Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Tender No – One /e-Books/01-03/2014 TENDER NOTICE Sealed tender are invited for purchase of e-Books /On-Line Books on perpetual access basis by the institute Details of tender and tender form can be down loaded from website www.svp.nic. in DD of amount Rs.1000/- payable in favor of “Principal, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College, Bhopal” is to be submitted along with tender document, failing which tender will not be acceptable. Tender submission by Date/Time 24-03-2014/ 02:00 PM Tender opening Date/Time 24-03-2014 / 3:00PM Principal 1 dk;kZy; izkpk;Z]l-o-’kkl- ikWyhVsfDud egkfo|ky;]Hkksiky nwjHkk"k&0755&2660556 QSDl&0755&2660557 dzekad@l-o-@iqLrdky;@bZ-VsaMj Ø-1@2013&14@----] Hkksiky] fnukad-1@03@14 bZ&iqLrdksa ds dz; gsrq fufonk lwpuk 1@ egkfo|ky; ds fuEu foHkkxksa dh bathfu;fjax ,oa lkbal fo"k;ksa dh Hkkjrh; rFkk fons’kh bZ&iqLrdsa iqLrdky; esa dz; djus gsrq eqgjcan fufonk;sa bZ&iqLrdsa izdk’kdksa ,oa vf/kd`r fodzsrkvksa ls fnukad 24-3-14 rd vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSa A foHkkx fuEukuqlkj gSa%& Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering,/ Electrical Engineering / Productionl Engineering / Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering / Construction Technology & Management / Computer Science / Information Technology / Applied Videography / Modern Office Management / Pharmacy / Architectural Assistantship. 2/ 3@ 4@ 5 fufonk;sa fofHkUu izdk’kdksa dh bZ&iqLrdksa dh ewY; lwph ij izfr’kr fMLdkmaV ds vk/kkj ,oa perpetual Access Basis ij VSDl ,oa lHkh [kpZ lfgr laLFkk ds iqLrdky; esa iznku dh tkus dh nj ij gksuk pkfg;s A fufonk i= izdk’ku ds Ik’pkr l-o-ikWyhVsfDud egkfo|ky; dh osc lkbV ls MkmuyksM fd;s tk ldrs gSa A MkmuyksMsM fufonk i= ds ewY; gsrq #-1000@&dk cSad MªkQ~V tks fd ßizkpk;Z]l -o’kkldh; ikWyhVsdfud egkfo|ky;] Hkksiky Þ ds Ukke ls ns; gks layXu djuk vfuok;Z gksxk A fufonk;sa fnukad 24-3-14 dks nksigj 2 cts rd Lohdkj dh tkosaxh ,oa mlh fnu Lkk;a 3 cts fufonkdrkZvksa vFkok muds izfrfuf/k;ksa dh mifLFkfr esa [kksyh tkosaxha A layXu mijksDrkuqlkj &&5 izfr;ka izkpk;Z l-o-’kkldh; ikWyhVsdfud egkfo|ky;] Hkksiky 2 Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh PhoneNo.: 0755-……… Fax No. : 0755 -………. Portal: Tender for One Time Purchase for Perpetual Access of e-books/On-Line Books Tender No. – One / e-Books/-----/2014 Tender form Cost :- Rs.1000/- Last date for tender down loaded : 24./03/2014 Last date for tender submission: 24/3/2014 Tender Opening Date: 24.03.2014 Time: Up to 01. PM Time: Up to 2.00 PM Time: 3.00.PM Total No. of pages in the Tender: 11 Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 3 Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh PhoneNo.: 0755-……… Fax No. : 0755 -………. Portal: To, PRINCIPAL S.V.Polytechnic College, Bhopal M.P. Sub:- Tender for the supply of one time purchase for perpetual access of e- Books /On-Line Books for Engg./Polytechnic Colleges, Bhopal. M.P. Dear Sir, Having Studied the bidding documents including the Annexure, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we the undersigned, offer to arrange to supply e-books/Online books with perpetual access ordered by Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College, Shyamala Hills ,Bhopal,(MP)in conformity with the said documents We enclose herewith the Tender Documents for supply of e-books/Online books on perpetual access basis against one time purchase. We undertake, if our bids offer is accepted, to supply/arrange for supply of ebooks / Online books with one time purchase for perpetual access, ordered by you with us, we will fulfill the order in accordance with the terms and condition specified in the document. We undertake that in competing for (and if the award is made to us, in executing) the above contract /supply order, we will strictly obey the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive. Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 4 Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Terms and condition for supply of e-Books/ on-line books on perpetual access basis required for Engg./Polytechnic Colleges in Madhya Pradesh are: 1. Sealed tender is invited by hand or by post on or before 24.03 2014 latest by 2:00 PM. 2. Tender will be opened on .3.00 PM in the council Hall in Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College, Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh in presence of tenderers or their representatives who Shall be eligible to remain present. 3. Tenders received after the due date and time shall not be accepted 4. Tenderer can download the tender and list of online books/e-book from the S.V. Polytechnic web site Tender fee in the form of DD of rupees 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) is to be submitted in favor of Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College, Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh along with the tender. 5.The tenderer will be required to deposit Earnest Money of 3% of total ordered amount in the form of Bank Draft of a Nationalized Bank in the name of ordering authority. 6. Request for relaxing the condition of payment of Earnest Money will not be entertained in any case. No interest will be paid on the Earnest Money. 7.Tender form is non transferable. 8.The Earnest Money of the tenderer will be returned to the firm to Whom order shall be given after successful installation, running & Access. 9. The Earnest Money of the successful bidder can be turned in to security deposit on his written request. Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 5 10.The entire amount of Earnest Money is liable to be forfeited in following cases: (A) When Tenderer expresses his inability to accept the order (B) In case at least 90% of ordered supply is not made (C) If the acceptance is conditional 11 Sealed tender is invited in two envelopes. a) Sealed envelope no. 1 should contain on the top “Tender for Library e-Books/ On-Line Books: Technical Bid", Tender No.……… and due date ……………… and it should be addressed to:- Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills,Bhopal, 462002 (MP) On the left bottom corner of the envelope, the tenderer should place his name and full address. The envelop must contain ; 1.Application form for tender 2.Technical bid of tender 3. Tender fees and Bank Draft for earnest money 4. Required essential documents for the tender 5. Terms and conditions of tender, where in each page is signed by tenderer with stamp b) Sealed envelope no. 2 should contain on the top “Tender for Library e-Books/ On-Line Books: Commercial Bid", Tender No.……… and due date ……………… and it should be addressed to:- Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills,Bhopal, 462002 (MP) On the left bottom corner of the envelope, the tenderer should place his name and full address. It should contain commercial bid of tender 12 It should be clearly noted that the Tenderer will have to make the delivery of the e- Books/ On-Line Books on perpetual access basis in the related college IP address of the college within 30days of issue of order. 13 (a) Tender shall’s be valid for one year from opening the date of Tender. During this period the discount offered shall remain same / unchanged. (b)Tenderer shall have to supply only the latest and most economical E book Cetificate to this effect stating that "The e-books/ on-line books supplied are the latest edition and no further edition/reprint is brought out by the publishers" shall have to essentially be given by the supplier. Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 6 c) The price printed on the e-Books/ on-line Books shall only be chargeable and discount offered shall be computed on this price. In case the e-Books/ on-line Books does not bear printed price then complete catalogues containing price of e-Books/ On-Line shall have to be made available to Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills,Bhopal, 462002 (MP) (d) Conversion of foreign currencies to Indian Rupees shall be at the actual GOC rates as prescribed by Goods Offices Committee (GOC) prevalent on the date of invoice. Proof of rate applicable shall have to be provided by tenderer to Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills,Bhopal, 462002 (MP). 14. In case of foreign e-Books/ On-Line Books of cheaper rate available then only the cheapest edition should be quoted. 15. In case of availability of Asian edition at lower rate then Asian edition has to be quoted. 16.Tenderer should certify that foreign e-Books/ On-Line Books supplied are not available in Indian print/ reprint. 17. Remainder titles & pirated e-Books/ On-Line Books are not to be supplied. 18. Discrepancies if any, in the ordered online Books/e-book list is found by tenderer the same should specifically be brought to the notice of purchaser in writing within 15 days from the date order. 19. In computerized list of e-book, order may inadvertently contain same Author/Title in more than one place. That may be treated written once only. 20. You are required to mention your PAN/TIN No. on each invoice. 21 . Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College, Shyamala Hills , Bhopal, 462002 (MP)) does not bind himself to accept the highest rate discount or any tender and reserves, the right of rejecting all or any of the tender without assigning any reason for the same and split up the tender as he may deem fit. Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 7 22. No request for supply of any details in respect of tenders or comparative chart or any other enquiry in respect of tenders already received in the office will be entertained in any case. 23.Every page of tender should be numbered, in continuation and signed by the tenderer on the bottom. Number of Total pages should be entered on the right side corner of first sheet. 24. Tenderer must submit attested photocopy of latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate (ITCC) of the firm failing which tender will be rejected. However if this has not been issued by the ITO, a certificate from the ITO stating that the return submitted is under consideration must be furnished. In addition to this, the ITCC for the previous financial year must also be submitted. 25. If the supplier fails to deliver the goods within the period fixed for such delivery in the contract/order or as extended or at any time repudiates the contract/order before the expiry of such period, the purchaser may without prejudice to his other rights will recover from the Tenderer as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty, a sum equivalent to 2 percent of the price of any goods (including elements of taxes, duties etc.) which the Tenderer has failed to deliver within the period fixed for delivery in the contract or as extended for each month or part of a month during which the delivery of such goods may be in arrears whose delivery thereof is accepted after expiry of the aforesaid period. 26. If the approved firm on highest discount rates basis is not able to comply the supply order within the time, the university/ institution shall be free to order the online books/e-book to next highest discount bidder H2 or H3 Tenderers on approved highest discount rates if agreed upon by them. 27. No advance payment will be made to any Tenderer in any case nor any discount offered for making advance payment will not be considered. Please note that terms of payment are not negotiable. 28.The Tenderer shall be responsible for any losses what so ever it may be due to unscrupulous means, say of not supplying e-Books/ On-Line Books of:- (i) Original Publisher (ii) Latest Edition or any correct prices or due to any reason. Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 8 29.Publisher/Vendors must have a minimum of 3 years of business history, and shall produce evidence of workforce stability with experience of providing and after servicing of online books/e-books in libraries. 30.Rates should include “free after sale services” for minimum three years period. 31.As per payment terms, only 80% payment will be released at the time of installation/access and balance 20% only after six months of successful running and access of online books/e-books. 32. A security deposit in the form of bank guarantee for 10% PO value for a period of 03(Three) years will be required after installation, running and access. 33.The publisher/vender will provide any upgraded versions of ebooks/online books free of charge for the contract period of three years. 34.All disputes with regard to the contracts for purchase of online books/ebook will be subject to the jurisdiction at Bhopal only. Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 9 Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Technical Bid Proforma to be used for supply of one time purchase of ONLINE BOOKS/EBOOKS on perpetual access basis S.N0 01 Items Detail (i).Name of the firm with Complete Address/Tel & Fax No./ E mail / URL/PAN N0. (ii)Do you have your office in India ,If so, give Name and Address of correspondence Name:-------------------------------------------------Address:----------------------------------------------Mobile No.------------------- Fax No.--------------- E mail:------------------------ URL--------------PAN---------------------------------------------------Name:-------------------------------------------------Address:----------------------------------------------- 02 03 04 05 The Firm required to furnish in DD of tender form Deposit of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) from nationalized bank in the form of DD in favor of “ Principal Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College, Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Draft Amount of Rs.:-------------------------------DD No. :-------------------------------Date :-------------------------------Name of Bank :-------------------------------- Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate For assessment year …………………. ( Attested copy to be attached) (i) Status of tender (Whether Firm or Company).Please enclose Registration Certificate. (ii)List of institutions where you are providing e-Books /Online Books and above Rs------------.Kindly attach Documentary proof (ii)Provide Performance certificate from two institutes. Annual turnover of the Company .Minimum turnover of 1 Carore per year is required. Account for last two year (Include audited Balance Sheet by CA for two year ) Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 10 Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Commercial Bid Flat discount of e- books/online books should be quoted in percentage in the following Table No.01:- (The tenderer must be quoted the flat discount only) S No Name of Publishers of Online Books/eBooks 1. Elsevier 2. McGraw-Hills 3. 4. Pearson education IEEE/IEE 5. Prentice Hall 6. Wiley 7. TMH 8. 9. NewAge International 10. Others Pick & Choo se Flat Discount in Fig. Flat Discou nt in words Package based/e ntire collectio n Flat Disco unt in Fig. Flat Disco unt in words Remark (If any) I/we have read all the terms & conditions of the tender and shall abide by them. The e-books/Online books shall be supplied strictly as per order and in the given time period. Place: ……………. Date: …………….. Signature and Seal of Tenderer 11 Sardar Vallabh Bhai Polytechnic College,Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Specifications and Technical terms and Conditions for one time purchase for perpetual access of Online books/e-Books for Technical Education, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh will be as mentioned in the tender notice including the following: 1. Supplier must provide search option by key word/term across the chapters in an instant to find any content. 2. Supplier must provide full text continuous (24X7) perpetual access of Online Books/eBooks on the College IP addresses. 3. Supplier must provide full text viewing in HTML/PDF./e-book reader format. 4. The Supplier must ensure that downloading facility of complete e-book chapter wise with sequential download is provided. 5. The e-books shall be available for offline downloading and reading. 6. The Supplier must also integrate the open access e-books available through various sources available in a considerable number for enriching the library collection. 7. Supplier must provide multiple accesses/multi-user access facility on the College network for view, search, download and print of Online Books/e-Books. 8. Supplier must provide access to the publisher website for access, search, download and print. 9. Supplier must not take any extra charge for access, download, print, search and maintenance of Online Books/e-Books facility through publisher end. 10. Supplier must provide the after sales support to manage & use the online books/e-Books facility. 11. The Supplier must not charge for any special hardware, software and accessories that may be required for access of Online Books/e-Books. 12. The Information Technology act of Government of India with all the amendments made from time to time should be followed in all respects. 13. Any problems during contract period of three years have to be responded to within 48 hours and the fault rectified within 48 hours. Any delay will cause extension of contract period corresponding to the period of delay. 14. The online access of Online Books/e-Books should be restricted to related College, Campus only and prevent the unauthorized access by any other person. 15. The publisher/vender will provide any upgraded versions of e-books/online books free of charge for the contract period of three years. 16. The e-books /online books should be offered for the following disciplinesCivil/Mechanical/Production/Electrical/Electronics&Telecommunications/Computer Engg./Information Technology/Architecture/Construction Technology & management/ Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry/Communication Skill/General Awareness, etc. 17. Venders must provide license agreement of respective publisher consisting perpetual access, list of e-books Pricing. 18. Venders must provide MARC records of all the subscribe of respective publisher. PRINCIPAL S.V.Polytechnic College,Bhopal 12
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