Lessson 1 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Lesson 1 Ob bjective: SSolve word proble ems with three add dends, tw wo of which make ten n. Sugggested Lesson Structu ure FFluency Practtice A Application Prroblem C Concept Deve elopment SStudent Debriief (10 minutes) ( (5 minutes) ( (35 minutes) ( (10 minutes) ( (60 minutes) ( TTotal Time Flu uency Pracctice (10 m minutes) Sp parkle: The SSay Ten and R Regular Way 1 1.NBT.2 (3 minutes) Taake Out 1 1.O OA.5 (2 minutes) Eq qual Number Pairs for Ten n 1.OA.6 (5 minutes) Spaarkle: The SSay Ten and d Regular W Way (3 minu utes) Notee: Say Ten co ounting reinfo orces place vaalue and prep pares studentts to add ten and some on nes. Count from 10 to o 20, alternating between the regular and the Say Teen way (e.g., 10, ten 1, 12,, ten 3, 14, ten within the teenn sequence, cconsider coun nting the regu ular 5). If students arre still building fluency with counting w wayy or the Say Te en way witho out alternating. If time perrmits, try couunting back, to oo. Stud dents stand in n a circle. Introduce the co ounting patte ern, start num mber, and end d number: "TToday we will coun nt the Say Ten way from 1 10 to 20". You u may adjust the number range to fit th he size of you ur class. Befo ore the game, practicce the counting sequence as a group an nd say, "Sparkkle!" after thee ending num mber is said ud: "Let’s praactice by coun nting from 10 0 to 15. Ten, ten 1, 12, ten 3, 14, ten 5, SSparkle!" alou Begin the game. Students cou unt around th he circle, each h student sayying one number in the cou unting sequ uence. After the ending number is said d, the next stu udent says, "SSparkle!" and d the followin ng player sits. Begin again with the starrt number and continue co ounting in thee same directtion around th he circle until onlyy one player is standing. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.4 Lessson 1 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM 10 Students keep cou unting around the circcle. Ten 1 12 2 This player sttarts 10 Ten 3 This player sits Sparkle! Ten 5 14 Takke Out 1 (2 minutes) Notee: This activitty supports flluency with d decomposing numbers wit hin 10. This sskill is critical for using thee upco oming Level 3 3 addition strategy of makke ten. Students need to f luently get 1 out of the second addend d wheen adding to 9 9. T: T: S: T: S: Take out 1 on my signal. For exam mple, if I say 5 5, you say 1 aand 4. 3. 1 and 2.. 10. 1 and 9.. Continue with alll numbers witthin 10. Equ ual Numberr Pairs for T Ten (5 minu utes) Matterials: (S) 5‐ggroup cards 0 0 through 10 with two 5 caards, one "=" card, and two "+" cards per set of partn ners (Fluencyy Template) Notee: This activitty builds fluency with parttners to ten and promotess an understanding of equaality. Assign students p partners of eq qual ability. SStudents arrange 5‐group cards from 0 to 10, including the extra 5, en them. Write 4 numberrs on the boarrd (e.g., 5, 9, 1, or 5). Parttners take thee and place the "="" card betwee e two equivaleent expressio ons, (e.g., 9 + 1 = 5 + 5). 5‐grroup cards thaat match the numbers written to make Sugggested seque ence: 5, 9, 1, 5; 0, 1, 9, 10; 2, 5, 5, 8; 2, 3, 7, 8; 4, 1, 99, 6; 3, 4, 6, 7. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.5 Lessson 1 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Ap pplication P Problem ((5 minutess) John n, Emma, and d Alice each had 10 raisins. John ate 3 rraisins, Emm ma ate 4 raisins, and Alice ate 5 raisins. How many rraisins do tthey each havve now? Writte a number b bond and a number senttence for each. Notee: This problem was chosen as an appllication of the e culm minating subtraction work from Module e 1. All three subttraction sente ences and number bonds ffocus on parttners to ten which are fou undational to o the first lessson of Module e 2. Co oncept Devvelopmentt (35 minu utes) Matterials: (T) Bin n, three different kinds of blocks/pattern blocks, 18 inch length o of string tied to form a loo op (S) Th hree differentt kinds of patttern blocks (1 10 of each shaape, e.g., trap pezoid, trianggle, and squarre blocks), personal w white board Have students sitt in a semicirccle at the mee eting area with their persoonal white bo oards. T: The firstt grade classrrooms each have these spe ecial bins withh different tyypes of blockss in them. Lett’s figure out how manyy we have! (LLay out 9 trian ngle blocks in a 5‐group co onfiguration.) How many e have? triangle blocks do we S: 9 triangle blocks! ock and 4 trap pezoid blocks. Ask studentts to state thee quantity of each group.)) T: (Lay outt 1 square blo We need to figure ou ut how many there are altogether. Hel p me write th he expression n. S: T: T: S: 9 + 1 + 4 4 = ___. (Write tthis on the bo oard.) Talk to yyour partner. What are so ome ways we could add thhese blocks to ogether? (As stud dents discuss, the teacher circulates and d selects studdents to sharee.) We could start with the larger number and co ount on. W We could add d the groups ttogether by ccounting them m all. T: True! A Also, I wonderr if we can maake ten since it is such a frriendly numbeer. Talk with your partnerr. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.6 Lessson 1 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM S: (Discusss.) 9 and 1. The 9 triangles and the 1 square. T: Let’s check to be sure e your idea iss true! (Selecct a student, oone who mayy particularly benefit from proving this to be tru d 9 and 1 make ten? ue, to move th he 1 to the 9 in order to m make ten.) Did S: Yes! T: (Place th he square blo ock back in itss original posiition.) I’m gooing to make tthe 9 and 1 o one group to show th his is 10. (Placce string arou und the 9 and d 1. Circle 9 aand 1 in the equation.) Wee have 10 (gesture e to the 10) and 4 more (ge esture to the 4). How manny blocks? S: We have 14 blocks! 14 to complette the equatio on.) T: (Write 1 T: Talk witth your partne er. Write the e new number sentencce explaining w what we just did, starting with 10, on your personal white board. S: (Discusss and write 10 0 + 4 = 14.) T: Good! N Now it’s yourr turn. Assign partners aand hand out blocks. The ffollowing is a udents work w with a sugggested sequence of storiess to tell as stu parttner to repressent each pro oblem on theiir personal white boards. Studentss should put ttheir boards n next to one another ssion, make a larger board. Toget ther, they wr rite the expre to m circlle 10, and solve for the unknown. h, Marcus putt 2 pepper slicces, 8 carrotss, and 6 At lunch banana pieces on hiss tray. When he reached the ut, how manyy pieces of foo od did he havve? checkou Lena waas playing bassketball durin ng recess. She e made 4 jump sh hots, 7 layups,, and 3 free throws. How many baskets did Lena makke? de buddies co ome and visit our We had 5 upper grad om with 3 mo ore buddies fo ollowing them m. Soon classroo after thaat, 5 more bu uddies came tto our classro oom. How maany total buddies came? NOTES ON MEANS MULTIPLE M OF REPRESEENTATION: Facilitatte students’ disccovery of patterns and struucture in math b by allowing for aa variety of responses to questions. For examplle, some studentts may use theirr pictoriaal representation n and see 4 + 1 == 5 and theen use the 5 triangles embedded d in the 9 too make a ten. NOTES ON MEANS MULTIPLE M OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION N: Having students act out number stories is a great way to provid de math‐they‐ can‐seee. This may help p your students who aree hearing impairred. It also providees visual and kinesthetic learnerrs an oppoortunity to engaage in the lesson n using thheir preferred sttyle of learning. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.7 Lessson 1 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Pro oblem Set (10 minutess) Stud dents may wo ork individually, in pairs, or in groups wheen completingg Problem Setts. For Proble em Sets that inclu ude word pro oblems, it mayy be best to rread problems alou ud, particularly early in the e year. Students should do o their personal be est to complete the Proble em Set within the allotted 10 m minutes. Some problems d do not specifyy a metthod for solving. This is an n intentional rreduction of scafffolding that invokes MP.5, Use Approp priate Tools Strategically. Stu udents should d solve these problems usiing Application Problems. the RDW approach used for A For some classess, it may be ap ppropriate to modify the assiggnment by sp pecifying whicch problems sstudents shou uld worrk on first. With this option, let the care eful sequenciing of th he Problem Set guide yourr selections so o that problems conttinue to be sccaffolded. Baalance word p problems with h otheer problem tyypes to ensure a range of p practice. Consider assignin ng incomplete e problems fo or homeworkk or at another time d during the day. Stu udent Deb brief (10 m minutes) Lessson Objective e: Solve word d problems w with three addends, two of which make tten. The Student Debrief is intende ed to invite re eflection and activve processingg of the total lesson experiience. Invitte students to o review their solutions fo or the Problem m Set. They should d check work by comparingg answers witth a parttner before go oing over ansswers as a class. Look for miscconceptions o or misundersttandings thatt can be addressed in the Debrief. Guiide students iin a convversation to d debrief the Prroblem Set an nd process the lesson. You may choose to use any co ombination off the question ns belo ow to lead the e discussion. Earlier, we had 9 triaangles, 1 squaare, and 4 e teacher nexxt trapezoid blocks on tthe floor. The door has 4 triangles aand 10 squares in her bin of blocks. Does she havve more, less,, or the same e numberr of blocks as we have? Ho ow do you know? (Re‐create th he configuration from the C Concept Deveelopment if n necessary.) Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.8 Lessson 1 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM What similarities do you notice be etween Problem 3 and Prooblem 4? How did d the Applicattion Problem connect to to oday’s lessonn? What ne ew way or strrategy to add did we learn today? Talk with your paartner. (Makee ten.) Why is 10 such a friendly nu umber? Exitt Ticket (3 m minutes) Afteer the Student Debrief, insttruct studentts to complete e the Exit Tickket. A review w of their worrk will help yo ou asseess the studen nts’ understanding of the concepts thatt were presennted in the leesson today and plan moree effeectively for futture lessons. You may reaad the questio ons aloud to tthe students.. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.9 Lesson n 1 Problem Set 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Nam me Date Rea ad the matth story. Make M a simp ple math drawing with h labels. C Circle 10 an nd solve. 1. Bill went to t the store. He boug ght 1 apple e, 9 bananaas, and 6 pe ears. How many piece es of fruit diid he buy in n all? apple banana pears 10 1 + ___ 9 + ___ ___ _6 = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ Bill bough ht ____ pieces of fruit. 2. Maria getts some new w toys for her birthd day. She g gets 4 dollss, 7 balls, a and 3 game es. How many y toys did she s receive e? ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ Maaria receive ed ____ to oys. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.10 Lesson n 1 Problem Set 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM 3. Maddy goes to the pond p and ca atches 8 bugs, b 3 froggs, and 2 tadpoles. H How many animals diid she catc ch altogeth her? ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ Madd dy caught _ ____ anima als. 4. Molly arriived at the e party firsst with 4 re ed balloonss. Kenny caame next w with 2 gree en balloons. Dara came e last with 6 blue ballloons. How w many ballloons did these friends bring? ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ There are _ ____ balloo ons. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.11 Lesso on 1 Exit TTicket 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Nam me Date Rea ad the matth story. Make M a simp ple math drawing with h labels. C Circle 10 an nd solve. 1. T Toby has ic ce cream money. m He has 2 dime es. He find ds 4 more d dimes in hiis jacket and 8 more on the t table. How many y dimes doe es Toby have? ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ Toby hass ____ dim mes. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.12 Lesso on 1 Homeework 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Nam me Date Rea ad the matth story. Make M a simp ple math drawing with h labels. C Circle 10 an nd solve. 1. Chris boug ght some trreats. He bought 5 granola g barrs, 6 boxess of raisinss, and 4 cookies. How H many treats t did Chris C buy? ? ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ Chrris bought ____ trea ats. 2. Cindy has 5 cats, 7 goldfish, g an nd 5 dogs. How manyy pets doess she have in all? ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ Cindy ha as ____ pe ets. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.13 Lesso on 1 Homeework 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM 3. Mary gets stickers at a school fo or good wo ork. She goot 7 puffy stickers, 6 smelly stickers, and a 3 flat stickers. s How H many stickers s diid Mary gett at schooll altogethe er? ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ 10 + ___ _ = __ __ M Mary got _ ____ stickers at scho ool. 4. Jim sat att a table wiith 4 teach hers and 9 children. H How many people werre at the table afte er Jim sat down? d ___ + ___ + ___ _ = __ __ ___ + ___ _ = __ __ The ere were ____ _ peopl e at the taable after Jim sat do own. Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.14 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Lesson 1 Flu uency Tem mplate 1••2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 0 10 0 10 1 5 5 5‐group cards, firsst two pages double‐sided, laast page single e‐sided Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.15 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM Lesson 1 Flu uency Tem mplate 1••2 5 grroup cards, firsst two pages double‐sided, laast page single‐sided Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.16 Lesson 1 Flu uency Tem mplate 1••2 NY YS COMMON C CORE MATHEM MATICS CURRIC CULUM = = = = + + + + + + + + 5 grroup cards, firsst two pages double‐sided, laast page single‐sided Lesson 1 1: Date: © 20144 Common Core, Inc. Som me rights reserved. commo oncore.org Solve wo ord problems with h three addends, t wo of which makee ten. 10/23/14 Thiss work is licensed underr a Creeative Commons Attributtion‐NonCommercial‐Sh hareAlike 3.0 Unported LLicense. 2.A A.17
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