The CLM-Ecosystem Demography model: Version 0.1

State of the CLM(ED) model
Rosie Fisher & Stefan Muszala
Thanks to: Erik Kluzek, Gordon Bonan, Ben Sanderson & Dave Lawrence.
CLM(ED) ecosystem demography
Next-generation biogeophysical and biogeochemical core for the CLM!
Landscape structured according to disturbance history.!
Height resolved competition between plants for light. !
Plant distribution emerges from plant functional properties
Competition Co-existence
Science Features
Gas exchange (CLM4.5 multi-layer psn; Collatz & Ball-Berry/Medlyn/Lloyd)
Radiation scheme (Norman explicit radiation scheme. Parallel PFTs in discrete canopy layers)
Canopy Structure (Modified Perfect Plasticity Approximation)
Carbon partitioning (Allocation to C storage. Flexible allocation priorities) •
Leaf area optimization (Loosely based on Woodward & Lomas 2004 sDGVM)
Mortality (Fisher et al. 2010)
Crown area plasticity (trees change shape as canopy closes)
Phenology (Botta et al. 2001:cold,
SPITFIRE fire scheme (Thonicke, Spessa et al. 2010)
Seed Model (partly from TREEMIG, Lischke et al 2009)
Below ground biogeochemistry (BGC or CN, as before)
Dahlin & Fisher, in prep: drought)
Tech Note (v0 ready for internal review)
62 pages, 217 equations
(as of LMWG Feb 2014)
Version -1 (EDMERGE branch) Now. Access for development only
Runs in PTCLM & some global resolutions, sensible fluxes, energy + water balanced
(afaik), NetCDF restarts
Version 0 (software engineering tag) May.June. Access for adding functionality
NetCDF history files, sensible fluxes, balanced energy/water/carbon, sensible memory
use, cold & drought phenology, compsets, runs @ alternative resolutions & compilers. •
Version 1 (science tag) Oct.Nov. Access for model testing and implementation
CLM fire coupling, Soil BGC (C-only), ‘standard’ PFTs, tech note v0.
Version 2 (‘IPCC’ tag) ? Access for any reason including coupled runs. •
Consistent with crops, proscribed vegetation, harvest & land use change (managed
forest, pasture), N cycle, VOCs, dynamic landunits.
(as of CESM June 2014)
Version -1 (EDMERGE branch) Feb 2014 Access for development only
Runs in PTCLM & some global resolutions, sensible fluxes, energy + water balanced
(afaik), NetCDF restarts
Version 0 (software engineering tag) May 2014 Access for adding functionality
NetCDF history files, sensible fluxes, balanced energy/water/carbon, sensible memory use,
cold & drought phenology, ED compsets, runs @ alternative resolutions & compilers. •
Version 1 (science tag) Oct.Nov. Access for model testing and implementation
CLM fire coupling, Soil BGC (C-only), ‘standard’ PFTs, tech note v0.
Version 2 (‘IPCC’ tag) ? Access for any reason including coupled runs. •
Consistent with crops, proscribed vegetation, harvest & land use change (managed
forest, pasture), N cycle, VOCs, dynamic landunits.
Code performance
Global runs operational at f10, T31, f19 resolutions. •
Bit-for-bit restarts in point mode. •
Global restart capacity not yet operational, thus models not fully
spun-up in terms of biomass & distribution (35-70y) •
These simulations are at leaf area equilibrium… •
Here we use one Plant Functional Type (evergreen C3 broadleaf
Does it produce sensible results?
Leaf Area Index Benchmarks
Produces over-estimates in marginal
Removed large high bias in closed canopy
Too much LAI in boreal and marginal forests
CLM4.5 max LAI
GPP Benchmarks
Produces over-estimates in northern
Magnitude of fluxes reasonable.
Removed very productive tropical biases
Improved behavior in savannas
Gross Photosynthesis: CLM(ED)v0.0
kgC m2 yr-1
Gross Photosynthesis: CLM4.5
kgC m2 yr-1
Gross Photosynthesis: FLUXNET product
kgC m2 yr-1
Evapotranspiration Benchmarks
General over-estimate of ET
Maybe due to Ball-Berry
Evapotranspiration: CLM(ED)v0.0
Evapotranspiration: CLM4.5
Evapotranspiration: FLUXNET product
Mean Latent Heat Flux Wm-2
Sensitivity Analysis
Is there a structural bias in evaporation?
Canopy Evap
Evapotranspiration: CLM(ED)v0.0
Ground Evap
CLM(ED) is progressing towards the scientifically
validated tag later this year.
This does not mean it it scientifically validated!
Early 35 year global runs indicate that reasonable
fluxes can be achieved with significantly fewer
degrees of freedom than are typically used.
PFT selection process: How do plant distributions
emerge from their functional properties?
Trait Filtering & Plant Distributions
CLM(ED) was conceived (partly) as a tool to investigate
why plants grow where they do
If we have no good explanation of biome boundaries for
the present, how can we trust predictions for the future?
1st generation DGVMs rely partly on empirical climate
envelopes, so are not mechanistic hypotheses for
So, how do plant distributions emerge from plant traits?
C4 grass
C3 grass
Vegetation Distribution
Only difference between c4 and c3 grasses
is photosynthesis switch (c3psn)
How does this change affect vegetation
C4 grass
C3 grass
Cold Deciduous Tree
Added in cold deciduous &
evergreen trees
Only change phenology switch & sla.
Deciduous behavior dominates high