CERN/MPS/OL 70-2 fevrier 1970 Rapports de 1a Division MPS parus du 1.7.1969 au 31.12.1969 LINAC ·CERN/MPS /LIN 69~15 CERN/MPS/LIN 69-16 CERN/MPS/LIN 69-17 CERN/MPS/LIN 69.,.;18 .Non-linear space charge effects in beam .dynamics. Beam dynamics in a proton linac with space . charge. C.S.Taylor, ·A.J.Davies,P.Tanguy M.Martini ·M.Prome Remarks on the phase acceptance of a quadrupole multiplet application to the doublet and the E.Rezenstreif symmetric triplet. ·.· .Encodeur de position. A.Van der Schueren, P.Tetu, J.J.Aebi, L .Bernard, H .Sartorio. CERN/H:PS/LIN 69-:-19 Computer simulation of space-charge effects in the linac-booster transfer line. J .Morrison . CERN/MPS/LIN 69-20 Computer simulation-of linac beam dynamics with space charse. : M.Martini 1-rPS/LIN No,te 69~4 ..· Extension de la me sure de dispersion d' i!hiergie. P. Tetu MPS/LIN Note 69-5 Programme pour l'etude des effets de charge d'espace et d'aberrations dans les systemes · de transport des faisceaux~ · CERN/MPS/HU-EP ' 69,-1 Possibilities of optimizing the operation cycle of a synchrotron, regarding the physics experiments. R.Gouiran CERN/MPS/MU,..EP 69-4 Computer treatmen~ of po\..rer .distribution to experimental beam transport elements.·· T.Anderson · M.Reinharz CERN/MPS/HU-EP 69-5 Intensity-measurements of: high energy pro.ton beams by the reaction 197Au (p,SPALLATION) 149Tb. li.Oeschler CERN/MPS/MU-EP 69-6 On the influence of some constraints upon the physics done around the CPS. PS/94 P.Tanguy R.Gouiran - 2 - MPS/MU-EP Note 69-1 Utilization of a high intensity PS prepared for the PS study and improvement programme. G.L.Munday MP$/MU-EP Note 69:-2 L'Instrumentation au CPS. C.Steinbach MPS/MU-EP Note 69:-3 Beam optics simulation ~sing the gamma display system. R.Gouiran MPS/MU-EP Note 69-5 Standard power supplies for the West Hall. R.Mosig MPS/MU-EP Note 69-6 Beam layout in West area II. MPS/MU-EP Note 69-7 Activation measurements in the e 5 beam. L.Hoffmann MPS/MU-EP Note 69-8 Project. of e 7 beam layout after the shut-down 1969. L.Hoffmann D.DUlllOllard MPS/MU-EP Nc:ite 69-9 ··Tentative shielding layout in the West area. L.Hoff~nn M.Reinhatz M.Reinharz MPS/MU-EP Note 69-10 Revised project of e7 beam layout after the shut-down 1969. D.Dumollard L.Hoffmann C.Steinbach MPS/MU-EP Note 69-11 The location of the g-2 experiment. G.L.Munday MPS/MU-EP Note 69-12 Tentative shielding layout in the West area II. M.Reimharz MPS/MU-E~ 6:~~; .. Addendum to the P.roject of e7 beam layout. D.Dumollard L.Hoffmann C.Steinbach CERN/MPS/MU-sn· ..· L.' aimant d' extraction "haricot". 69-2 D.J.Simon R.Michelier CERN/MPS/MU-SD 69-3 High power measurements in superconducting lead and niobium'TMoll mode cavities. CERN/MPS/MU-SD 69-4 A travelling-wave an!llysis of standing-wave . · superconducting structures. D.Gorle D.Leroy,M.Morignot H.Rieder Y.Bruynserade. P.B.Wilson - 3 - ~S/MU-SD Note 69-1 ·.· MPS/MtJ-sri Note ·~9.;.2 MPS/MU-SD Note 69~~ MPS/MU-SD Note 69-4 ,·. Mesures du facteur de. qualite dans les cavites RF recouvertes de niobium par pulverisation cathodique. D.Gorle, D.Leroy P.Morignot, H.Rieder, Y.Bruynseraede. NQte sur le tuning du faisceau k11· Notes on talk given 12 February at the initial meeting of the seminar on superconducting separators. P .Wilson Notes on 1969 particle accelerator conference (Washington D.C.) and visit to Rutherford Laborabory. P .Wilso.n MPS/MU-SD Note 69-5 Stability in superconducting separators MPS/MU-SE Note 69-1 Proprete du vide dans la ligne de faisceau associee aux separateurs electros.tatiques. · MPS/MU-I Note 69-2 Hall Quest. Securite aimants avec cablage entre aimants, terminal boxes et redresseurs. MPS/MU~H Note 69-2 Rei:'oft on a visit to several.U.S.Laboratories. L.Mazzone Etude des transformateurs de mesure. S .Battisti .~~eamplifica~eurs J.J.Merminod syste~s. P.Wilson L.Danloy L .• Pt:tnlpy ·.D.Danner CONTROLS. CERN/MPS/CO 69-15 CERN/MPS/CO 69-16 : -~ pour chambres d'ionisation. ' CERN/MPS/.CO ,. r;· 69~17 .,_,.,. ..,.. . A high repetition rate pulse generator using· a hydrogen ceramic thyratron. R.Cappi ~- CERN/MPS/CO 69-18 CERN/MPS/CO . ·69~19 . Etude comparative de systemes de distribution ··de signaux de television. J,Robert •: . Le ''Miniscanner". Principe et utilisation operationnelle • J.Comte )f.van Rooy Measuring the high frequency components of the CPS slow ejected beam with the time interval method. V.Agoritsas ·.:: CERN/MPS/CO 69-20 - 4- MPS/CO Computer . . 69-5 Acquisition des tensions analogues et des · mots d'.etats (STATUS) par le calculateur · IBM 1800: J.Bosser MPS/CO Computer 69-6 Study on on-line func~ion generators using ~dedicated digital computer. MPS/CO Computer 69-7 Acquisition des parametres de l'ejection lente par l'ordinateur. MPS/CO Computer . 69-8 Propositions pour un du Booster. MPS/CO Computer 69-9 IBM 1800- Point de vue de l'utilisateur. H.· van der Beke MPS/CO Computer 69-10 Proposition pour le controle du systeme RF du Booster. H.van der Beken MPS/CO Computer 69-11 Complements aux propositions pour un controle des dipoles du Booster. J.Bo~ser MP..S/CO Electron. 69-2 Transformateur de charge. (Mesure du faisceau ejecte rapidement). S.Battisti J .Philippe MPS/CO Electron. 69-4 A. Amplificateur operationnel a fonctions multiples. B. Regulateur de tension (de 5 V a 24 V-450 rnA). J.Philippe MPS/CO Electron. 69-5 Systemes de "Timing". "Preset Counters". co~trole des dipoles Nouv~lle famille de E.Asseo H.van der Beken J.Bosser W.Remmer C.Serre G.Baribaud J.Bosser G.Daems DL .CERN/MPS/DL 69-8 Experimental verification of the Q-jump method for passing transition with dense beams. W.;Hardt G.Merle D.MOhl . A.S,Srenssen L.Thorndahl CERN/MPS/DL 69-9 Rapports de la Division MPS parus du 1.1.1969 .au 30.6.1969. Winter CERN/MPS/DL 69-10 Status of studies on the CPS slow extraction. Y.Baconnier O.Barbalat D.Dekkers CERN/MPS/DL 69-11 Landau damping by non-linearity. H.G.Hereward "':" 5 - 'CERN/MPS/Dt 69-12 Theoretical anatysis of the cps s16w extraction. Y.Baconnier CERN/MPS/DL. 69-13 . Debunching and the resistive wall.- CERN/MPS/DL 69-14 The stabilizing influence of.non-Hnear·space charge on transverse coherent oscillations. G.Merle D.MOhl CERN/MPS/DL . ·69-15 How good is the r.m.s. as a measure of beam size ? H.G.Hereward MPS Progress Report. ,. . 1st January to 1st November 1969. Editor: N.Rodgers On the measurement of the slaw ejected beam structure. D.Bloess~ . ' CERN/MPS/DL 69-16 . -· H.G.Hereward A.St6renssen . SR CERN/MPS/S~ . 69-9 CERN/))PS/SR 69-10 + Add. D.Dekkers G.Shering Fast Q-measurement at the CPS. G.Schneider CERN/MPS/SR 69:.-11 A resonant charging pulsed. power supply for kicker magnet pulse forming network. D.C.Fiander P.D.• Pearce MPS/SR/Note 69-10 Nouveau programme PERT. T.Andersson L. B~p,lpi:~~s MPS)SR/Nilte 69-11 The minimum length and shape of proton bunches at transition at high and low beam intensity. H.H.Umstatter MPS/SR/Note· . 69-14 Note d'uf'ilisation du CODD~ (Closed orbit digital display). D.Boussard MPS/SR/Note '69-16 Intervalle de temps etalong pour chronometrie a verniers. B.Fraumery MPS/SR/Note· 69-17 Ejection rapide K.M.97 + Septa 58 et 74 Rapport annuel 12.10.68 - 12.10.69 B.Nicolai MPS/SR/Note 69-18 Amplificateur de distribution MPS 2853 EL 4. D.Boussard MPS/SR/Note 69-19 Preliminary calculations of a kicker magnet. P.E.Faugeras MPS/SR/Note 69-20 Rev. Data on longitudinal phase space matching for beam transfer from the Booster into the PS at 800 MeV. · · ·· · H.H~Umstatter . ·r; ,;· - 6 .MPS/SR/Note 69-21 A proposal for the simultaneous development and life testing of thyratron switches for use on a new full aperture kicker system. D.C.Fiander MPS/SR/Note . 69-22 The use of hydrogen thyratrons as high voltage switches • D.Grier MPS/SR/Note 69-23 ., Mesures des courbes d'hysteresis sur des anneaux de ferrite impr~gnes. G.Primadei .MPS/PO/Note 69-7 Filtrage des harmoniques et compensation du facteur de puissance du reseau de 18.kV du CERN. O.Bayard MPS/PO/N~~e Temps de repetition du PS. Cas des cycles un palier. ~ lfPS /PO /.Note . 69-9 Temps de repetition du PS. Cas deux ou trois paliers • a MPS/PO/Note 69-10 Temps de repetition du PS. Etape finale apres la mise en service du Booster. O.Bayard MPS/PO/Note 69-11 The possibilities for manual remote and computer control for the beam transport power supplies. B.Danner F.Depping 69-8. - des·~ycles O.Bayard O.Bayard ED CERN/MPS/ED 69-1 Alimentation pulsee pour les quadrupoles du tank I .. J p n· •.• 1.ntzner. MPS/ED/Note 69-4 Description-of the gate control sets. L.Coull. Phase acceptance of quadrupole multiplets in terms of matrix elements. · E.Itegenstreif Rapport jaune: CERN 69-13 Winter Distribution: (~uverte) Personnel Scien.tifique et Technique des Divisions MPS et SI
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