FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT ..- Welcome Address Dear Colleague, The beautiful city of Belgrade will host the 27th European Congress of Pathology in 2015. Pathology undergoes many important changes from within and outside. By novel techniques we get better understanding of disease enabling us to make better diagnosis. Geneticists, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, information technologists all have increasingly tools and knowledge that improves our work. The theme for the 2015 ECP congress, Pathology, breaking barriers in medicine is therefore very timely: we as pathologists have many interactions with other disciplines and our developments have influences on medical decision in everyday practice. it is not easy to keep up with everything that is ongoing, but the ECPs try to serve the educational need for pathologists. But not only that. The European Society of Pathology feels strongly about the role of science in the develop.rnents that steer our practice. Therefore, the educational needs are always integrated in the scientific progress. A good diagnosis is based on the understanding of the processes we see through our microscope (or, increasingly, on our screen!). The congress will have the organ-based session as programmed by our working groups, the special session on teaching, quality assessment and public awareness, and of course the key-note lectures enlighten us on developments outside pathology, but influencing us very much. No other meeting for pathologists has such a broad scope and at the same is so focussed on what we do, in academia and in general pathology laboratories. Belgrade is a city with a long, often turbulent history and has the last years seen rapid developments. lt is therefore a good place to feel the old and the new, and, like in pathology, we need to cherish them both! Han van Krieken Jovan Lole Vasiljevic Sanja Milenkovic *"' Scientific Committee Han van Krieken, The Netherlands, ESP President Fatima Carneiro, Portugal Fred T. Bosman, Switzerland Gordan Vujanic, UK and Serbia Ja smina Markovic-Lipkovski, Serbia Sanja Milenkovic, Serbia ~'~> Local Organising Committee Jovan Lole Va siljevic, Chair Jelena Sopta Dejan Opric Milana Panjkovi c Milos Milovanovic 1 Apri l 2015 ···<· First deadline for early registration fee 8 Ap ri l2015 ..., Deadline for abstract submission 1 July 2015 ...,. Second deadline for early registration fee 5 September 201 5 ··>·Ope n ing Ceremony and Welcome Reception of th e 27'h ECP ..,. Scientific Information The aim of the organisers is to provide an up-to-date sc ientific programme covering all major areas of diagnostic, translational, molecular and investigative pathology. Special emphas is will be put on both recent discoveries in pathology, and the reinforcement of close cl ini co-patho logical cooperation. The motto of the Congress, Pathology- breaking barriers in medicine, is guiding the design and con tent of the scientific sess ions. Th e core programme, prepared with a strong input from the ESP Working Groups, will encompass the following topics: "" Breast Pathology "" Cardiovascular Pathology "" Cytopathology "" Derm atopathology "" Digestive Diseases Pathology "" El ectron Microscopy "" Endocrine Patho logy "" Gyna ecolog ica l Pathology "" Ha ematopatho logy "" Head and Neck Pathology "" Infectiou s Diseases "" Mol ecu lar Pathology "" Nep hropathology "" Neuropatho logy "" Ophthalmic Pathology "" Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology "" Pulmonary Pathology "" Soft Ti ssue and Bone Pathology "" Telepatho logy and IT in Patho logy "" Thymic and Mediastinal Pathology A wide rang e of clinically orientated and scientific sessions will be offered, comprising Slide Seminars, Short Courses, Symposia, Videomi croscopy and Special Sessions, as well as Oral Free Paper and Poster Sessions. • Congress Information Congress Venue Sava Centar Milentija Popovica 9 11070 Belgrade Serbia Congress Website Further and updated information will be available on the internet at . Congress Language The official language of the 27'h European Congress of Pathology is English. Technical Exhibition The 27'h ECP will be accompanied by a major technical exhibition. Potential exhibitors can request an exhibition/sponsorship brochure from the exhibition office, CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbH at [email protected] . CME- Continuing Medical Education The ESP is seeking approval from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCMEJ to provide CME credits for the scientific programme of the congress . These credits are recognised by the American Medical Association towards the Physician's Recognition Award (PRA). More detailed information will become available prior to the congress on the congress website . Hotels in Belgrade CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbH has reserved a large number of hotel rooms in various hotels in different price categories in Belgrade. The majority of the hotel rooms are located close to the Sava Centar. Reservations will be possible online at shortly. 11> City of Belgrade Welcome to Belgrade, a city that has been a meeting point for different ci vilization s over the centuries. lt is a uniqu e riparian metropolis with its numerous floating restaurants and discotheques, docked alongside 220 km of river banks. Enjoy this river based lifesty le at the confluence of two great rivers: the Danube and the Sava . The new indu stria l heritage site is the latest hotspot to be experienced. From the buzz of its streets and busy cafes to the peaceful oasis of th e royal courts just minutes away, you can acquire a taste of Belgrade's cosmopolitan lifestyle. Relax after your day at the congress in one of the numerous cafes downtown. Ensure you visit one of the taverns in the XIX century Boh em ian Quarter for a live performance of a tambourine orchestra accompanied by traditional food and a barbecue. The Lonely Planet Guide recently referred to Belgrade's nightlife as "One of Europe's 10 hot spots" and the Sunday Times has declared Belgrade "A new capital of cool". Th e fusion of cu ltures is best expressed by the traditional organic cuisine of Serbian "Soulfood" which is exceptionally tasty. Located just minutes away from the major hotels and the city centre, Lake Ada is another oasis in Belgrade; a lake island located on the river with a forest and 8 kilometres of beach, it is a perfect place to escape from the intensity of the congress and the hustle and bustle of the city. From golf to water skiing, from the natural environment to its relaxing cafe culture and hidden restaurants, you will want to linger in Belgrade. ..,.. Contacts/ Addresses Organiser European Soc iety of Pathology Ru e Bara 6 1070 Brusse ls Belg ium Scientific Contacts Sanj a Mil enkov ic Clinical Hosp ital Center Zemun, Departm ent of Clini ca l Pathology Belgrade Vukov a 9 11080 Zemu n, Be lgrade Serbia Phon e: +38 1 - 11-3166041 Em ail: [email protected] lekom .rs Han van Kri eken Departm ent of Pathology 824 PARadboud Radboud UMC PO Box 9101 6500HB, Nijm ege n Th e Nether land s Congress and Exhibition Office CPOPJANSER® SERVICE CPO HANSER SERVICE GmbH Paul sborne r Str. 44 14193 Berlin Germany Phon e: +49- 30- 300 669-0 Fax: +49 - 30 - 305 73 91 Email: ecp-be lgrade@cpo- jointly sponsored by .. European Society of Pathology .. German Division of the lAP
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