JVI Accepts, published online ahead of print on 16 April 2014 J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.00554-14 Copyright © 2014, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. 1 KSHV encoded LANA can induce chromosomal instability through targeted degradation 2 of the mitotic checkpoint kinase Bub1 3 Zhiguo Sun1, Bingyi Xiao1, Hem Chandra Jha1, Jie Lu1, Shuvomoy Banerjee1 and Erle S. 4 Robertson1* 5 6 1 Department of Microbiology and the Tumor Virology Program, Abramson 7 Comprehensive Cancer Center, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of 8 Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,USA,19104 9 10 *Address for correspondence: 11 201E Johnson pavilion, 3610 Hamilton walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104 12 Phone: (215) 746-0114 13 Fax: 215-898-9557 14 E-mail: erle@ upenn.edu 15 16 Running title: LANA mediates Bub1 degradation 17 18 1 19 Abstract 20 Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) has a significant contributory role in the 21 development of three major human neoplastic or lymphoproliferative diseases, Kaposi’s sarcoma 22 (KS), primary effusion lymphoma (PEL), and multicentric Castleman’s disease (MCD). These 23 diseases are associated with chromosomal instability, a hallmark of human cancer. The latency- 24 associated nuclear antigen (LANA) encoded by KSHV plays a key role in regulating a number of 25 cellular pathways critical for oncogenesis. KSHV LANA alone can induce the development of B 26 cell hyperplasia and lymphoma in mice expressing LANA. LANA also induces chromosomal 27 instability thus promoting oncogenesis. However, the precise mechanism underlying LANA- 28 mediated chromosomal instability remains uncharted. Here we report that LANA promoted 29 induction of chromosomal instability and the formation of micronuclei and multinucleation 30 through its interaction and resulting degradation of one of the critical spindle checkpoint proteins 31 Bub1. This interaction occurs through the Knl and Kinase domains of Bub1 identified to be 32 important for stability and degradation. These results suggest that LANA can dysregulate Bub1 33 activity which leads to aberrant chromosome replication and aneuploidy, thus contributing to 34 KSHV-mediated oncogenesis. 35 36 37 38 39 2 40 Importance: 41 This work represents the first set of results identifying a novel mechanism which shows that 42 LANA, a latent antigen encoded by KSHV, can induce the degradation of Bub1, a spindle 43 checkpoint protein which is important for spindle checkpoint signaling and chromosome 44 segregation. The down-regulation of Bub1 mediated by LANA resulted in chromosomal 45 instability, a hallmark of cancer. We further investigated the specific domains of Bub1 that are 46 required for the interaction between LANA and Bub1. The results demonstrated that the Knl and 47 Kinase domains of Bub1 are required for interaction between LANA and Bub1. In addition, we 48 also investigated the mechanism by which LANA promoted Bub1 degradation. Our results 49 showed that LANA physically interacted with the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C), thus 50 promoting degradation of Bub1 in a ubiquitin-dependent process. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 60 Introduction 61 Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), formally referred to as human herpesvirus 62 8(HHV 8), is an enveloped double stranded DNA tumor virus which was first discovered by 63 representational differential analysis in 1994 (1). KSHV not only contributes to the development 64 of KS, but also contributes to the development of other lymphoproliferative disorders including 65 primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and multicentric Castleman’s disease (MCD) (2, 3). Like that 66 of the other human herpesviruses, KSHV exist in two replicative phases, a lytic and a latent 67 phase. During the lytic phase, the majority of the encoded KSHV genes are expressed, host cells 68 were broken down, and KSHV infectious progeny virus particles are produced (4, 5). KSHV can 69 establish latent infection after primary infection. During this latent phase, to evade the host 70 immune surveillance only a limited number of genes are expressed, such as v-FLIP (ORF71), v- 71 cyclin (ORF72), latency-associated nuclear antigen (ORF73) as well as some miRNAs(5, 6). The 72 virus genome is maintained as a double stranded circular DNA termed an episome which is 73 tethered to the host chromosomes through interaction of LANA with a number of cellular 74 proteins including Bub1, CENPF and NuMA during cell division which ensure that the viral 75 genome is partitioned into new daughter cells (5-7). 76 Encoded by KSHV, ORF73 or LANA is one of the predominant viral antigens highly expressed 77 in latently infected cells (5, 8). LANA functions in activating as well as repressing cellular and 78 viral gene transcription (9-16). In addition to modulating gene transcription, LANA plays a 79 crucial role in KSHV episome replication and persistence in KSHV latently infected cell lines 80 (17-19). As an oncogenic protein encoded by KSHV, LANA has been shown to physically 81 interact and inhibit the tumor suppressor functions of the retinoblastoma protein pRb, as well as 82 p53 and von Hippel-Lindau(VHL), resulting in inactivation of p53-dependent promoters and 4 83 induction of E2F dependent genes (20-22). LANA also contributes to immortalization of 84 endothelial cells (23). Furthermore LANA can deregulate and stabilize expression of β-catenin 85 by sequestering its inhibitor, GSK-3β (24). Interestingly, the negative regulation of GSK-3β by 86 LANA is essential for promotion of S-phase entry in KSHV latently infected or LANA transient 87 transfected cells, which may be associated with KSHV-associated neoplasia. LANA can also 88 activate or stabilize many oncoproteins including c-Myc and c-Jun (25, 26). 89 Chromosomes missegregation during cell division results in loss or gain of chromosomes in the 90 next generation of cells, which results in aneuploidy and so contribute to the oncogenic process 91 (27). A cellular surveillance system named the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures that 92 the chromosomes segregate correctly during each cell division by arresting cells in metaphase 93 until every kinetochore of all the sister chromatids are correctly bound to the microtubules and 94 all the chromosomes are aligned in metaphase plate (28). The key protein components of the 95 spindle checkpoint include Mad1, Mad2, Bub1, BubR1 and these proteins are localized to 96 unattached kinetochores during early mitosis (29, 30). Bub1 is the first spindle checkpoint 97 protein to dock at the kinetochore (31-33), and contains an amino-terminal Knl binding domain, 98 through which Bub1 interacts with the kinetochore protein Knl1 (34), a Bub3 binding domain, 99 through which Bub1 binds to another spindle checkpoint protein Bub3(35), a carboxy-terminal 100 Kinase domain which phosphorylates CDC20 (36), and two conserved motifs which contribute 101 to spindle checkpoint signaling and chromosome segregation (37). 102 Bub1 has two crucial functions during the process of cell division. First, as a scaffold protein, 103 Bub1 plays a critical role in spindle checkpoint signaling. Bub1 also recruits other spindle 104 checkpoint proteins to the kinetochore which forms the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC)(38). 105 This can arrest cells at metaphase by inhibiting the functions of the anaphase-promoting 5 106 complex (APC/C) (39). Second, as a serine/threonine protein kinase, the kinase activity of 107 Bubl 108 eukaryotic cells, inhibition or inactivation of Bubl results in severe chromosome segregation 109 defects including chromosome congression failure and chromosome lagging (41-44). These 110 reports strongly suggest that the functions of Bub1 are highly conserved. Down-regulation of 111 Bub l expression seems to play an important role in development of human cancers. It has been 112 reported that in some human cancer, including the lung, colon, and pancreatic tumors, the protein 113 levels of Bub1 is down-regulated (45, 46). Mouse models mimicking these kinds of down- 114 regulation led to development of cancer in mice (47-49). These reports strongly suggested that 115 down-regulation of Bub1 can increase cancer risk. In this present study we now show that LANA 116 can strongly induce chromosomal instability (CIN), and increase the formation of 117 multinucleation and micronuclei in PEL cells by inducing Bub1 degradation. 118 Material and methods 119 Plasmid and antibodies 120 The pA3M-LANA, pA3F-LANA, pA3F-LANAΔsocs, pA3M-Bub1, GFP-Bub1, HA-cul2, HA- 121 cul5, His-Uba1, His-Ubc5a and GST-ubiquitin were described previously (22, 50). The pCS2- 122 cdc20 and pCS2-cdh1 constructs were provided by Hongtao Yu (University of Texas 123 Southwestern, Dallas, TX). Constructs expressing Bub1 with different domains deleted in pA3M 124 or pGEX-2TK were prepared by PCR mutagenesis. The anti-MyC (9E10), anti-HA (12CA5) and 125 anti-LANAI were generated from hybridoma. Mouse anti-Flag monoclonal antibody (M2) was 126 purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Corp. (St. Louis, MO). Rabbit anti-Bub1 and mouse anti- 127 Cdh1were purchased from Abcam (Cambridge, MA). The BJAB, DG75, BC-3, BCBL-1, JSC-1, 128 BJAB-KSHV, BC-3 Shct, BC-3 ShBub1, BC3-ShLANA, JSC-1Shct, JSC-1 ShLANA, BJAB- is required for correct chromosome alignment and congression (28, 40, 41). In some 6 129 RFP and BJAB-RFP-LANA were described previously (22, 50-52). BC-3- GFP, BC-3 -Bub1, 130 BJAB Shct and BJAB ShBub1 were generated as described previously (52). 131 GST pull down assay 132 GST and GST-fusion proteins were purified from BL21 (DE3) as described previously (53). 133 Beads coated with GST and GST-fusion proteins were incubated with cell lysates for 6 hour at 4 134 o C .The beads were washed three times and boiled in SDS-sample buffer. The samples were then 135 fractionated by SDS-PAGE for western blot analysis. 136 RNA interference 137 The short hairpin oligonucleotides for Shct, ShBub1 and ShLANA were described previously 138 (50). The ShRNA against Cdh1 (target sequence: GTGAACTTCCACAGGATTAAC) 139 were constructed as described previously(51). 140 Immunoprecipitation and Western blot 141 Immunoprecipitation (IP) and western blot were performed as described previously (22). Briefly, 142 cells were collected and lysed in lysis buffer (10mM Tris, 1%NP-40,2mM EDTA, 150mM NaCl, 143 PH 7.5) with protease inhibitor. For IP lysates were incubated with indicated antibody and 30µl 144 of a 1:1 mixture of Protein A/G Sepharose beads at 4 oC overnight. After three stringent washes 145 with RIPA buffer, the beads was boiled and subjected to SDS-PAGE for western blot. For all the 146 Co-IP experiments to demonstrate the interaction between LANA and Bub1, cells were treated 147 with MG132 (20µM) for 12hours before cells were harvested. 148 Ubiquitination assays 149 To generate the His-fusion proteins Ubca1, Ubc5a and Ub, BL21 bacterial cultures was induced 150 with 1 mM IPTG at log phase (OD600 = 0.6) and cells incubated with shaking at 30 oC overnight. 151 Bacterial lysis and purification were performed according to the manual for the Ni-NTA Agarose 7 152 from Qiagen Inc. (Valencia, CA). In vivo and in vitro ubiquitination assays were performed as 153 described previously (22). 154 The detection of chromosomal instability 155 For detection of chromosomal instability, cells were harvested, suspended in PBS, spread and 156 half-dried on slides. Cells were fixed with fixative (3% paraformaldehyde (PFA) containing 0.1% 157 Triton-100) for 30 min at room temperature (RT), then stained with DAPI for 1 hour at RT. The 158 presence of multinucleation and micronuclei was visualized and examined after DAPI staining. 159 To quantitate the formation of multinucleation, 200 cells were counted. 160 Metaphase chromosome spread 161 Nocodazole (0.1 µg/ml) were added to cell culture media and cells allowed to incubate for 12 162 hours before harvesting. cells were then treated with hypotonic buffer (0.075 M KCl) for 30 min 163 at RT, and fixed for 10 min in fixative (3 parts of methanol and 1 part of acetic acid) 3 times. 164 Metaphase preparations were made as previously described (54). 165 Cell synchronization 166 Cells were synchronized in different phases as described previously (55). Briefly, cells were 167 synchronized in S phase by using a double thymidine block, or in M phase by using a 168 thymidine- nocodazole block. Cells were synchronized in G1 phase by growing cells in 169 RPMI1640 with 0.1% cavin bovine serum (CBS) for 72 hours. 170 Statistical Analysis 171 Each experiment was repeated at least three times. The mean scores were examined by using a 172 Student’s T-test. All statistical tests were performed using Microsoft Office Excel. A value of 173 p<0 .05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference (*). A value of p<0.01 174 was considered to be of statistically high significance (**). 8 175 176 Results 177 Bub1 levels are down-regulated in LANA- expressing and KSHV positive cell lines. 178 Previously, we demonstrated a strong co-localization between LANA and Bub1 in KSHV- 179 associated B-cell lymphoma (50). To further investigate whether LANA could regulate Bub1, a 180 serine/threonine protein kinase with a critical role in mitotic spindle checkpoint establishment 181 and chromosome congression, we examined the level of Bub1 protein in KSHV-positive (BCBL- 182 1, BC-3 and JSC-1) and negative (BJAB and DG75) B-cell lines (Fig. 1A). Our data showed that 183 Bub1 levels were significantly reduced in KSHV-positive cells compared to KSHV-negative cell 184 lines. In fact the levels were approximately 4 fold less compared to BJAB and DG75 (Fig. 1A). 185 Interestingly, a second band migrating just below Bub1 was also reduced in the KSHV positive 186 or LANA expressing cell lines, suggesting that Bub1 was modified post-transnationally. To rule 187 out the inconsistency in genotypes among the different cell lines, the protein levels of Bub1 were 188 also compared within the same genotypic background cells, BJAB and KSHV-infected BJAB 189 cells (Fig. 1B). Again the results showed that the levels of Bub1 protein showed a greater than 50% 190 decrease in KSHV-infected BJAB cells which was more than that seen in the PEL cell lines but 191 still significantly down regulated. 192 To determine whether Bub1 suppression was associated with LANA, Flag-tagged LANA was 193 co-transfected with Myc-tagged Bub1 in HEK-293. The western blot results showed that ectopic 194 Bub1 was suppressed in the presence of LANA in a dose dependent manner (Fig. 1C). Further 195 analysis using western blot analysis showed that the Bub1 expression levels were rescued when 196 LANA transcripts were knocked down by shRNA (Fig. 1D). To further investigate the role of 9 197 LANA on the reduction of Bub1 levels, LANA was transfected into three KSHV-negative cell 198 lines. In all cases, with an increasing amount of LANA the levels of Bub1 were substantially 199 reduced (Fig. 1E). These data suggested that Bub1 levels were significantly inhibited in the 200 presence of LANA. Interestingly, no significant change was observed at the Bub1 transcript 201 levels in KSHV infected BJAB, and BC-3 ShLANA cell lines (Fig. 1F). These results strongly 202 suggested that the protein levels of Bub1 are regulated by LANA at the post-translational level. 203 The Knl and Kinase domain of Bub1 are important for its interaction with LANA. 204 Previously,we showed that Bub1 co-localizes with LANA in KSHV positive cells, suggesting 205 that LANA can directly interact with Bub1 (50). Here, we further investigated the specific Bub1 206 domain involved in its interaction with LANA (Fig. 2A). Bacterially expressed GST-fused Bub1 207 specific mutants and wild type (WT) (Fig. 2A) were incubated with cell lysates from HEK-293 208 cells transfected with Flag-tagged LANA (Fig. 2B). The bound Flag-tagged LANA were 209 fractionated and detected by western blot analysis using the specific antibody M2. The results 210 showed that the interaction between LANA and Bub1 was dramatically decreased when the Knl 211 domain or Kinase domain was deleted (Fig. 2B). The interaction between LANA and Bub1 212 deletion mutants were further validated by coimmunoprecipitation (Fig. 2C). Similarly, we found 213 that deletion of the Knl domain within Bub1 dramatically decreased the association between 214 LANA and Bub1. We found that the Knl and the Kinase domain were not only necessary for 215 LANA and Bub1 association, but the kinase domain was also required for LANA mediated Bub1 216 degradation (Fig. 2D). Interestingly, when co-transfected with LANA, Bub1 and its mutants 217 showed different levels of reduction. When the Kinase domain was missing, LANA had little or 218 no effect on Bub1 levels. Some effect was seen with the Knl deletion, which was similar to that 10 219 seen for ΔCSI and ΔCSII domain. Further, deletion of the Bub3 domain had no major effect in 220 terms of Bub1 levels in the presence of LANA (Fig. 2D). Therefore the Knl and Kinase domain 221 are important for Bub1 interaction with LANA, but interestingly the Kinase domain, and Bub3 222 domain both played a role in the stability of Bub1 as deletion of these domains resulted in 223 inability of LANA to contribute to a reduction in Bub1 levels (Fig. 2D) 224 LANA promotes Bub1 degradation through the 225 degradation pathway. 226 Our above data showed that Bub1 protein levels were dramatically reduced in the presence of 227 LANA. Further, our previous studies showed that LANA can recruit an E3 ligase to degrade its 228 target proteins (22). To determine whether Bub1 was targeted for ubiquitin–mediated proteasome 229 degradation, we transfected HEK-293 cells with LANA and control vector in the presence of the 230 proteasome inhibitor MG132 (55). Analysis of Bub1 protein levels showed as expected a 231 dramatic decrease in the presence of LANA (Fig. 3A, lane 3). This was rescued when cells were 232 treated with MG132 in the presence of LANA (Fig. 3A, compare lane 3 and 4). Bub1 levels 233 were dramatically rescued compared to control in the presence of MG132 (Fig. 3A, lane 2). 234 Furthermore, we also investigated the difference in Bub1 protein levels in BJAB, a KSHV 235 negative B-cell line as in HEK-293 cells, Bub1 protein levels were dramatically reduced in the 236 presence of LANA but was rescued when cells were treated with the MG132 proteasome 237 inhibitor (Fig. 3B, lane2, 3 and 4). To determine Bub1 levels under physiological condition in 238 the KSHV positive cell lines (BC-3, BCBL-1 and JSC-1), we treated these cells with the 239 increasing doses of MG132 (0-20µM) for 12 hours and the results showed that the protein levels 240 of Bub1 increased with increasing concentration of MG132 (Fig. 3C). Further, we treated these 241 cells lines with MG132 at 3 hours intervals up to 12 hours. The results demonstrated again that 11 ubiquitin–mediated proteasome 242 the protein levels of Bub1 increased with increasing time associated with MG132 treatment (Fig. 243 3D). These studies showed that MG132 treatment can dramatically increase Bub1 protein levels 244 in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner in these KSHV lymphoma cells. Similar 245 experiments were performed in the KSHV negative cell line (BJAB) (Fig. 3C, D). The Bub1 246 protein levels showed a 2-fold increased, In comparison, there were an approximately 4 fold 247 change of Bub1 protein level in KSHV positive cell line in the presence of MG132.This suggests 248 that LANA can promote Bub1 degradation through the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. To 249 further confirm in which phase LANA can promote Bub1 degradation, BC-3 Shct, BC-3 250 ShLANA,,BJAB RFP and BJAB RFP-LANA cell lines were synchronized in G1, S and M phase 251 as described (56), we found that LANA can mediate Bub1 degradation in the G1 and M phases 252 through a ubiquitin dependent pathway (Fig. 3E), Interesting, we found that the pattern of Bub1 253 degradation mediated by LANA is similar to what is found in the cells without LANA or LANA 254 knocked down cell lines (Fig. 3E, compare lines 1, 2, 5and 6 with lines 1’, 2’, 5’and 6’). This 255 strongly suggested that LANA may target the Bub1–degradation pathway to enhance the 256 degradation of Bub1. 257 LANA is associated with the APC/C complex in KSHV positive cell lines. 258 The above data showed that LANA can regulate Bub1 degradation via the ubiquitin–proteasome 259 pathway. There are two possible E3-ligase complexes, the EC5S complex (22), or the APC/C 260 complex which may be involved in LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation. We performed a co-IP 261 assay to further explore the possibility of interaction between Bub1 and the Cullin component of 262 the EC5S E3 ligase complex in HEK-293 cells. The results showed that the EC5S E3 ligase 263 complex was not involved in LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation although as expected LANA 264 did associate with Cullin 5 (Fig. 4A, lane1). Also, the co-IP showed that Bub1 did not interact 12 265 with Cullin 5, a scaffold protein of the EC5S complex in the presence or absence of LANA 266 compared to the negative control Cullin 2 (Fig. 4A). To determine whether LANA can form a 267 complex with a component of the APC/C complex, we used Cdc27 specific antibody in two 268 KSHV positive cell lines BC-3 and JSC-1 as well as a KSHV-negative B-cell control. We clearly 269 observed a complex formed with LANA as western blot analysis showed a clear signal for 270 LANA in both BC-3 and JSC-1 cell lines (Fig. 4B). As expected the KSHV negative cell line 271 showed no signal for LANA after immunoprecipitation for Cdc27 (Fig. 4B). In the reverse co-IP 272 assay the result also showed that LANA can co-precipitate with Cdc27 in KSHV positive BC-3 273 and JSC-1 cells (Fig. 4C). This shows that these two proteins can form a complex in KSHV 274 infected PEL cells and that LANA may be capable of functionally regulating Bub1 activities 275 through its association in this complex with APC/C. To investigate more closely the complex of 276 LANA with the APC/C we wanted to determine whether LANA can interact with the APC/C 277 activators Cdh1 and Cdc20. The results of co-immunoprecipitation assays using the anti-Myc 278 monoclonal 9E10 demonstrated that Flag-tagged LANA can be clearly precipitated in a complex 279 with Bub1 (as shown by the GFP antibody signal) along with Myc-tagged Cdc20 and Cdh1 (Fig. 280 4D). Interestingly, Bub1 associated with both Cdh1 and Cdc20. However, when LANA was 281 present, there was a greater proportion of Bub1 protein in complex with Cdh1 when compared to 282 Cdc20 by approximately 2-fold (Fig. 4D). These studies indicated that LANA interacted with the 283 APC/C complex and can recruit a greater fraction of the Bub1 protein in KSHV infected cell 284 lines. 285 LANA promotes Bub1 ubiquitination. 286 To further explore ubiquitin–mediated proteasome degradation of Bub1 by LANA, we 287 investigated whether LANA-induced Bub1 ubiquitination led to Bub1 degradation. Here, we 13 288 performed both in vivo and in vitro ubiquitination assays in HEK-293 cells. HEK-293 cells were 289 co-transfected with Flag-tagged LANA or LANAΔ SOCS, a LANA dominant negative mutant, 290 together with HA-tagged ubiquitin and Myc-tagged Bub1 (Fig. 5A). Immunoprecipitation with 291 anti-Myc and western blot with anti-HA showed enhanced ubiquitination of Bub1 as evidenced 292 by the increased intensity of the ladder in the presence of WT LANA (Fig. 5A, Lane 3). 293 However, a dramatically reduced Ub-ladder was found in the presence of LANAΔSOCS 294 polypeptide. These data strongly indicated that LANA can specifically promote Bub1 295 ubiquitination in cells. Furthermore, we performed an in vitro ubiquitination assay with 296 bacterially expressed GST-Bub1 or its mutants and in vivo over-expressed LANA. The LANA 297 protein was immune-affinity purified and incubated with GST-Bub1, His-Uba1 (E1), His-Ubc5a 298 (E2) and His-ubiquitin in the present of ATP. The results revealed that the LANA immune- 299 complex(IC) can mediate the ubiquitination of Bub1 in vitro (Fig. 5B). It was clear that in the 300 presence of the LANA IC in addition to the E1 and E2 enzymes that Bub1-GST was strongly 301 ubiquitinated (Fig. 5B, compare lanes 2 and 3). Furthermore, when the APC co-activator Cdh1 302 was present the ubiquitination activity was significantly enhanced (Fig. 5B, compare lane 3, with 303 5). Notably, the LANAΔSOCS polypeptide did not result in enhanced ubiquitination and was 304 similar to that seen in control (Fig. 5B, compare lane 2, with 3 and 4). 305 To determine the involvement of the Bub1 domains in contributing to ubiquitination, the Bub1- 306 GST mutants were compared to the WT. The ΔKnl and ΔKinase mutant showed an almost 307 complete loss of ubiquitination activity. This strongly indicated that these two domains are 308 critical for the stability of Bub1 in the context of LANA-mediated degradation (Fig. 5C, compare 309 lane 2, with 3 and 7). 14 310 To further support our hypothesis that LANA mediated Bub1 degradation by manipulating the 311 APC/C complex, we knocked down the APC activator Cdh1, a protein that is necessary for the 312 APC/C to 313 (BC-3, BCBl-1, JSC-1).In vivo ubiquitination assays were performed in Cdh1-depleted HEK-293 314 cells (Fig. 5D). Immunoprecipitation with anti-Myc and western blot with anti-HA showed 315 dramatically decreased ubiquitination of Bub1 in Cdh1-depleted cell lines as evidenced by the 316 decreased intensity of the ladder (compare lines 2 and 4 with lines 3 and 5). Furthermore, we 317 investigated the protein level of Bub1 in Cdh1- depleted KSHV positive cell lines (Fig. 5E). A 318 significant increase in Bub1 protein levels were found in Cdh1 knocked down cell lines (Fig. 5E, 319 compare lines 1, 3 and 5 with lines 2, 4 and 6). 320 LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation results in an increasein the formation of micronuclei 321 and multinucleation. 322 Bub1 is an important component of the SAC (46), and disruption of the SAC often leads to the 323 formation of micronuclei and multinucleation (57). We had previously demonstrated that LANA 324 can induce the formation of micronuclei and multinucleation (52). However, the mechanism for 325 LANA-mediated formation of micronuclei and multinucleation remained largely unknown. Here 326 we evaluated the role of LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation on the formation of micronuclei and 327 multinucleation. The Bub1 and LANA knockdown and Bub1 stably expressed cell lines were 328 generated as shown (Fig. 6A). Subsequently, these cells were stained with DAPI. The results 329 showed that Bub1 expressing, as well as LANA stable knockdown cell lines showed a significant 330 decrease of micronuclei and multinucleation compared to their respective controls (Fig. 6B and 331 C). The cells with LANA stably knocked down seen with aneuploid nuclei having more than two 332 nuclei exhibited a significant decrease in the percentage of cells from approximately 17% to less recognize and degrade Bub1, in HEK-293 cells and the KSHV positive cell lines 15 333 than 11%.Similar results were seen in the Bub1 stably expressing cells where the cells with muti- 334 nuclei exhibited a significant decrease from approximately 16% to 12%. In the BC-3 control cell 335 lines, BC3 Shct and BC-3 GFP, approximately 13% of the cells showed the micronuclei 336 phenotype. In comparison, the BC-3 shLANA and BC-3 Bub1 cell lines both showed decreased 337 micronuclei. The formation of micronuclei decreased in LANA knocked down cell lines from 338 approximately 13% to 9%. In BC-3 Bub1 cell line, the formation of micronuclei decreased from 339 13% to 10%. Interestingly, an increased number of micronuclei and multinucleation was 340 observed in 341 Bub1 expressing cell lines (Fig. 6B and C). 342 LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation increases chromosomal instability. 343 The disruption of the SAC leads to chromosomal mis-segregation and as a consequence causes 344 aneuploidy (58-60). Therefore, we investigated the role of LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation in 345 the process of aneuploidy. Here, we performed a metaphase chromosome spread assay. A total of 346 50 metaphase cells were analyzed for the BC-3 Shct, BC-3 ShLANA, BC-3 ShBub1, BC-3 GFP, 347 and BC-3 Bub1 cell lines. The results are shown as representative graphs presented in Figure 7. 348 The chromosome number distribution, which is a marker of chromosomal instability (CIN) in 349 these cell lines are shown (Fig. 7B). 46 out of 50 (92%) BC-3 ShLANA cells had chromosome 350 numbers between 50 and 90. Only 1(2%) of the cells had chromosome numbers less than 50 and 351 3(6%) of the cells had chromosome numbers more than 90. A similar distribution of 352 chromosomes were found in BC-3 Bub1 cell line, 44(88%) of the cells had chromosome 353 numbers between 50 and 90. 1(2%) of the cells had chromosome numbers less than 50 and 354 5(10%) of the cells had chromosome numbers more than 90. However, in BC-3 ShBub1 only 355 23(46%) of the cells had chromosome numbers between 50 and 90. 1(2%) of the cells had Bub1 knocked-down cell lines when compared to the LANA knocked-down or 16 356 chromosome numbers less than 50 and 26(52%) of the cells had chromosome numbers more than 357 90 (Fig. 7B). In comparison, 28(56%) BC-3Shct cells and 26(52%) BC-3-GFP cells had 358 chromosome numbers between 50 and 90, 5(10%) BC-3Shct cells and 6(12%) BC-3GFP cells 359 had chromosome numbers less than 50, 17(34%) BC-3 Shct cells and 18(36%) BC-3 GFP cells 360 had chromosome numbers more than 90 (Fig. 7B).These data indicated that the BC-3 ShBub1 361 cells showed greater heterogeneity in terms of chromosome number distribution compared to 362 other cell lines. The BC-3 ShLANA cell and BC-3 Bub1 cell lines showed less heterogeneity in 363 terms of chromosome number distribution (Fig. 7B). To further confirm the role of LANA and 364 Bub1 in CIN, LANA stable, and Bub1 stable knocked down BJAB were generated (Fig. 7C). 365 Metaphase spreads experiment were performed on these cell lines (Fig. 7D). Similar to what we 366 saw in BC-3 derived cell lines, in the presence of LANA or the depletion of Bub1, a smaller 367 number of cells had chromosome numbers between 50 and 90 and more cells had chromosome 368 numbers more than 90 (Fig. 7E). These data clearly demonstrated that CIN was remarkably 369 increased in Bub1 knockdown cell line, indicating that LANA mediated Bub1 degradation led to 370 a substantial increase in chromosomal instability in KSHV infected B-lymphoma cell lines. 371 Discussion 372 Chromosomal instability (CIN), a high rate of loss or gain of chromosomes, is a hallmark of 373 most human cancers and causes cell aneuploidy (61). The molecular mechanism for CIN is still 374 being explored. However, evidence to date has suggested that defects in the spindle checkpoint, 375 which plays a critical role in the accuracy of chromosomal segregation during mitosis will 376 promote cell aneuploidy and lead to oncogenesis (62, 63). During cell division, the spindle 377 checkpoint maintains genome stability by arresting cell division until all chromosomes are 378 properly aligned on the metaphase equatorial plate. They are accurately attached to the 17 379 microtubule spindle apparatus via their kinetochores (40). Chromosomes that are not correctly 380 attached and follow the activation of spindle checkpoint, results in blocked cell cycle progression 381 (40). When all kinetochores were correctly attached to the spindles, the checkpoint is inactivated 382 and cell cycle occurs normally (28). 383 Bub1 is the first checkpoint component docking at the kinetochore in early prophase, and is 384 recruited to the kinetochore through the direct interaction between its N-terminal Knl domain 385 and blinkin, a member of the conserved KMN (KNL1/Mis12complex/Ndc80 complex) family of 386 kinetochore proteins (64). Studies show that Bub1 may act as a scaffold protein, which 387 determines the kinetochore recruitment of a number of target proteins, including Cenp-E and 388 Cenp-F, Bub3, Mad1, Mad2, Mad3 and other spindle checkpoint proteins (29, 30, 10, 11, and 389 25). In humans, it has been reported that Bub1 is mutated or down-regulated in colorectal 390 cancers associated with chromosomal instability and in other aneuploid tumor types (45, 46). 391 The Knl domain of Bub1 is necessary for the kinetochore localization of Bub1 and important for 392 the regulation of spindle checkpoint (65-67). The kinase domain of Bub1 can not only regulate 393 the spindle checkpoint by phosphorylating the APC/C co-activator cdc20 (36, 68), but also has a 394 key role in chromosome alignment and segregation (69). Our data now show that the Knl domain 395 and Kinase domain of Bub1 are not only required for the interaction of the KSHV oncoprotein 396 LANA and Bub1, but is also required for LANA mediated Bub1 ubiquitination and its 397 degradation, This strongly suggests a role for LANA in suppressing Bub1 function through its 398 Knl and Kinase domain and this can result in chromosome instability and mis-segregation. 399 The activity of APC/C complex is tightly controlled during the cell cycle (41). Its dysfunction 400 can cause deregulation of mitosis (70). Recently, a few viral factors have been reported to 18 401 physically interact with APC/C, exerting a modulatory role in its ubiquitin ligase activity (71, 72). 402 Here we found that LANA encoded by KSHV was associated with the APC/C in KSHV positive 403 cell lines. Our results from co-IP assays between LANA and Cdc27 showed that LANA was 404 associated with the APC/C complex. Further investigation suggested that Bub1 was recruited to 405 the APC/C complex by LANA. These data strongly suggested that LANA is capable of 406 manipulating the intrinsic Bub1 degradation pathway. This degradation is likely to compromise 407 or weaken the formation of the spindle checkpoint and ultimately lead to uncontrolled activity of 408 the APC/C complex which will cause chromosome segregation even though the chromosomes 409 are not correctly attached. 410 Our data showed that the protein levels of Bub1 were dramatically suppressed in KSHV positive 411 B-lymphoma or LANA stable expressed cells. However the Bub1 protein levels were 412 accumulated in LANA depleted KSHV- positive cell lines. This indicated that LANA can play a 413 critical role in down-regulating Bub1 in KSHV-positive B-lymphoma cell lines. Furthermore, 414 depletion of Bub1 by lentivirus-delivered shRNA led to an increase in CIN and the formation of 415 multinucleation and micronuclei in KSHV positive B-lymphoma cell lines. The depletion of 416 LANA or overexpression of Bub1 in KSHV positive B-lymphoma cells showed a decreased rate 417 of CIN and the formation of multinucleation and micronuclei. These data strongly suggested that 418 LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation has a critical contributory role in CIN and the observed 419 increase in formation of the multinucleation and micronuclei in KSHV positive B-lymphoma 420 cells 421 We have now provided new evidence that LANA can degrade Bub1 through manipulation of the 422 APC/C complex thus increasing CIN in KSHV positive B-lymphoma cells. CIN is frequently 423 observed in KSHV associated cancer and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many 19 424 human cancers. Therefore, our results now provide an additional novel mechanism which 425 elucidates a role for LANA in chromosome instability and oncogenesis through targeted 426 degradation of Bub1 by recruitment and ubiquitination via the APC/C E3-Ub ligase and 427 proteasome degradation pathway. This is likely to be finely tuned in terms of Bub1 regulation at 428 specific phases during mitosis when Bub1 can be associated with LANA but this association is 429 decreased as the cell enters metaphase and is regained in telophase(50). 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Cell Cycle 4:1435-1439. 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 26 696 697 698 699 Legends 700 Fig. 1: Bub1 levels are down-regulated in the KSHV latently infected and LANA - 701 expressing cells 702 (A) Western blot was used to detect the endogenous protein levels of Bub1 in KSHV-negative 703 cell lines (BJAB and DG 75), and KSHV-positive (BC-3, BCBL-1, JSC-1) cell lines. (B) The 704 level of Bub1 protein in BJAB with KSHV infection. (C) LANA decreases the level of 705 exogenous Bub1 protein in HEK-293 cells. HEK-293 cells were electroporated with increasing 706 amount of Flag-LANA, Myc-Bub1 and GFP plasmid. 48 hours later, the cells were collected for 707 western blot analysis performed using indicated antibodies. GFP serves as control for protein 708 loading. (D) LANA 709 negative B cells. HEK-293 and KSHV negative B cells (BJAB, DG75) were electroporated with 710 increasing amount of Flag-LANA. 48 hours after electroporation, the cells were collected for 711 western blot analysis. (E) LANA knockdown increases Bub1 accumulation. Cell lysates from 712 KSHV positive B cells (BC-3 and JSC-1) stably knocked down for LANA or luciferase control 713 (CT) were subjected to western blot analysis. (F) KSHV infection or LANA overexpression does 714 not affect the mRNA level of Bub1. Total RNA were isolated from KSHV infected B cell 715 (BJAB-KSHV, BJAB) and LANA knockdown BC-3 cells (BC-3 Shct and BC-3 ShLANA), and 716 the mRNA level of Bub1 were analyzed by RT-PCR after reverse transcription. Quantification 717 of the relative densities (RD) of Bub1 was plotted against the signal obtained from the control after decreases the level of endogenous Bub1 protein in HEK-293 and KSHV 27 718 normalizing to the GAPDH (for endogenous Bub1) or ectopically expressed GFP (for exogenous 719 Bub1). Statistical significance was evaluated by using a P values of <0.05(*), <0.01(**). 720 Fig. 2: The Knl and Kinase domains of Bub1 are necessary for its interaction with LANA 721 (A) The schematic diagrams of Bub1 mutants. The GST tagged protein purified from E.Coli 722 (upper) and eukaryotic expression of these deletion mutants (Myc-tagged) are shown (bottom).(B) 723 Beads coated with GST or GST fusion Bub1 domain-deletion mutants proteins were incubated 724 with lysate from HEK-293 cells electroporated with pA3F-LANA for GST pull-down assays. 725 The pull-down of LANA was detected by western blot using M2 antibody. (C) Bub1 interacts 726 with LANA through its Kinase and Knl binding domain. HEK-293 cells were 727 with pA3F-LANA pA3M-Bub1 and its related domain-deletion mutants. 48 hours after 728 electroporation, the cell lysates were prepared for IP with M2 antibody and western blot with 729 9E10 and M2 antibodies. (D) HEK-293 cells were electroporated with pA3F-LANA, pA3M- 730 Bub1 and its related domain-deletion mutants and GFP. 48 hours later, cells were collected for 731 western blot analysis. GFP serves as control for protein loading. Quantification of the relative 732 densities (RD) of Bub1 or its related deletion mutants was plotted against the signal obtained from the 733 control after normalizing to the GFP. Statistical significance was evaluated by using a P values of 734 <0.05(*), <0.01(**). 735 Fig. 3: LANA-mediated Bub1 degradation is ubiquitin-dependent 736 (A) LANA-transfected HEK-293 cells and (B) KSHV-infected BJAB cells were treated or mock 737 treated with 20µM MG132 for 12 hours. Cells were then collected for western blot analysis. (C) 738 Cells were treated with MG132 for 12 hours at 0, 0.2, 2 or 20 µM respectively in a dose 739 dependent assay. Cells were then collected for western blot analysis. (D) Cells were treated With 28 electroporated 740 MG132 at 20 µM for 0, 3, 6 or 12 hours in a time-course assay. Cells were then collected for 741 western blot analysis. (E) Cells were synchronized in G1, S and M phase as described, cell were 742 treated or mock treated with MG132 (20µM) for 12 h before were harvested for western blot 743 analysis. Quantification of the relative densities (RD) of Bub1 was plotted against the signal 744 obtained from the control after normalizing to the GAPDH. Statistical significance was evaluated 745 by using a P values of <0.05(*), <0.01(**). 746 Fig. 4: LANA associates with the APC/C complex 747 (A) Bub1 does not interact with EC5S complex. HEK-293 cells were electroporated with the 748 expression vector as shown. 48 hours post- electroporation, cells were harvested and the cell 749 lysates underwent IP with M2 antibody or anti-GFP antibody. 10% lysates (input) and IP pellets 750 were boiled and fractionated by SDS-PAGE, followed by western blot analysis with indicated 751 antibody as shown. (B-C) LANA interacts with APC/C. Cell lysate were used for IP with LANA 752 or CDC27 specific antibodies. 10% lysates and IP pellets were loaded on SDS-PAGE followed 753 by western blot analysis with the indicated antibodies. (D) LANA interacts with the activator 754 protein of the APC/C. HEK-293 cells were electroporated with the expression vector as shown. 755 36 hours post-electroporation, cells were treated with MG132 (20µm) for 12 hours before 756 harvesting. The cell lysates were used for IP with anti-Myc antibody. 10% lysates and IP pellets 757 were boiled and fractionated by SDS-PAGE followed by western blot analysis with specific 758 antibodies. 759 Fig. 5: LANA promotes Bub1 ubiquitination 760 (A) HEK-293 cells were electroporated with expression vectors as shown. Forty-eight hours after 761 electroporation the cells were treated with MG132 for another 6 hours. Cell lysates were then 29 762 prepared for IP with 9E10 followed by western blot analysis with indicated antibodies. (B) 763 LANA ubiquitinates Bub1 in vitro. Bacterially expressed GST-Bub1, His-Ubca1 (E1) and His- 764 Ubc5a (E2) were incubated with purified LANA immune complex (E3) in kinase buffer for 1 765 hour at 30°C. The sample was then resolved on SDS-PAGE for western blot analysis. (C) Knl 766 and Kinase domain is required for the LANA-mediated Bub1 ubiquitination in vitro. Bacterially 767 expressed GST-Bub1 and its related deletion mutants, His-Ubca1 (E1) and His-Ubc5a (E2) were 768 incubated with purified LANA immune complex (E3) in kinase buffer for 1 hour at 30°C. The 769 samples were then resolved on SDS-PAGE for western blot analysis. (D) HEK-293 cells were 770 electroporated with expression vectors as shown. Seventy-two hours after electroporation the 771 cells were treated with MG132 for another 12 hours. Cell lysates were then prepared for IP with 772 9E10 followed by western blot analysis with indicated antibodies. (E) The endogenous Cdh1 of 773 KSHV positive cell lines (BC-3, BCBL-1and JSC-1) were knocked down and the protein levels 774 of Bub1 were monitored. Quantification of the relative densities (RD) of Bub1 or Cdh1 was plotted 775 against the signal obtained from the control after normalizing to the GAPDH. Statistical significance 776 was evaluated by using a P values of <0.05(*), <0.01(**). 777 Fig. 6: Induction of micronuclei and multinucleation in various BC-3 derived cell clones 778 (A) Generation of cells with stable expression of Bub1 and stable knockdown of Bub1 or LANA. 779 (B) Examples of micronuclei and multinucleation formation induced in BC-3 cells with LANA 780 knockdown and Bub1 knockdown or stably expressed. The yellow arrow indicates micronuclei 781 and the red arrow indicates multinucleation. (C) Quantitation of cells with multinucleation (left) 782 and micronuclei (right) in BC-3 derived cell clones. All assays were done in triplicates. . 783 Quantification of the relative densities (RD) of Bub1 was plotted against the signal obtained from the 30 784 control after normalizing to the GAPDH. Statistical significance was evaluated by using a P values of 785 <0.05(*), <0.01(**). 786 Fig. 7: Metaphase chromosome spreads of BC-3 derived cell clones 787 (A) Representative metaphase spreads of the indicated BC-3 derived cell lines. (B) Chromosome 788 number distribution of indicated the cell lines. Chromosome numbers was counted from 789 metaphase spreads of the indicated cell line generated. (C) Generation of cells with stable 790 expression of LANA and stable knockdown of Bub1. (D) Representative metaphase spreads of 791 the indicated BJAB derived cell lines. (E) Chromosome number distribution of indicated cell 792 lines. Chromosome number was counted from metaphase spreads of the indicated cell lines 793 generated. Quantification of the relative densities (RD) of Bub1 was plotted against the signal obtained 794 from the control after normalizing to the GAPDH. Statistical significance was evaluated by using a P 795 values of <0.05(*), <0.01(**). 796 797 31
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