Please join us in Halifax for the Maritime Pathology Conference November 28 and 29, 2014 OE Smith Auditorium, IWK Hospital Designed by Bella Dini F R I D A Y S A T U R D A Y 8.00am - 5.00pm 5.15pm Dalhousie and CDHA Department of Pathology Retreat Dinner – Fiasco Saege 7.00pm Opening Remarks: Godfrey Heathcote 7.10pm Professional Support Program, Doctors Nova Scotia: Carolyn Thomson 8.15pm Update on Molecular Pathology: Wenda Greer 9.00am Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Quality Initiative in Interpretive Pathology: Gunita Mitera 10.00am Mindfulness: Elizabeth Gould 11.00am Tea 11.15am Royal College Competency Based Medical Education: Jolanta Karpinski 12.15pm Lunch 1.15pm Anatomical Pathology Update on Immunohistochemistry: Kelly Dakin-Hache Microbiology MALDI tof: Ross Davidson 2.15pm Anatomical Pathology QEII Case Challenges Chair: Saul Offman Participants: Saul Offman, Mathieu Castonguay, Cheng Wang, Sorin Selegean, Tom Arnason, Gillian Bethune, Thai Yen Ly Hematological Pathology Highlights from the 2014 Lorna Pearce Hematopathology Symposium as well as interesting cases from the CDHA hematopathologists Chair: Chantale Pamburn Presenters: Chantale Pambrun, Bruce Wright and Dietrich Werner 3.15pm Coffee 3.30pm Anatomical Pathology Case Challenges from Saint John Regional Hospital Chair: Marek Godlewski; Presenters: TBA Chair: Marek Godlewski ; Presenters: TBA Biochemistry Laboratory Utilization – Manal Manal ElElNenaie Nenaie 4.30pm Kathryn Reduka, Patient Safety – Katherine Reduka, CMPA 5.30pm Summary of updates from other laboratories and provinces 6.00pm Meeting of Laboratory Medicine Section of DoctorsNS Meeting of the 7.15pm Dinner – Saege Supper Adjourn This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity, Section 1, as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This activity was approved by the Canadian Association of Pathologists for 9 Section 1 credits. Remember to visit MAINPORT to record your learning and outcomes. Registration Form Name __________________________________________ Address City Province Postal Code ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Email __________________________________________ Concurrent Sessions: Please select one of each set 1:15 PM Anatomical Pathology, Update on Immunohistochemistry ___ Microbiology, MALDI tof ___ Dinner: Please indicated if you would like to attend November 28: Fiasco Saege ___ November 29: Saege ___ 2:15 PM Anatomical Pathology, QEII Case Challenges ___ Hematological Pathology, Highlights ___ 3:30 PM Anatomical Pathology, Case Challenges from Saint John Regional Hospital ___ Biochemistry , Laboratory Utilization ___ Please include a cheque to Dalhousie Department of Pathology for $100 for the registration fee, and cheques for $50 for each of Fiasco and Saege if you intend to attend. Please include a cheque to Dalhousie Department of Pathology for $100 for the registration fee, and cheques to Saege for $55 for each of the dinners you wish to attend. Please mail it with the completed registration form to Joy Douglas, Division of Anatomical Pathology, Room 744, 5788 University Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1V8. 4R9.
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