Shire of Capel Town Planning Scheme 7 Amendment 52

Environmental Protection Authority
Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Capel
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our Ret:
Teresa Bryant, 6145 0800
[email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam
Environmental Protection Act 1986
Shire of Capel Town Planning
Amendment 52
Scheme Not Assessed: Advice
Thank you for referring the above proposed scheme to the Environmental Protection
Authority (EPA).
After consideration of the information provided by you, the EPA considers that the
proposed scheme should not be assessed under Part IV Division 3 of the
Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) but nevertheless provides the attached
advice and recommendations.
Please note the following:
For the purposes of Part IV of the EP Act, the scheme is defined as an
assessed scheme. In relation to the implementation of the scheme, please
note the requirements of Part IV Division 4 of the EP Act.
There is no appeal right in respect of the EPA's decision to not assess the
Level 8, The Atrium, 168 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000
Telephone 08 6145 0800 Facsimile 08 6145 0895 Email [email protected]
Locked Bag 10, East Perth WA 6892
A copy of this letter and the attached advice and recommendations will be made
available to the public via the EPA website.
Yours sincerely
Strategic Policy and Planning Division
For the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Authority
Under Notice of Delegation No. 33 dated 6 December 2013
15 December 2014
Scheme Advice and Recommendations
Shire of Capel Town Planning Scheme 7 Amendment 52
Determination: Not Assessed - Advice Given (no appeals)
Determination Published: 15 December 2014
The Shire of Capel proposes to rezone 386 hectares of land in East Boyanup to the "Urban
Development' zone to allow for the gradual development of over 1400 lots and community
facilities including a primary school and local centre, in accordance with a local structure
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has considered the scheme amendment in
accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act). In
making its decision on whether to assess the scheme amendment, the EPA has applied its
'Significance Framework' which relates to the extent to which the scheme amendment meets
the EPA's environmental objectives for the environmental factors.
The EPA considers that the likely environmental effects of the scheme amendment are not
so significant as to warrant formal assessment under Part IV of the EP Act. Direct and
indirect impacts can be avoided and minimised during the subsequent stages of the planning
process including implementation of the Shire of Capel's scheme provisions, review of the
draft East Boyanup Local Structure Plan, management plans, and through other statutory
planning processes.
Environmental Factors
The EPA has identified the following environmental factors relevant to this scheme
a) Flora and Vegetation;
b) Terrestrial Fauna; and
c) Inland Water Environmental Quality.
Advice and Recommendations regarding Environmental Issues
The EPA notes that as it is proposed to include the land in the 'Urban Development' zone, a
local structure plan needs to be approved by the Council prior to making recommendations
to the WA Planning Commission on subdivision applications. Therefore the EPA has also
considered the draft East Boyanup Local Structure Plan (LS Plan) in its consideration of the
scheme amendment.
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The EPA advises that it does not fully support the LS Plan in its current form as it does not
adequately protect regionally significant vegetation and Conservation Category Wetlands
and associated buffers.
Flora and Vegetation
The amendment includes an area of remnant vegetation on Lots 1, 4, 66, 138 and 139
previously identified by the EPA in its assessment of the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme
(Bulletin 1108) as regionally significant vegetation that should be conserved and
appropriately managed as part of any future zoning, subdivision and/or development of the
site. The EPA deferred the environmental factor remnant vegetation so that more detailed
consideration of the potential environmental impacts of the urban development could be
undertaken by the EPA.
The LS Plan is supported by a Level 1 flora, vegetation and fauna assessment for parts of
the amendment and LS Plan area, including Lots 138 and 139 but not Lots 1, 4 and 66. The
survey of Lots 138 and 139 considered the vegetation as being in 'Good' condition. The
vegetation has been identified as both Cartis and Kingia complexes in the Level 1 survey and
regional mapping shows that parts of Lots 1 and 66 and all of Lot 4 are also Cartis. Only
23% of the pre-European extent of the Cartis complex remains with only 3.32% formally
protected. This is below the threshold level of 30% at which species loss accelerates
exponentially (EPA Positon Statement No. 2).
Subdivision of the regionally significant vegetation will lead to its degradation through
clearing for buildings, fencing, fire breaks and bush fire hazard reduction requirements. As
an assessment of the bush fire hazard or fire management plan has not yet been
undertaken, the amount of clearing required for hazard reduction cannot be determined.
The Office of the EPA has consulted with the Shire of Capel and the planning consultants
about the significance of the vegetation. This has resulted in proposals to protect the
vegetation by inclusion of Planning Policy Statements in the LS Plan specifying reduced
building envelopes of 500m2 and/or building exclusions zones to restrict clearing outside of
the envelopes with notifications on title to advise purchases of the restrictions. The EPA is
concerned that these additional mechanisms may not adequately protect the regionally
significant vegetation.
Terrestrial Fauna
The remnant vegetation and areas of mine site revegetation within the amendment area
support a number of habitat specialist bird species that have declined elsewhere on the
Swan Coastal Plain, provide habitat for Baudin's, Carnaby's and Forest Red-tailed Black
Cockatoos and feeding and roosting habitat for Western Ringtail Possum.
The LS Plan states that the area is bounded by two ecological linkages. However, the
Capel/Boyanup Ecological Linkage actually traverses the LS Plan. Whilst the LS Plan
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largely maintains the linkage through large lots, potential for an additional linkage exists
between the foreshore and the lower district park by extending the multiple use corridor
beyond Hurst Road to the foreshore reserve.
The location of linear parks and multiple use corridors is supported as they will assist with
linkage between areas of native vegetation.
Inland Water Environmental Quality
The western boundary of the amendment is adjacent to the Preston River, which has been
classified as a Conservation Category Wetland. Conservation Category Wetlands and their
buffers are areas of high conservation significance.
The LS Plan does not identify or protect Conservation Category Wetlands and associated
buffers which extend from the Preston River on Lot 100. The EPA expects that the LS Plan
will be modified accordingly.
The EPA generally supports the scheme amendment and has determined that the likely
environmental effects are not so significant as to warrant formal assessment. However, the
EPA is concerned about some aspects of the LS Plan including some which are not
consistent with EPA's Environmental Protection Bulletin No. 20 and strongly recommends
the LS Plan be amended to:
Protect the regionally significant vegetation on Lots 138 and 139 as POS or in one or two
large consolidated lots with the building envelopes and access located within the areas of
vegetation that has been rehabilitated post mining;
Amend the lot layout for Lots 4 and 66 to reduce the area of native vegetation required to
be cleared for the proposed subdivision; and
Identify and protect the conservation category wetlands and their associated buffers.
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