On the trail of Anne Morgan Blérancourt, Vic-sur-Aisne, Soissons, Anizy-le-Château, Coucy-le-Château Published by la Communauté de Communes du Val de l’Ailette Trail-discover Blérancourt BLÉRANCOURT, CARD*at the service of the devastated region of Aisne The CARD’S original HQ * American Committee for Devastated France Ru e My dear friends, M or ga i n ike Pla yD ce urra d M Lecu Gé nne ler nér A e c al Ru GP/R.-G. Ojéda Miss Morgan established the centers close to the local populations so we could identify their needs and provide them with assistance. Our centers, which are housed in barracks, consist of offices, housing for the volunteers, a garage, a library and a hall where the locals can gather. An ne e Av. Pasteur Anne Murray Dike A CARD driver repairing her Ford© RMN-GP/J.-G. Berizzi Ch ou e tte © RMN-GP/ G. Blot 34 D9 Anne Murray Dike’s grave Church Av. de la L ibé rat i Ru e on de la I was honoured to meet Anne Murray Dike, the CARD president Ruat the eG uit Blérancourt HQ. We took stock of on the n measures that need to be taken in e the area: everything needs rebuilding, especially people’s enjoyment in life! There is a great deal of work to be done and it will take years! the ll during town ha J.-G. Berizzi rt u o c n / P Bléra 17© RMN-G war, 19 re ier -P int Sa rg ou ub Fa du Bessie e Ru Members of the American Committee under Blérancourt arch, 1921 © RMN-GP/J.-G. Berizzi am D 934 lin Mou Bessie ad D 935 200 ft pM D 610 am Tourist Office and barracks Ch o eC d Rue u Ru d Thanks to our Ford trucks we can travel all over the region providing relief and assistance to the local people. I hope you will soon be able to come. The villages are being rebuilt and we will soon be moving out of our barracks into houses. You will be amazed to see how well the work is progressing! Franco -American museum of the Château of Blérancourt 50 m gne iè mp these blish in is to esta ritable ve « Our plan a s ct stri ll various di nter, to which wi of that ce s community rmation about need n spread ca fo in we ich wh gather om fr and e needscommunity, s of meeting thes tive way an uc me tr e ns th co t d ou an personal ive to in such a an incent be a new ll of wi g reatin that it people.» g and re-c re-buildin irit in the French sp 1917) life and er, summer Dike, lett ay rr Mu (Anne Anne Murray Dike commemorative stone Rue de l’E gl ise In your last letter you asked me what our CARD centers are like. I’ve made a souvenir album to give you an idea of our day-to-day life! Miss Anne Morgan in uniform, circa 1917 © RMN- 3 Barracks of CARD, Blérancourt, 1920 © RMN GP/G. Blot i Information 3© r t, 192 CA ou léranc nter, B da RD ce jé .O P/ R.-G RMN-G hé s ta ai n tre Ro m éâ th du et mb Ga M ©R sm ou lin ot arn il Ca m te La C rise Bd De Rue C Av. de Paris Ru e ir e ed y Ke nn La fa ye t Ru e nt ide ttle ow g bo . Lewand ilizin Ster N-GP/ H Saint Jean des Vignes Abbey s Doctor Frazier in the dispensary, 1919 © RMN-GP/ G. Blot Pampelune e de Ru au Thierry Châte rés ts, , infan s for ski Av. de Reims Av. Thiers e Av. d uP artin int-M Av . ot Cor Rue Information e e G. Ru n ea t-J n i Sa cin Ra Bessie rté Fe Milon la de N-GP/ © RM ternautes s Charpak Today Mary is hiring some Allée George new nurses to help with the infants. We have just set Ru up a partnershipe Pierwith the Rue Ernest Lavisse r Goutte de Lait in Soissons, which was created in 1894, Bto dP supply sterilized milk to theaul D AMSAM youngest infants and to carry oume r ne Morgan n A out medical check-ups. Rue e Ru rie Cu i V r l Allée des Nobe e Misses Hughes and Wilde in the Committee’s garage, 1919 © RMN-GP/ G. Blot 22 ge, 19 e gara n is A ric-su Blot gu e Ru Allée des In t ce or nd Co ue d R Rue de l’E If you had seen us glisetoday with Mary at the wheel of our Dodge truck, you’d be surprised! How sad to go through all those miles of devastated landscapes, but what a pleasure to help these isolated populations ... ysé ousseau Jacques R flandre Mary Breckinridge © RMN-GP/ G. Blot Pu Rue des M in i m e ics, -baby clin hold well going to out in a ab c. et « We are lar the scales to village at regu t carrying ing no llage ur vi as om me fr d ng an camion the and weighi but also intervals, ildren under six » ch over six. en dr only the il ) looking ch 1 may 1919 delicate letter of kinridge, (Mary Brec s nt il l a s Feu Rue de u Rue Jean ctoire de c vé e nl Pa Rue de la Vi d’H eE de Centre ge and gara e Ru Ru e lieve play. I be dren need t base« The chil n to star have a ma der ol to e e th ar we with th them football ball and e plays wi Miss Alic keen on it. boys, but are ey th little d e an s for th already ndergarten We have ki 8 june ones.» letter of kinridge, (Mary Brec 1919) o ic ér Goutte de lait ed Ru e Ru Rue de Fontenoy t ur Cathedral Sa Rue 200 ft (Mary Breckinridge, letter of 23 february 1919) ete e Ga Bessie 50 m Bd M ©R e « Vic is a quaint ivi èr as picturesque and quaint as a town ue Rtown, could be and R heartbreaking in its ruins. The tower of the old château in the center goes back to Charlemagne and somehow it seems to suit this tower to have had part of it demolished by shells. » Av .V ol ta Rue Je anne d ’Arc ne Rue de Pompon a hysic n’s p a r ski o D dow Miss s, 1920 . Lewan H s / la P c N-G i Av. de Paris © RMN-GP/ H. Lewandowski Tourist Office n catio l edu Ru d’Horizon Rue de l’Echelle du Temple Agnès Doran 200 ft d’Arc i 50 m e Rue D Rue Brouillaud Enfant Jésus school 5 Tourist Office istophe Rue Saint-Chr Bd Jeanne my Da ien c Lu hy ttic d’A Rue d e e Ru St-C hris top he SOISSONS ark y and P r a s n e p s Di e Ru Saint-Crépin Park le VIC-SUR-AISNE Soissons Bd Vic-sur-Aisne , 1920 ulance e amb te it m A Com / G. Blot N-GP © RM i Information 0 192 Vieux Anizy-le-Château la m Church ai 1945 Pa um e a in Et gu e B oyen Rou te ou v e r n eu de M Ru e Rue d ées ous ép de S Tower ois son s Museum D 13 Jessie Carson © Mus el Information 0 192 , circa r-AisneBlérancourt u -s ic V , me in éricain Story ti e Franco-Am é © Mus Coucy-le-Château library, circa 1920 © RMN-GP/ H. Lewandowski ss i Bessie e nk lte A family of refugees in front of the ruins of their house,1919 Our dear Jessie Carson has arrived to join the Committee and take charge of the CARD’s education projects. Every day she organises the delivery of books via the circulating libraries and hosts “story time” for D 937 our young visitors. They enjoy it more than anything! .A Av 19 re, 19, Blérancourt ng sto in travelinco-América D R A C ée Fra © RMN-GP/J.-G. Berizzi Tourist Office Former AMSAM houses © Musée Franco-Américain, Blérancourt M Rue du 8 Bessie n lo s me de la P orte Vi va nt Place de l’Hôtel de Ville la de e Ru nd sure Isla over Trea ys n to disc French bo e Th ! « What fu en , but ch childr with Fren g “un peu bizarre” rson de in find Kipl oper “épatant”. An Co as Fenimore well-known Robinson, as e ar and Grimm the Swiss Family , Alice Pinocchio, le Lord Fauntleroy tt Heidi, Li nd and Kim » la in Wonder 21) port of 19 (CARD’s re Ru ed uG ne a tre D Bl i Ru This morning, Marian Bartol offered ed u V ieux Château to show me around the new temporary buildings, the “provisoires”, in Anizy: an agricultural school, a church, a dispensary and a permanent store! Up to now, traveling stores had been touring the isolated, devastated villages with provisions, sheets, stoves... e Ru léran in B ions G. Ojéda is v pro -GP/R.n of N Rue sous le P ibutio © RM arc Distr , 1917 t r u co de s Rue de s mu R ue de la Poterne R ue Côte de u tea Place de l’Hôtel Dieu Ch â ur Rue Paste Rue du Com E ot rri He La No Rue n Léo Rue u Town Council ai nt Fo i ert ne aig n Vairo du Jeu de Paume Pl. ub arg e Ru ne Chauny te de Por ’ td Library cilu Po oun Town C UPPER TOWN e Ruell ur beau Cir Rue aste P Rue Marian Bartol District with temporary dwellings er le M e ourc oucy de C Rue © Musée Franco-Américain, Blérancourt s m Dou l Rue rère es F la S a de l Côte le A t d Rue de Rue COUCY-LE-CHÂTEAU el Ru lan 7 200 ft versière Tra r moy Ga blown been d had urs. o e roa t h e t d s t road nstan rbed wire c. (..) cross ke co 5 s, et every ad to ma ation, ba hoDle y « At we h te desol , shell slowl o s up, ple hes e and ollecting m c r o n e c e h r t s t c It wa lements, re living start by onating g a t n entan p of men and. They ls and de to fill i u l l A gro ming the loded she e shovels i p v a x i l e s c n s u a re 1921) use m f the nuary all o Then they 21 ja them. enches. » er of t t e l r the t rtol, an Ba (Mari de an ru eT Ru Dor Ver t 200 ft arx du Former AMSAM dispensary and centre ot Carn Rue Ru e D 26 50 m M Rue ANIZY-LE-CHÂTEAU Coucy-le-Château 50 m i Information DOW N IL P AP COUCY-LE-CHATEAU On the trails of Anne Morgan ANIZY-LE-CHATEAU Find out more about adults’ and kids’ activities at the different Tourist Offices. Discover the mobile app, the totem signs and the photo exhibition «The war through their eyes.» 17 km 18,5 km 22,5 km VIC-SUR-AISNE 0 5 10 km Recommended circuit For more informations about Anne Morgan: visit the franco-american museum of the Château of Blérancourt E D FR E MOB 11 km 14 km BLERANCOURT A LO E Build your ownTRAIL Villages served by each Card operations centre Project by la CC du Val de l’Ailette About 83 km Grateful thanks to : E. Diéval, A. Dopffer, M. JudasUrshel, K. Polinger Foster, D. Pantel, M. Reb, B.Ruelle, M. Schneider, R.Vagniez, Tourist Office of Coucy and Blérancourt, Franco-american museum of the Château of Blérancourt, The Morgan Library, The New York Public Library, the RMN and 5 towns crossed. Sources quotes of Mary Breckinridge : © Karen POLINGER FOSTER, Monique JUDAS-URSCHEL, to help children of Soissons, American letters by Mary Breckinridge 1919 – 1921. Translations and commentaries by Karen Polinger Foster & Monique Judas-Urschel, Edition Encrage. Source for Marian Bartol : Archives of the Morgan Library & Museum, New York. Source pour Anne Murray Dike : The New York Public Library.
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