DAILY SENTINEL; ROME, N. Y., SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 11,1935 PAGE TEN ROUE MARKET REPORTS New York New York Stock Exchange Final Quotations Buffalo Wholesale Prices STATE PRODUCE MARKET PRICES New York. May 11 (1P>— (State Department of Agriculture and Markets)—Western N. Y. topped Carrots in 100 lb. sacks wholesaled a t 2 25 40 while washed in bushel baskets brought 1.43-60. Western states carrots in crates of five and Six bunches realised 2.50-3.25. Long Island crate* of Big Boston lettuce brought 1.50-75 and Romaine 1.25-50.~JfortFTarolina TTvepeck hampers of Big Boston lettuce sold from 75-2.75 and Romaine •0-1.7*. Hudson Valley and nearby rhubarb sold mainly at 2-2 v, cents per bunch, occasionally as high as 3 for fancy large and around iy% for small and poorer. Long Island and nearby spinach I s bushel baskets peddled out at 4065 cents and a few Virginias 35fo. Apples: Supplies moderate; fresh receipts very light. Demand slow. Market rather dull. Western New York section: (store and storage sales) open or lidded crate or box, also bushel basket or tub: Baldwin N. Y. lT. S. grade No. 1, 2% inch and up 1.5075. Mcintosh No. 1, 2H inch and up 1.75-2.00. Rhode Island Greening No. 1, 2»4 inch 1.00. Pears: Western New York section and Hudson Valley district: Catore and storage sales) bushel basket or tub, also open crate or box: Kleffer 1.25-75. DAIRY AND POULTRY. N e w York, May 11 (.TV-Butter, 10,577, steady. Creamery, higher than extra 28U-29; extra (92 score) 28; firsts (88-91 score) 14*4-27*4; seconds (84-87 score) 24»4-25»4; centralised (90 score) 17%. Cheese 78,818, irregular. State •whole milk flats, 1933 specials, 23; I»34, fancy to special, 18^-19^. Eggs 30,351, easier. Mixed colors: Special packs or selections from freab receipts, -26*4-28^. Standards and commercial standards, 26%. Firsts, 25*4. Dirties, No. 1, 42 lbs., 25. Mediums, 40 lbs., 25. Average checks, 23%. Storage packed firsts. Iff. White eggs: Resale of premium marks, !0H- t0*4. Nearby special packs including premiums, 28*4-29*4. Nearby and Midwestern, hennery, exchange specials, 37%. Nearby and Midwestern exchange standards, 37. Do., marked mediums, 26 % . Pacific Coast, sheU treated or liners, fancy, 31% 32. Pacific Coast, standards 30%-31. Pacific Coast, shell treated or Users mediums 28%-29 Brown Eggs: Resale of premium marks, 29%- to%. Nearby and Western special packs, private sales from store, •t-23%. Western standards. 27. Lire poultry, ^regular; by freight chickens, unquoted; broilers, unquoted; fowls 22-23; roosters, 16; turkeys, 15-22; ducks, 11-13; by express, chickens, unquoted; broilers, a«-2ff; fowls, 23-24; roosters, Iff; turkeys, 15-22; ducks, unquoted. Dressed poultry steady; fresh: chickens, unquoted; fowl!, I7%-34; old roosters, 15%-17%; turkeys, 19-22; ducks, 16%-18; frozen chickens, 17-28%; fowls, unquoted; old roosters, unquoted; turkeys 20f 0; ducks, unquoted. ROME PRICES WHOLESALE MEATS _ Live Dretsed f o r k . light 11 c llc-lZc Pork, heavy t c >c Veal, ohoioe T c lie l Comm * 4c-8Hc 6c- 8c £»«• 3*ic-4 e 7c- 9c Heifers 3 c-4 e Ic-lOc POULTRY He-Its Fowl* •Ml »c-2Sc 0ra4o A. doses Drade C, dosen Jlc-24c HIDES Cowhides. No. 1, pound 3% e No. J, pound , 1%C Bulthidea, No. 1, pound l*c No. 2, pounds 1 c Horwhldes, No. 1, pound tl.00-11 (0 Veal sktna. No. T, pound »c P e l t UUDIM 7 to 10 lbs Over 10 Ibe, Sbeeillnga. each .. Deacons, each *0c . . . 40c-KVc . . . 10c-2ftc . . 15c-25c RETAIL POULTRY tSc-SOe EQQS 27c-29e Oreo* A. down . . Grade C, down 25c 23c STOCK FEEDS Gam and oats, per 100 lbs. II.SS Bran, per loo lbs $1.70 ....11.75 Gtatten. per 100 lbs .11.75 «...11.70 lard mddltng-s, per 100 lbs ur middlings, per 100 lbs. . . . . f l . S O led feeds, per 100 lbs . . . . . . . . . I I . M l meal, per 100 lbs .11.95 _jed corn, per 100 lbs . .11 :<t meals, per 100 lbs. ..12 20 _ aeea mesl. per 100 lbs. ..12.20 meal p*r 100 lbs. . . . . . . . . ..13 75 par 100 lbs ..11.00 10 lbs. He • • * • * • • • « • .M.90 per 100 lbs Mabel . . . . ••••*••••• «4c Fowls, pound LIVESTOCK Bast Buffalo, May 11 <.P>.—(V. 8. Department of Agriculture) — Hogs 4A0; holdovers none; steady) deslrable 180-230 lbs.. 960; other weights « a 4 grades nominally unchanged. Cattle 100; Greek's steer and f i l i n g trade fairly uneven; bettar grate* 25-50 and more lower; eligible below 11,00 steady; offerings 11.00-12.00 including to 11.71; bulk medium to M steers and mixed yearlings I.10.1*: sows scarce 50 1.00 over last t; fleshy offerings s.25-7 60; low cutter, 4.00-5.75. nose, vealers 1.00 higher • 50 down, i; fed lambs 25 40 over age; good to choice leniently Iff; to mostly 100; few S . 4 4 I I I . spring lambs MUMi most!/ 10M C Chicago m REVIEW OF WEEK TWO PLAYLETS ARE 37 GREEK NAYAL IN WALL STREET G™_ATJHURCH OFFICERS TRIED By C L A U D E A. JAGGER A. P. Financial Editor Presbyterian High School Department Presents Chapel Program Newspaper Leaders Athens, May 11 (JPf.—Thirty-seven naval officers, all but two of whom have fled the country since the recent unsuccessful revolt, were sentenced to death today by s naval court martial. Only two officers, Papasoglum and Trighyrakia, were present to answer charges of participation in the revolt led by former Premier Eleutherios Venlzelos, sentenced to death in absentia. There were 155 others sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from two years to life. Among them was the former commander of the Athens arsenal, Admiral Roussen, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The court martial sat for 17 hours without an interruption. Admiral Oeconomou, president of the conrr marttstrTfaid he would recommend to President Alexander I Zaimis that Papazoglou and Thring-' hyrankis be reprieved from the' death sentence. 30,000 VETERANS DIEDJIHCE1934. Auxiliary Soliciting Aid for New York, May 11 UP)—The inChildren, Widows flation bug returned to Wall Street ———— this week, but it was discriminating. WALL STREET PRICES LOCAL UNIT TO SEEK It bit the stock market, but with(Quotations furnished by Foster Two one-act plays, directed by held its paralyzing sting from FUNDS ON POPPY DAY * Adams, Members N. X. Stock J. W. McCracken, religious educabonds. Shares surged upward in Exchange. Utica Office, 187 Geuesome of the busiest trading in tion director, were presented by the see St.) many months. Highest grade bonds high school department of the First Sale Here Scheduled Next The Sentinel wlh on request pubeased off a trifle toward the ends Presbyterian Church in the chapel lish available quotations of any acNew York, May 11 LP)—Preferred of the week, but the orthodox in- Friday night. A fable movie and a Friday and Saturday tive stock. utility and sugar company issues, flation pattern of rising stocks and travelogue were also presented. together with scatteerd specialties, declining high grade bonds Cast of characters for the first was Nearly 30,000 new names will be Close were in demand in today's brief play, "Household Hints," included lacking. on the scroll of America's dead deAlleghany Corp 1% stock market session. Most other The passage of the Patman bon- Gertrude Dunning, Marlon Gannon, Allied chemical 146^» groups were rather listless, howPaul Cable and Rlsley Dixon, while fenders when the nation honors its gainers us bill—calling for $2,000,000,000 of Jayne Hutton, Jean Teller, Dorothy Allis Chalmers 19*4 ever, and some recent war heroes on Memorial Day, acfiat money—was sufficient to help sagged under profit-taking. The Scott, Robert Mueller, Paul Oliver, American Can 124 churn up oil, noferrous metal, and and Albert Hook participated cording to Mrs. John Rapke, presiin Am Car & Foundry 15>4 close was about steady. Transfers other shares regarded as inflation approximated 500,000 shares. dent, Auxiliary, Henry P. Smith "Luncheon at Six." Am. Locomotive 12% hdges, despite the clear Indication committee—conAm. STBettmg 4£% The speech of Chairman J©nes~ef that the measure would receive a —The—property Post 24, American Legion. World sisted of Miss Lucille Juergens, Am. Steel Fndrs 13% the RFC, interpreted in 3ome quarWar veterans have been dying at prompte veto at the White House. chairman, and Albert Tarbot, American Sugar 63% ters as a prediction of the passage a high rate during the last year, American Tel & Tel 118% of the soldiers' bonus bill, appar- The fact that Congress would vote Doris Saunders, Julia Wicks and nearly 30.000 having passed on ently did not renew inflationary such a measure, stock market bulls Irving Jewell. American Tobacco B 86 the Am. Woolen Com 6% enthusiasm in the equities list, al- argued, was significant of since last Memorial Day. Anaconda Copper 15*4 though U. S. government securities trend. But the bond market was Gov. Curlsy Restores Brass Rail This high rate among the veterGeorge Lascelles Places point downward. unimpressed. Armour 111 3% continued to Boston, May 11 (UP)—Governor ans gives Poppy Day, observed Steel operations receded further, Most Wall Street observers were Atchison Ry 41% Second In Ithaca Contest Curley announced yesterday that here May 17 and 18, added import Aviation Corp 37g still of the opinion the Patman and there were other indications George Lascelles, Rome Free he will sign the bill to restore oldance, Mrs. Douglas Johnson, chairBaldwin Loco 1% "fiat money" measure will be ve- of seasonal recession in industry, Academy student, won second fashioned brass-rail drinking tb toed. man, explained today. On this day yet there was a substantial quota place in the speaking conteat at Massachusetts bars. Women drinkBait & Ohio 11 the Auxiliary collects contributions Beth Stepl 26% Grains moved upon the bullish I of favorable trade and corporation Ithaca College's 12th Little Theater ers, however, must still sit while which form the major source of Bendix Aviation 14T* implications of the government's news to add fuel to the bullish tournament last night. First place they sip. support for its work for needy famBorden Co 24 4 crop figures, but reacted later. Cot- j fires in the share market. Residen- was won by Laura Winter, Scheilies of veterans throughout the in nectady, who also placed first in Borg Warner 34 r,» ton was subjected to some realiz-1 tial building gained sharply year. Modesto Campanaro Held Calumet ^ Hecla 3% ing. Independent trends prevailed April, and the report of automo- acting. Canadian Pacific 10% among bonds. Foreign exchanges | bile production for the month placUnless generous public support For Violation Of Parole Canada Dry G. Ale 10% were mixeo, with sterling higher. ed the total at the highest for any Is given the Auxiliary's Poppy Day Modesto Campanaro, 20, 120 Dunn. 1929. There was a Cont. Can • 75 Imported bar silver was raised 11 April since appeal, the welfare activities of Ave., arrested in connection with sharp rise in bank clearings to Cont. Ins 34% cent an ounce to 73% cents. the unit cannot be maintained, Mrs. the theft of 3,200 pounds of copper the highest levels in a long time. Ches. Corp 41 % Johnson said. wire from a feright car, was placed Market conjectures were center- Electric power and freight moveRobert H. Pritchard (above) WesChes. & Ohio 42*i Columbus, 0., Policeman under arrest this morning as a pared on the president's transportation | ment gained contra-seasonally, and Gov't Aid Difficult ton, W. Vs., publisher, was elected Chi. M & St. P % ole violator. 1 president of the National Editorial message, expected to be deliverd retail trade was active where wea- Killed Hunting Burglar s "Almost every veteran who dies Chi. M & St P Pfd l s to Congress next week, and on SecThe arrest was made on a warther conditions were favorable. Columbus, O., May 11 (.P>—Patrol- rant served by Detective F. J. I association at the annual meeting In now leaves a widow and children Chrysler 4^H retary Morgenthau's scheduled adColumbia Gas -.... 7 Business indicators still showed man E. J. Murphy, 39, was shot and O'Brien and received from Elmira New Orleans, succeeding Kenneth and few leave sufficient funds to dress to the country Monday. F. Baldridge (below) of Bloomfield, provide for their families," said Commonwealth & South 1% a lop-sided situation, however. Steel killed today while searching for a Reformatory, where Campanaro Iowa. Photos were made at New MrB. Johnson. "The 17 years which Various sugar stocks were brightCon. Gas 24'4 production slipped to a new low burglar in a downtown office build- served a sentence for manslaughter, Orleans as the convention closed. have passed since the war make it Continental Oil 20% ened by announcement that refin- for the year at 42.2 per cent of ca- ing Patrolman Kenneth Watts shot being admitted to parole. (Associated Press Photos) difficult to prove that the veterery deliveries in the first four Curtis - Wright 2% pacity, compared with 56.9 per cent and wounded a Negro fleeing from He was taken to Rome Jail and an's death resulted from war servDel. & Hudson 28% months of this year ran substan- a year ago. Textile mills continued the building. locked up awaiting the disposition ice and unless such legal proof tially ahead of those in the.similar to op'erate well under levels of this D L & W 14 Patrolman. Peter Gordon, who ar- of the present case. This warrant ; can be established, no government 1934 period. A cheerful note was Du Pont 100% time la8t year. And despite the rested him, said he believed the will remain in force and If he is aid is available for the family. The Electric Pwr. & Light 3% also sounded by the National Lum- gains of 1.8 percent over the pre- Negro did theP-shooting. convicted it will be served again at Legion and its Auxiliary must step ber Manufacturers' Association, j vious week in freight movements, First Nat. Stores 47 the expiration of his sentence. If Murphy was shot through the in with emergency aid until other Fox A ... 12% which reported lumber mill ship- the total was 6 percent under the heart in an exchange of bullets as he is found not guilty the Elmira assistance can be secured or the ments for the week ended May 4 corresponding week of 1934. Gen Cable pfd 34 parole board will determine whethhe stood inside the side door of family made self-supporting. were the heaviest of any week Gen. Electric 24% From many points of view, the j the building. The suspect was shot er or not he shall be returned to since 1931. Mrs. Halstead Guest SoloGen Foods 35 "In addition to the veterans who the reformatory. supreme court's 5 to 4 decision in the leg by Watts and was capGen Motors 31% die, there are more than 100,000 Brokerage circles studied close- overruling the Railway Pension Act tured later in a nearby shack in an Campanaro was out on $3,500 bail. ist; Mrs. C. F. Read and constantly Goodrich Rubber 8*4 ly the winter wheat estimate of was regarded as the most signifi- alley. He also suffered a slight in hospitals. We endeaGoodyear ig% the Department of vor to do something for those vetweek. head wound. Agriculture, cant development of the Rev. Boswell Also Heard Rome Unit Entertains Gold Dust 153, which was less than had been ex- Some observers felt that it implied erans while they are still within Granby 8 of our help, providing them pected in some quarters. Produc- several momentous New Deal meaUtica Knights Templar Two groups of three numbers reach Hudson Motors 8% tion as of May 1 was indicated at sures would be found unconstitu- Mae West's Alleged cheer and comforts while they are A large delegation from Uiica each were sung by Antoinette Hal- in the hospitals and aiding them Hupp Motors 1 % 431,637,000 bushels, a decline of 2,- tional. But as a market influence, Hubby Secures Writ Commandery 3, Knights Templar, Int Bt Mch Corp 178 862,000 from the total shown on it fell flat, probably because it stead, guest soloist, in the musi- in the long, uphill struggle to reNew York, May 11 (IP)—Supremw came to Rome Friday night and Int Harvester 41 % April 1. gain an economic foothold after had been too long expected, and Court Justice Ernest E. L. Hamm- was entertained by the Sir Knights cal program at the First Baptist they leave the hospitals. Inter Nickel , *8V» Their because of its limited help the A bracer for favorable market Church Friday night, given as part of Rome Commandery 45 at a ber today signed an order serving Inter Tel & Tel 8 families, too, often need aid. more hard-pressed railroads. sentiment was provided by the annotice upon Mae West, film siai, "Utica Night" celebration. of the week's observance of the Kennecott Cop 19% "The poppies, which we will ofnual earnings report of InternationTna industrial and utility groups that Frank Wallace, vaudeville acIt was an informal meeting and 10th anniversary of the remodeling Kresge 22 fer Friday and Saturday, to be al Cement, which showed profitain the Associated Press stock avtor, had asked the court for a was given in return for a "Rome of the church. • P Lorillard Co 21% worn in honor of the dead, are our ble operations for the first time erages reached new high levels for j declaratory judgment announcing Night" session held in Utica in Miami Copper 3% principal means of raising fundi since 1931. The year's income of the year, but rails lagged, and kept he is her husband. In the first group she sang "He March, when the Romans were Montgomery Ward 26% $666,730 equalled $1.04 a share, and the composite average of 60 stocks entertained by the Utica Knights. Shall Feed His Flock," from "The for this work for the living." Nash 1314 compared with a net loss of $152,from breaking through to a new Addresses were given by the Messiah;" "Come, Jesus RedeemNat Cash Register 15 266 in 1933. top for the year, as of yesterday. Rules Subsistence Rev. Walter H. Jones, pastor 01 er," Bartlett, and "The Holy City," Natl Dairy Prod 14*4 In bonds, the Industrial, utility and Further encouragement was seen Bethel Presbyterian Church; Adams. Bennard's "The Old Rug- New Delta Association N Y Central 16*4 Homes Must Be Farms Rnodeheaver's in the report of the Department of foreign groups scored fair gains, To Elect Slate In June Charles W. Williamson Jr., and sev- ged Cross" and N Y O & W _ 3% Washington, May 11 (IP) — i n eral of the visitors. The session "What Could My Jesus Do More," Commerce that March department but as of yesterday, rails and lowA slate of officers for election at Noranda Mines 39% and "Somebody Cares" comprised the annual meeting was presented had exceeded yield Issues were off slightly for his first decision on the $4,fffeu,- was followed by a buffet lunch. North American 14% store collections the second group. those of both February and March the week. Commodities edged high- 000,000 work relief fund, J. R. MCby the nominating committee at the N Am Aviation Co 3 Carl, the comptrolled general, rurad a year ago. er, with the associated press index Other soloists were Mrs. C. F. meeting of the New Delta ProgresNorth Pac 16% Wheeler's Corners School today that the money could not ue Observers found somewhat dis- of 20 basic staples yesterday at used for subsistence bomesteaas Otis Elevator 16% Read, who sang Mozart's "Alle- sive Association at the Elmer Hill Has Declamation Contest luia," turbing the indications of new un- 73.14, up .66 from a week previous- unless they involve farming. Otis Steel 6% and the Rev. D. N. Boswell, Schoolhouse Friday nlghL Louise Salzman and Donald pastor, who gave Howell's "By the Packard Motors 3% rest in the foreign exchange mar- ly. The slate: Money won first prizes in the low- Waters of Babylon." The vested Penn R R >.. 21% kets as the movement of gold holdPresident, E. J. Karlen; Tics8ILVER ings of the Bank of France are now er and upper grades, respectively, choir gave several selections and president, Kyle Sears; treasurer, J C Penney Co 68 GOVERNMENT BONDS New York, May 11 (JP).~Bar sil- in the fourth annual speaking conPhillips Pete 21% at their lowest levels in nearly a C. F. Read, church organist, play- George F. Huguenin; secretary, New York, May 11 LP)—Closing ver firm, 1 cent higher at 73%. test of District 2 school, Wheeler's ed two groups on the organ. Pres Steel Car 1% year. Elizabeth Fitchard; assistant secret U. S. government bonds (dollars Corners, Friday night. Their selecPub Serv of N J 30% tary and treasurer, Marion Kauth; and thirthy-seconds) — Liberty: GRAIN tions were "Sir„Robin" and "Stand Radio Corp _ 5% BOND MARKET Something to sell? Try a classi- member of board of directors, Fro3%s, 32-47, 101; 1st 4s, 32-47, unChicago, May 11 UP) — Closing by the School." New York, May 11 (IP) — Gov- quoted; 1st 4%s, 32-47, 100.31; 1stRemington-Rand : . . . . 8% fied. nla Turney. Rep Iron & Steel 13% ernment Issues were again on the 2d 4%8, 32-47, unquoted; 4th 4%s, grain prices—May 93%; July 93%; In the lower grades, Tommy De Sept. 94%-%. defensive on the bond market to- 33-38, 102.11; 4th 4%s, 33-38 closed, Revere Copper, pfd 90 Corn: May 87%; July 80%-%; Ruby, giving "My Bed Is a Boat," Reynolds Metal 20% day with most of the active Trea- unquoted. won second place, and Betty Jane Sept. 74%. sury loans declining % of a point St Louis, San P _.... 1 Roux with "If I Were a Sunbeam" Treasury: 4%s, 47-52, 116.10; Oats: May 46%; July 37%-%; or more. The corporate section was Sears Roebuck 39 and Kathryn Kostyn with "Per3%s, 43-45, 105.28; 4s, 44-54, 111.11; Sept. 35. Shell Union Oil 8% unsettled but offerings were not 1 severance" received honorable 3%s, 46-56, 109.24; 3%s, 40-43, June, Rye: May 54; July 54%. Socony Vac 14% large and declines were mostly mention. 107.22; 3%s, 43-47, 107.3; 3%s, 41South Pac 16 U small. 43 march, 107.26; 3'4s, 41, 107.29; In the upper grades, Charles South Ry 10% N E W YORK BANK STOCK8 Apparently reflecting the uneasi- 3%s, 44-46, 105.25; 3%s, 46-49, 104.Taskey, reciting " Mark Hopkins Standard Brands 14% ness of investors over the latest Noon Quotations 28; 3%s, 49-52, 104.24; 3s, 46-48, or the Log," won second place, Stand G & Ex. 4 Furnished through the courtesy and Ralph Salzman received honturn of the soldiers' bonua tide in 103.20; 3s, 51-55, 103.22; 2%s, 55Stand Oil of C*L 37 of G. A. Palmros & Co., Utica, N. orable mention for his presentation Washington, all sections of the gov- 60. 101.13. SUn*-Oil of Ind 27 Y. ernment department began to slide I of "The Child or the Dollar." There S U n Oil of N J 45% with the opening of trading and , Federal Farm Mortgage 3t, 47, Bid Asked were 22 pupils taking part. 102.1; Federal Farm Mortgage 3s, Stewart Warner 9% showed no signs of recuperative Bankers Trust 56% 58% Studebaker 2% power as the session progressed. 49, unquoted; Federal Farm Mort- Chase National 21 % 23 gage 3%s, 64, 103.21; Home Owners Texas Corp 23 39% William M. Hughes Is In the corporation section, the 4s, 51, 100.28; Home Owners 3s, 52, Chemical National . . . 37% Texas Gulf Sulphur ; S3% trend was decidedly mixed. Minor National City 20% 22 Named Bridge Club Head Truscon Sieel 4% losses were established for loans 101.23; Home Owners 2%s, 39-49, Guaranty Trust 252 257 100.8; Federal Farm 2%s, 47, unWilliam McKinley Hughes was Union Pacific 82 Irving Trust 13 14% elected president of the King's of American Smelting, Santa Fe, ' quoted. U 8 Ind Alco 41% Baltimore & Ohio. St. Paul, De- { Manhattan 19% 21 Bridge Club after the weekly dupliU S Rubber 12% troit Manufacturers Trust 19% 21% cate bridge tournament Friday Edison, Goodyear, Great U S Steel night. Earl J. Lewis was named CLEARING HOUSE secretary and Morris R. Jones treasOil New York, May 11 (IP>— The week urer. William Hughes, attorney, ia l nltefl Gas Imp !„•;* , Northern Pacific PaHffr and «nH Standard <ttmnA**A rui »T -.r—w May *#* ,11 - (IP) , ^ — I^ast »_., New York, United Corp 2% o f N e w York. week's record of dividend actions ly statement of the New York Clear- honorary president. U S Smelt & Refining 114% . _ , , , The club, started four years ago shows 18 favorable changes against ing House shows: Amon Total surplus and undivided prof- and under the guidance of William Vanadium . 12% * I"»ues gaining a trifle 19 the week before, .reports the Hughes, has grown to an active Warner Bros Pictures' ..'..".".'.'. 5% 3% I r r e r e American and Foreign Power I Standard Statistics Co. Only one Its $722,482,600 (unchanged)! Warren Bros Total net demand deposits (aver- membership of 25. Weekly play West'house Air Brake 21R £ 5s at more than 68% and Postal unfavorable change was noted comage) $122,561,000 (decrease). sessions have been held in the periimproving slightly included obligapared with two the week before. Telegraph 5s at around 31. Others Weet'house Elec 47 Time deposits (average) $1,951.- od. tions of American Telephone, BethMax Baer, world heavyweight champion, suffered painful burns Western Union 26% Steel. Erie, New York Cenwhen a blank cartridge pistol was discharged close to him In s rehearsal The club will be represented by Shipments from the lumber mills 000 (decrease). Woolworth 59% lehem tral, North American and Southern during the week ended May 4 were for s radio program at hit Asbury Park, N. J. training camp. His trainClearings week ending today $3,- several teams at the Lake PlacidCURB ing delayed a day or two, Ha Is shown above as he rested In bad. (AssoRailway. 94S.369.277. Hotel Belmont bridge tournament at the heaviest of any week since Amer Super Power 1% ciated Press Photo) Clearings week ending May 4* 64, Hotel Martin, Utica, May 13-20. The foreirn department 1931, the National l u m b e r ManuElectric Bond & Share 8 was facturers Association reports. New 498,369,277. Niasara Hudson Power - 4% quiet but prices held steady. business booked was slightly dn>9 Swift & Co, com 15 der that of two preceding weeks CALVES and with these exceptions was the New York, May 11 VP>.—(State F L O U R A N O PRODUCE largest since November, 1933. Pro- Department of Agriculture report of New York, May 11 UP) — Flour (Cempll.d By The Assoctstsd Press) duction was below that reported New York and Jersey City livestock eaay: spring patents, 6.95-7.15. soft ao is is so for the previous 8 weeks. marRet) - Vealers and calves, 1,570, winter straights, 5.70-85; hard winInda, Rails UtlL Stocks . all direct; market nominal. Net «"hsns« ter straights, 6.30-55. A3 A3 . A I A3 EXCHANGE 21.6 <1 x 2r».«» Rye flour, easy; fancy patents TVxiny 5*0 I'rev. D»v 2t.3 New York, May 11 <.P).—Foreign 41 .'. 2 6 . 1 lota Sigma Sorority 3.90 4 If, .*»•! 3 Month AKO 21.3 2«i 0 MS exchange irregular; Great Britain Miss Frances Casler, 621 Parry 49 9 Ryt easy*. No. 2 American fob V'-sr Ago . Jft.5 SA.I 40.2 :.* 1 7.6 23.0 41.8 tn dollars, others In cents: Great St., entertained the lota Sigma SorN. Y. 63; No. 2 Western 71 elf » « • Hirh 41.1 1935 Low . 18 1 21.1 34 K Britain, 4.Sf%; France, 6.58%; Italy ority at her home Friday night, New York. 61.4 1934 Hlirh . 43 0 «0« 41.4 8.22; Germany, 40.22. Mlas Caroline Woodruff presided. 46.1 Barley easy; No. S 76% d f New 1934 Low . 34 t 14 9 Ml Refreshments were served and York Movement of Recent Tears dancing was enjoyed. The next P O T A T O E S 1,7 ft a , » , Buckweat steady; export, 1.25. 19W Low . . . . 17.| New York, May 11 ^P) — Potatoes, meeting will be at Miss Woodruff's Pork quiet; mess, 27.76; fam- im-Hurh . . . . m , isjj ,8;, ,,?;? 60 .dull; 100 lb. aacka: Florida 1.25- home, 800 Croton St. ily 26.50. 1927 Low . . . . l i . l S|.| u,! gl 1 50; Maine, 651.05; N. Y. upstate, Lard, firm; Middle West 1135 Birthday Party 6.1 75 Maine 180 lbs. in bulk, 1.6045. 75. Florida, Spauldlng Rose, dou Little Miss Jeannlne Quelrolo, Tsllow steady; special loose 6% ble headed barrels, 2.00 75; bushel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joun and extra loose, 6%. Greases steady; yellow sad (Compu.d sjy The Atsoeiste* Press) crste, 7590; bushel basket, 75-1.25; Quelrolo Jr., 248 W. Dominick m., South Carolina Cobblers, barrels, 2.- entertained 25 guests Friday ntgnt choice house, 6%-%. 20 10 10 10 50-75. In celebrating her fifth birthoay. Hay, steady; No. 1, 22.00; No. I, Ralls Indus. UtlL For. Games were enjoyed, lunch was 20.00-21.00; No. 8. 18.00-19.00; sam- Net Change . . 1 > 2 T n . h t nrh A.4 ple, 13.00-15.00. U. S TREASURY STATEMENT served and the little hostess re• Today 71 3 9K .9 93 3 M.I Straw steady; No. 1 rye 14-0«- IVev. I)ey . . . 7» s n 9 '.<%,% 68 2 Washington, May 11.—Balance ceived gifts. I Month Ago . . . 79.1 94.3 39.9 67.7 on hand In United States Treasury 16.00. W a r Ago Hi, 9 * M.S «7 8 at close of business May 9, $1,772,Hops steady: Pacific Coast 103* High . . . . «7.l 07, 98.8 93.8 70.4 Live la Gro«a* choice 1134, 18-11; medium to 1931 Low . . . . 74.4 92 2 34.S M.I 684,615. Termites live in the ground. They 1924 Hlgl. . . . . 19 4 92 9 M l 70.0 prime 16-17; 1933. 13-15. 1934 Low 74.1 7 3 7 are seldom seen. During wsrm •0.2 M . I Beans steady; marrow, 4 2*25; 1931 Low . . . . . 44.1 4 0 0 44.4 42 2 COTTON weather they ceaselessly m a w away pea, t.76; white kidney, 4.60; red 19M High . . 1 0 1 . 1 9 1 9 102.1 100 6 New York, May 11 OPi — Cotton kidney 6.00-1S, futures closed steady, 1-5 lower. at anything containing cellulose— Low Yield 109 1 May, 11.94-95; July, 11.9195; Oct., their principal food—wooden floorPrevious Dsy <( jf,» 3 Soldiers at Fort Wayns, Detroit, firing en a 1,000-inch range which corresponds to a 1,000-yard range on COPPER Month Ago . 1 0 9 11934 High ....IDS 3 11.11; Dec, 11.86; Jan., 11.92; ing, books or cotton fabric, being at V»>sr Ago . . . . l A S . r i f M Low . . . . M l all times careful to STold their eom- open country. The colored lower half of the reproduction enables the gunners to pick out mora readily tha New York, Msy 11 «JP). — Copper 193» High ..110 li 1934 High . . . . 1 0 4 4 March, 11.96. Spot steady; middling moa foe, suallghi. nominally unchanged. target In tha blaok and whits psnsl above. (Wide World Photo). 1934 Low « . U t 7 . H m a Low I M < M.I 1246, MARKET LISTLESS IN SHORT SESSION Bulletins MUSICALE 6IYEN AT BAPTISKHURCH BAER HURT IN RADIO REHEARSAL* S K g «:::::::::::::::. SB 5S5? SSnSJrSK: Wa// Street Notes Machine-Gunners Mow Down "Enemy Stock Averages Bond Averages Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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