KTC offers Large Cargo Container Scanner Systems as well as

KTC offers Large Cargo Container Scanner
Systems as well as radiation detection systems.
KTC integrates and delivers high-energy cargo screening for security, customs and other
specialized applications. The Drive Through Systems offers drive-through operations with
multi-level safety options which allows the drivers to safely remain in the cab during scans.
The dual-energy material discrimination illustrates organics from inorganic materials and
metals, enabling the System operators to work more efficiently and effectively. The System is
widely configurable with a multi-range of energy levels, integration and networking capabilities
and full stack of globally available optional features.
High Volume Large Cargo Container Scanner Systems
Ref Notes:
KTC specialist company Industrial Imaging Solutions has designed the flexible System platform
. This proprietary design involves a redesign of its patent protected Cargo Container Scanning
System. The System is capable of scanning (to the closest possible resolutions) two parallel
tracked cargo, each moving at up to 7.5 MPH in the same or in opposite directions. Both of
these systems use the World leading Varian High Energy Physics Package in conjuncture to the
Varian Linear Accelerator, along with the KTC HYTEC FlashCT® award winning software and
control systems.
The KTC System has proven and award winning solutions to the challenges in the other
commercially offered applications, which are the height of the energy beam and the opposed
detector (triple stacked car-carriers or double stacked container are quite high), the relatively
narrow space between edges of (potentially swaying) Cargo vehicles and handling the data
volume generated off the detectors.
KTC cargo container scanning systems scan 40-foot containers or entire tractor-trailers in 20-22
seconds, are relocatable, and feature outstanding subsystems, such as Varian Linear
Accelerators with the HEPP and the HYTEC software imaging, control, and storage systems
capable of outputting Internet transmittable encrypted images.
In Place (Fixed) Scanning Inspection Station for Trucks and Trailers
Technical Information and Data Sheets
Standard Feature Highlights:
Hi gh t hr oughput of 120 t o 180 Cont ai ner vehi cl es per hour
Mul t i pl e r ange of scanni ng speeds
Scanni ng speed up t o 12 km / 7. 5 m ph
O p e r a t i n g t em p e r a t u r e - 2 0 ° C t o + 5 0 ° C ( - 4 ° F t o + 1 2 2 ° F )
E f f i c i en t a n d r el i a b l e s ea r c h r es u l t s
Addi t i onal Packages:
· R&D Awar d wi nner Hyt ec Fl ashCT ® i nt egr at ed f or r eal t i m e
or gani c/ i nor gani c m at er i al di scr i m inati on at 6MeV
· Peopl e Saf e, Dr i ver saf e scan opt i ons
· Aut o Al er t Radi oact i ve Mat er i al Det ect i on
· A d v a n c ed i n t en s i f i er i m a g i n g s y s t em s f o r en h a n c ed v i s u a l m a t er i a l
di scr i m inati ons
Ref Notes:
KTC syst em s of f er accel er at or s wi t h ener gy gr ades f r om 4MeV t o 6MeV,
al l owi ng f or st eel penet r at i on f r om 250m m t o up t o 400m m whi l e
providing a high throughput. Highlights
The screening systems are capable to inspect cargo trucks with containers, and large
vehicles for threats such as explosives, narcotics, weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and
contraband, as well as manifest verification, reducing the need for manual inspection. The
modular and flexible compact design of the System provides the ability for the system to be
relocated, adapting to the user’s specific needs.
A user specific customized System installation
Typical Technical Data Sheet
General specifications
Nominal energy (MeV)
Scanning principle
System specifications
Scanning height
Max height under gantry
Min crew requirement
Relative humidity
Electrical consumption
Ref Notes:
Computer system
Image workstation
Image analysis tools
Database workstation
Data storage
Data archiving
Radiation protection safety
Full user Video surveillance, infrared barriers etc.
Multiple tri-color indicators, sirens & regulatory displays
Compliance WHO, ICRP 103 (ICRP 60), EU & US regulations
Health & security
Dose in the environment
Dose rate in operator room
Less than 0.5μSv/hour, and less than 1mSv/year
Less than 0.5μSv/hour (average) and less than 1mSv/year
Modular design to customer requirements
1’ -16’ (4.8 meters)
16’ (4.8 meters)
Up to 100%
30 kVA Standard operations – 50 kVA Optional Specs
Large size hi-res screen, workstations (user specific)
As per user specification
Fully compatible DMS
Marks and annotations, Histogram equalization, Contrast and edge
enhancement, filters, Material discrimination, Analytics and review
of image database, and data manifestation for specified analysis,
standard image formats, objects measurement
SQL database
Scalable SSD HDD
Multiple storage option (user specific)
4 to 6MeV
Pass through x-ray system with target vehicle driven through at
slow speed upto 12 Kmph/ 7.5 Mph
System Operational Configurations (Configurable)
Nominal energy (MeV)
6, Linear Accelerator M-6 Digitally Interlaced
Detector (HEPP)
M-6 Paired Detector: Photodiode Size: 4 mm x 30 mm
Crystal Type: CdWO41.3; Detectors/ Board: 32; ADC
Depth: 18 bit (typical); Gain Settings: 1 to 16 in 2 dB
increments; Vertical Detector Pitch: 4.6 mm; Module: 6
MeV with 32 channels
Detailed technical data for critical subsystems part of the Varian HEPP like Linatron M,
X Ray source, TCU, Detector Arrays etc. are available upon specific customer request
Additional Options
Free-Standing Radiation Detectors
T h e R a d i a t i o n D e t e c t i o n s y s t em s h a v e b e e n d e v e l o p e d b y T h e r m o El e c t r o n , i n
c l o s e w o r k i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p s wi t h m a j o r i n t e g r a t o r s i n c l u d i n g K T C a n d wi t h t h e
DO E ( Radi at i on Por t al Pr ogr am ) and t he US Depar t m ent of Hom el and Secur i t y .
T h e r e a r e f o u r m a j o r c o m p o n e n t s o f t h e r a d i a t i o n d e t e c t i o n s y s t em : t w o p r i m a r y
sensor s ( gamm a r adi ati on det ect ors and neut r on det ect ors); handhel d secondary
i n s p e c t i o n d e t e c t o r s a n d , t h e c o m p u t e r s y s t e m wh i c h l i n k s t h e f i r s t t w o a n d
pr ovi des inf orm ati on to t he port wor ker /i nspector who investi gat es a cont ai ner or
package af t er r ecei vi ng an al ar m f r om t he pr i m ar y sensor s .
T h r o u g h o u t t h e t r a n s i t c h a i n t h e I n t e g r a t e d K TC S e n s o r S h e d s c o u l d p r o v i d e x r ay and/ or neutr on pr obes , f aul t det ecti on m onit or i ng r ecei ver s, r adi at ion
det ect i on, and st at e- of - heal t h of t he r ai l car s and t he casks .
Vibration M itigation and M odeling
K T C – I S S- H Y T E C i s t h e f o r em o s t v i b r a t i o n m o d e l i n g a n d m i t i g a t i o n f i r m i n
t h e w o r l d . T h a t i s w h y w e w e r e c h o s e n f o r L I G O , P H E N I X, A T L A S ( U S A ) ,
D A H R T , L a r g e H a d r o n C o l l i d e r , G L A S T , A C T, S N A P , a n d t h e L o s A l a m o s
Neut r on Sci ence Cent er ’s 22 MV accel er ator pr oj ect s . For exam pl e t he
packagi ng of sensor s i n t he Yucca St or age f i el d r equi r es vi br at i on st abi l i t y .
Ref Notes:
KTC specialist companies are DCAA-Audited, DOE-Audited and Approved, ISO 9001-2000
Certified manufacturer and integrator of radiation detection, x-ray and neutron beam 2D and
3D imaging systems, and advanced sensors. Our user software won the coveted R&D 100
Award in 2003.
For any further information please contact :
Kl i ne T ec hnic al C ons ul ting: 6106 Am ber l y Pl ac e, Aus ti n T X 78759 ( U SA) ; ( 01) 505 - 310- 2679
In d u s t r i a l Im a g i n g S ys t e m s : 4 4 4 4 J u n i p e r o S e r r a S u i t e 2 0 0 S a n J o s e C A 9 5 1 2 9 ; ( 0 1 ) 4 0 8 - 4 9 9 - 7 7 7 7
www.klinenm.com ; www.solutionsinimaging.com
© 2012 KTC LLC and Industrial Imaging Systems LLC, All rights reserved.
Production of any of the material contained herein in any format or media without the express written permission of KTC LLC is prohibited.