FMSA Newsletter Bil. 2/2014
Dr Mastura bt. Ismail
FMSA President 2010-2014
Date : 27th. May, 2014
Address of the Out-going FMSA President: Reflection of Past 4 years
In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.
Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera
Firstly, thank God Almighty Allah S.W.T for giving me the strength
and showing me the way. Throughout my career, I‘ve been blessed
with the support of my family who is always there for me especially
my husband Ir Zainuddin Jamaluddin.
As your outgoing president, I want to thank you for the privilege of
allowing me to represent you this past 4 year. I have learned one
thing from these 48 months: that the Family Medicine Specialists
Association (FMSA) is one of the important organizations
representing primary care doctors (government specialists in
particular) in this country. As president, you get the opportunity to
express your ideas and beliefs in a way that has authority, precision,
and hopefully can be heard all across the country. To the best of my
ability/capacity, I have sought to speak for all of us, and I hope I have
accomplished that to your satisfaction. I have tried to be that one
voice that has been consistent on the values and principles that have
made us strong, that have bound us together for all of these years, and
that have protected our patients.
Throughout the years, several new activities have been introduced
and implemented by the FMSA. These include giving out research
funds, allocation for state community project, new policies on
membership qualifications, new headquarter in MMA building, the
creation of a Face book account and our very own website. New
programmes and gatherings were also held in a bid to forge stronger
bonds of fraternity among our members. Today I am proud that
FMSA till this date have a total of 254 members which include 33 life
members, 220 ordinary members and one associate member.
Among other important FMSA activities are: 1) Involvement in the
forum for primary care physicians to provide direct input into the
planning of national health reform, 2) Mobilize our resources and
strategize for useful FMSA activities, 3) Re-establish the leadership
role of primary care physicians in pursuing prevention and chronic
disease management ie, Development of Screening Guideline,
Chronic Disease Management Module, Referral Guideline, 4)
Networking with many stakeholders including the pharmaceuticals
companies for CME and workshops, 5) Collaboration with Clinical
Research Centre to promote research among FMS, 6) Celebration of
World Family Doctor Day.
I also managed to deliver lectures in UKM and UMMC for the
Family Medicine post-grad student on ‗Life as FMS‘ and promote
family medicine during a CME session in Hospital Queen Elizabeth,
Sabah. My only regret is the delay in the promotion of the senior
FMSs to Special Grade Jusa C despite several meetings conducted
with the past three Director General of Health. I hope this will not
deter everyone from continuously working hard to improve care of
your patients. Hopefully the promotion to Jusa C will be coming
shortly and lets us continue our prayer for that.
My overall message is that, as primary care physicians, it is important that
we carry out those agendas and put ourselves in such a fashion that we are
recognized as the primary vehicle to maintain the best health status interests
of Malaysian. Needless to say, I am overwhelmed with the level of
response we have received. Several FMSA members have been involved in
the preparation of the health care reform. It is important that we have
continuous representation in the various technical committees. It is our hope
that the journey to this coming health care reform will be smooth and
primary care physicians‘ will not be neglected.
The annual Family Medicine Specialists Scientific meetings have gained its
popularity by getting increasing number of participants each year and
ensuring good income for the association. It is my hope that we strike
further by bringing international speakers during future meetings and
promote our conference surrounding the Asia Pacific regions and
international level. FMSA should also have more regular training sessions
and recognized as an important CPD provider in this country.
The next issue is disease prevention and mobilizing prevention resources to
target high risk population. We should continue to look for funds for
smoking cessation efforts, diabetes and obesity prevention programs, and
hypertension management programs. We also need to be innovative and
take important steps to address the rising prevalence of chronic diseases in
Malaysia as well as better management strategies to improve on the
outcome. The capacity to ―be there‖ for patients—if family medicine
specialists make it the soul of our practice—this is what will ensure the
survival of family medicine and make it indispensable to the wider field of
medicine as the Malaysian health care system moves, slowly, toward
integrated systems of care.
I call upon all of us to stay the course and to protect the heartbeat of our
field—our healing partnerships with our patients, how we collaborate with
our colleagues as we develop new models of integrated care. That heartbeat
will continue to be what attracts young people to family medicine. As FMS,
we are better equipped to do well and we need to do firm up our position so
that we remain leaders. We must become participatory learners, teachers
and practitioners where all our efforts moves up in a parallel manner and our
country keep producing good family physician.
The move towards an increasing use of the team approach is a good one.
But if we do go down this road, we have to remember that the team leader
must be the best trained generalist – and most times that will be the primary
care physician. Another change for our profession is the way that more and
more of our younger colleagues are choosing to work in primary care. And
it‘s just one of the things we older doctors can learn from them. Many of
them want to achieve a balance in their work-life and their home-life. They
want time with their families, time to travel, time to relax. The things we
haven‘t given enough time. I understand why they want more balance, but
what does it mean to the future of medicine? How will we ensure we have
enough doctors in primary care for the future?
My journey in FMSA was memorable where I came in direct as President of
FMSA. This was possible due to my previous experience as the office
bearer in the National SCHOMOS. I am a strict believer in doing voluntary
service without expectation of reward gives the best satisfaction. I am
grateful to be able to do some service in this medical fraternity. My
involvement as given me opportunity to have better networking, improve
leadership and make me a better person. We must ensure the association is
run in a very transparent manner. We have resolved the financial
requirement and responsibilities to pay income tax. All the exco members
have been asked to prepare their term of reference and list of duties to be
followed by subsequent office bearers and for them to improve upon it
further in the future. (continue p.3)
Laporan Biro Kajian
Kajian perubatan adalah satu bidang yang menarik dalam
profession perubatan. Banyak persoalan dalam amalan perubatan
yang boleh dijawab dengan menjalankan kajian. Namun ramai
yang berpendapat melakukan kajian bukanlah keutamaan dalam
tugasan harian tanpa menyedari hakikat yang melakukan kajian
juga memastikan perkhidmatan yang diberikan adalah baik dan
berlandaskan bukti saintifik semasa. Justeru Persatuan Pakar
Perubatan Keluarga Malaysia memberi penekanan dan membantu
dalam menggalakkan FMS menjalankan kajian perubatan.
Di sepanjang penggal perkhidmatan barisan exco tahun
2012/2014, terdapat beberapa aktiviti yang telah dilakukan untuk
mencapai objektif tersebut. Antaranya adalah memberi peruntukan
kewangan sebanyak RM 10000 kepada FMS yang berminat
melakukan kajian perubatan.
Antara kajian yang telah mendapat bantuan teknikal dan bantuan
kewangan dari FMSA adalah kajian bertajuk ―Perception of
Malaysian Healthcare Providers on Family Medicine Specialists
(PERMFAMS) ― yang diterajui oleh Dr Chew Boon How yang
telah pun selesai dijalankan dan sedang mula diterbitkan. Kajian
bertajuk ―Prevalence of COPD at Government Primary Health
Care Clinic‖ oleh Datin Dr Zil Falillah. Kajian ini sedang dalam
proses pengumpulan data. Manakala FMSA juga telah menerima
satu lagi permohonan bantuan kewangan dari Dr Ching Siew Moi
yang mengetuai kajian bertajuk ―Evidence to Practice: A Survey
on Current Practice of Malaysian Primary Care Physician in Acute
Stroke Management‖
Kolaborasi dengan Pusat Penyelidikan Klinikal (CRC)
kebangsaan juga telah dibuat dalam usaha untuk menggalakkan
penyertaan FMS melakukan kajian perubatan. CRC kebangsaan
telah memberi peruntukan sebanyak RM 100 000 kepada FMS
untuk tujuan tersebut. Satu mesyuarat telah diadakan untuk
merancang penggunaan peruntukan tersebut yang diselenggara
oleh CRC. Pada 1 Ogos 2013, seramai 24 orang wakil FMS
termasuk jemputan penglibatan dari kepakaran lain termasuk
wakil-wakil dari universiti telah berbengkel selama sehari di
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Putra Jaya untuk mengenal pasti
bidang kajian yang perlu untuk penjagaan primer.
Tiga belas orang FMS juga telah ditaja oleh CRC kebangsaan
untuk menyertai konferen ― National Conference for Clinical
Research ― di Hotel Seri Pacifik Kuala Lumpur pada 3-5
September 2013. Manakala seramai Lapan belas orang FMS telah
ditaja sepenuhnya oleh CRC untuk menghadiri konferen
―Ministry of Health-Academy of Medicine (MOHAMM)‖ pada
29 September – 1 Oktober 2013. Dua orang FMS telah
mengambil bahagian dalam pertandingan poster sempena
persidangan tersebut.
CRC juga telah menaja lima anggota klinik kesihatan yang
terdiri dari jururawat dan penolong pegawai perubatan untuk
menyertai bengkel ―Good Clinical Practice, GCP‖ di Pulau
Pinang . Pada 12-14 November 2013, seramai 17 orang FMS
telah mendapat penajaan dari CRC untuk menghadiri kursus
CGP di Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban.
Bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran melakukan
analisa kajian, FMSA juga telah berkolaborasi dengan CRC
kebangsaan dan berjaya menghantar 5 orang FMS menghadiri
kursus ― Advanced Statistic‖ oleh Professor Ayub di Hotel
Corus, Kuala Lumpur pada 25-27 Oktober 2013.
Setiap tahun, FMS digalakkan menghantar laporan berkaitan
kajian yang dibuat, dibentangkan atau diterbitkan oleh FMS.
Hanya beberapa orang FMS yang menghantar laporan berkaitan
kajian untuk kompilasi. Sebanyak 17 kajian telah dibentangkan
di peringkat antarabangsa, 10 di peringkat regional, 26 di
peringkat kebangsaan dan 8 di peringkat negeri. Manakala, dari
segi penerbitan, 45 kajian telah diterbitkan di majalah
antarabangsa, 11 penulisan di peringkat regional, 13 penulisan
di majalah kebangsaan dan 5 penulisan di peringkat negeri
(gabungan FMS di peringkat klinik kesihatan Kementerian
Kesihatan Malaysia dan universiti-universiti). Laporan lanjut
adalah seperti dinyatakan dalam laporan AJK FMSA untuk
mesyuarat agung 2014.
Dari tahun 1998-2013, terdapat sebanyak 347 kajian telah
dijalankan oleh FMS (37 pembentangan di peringkat
antarabangsa, 15 pembentangan di peringkat regional, 88
pembentangan di peringkat kebangsaan dan 94 pembentangan di
peringkat negeri telah dimaklumkan ke biro kajian FMSA untuk
tujuan kompilasi). Manakala dari segi penulisan bagi tujuan
penerbitan jurnal pula, terdapat 76 penerbitan di majalah
antarabangsa, 18 penerbitan di majalah regional, 73 penerbitan
di majalah kebangsaan dan 9 penerbitan di peringkat negeri /
Adalah sangat diharapkan agar FMS lebih aktif melakukan
kajian perubatan di masa yang akan datang demi kebaikan
pesakit dan masyarakat.
Pengumuman: Pada 15 Mei 2014, masih terdapat dana kajian
oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia sebanyak RM 4.6 million
untuk digunakan bagi tujuan kajian. Silalah mohon melalui
―National Medical Research Registry, NMRR‖ jika anda
berminat. Biro kajian FMSA sedia membantu. Siapa cepat dia
dapat !!!
Disediakan oleh: Dr Norsiah Ali
The society was born on 20 September 2000. The idea was
initiated by the then Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Kedah Dato‘ Dr
Hjh Noorimi Hj Morad and physician Dr Richard Lim. The idea
to start a hospice care in Kedah was considered in view of
increasing cases of cancer and the need to care for them in the
community when they are discharged home.
The Family Medicine
The Family Medicine
Specialist Association
Specialist Association
recognised as an organization supports and promotes Family
which advocates for Family
Medicine Specialist in its
Medicine and facilitates
pivotal role of providing
optimal primary health care
holistic management of
in Malaysia
health in community
We started by receiving terminally ill cancer patients for (cont from page 1)
palliative care whilst the patients are still in the ward. Volunteers Over the years I‘ve been very active in several associations. But I‘ve found that
will then follow them up at home after discharge. Initially were it‘s hard to get more of my male FMS colleagues– involved in association.
Many of them don‘t – or feel they don‘t – have the time. I always tell them,
―Quit saying no.‖ You can‘t complain about not having a say if you don‘t get
as the need increases the home care services extended throughout involved. I say the same thing to female colleagues: you can‘t complain about
the state of Kedah. There are 11 districts in Kedah thus eleven not getting what you want out of your career, or your association, if you‘re not
hospice teams all together to cater for the need of terminally ill willing to roll up your sleeves and make things happen.
cared for patients around the district of Kota Setar. Subsequently
patients in Kedah.
I‘ve always felt that I‘ve been lucky. Thank you Allah s.w.t. I made a good
living. I was able to influence my patients to make better choices. And I got the
We provide palliative care at home as much as possible to the satisfaction of actually doing something for somebody every day. I‘ve also had
best of our capability. Supports are in the form of nursing care, the chance to be involved in a number of organizations and served on all kinds
of committees. I never went looking for involvement, but I rarely turned down
pain relief and psychological support to patients and carers.
an opportunity.
Hospice Society of Kedah purchases consumables, bed rests,
wheel chairs, ripple mattresses and these items are distributed to I want to close my remarks by leaving you with these thoughts….
the patients on loan. To date, the society had purchased 7 Oxygen First of all, with me, what you see is what you get.
Concentrators distributed to 6 district hospitals for the use of I‘m used to getting down to business and getting the job done.
patients needing oxygen therapy at home. There are no charges Secondly, I believe we can accomplish a great deal when we work together.
imposed on to the loans neither to the home care services I just wish we could get more FMS involved at some level in the FMSA, and
provided by the volunteers. Medicine for pain relief and other I sincerely hope we can heal the divisions in our profession.
symptomatic treatment are obtained at the nearest health clinic I‘ve loved being a FMS, and I will continue to fight to make sure future
and the nearby hospital.
Currently the society has around 250 members and our activities
concentrate on Hospice Home Care Program throughout Kedah.
Other activities are promotional, trainings to cares, workshops
and seminars for the volunteers. The society also provides
collaboration with other NGOs in promoting care in the
community. Our financial support comes from individual
donations, grants from Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah and Ministry
of Health Malaysia and members subscription fees.
generations of FMSs have the opportunity to practice our profession to its
I sincerely hope that another greater leader would make a bold move to step up
and take over the new leadership. I believe that it is time for me to make way
for new rising stars. In order to raise FMSA to greater heights, we need new
ideas and fresh energy to run and improvise the association. I understand that
the FMSA committee and members have been through a lot of sweat and tears
in order to secure our benefits and interests. I must admit that you have
exhibited great loyalty and diligence towards your respective obligations. Truly,
FMSA is proud to have such proactive members. And thus, I would like to take
this opportunity to say that I appreciate each and every single effort and
sacrifices made with all my heart.
I urge all of you to work with the new President as we continue to move the
The society is a non-profitable organization and we depend a lot national health reform agenda into reality and to build the structures to ensure
on donations to sustain our activities. Currently a few FMSs have improved health. The welfare of the FMSs in term of promotion, career
contributed to the home care services the society provides. FMSs development, working conditions etc must be continuously look upon.
are the best specialist to initiate, provide and monitor palliative ‗The path towards success is full of obstacles. Should you fall, pick yourself up
and hospice home care services in the community. We hope in and continue your chosen path with refined vigor‘. Thank you.
the future FMSs lead these noble initiatives in the community.
Report by: Dr Sri Wahyu Taher
From: Dr. Mastura Ismail
WONCA BCC Kuching Serawak 21-24th. May, 2014
President dan Barisan Exco FMSA 2010-2014
Salam hormat dari kami barisan exco FMSA
sesi 2010-2014 ;
Harapan kami supaya persatuan FMSA tetap teguh dan
mampan dengan barisan exco yang baru dan dapat
mengemudi FMSA ke arah masa depan yang cemerlang.
Penglibatan dan keprihatinan anda semua terhadap
persatuan akan mengukuhkan lagi fraterniti Pakar
Perubatan Keluarga Malaysia dan memberikan platform
yang baik untuk berpesatuan dan menghubungkan FMSs
seluruh Malaysia.
Berusaha untuk meningkatkan penjagaan kesihatan primer
secara holistik untuk kebaikan masyarakat adalah visi dan
misi kita bersama.
Sabda Nabi S.A.W: Wahai Saad, perbaikilah (murnikan)
makananmu, nescaya kamu menjadi orang yang diterima
doanya. Demi yang jiwa Muhammad S.A.W dalam
genggamanNya. Sesungguhnya seorang hamba memakan
makanan haram ke dalam perutnya maka tidak akan
diterima amal kebajikanya selama 40 hari. Siapapun yang
dagingnya tumbuh dari yang haram maka api neraka
lebih layak membakarnya.
(HR Ath-Thabrani)