WilksIR.com InfraCal Oil in Water/Soil Analyzers Oil in produced water Residual hydrocarbons in drill cu ngs/mud FOG in wastewater TPH in soil Complies with ASTM D7066, EPA 413.1 & 418.1 Compares with EPA 1664 and ISO 9377‐2 Results in less than 15 minutes Over 3,500 Wilks oil in water/soil analyzers in world‐wide use today InfraCal Analyzers have become the petrochemical industry standard ensuring oil content levels in water, drill cu ngs or soil are below the regulated limit. These rugged, portable, low maintenance analyzers are o en s ll in opera on for more than 10 years in the corrosive environment of offshore oil rigs. The analysis procedure provides rapid results, taking less than 15 minutes and can be performed by minimally trained personnel. InfraCal 2 Analyzer The new InfraCal 2 is the latest addi on to our easy‐to‐use analyzers. Using the same measurement technology as our standard InfraCal TOG/TPH Analyzers with added features such as data storage and transfer, mul ple calibra ons and password protec on for instrument se ngs. The InfraCal Analyzers are stand‐alone fixed filter infrared instruments that give results that are comparable to EPA 1664 and ISO 9377‐2 and comply with ASTM D7066, EPA 413.2 and 418.1. Whether your applica on is… Tes ng produced water on offshore or onshore oil rigs Monitoring refinery or industrial plant wastewater effluents Measuring FOG discharge levels Checking oil/water separa on systems Measuring oil in drilling mud/cu ngs Tes ng for residual oil on pre‐cleaned metal components Determining the purity level of reclaimed solvents Onsite tes ng of soil at remedia on sites Wilks ‐ A Spectro Inc. Company 25 Van Zant Street, Suite 8F Norwalk, CT 06855 USA InfraCal and Wilks are register trademarks of Spectro, Inc. Copyright 2013 Spectro, Inc. [email protected] · Tel 203‐855‐9136 · Fax 203‐838‐9868 InfraCal Models InfraCal 2 Addi onal Features: InfraCal 2 Analyzer Model ATR‐SP Sub‐ppm detec on Minimum Detec on Limit Water: 0.3 ppm Minimum Detec on Limit Soil: 3 ppm Mul ple Calibra ons Compares to ASTM D7066, ISO 9377‐2, EPA 1664, 413.2, & 418.1 Internal Data Storage Solvents: Hexane, pentane Touch Screen Display InfraCal 2 Analyzer Model TRAN‐SP Password protec on Minimum Detec on Limit Water: 0.1 ppm Internal Ba ery Minimum Detec on Limit Soil: 1 ppm Complies with ASTM D7066, EPA 413.2, EPA 418.1 Compares to EPA 1664 & ISO 9377‐2 Solvents: Perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene), S‐316, Freon 113 InfraCal Analyzer Model HATR‐T2 Minimum Detec on Limit Water: 8 ppm Minimum Detec on Limit Soil: 40ppm Compares to ASTM D7066, ISO 9377‐2, EPA 1664, 413.2, & 418.1 Solvents: Hexane, pentane InfraCal Analyzer Model CVH Minimum Detec on Limit Water: 2 ppm Minimum Detec on Limit Soil: 10 ppm Complies with ASTM D7066, EPA 413.2, EPA 418.1 Compares to EPA 1664 & ISO 9377‐2 Solvents: Perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene), S‐316, Freon 113 Product Comparison Chart Part Number MDL Water MDL Soil Solvent Method Complies Method Compares Vola le Components Internal Data Capture InfraCal 2 ATR‐SP 405‐2034 0.3 ppm 3 ppm Hexane, pentane, cy‐ clohexane, Vertrel MCA EPA 1664 ISO 9377‐2 Loses Internal Data Storage Date Export External Printer InfraCal 2 TRANS‐SP 405‐2035 0.1 ppm 1 ppm Perchloroethylene, S‐316, Freon‐113 ASTM D7066 EPA 413.2 EPA 418.1 EPA 1664 ISO 9377‐2 Includes InfraCal HATR‐T2 405‐1009 8 ppm 40 ppm Hexane, pentane, cy‐ clohexane, Vertrel MCA InfraCal CVH 405‐0003 2 ppm 10 ppm Perchloroethylene, S‐316, Freon‐1 ASTM D7066 EPA 413.2 EPA 418.1 EPA 1664 ISO 9377‐2 Includes EPA 1664 ISO 9377‐2 Loses Mul ple Calibra ons Touch Screen Display Password protec on Internal Ba ery* External Ba ery Wilks ‐ A Spectro Inc. Company 25 Van Zant Street, Suite 8F Norwalk, CT 06855 USA *Op onal internal ba ery must be ordered at the me the equipment is ordered [email protected] · Tel 203‐855‐9136 · Fax 203‐838‐9868
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