EAST OTAGO HIGH SCHOOL Stour Street P.O. Box 58 PALMERSTON 9443, Otago Phone: 03 4651 513 Fax: 03 4651 605 Email: [email protected] EOH S STRENGTH THROUGH LEARNING-Kia kaha ma roto matauranga Principal’s Comment 23rd May 2014 Kia ora, greetings to all parents, caregivers and friends of the school One of the great things about being a teacher is that one often gets blown away by the deeds and actions of students. Indeed, this term although it is less than three weeks old, it has once again shown me this statement is quite true. An example occurred in Week 1 and was the Waikouaiti Amateur Music and Drama Society’s production called “The Boyfriend”. The sight of 12 of our Principal: students, one staff member and two parents on stage performing with great Mr Lennox Sharp distinction made one incredibly proud to be the Principal of East Otago High School. For quite a number of these students, it was their first experience on stage in this type of activity. Those of the community who were able to attend will, I am sure, agree with my view that our students were outstanding and a real credit to themselves, their families and their school. It shows me just what an impact we, as a school, make on the region in which we live. I believe we can proudly say with justification, those whom attend East Otago High School make a substantial and positive contribution to the East Otago region. The winter sporting season is already in full swing and our teams continue to perform well above that expected. It is great to see so many of our students involving themselves in team events. Our school vans seem to be being used most days and I sincerely thank those within the school community who are transporting our students on a regular basis. I am also incredibly impressed with the number of senior students who are coaching teams. This, in my view, is what East Otago High School is all about, and truly sets us apart from many other schools. I took the opportunity to watch our Senior A Netball team play last Saturday and was impressed with their high level of commitment. From all accounts every other team of ours is giving 100% which is all we can ever ask or expect. This Friday, at the Waikouaiti Events Centre, our senior students will hold the East Otago High School Senior Formal. Much preparation has gone on within the school and also I imagine, in many of the homes around our region. It is wonderful the effort students and their parents put into making this a very special occasion. I trust all involved thoroughly enjoy the evening. I have been most impressed with how supportive our students have been of each other during what has been an incredibly difficult and challenging last ten days. Our students have shown a real maturity and for that they are to be commended. It has also been a most difficult time for staff as the Ollerenshaw family are an integral and vital part of East Otago High School. Our Values are based on the acrostic - ’RELATIONSHIPS’ where R = Respect towards self & others, E = Empathy for others, L = Loyalty to family, friends and school, A = Acceptance of those around you, T = Tolerance of other opinions, actions & differences, I = Integrity towards all aspects of life, O = Ownership of actions and change, N = Nurturing skills, talents and attributes, S = Sensitivity of any situation, H = Honesty in thought, word & deed, I = Inclusiveness of all, regardless of age, ethnicity or characteristics, P = Patience with and to those around you, S = Support for fellow students, family & teachers School Calendar Please check on our website (EOHS) for detailed calendar of events. Sports events can be found on the Sports Co-ordinator’s page Friday 23rd May Monday 26th– Friday 30th Tuesday 27th May Tuesday 27th May Thursday 29th June Monday 2nd June Sunday 8th & Monday 9th June Thursday 12th June Monday 16th June - Friday 20th June Senior Formal Book Week Year 9/11 Science Observatory Trip to Dunedin Co Ed Tournament (various venues) Year 11 History Trip to Hocken Library Queens Birthday Holiday OSS Netball Tournament OSS Cross Country Year 10 Spirit Trophy SWPB4L This week’s winners were: Ida Keith and Melissa Laxon Year 13 - Rock Climbing Fundraiser - Gladwrap Gladwrap orders can be placed by returning the enclosed order form or contacting the East Otago School Office. Orders close 30th May 2014. FORTNIGHTLY INDICATOR REPORTS These have been sent home with students on Wednesday 21st May. These were also emailed to parents with email addresses in our database. If you wish to receive these reports by email please ring Lynn Murphy at the school office BOOK WEEK Next week we celebrate BOOK WEEK with opportunities to get creative, a visit from well-known Dunedin author, Tania Roxborogh and a Book Quiz! Parents or community members who would like to hear Tania speak are welcome to come along to our Library on Wednesday. For more information, please phone me at school. Pink Ribbon Breakfast The Pink Ribbon Breakfast will be held on Wednesday the 28th May at the Palmerston Squash Courts at 10.00am.This fundraiser is to raise funds for Breast Cancer, everyone is welcome to come along for morning tea, wear pink to support breast cancer. Contact Heather McGregor 4651255,Sonya Watson 4651401The Pink Ribbon Breakfast will be held on Wednesday the 28th May at the Palmerton Squash Courts at 10.00am.This fundraiser is to raise funds for Breast Cancer, everyone is welcome to come along for morning tea, wear pink to support breast cancer. Contact Heather McGregor 4651255, Sonya Watson 4651401 East Otago High School - Senior Formal Take a Kid Fishing The East Otago High School Senior Formal will be held held Sunday 18th at the East Otago Events Centre, Waikouaiti on Friday May 23rd May 2014. The Events Centre will be open at 7pm A photo of Jess Farnell with a meal commencing at 7.30pm. at the Take a Kid Parents are most welcome to attend a viewing from 7pm Fishing Day at until 7.30pm Macraes with Jack Students are to be collected from the Events Centre at trout of well over 10lb. 10.30pm Well done Jess! BREAKFAST CLUB - FREE TO STUDENTS The Breakfast Club has started at school and it gives students the opportunity to have breakfast here at school if they run out of time in the morning or do not have breakfast for some reason. It is entirely free and we are lucky enough to have Weetbix and milk supplied to the school from Sanitarum and Anchor. The breakfast club is on every morning from 8:15am-8:40am. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it gets the brain ready for earning during the day. If anyone could donate any old bowls or spoons to the breakfast club could they please contact Drew Campbell at school as we are a bit short of these. Thanks East Otago High School Board of Trustees Casual Vacancy A casual vacancy has occurred on the Board of Trustees for and elected parent representative. The board has resolved under Section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by appointment. If ten percent or more of the eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the Board to hold a by-election should write to: Chairperson Board of Trustees East Otago High School PO Box 58, Palmerston by:20 June 2014 Palmerston District Schools Reunion Committee 2016 The 2016 committee would like to call all interested persons to a meeting in the East Otago High School Library on Tuesday 10th June at 7.30pm to discuss the 150th Reunion to be held in 2016. Smokefree School East Otago High School is a Smokefree School which we expect all staff, students and visitors to respect. If any students are caught smoking at school during school hours, we would like to remind caregivers that these are the consequences which are as follows: 1st offence: Students are warned, given a lunchtime detention and a letter is sent home. 2nd offence: Students will be withdrawn from class for 2 days, a letter home and directed to the counselling team to examine methods of assistance to stop smoking. 3rd offence: Students will be stood down and assistance sought from outside agencies. SPORTS CORNER COMING EVENTS: Tues 27th May – Co-Ed Tournament Thurs 29th May – Otago Duathlon 8-9th June – Otago Netball Tournament Thurs 12th June – Otago Cross Country Wed 2nd July – School Cross Country EAST OTAGO GYMNASTICS Gymnastics has Started! The first classes of East Otago Gym were held last Sunday 18th May at the Waikouaiti Events Centre at 10am. If you would like to Register, go to the Dunedin Gymnastics Academy Web site and follow the prompts or call in on Sunday. Classes for children up to age 12.Contact Molly Wright 465 8197 or Steph Green 465 7564 OTAGO KIDS KART CLUB Gracie Woodhouse was selected to represent the Otago Kidz Kartz Club for the 2014 LIZZIE OF ROSSLANDS DRIVERS CHALLENGE held in Auckland the last week of the school holidays. There were 14 kids entered, one from Australia and the rest from NZ, Gracie came 10th and was one of the youngest there. Gracie was pleased to bring home a third place ribbon from her second race. There were 6 races over a couple of days. Well done Gracie. FITNESS CLASSES Fitness classes for all ages and abilities, Monday and Thursday nights in the DG Murray Hall at 7pm. $3 per session. For more info, call Megan 465 1539 or 027 780 9081. Come along for some fitness and fun! SPORTS CORNER cont. Acting Sports Co-ordinator details: Kellie Simpson, phone 4651 513 cell 021 214 2816 e-mail [email protected] RESULTS TEAM Year 8 Gold Netball Year 7 Green Netball OPPOSITION KAVA 8 red Tahuna Sting WIN/LOSS Won Lost SCORE P.O.D. Year 7 Gold Netball Junior Hockey Senior Boys A Basketball Senior Girls Basketball Junior Boys B Basketball Eastern U12 Rugby Eastern U16 KAVA 8 blue Tahuna B Kava social St Hildas Taieri Taieri OBHS under 15 gold Won Won Won Won Lost Won Won 3-1 50-40 58-23 80-10 65-10 112-0 Lauren Keen Kavanagh Under 14 Kings Panthas Lost Scout Dunn Senior A Netball Senior B Netball Miniball Gold Miniball Green Senior B Hockey OGHS Int A OGHS purple KVC KVC Taieri 1st IX Won Won Lost Lost Won Gabby Snell Hannah Elliot Quintin Still DRAWS DAY Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday TEAM Year 8 Gold Netball Year 7 Gold Netball Year 7 Green Year 7/8 Hockey Junior Boys A Basketball OPPOSITION Balmac Aqua KAVA white Tahuna pulse JMC B OB’s ballers TIME 3.45pm 5.15pm 4.30pm 5.25pm 6pm PLACE Court 14 Court 17 Court 16 Far Turf Kings Junior Boys B Basketball Eastern U12 Rugby Eastern U16 Rugby Kavanagh un 14 Senior A Netball Senior B Netball Kings Wizards Southern Cromwell Snrs JMC G Taieri Alpha Taieri Emerald 7pm 10am 12pm 11.15am 12.05pm 1pm Kings Waikouaiti Cromwell Bishopcourt 3 Court 11 Court 15 Miniball Gold KVC nuggets Court 7 Miniball Green KVC breakers Senior A Hockey Senior B Hockey SOHS 1st IX Bayfield 3.40pm times may change 3.40pm times may change 5.30pm 5pm Court 3 Pavillion Far
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