Switzerland Community Church Newsletter October 2014 “Diamond in the Rough” He was a baseball player with bad knees but he loved God and His Word and could think in Hebrew … almost. He barely made it through the early years of school and then turned out to be a scholar … almost. Well he was actually a diamond in the rough who played pretty rough on the diamond (baseball I mean). But those who played on the same field will never be the same. He raised them to be players too. I am talking about Justin Young or simply JY and the Young’uns who followed him and in so doing followed Jesus as true disciples. You recall the story in Matthew of the man who found a field with a diamond (treasure) in it. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:44-46 In that story, we, SCC, are the man who found the treasure and JY is the treasure. And for six years, we have prospered from this treasure and the field. However, we never really owned it. God did and now another prospector has found the field and the treasure. I am saying that Justin and Gena will be leaving the first days of October … and will be in Northern Ireland the next 3 years. There the value of the treasure will compound over 36 months and who knows what may happen then? To put it in less cryptic language, Justin and Gena have been a very valuable and treasured part of our ministry for the last six years. We do hold them as a treasure and gift of God. Now they are headed to Queens College in Belfast, Northern Ireland where JY will work on his PhD for the next three years. He goes with our blessing and gratitude – gratitude for his serving and blessing that he will grow in his ability to serve and bless God’s kingdom in even greater ways in years to come. For those who would like to “bless” them and help them on their way, there is a love offering account that will be in place now and for the next years. As they have invested in us, we can continue to invest in them … and God will be pleased. we say, “goodbye” we look ahead in how to continue to build our student ministries so the thousands of students around us will have the chance to know Jesus. We are in the process of interviewing as we prayerfully seek another field with a diamond … Please pray … there aren’t many JY’s but thank God we had one. An Old Irish Blessing May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Ps. As I have previously written, Bette and Cheri have asked to step down as children’s ministry leaders. We thank God for the nine years they have invested in our children, and we hope they will always be near with their strong motherly arms and hearts. The foundation is solid. We now yearn for God’s person to build upon that excellent foundation in the years to come. We covet prayers as we engage in this process. These decisions are so critically important for both children and student ministries pastors. Wes Slough, Sr. Pastor A New Chapter Well, the time is finally upon us. Our visas are in and we are scheduled to leave this Tuesday (Oct. 7th). I just wanted take a quick moment to say a big thank you to all of those involved in putting together our Irish sendoff. I know that it must have taken a lot of work. I especially want to thank Amelia Johnson and the Fellowship Committee for organizing the luncheon, Doug Purcey for making the video, and Patty Allen for all the work she put into the event. And once again, I want to say a big thank you to Switzerland Community Church for being such a blessing to us over these past 6 years. We will cherish the relationships that were formed during our time here. As we have been preparing to leave for Belfast, it has been very hard to say goodbye to so many people that we have come to love so much. Your encouraging notes and cards have meant so much do us during this process. We would like to stay in touch with you as we go on this new journey. At the website below, you will be able to subscribe to our newsletter (under “Updates and Blog”). My hope is that I will be able to update our website with, not only pictures and general updates, but also with occasional devotionals and blogs about current events. http://justinandgena.wix.com/justinandgena Justin and Gena Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen Jude 1:24–25 “…there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Prov 18:24 The summer of 2003 couldn’t come fast enough. I had spent five long years earning my undergrad from Palm Beach Atlantic and now it was time to move on with life. I graduated on May 3rd 2003, started at SCC May 5th 2003, was married June 7th 2003 and moved into a new house at the end of June, 2003. My life was filled with change that would alter its direction for the foreseeable future. It is obvious that things such as these would have a major impact on life. Sometimes things that have great impact on life, however, are not huge decisions, rather, they may be relationships that simply seem normal and insignificant. When I became the youth pastor here at SCC I looked for students with a strong faith that could help me to build a strong ministry. There was a young man whom I had met as a middle schooler and was now a senior in high school, named Justin Young. Little did I know that this young man would one day impact and even change the course of my life and ministry forever. JY eventually followed God’s direction to Moody Bible College and found himself falling intimately in love with God’s Word. During one of his summers at Moody, JY came back home and interned with our youth program. During that summer I watched JY successfully build relationships with students, as well as, run programs with excitement and fervor. That summer also provided me with a new level of friendship and respect for JY that unbeknownst to me would continue to grow over the many years to follow. Now, after many years of successful and powerful ministry here at SCC, we find ourselves commissioning JY to go and continue to pursue the direction and ministry that God has set before him. As a church we have all said goodbye to JY. We each know him on different levels. Some have seen JY teach and preach with passion for the Word of God, and have come to respect him. For these, it is sad to see JY go and we know that there are big shoes to fill. Some have come to know the Lord or become passionate about the Word of God directly through the ministry of JY. For these, there is a hole that is left that seems to bring forth tears as they think about what is lost. Then there are some who have known JY as a deeper part of their lives. It is important for everyone in this congregation to deal with the blessing of JY’s future in Ireland in their own way. I would like to take a few moments to share some thoughts on my process as I both mourn and celebrate these next steps. I find myself caught between the sadness of watching a partner in ministry, a friend and a teacher move down the Lord’s road that takes him away from where I am; and the absolute joy of watching God develop His child through the years bestowing blessings beyond measure upon his life, marriage, ministry, and education. This should have been something for which I was prepared. Watching JY grow over the years, it became more and more obvious that his gifting might very well take him away from SCC. As much as this may seem difficult for those of us here, this is the very thing for which we exist. We do not exist under the illusion that all of those who become apart of our congregation will remain here. We celebrate the opportunity to send people to grow the Kingdom in different parts of the world. JY is one of the most capable people with which we as a church, through the grace of God, can bless Belfast, Ireland. JY will pursue (and achieve) his PHD and will impact the kingdom in ways that none of us can predict. I celebrate the grace of God as I think about the possibilities. We will weep for a little while, but we will celebrate for eternity what God is doing right now. May the Lord’s favor, grace and mercy pursue you, JY, as you continue to seek the Lord and His kingdom for the rest of the days of your life. Joseph Smith Associate Pastor [email protected] 904-472-5014 Fall Ministry Opportunities October 2014 4 Ways to Bring Jesus’ Love into Our World This fall, we are pleased to announce 4 ways you can become involved and bring Jesus’ love into our world Opportunity #1 – Operation Christmas Child Opportunity #2 – Boxes of Love Opportunity #3 – Circle of Love Opportunity #4 – Arlington Villas As you will read on the next four pages, there are many opportunities this fall where our church will be able to bring the love of Jesus into our world. These opportunities include the following four ministries: Operation Christmas Child – a ministry opportunity helping children all over the world. Boxes of Love – a ministry opportunity helping needy families in our community. Circle of Love – a ministry opportunity helping homeless men in our city. Arlington Villas – a ministry opportunity helping those adults of all ages with mental disabilities in Jacksonville. If you would like additional information on any of these ministry opportunities, please contact the individuals listed at the bottom of each article. God bless! Fall Ministry Opportunities October 2014 4 Ways to Bring Jesus’ Love into Our World This fall, we are pleased to announce 4 ways you can become involved and bring Jesus’ love into our world Opportunity #1 – Operation Christmas Child Most of us have heard of Samaritan’s Purse, part of the Billy Graham organization. One of their ministries is Operation Christmas Child. Since 1993, this ministry has distributed more than 100 million shoeboxes filled with basic necessities and small treasures to boys and girls around the world, and planted countless seeds of hope. So many children have accepted Jesus as their personal savior through this ministry. How can you help? If God puts it on your heart to participate, we are asking you to fill a shoebox for either a boy or girl, ages 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. The church will have the shoeboxes as well as an informational pamphlet available to anyone who is interested. Simply request a shoebox from either Patty Allen, Sheila Renna or Barb Rodriguez. It can then be picked up in the conference room. And a regular shoebox works fine too. Simply fill the shoebox with basic necessities such as soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste (no liquids), and washcloths. Then let your love shine by purchasing small treasures. Everything from t-shirts and socks to small toys and hair accessories, whatever you think is appropriate for the age. Please use discretion when packing. No used or damaged items, war-related toys, food or chocolate. And nothing in a glass container, or anything that could break or melt. You are also asked to donate $7 for each box for shipping. When you have packed your box, label whether it is for a boy or girl and their age. Then place a large rubber band around the box and return it to the church by November 9. All boxes will then be taken to the nearest collection center where they will be shipped around the world. For additional information, please contact Barb Rodriguez at 655-2979. Fall Ministry Opportunities October 2014 4 Ways to Bring Jesus’ Love into Our World This fall, we are pleased to announce 4 ways you can become involved and bring Jesus’ love into our world Opportunity #2 – Boxes of Love “In 2008, the Boxes of Love ministry was introduced to Switzerland Community Church by former Associate Pastor Bob Gauger. The program, founded by Campus Crusade, was quickly adopted by many members of the congregation. On a cool November morning, we set out in teams to deliver boxes of food, bibles, prayers and love. On my first delivery, I visited with a woman and her family which led to an intense time of prayer and a confession that she had not been to a dentist in years and had terrible pain as well as an abscess in her mouth. After leaving the woman’s home, I called our family dentist who quickly agreed to treat the woman pro bono. Moments like this have changed my life. It has opened my eyes to those in need in this immediate area. This event led me to understand we are on a mission greater than we are aware. We are also delivering more than a meal. As a church family, we are delivering the touch of Jesus to people who may have forgotten He is here for them. The preparation for Boxes of Love is quite simple; with church donations, we fill a box with items to cook a delicious Thanksgiving meal for 50 or more families. The Saturday before Thanksgiving, we deliver meals, bibles and offer prayer along with an invitation to Switzerland Community Church. While some families we visit are receptive, some are not, but our mission is simple; be the hands and feet of Jesus.” Heather Heidenreich Przekwas How can you help? Between now and November 9, donations will be accepted to help purchase the food items that will be packed in these “boxes of love.” For each $30 contributed, an entire box of food can be purchased. Then, in late November, these boxes will be filled and then distributed in our community. If you would like more information on how you can become involved, contact Patty Allen at the church at 287-0330 or Heather Przekwas at 759-5136. Fall Ministry Opportunities October 2014 4 Ways to Bring Jesus’ Love into Our World This fall, we are pleased to announce 4 ways you can become involved and bring Jesus’ love into our world Opportunity #3 – Circle of Love On Sunday, November 23, 2014, Circle of Love Ministries and all their current residents will be visiting with us. Our church has supported this ministry for many years. Circle of Love has served the homeless in the North Jacksonville area through feeding, sheltering, clothing and ministering the Word of God for more than thirty years! We will host a luncheon for the ministry following the second service. We hope you will be able to join us! This ministry has many needs. It would be such a blessing if our church could help. If you can, please bring any of the items listed below to the church between now and November 23. Food – vegetables (fresh, frozen or canned), pasta, cereal, coffee and sugar Personal items for men – deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, soap, lotion, body wash, shampoo, combs/brushes, bath towels and washcloths Paper products – toilet paper and paper towels For more information, please contact Patty Allen at the church at 287-0330 or Debbie Johnson with the Missions Committee at 465-3439. Fall Ministry Opportunities October 2014 4 Ways to Bring Jesus’ Love into Our World This fall, we are pleased to announce 4 ways you can become involved and bring Jesus’ love into our world Opportunity #4 – Arlington Villas For more than twenty years, those of us attending Switzerland Community Church have come to look forward to that Sunday in early December when we see the coat rack containing dozens of red stockings appear in the foyer. And we all know what the display means…that it is now time to take a stocking or two and fill them with necessities and other small items for the residents of Arlington Villas. Our own Janice Torbett has overseen this ministry since its beginning and ensures that every resident at the facility receives a stocking and feels the love with which it was filled. Those distributing the stockings have a chance to meet the residents and share God’s love with them. This 100-bed assisted living facility, is family owned and operated and dedicated to providing the best quality of life for all of its residents. It specialized focus is on adults of all ages coping with persistent mental illness. Its mission is to enrich the quality of life for its residents through outstanding service and care. The stockings will be available beginning Sunday, November 30, and will be due back at the church by Sunday, December 14. For additional information, please contact Janice Torbett at 651-2078. NEW BIBLE STUDIES In the JCMC Mondays at 7pm, starting October 20th , a new study to be decided by the class, led by Mike Cassel Tuesdays at 6am, starting October 21st, “What We Believe” by Chip Ingram, led by Brad Deckard Join in this time of prayer, then enjoy a cooked breakfast; listen to a speaker and visit with SCC friends and guests. 7:30am October 18th In the JCMC Café RSVP to Mark at [email protected] 614-5941 Or to Mike at [email protected] 759-2659 Living Waters Preschool & Kindergarten News 2014 Happy October! Pardon me as I play catch up this month. We were so busy in August preparing for the new school year that I missed the newsletter deadline. Our school year started with much excitement as camera toting parents arrived with their little ones. Pictures were taken of smiling little faces and a few tears were shed by some moms and children. All in all it was a very good beginning. As children have adjusted over the past month we are looking forward to a great year! We are enjoying very strong enrollment! 156 of our 158 spots are filled. That leaves just two openings. While our regular hours still remain 9:00am to 1:00pm our Early Arrival program beginning at 8:00am and our Extended Day program available until 5:30pm are also experiencing increased attendance. The availability of a longer day has given more families in the community the opportunity to send their children to Living Waters. Several staff members have taken on new positions this year. In addition to her role as music director, Wendy Haynes is now our curriculum specialist. Amy Koppe’s new title is consultant. She is working on various projects for us throughout the year. Shanon Braden is lead kindergarten teacher and Jennifer McLeod is her assistant. Our newest staff member, Dawn Wright, is doing a great job as lead teacher of one of our two-year-old classes. We are so glad that God sent her our way. Our AWANA Cubbies program is in its second year using a new curriculum. The children and staff are enjoying the new Honeycomb handbook, especially the CDs that contain AWANA songs and scripture set to music. September was filled with a flurry of activities. We had great participation at our two Meet & Mingle events. Thanks to all the coffee servers—the café was a huge hit!! Moms, dads, grandparents and siblings visited us for Open House. We always enjoy meeting the families but the highlight for our staff is seeing our alumni. They grow so fast! Fire truck visits delighted the children. Students got to visit with the fire fighters, learn about fire safety, and climb into the fire trucks. Preschool Sunday was such a delightful event this year. Everything was well planned and organized making the visit of 28 new families including 50 children an enjoyable time for all. Thank you to all who had a part in making this day so special. I’m sure God was smiling! This month our children will be learning about many things fall; changes in the leaves, pumpkins, gourds and cooler weather are among the topics. We have some great pumpkin patches in our area and our classes will seize the opportunity to visit. I’ve never attended a pumpkin patch field trip myself but I can tell you from past pictures that everyone will have a great time. Online orders will be accepted through December for our fall fundraiser, “The Gift Collection from Charleston Wrap.” Simply go to www.charlestonwrap.com and enter our school code, 8843, to place an order giving credit to our school. The collection includes kitchen items, gift wrap, jewelry, magazines, chocolate and more. Living Waters receives 40% profit on all sales. Thank you to all who are making this fundraiser successful by getting the word out and making purchases. We sooooo appreciate your support! We need your BOX TOPS for Education and Campbell Food Labels. The fall submission for BOX TOPS is late October. We want to send in as many as we can. Please clip and save them for us! We need volunteers! Our annual FALL FESTIVAL will be happening this month on October 23rd. We need people to help man the game booths. Face painting, ball tossing, crafts, cookie walk, scooping popcorn, stocking prize buckets…there is a job for everyone. It is a delightful if noisy morning watching the little people AND LWP&K staff dressed up. Costumes are optional. Please volunteer, you will receive a blessing! Please pray for this ministry. We count on it! Happy Fall! Forty Joyful Heirs and Guests enjoyed a fantastic Hawaiian Luau, including delicious Pulled Pork BBQ, Wings, Covered Dishes and Desserts, during our Annual Luncheon and Planning Meeting at the JCMC Café on Tuesday September 16th. Many came dressed in Hawaiian attire and prizes were awarded for the best dressed male and female. Congratulations to both Betty Jo Carden and Robert Rabb for being voted best dressed, as well as to Linda Haughain for winning first place and Elaine Overby second in our Hawaiian Quiz. We also congratulated Claude Weeks in celebrating his (28th) birthday, (according to Claude ???), with a cake and a harmonious group sing-a-long of Happy Birthday. A very special thanks to Ruth Ann Deckard and Sylvia Rabb for their wonderful talents in decorating, along with Linda Haughain, Emma Lee Ward and Jacey Sarrells for helping setup the JCMC Café for our event. Following lunch and luau festivities, all present participated in offering and discussing potential ideas for future projects and events for the balance of 2014 and 2015. We are excited about enjoying our future monthly outings and events and continuing our long tradition of wonderful Christian Fellowship together. Trip to St. Mary’s, GA Saturday, Oct. 11th at 9:15am for seafood lunch and a steam engine train ride on the St. Mary’s Railroad Next up on October 11th, we have an exciting outing scheduled for “A St. Mary’s Railroad Adventure”, beginning with a great seafood lunch at St. Mary’s Seafood Restaurant, followed by our train ride on The St. Mary’s Railroad Steam Express. This very special train will feature an authentic steam locomotive, and Countdown to Steam! Georgia's only live steam engine running on a live shortline. We will enjoy the history, fun and adventure as we travel the rails from Historic St. Mary’s, Georgia through scenic woodlands and marshlands. Our 1 hour and 15 minute train excursion will bring us face to face with yesteryear, nature, and some great entertainment. We will depart from the SCC parking lot promptly at 9:15am in order to make the drive up to St. Mary’s, GA for an early lunch at St. Mary’s Seafood and then drive over to the train station for early group boarding and our ride on the St. Mary’s Steam Express. We plan to return back to the SCC parking lot by 5 PM. Tickets for our St. Mary’s Railroad Train Adventure are only $20 per person. Due to the demand, our initial block of reserved tickets were exhausted quickly, so we were able to get a few more, which have since been purchased. Please call Patty at the church office, 287-0330, to check to ask if any other tickets have become available. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding our outings or The Joyful Heirs, please contact Sylvia 287-1067, Rose 287-5464, Bill Trull 217-4526 or Patty Allen 287-0330 at the Church Office. We hope you plan to join us on our St. Mary’s Railroad Adventure on Saturday, October 11th for a wonderful day of Christian Fellowship together. In His Service, Sylvia Rabb, Rose Allen and Bill Trull Single Women’s Fellowship Ten ladies met at Rose Allen's home on Sept. 8th to sew pillow cases for children with cancer at Wolfson Children's Hospital. We were able to make 31 pillowcases, and enjoyed lunch and fellowship together as well. As we prayed over each pillowcase, we were reminded of Acts 19:12 where cloths touched by Paul were taken to the sick and they were healed. So we prayed that as the children lay their heads upon these pillowcases (cloths), they will be healed in Jesus’ name. On Nov. 10th we will meet again to sew more pillow cases in Christmas fabrics. Anyone else who might be interested is welcome to come and join us. Just call Rose, Jan or Jaycee. Please stop by the Sanctuary foyer to see the model replica and report of Solomon’s Temple. This project, based on bible history with many interesting details, was done by our SCC 3rd, 4th & 5th grade Sunday school class, with their teachers, Mrs. Sally & Mrs. Charlene. Well Done, Christ’s Champions! October 2014 SCC Calendar ***Regular Weekly Events, Times & Locations***: Sundays: 7:45am 8:30am 9:45am 11:00am 4:00pm 5 & 6 pm 7:00pm Mondays: 7:00pm Tuesdays 6:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm Wednesdays: 9:00am 10:00am 10:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 7:00pm Thursdays: 10:00am Praise Team Practice in Sanctuary Traditional Worship Service in Sanctuary Sunday school classes in various buildings (see listing in foyer) Contemporary Worship Service in Sanctuary SCC Choir Sunday Practices for Christmas Cantata (7pm 12/13 & 11am 12/14) Concentric Level 1-Axis at 5pm & Level 2-New Testament Survey at 6pm ~ Bardin Hall College & Career Discipleship SCC Men’s Discipleship, Bible Study & Fellowship w/Mike Cassel ~ JCMC SCC Men’s Discipleship, Bible Study & Fellowship w/ Brad Deckard~ JCMC Elders’ Meeting (every other Tuesday) ~ Conference Room High School Youth ~ JCMC Ladies’ Prayer ~ Conference Room SCC Ladies’ Bible Study, continuation of study from Old Testament, E-14 SCC Ladies’ Bible Study, E-13 Adult Bible Study in Sanctuary (starts Sept 3rd) Awana for K-5th grades & Cubbies for preschool 3&4’s meet in Bardin Hall (starts 9/10) SCC Middle School Youth ~ JCMC Praise Team Practice in Sanctuary Ladies’ Bible/Book Study with Reinette, in E-13 ***ministry activities above follow same schedule as SJC public schools for holidays and breaks*** Special Events, Times & Locations: Sun 10/5 7:15pm Tue 10/7 6:30pm Sat 10/11 9:15am Sat 10/18 7:30am Wed 10/22 6-8pm Thu 10/23 11-1pm Tue 10/28 6:30pm 2014 Summer Mission Reports from Peru and Thailand Mission Teams, in the JCMC Missions Committee Meeting in Conference Room Joyful Heirs departure from SCC to St. Mary’s, GA for lunch & Train Adventure SCC Men’s Prayer & Breakfast with guest speaker ~ JCMC Cafe SCC & Awana Family Fall Festival in Dowling Activity Center LWPK Fall Festival in Dowling Activity Center SCC Council Meeting ~ E-14 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Aislynn Hurley Jake Allen Tammy Chevalier Earl Leach Holly C (missions) Daniel Frisch Kevin Spargur ~ Dennis Stone ~ Joan Sharkey Katherine Weaver Jan Youngs Catherine Justus Jason Mizell Charlene Robinson Mick Robinson Hart Smith Tom Howle Eva Pollinger-Middleton Charlotte Smith ~ Calvin Craven Patsy Tansey Debbie Johnson Susan Martin Sarah Miller Catherine Beckett Tank Buenrostro Scher Guzzo Michael Sharkey Sherry Brandel Anne Pollinger-Van Horn 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Colleen Sercombe Bert Watson 31. Debby Ferrell Tal Gerald Ed Ruder Darby Tansey Brent Triebel ~ Ashton Dumdei Kyle Fickett Jenny Hanson Declan Lenzen ~ Richard Hadfield Lisa Miller Bethany Burris Caleb Huxford Brendan Leach Carter Simmons Nathan Williams Catie Gauger Darlene Hinson Robert Lewis Karla Anderson Joshua Belcik Ann Griffin Molly Pollinger Mike Sandusky Sherry Williams Mike Brown Caroline Johnson Jeanette Murphy Jacey Sarrells Evelyn Lee Matthew Hinson Barbara Rodriguez Mark Sarracino Deanne Adams Mark Miller “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Eph 3:20 ANNIVERSARIES 10/02 Ilana & Nuno Cordeiro 10/03 April & Hunter Goertz 10/07 Sarah & John Rice 10/08 Donna & Glenn Guzzo 10/11 Laura & Billy Hood 10/16 Julie & Greg Simmons 10/18 Nora & Michael Abraham 10/19 Sylvia & Robert Rabb 10/19 Linda & Jesse Rowe 10/25 Amy & Mike McClenaghan 10/28 Sharon & Brian Clark Please let us know in the church office, 287-0330, if we have missed your birthday or anniversary. Switzerland Community Church 2179 State Road 13N Switzerland, FL 32259 (904)287-0330 Engaging God’s people, to bring God’s presence, to transform their world.
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