POSTGRADUAAT Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, Scottsdale, AZ

POSTGRADUAAT Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, Scottsdale, AZ, USA Antwerpen 23-­‐24-­‐25 oktober 2014 Brain Vision, Membranes and Cerebral Fluid (BVMC)
In this class we will cover numerous approaches and techniques for the eyes, the
intracranial membranes, as well as techniques for CSF in three different
compartments of the cranium.
1- The techniques for the eyes and optic pathways use non invasive fluid and
fascia approaches. They can help many ocular problems as well as general
health problems. The work on the eyes may release structures in the whole
body; this is not just limited to postural changes. For example, the technique for
strabismus can help release this condition in a few minutes but will also help
release the eyes, brain and the rest of the body.
2- The work on the membranes is extremely important, for example, for children
with cerebral palsy, autistic spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, chronic
meningitis, and for conditions such as motor vehicle accidents strokes, chronic
headaches or sleeping disorders.By releasing the membranes properly you will
also help all the membranes of the body and the flow of intracerebral sinuses
including sagittal sinuses, straight sinuses, vein of Galen, vein of Rosendal, etc.
3-We will also present a revolutionary scientific model addressing CSF
physiology. We will demonstrate another way to help “drain” CSF in the whole
brain and we will assess the fluid in three compartments:
- Ventricular system
- Brain parenchyma
- Subarachnoid spaces (SAS), including cisterns of the brain
4- The work on the brain’s electromagnetic(EM) field can be used in difficult
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Inschrijving: via het algemene inschrijvingsformulier op de website van FICO
Santvootrbeeklaan 23 B-2100 Antwerpen
Donderdag 23 -Vrijdag 24 - Zaterdag 25 oktober 2014
09.00 u - 18.00 u.
€ 600, als volgt te betalen :
! € 200 als voorschot waardoor je definitief ingeschreven bent
! € 400 ten laatste 10 dagen voor aanvang op rekeningnummer:
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