I / A BASIC MALAY VOCABULARY by JOHN LE PREVOST, B.A. Consisting of the 1.000 most frequently ,used words in the written Malay language and a list of those words which occur at least once in every 1,000,000 UNIVERSITY (\F LONDON PRESS LTD. FOREWORD I commend .this Word Freq u 11 y Count to all friends of the Malay and especially to those engaged in studying it or teaching i t. Mr . Le Prevost and his team of tea hers arc to be congratqlated on their careful and patient wOlk The making of a word freq uency ounLis a high ly te hnical matLer and it would no t be proper [or me to mal e any comment on th e machinery the team employed for t he purpose; but w can rest a ured t hat the spread of material wa wide, and Lhat the re ult is u ~ful and ap propriately accurate. . Mr. Le Prcvost \~ isely limit his commen ts on the re ulL to very broad principles. T hi investigation, as he sugge L" opens up a fi lei of fa cinating research . T wo of hi sugge tions I regard a~ of gr at impor tance. Onc o[ the n xt steps hould be the illustration of the use of the higher frequency words in appropriate contexts. This is obviou sly a fruitful fi eld of study [or those Malay gentlem n who are at pre ' ent in teresting themselves in the fate of Malay wriLing. He also stresses the richnes of t he spoken language as again t thc apparen t co nservaLism of the written language. A word ount of the spoken language with the mechanical device now available hould not be too difficult. It wo uld then be pos ible Lo fi nd ays of enriching the writLen language with the virile material and idioms of Lhe spoken language. s Mr. Le P revost say, language i ' a living Lhing. It is onc o[ Lhe so ial habits of its user. T hose o[ us who are daily concerned with the Malay language realise how it. charact.cr is changing with Lhc impacLof other languages and cxLernal ideas upon il. It is ob violls that anoth er count will be required in th e co urse of tim . A compari on o[ the econe! alld firs t co unts m ight r veal so m startling changes and indica te th e nature o[ developmenL, and help to diagnose wherc help was needed in pre 'ervin g some o[ the natural characteri tics of the languagc. I am proud that thi fir t step has been taken in the Lecl mical study o[ the Malay lang uage by members of the starr o[ the Depar tment of EducaLion, Singapore. T hey are blazing a trail parallel to thaL up n which have journeyed such figur s 'n t.he linguistic world as T horndike, l'aucett, Itsu Maki, Palrner, West, Hornby, Eaton and Bongers. To me it is signi ficant Lhat the burd en of this work was carried by twenty-eight teachers in Malay schools. ' 'fhe futurc of Malay sh\>uld be! safe if ~e can fll1d such paLicnce and detailed accuracy am ong its teachers. A. W. F R ISBY Director of Educ'ation. Singapore 5 J~'lnguage, PENDAHULUAN Saya aku'i kebaikan daftar bilangan perkataau2 Melayu iui kapada sakalian tua11 2 yang kasebkan bahasa Melayu, terutama kapada mereka 2 yang mempelajari atau mengajarkan-nya. Tuan Le Prevost dengan kumpulan guru 2-uya boleh benar di-puji kerana pekerjaan-nya yang chermat dan sabar itu. Membuat daftar bilangan perkataan 2 ini ada-lab satu pekerjaan yang tinggi tecbnique-nya; kerana itu tidak-Iab sayogia-nya saya mesti memberi apa 2 ulasan berkenaan dengan cbara 2 bekerja yang telah di-gunakan oleb kumpulan itu; tetapi atu perkara yang boleh ' kita aku'i ia-itu jenis 2 baban yang di-amhil dan di-jadikan kandongan daftar itu ada-Iah luas; yang demikian di-perchaya'i daftar itu berguna dan betul. Tuan Le Prevost dengan bijak-nya telah menghadkan ulasan-nya berkenaan dengan daftar yang di-buat-nya ini di-atas chadangan2 yang sangat luas. Penyiasatan yang di-chadangkan-nya itu ada-Iah membukakan satu Japangan menyiasat yang sangat menarek hati dan dua daripada chadangan-nya it n saya rasa sangat mustahak. Maka satu daripada langkab akan datang yang mesti di-buat itu ia-Iab menunjokkan pula bagaimana chara 2-nya perkataan yang terla mpau kerap di-jumpa'i itu, di-pakai orang mengikut ikatan 2 ayat-nya yang betul. Sa-sunggoh-nya ini-Iab satu lapangan menyiasat perkara bahasa yang sa-benar2 yang memberi faedah kapada tuan 2 orang Melayu yang sedang mengambil berat di-atas nasib tlilisan persuratan Melayu. Tuan Le Prevost menegaskan juga tentang kekayaan bahasa mulut yang berbedza nampak-nya dengan keadaan bahasa tulisan yang sa-olab 2 tersekat daripada menerima perubahan dan tidak mahu di-perluaskan lagi cbara 2 menggunaka nnya. Membuat satu daftar, bilangan perkataan2 bahasa mulut, yang di-suslin mengikut suatu chara yang terator saperti yang di-buat ini, tidak-Iah sa-patut-nya menjadi satu perkara yang susah. Hanya apabila telah ada daftar yang saperti itu maka baharu-Iah dapat di-ikhtiarkan pula jalan 2 hendak mengkayakan bahasa tulisan itu dengan memasokkan perkataan 2 yang lebeh hidup dan dengan perkataan2 yan g telab jadi resaman bahasa dalam babasa mulut itu. Sa-bagaimana kata Tuan Le Prevost dalam penyata-nya, babasa itu ada-lab satu perkara yang hid up. Sa-benar-nya, bahasa itu memang terbitong atu daripada beberapa alat masbrakat bagi orang 2 yang men ggunakan-nya. Kami sakalian yang berhllbong 7 sa-tiap had den gan Bahasa Melayu, terasa akan perubahan bahasa itu, berubah sadikit demi sadikit di-sebabkan oleh pengaroh bah a a 2 asing dan fikiran luar yang meugena'i bahasa itu. Yang demikian nyata-lah bahawa di-kehendaki satu lagi daftar bilangan perkataan 2 pada suatu masa yang akan datang. Deugan jalan membandingkan k umpulan perkataan 2 yang pertan1a dan yan g kedua dalam daftar itu, akan terbokti beberapa perubaha n2 yang mengherankan; bahkan akan ternyata juga bagaimana chara 2-nya kerja 2 itu telah di-buat dan daripada-nya juga akan da pat kita memereksa apa 2 yang kurang yang patut di-baiki supaya terpeliha ra sa-tengah daripada sa-tengah lenggok bahasa yang asli itu. Saya berasa bangga babawa langkahan yang perta l11a dalam hal menyiasat bahasa Mel ayu dengan satu cbara technique yang tertentu ini telah di-buat oleh guru 2 ahli Ja batan P.elajaran-Singapura Mereka telah merintis jalan a-akan 2 sa l11a den gan yang telah di-tempoh oleh ahli2 bahasa dan persurata n sa-dunia saperti Tho rndike, Faucett, Itsu Maki, Palmer, West, Hornby, Eaton dan Bongers. Bagi diri saya, pencbobaan itu besar erti-nya se ba b bebanan kerja itu Lelah pun di-pikul oleh dua puloh delapan gur1l 2 Sekolah 2 Melaya. Sa-sunggoh-nya nasib ba hasa Melayu a kan datang itu akan terselal11at jika kesabara n da n tahan berenya h mencha ri kebetulan a-s uat n perka laa n 2 itll hidup berkobarz dalam gUlongan kaum guru-nya. A. W. FRISBY Pcnguasa Pelajaral/ Singapura 8 ACKNOWLEDGMEN TS I wi. h. to record Ihe patience and th e cheerful manner in which Ihe twenty-eight teachers toiled 1.0 assist me in Ihe preparation of this report. I wish to thank Che Mohd. Arif b. Ahmad thro ugh whose generosity we were able to count the necessary words occurring in his personal correspondence files. In particular I would like to pay trib ute to the care and interes t with which my colleague Clle Abdul Karim h. Mob el. Shariff' un dertook the translatio n of Part 1. Lastly I wish to thank the Hon. Mr. A. W. Frisby, Director of Education, Singapore, who has encouraged me in t hi" work and ha~ consclli erl to write a Foreword to thi,,; repo rt. J. Le P. Singapore Febrncuy "'9.5.1 9 PENGAKUAN TER[MA KASER Saya stika merakamkan perasaan saya di-sini terhadap kapada sabar dan gembira-nya 28 orang guru2 Melayu yang telah bekerja dengan bersusah payah menolong saya menyediakan penyata ini. Saya lIchapkan terima kaseh kapada Che' Md. Arif bin Abmad, kerana dengan kemurahan hati-nya telah menyebabkan kita dapat membilang perkataan2 mustahak yang di-ambil daripada surat 2 kiriman-nya sendiri. Khas-nya, saya suka menyatakan pujian saya di-sini kapada rakan sa-jawat aya Che' Abdul Karim bin Mohd. 311ariff yang telah mengambil berat dan berhati 2 menterjemahkan Bahagian I itu. Penghabisan sakali saya sukacbita menguchapkan terima kaseh kapada Yang Berhormat Tuan A. W. Frisby, Penguasa Pelajaran, Singapura, yang telah memberangsangkan saya dalam kerja mengumpulkan perkataan 2 ini dan telah sudi menuliskan pendahuluan penyata ini. J. Le P. Singapore February 1953 10 CONTENTS 5 7 Foreword Pendahu luan Acknowl dgm ent~ Pengakuan terim a kaseh 9 10 PART I Report on motives. method and result::; Penyata tentang sebab 2 , chara 2 dan faedah 2-nya 14 22 PAR T II Words occurring at lea t once per 1,000,000 word Bila ngan ka li sa-suatu perkataan itu di-j umpa i dalam 1 j uta perkataan 36 PART III The 500 words occurring mo t freq uen lly and the 500 words occurri ng ne t most frequently 500 perkataan yang pertama dan 500 yang kedua 64 APPENDIC ES A List of materials u ed D aftar segala bahan 2 yang di-gunakan B List of names of teachers who took part D aftar nama guru 2 yang mengam bil ba hagian C Report pro forma used during the Count Penyata berkenaan dengan kemajuan bilangan itu 11 72 77 78 PART [ REPORT ON MOTIVES, METHOD AND RESULTS REPORT ON MOTIVES, METHODS AND RESULTS This is, I believe, the first comprehensive word frequency count made in the Malay language. It is a frequency count of the written language a represented broadly over di fferent fo rms of written material. T o enable students to asse s t he value of its findings, thi ection of th report will contain a detailed accoun t of the manner in which th project was conducted. The section will also indicate the motives which inspired the count and a provisional as e ment of its success and u ~efulness . M OTI ES Language i a living part of the people who use it. As they themselves change, 0 their language must change. To understand a people in their fullnes , an outsider must understand their language. To und erstand each other within a community, each person mu st ha e a thorough grasp of the common language. The administrator , the teacher, the leader, these three who seek to achieve good government, wi dom and unity of purpo e know full well the potency of a . ri h and adequate language, a language which will satisfy the social· economic, th political and the cultural needs of th e community, both in writing and in spe ell . These problem express them elves in commonplaces such as "the official lang uage", "the language of citizenship", "a comm on lan guage", " the materials and techniques of language teaching" . They are uppermo t in th minds of most responsible people in thi s coun try when they consider the problems of intercommunication and administration of a polyglot community, child education, adult ed ucation, a national language, a lingua franca and other aspects of the e vital problem within such a community. It was as an initial step, in the study of the Malay language and in 1he atisfaction of the fo ur immediate needs of our community, that this ta k of counting more than 22 million Malay word s was undertaken. The needs as I aw them were : (a) the ocial and political need to teach Malay quickly and e~ iently to the other rac s that live and work in Malaya an 1 mgapore. (b) the need for the production of a large amount of adequate, locally written and grad d reading material for child and adult schools. (c) the need for l' earch into tbe vocab ulary of the Malay language, to d termine and develop its capacity to express the needs of a nation which is rapidly growing more literate and more co n. ciow; of the dema nds of mod ern technological developm ent. 14
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