Fall 2014 PDF - Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare

Women :
The CEOs of
Family Health
Issue No. 29/Fall 2014
Prioritize Your Health
All in the Family
Women and Heart Disease
visit: www.emhc.org
Five simple tips for a
healthier you.
Manage the risk of
hereditary breast cancer.
Learn to spot the hidden
symptoms of heart failure.
fa l l 2 0 1 4
On the cover
Research shows that women often take
the lead in making health care decisions
for their families . . . from making sure
that children receive vaccinations on
time to caring for aging parents. Our
cover story explores how four local
women manage their unique health
care situations, while three female
Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare leaders
share their perspectives on women
and healthcare today.
From left to right:
Gina Sharp
Linden Oaks Hospital
Sue Wojtowicz
Debbi Gora
Alicia Gomez
Tammy Koz
Mary Lou Mastro
President and CEO
Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare
Pam Davis
System CEO
Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare
In this issue
3 A Message from the CEO
Caring for yourself and your loved ones is vital.
See how Elmhurst Hospital can help.
New This Fall
Elmhurst Hospital opens its first walk-in clinics
inside two Jewel-Osco stores.
Health Connections
is published by the
Marketing Department of
Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare
For questions or
comments, email us
at [email protected]
14 New Medical Staff
Get to know the newest members of the Elmhurst
Hospital Medical Staff.
16 Classes and Events
Free and low-cost screenings, classes and events
help you get healthier and stay well.
4 Women: The CEOs of Family Health
These real-life stories demonstrate how women manage
the big picture while handling the tiniest details.
8 Five Ways to Make Your Health a Top Priority
Putting your own health on the back burner while you
tend to others? Move yourself up on the list.
10 Knowledge Is Power with Breast Cancer Prevention
Take a proactive approach to managing your own breast
health when the disease shows up in your family.
12 Turning Heart Failure Around
Linda Kilian thought that she had a nagging virus —
but her condition was diagnosed as heart failure.
13 Four Tips When Caring for Aging Parents
Learn four practical ways to ease the burden when
you’re in a caregiving role.
Elmhurst Memorial
155 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
(331) 221-1000
A M e s sAg e f ro M th e
Pr E S I DE nT a n D CEO
Let’s face it: when you are a working woman, it can be challenging to find the
new This Fall
time to see a doctor. I have three children, and trying to see providers at a time
that would work with our schedule was always a balancing act.
Studies have shown that women typically take charge of their families’ health
care. Whether they are working full time outside the home or as full-time moms,
their busy schedules make health care and easy access to providers more
important than ever. In this issue of Health Connections, you’ll read how four
local women facing different life situations manage their families’ care.
We understand what women — and men, many of whom also administer their
families’ health care — require, and we want to make their jobs easier. For everyday
health needs, our Immediate Care Centers are open seven days a week, including
weekends and holidays. Our ER wait time is available in real time on billboards,
online and on your mobile phone.
When illness goes beyond bumps and bruises, Elmhurst Hospital can help
you get back on your feet. For example, our outpatient Heart Failure Wellness Clinic
elmhurst Hospital opens its first two
walk-in clinics in the Westmont and River
Forest Jewel-oscos this fall. these clinics
are modeled after the successful edward
Hospital walk-in clinics. the new clinics will
be open 7 days a week and no appointment
is necessary — the perfect place to visit for
common illnesses, vaccinations, school/
sports physicals and health screenings.
helps people with a cardiac-related diagnosis ensure that they have a smoother
transition to their normal lives after discharge. As life stressors — such as taking
care of aging parents — pile up, it’s important for caregivers to remember to take
care of themselves too. Ladies, when you schedule the kids’ annual check-ups,
take time to schedule your annual mammograms and other preventive tests and
exams. For women with a family medical history who are concerned about their
risk of breast cancer, the High-Risk Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention Clinic
at the Elmhurst Memorial Center for Cancer Care can be a first step in preventing
the disease or catching it in its most treatable stage.
Elmhurst Memorial
Walk-In Clinics located
in Jewel-Osco
4 e. ogden Avenue, Westmont
(opened September 3)
7525 W. Lake street, River Forest
(opening later this fall)
Caring for your loved ones is a natural, vital part of life, and so is caring for
yourself. Get some fresh air. Lean on your family and friends. Don’t hesitate to
ask for help. And remember, we’re here to support you.
Monday through Friday: 8 am–7:30 pm
saturday/sunday: 9 am–4:30 pm
Most major insurance plans are accepted.
For more information, visit:
Mary Lou Mastro, R.N., M.S., FACHE
President and CEO
Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare
learn more: www.emhc.org
cover story :: women: ceo’s of family health
From left to right:
Gina Sharp
President, Linden Oaks Hospital
Pam Davis
System CEO, Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare
Mary Lou Mastro
President and CEO, Elmhurst Memorial
Women :
The CEOs of
Family Health
videos on
To hear more about
women and healthcare
today from our health
system CEOs, go to
health connections fall 2014
Women’s to-do lists are often marked in similar ways, whether they’re
written by stay-at-home moms or high-powered business executives.
Their daily tasks — both household and career-related — pull them in
varying directions. Their children need them to stay healthy and happy.
Their partners depend on them. But women can handle it. Not only
that, they become masters of juggling multiple projects and duties.
cover story :: women: ceo’s of family health
“A particular attribute of many of the
women I’ve worked with is their ability to
multitask. They manage their to-do lists and
inject some humor into their days, which
helps keep stress from getting the better of
them,” says Pam Davis, System CEO of
Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare.
And while men are often involved in their
families’ health care, women consistently
take the reins of their families’ health needs.
Women usually manage their kids’ annual
check-ups and vaccinations. They urge their
partners to get medical screenings and well
visits while squeezing in their own check-ups.
“We’re not saying men aren’t involved
in their health care decisions — many are.
And many take the lead for their households,” Davis says. “But we’re recognizing
the unique health care needs of women as
well as the responsibilities that women have
taken on for most households as the leading
health care decision-maker.”
Women make approximately 80 percent
of health care decisions for their families
and are more likely to be the caregivers
when a family member falls ill, according
to the U.S. Department of Labor. The role
may have stuck because women tend to use
health care more than men, especially during
and after child-bearing — they get used to
regular check-ups for themselves and extend
that habit to their loved ones.
Alicia Gomez
A working mother of three from Chicago,
Alicia Gomez, 56, has had more experience
with health care than she ever imagined
she would.
Her kids — all of whom were born at
Elmhurst Hospital — are adults now. But 20
years ago, Gomez went through one of the
most difficult experiences of her life when
her daughter, then 7, needed a liver transplant. The event took an emotional toll on her
family while the medical costs took a huge
chunk of their finances. She and her husband
worked full time, staggering their shifts so one
parent would always be with their children.
“I never stopped doing my job because we
had to support her; we had to pay the bills,”
Gomez says. “I would come home to cook
and clean. Between cooking and cleaning,
I slept maybe two or three hours; it was
very exhausting.”
Throughout, Gomez scheduled medical
check-ups for her children, took them to
their doctor appointments and penciled in
her own physicals. She learned to go with
the flow while keeping her family’s health
on track.
“We know our families’ schedules. We’re
the gatekeepers of who is going where
and when,” says Gina Sharp, president of
Linden Oaks Hospital. “I think people often
assume that your life is equally balanced
between work and family,” Sharp says. “But
it’s not this perfect, even cycle. It is a little
bit of a roller coaster. You have to be able
to adjust.”
AG E: 56
Women in Healthcare: By the Numbers
7 %
of the managers at
Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare
are women. Of the system’s
207 female managers,
77 are in senior positions.
of U.S. hospital CEOs are
women (source: State of
Women in Health 2013
by Rock Health.
of Edward-Elmhurst
Healthcare’s employees are women (6,119
out of 7,334).
of doctors on staff
at Edward-Elmhurst
Healthcare (566 out
of 1,808) are female.
of the system’s hospital presidents/CEOs are female — Pam Davis, system CEO
of Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare; Mary Lou Mastro, president and CEO,
Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare; and Gina Sharp, president, Linden Oaks Hospital.
“We know our families’ schedules.
We’re the gatekeepers of who
is going where and when.”
Gina SHaRP, PRESiDEnt Of
LinDEn OakS HOSPitaL
learn more: www.emhc.org
Sue & Debbi
AG E: 41
AG E: 47
Debbi Gora and Sue Wojtowicz
“Recognizing that you
can’t do it all is a step
toward lower stress.”
Mary Lou Mastro,
president and Ceo of eLMhurst
Sisters Debbi Gora and Sue Wojtowicz
know all about striving for balance. Their
lives got more hectic once these mothers of
three and four children, respectively, had
their babies at Elmhurst Hospital. Now the
women also are in charge of caring for
their elderly parents whose needs change
often. Their mother has had Alzheimer’s
disease for almost 10 years, and their father is
battling a recent cancer diagnosis.
“I do the grocery shopping for my parents
once a week, and I get their prescriptions
refilled. I take care of any other things they
need,” says Wojtowicz, 41, of Roselle. “Then
we come home to our own lists. Groceries,
laundry, dinner. Check, check, check. I just
power through it all.”
MeMoriaL heaLthCare
Did you
health connections fall 2014
Women utilize more health
care than men, in part because of
their need for reproductive services.
Females of all ages accounted for
57 percent of all expenses incurred
at doctors’ offices in 2011.
She tag-teams with Gora, 47, of Bartlett,
who takes their parents to doctor appointments, interviews home health providers,
researches treatment options and fixes meals
for them.
“Between all our kids’ schedules and my
parents’ needs, literally our jobs have been
managing their lives,” Gora says, adding that
she leans heavily not only on Wojtowicz but
also on her husband, children and friends
for help. “I’m run ragged sometimes. I’m
exhausted. This is a full-time job.”
“Recognizing that you can’t do it all is a
step toward lower stress,” says Mary Lou
Mastro, president and CEO of Elmhurst
Memorial Healthcare.
“When you have a full-time job and kids,
life is very busy, very stressful,” Mastro says.
“I start every day with prayer and meditation. That puts my mind in the right place.
I realize that, at the end of the day, I don’t
control everything.”
Women make approximately
80 percent of health care
decisions for their families and are
more likely to be the caregivers when
a family member falls ill.
cover story :: women: ceo’s of family health
Pam DaviS, SyStem CeO,
eDwarD-eLmhUrSt heaLthCare
AG E: 36
Tammy Koz
Keeping stress under control is crucial for
Tammy Koz, 36, of Plainfield, a working
mother of two who has lupus. Doctors have
always been an integral part of her life, as
she has upwards of 10 check-ups each year.
Her oldest daughter, Zoe, who was born a
micropreemie, also has multiple doctor visits
annually. But for Koz, it’s business as usual.
“It’s just like anything else a mom has to
balance. As women, we can balance a lot.
It’s just another thing you have to put on the
calendar,” Koz says.
Besides regular doctor visits, Koz says that
she makes her health a priority by eating
healthy, exercising several times a week and
going to bed by 10 p.m. each night.
“With lupus, one of the biggest triggers for
me is stress and lack of sleep,” Koz says. “It’s
really important for me to get seven hours of
sleep at night, or I can feel my lupus flaring up.
Maintaining my schedule is important.”
Between her personal appointments
and her kids’ check-ups, Koz says that she
couldn’t get it done without the help she
receives from her husband and her assistant
at work. That, and the weekend and evening
appointment hours her Edward Hospital–
affiliated physicians offer.
Koz says that she appreciates new technology like MyChart, an electronic medical
record that allows patients to see their
appointment history, schedule appointments and communicate with their doctors’
offices online. And she doesn’t hesitate
to take her kids to the Edward Plainfield
Emergency Department if necessary.
“To keep up, healthcare needs to be convenient, accessible and easy to manage.
Edward-Elmhurst Healthcare has responded
and continually strives to implement new
technology toward that end,” Davis says.
“One really wonderful new service we’ve
started . . . is the walk-in clinics. It’s a reason-
10.3 million women were
single mothers living with children
The labor force participation
rate — the percent of the population
younger than 18 in 2012, up from
3.4 million in 1970.
working or looking for work — for all
mothers with children under age 18
was 69.9 percent in 2013.
able price; it’s easy-in, easy-out; and you can
fill your prescription at the same time.”
The walk-in clinics and immediate care
centers are open daily throughout the area
with hours of operation and wait times posted
online. You can also check the wait times
for emergency departments in Elmhurst,
Naperville and Plainfield online or with a
text message.
And the future looks even brighter, as
technology continues to evolve — making
health care one less thing for mom to tack
on her to-do list.
To find a physician
for your family
visit www.emhc.org/findadoctor
U.S. Department of Labor: www.dol.gov/
U.S. Census Bureau: www.census.gov/
Bureau of Labor Statistics: www.bls.gov/
learn more: www.emhc.org
Ways to Make Yo
Y ur
Find a great
primary care
“Your primary care physician can support
you in developing healthy habits and
coordinate a schedule of screenings
to catch potential problems early, when
they’re most easily treated,” says Dorothy
Prusek, M.D., a board-certified internist
on the Elmhurst Hospital Medical Staff.
Vivien, 66, of Elmhurst, has been
Dr. Prusek’s patient for years. She
schedules an annual check-up without
fail each spring. “I’ve always been health
conscious. I do whatever I can,” Vivien
says. At age 60, she got a shingles
vaccination after learning at a wellpatient visit that the virus can affect
anyone who has had chicken pox.
health connections fall 2014
Even 30-minute walks at lunchtime
can do some good. Elizabeth, 61, of
Itasca, knows all about the importance
of exercise. She and her husband have
seven children, 17 grandchildren, one
great-grandchild and a second one on
the way. That group requires a pair of
active grandparents, and Elizabeth and
her husband are up for the challenge.
They are both diabetic, so exercise and a
healthy diet are integral parts of their daily
routines. “I exercise at least three times a
week. We have lots of stairs in the house,
and I go up and down the stairs a lot,”
Elizabeth says. “I try to take 10,000 steps
every day, and I wear a pedometer. I get
pretty close. Sometimes I even go over.”
Nobody’s perfect, but good choices
help keep you well. Take it from 98year-old Enes of Bensenville, who
starts almost every day with a bowl
of oatmeal sprinkled with flaxseed.
“I also eat an apple a day,” Enes says.
It’s easier to eat healthy when you
keep healthy options handy at home.
When you’re a working mother, healthy
meals can require some advance
preparation. “I try to eat as many fresh
fruits and vegetables as I can — mainly
salads,” says single working mom
Jessica, 29, of DeKalb. “I try to make
lunches and dinners ahead of time
and avoid drinking a lot of pop.”
Squeeze in
some exercise
Make healthy
diet choices
feature :: five ways to make your health a top priority
Health a To
T p Priority
Women often take on many roles — mom, full-time employee, caregiver, household CEO.
They’ve got multitasking down to a science. They can get their work done — whether
household chores, corporate presentations or both — run their kids to soccer games
and dance lessons, and still somehow find time to eat and sleep. One thing that tends
to fall off their radar, however, is self-care.
y g healthy
y doesn’t have to take up
p all of your
, says
y Asma Ayub,
y , M.D.,
a family practice specialist with Elmhurst Memorial Elmhurst Clinic. “Make healthy
choices a part of your daily routine to feel better and stronger.
Get a good
night’s sleep
When you’re constantly on the go, it’s
easy to crash into a snooze at the end
of a busy day. “I stay busy during the
day, so it’s not hard for me to get a good
night’s sleep,” Jessica says. However,
insomnia can be caused by stress and
anxiety or a loss of estrogen during
menopause. Talk to your doctor if you
struggle to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep.
Keep yourself
mentally healthy
If stress is keeping you up at night, taking
time for yourself is crucial. “I read. And
now that the weather’s nice, I’m outside
gardening,” Elizabeth says. “A lot of my
mental health comes from being around
my family. The grandkids keep us busy.”
Regular massages, outings with
friends and nights at the movies help
keep Vivien’s stress at bay. “I don’t
really meditate, but I try to keep my
schedule as simple as I can,” she says.
Tell us how you make
health a top priority.
Visit www.facebook.com/
Looking for a primary care physician?
Visit emhc.org/findadoctor or call CareMatch
at (331) 221-2273 to find one near you.
learn more:
more: www.emhc.org
feature :: breast health program
Is Power with Breast
Cancer Prevention
“ Like mother, like daughter”
often means good things if
you are talking about cooking
skills, sense of humor or math
smarts. However, no daughter
wants to follow in her mother’s
footsteps when it comes to
breast cancer.
Jennifer Trevino, 39, of Hawthorne Woods,
is now taking a proactive approach to breast
cancer prevention after her mother Ethel
Lores, 70, of Deerfield, underwent surgery
for breast cancer three years ago. Trevino, a
working mother of two, had her first baseline mammogram at 35 since breast cancer
not only affected her mom but also her
mom’s four sisters. “I have a 40 percent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer due to
my family history. I would rather be safe
than sorry,” Trevino explains.
Because of her strong family history,
Trevino was a candidate for the BRCA
gene blood test. A woman’s risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer is greatly
increased if she inherits a harmful mutation
in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. Fortunately,
Trevino’s results came back negative, but
had they come back positive, Trevino was
prepared for any next steps. She continues
to see Christine Gresik, M.D., breast surgical oncologist who manages the Elmhurst
Memorial High-Risk Breast Clinic, on an
annual basis, and she alternates between a
mammogram and breast MRI testing to
keep a close eye on her situation.
From left to right: Jennifer Trevino and Ethel Lores
health connections fall 2014
“Our High-Risk Breast Clinic emphasizes
that screening for breast cancer is not a one
size fits all,” says Dr. Gresik. “Women need
to be individually assessed so that a customized imaging and surveillance plan can be
designed for each woman based on her
individual risk factors.” Dr. Gresik adds that
up to one-third of all breast cancers are
now thought to be preventable through
various risk-reduction strategies, including
simple diet and exercise regimens.
Trevino says that the knowledge she now
has about breast cancer and the preventive
steps that can be taken is something that she
will instill in her 6-year-old daughter when
she is older. “I hope that in 15–20 years
there is even more that they can do with
medication and technology,” she says.
Lores and Trevino both agree that
women should see their doctor for annual
check-ups, follow the mammography
guidelines and be proactive. “You need to
control what you can,” says Lores, who
maintained a positive attitude throughout
her chemotherapy and radiation treatment,
and has now become a mentor to her
friends with breast cancer. “Breast cancer
certainly changes your life. I now live life
to the fullest, although the chance of recurrence is always in the back of my mind.”
Taking a Closer Look
For women who are concerned about their
risk of breast cancer, the High-Risk Breast
Cancer Screening and Prevention Clinic at
the Elmhurst Memorial Center for Cancer
Care can help women take the first step in
preventing the disease or catching it in its
earlier, most treatable stage. A team of cancer
specialists and other clinicians work with
women to not only identify the risk but also
develop a plan of action to reduce the risk.
Genetic counselor Christina Lavin,
M.S., LCGC, is part of this team and helps
women decide if genetic testing or a personalized risk-reduction plan is needed.
Who would benefit
from a breast cancer
risk assessment?
If you have any of the following risk factors,
talk with your doctor about whether a risk
assessment would be right for you:
• A personal or family history of breast
Christina Lavin, M.S., LCGC
cancer diagnosed before age 50 on
either your mother’s or father’s side.
• A personal or family history of ovarian
“I take a thorough family history and
talk them through genetic testing once a
patient has been identified as a candidate
for this program,” says Lavin. Depending
on the results from their testing, they may
or may not require a more invasive or
aggressive approach to treatment. Some of
those more aggressive approaches could
include more frequent mammograms and/
or additional imaging modalities, such as a
breast MRI. “There are also medical therapies for risk reduction, such as Tamoxifen
pills or surgical intervention for those at
highest risk,” explains Lavin.
Lavin, who has been a genetic counselor
for 16 years, says that the field of genetic
testing is very exciting and rapidly changing. “Genetic testing is becoming much
more cost effective and available to the
consumer. However, women should still
double-check with their insurance company regarding coverage.”
“Only 5–10 percent of all cancers are
hereditary, but for those who have a family
history, knowing what might lie ahead can
help put their minds at ease or prepare them
to take a more aggressive approach,” says
Lavin. “Sometimes people just want to know,
so they can help other family members.”
cancer at any age.
• A family history of male breast cancer
at any age.
• A history of three or more family members
on the same side diagnosed with
breast cancer.
• Chest wall radiation received before age 30.
• Known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation(s)
in a family member.
• Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, together
with a personal or family history of
breast or ovarian cancer.
For more information or to make an
appointment, please contact the High-Risk
Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention Clinic
at the Elmhurst Memorial Center for Cancer
Care at (331) 221-5900, or visit us on the
Web at www.emhc.org/BreastHealth.
Christine Gresik, M.D.
Breast Surgical Oncologist
Schedule a Mammogram
To schedule a mammogram or to learn more about our screening
and diagnostic services, visit www.emhc.org/mammo, or call (331) 221
learn more: www.emhc.org
department :: turning heart failure around
Turning Heart Failure Around
Linda Kilian, of Chicago, never knew how
important listening to one’s body could
be until she ended up in the Elmhurst
Hospital Cardiac Care Unit with heart
failure in February.
Despite the fact that heart problems run in her
family, Linda had always been healthy and active.
“I have hardly been sick a day in my life. I take
vitamins, try homeopathic remedies and have
a great immune system,” says Linda, 53.
However, little did Linda know that treating
her flu/bronchitis symptoms at home last
November could land her in the hospital for
nearly three weeks. “Over the winter, I just
wasn’t getting better. I was having trouble
breathing and was starting to feel like I was
gaining weight from eating healthy foods to
keep my strength up. But, in reality, I was
retaining fluid from heart failure.” Linda said
that her water retention started out slowly,
but it became more rapid as her symptoms
Eventually, Linda got so bad that her brother,
who lives in Naperville, brought her to the
Elmhurst Hospital Emergency Department.
“The doctors were shocked at the amount of
fluid that I had around my heart. I ended up
with a pacemaker in the process,” says Linda.
Linda was treated by a group of doctors,
including Ali Valika M.D., a cardiologist with
Midwest Heart Specialists. “I was happy to
have Dr. Valika on my side because he had also
saved my brother’s life when he was a patient
at Edward Hospital.”
Her diagnosis was heart failure complicated
by irregular heart rhythm preceded by flu-like
symptoms. “Linda was exceptionally ill at the
time of her new diagnosis of weakened heart
muscle, or cardiomyopathy, and had significant arrhythmias and low blood pressure
complicating her initial care. Through medication adjustments, Linda did remarkably
well with eventual improvement in her heart
function over time,” explains Dr. Valika.
While in the hospital, Linda was visited
by Sharon Casey, M.N., R.N., ANP-BC, a
heart failure advanced practice nurse who
manages Elmhurst’s Heart Failure Wellness
Clinic. This outpatient clinic helps patients
with cardiac-related diagnoses make the
transition back to their normal lives after
discharge. In Linda's case, Casey helped
control fluid retention by putting her on
a low-sodium diet while also helping her
manage multiple medications and blood
pressure issues.
“Coordination of care and refining selfmanagement skills are key for heart patients.
We spend a lot of time with patients in the
clinic going over medical details,” explains
Casey, adding, “Linda maintained a positive
attitude and improved dramatically
throughout her visits.”
“I have lost all of the 40-plus pounds
nds of
ut my
water weight that I gained throughout
ordeal. I am back to exercising and can
walk one to three miles a day,” says Linda.
ymp“As women, we tend to ignore our sympnk that
toms because we are so busy or think
we can manage them at home. In addition
to getting a flu shot every year, I would
uld tell
any woman out there to check with her
doctor when something doesn’t feel
right, such as back pain, fatigue,
shortness of breath, a cough you
can’t kick and fluid retention as
these could be signs of something
more serious.” Linda will also continue to see Dr. Valika on a regular
basis due to her risk of hereditary
heart disease.
Ali A. Valika, M.D.
“ Through medication adjustments, Linda did
remarkably well with eventual improvement
in her heart function over time.”
health connections fall 2014
From left to right:
Sharon Casey, M.N., R.N., ANP-BC
and Linda Kilian
Signs of Heart Failure*
> Shortness of breath
> Persistent coughing or
> Buildup of excess fluid
in body tissues
> Tiredness or fatigue
> Lack of appetite or nausea
> Confusion or impaired
> Increased heart rate
* Source:
American Heart Association
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feature :: aging parents
Four Tips
When Caring for
Aging Parents
n years ago
ago, only three
percent of men and nine percent
of women helped provide basic
care for parents. Today, there are
10 million adult children caring for
aging parents, according to the
MetLife Mature Market Institute.
Caring for your aging parents can be the highest calling of your life. However, it can also add
significant demands of time and money. In
some cases, these personal sacrifices can
create bitterness and regret, causing ill will
toward the very people that you love and have
pledged to help.
“How a family cares for aging parents varies based on cultural, religious or other family
values and beliefs,” says Valerie Hankamp,
LCSW, CCM, manager of case management
at Elmhurst Hospital. “However, there are
several things that people can do to plan for
this responsibility.”
1 :: Don’t wait to communicate.
Make sure that you understand what your
parents want if you wind up with the legal power
and responsibility to make health care decisions
for them. “It is important to have these conversations early, before your parents are unable
to make their wishes known,” says Hankamp.
“The last thing you want is to guess or debate
with other family members what your parents
would have wanted.” Setting up an advance
directive is a good place to start. Documenting
your parents’ wishes today means that your
family won’t have to make heart-wrenching
decisions later.
2 :: Make a caregiving budget.
4 :: Talk to your parents and their doctor(s).
Before making a lifestyle decision with financial consequences, such as quitting your job
or raiding your retirement fund, put together
a comprehensive look at what you are spending on caregiving. Make a companion list of
your parents’ resources and how they might be
better used to support caregiving activities.
Without written permission from your parents,
health care privacy laws will prevent their
doctor(s) from talking with you regarding any
aspect of your parents’ electronic medical
records (EMR). If you have this approval, you
are in a better position to help facilitate, navigate
and support them when they need it.
3 :: Assess if keeping your
parents in their home is feasible.
While the responsibilities of caring for an aging
parent might seem to overshadow the benefits at
times, it’s important to remember the rewards of
the situation as well. Many people find that caring
for aging parents is a growth experience, which
creates an opportunity for all concerned to learn
more about themselves. For parents, having a
child around to spend time with, and provide
care, may make a difference in quality of life.
Most people want to grow older in their own
home, surrounded by possessions and memories. However, if you are in charge of taking care
of your parents and they remain at home, you
will also be responsible for the upkeep of their
home as well as your own. This could cause
additional financial and time stressors on the
family if a plan is not put in place
ce early on.
MyEMH Record
MH Record is an interactive Web portal that empowers
you to take a more active role in your and your family’s health
care by providing easy, secure access to health information
and online communications. To set up your account, go to
www.myrecord.emhc.org or call (331) 221-0585.
learn more: www.emhc.org
New Medical Staff
Rameez Alasadi, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
100 Spalding Drive
Ste 208
Naperville, IL 60540
Matthew Beal, M.D.
Spine Surgery
Northwestern Medical
Faculty Foundation
675 N. St. Clair Street
Galter Pavilion
Ste 17-100
Chicago, IL 60611
Sonjai Bhatia, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Tibor Boco, M.D.
Neurological Surgery and
Spine Surgery, S.C.
1 Westbrook Corporate Center
Ste 800
Westchester, IL 60154
health connections fall 2014
Elmhurst Hospital welcomes
these new medical staff members:
Ciarán Bradley, M.D.
General Surgery
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
James Carroll, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Juan Flores, M.D.
Pulmonary Medicine
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Daniel Frank, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
430 Warrenville Road
Ste 300
Lisle, IL 60532
Charles Galanis, M.D.
Plastic & Reconstructive
University Plastic Surgery, LLC
100 Spalding Drive
Ste 206
Naperville, IL 60540
Chris Geannopoulos, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
John Giardina, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Jean Goodman, M.D.
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Loyola Maternal Fetal Medicine
2160 S. First Avenue
Maywood, IL 60153
Dennis Karsh, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
M. Ammar Katerji, M.D.
Pediatric Neurology
Katerji Pediatric Neurology
and Associates
1220 Iroquois Avenue
Ste 140
Naperville, IL 60563
Silpa Katta, M.D.
Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation
Marianjoy Medical Group
17W682 Butterfield Road
Ste 300
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Nicholas Kujala, M.D.
Elmhurst Radiologists
155 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
department :: new medical staff
Leslie Mattson, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
155 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Jill Moran, M.D.
Maternal Fetal
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
100 Spalding
Ste 112, MOB 1
Naperville, IL 60540
Patrick O'Leary, M.D.
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
133 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Wayne Paprosky, M.D.
Midwest Orthopedics at Rush
25 N. Winfield Road
Ste 505
Winfield, IL 60190
Thomas Poepping, M.D.
G&T Orthopaedics &
Sports Medicine
1200 S. York Road
Ste 4190
Elmhurst, IL 60126
William Schueler, M.D.
Elmhurst Memorial
Neurosciences Institute
Affiliation with
Northwestern Medicine®
1200 S. York Road
Ste 3160
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Donald Taylor, D.O.
Maternal Fetal
DuPage Medical Group, Ltd
100 Spalding
Ste 112, MOB 1
Naperville, IL 60540
Call CareMatch at (331) 221-CARE (2273) to find the right doctor for you.
Or visit us online at www.emhc.org for a complete search and find a
physician who meets your specific needs.
Ramzi Zureikat, M.D.
Elmhurst Memorial
Elmhurst Clinic
155 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, IL 60126
learn more: www.emhc.org
department :: classes and events
Classes and Events
Elmhurst Hospital
155 E. Brush Hill Road, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Elmhurst Memorial Lombard Health Center
130 S. Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148
Elmhurst Memorial Addison Health Center
303 W. Lake Street, Addison, IL 60101
Advances in Spine Care
7 pm, Wednesday, Oct. 29
Elmhurst Hospital
Arboretum Conference Center, Oak Room
Please join nicholas Mataragas, M.D., orthopedic
spine surgeon with the spine center of the DuPage
Medical Group and elmhurst Hospital medical
director of the spine program, who will speak
about diagnosis and treatment options for back
pain, reconstructive spine surgery and minimally
invasive spinal implant technologies and the use
of artificial discs. Dr. Mataragas is one of the first
surgeons to bring minimally invasive surgical techniques to the chicagoland area and is one of a few
surgeons nationally that routinely performs multilevel minimally invasive anterior lumbar fusions.
Refreshments will be provided.
Are you a smoker or were you a smok
in the past? Have you been exposed to
other environmental conditions that
can affect lung health? Please come
and learn about prevention, risk factors
and early diagnosis and evaluation.
Treatment approaches and new
advances in lung cancer screening,
including the low-dose CT Lung Screening (LDCT) for at-risk patients, will be
presented by our panel of physician
experts, part of the Elmhurst Hospital
multidisciplinary thoracic team:
Phillip Cozzi, M.D., pulmonary medicine
physician with Elmhurst Memorial Elmhurst Clinic
Michael DaValle, M.D., cardiovascular surgeon
with Cardiac Surgery Associates
Andy Su, M.D., radiation oncologist with
Fox Valley Radiation Oncology
Lucio DiNunno, M.D., hematologist-oncologist
with Elmhurst Memorial HematologyOncology Associates
Vivek Dave, M.D., diagnostic radiologist with
Elmhurst Hospital Radiology
Katie Opfer, R.N, M.S., OCN, lung nurse navigator
the evening will conclude with music and a light vigil in support of lung health.
Take a Break from
Your Headache
7 pm, tuesday, Jan. 13
Elmhurst Hospital
Arboretum Conference Center, Oak Room
the head is the most common site of pain in
the body. A headache is continuous pain in the
head or neck. if you are suffering from chronic
headaches, please join our physicians: Brian
couri, M.D., physical medicine and rehabilitation
physician with the elmhurst Memorial
neurosciences institute in affiliation with
northwestern Medicine® and Donald Lussky, M.D.,
neurologist with RLt neurologic Associates on
staff at elmhurst Hospital, who will speak about
types of headaches, current treatment options
available and when further intervention is required.
Refreshments will be provided.
health connections fall 2014
Take the free 5-minute online test and learn your risk.
Register Today!
We make registering for classes and
events easy. Please visit us online or
call CareMatch to register. Upcoming
dates and times are available.
Visit www.emhc.org/classes
Registration is required for all
classes and events. Payment is
due at the time of registration.
Call CareMatch at (331) 221-CARE
Chair Yoga
4 pm, Mondays, Oct. 20–Nov. 24 or
Dec. 8–Jan. 26, (No classes Dec. 22
or 29), Elmhurst Memorial Lombard
Health Center, Community Room, $45
Yoga develops a sense of well-being
by revitalizing the mind, body and
spirit. Enjoy the benefits of efficient
breathing, improved mental focus
and increased flexibility.
7:15 pm, Wednesdays, Oct. 15–
Nov. 19 or December 3–Jan. 21,
(No classes Dec. 24 or 31) Elmhurst
Memorial Lombard Health Center,
Community Room, $40
Pilates is a low-impact exercise that
improves overall body strength,
stability, balance and posture through
a series of exercises that conditions
the core muscles in the abdomen.
Tai Chi for Health: Arthritis,
Pain, Balance, Breath
10 am, Tuesdays and
11 am, Tuesdays (Advanced),
Oct. 21–Nov. 25 or Dec.9–Jan. 27
(No classes Dec. 23 or 30)
6 pm, Thursdays and
7 pm, Thursdays (Advanced),
Oct. 30–Dec. 11 (No classes Nov. 27)
or Jan. 8–Feb. 12 (No classes Dec. 25
or Jan. 1) Elmhurst Memorial Lombard
Health Center, Community Room, $40
Tai Chi is a gentle, low-impact
approach to fitness that can ease
the pain and stiffness of arthritis.
Flowing, gentle movements increase
flexibility, muscle strength, joint range
of motion, heart and lung capacity,
and posture and balance.
Screenings are a great way to assess your
health risks and identify health problems early,
while they are more likely to be prevented or
treated successfully.
Blood Pressure Screenings
10 am–Noon, fourth Thursday of every month,
Elmhurst Hospital, Soukup Herter Library and
Resource Center, Free (No classes Nov. 27 or Dec. 25)
Know Your Numbers
8–11 am, Friday, Nov. 7, Elmhurst Memorial Addison
Health Center, Community Room, $15
A wellness screening that includes a total cholesterol,
HDL, LDL, triglycerides and glucose measurement.
The screening test is a Cholestech fingerstick.
Results are available within 10 minutes and will be discussed
with each participant following the screening. A light
breakfast will be provided. Fasting 12 hours is required.
Elmhurst Hospital has partnered with
Wellness House to provide a hospitalbased program to meet the needs of
cancer patients and their families.
Center For Cancer Care
Breast Cancer: Free Education, Exercise and Wellness Class
1–2 pm, second Thursday of the month, Evergreen Room
6:30–7:30 pm, fourth Thursday of the month, Evergreen Room
The Elmhurst Hospital lymphedema certified physical therapy team will
facilitate informative twice monthly educational and wellness classes for
patients diagnosed with breast cancer and their families. Learn about techniques
to improve quality of life throughout your treatment regimen. Topics covered
will include: what to expect after breast surgery, exercises to improve range
of motion after surgery, prevention and signs and symptoms of lymphedema
and information on therapy treatment available to assist with quality of life.
Please contact Kelly Stein for questions related to this class at (331) 221-6037.
Life After Cancer: Your Personal Meaning of Survivorship
3–4:30 pm, Wednesdays, Oct. 22–Nov. 12, Elmhurst Memorial
Center for Cancer Care, Conference Room
6–8 pm, Mondays, Oct. 6 and Dec. 1 and
1–3 pm, Mondays, Nov. 3 and Jan. 5, Elmhurst Memorial Center
for Cancer Care, Conference Room, Free
You have been told that you are a cancer survivor, but what does that
mean to you? Treatment is over and everyone around you believes that
you are back to normal, but inside you know that your life has changed
in profound ways. The program is based on the book Picking Up
the Pieces: Moving Forward After Surviving Cancer by Sherri Magee,
Ph.D. and Cathy Scalzo, M.S.O.D. This series will guide you as you take
a deeper look at physical, emotional, spiritual and relationship changes
with the intention of moving forward and healing. Open to post-treatment cancer survivors. Attendance at each session is not required.
Questions? Please contact Kelly Stewart, M.S.W., L.S.W.
[email protected] or (630) 654-5115.
Learn beauty techniques to conceal the appearance-related side
effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
Art in Nature & Nature in Art
Look Good, Feel Better
6–8 pm, Friday, Oct. 10 and Dec. 12 and
1–3 pm, Fridays, Nov. 14 and Jan. 9, Elmhurst Memorial Center
for Cancer Care, Conference Center, Free
A new way to perform breast self-exam, taught by a certified
instructor who will help you detect a lump or potential abnormality
earlier than you thought possible.
Registration is required for all classes and events.
Payment is due at the time of registration.
6–8 pm, Thursdays, Oct. 30–Nov. 20, Elmhurst Hospital
Arboretum Conference Center, Birch Room
Come and explore nature’s patterns throughout art. We will focus
on simplicity, flow and free form. By creating, we will come closer
to nature and produce some beautiful art. All skills are welcome.
The class is available to cancer survivors and their caregivers.
Registration required for the above classes. Register at
www. wellnesshouse.org or call (630) 323-5150.
Visit www.emhc.org/classes
by PHonE:
Call CareMatch at (331) 221-CARE
learn more: www.emhc.org
prenatal and postnatal
Preparing for Childbirth
Mommy and Baby Hour
It is best to register for this program during your 20th week of pregnancy.
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
Option 1
this is a series of classes that helps parents-to-be prepare for
their baby’s birth by hearing about what to expect during labor
and during their hospital stay. topics include the signs of labor,
breathing and relaxation techniques, what to expect at the
hospital, pain relief, and information about epidurals and
cesarean sections. tour is included.
Option 2
this is a one-day, condensed version of option 1, designed to
meet the needs of busy parents-to-be. Find out what to expect at
the hospital, what the most important policies are and what your
pain management options will be. tour is included.
Option 3
this eLearning class is a self-paced program designed for
parents-to-be with busy schedules who would prefer to access
the classes from their own computer. You will receive a
complete education in a convenient and personalized format.
Adjusting to motherhood is exciting but challenging. An experienced
R.n. will guide weekly conversations with expert guests on many different
parenting topics. We welcome mothers and their infants to join our weekly
group. Bring a blanket for your baby to lie on.
Caring for Baby
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
the first days at home with a newborn can be a complete mystery to
new parents. this class will help you feel more confident about how to
feed, comfort and keep your baby safe and healthy. the class will cover
newborn appearance, senses and brain development, comfort techniques,
feeding, diapering, bathing, umbilical cord care, circumcision care,
sleeping, and health and safety.
Dogs and Storks
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
An international program designed to help expecting families with
dogs get ready for life with baby. this two-hour workshop promotes
techniques to create a safe and fun environment for the entire family.
Learn the basics of dog communication, your dog’s sensitivities, how
to introduce baby to dog, management techniques and how to decrease
attention-seeking behaviors.
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
Let a member of our lactation support team get you and your baby off to
a great start. soon-to-be moms and their partners will learn the benefits
of breastfeeding, how breastfeeding works, latch-on and positioning,
when to feed your baby, breast care and breastfeeding lifestyle.
Healthy Pregnancy, Happy Baby
Family Birthing Center Tours
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times, Free
the best way to get an idea of what your delivery day will be like is
to take a tour. You and your partner will get to see one of the actual
birthing rooms, and the hospital staff will explain the various monitors,
equipment and services offered.
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
nutrition and exercise can make pregnancy more enjoyable for you and
healthy for your baby. A dietitian will explain how to eat healthy, deal with
the discomforts of pregnancy and recognize the signs of preterm labor.
in addition, participants will tour the Family Birthing center. this class
should be taken between your 20th and 26th week of pregnancy.
Register Today!
We make registering for classes and
events easy. Please visit us online or
call CareMatch to register. Upcoming
dates and times are available.
Family Birthing Center Midwifery Tours
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times, Free
this tour of the Family Birthing center is specific for patients receiving
care from the midwifery practice at elmhurst clinic. the tour includes
a visit to the birthing suites and a review of alternative birthing options,
such as water birth.
Tours for Siblings
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times, Free
A brief tour for soon-to-be big brothers and sisters to see what their
moms’ hospital rooms will look like and hear what it will be like to have
a new baby in the family.
Infant Massage
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times, Free
Registration is required for all
classes and events. Payment is
due at the time of registration.
Visit www.emhc.org/classes
Call CareMatch at (331) 221-CARE
A fun and interactive three-week class. Babies show improved growth
and development after massage and also learn a great deal about
comfort, security and emotional bonding. You will practice massage
techniques under the guidance of a certified massage instructor.
Grandparent Baby Care Refresher
Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
class will cover newborn appearance, brain development, comfort care
techniques, feeding, diapering, bathing, umbilical cord care, circumcision
care, car seat safety and how to baby proof your home.
Friends and Family Infant/Child CPR
Monthly, Call CareMatch for location, dates and times
Breast Pump Rentals and Outpatient Lactation Visits
health connections fall 2014
Contact the Lactation Department at (331) 221-5433
Program Kits for Kids
Taking Care When Home alone (ages 9–12)
Germs Make Me Sick (Preschool, grade school)
Bicycle Safety (Preschool, grade school)
First aid and Safety (Preschool, grade school)
elmhurst Hospital has program kits for your children’s group.
You teach the class, we provide the syllabus and materials.
call careMatch at (331) 221-CARE to arrange for a program kit.
Are Your Kids Struggling with Unhealthy Weight?
ProActive Kids Can Help
Please contact CareMatch at (331)221-CarE for location and dates
elmhurst Hospital has partnered with ProActive Kids to offer
programs that teach children and their family ways to improve
health through exercise, nutrition lessons and health coaching over
an 8-week session. this life-changing health experience is offered
FRee to kids ages 8–14 who want to exercise and lose weight as well
as learn to eat right and gain self-confidence. to qualify, children
need to be in the 85th percentile for BMi. to learn more, visit
www.proactivekids.org or call (630) 681-1558.
CPR Classes
the following classes are offered at the elmhurst Memorial
Lombard Health center: cPR for Healthcare Providers,
Heartsaver cPR/AeD and Family and Friends cPR. Please
contact carematch at (331) 221-CARE for dates and
times of programs.
Memory Loss
7–8:30 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 7, Elmhurst Hospital
arboretum Conference Center, Oak room
early memory loss can cause many challenges for individuals
and those who support them. Please join elmhurst Hospital in
partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association to learn about early
signs of memory loss and the diagnosis process. the program will
focus on coping strategies and help individuals and their support
systems find available resources.
Living Responsibly, Dying with Dignity
End of Life Discussions
6:30–8:30 pm, Tuesday, nov. 11, Elmhurst Hospital
arboretum Conference Center, Elm/Maple rooms
elmhurst Hospital invites you to attend a presentation and panel
discussion about this important yet difficult topic to discuss.
Amaryllis Gil, M.D., oncologist with elmhurst Memorial Hematology/
oncology Associates; Mary Belville, R.n., radiation oncology nurse;
Don Dahlheimer, manager of pastoral care; Kathy Rossi, M.s.W.,
social worker; and Jeromy Guthrie, hospice chaplain, will speak
on dying with dignity, advance directives, nutritional needs at
end of life as well as managing symptoms and the spiritual
needs of the dying.
noon, Thursdays, Elmhurst Hospital,
Soukup Herter Library and resource Center, Free
Bring your lunch, enjoy a complimentary starbucks
beverage and listen to elmhurst Hospital physicians
and staff present a variety of interesting health topics.
Registration for these events is limited to two sessions
per person from October through January.
Oct. 2
Osteoporosis in Women
Dorothy Prusek, M.D., internal medicine physician
on the medical staff of elmhurst Hospital
Oct. 16
How Heart Failure affects Women
Ali Valika, M.D., cardiologist with Midwest Heart specialists
and on the medical staff of elmhurst Hospital
nov. 6
Diabetes awareness
Linda Vogt, R.n., certified diabetes educator on staff at
elmhurst Hospital
nov. 20
need to Stop Smoking?: american Lung association
QUITLInE Can Help You
Katie opfer, R.n.,M.s.,ocn, lung nurse navigator on
staff at elmhurst Hospital
Dec. 4
Dec. 18
Seasonal Depression and How You Can Beat the Slump
Ghassan Aldurra, M.D., psychiatrist and program director
of elmhurst Hospital Guidance services and on the medical
staff of elmhurst Hospital
Healthier Holiday Cooking
Jim Roth, elmhurst Hospital executive chef and Becky Waller,
R.D., L.D.n., dietitian on staff at elmhurst Hospital
Jan. 22
Cervical Cancer awareness Month: Current Guidelines
for Cervical/HPV Screening
Jennifer Kossoris, M.D., obstetrician and gynecologist
with RPW obstetrics/Gynecology and on the medical
staff of elmhurst Hospital
Refreshments will be provided.
Advance Directives
6:30–8:30 pm, Tuesday, nov. 18, Elmhurst Hospital
arboretum Conference Center, Elm/Maple rooms
A social worker will explain the options for documenting your end
of life choices. Documents including the state of illinois Living Will,
Health care Power of Attorney and PoLst (DnR) will be discussed.
Registration is
required for all
classes and events.
Payment is due at the
time of registration.
Visit www.emhc.org/classes
Call CareMatch at (331) 221-CARE
learn more: www.emhc.org
non - profit org .
u . s . postage
155 E. Brush Hill Road
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
elmhurst memorial
Become a fan
on Facebook!
Sunday, September 28 at 1 pm
At the Center for Cancer Care on the Elmhurst Hospital campus.
for cancer
Elmhurst Memorial Hospital Foundation
The Elmhurst Memorial Center for Cancer Care brings medical oncologists,
an infusion center, radiation oncology and the CyberKnife Center of Chicago
together under one roof. Proceeds will benefit oncology programs and services
at the Elmhurst Memorial Center for Cancer Care.
Join us for the Amazing
Walk as we share hope,
build awareness and
raise funds for the
Center for Cancer Care.
Registration fee is $25.
Registration at the event is $35.
For more information and
to register, please visit