortega, President of the OUSD Board of Education. “This commitment to the future represents what’s best for our students. Our students always come first, and they deserve no less.” The District has engaged four leading local architectural firms, each focusing on one high school. At Thursday evening’s session, gkkworks presented their proposal for modernizing Canyon High School based on input from that community. Recommendations included updated classrooms and new science labs, removal of 30-year-old portables, a new performing arts center, and improved athletic facilities such as an expanded gym, all-weather track and 50-meter pool. In addition, that community would like to have a football stadium for the school. Funding for the OUSD 21st Century Learning Facility Improvement project would come from an anticipated bond issue in Fall 2014 as well as from other sources including available state funds and ancillary community fundraising. Upcoming community sessions are Thursday, March 13, 6:00 p.m., at El Modena High School and Thursday, March 27, 6:00 p.m., at Villa Park High School. For more information, visit the OUSD website at www.orangeusd.k12.ca.us. VIKING NEWS 12 Grocery Shopping Equals Free Money for Cerro Villa You can earn money for Cerro Villa while you shop without spending an extra dime. Register your grocery store rewards cards one time and a portion of the money you spend all year long will be donated to Cerro Villa. If you did this in the past, you still need to re-register every year. Ralphs: Go to ralphs.com. 1) Scroll down to the Special Features heading, select the Community Contribution link. 2) Scroll to the bottom of the page, select ENROLL. 3) a-If you have an account already, just sign in on the left hand side of the page. b-If not you will need to create a Ralphs account. Fill in the requested info. Wait for a confirming email. Click on the email link. AT the bottom select log in now. 4) Once logged in at the bottom of your account info select Community Rewards Info. Fill out the necessary information. The organization number for Cerro Villa is 90109 or type in Cerro Villa. Verify your selection and you are done! Vons (support up to three schools): Go to escrip.com 1) If you are already a member, look for the RENEW NOW area on the front page and enter your phone number, email or club card number to renew. 2) If not, select Supporter Sign In. 3) Select Group ID and enter 500017057. Click on the name Cerro Villa Middle School PFSO. You can search for another school/organization to support (you can support up to three) or click on NEXT. 4) Fill out your basic personal information and click NEXT. 5) Under card type select Vons and fill out your Vons card number and click NEXT. 6) You can also add other credit cards to your account. When you make purchases at selected stores and restaurants with these cards, a portion of your purchase is donated to our school. Click NEXT after entering your info or to skip to the next section. 7) To complete the registration, select CONFIRM at the end. School Supplies: Shop at Office Depot No need to register. When you shop just mention our School ID#70016296 at the checkout and 5% of your purchase will be donated to Cerro Villa. Target: Go to Target.com to register your Target Red Card. Under the company information section, select “Take Charge of Education” and follow instructions to designate Cerro Villa Middle School. Amazon.com: Shop for anything—enter through our link. Simply type in the following address into your internet browser to reach amazon.com and up to 5% of your purchases will be donated back to Cerro Villa. http://www.amazon.com?%5Fencoding=UTF8&tag=httpwwworange-20 Questions ??? Contact Mary Faley at [email protected] VIKING NEWS 13 Thank you to our sponsors! Real Estate Sales - Leasing - Property Management Check us out on the web! www.cvpfso.org VIKING NEWS 14
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