The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness is grateful for the support of the following companies and institutes: INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS SPONSORS PROGRAMME TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to Paris p4 Committees & Executive boards p6 About the ASSC p8 General information p9 Programme overview p 18 Agenda p 20 Poster list p 32 Exhibitors’ profiles p 55 Index of presenting authors p 56 Contacts p 62 4 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG ABOUT THE ASSC WELCOME TO PARIS! Dear participants, Welcome to Paris and welcome to the 19th Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness! The annual ASSC meetings are a prominent forum for the dissemination, discussion, and advancement of empirical and conceptual studies of consciousness. The breadth, depth, and richness of salient findings reported and the scientific thought represented in this year’s submissions testifies to the vitality and creativity of our interdisciplinary community. The Scientific Committee reviewed a record number of 37 symposia proposals and 314 abstracts submitted by researchers and scholars from around the world. The high standard of the large majority of these submissions made the selection process especially hard. We believe the final program showcases this standard while maintaining a happy balance among disciplines and between core and newly emerging themes. We are delighted to welcome Mahzarin Banaji, Tyler Burge, Marisa Carrasco, Christopher Frith, and Giandomenico Ianetti as our keynote speakers as well as Alexandra Vlassova as this year’s William James Prize lecturer. Besides these 6 lectures, we have 8 tutorials, 243 posters, 4 symposia, and another 48 talks in concurrent sessions. Science is based on interaction and we offer a number of options to exchange ideas beyond the scientific schedule, e.g., the Welcome Reception, the ASSC Social, the Gala Dinner and the ASSC After Party. We are very pleased to have secured a venue in Saint-Germain, in the vibrant heart of Parisian intellectual life, and also to be able to invite you to take part in the French tradition of exchange and debate at a café terrace! Organizing such a big event would not have been possible without the help of our various and generous sponsors, the precious advice of the President and members of the ASSC Executive Committee and of the organizers of past ASSC Meetings, the hard work of the members of the Scientific Program Committee, and the dedication of our assistants and our Student Committee. We would like to extend a special thanks to all of them! The Organizers. Catherine Tallon-Baudry Dr Sid Kouider Elisabeth Pacherie CNRS research scientist CNRS research scientist CNRS research scientist École Normale Supérieure LNC, 29 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris, France École Normale Supérieure LSCP, Pavillon Jardin, 29 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, France École Normale Supérieure Institut Jean-Nicod, 29 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris, France visual-cognition-group/ pacherie/home co-chair chairman co-chair 5 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG ABOUT THE ASSC COMMITTEES & EXECUTIVE BOARDS ASSC 19 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT COMMITTEE Tristan Bekinschtein - University of Cambridge, UK Olivia Carter - University of Melbourne, Australia Stanislas Dehaene - Collège de France, France Steve Fleming - University of Oxford, UK Po-Jang Hsieh - Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore Jakob Hohwy - Monash University, Australia Sid Kouider - École Normale Supérieure, France Agnes Melinda-Kovacs - Central European University, Hungary Lucia Melloni - Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany Elisabeth Pacherie - École Normale Supérieure, France Susanna Siegel - Harvard University, USA Catherine Tallon-Baudry - École Normale Supérieure, France Frédérique de Vignemont - Institut Jean Nicod, France Ting-An Lin - Texas Tech University, USA Maria Giovanna Corrado - King’s College London, UK Sara Kimmich - University of California San Diego, USA ASSC 19 LOCAL STUDENT COMMITTEE Nika Adamian - Université Paris Descartes, France Hernan Anllo - École Normale Supérieure, France Mariana Babo Rebelo - École Normale Supérieure, France Auréliane Pajani - École Normale Supérieure, France Ignacio Rebollo - École Normale Supérieure, France Margaux Romand-Monnier - École Normale Supérieure, France Romain Trachel - École Normale Supérieure, France Darinka Trübutschek - Neurospin research center, France Bert Windey - École Normale Supérieure, France 7 ABOUT THE ASSC 6 ASSC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Marisa Carrasco - New York University, USA President-Elect Steven Laureys - Université de Liège, Belgique Past President David Chalmers - Australian National University, Australia Executive Director Steve Fleming - University of Oxford, UK Director of Committees Sundeep Teki - École Normale Supérieure Paris, France Director of Communications David Zhou - Massachusetts General Hospital, USA Treasurer Eve Isham - University of California Davis, USA Secretary Cassandra Gould - University of Sussex, UK #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG ABOUT THE ASSC ABOUT THE ASSC CONFERENCE VENUE The ASSC is an academic society that promotes rigorous research directed toward understanding the nature, function, and underlying mechanisms of consciousness. The ASSC includes members working in the fields of cognitive science, medicine, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, and other relevant disciplines in the sciences and humanities. OFFERS NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES PROMOTES PROJECTS AND INITIATIVES Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères Saint-Germain-des-Prés 45 rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris, France ACCESS SUBWAY Line 4, station Saint-Germain-des-Près Line 10, station Mabillon Line 12, station rue du Bac RER Line B, station Saint-Michel Require 15 minutes walk WELCOME DESK PROMOTES THE DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS AND DISCOVERIES 9 FOSTERS TRAINING WITH TUTORIALS AND PANEL DISCUSSIONS The conference information desk will be open at the following times: July, 7th 08:00 - 19:30 July, 8th 08:00 - 19:30 July, 9th 08:30 - 19:00 July, 10th 09:00 - 19:30 You can register on-site at the welcome desk. Only payment by credit card (CB, Visa, Mastercard) will be accepted. GENERAL INFORMATION 8 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG GENERAL MAP ed rma 24 in B A Église St-Germain des-Près 16 7 G F ed Rue Sain éba rd S leva LA t-André-d es-Arts ichel 8 Rue Saint-Sulpice sto nis t-De ala is C D Bou leva E rd S St-M 25 eR en ne s 5 Rue Bo naparte 6 ité b la C -Ge aco de eJ 34 Rue Ru li i E 14 4 ivo nt ont 21 Co il Raspa aint 23 13 35 12 e IN SE rd S 22 13 id LA leva 10 11 ua rine ard Boulev Bou Q eR uP 1 é INE aint -Ge rma in it P rsit 20 26 Centre Pompidou rd d Ba du ive l li LA SE Maza Ru Un ivo ed Rue 2 e l’ eui eR Ru ne Rue de Sei ed c ain Ru ern 5M IN WA LK Pet é ed Bou 19 R ai V 29 olta ue ire de L 3 ille 18 33 9 28 R 27 17 ue de V rsit e Qu Ru du 31 rand Bo ule va ive 32 Pont du Carrousel Mitte Bvd Un erm -G int Sa e l’ INE Musée du Louvre au ph ine ille Ru rd ed SE eL 30 va Ru LA nçois res ule Bo ed i Fra -Pè Ru Qua eD Pont Royal Sain nce Rue Fra pol e Riv 10 M oli IN WA LK ints ole Ru INE Sa nat SE ed es ai A Châtelet - Les Halles ries Ru Qu Jardins des Tuileries Tu ile Ru LA es GENERAL INFORMATION ai d LK WA MIN 30 GENERAL INFORMATION Qu 11 SCAN TO SEE THE MAP: Rue 10 LA SE INE SE INE #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG FOOD & DRINKS IN SAINT GERMAIN GENERAL INFORMATION AROUND 5€ 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 Boulangerie du Bac Monoprix Boulangerie Saint Germain Nooi Boulangerie Legrand Coriandre Boulangerie Midore Bonaparte Monoprix Carrefour Market CROUS Mabillon Sandwiches Supermarket Sandwiches Pasta Sandwiches Lebanese sandwiches Sandwiches Supermarket Supermarket Canteen/Cafeteria 52 rue du Bac 35 rue du Bac 18 rue du Bac 4 rue Perronet 36 rue des Saints-Pères 3 rue Perronet 19 rue du Dragon 50 rue de Rennes 79 rue de Seine 3 rue Mabillon French cuisine Crêpes Salads, sandwiches Salads, sandwiches Asian take-away French cuisine French cuisine French cuisine Salads, sandwiches 25 rue du Bac 2 rue de l’Université 22 rue des Saints-Pères 40 rue Jacob 42 rue Jacob 4 rue Saint-Benoît 5 rue Saint-Benoît 17 rue des Beaux Arts 54 rue de Seine AROUND 10 € 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 Le café Buisson d’Argent Galette Café Apego Le Petit Jacob Chez Poon Restaurant du Petit St. Benoît Au Pied de Fouet La Charette des Beaux Arts Cosi 13 AROUND 15-20€ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 L’espérance Veggie Le bistrot de Paris depuis 1965 Thirteen A Baker’s Dozen Le Comptoir des Saints-Pères Caffe Toscano Josephine Bakery Café de Flore Pizza Vesuvio Café des Beaux Arts Brasserie Vegetarian Brasserie Salads, sandwiches Brasserie Italian Salads, sandwiches Salads, sandwiches Italian French cuisine 36 rue de l’Université 38 rue de Verneuil 33 rue de Lille 16 rue des Saints-Pères 26 rue des Saints-Pères 34 rue des Saints-Pères 42 rue Jacob 172 Boulevard St Germain 1 rue Gozlin 7 Quai Malaquais French cuisine Gastronomic Gastronomic Indian Vietnamese Gastronomic Gastronomic French cuisine Seafood French cuisine 40 rue de l’Université 35 rue de Verneuil 48 rue de Verneuil 50 rue de Verneuil 60 rue de Verneuil 41 rue de Lille 27 Quai Voltaire 8 rue de Lille 11 rue Saint-Benoît 35 rue Jacob OVER 25€ 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Le bistrot de l’université 35 Degrés Ouest La bonne excuse Ravi Tan Dinh Les climats Le Voltaire La calèche Le Petit Zinc Au 35 BARS A Zéro de Conduite B C G F Prescription Cocktail Club La Venus Noire Chez Georges Frog & Princess D E The Moose Bar 10 A great place to drink your cocktails out of baby bottles - €€ Amazing cocktails and excellent mixologists - €€€ Beer: €, Wine: € Beer: €, Wine: € Pub with a cosy atmosphere and microbrewery with 6 own beers on tab of various tastes and quality - €€ Canadian food and drinks - €€ The sangria is great - € 14 rue Jacob 23 rue Mazzarine 25 rue de l’Hirondelle 11 rue des Canettes 9 rue Princesse 16 rue des Quatre Vents 10 rue de l’Odéon GENERAL INFORMATION 12 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG GENERAL INFORMATION INTERNET ACCESS COFFEE BREAKS WELCOME RECEPTION GALA DINNER ASSC19 provides free wireless internet access within the Conference Centre. Connect to wifi: ASSC19 Password: consciousness Coffee breaks will be provided twice a day in the exhibition area located in Hall 1. All attendees are invited to the conference welcome reception. The gala dinner will be held on IF YOU ARE USING TWITTER, THE HASHTAG FOR THE CONGRESS IS #ASSC19 Follow the ASSC on twitter: @theASSC ASSC will not provide lunch, but there are several places where you can go for lunch around the venue (see page 12). TUESDAY, JULY 7th AT 19:00 CONFERENCE CENTER, HALL 1 This event is sponsored by: THURSDAY, JULY 9th AT 20:00 LA MAISON DES POLYTECHNICIENS, 12 RUE DE POITIERS, 75005 PARIS Please note that admission to the gala dinner is not included in your registration fees. A limited number of tickets may be purchased at the registration desk depending on availibility. If you have already registered, your ticket will be available at the welcome desk. Don’t forget to pick it up, it will be requested at the entrance. La Maison des Polytechniciens ACCESS 10-minute walk from meeting venue Subway Line 12, station Solferino, RER Line C station Musée d’Orsay Bus Lines, 63, 68, 69, 83, 84 and 94 15 GENERAL INFORMATION 14 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG GENERAL INFORMATION ASSC STUDENT SOCIAL ASSC AFTER PARTY WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th FROM 20:00 L’AUTOBUS IMPÉRIAL, 14 RUE MONDÉTOUR, 75001 PARIS FRIDAY, JULY 10th FROM 20:00 LES CARACTÈRES, 25 RUE DES GRANDS AUGUSTINS, 75006 PARIS Cocktail party with canapés and drinks. Meet up with the ASSC participants for one last drink in the typically «Quartier Latin»-ish cellar of the bar Les Caractères. VENUE MAP Auditorium POLONOVSKI Rooms DE BROGLIE Auditorium WEISS More information available at Auditorium BINET Exhibitors Coffee break 2nd floor 1st floor HALL 2 HALL 1 Welcome desk Entrance 45 rue des Saints-Pères CLOAKROOM The cloakroom is located in the main hall of the conference centre. Ground floor 17 GENERAL INFORMATION 16 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG PROGRAMME OVERVIEW TUESDAY, JULY 7th 9:00 T TUTORIALS 1-4 M1 Experimental hypnosis research M4 Neural mechanisms of self-consciousness SCHEDULE 13:00 Lunch break T PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS 10:00 17:30 K 14:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 15:30 Ps 16:00 17:30 Levels of consciousness T. Bayne, H. Blumenfeld, N.Schiff & A.Owen Marisa Carrasco Cs Unconscious processing Coffee / Tea Break 10:30 11:00 Lunch break Cs Attention & consciousness Multisensory integration Coffee / Tea Break 16:00 SYMPOSIUM N. Tsuchiya, S. Frässle, M. Wilke & V. Lamme CONCURRENT SESSIONS Metacognition Development & learning The richness of conscious experience 20:00 S The No-report Paradigm 18:00 KEYNOTE Chris Frith 19:00 20:00 POSTER SESSION Body ownership 15:30 Ps Ps 14:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS Cs 19:00 WELCOME RECEPTION Coffee / Tea Break 12:30 POSTER SESSION S SYMPOSIUM CAREER PANEL Prediction & consciousness K KEYNOTE Tyler Burge S 10:30 SYMPOSIUM Self & mind wandering FRIDAY, JULY 10th 9:30 Coffee / Tea Break POSTER SESSION OPENING REMARKS & JAMES PRIZE LECTURE A. Vlassova Altered states of consciousness 16:00 Break Mahzarin Banaji Lunch break Cs Coffee / Tea Break KEYNOTE 12:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS Visual consciousness 9:00 K A. Gopnik, S. Thompson-Schill, R. Carhart-Harris & D. Whitney MENTOR LUNCH Lunch break 15:30 A4 Non-sensory phenomenology 18:00 12:30 THURSDAY, JULY 9th Consciousness without control S. Marti, J. Eriksson, J-R. King D. Soto & D. Trübutschek Agency A3 The body in the mind: interoception & consciousness S SYMPOSIUM 14:00 A2 Using bayes to interpret non-significant results 16:30 Coffee / Tea Break Unconscious working memory? TUTORIALS 5-8 A1 The Metacognitive approach to studying consciousness 16:00 Giandomenico Iannetti 10:30 M3 Phenomenal concepts K KEYNOTE 10:00 M2 Novel advances in disorders of consciousness 12:00 9:00 S SYMPOSIUM Cs CONCURRENT SESSIONS Ps POSTER SESSIONS T TUTORIALS K KEYNOTE WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th 19 CLOSING ADDRESS 20:00 ASSC STUDENT SOCIAL GALA DINNER ASSC AFTER PARTY AT «L’AUTOBUS IMPÉRIAL» AT «LA MAISON DES POLYTECHNICIENS» AT «LE CARACTÈRE» K SCHEDULE 18 20 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG 21 AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 7th 09:00 - 12:00 TUTORIALS 1 st floor SCHEDULE Room De Broglie D Room De Broglie A Room De Broglie C Room De Broglie B M1 M2 M3 M4 A primer on experimental hypnosis research Novel diagnostic and therapeutical advances in disorders of consciousness Phenonemal concepts and the phenomenal concept strategy Neural processing of peripersonal space as a fundamental mechanism of self-consciousness D.B. Terhune, Oxford A. Barnier, Sydney V. Polito, Sydney J. Sitt, Paris C. Chatelle, Charlestown S. Chennu, Cambridge A. Demertzi, Paris A. Goldfine L. Naci, London Ontario A. Thibaut, Liège P. Sundström, Umeå O. Blanke, Lausanne A. Serino, Lausanne 16:30 - 17:00 OPENING REMARKS Auditorium Binet WELCOME Chairs: Sid Kouider, Elisabeth Pacherie, Catherine Tallon-Baudry Assc Executive Director: Steve Fleming LAUNCH OF THE JOURNAL NEUROSCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Editor In Chief: Anil Seth 17:00 - 18:00 JAMES PRIZE LECTURE Auditorium Binet SENSORY DECISION MAKING IN THE ABSENCE OF CONSCIOUS AWARENESS- Moderator: S. Dehaene Laureate 2015: Alya Vlassova 12:00 - 13:00 | LUNCH BREAK 13:00 - 16:00 TUTORIALS 1 18:00 - 19:00 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Auditorium Binet st Moderator: S. Fleming floor Room De Broglie A Room De Broglie B Room De Broglie C Room De Broglie D A1 A2 A3 A4 The metacognitive approach to studying consciousness: promises and caveats Using Bayes to interpret non- significant results The body in the mind: recent advances in interoception and consciousness Non-sensory phenomenology H. Lau, Los Angeles Z. Dienes, Brighton S. N. Garfinkel, Brighton H. D Critchley, Brighton O. Pollatos, Paris U. Kriegel, Paris ACTING WITHOUT SEEING: EYE MOVEMENTS REVEAL VISUAL PROCESSING WITHOUT AWARENESS MARISA CARRASCO, NYU 19:00 - 20:30 | WELCOME RECEPTION Conference Center, Hall 1 This event is sponsored by: SCHEDULE TUESDAY, JULY 7th #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th 09:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE SESSION Auditorium Binet 14:00 - 15:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS Moderator: A. Seth AVOIDING PAIN : CORTICAL RESPONSES TO NICICEPTIVE STIMULI AND DEFENSIVE MOVEMENTS GIANDOMENICO IANNETTI, LONDON 10:00 - 10:30 | COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION AREA - Hall 1 14:05 SCHEDULE UNCONSCIOUS WORKING MEMORY? 14:25 14:45 Perception and working memory during conscious and unconscious processing S. Marti & D. Trübutschek, Paris Tracking the time course of maintained visual representations during backward masking: an MEG study On the independence of visual awareness and working memory processes D. Soto, London Auditorium Weiss, 1st floor VISUAL CONSCIOUSNESS ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS AGENCY Moderator: L. Deouell Moderator: Moderator: P.Droege The roles of repetition and prediction in perceptual attenuation Cognitive access and cognitive phenomenology: empirically assessing the cognitive phenomenology hypothesis. Is plural self-awareness prior to joint action? The role of the insula in suppressing synchronous cardio-visual stimuli from awareness Learning and suppressing new information during sleep Consciousness, control, and moral responsibility Revealing columnar-level neural correlates of perceptual switches in area hMT using fMRI at 7 Tesla Preserved unconscious metacognition and impaired conscious error-detection in schizophrenia How does the sense of agency come about? New theory about a tracking control process A Bayesian account of priming as the updating of perceptual expectations Breakdown of the brain’s functional network modularity with awareness Manipulating the sense of agency using suggestion, deception, and magic R. Salomon, Lausanne Maintaining non-consciously presented information over brief periods of time engages the prefrontal cortex. J-R. King, Paris Auditorium Polonovski, 2nd floor M. Schneider, Maastricht 15:05 A. Pajani, Paris 12:30 - 14:00 | MENTOR LUNCH ACCESS FOR PRE-REGISTERED ATTENDEES ONLY Location: «CROUS Mabillon», 3 rue Mabillon, 75006 Paris About 10-minute walk from the ASSC venue J.Martens, Bochum M.A. Sebastian, Unam Chair: Sébastien Marti, Paris J. Eriksson, Umeå Auditorium Binet, ground floor F. Allenmark, Paris 10:30 - 12:30 SYMPOSIUM Auditorium Binet 12:30 - 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK 23 T. Andrillon, Paris L. Charles, Oxford R. Marois, Nashville 15:30 - 16:00 | COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION AREA - Hall 1 M. Mylopoulos, Paris E. Caspar, Bruxelles J. Olson, Montreal SCHEDULE 22 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG THURSDAY, JULY 9th WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th 16:00 - 17:30 POSTER SESSION 1 POSTER TOPICS 25 st floor - Rooms DeBroglie 09:00 - 10:00 KEYNOTE SESSION Auditorium Binet Moderator: A. Cleeremans Action & volition - 1 Models & theories of consciousness - 1 Attention disorders of self-consciousness Perceptual consciousness - 1 Measures of consciousness - 1 Sleep & dreams Mind-body problem Synesthesia 17:30 - 19:30 SYMPOSIUM Auditorium Binet LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS SCHEDULE Chair: Tim Bayne, Manchester What is a level of consciousness? T. Bayne, Manchester IMPLICIT SOCIAL COGNITION MAHZARIN BANAJI, LONDON 10:00 - 10:30 | COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION AREA - Hall 1 10:30 - 12:30 SYMPOSIUM Auditorium Binet CONSCIOUSNESS WITHOUT CONTROL: HOW DO PHENOMENOLOGY AND FUNCTION CHANGE WHEN PREFRONTAL CONTROL IS REDUCED AND WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS? Chair: Alison Gopnik, Berkeley Impaired levels of consciousness in focal and generalized seizures When a little frontal cortex goes a long way Can we understand the levels of consciousness without distinguishing kinds of conscious contents? Psychedelics alter brain network behaviour in manner that is the inverse of what is seen in normal brain development Assessing levels of consciousness after serious brain Injury Objects, crowds, and the dualism of perceptual experience General discussion When children are more open-minded learners than adults are: childhood as simulated annealing H. Blumenfeld, Yale, New Haven L.Miracchi, New-York A. Owen, London, Ontario S. Thompson-Schill, Philadelphia D. Erritzoe, Berkeley D. Whitney, Berkeley A. Gopnik, Berkeley General discussion 12:30 - 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK FROM 20:00 | ASSC STUDENT SOCIAL L’Autobus Impérial - 14 rue Mondétour You are kindly requested to wear your badge during the ASSC Student Social to be entitled to OpenBar access. Please note that the OpenBar is limited and operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. 12:30 - 14:00 | CAREER PANEL Location: Auditorium Weiss SCHEDULE 24 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG THURSDAY, JULY 9th THURSDAY, JULY 9th 14:00 - 15:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 17:30 - 19:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS Auditorium Binet, Ground floor Auditorium Polonovski, 2nd floor SELF PREDICTION & MIND-WANDERING & CONSCIOUSNESS 14:05 Auditorium Weiss, 1st floor Auditorium Binet, Ground floor UNCONSCIOUS PROCESSING THE RICHNESS OF METACOGNITION CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE Moderator: J. Smallwood Moderator: S. Thorpe Moderator: R. Marois Neural responses to heartbeats in the default-mode network encode the self-relatedness of spontaneous thoughts. Generating predictions Nonconsciously Evidence from invisible motion Disambiguating mooney Images with unconscious prior Conscious thought is a subpersonal process The interplay between attention and consciousness in action-oriented predictive coding Inside the black box: non-visual information can drive visual unconscious processing Non-transparent thoughts: awareness of mind-wandering is a decisional mechanism Delusion formation: an alternative perspective from the role of memory systems Automaticity of soundshape mapping Implications of the “lazarus response” for understanding the relationship between for-meness and phenomenal character Priors for perceptual decision and confidence in the pre-stimulus phase of occipital alpha-band EEG Neural signatures of visual word form perception in an inattentional blindness paradigm A. Goldstein R. Chang SCHEDULE T. Metzinger, Mainz K. Dolega, Bochum 14:45 M. Bastian, Paris 15:05 Z. Peremen, Tel Aviv S-M. Hung, Singapore Moderator: Z. Dienes Moderator: G. Dehaene-Lambertz Neural oscillations differentiating between task accuracy and metacognition Behavioral and neural markers of error detection and decision confidence in infants Conceptual short-term memory and the richness of experience Conscious vision procedes from global to local content in both goal-directed tasks and spontaneous vision F. Campana, Paris Y-T. Lin, Yang Ming M. T.Sherman, Sussex DEVELOPMENT & LEARNING Extending the reach of perceptual conscious experience H. Shevlin, Cuny 18:15 Auditorium Weiss, 1st floor Moderator: J. Sackur J. Smortchkova, Bochum 17:55 M. Babo-Rebelo, Paris 14:25 17:35 Auditorium Polonovski, 2nd floor M. E. Wokke, Amsterdam L. Goupil, Paris Learning to feel the conflict: The effect of metacognitive training on executive control Color experience in newborn babies: a problem for representationalism? Using multivoxel pattern neurofeedback to selectively manipulate subjective awareness without changing perceptual performance Learning to become aware: practice promotes a generalised ability to overcome visual suppression Perception, action and confidence: a bayesian framework for metacognitive computation The development of bodily self-consciousness: responses to the full body Illusion in childhood K. Desender, Bruxelles C. Passos-Ferreira, Rio de Janeiro D. Carmel, Edinburgh A. Cortese, Nara M. Pitts, Portland 18:35 Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for fast emergence of visual consciousness H. Railo, Turku S. Fleming, New-York J. E. Aspell, Cambridge T. J. Lane, Taipei 15:30 - 16:00 | COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION AREA - Hall 1 16:00 - 17:30 POSTER SESSION 1 POSTER TOPICS st floor - Rooms DeBroglie 20:00 | GALA DINNER Altered states of consciousness - 1 Measures of consciousness - 2 Decision Perceptual consciousness - 2 Emotion - 1 Self & body - 1 Learning & memory Time La Maison des Polytechniciens, 12 rue de Poitiers, 75005 Paris ACCESS FOR PRE-REGISTERED ATTENDEES ONLY 27 SCHEDULE 26 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG FRIDAY, JULY 10th FRIDAY, JULY 10th 09:30 - 10:30 KEYNOTE SESSION Auditorium Binet DO APES AND VERY YOUNG CHILDREN ATTRIBUTE MENTAL STATES? 14:00 - 15:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS TYLER BURGE, UCLA 10:30 - 11:00 | COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION AREA - Hall 1 14:05 11:00 - 12:30 POSTER SESSION 1 POSTER TOPICS st floor - Rooms DeBroglie SCHEDULE Action & volition - 2 Models & theories of consciousness - 2 Altered states of consciousness - 2 Perceptual consciousness - 3 Emotion - 2 Self & body - 2 Metacognition Unconscious processes Auditorium Binet, Ground floor Auditorium Polonovski, 2nd floor Auditorium Weiss, 1st floor ATTENTION & CONSCIOUSNESS BODY OWNERSHIP MULTISENSORY INTEGRATION Moderator: R.Kanai Moderator: T.Metzinger Moderator: N. Sagiv Biasing the content of conscious thought with value learning Introspection as inference: adaptive gain control, metacognition, and embodied self-awareness Unconscious cross-modal binding: implications for integration theories of consciousness Neural correlates of conscious perception can be triggered by retrospective attention Body ownership and the four-hand illusion Multimodal mental imagery, synesthesia and cognitive penetration Barack Obama blindness (Absence of visual awareness to a single object) ‘Myness’ isn’t positive Fragile visual memory suggest a dissociation between attention and consciousness My body as mine: bodily awareness and non-conceptual self-consciousness S. Forster, Brighton 14:25 M. Allen, London W-Y. Chen, Taipei C. Sergent, Paris 14:45 K. Saran, Ashok M. Persuh, New-York 12:30 - 14:00 | LUNCH BREAK 15:05 Y. Pinto, Brighton R. Chrisley, Brighton Bence Nanay, Antwerp Training induced synaesthesia-like experiences result in enhanced cortical excitability D. J. Schwartzman, Brighton C. Serrahima, Barcelona 15:30 - 16:00 | COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION AREA - Hall 1 29 The reach of phenomenal consciousness and synesthesia A. Mroczko-Wasowicz, Taipei SCHEDULE 28 30 WWW.THEASSC.ORG BOOK SER IES A ICR Advances in Consciousness Research Edited by Maxim I. Stamenov FRIDAY, JULY 10th Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Provides a forum for scholars from different scientific disciplines and fields of knowledge who study consciousness in its multifaceted aspects. Thus the Series includes (but is not limited to) the various areas of cognitive science, including cognitive psychology, brain science, philosophy and linguistics. The orientation of the series is toward developing new interdisciplinary and integrative approaches for the investigation, description and theory of consciousness, as well as the practical consequences of this research for the individual in society. 16:00 - 18:00 SYMPOSIUM Auditorium Binet THE NO-REPORT PARADIGM: A PROMISING AVENUE FOR CONSCIOUSNESS RESEARCH? Chair: Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Monash Do you think consciousness research must rely on reports from subjects? Are behavioral reports necessary to study the neural basis of phenomenal consciousness? Or do they just introduce confounds? N. Tsuchiya, Monash Frontal activity in binocular rivalry relates to introspection and action but not to perception S. Frässle, Marburg Dissociation between perceptual modulation in report- and no-report conditions in firing rates and local field potentials in area V4 and the thalamic pulvinar Editorial Board David J. Chalmers, Australian National University Axel Cleeremans, Université Libre de Bruxelles Gordon G. Globus, University of California Irvine Christof Koch, California Institute of Technology Stephen M. Kosslyn, Harvard University Steven Laureys, University of Liège George Mandler, University of California at San Diego John R. Searle, University of California at Berkeley Petra Stoerig, Universität Düsseldorf issn: 1381-589X SCHEDULE M. Wilke, Goettingen Can we ever prove seeing without knowing? Neural and psychophysical signatures of conscious perception in the absence of report. V. Lamme, Amsterdam PANEL DISCUSSION Can we study consciousness without reports? Do you think consciousness research must rely on reports from subjects? 18:00 - 19:00 KEYNOTE SESSION Auditorium Binet Moderator: F. De Vignemont WHAT’S THE USE OF CONSCIOUSNESS? CHRIS FRITH, LONDON 19:00 - 19:30 CLOSING ADDRESS Chairs: Sid Kouider, Elisabeth Pacherie and Catherine Tallon-Baudry New in the AiCR-series: Related title: The Constitution of Phenomenal Consciousness The Constitution of Visual Consciousness Toward a science and theory Lessons from Binocular Rivalry Edited by Steven M. Miller Edited by Steven M. Miller Monash University Monash University AAAAAAAAA Philosophers of mind have been arguing about the nature of phenomenal consciousness and the relation between brain and mind. More recently, neuroscientists and philosophers of science have entered the discussion. Building on a companion volume (AiCR 90), this volume addresses these questions and related empirical and conceptual territory. Being the first collected volume on binocular rivalry in nearly a decade, it will be of interest to researchers, scholars and students in the vision sciences, and more broadly in the psychological and clinical sciences. It makes essential reading for anyone interested in the science and philosophy of consciousness. Contributions by: J. Aru, T. Bachmann, W. Singer & L. Melloni; J.J.A. van Boxtel & N. Tsuchiya; B. Brogaard; V. CharlandVerville, A. Vanhaudenhuyse, S. Laureys & O. Gosseries; B.L. Curtis; B.L. Curtis & H.W. Noonan; Z. Drayson; T.A. de Graaf & A.T. Sack; J. Hohwy & T. Bayne; D. Keaton; P.C. Klink, M.W. Self, V.A.F. Lamme & P.R. Roelfsema; B.P. Kozuch & U. Kriegel; M. Mahner; A. Melnyk; S.M. Miller; J.P. Opie & G.J. O’Brien; J. Panksepp; D. Pereboom; A. Revonsuo. Contributions by: J.W. Brascamp & D.H. Baker; D.W. Bressler, R.N. Denison & M.A. Silver; A.J. Hannan & M.T.K. Kirkcaldie; P.C. Klink, R.J.A. van Wezel & R. van Ee; S.M. Miller; T.T. Ngo, W.N. Barsdell, P.C.F. Law & S.M. Miller; N.S.C. Price; F. Sengpiel; P. Sterzer; R.H. Thomson & P.B. Fitzgerald; N.J. Wade & T.T. Ngo; H.R. Wilson. [Advances in Consciousness Research, 92] 2015. viii, 464 pp. + index Hb E-book Hb E-book FROM 20:00 | ASSC AFTER PARTY «Les Caractères» About 10-minute walk from the ASSC venue AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA 978 90 272 1359 4 EUR 105.00 978 90 272 6878 5 EUR 105.00 [Advances in Consciousness Research, 90] 2013. ix, 339 pp. 978 90 272 1357 0 EUR 99.00 978 90 272 7182 2 EUR 99.00 JOH N BEN JA M I NS PU BL ISH I NG C OM PA N Y 32 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG 33 POSTER LIST WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th 16:00-17:30 | ACTION & VOLITION 1 16:00-17:30 | ATTENTION # TITLE # P001 Ondřej Bečev Using high-gamma oscillations to track the neural dynamics of volitional action P009 Anna Anzulewicz Does attention shape the graduality of visual consciousness? evidence from an RSVP task P002 Nicholas Hon Sleep deprivation produces feelings of vicarious agency P010 Dariusz Asanowicz P003 Peter Lush The timing of intentions and sense of agency in hypnosis and meditation The relationship between the subjective feeling of control and the objective efficiency of attentional control P011 P004 Bartosz Majchrowicz Cue integration in the sense of agency - the role of prior causal belief and sensorimotor prediction in intentional binding Consciousness modulates the effects of attention on priming P005 Jim Parkinson PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Neville Huang TITLE P012 Molly Jackson-Nielsen Conscious perception of color and size ensemble statistics requires attention Arrows and emotion: two methods of subliminally priming volitional decisions to act P013 Anna Marzecová Interactive effects of attention and expectation on selection of signals P006 Soon Siong Choice-predictive brain signals across motor and abstract decisions P014 Erik Meijs P007 Koichi Toida An ERP study on sense of agency and perception of delayed auditory feedback of self-movement Predicted stimuli have increased chance of entering awareness: evidence from the attentional blink paradigm P015 Cooper Smout P008 Yunn Ueng Do patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder have free will? Spatial attention enhances neural responses to visible but not invisible signals P016 Louis Thibault Retroactive attention can trigger all-or-none conscious access to past sensory stimulus POSTERS POSTERS PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th 16:00-17:30 | DISORDERS OF SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS 16:00-17:30 | MEASURES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 1 # # PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME TITLE P017 Georgios Antonopoulos Diagnostic accuracy of FDG-PET imaging data in disorders of consciousness P018 Lionel Barnett Causal density analysis of conscious state for intracranial depth electrode recordings of epilepsy patients P019 Iulia Comsa Silent but well-connected overnight: Spectral brain network dynamics during recovery from coma P020 Carol Di Perri Neural correlates of response to command recovery in minimally conscious patients P021 Sarah Garfinkel Discrepancy between subjective and objective interoceptive judgments predicts anxiety and emotion deficits in Autism P022 Raechelle Gibson A musical rhythm-based brain-computer interface to index auditory perception and attentional control in patients with disorders of consciousness P023 Urszula Górska Probing consciousness in DOC patients with auditory steady-state responses P024 Alex López-Rolón Outcome prediction in early-stage coma: avoiding falsely pessimistic predictions P025 Natalie Osborne Residual sensorimotor function in disorders of consciousness P026 Charlotte Rae Grey and white matter markers of dissociation in first-episode psychosis P027 Sarah Wannez Neural correlates of response to command recovery in minimally conscious patients PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME 35 TITLE P027 Robert Foley Flexible interaction as a criterion for consciousness P028 Ana Franco Objective and subjective measures of statistical learning of word-referent pairs P029 Ivan Ivanchei The effect of online awareness measures on the artificial grammar learning P030 Dominique Lamy How to measure unconscious processing? P031 Manuel Rausch Content, scale format, and type 2 sensitivity of subjective measures of consciousness P032 Bert Timmermans How robust are subjective measures and what do they measure? Impact of task order, stimulus- and response set. P033 Michał Wierzchoń How do we know what we see? The influence of visual identification decision on visual awareness ratings. POSTERS POSTERS 34 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th 16:00-17:30 | MIND-BODY PROBLEM 16:00-17:30 | PERCEPTUAL CONSCIOUSNESS 1 # TITLE # P034 Tommy Cleary PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Embodiment and bionic vision restoration P049 Egor Ananyev P035 Linda Dayem Shifting the hard problem via an experience-based processual approach The extent of feature-selective suppression for masking motion P050 Gonzalo Boncompte P036 Abraham Lim Ken Zhi A metaphysical study on the predictability of mind P037 Daniel Kostic Interventionist counterfactuals vs. possible worlds counterfactuals: there can be only one when it comes to explaining consciousness Disentangling the visual NCC: reducing low level features abolishes early ERP components and exposes P3b as the earliest ERP NCC P051 Esther De Loof Predictive information alters the visual awareness threshold by influencing response conservativeness, not processing efficiency P052 Jonathan Farrell Taxonomising seemings P053 Shen-Mou Hsu Distinct but interacting neural mechanisms underlying conscious face identification and conscious face detection P054 Ting-An Lin The puzzle about particularity of perceptual content and a deeper question P055 Georg Schauer Parietal TMS and binocular rivalry: stimulus and timing dependence resolve contradictory findings 16:00-17:30 | MODELS & THEORIES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 1 # PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME TITLE P038 Garnik Akopov Typological approach to analysis of various consciousness research programs P039 Leon Deouell Chasing a mirage - the quest for the genuine neural correlate of consciousness P040 Jolien Francken Manipulating word awareness dissociates feedforward from feedback models of language-perception interactions P041 Jonathan Mason Quasi-conscious multivariate systems P042 Shingo Murata Neuro-dynamical accounts for postdiction P043 David Rosenthal Sensory modalities and quality-space theory P044 Tobias Schlicht Subjective character P045 Anil Seth Neuroscience of consciousness: a new journal P046 Murray Shanahan Is Consciousness necessary for human-level artificial intelligence? P047 Robin Zebrowski On ‘similar enough’ embodiment and its challenge to our theories of consciousness PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME 37 TITLE P056 Bernhard Schlagbauer Contextual cueing of visual search alters conscious perception of spatial configurations P057 Asael Sklar Consistent individual differences in suppression breaking speed in continuous flash suppression P058 Anouk van Loon The role of recognition in shaping neural category representations P059 Wanja Wiese Why the single state conception does not solve the problem of phenomenal unity P060 Wendy Xiao Physiological markers of human conscious visual perception POSTERS POSTERS 36 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th THURSDAY, JULY 9th 16:00-17:30 | SLEEP & DREAMS 16:00-17:30 | ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 1 # TITLE # P061 Alessio Bucci The phenomenology of dreaming: a multi-theoretical approach P074 Maïté Castro P062 Ming-Ni Lee Awareness of bizarreness and cognitive abilities in dreams: a qualitative study EEG characteristics of music processing and the effect of music on cognitive processes in comatose and post-comatose patients P076 Pr. Laureys P063 Perrine Ruby Which kind of waking life events are incorporated into dreams? Repeated left prefrontal tDCS in patients with chronic minimally conscious state: a sham-controlled randomized double-blind study P064 Melanie Strauss Detection of arithmetic violations during sleep P075 Marzia De Lucia P065 Raphael Vallat Macrostructure and microstructure of sleep in High and Low dream recallers and evoked potentials to auditory arousing stimuli presented during sleep Trace conditioning during acute coma and hypothermia P077 Paul Liknaitzky P066 Tomasz Wielek Artificial neural networks - a promising tool for sleep staging in healthy individuals and clinical populations Depression as a ‘hyperordinary’ state, and the antidepressant mechanisms of non-ordinary states of consciousness P078 Kathleen Lyons P067 Malgorzata Wislowska Circadian changes of EEG brain activity in patients with disorders of consciousness Can transcranial direct current stimulation facilitate motor performance in the absence of training? Therapeutic implications for the vegetative state. P079 Dominique Morlet A new ERP paradigm to improve the detection of voluntary processes in behaviorally unresponsive patients at bedside 16:00-17:30 | SYNESTHESIA P080 Vince Polito Agency and automatic responding: hypnotic alterations to conscious control P081 Rebecca Semmens -Wheeler Meditators can’t ignore what’s right in front of them # PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME TITLE POSTERS P068 Hamada Daisuke Database of synesthetic color associations for japanese kanji P069 Christian Graulty Color processing in grapheme-color synesthetes: an attentional blink ERP study P070 Andy Mealor Synaesthesia is associated with a distinct metacognitive profile P071 Alexandra Rieger Spectrums of synaesthetic and non synaesthetic percetion of sound P072 Nicholas Root Second-order mappings between acoustic properties and visual experience in a timbre-to-sight synesthete: a case study P073 Noam Sagiv Synaesthesia as a model problem for the scientific study of consciousness PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME 39 TITLE POSTERS 38 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG THURSDAY, JULY 9th THURSDAY, JULY 9th 16:00-17:30 | DECISION 16:00-17:30 | EMOTION 1 # TITLE # P082 Katsuhiko Arihara PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Awareness of commodity prices activates consumers’ purchase hesitation during decision making P089 Surya Gayet PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Fear conditioned visual information gains preferential access to consciousness P083 Bruno Berberian How can a science of agency inform automation design P090 Cassandra Gould Interoception modulates fear breakthrough in binocular rivalry P084 Cristobal Dañobeitia Morong “Deciding advantageously with some consciousness of the advantageous strategy” P091 Thomas Grice-Jackson Experiencing the pain of others: the link between somatosensory cortex hyperactivity and conscious mirror-pain experiences P085 Kenji Doya Neural implementation of model-based inference and mental simulation P092 Aleksandra Gronostaj Mood-congruent memory bias, response bias and metacognition P086 Paula Herrera “Knowing how much” affects the reward effects on executive inhibition P093 Stuart Hameroff P087 Marion Rouault Beliefs, values and confidence in human decision-making Transcranial ultrasound (‘TUS’) at 2 megahertz to right prefrontal cortex improves mood in healthy volunteers P094 Gethin Hughes P088 Simon van Gaal A dynamic interplay between awareness and weighting of sensory evidence during human decision making ERP and behavioral evidence of increased sensory attenuation for fear related action outcomes P095 Lucian Macrea Reducing pain by moving through space? Influence of real versus illusory self-motion perception on pain thresholds and pain evoked potentials. P096 Marte Otten Seeing emotion where there is none: contextually induced emotion perception is similar to the perception of real emotional expressions. P097 Manuel Schabus The voice of anger: Emotional prosody across the consciousness continuum P098 Remigiusz Szczepanowski Conscious processing of emotional faces in the brain under the crowding task: event-related potential (ERP) study 41 TITLE POSTERS POSTERS 40 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG THURSDAY, JULY 9th THURSDAY, JULY 9th 16:00-17:30 | LEARNING & MEMORY 16:00-17:30 | MEASURES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2 # TITLE # PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME TITLE P099 Natalia Andriyanova PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Change of irrelevant features in tasks as the condition of appearance of regular errors P111 Christopher Allen P100 Antoine Barbot Visual recovery in cortical blindness A pre-registered magnetoencephalography study into the relationship between segmentation of auditory information and cortical oscillations P101 Julie Bertels Do presentation rate and incidental vs. intentional learning conditions impact on visual statistical learning? Influences on the acquired knowledge and its availability to consciousness P112 Selen Atasoy Connectome harmonic signatures of (un)conscious neurodynamics P113 Justyna Hobot Improving the measures of awareness. A proposal of two novel methods. P102 Maximilien Chaumon Implicit learning of statistical regularities: it's not all automatic P114 Andrew Peterson Methodological pitfalls of clinical validation studies in the science of consciousness P103 Axel Cleeremans The perruchet effect: dissociating motor behaviour from conscious expectancy P115 Leah Sinai Probing conscious experience of rich, naturalistic stimuli P104 Renata Del Giudice Prenatal auditory stimulation and its neurophysiological correlates in newborns P116 Zuzanna Skóra P105 Juliane Farthouat Investigation of the frequency tagged responses as an index of incidental statistical learning The scale does matter - different scales of consciousness show different results in the same tasks P117 Thomas Sørensen P106 Qiufang Fu Implicit sequence learning of surface and abstract structures Dissociating measures of consciousness from measures of short-term memory P118 Satohiro Tajima P107 Javier Gomez-Lavin Working memory is not a natural kind Hierarchy of complexity embedded in awake brain dynamics P108 Anatoliy Karpov The relation between preferences and implicit knowledge in perceptual categorization task P109 Irina Ovchinnikova Implicit learning in perceptual categorization task: dissociation between verbal and imaginative representations P110 Probabilistic trend detection in different levels of consciousness Marta Suárez-Pinilla 43 POSTERS POSTERS 42 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG THURSDAY, JULY 9th THURSDAY, JULY 9th 16:00-17:30 | PERCEPTUAL CONSCIOUSNESS 2 16:00-17:30 | SELF & BODY 1 # PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME TITLE # P119 Valtteri Arstila Perception of numbers as a case of cognitive penetration P130 Fosco Bernasconi Brain mechanisms of exteroceptive and interoceptive integration in bodily self-consciousness P120 Anne Atas The reversal of perceptual and motor compatibility effects differs qualitatively between metacontrast and random-line masks P131 Maria Cioffi Sense of agency: a vicarious agency illusion to unmask age-related differences P121 Michael Cohen Conscious perception is limited by overlap in neural channels P132 Irene De Caso Insulated from the moment P122 Nadine Dijkstra Spatiotemporal tracking of the neural representation of dominant percepts during binocular rivalry P133 Christoph Huber-Huber Break on through to the other side: bottom-up capture of attention despite of a wandering mind P134 Sara Kimmich Legal philosophy of gender in the brain P123 Norichimi Kitagawa Do you see something in noise? Your personality trait, emotional state and sex affect your tendency to see pareidolia P135 Mahiko Konishi Window to the wandering mind - increased pupil diameter indexes the occurrence of self generated thought P124 Marcin Koculak Level of processing influences electrophysiological correlates of perceptual awareness P136 Lana Kühle Body illusions: what do they really tell us about our bodily awareness? P125 Roger Koenig-Robert Measuring predictive coding signals using frequency-tagging and EEG P137 Yen-Tung Lee “Who” felt the touch on my hand? P138 Gianluca Macauda P126 Karin Ludwig The pattern of neural activation under continuous flash suppression in dorsal and ventral stream and its relationship to visual awareness A social neuroscience view on the body representation in Body Integrity Identity Disorder P139 Barbara Medea P127 Renate Rutiku N200 and P300 as reliable markers of conscious visual perception Looking forwards: understanding the significance of personal goals in the content of self-generated thought. P140 Thomas Morris P128 Mark Vergeer Complex visual integration across the boundary of consciousness Conceptualising and measuring collective cognition: evidence for distributed cognition in long married elderly couples P129 Yong Zixin Speed-size illusion explained by wholly empirical theory P141 Hielke Prins The influence of interoceptive signals on detection of 3D ballistic stimuli P142 Craig Richter Spontaneous brain dynamics and spontaneous thought: the impact of gastric-brain coupling PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME 45 TITLE POSTERS POSTERS 44 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG THURSDAY, JULY 9th FRIDAY, JULY 10th 16:00-17:30 | TIME 11:00-12:30 | ACTION & VOLITION 2 # TITLE # P143 Andrea Desantis PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Action as a unifier of perceptual experience P150 Tarik Bel-Bahar P144 Francesco Giorlando Inverted time perception, understandings from EEG and fMRI Dyadic and mobile brain imaging: implications for consciousness research P151 Leon Ciechanowski P145 Ariel Lindner A long minute: subjective time quantification Sense of agency for thoughts and working memory disorders. A neurophenomenological perspective P146 Keisuke Suzuki Time perception in pre-recorded reality: testing whether the speed of natural scenes affects subjective duration of time under different sensorimotor conditions P147 Matti Vuorre Voluntary actions modulate the experience of time P148 Olaf Witkowski Sensing when to move on: an agent-based approach to the concept of time P149 Yoshiko Yabe Temporal distortion in the perception of actions and events PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME 47 TITLE P152 Robert Deutschländer Probing folk-psychology: how consciousness and intentions influence beliefs about free action P153 Hannah Limerick Investigating cue integration in intentional binding P154 Ken Mogi Veto mechanism of consciousness P155 Simmy Poonian Sense of agency for others’ actions relies on external consequences rather than predictions: Implications for determining agency for ourselves and others P156 Nura Sidarus New avenues for investigating a prospective sense of agency P157 Konrad Stanek “What, when, whether - the electrophysiological correlates of voluntary action in virtual environment P158 Ceci Verbaarschot Detecting traces of consciousness in the process of intending to act POSTERS POSTERS 46 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG FRIDAY, JULY 10th FRIDAY, JULY 10th 11:00-12:30 | ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2 11:00-12:30 | EMOTION 2 # TITLE # P159 Amanda Barnier PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME In conversation with high hypnotizable people: developmental trajectories, correlates, and sense of agency P168 Lubov Akopian PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Awareness and regulation of fear emotions among children P160 Juliane Britz Altered temporal dynamics of EEG microstate sequences during pharmacologically induced loss of consciousness P169 Christine Blume Emotion matters! Effects of emotional prosody on stimulus processing across consciousness states P170 Darya Frank Gut feelings: investigating the influence of unconscious emotion on metacognitive insight 49 TITLE P161 Vanessa Charland-Verville Near-death experiences in patients with locked-in syndrome: not always a blissful journey P171 Spas Getov P162 Zoltan Dienes Bayes to the rescue: does the type of hypnotic induction matter? When we freeze: motor and autonomic correlates of slowed responses to preconscious social threat P172 Gina Grimshaw P163 Peter Moseley Investigating auditory false perceptions in a non-clinical sample Dissociating unconscious emotion through differential physiological responses P173 Emily Hammond P164 Lorina Naci The cognitive response to complex naturalistic stimuli in states of incremental sedation Exploring transformations in emotion in depression using mixed methods: the value of incorporating the subjective viewpoint. P165 Carol Perri The neural correlates of the emergence from disorders of consciousness P174 Nobel Truong Causal structures and insightful psychopaths P175 Petra Vetter P166 Michael Schartner Complexity of multi-dimensional spontaneous EEG decreases during propofol induced general anaesthesia Subcortical routes involved in the unconscious processing of emotional visual information P176 Minye Zhan Seeing invisible fearful bodies: a role of the intraparietal sulcus in non-conscious body processing P167 Ivan Sosa Microscopic insight into human consciousness POSTERS POSTERS 48 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG FRIDAY, JULY 10th FRIDAY, JULY 10th 11:00-12:30 | METACOGNITION 11:00-12:30 | MODELS & THEORIES OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2 # TITLE # P177 Agata Blaut PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Minimal requirements for valid measures of metacognition: causal and statistical considerations P186 Enrico Amico PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Structural constraints and information flow in the brain: a TMS/EEG-DTI study P178 Andrey Chetverikov Confident here, confident there: transfer of confidence between unrelated visual tasks P187 Alla Choifer The perspectives of consciousness P179 Camile Costa Corrêa The role of conscious awareness in performance monitoring and decision-making. P188 Yi Chuang Can phenomenal and access consciousness be clearly divided? A perspective from gestalt psychology P180 James Glen Sensory variance, gain control, and metacognitive salience - a predictive coding approach to self-awareness P189 Mianiye Diukarev Mykhailo Levels of development of a person from the theory of consciousness P181 Marta Łukowska Does cardiac activity following perceptual decision increase accuracy of metacognitive judgments in a near-threshold visual perception? P190 Anna Giustina Towards a top-down approach to unity of consciousness P191 Erik Hoel Information integration and the spatiotemporal scale of consciousness 51 TITLE P182 Caio Moreira Post-decision wagering reveals both perceptual confidence and error detection awareness P192 Jakub Jonkisz Consciousness: individuated information in action P183 Laurence Questienne Metacognitive experiences in subliminal conflict tasks: where do subjective experiences of difficulty originate from? P193 Joaquin Navajas Perceptual and contextual awareness P194 David Rudrauf The projective geometry and bayesian kinematics of consciousness in perception and imagination P184 Jérôme Sackur Self-knowledge dim-out: stress impairs metacognitive accuracy P195 Roger Schriner Naturalizing phenomenal presence: three conceptual obstacles P185 Marta Siedlecka I was so sure! Metacognitive judgment predicts memory performance better when given after than before a decision. POSTERS POSTERS 50 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG FRIDAY, JULY 10th FRIDAY, JULY 10th 11:00-12:30 | PERCEPTUAL CONSCIOUSNESS 3 11:00-12:30 | SELF & BODYS 2 # TITLE # P196 Vadim Axelrod PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Neural mechanisms of spatial visual illusions: voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study P207 Hui-Ming Chin PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME Is the mirror recognition test a convincing criteria for self-consciousness? P197 Antonio Aznar-Casanova How Mind handles uncertainty in ambiguous figures P208 Diane Deroualle First- and third-person perspective taking: the role of vestibular signals P198 Phoebe Bauer Electrophysiological correlates of individual percepts arising from the bistable face-vase figure P209 Nathan Faivre Rapid resolution of multisensory mismatch enables the recovery of agency and ownership P199 Howard Bowman Breakthrough percepts of salient faces - (sub)liminal salience search and EEG deception detection on the fringe of awareness P210 Alexis Garland Mirror-mediated behavior in pigeons (Colombia livia) and chickens (Gallus gallus) P200 Hagar Efrat Gelbard-Sagiv;Magidov The role of noradrenaline in visual awareness: a pharmacological fMRI study P211 Interoceptive influences on self-other boundaries P201 Luca Iemi Detection vs recognition: uncovering the role of spontaneous alpha oscillations in visual conscious processing P202 Weronika Kalwak Subjective experience and representation of space characteristics with minimal distal-to-tactile sensory substitution device enactive torch P203 Fukuda Megumi Prior expectation shapes dynamics of ambiguous stimulus perception P204 Jason Samaha Pre- and post-stimulus neural activity reflecting subjective visibility and objective performance measured with simultaneous EEG/fMRI P205 Elexa St. John-Saaltink Serial dependence in visual perception and stimulus representation in primary visual cortex P206 Saki Takao Magnifying glass optical illusion occurs for multiple stimuli but not for a single stimulus Georgina Heron 53 TITLE P212 Hsu-Chia Huang Self-location and body-location: are they the same? P213 Sara Kimmich Mental sex: a pilot study on resting state connectivity and the fluidity of gender identity P214 Leonie Klock When one`s own thoughts are externally-generated: neural correlates of an altered feeling of authorship P215 Bigna Lenggenhager Seeing one’s face at the rhythm of one’s heart: how externalized interoceptive signals shape self-other face discrimination P216 Polona Pozeg Neurological and robot-controlled induction of an apparition POSTERS POSTERS 52 54 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG EXHIBITORS’ PROFILES FRIDAY, JULY 10th 11:00-12:30 | UNCONSCIOUS PROCESSES # PRESENTING AUTHOR NAME TITLE P217 Leonardo Barbosa Prior expectation modulates repetition suppression without perceptual awareness P218 Acer Chang Unconscious temporal predictive processing revealed by 10 Hz perceptual echo P219 Oliver Kannape Sleepwalking under cognitive load - the zombie’s apprentice. P220 Kuei-An Li Does temporal integration of semantic information occur under visual crowding? P221 Pieter Moors Scene integration during continuous flash suppression: no evidence that scene congruency modulates suppression times P222 Karolina Moutsopoulou Are implicitly and rapidly acquired stimulus-response associations consolidated? P223 Shun Nakano Temporal characteristics of retaining an unconscious visual target P224 Joo TAN Temporal dynamics of unconscious salience processing P225 Sei Hwan Oh Effect of temporal regularity without awareness P226 Yung-Hsuan Tien Temporal integration of semantic information under continuous flash suppression P229 Polona Pozeg Neurological and robot-controlled induction of an apparition P230 Robert Van Guick Unity of consciousness and virtual selves The MIT Press publishes distinguished scholarly books and journals in cognitive science and related psychological and brain sciences. New books include: The New Cognitive Neurosciences, 5th Edition edited by Michael Gazzaniga; Consciousness, Attention and Conscious Attention by Carlos Montemayor and Harry Haroutioun Haladjian; Sensory Integration & the Unity of Consciousness edited by David Bennett and Christopher Hill; Outside Color: Perceptual Science and the Puzzle of Color in Philosophy by M Chirimuuta; Dreaming: A Conceptual Framework for Philosophy of Mind and Empirical Research by Jennifer M Windt; Categorizing Cognition by Graeme Halford & William Wilson; Artificial Cognitive Systems by David Vernon. Forthcoming titles include: Prehension: The Hand and the Emergence of Humanity by Colin McGinn; Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology by Robert Arp, Barry Smith & Andrew Spear; The Brain’s Representational Power by Cyriel M A Pennartz; Distributed Consciousness edited by Rocco J Gennaro; Thinking about Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self by Kristina Musholt. Oxford University Press is a leading publisher of books, journals and online products in the field of consciousness studies. Our worldwide publishing furthers the University’s objectives of excellence in scholarship, research, and education. Visit us at our stand today to learn more about the newly launched open access journal, Neuroscience of Consciousness, the official journal of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, and browse our extensive collection of books, available to buy with an exclusive 20% conference discount. POSTERS g.tec was founded in 1999 by Christoph Guger and Günter Edlinger as a spin-off from the Graz University of Technology. The company is a growing enterprise with two branches in Austria (Graz and Schiedlberg), one branch in Spain (Barcelona), one branch in the US (Albany, New York) and distribution partners all over the world. All hardware and software development is done in-house by our team of researchers, engineers and developers. Further g.tec is also an active member in a number of national and international research projects and is active in scientific publishing. Imagine being able to think, hear, and feel - but not move or communicate. Over 40% of patients diagnosed as vegetative are reclassified as (at least) minimally conscious when assessed by expert teams. g.tec introduce a new tool called mindBEAGLE® that uses BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) technology to assess DOC patients quickly, easily, and painlessly. mindBEAGLE® can even provide basic communication with some of these patients. A BCI detects changes in brain activity induced by the user’s mental activity. The EEG (Electroencephalogram) is used to measure brain signals, which are automatically analysed and classified on a standard laptop. mindBEAGLE® uses auditory and vibro-tactile stimulation to elicit typical brain responses that are based on a certain level of awareness and conscious processing in the patient’s brain. If patients are indeed able to think, they can even communicate through a BCI (such as “yes” or “no”) by imagining certain movements (such as grasping with the left or right hand) - even though they cannot move in any way. At the ASSC19 conference 2015 g.tec will show this system and visitors will have the opportunity to try it on their own. 55 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG INDEX OF PRESENTING AUTHORS AUTHOR INDEX ALLEN Micah Jay A. OLSON Lubov AKOPIAN Garnik AKOPOV Christopher ALLEN Fredrik ALLENMARK Enrico AMICO Egor ANANYEV Thomas ANDRILLON Natalia ANDRIYANOVA Miguel Ángel SEBASTIAN Georgios ANTONOPOULOS Anna ANZULEWICZ Katsuhiko ARIHARA Valtteri ARSTILA Dariusz ASANOWICZ Anne ATAS Selen ATASOY Vadim AXELROD Antonio AZNAR-CASANOVA Mariana BABO-REBELO Mahzarin BANAJI Leonardo BARBOSA Antoine BARBOT Lionel BARNETT Amanda BARNIER Mikael BASTIAN Phoebe BAUER Tim BAYNE Ondřej BEČEV Tarik BEL-BAHAR Bruno BERBERIAN fosco BERNASCONI Julie BERTELS Olafe BLANKE p. 29 p. 23 p. 49 p. 36 p. 29, 36 p. 23 p. 51 p. 37 p. 23 p. 42 p. 23 p. 34 p. 33 p. 40 p. 44 p. 33 p. 44 p. 43 p. 52 p. 52 p. 26 p. 25 p. 54 p. 42 p. 48, 56 p. 20, 48 p. 26 p. 52 p. 24 p. 32 p. 47 p. 40 p. 45 p. 42 p. 20 Agata BLAUT Ned BLOCK Christine BLUME Hal BLUMENFELD Gonzalo BONCOMPTE Howard BOWMAN Juliane BRITZ Alessio BUCCI Tyler BURGE Florence CAMPANA Robin CARHART-HARRIS David CARMEL Marisa CARRASCO Emilie CASPAR Maïté CASTRO Acer CHANG Raymond CHANG Vanessa CHARLAND-VERVILLE Lucie CHARLES Camille CHATELLE Maximilien CHAUMON Wen-Yeo CHEN Srivas CHENNU Andrey CHETVERIKOV Hui-Ming CHIN Alla CHOIFER Ron CHRISLEY Yi CHUANG Leon CIECHANOWSKI Maria CIOFFI Tommy CLEARY Axel CLEEREMANS Michael COHEN Iulia COMSA p. 50 p. p. 49 p. 24 p. 37 p. 52 p. 48 p. 38 p. 28 p. 27 p. 19 p. 27 p. 7, 21 p. 23 p. 39 p. 54 p. 26, 54 p. 48 p. 23 p. 20 p. 42 p. 29 p. 20 p. 50 p. 53 p. 51 p. 29 p. 51 p. 47 p. 45 p. 36 p. 25, 42 p. 44 p. 34 Aurelio CORTESE Camile COSTA CORRÊA Jacobo D. SITT Hamada DAISUKE Cristobal DAÑOBEITIA MORONG Linda DAYEM Irene DE CASO Esther DE LOOF Marzia DE LUCIA Frederique DE VIGNEMONT Stanislas DEHAENE Ghislaine DEHAENE-LAMBERTZ Renata DEL GIUDICE Athena DEMERTZI Leon DEOUELL Diane DEROUALLE Andrea DESANTIS Kobe DESENDER Robert DEUTSCHLÄNDER Carol DI PERRI Zoltan DIENES Nadine DIJKSTRA Mianiye DIUKAREV MYKHAILO Krzysztof DOLEGA Kenji DOYA Paula DROEGE Jane Elizabeth ASPELL Johan ERIKSSON Nathan FAIVRE Jonathan FARRELL Juliane FARTHOUAT Steve FLEMING Robert FOLEY Sophie FORSTER Jolien FRANCKEN Ana FRANCO Darya FRANK Chris FRITH Qiufang FU p. 27 p. 50 p. 20 p. 38 p. 40 p. 36 p. 35 p. 37 p. 39 p. 6, 30 p. 6, 21 p. 27 p. 42 p. 20 p. 23, 36 p. 53 p. 46 p. 27 p. 47 p. 34 p. 20, 27, 48 p. 44 p. 51 p. 26 p. 40 p. 23 p. 27 p. 22 p. 53 p. 37 p. 42 p. 6, 7, 21, 27 p. 35 p. 29 p. 36 p. 35 p. 49 p. 30 p. 42 Sarah GARFINKEL Alexis GARLAND Surya GAYET Hagar Efrat GELBARD-SAGIV;MAGIDOV Spas GETOV Raechelle GIBSON Francesco GIORLANDO Anna GIUSTINA James GLEN Andrew GOLDFINE Ariel GOLDSTEIN Javier GOMEZ-LAVIN Alison GOPNIK Urszula GÓRSKA Cassandra GOULD Louise GOUPIL Christian GRAULTY Thomas GRICE-JACKSON Gina GRIMSHAW Aleksandra GRONOSTAJ Stuart HAMEROFF Emily HAMMOND Georgina HERON Paula HERRERA Justyna HOBOT Erik HOEL Nicholas HON Shen-Mou HSU Neville HUANG Hsu-Chia HUANG Christoph HUBER-HUBER Gethin HUGHES Shao-Min HUNG Giandomenico IANNETTI Luca IEMI Ivan IVANCHEI Molly JACKSON-NIELSEN David John SCHWARTZMAN Jakub JONKISZ Timothy Joseph LANE Weronika KALWAK 57 p. 20, 34 p. 53 p. 41 p. 52 p. 49 p. 34 p. 46 p. 51 p. 50 p. 20 p. 26 p. 42 p. 25 p. 34 p. 41, 7 p. 27 p. 38 p. 41 p. 49 p. 41 p. 41 p. 49 p. 53 p. 40 p. 33 p. 51 p. 32 p. 37 p. 33 p. 53 p. 45 p. 41 p. 26 p. 22 p. 52 p. 35 p. 33 p. 29 p. 51 p. 26 p. 52 AUTHOR INDEX 56 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG AUTHOR INDEX Ryota KANAI Oliver KANNAPE Anatoliy KARPOV Abraham Lim KEN ZHI Sara KIMMICH Jean-Rémi KING Norimichi KITAGAWA Leonie KLOCK Marcin KOCULAK Roger KOENIG-ROBERT Mahiko KONISHI Daniel KOSTIC Uriah KRIEGEL Lana KÜHLE Victor LAMME Dominique LAMY Hakwan LAU Pr LAUREYS Ming-Ni LEE Yen-Tung LEE Bigna LENGGENHAGER Kuei-An LI Paul LIKNAITZKY Hannah LIMERICK Ting-An LIN Ying-Tung LIN Ariel LINDNER Alex LÓPEZ-ROLÓN Karin LUDWIG Marta LUKOWSKA Peter LUSH Kathleen LYONS Gianluca MACAUDA Lucian MACREA Bartosz MAJCHROWICZ Rene MAROIS Sébastien MARTI Anna MARZECOVÁ Jonathan MASON Andy MEALOR Barbara MEDEA p. 29 p. 54 p. 42 p. 36 p. 45, 53, 7 p. 22 p. 34 p. 53 p. 44 p. 44 p. 45 p. 36 p. 20 p. 45 p. 30 p. 35 p. 20 p. 39 p. 38 p. 45 p. 53 p. 54 p. 39 p. 47 p. 7, 37 p. 7, 26, 37 p. 46 p. 34 p. 44 p. 50 p. 32 p. 39 p. 45 p. 41 p. 32 p. 23, 26 p. 22 p. 33 p. 36 p. 38 p. 45 Fukuda MEGUMI Erik MEIJS Thomas METZINGER Ken MOGI Pieter MOORS Caio MOREIRA Dominique MORLET Thomas MORRIS Peter MOSELEY Karolina MOUTSOPOULOU Aleksandra MROCZKO-WASOWICZ Shingo MURATA Myrto MYLOPOULOS Lorina NACI Shun NAKANO Bence NANAY Joaquin NAVAJAS Sei Hwan OH Natalie OSBORNE Marte OTTEN Irina OVCHINNIKOVA Adrian OWEN Auréliane PAJANI Jim PARKINSON Claudia PASSOS-FERREIRA Ziv PEREMEN Carol PERRI Marjan PERSUH Andrew PETERSON Yair PINTO Michael PITTS Vince POLITO Simmy POONIAN Polona POZEG Hielke PRINS Laurence QUESTIENNE Charlotte RAE Henry RAILO Manuel RAUSCH Craig RICHTER Alexandra RIEGER p. 52 p. 33 p. 26 p. 47 p. 54 p. 50 p. 39 p. 45 p. 48 p. 54 p. 29 p. 36 p. 23 p. 20, 48 p. 54 p. 29 p. 51 p. 54 p. 34 p. 41 p. 42 p. 24 p. 6, 23 p. 32 p. 27 p. 26 p. 34 p. 29 p. 43 p. 29 p. 26 p. 20, 39 p. 47 p. 53 p. 45 p. 50 p. 34 p. 27 p. 35 p. 45 p. 38 Nicholas ROOT David ROSENTHAL Marion ROUAULT Perrine RUBY David RUDRAUF Renate RUTIKU Jérôme SACKUR Noam SAGIV Roy SALOMON Jason SAMAHA Kranti SARAN Manuel SCHABUS Michael SCHARTNER Georg SCHAUER Nicholas SCHIFF Bernhard SCHLAGBAUER Tobias SCHLICHT Marian SCHNEIDER Roger SCHRINER Rebecca SEMMENS-WHEELER Claire SERGENT Andrea SERINO Carlota SERRAHIMA Anil SETH Murray SHANAHAN Maxine SHERMAN Henry SHEVLIN Nura SIDARUS Marta SIEDLECKA Leah SINAI Soon SIONG Asael SKLAR Zuzanna SKÓRA Jonathan SMALLWOOD Joulia SMORTCHKOVA Cooper SMOUT Thomas SØRENSEN Ivan SOSA David SOTO Elexa ST. JOHN-SAALTINK Konrad STANEK p. 38 p. 36 p. 40 p. 38 p. 51 p. 44 p. 27, 50 p. 29, 38, 52 p. 23 p. 52 p. 29 p. 41 p. 48 p. 37 p. 24 p. 37 p. 36 p. 23 p. 51 p. 39 p. 29 p. 20 p. 29 p. 21, 22, 36 p. 36 p. 26 p. 27 p. 47 p. 50 p. 43 p. 32 p. 37 p. 43 p. 26 p. 27 p. 33 p. 42 p. 48 p. 22 p. 52 p. 47 Melanie STRAUSS Marta SUÁREZ-PINILLA Pär SUNDSTRÖM Keisuke SUZUKI Remigiusz SZCZEPANOWSKI Satohiro TAJIMA Saki TAKAO Joo TAN Devin TERHUNE Louis THIBAULT Aurore THIBAUT Sharon THOMPSON-SCHILL Simon THORPE Yung-Hsuan TIEN Bert TIMMERMANS Koichi TOIDA Nobel TRUONG Naotsugu TSUCHIYA Yunn UENG Raphael VALLAT Simon VAN GAAL Anouk VAN LOON Ceci VERBAARSCHOT Mark VERGEER Petra VETTER Matti VUORRE David WHITNEY Tomasz WIELEK Michał WIERZCHOŃ Wanja WIESE Melanie WILKE Malgorzata WISLOWSKA Olaf WITKOWSKI Martijn WOKKE Wendy XIAO Yoshiko YABE Robin ZEBROWSKI Minye ZHAN Yong ZIXIN p. 38 p. 42 p. 20 p. 46 p. 41 p. 43 p. 52 p. 54 p. 20 p. 33 p. 20 p. 25 p. 26 p. 54 p. 35 p. 32 p. 49 p. 30 p. 32 p. 38 p. 40 p. 37 p. 47 p. 44 p. 49 p. 46 p. 25 p. 38 p. 35 p. 37 p. 30 p. 38 p. 46 p. 27 p. 37 p. 46 p. 36 p. 49 p. 44 59 AUTHOR INDEX 58 60 WWW.THEASSC.ORG NOTES #ASSC19 61 62 #ASSC19 WWW.THEASSC.ORG CONTACTS ASSC 19 | REGISTRATION OFFICE Fondation Pierre-Gilles De Gennes Congrès ASSC19 29, rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris, France Tel : +33 (0) 1 44 32 29 79 [email protected] ASSC | SECRETARY GENERAL [email protected] SAVE THE DATE 63 TUTORIALS 1-4 T TUTORIALS 5-8 Lunch break 19:00 18:00 16:30 16:00 WELCOME RECEPTION Marisa Carrasco A. Vlassova PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS OPENING REMARKS & JAMES PRIZE LECTURE Break A4 Non-sensory phenomenology A3 The body in the mind: interoception & consciousness A2 Using bayes to interpret non-significant results A1 The Metacognitive approach to studying consciousness 13:00 12:00 K T M4 Neural mechanisms of self-consciousness M3 Phenomenal concepts M2 Novel advances in disorders of consciousness M1 Experimental hypnosis research 9:00 TUESDAY, JULY 7th SYMPOSIUM Coffee / Tea Break Giandomenico Iannetti KEYNOTE POSTER SESSION 20:00 Coffee / Tea Break Mahzarin Banaji KEYNOTE GALA DINNER AT «LA MAISON DES POLYTECHNICIENS» AT «L’AUTOBUS IMPÉRIAL» 20:00 Development & learning Cs Cs Ps Unconscious processing CAREER PANEL The richness of conscious experience POSTER SESSION Coffee / Tea Break Prediction & consciousness CONCURRENT SESSIONS Metacognition 17:30 16:00 15:30 Self & mind wandering 14:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS Lunch break 12:30 A. Gopnik, S. Thompson-Schill, R. Carhart-Harris & D. Whitney S K Lunch break POSTER SESSION Coffee / Tea Break Tyler Burge KEYNOTE Coffee / Tea Break Attention & consciousness 20:00 19:00 AT «LE CARACTÈRE» ASSC AFTER PARTY CLOSING ADDRESS Chris Frith 18:00 KEYNOTE N. Tsuchiya, S. Frässle, M. Wilke & V. Lamme K Cs Ps K S Multisensory integration The No-report Paradigm 16:00 SYMPOSIUM 15:30 Body ownership 14:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 12:30 11:00 10:30 9:30 FRIDAY, JULY 10th S SYMPOSIUM Cs CONCURRENT SESSIONS Ps POSTER SESSIONS Consciousness without control 10:30 SYMPOSIUM 10:00 9:00 THURSDAY, JULY 9th T TUTORIALS K KEYNOTE ASSC STUDENT SOCIAL T. Bayne, H. Blumenfeld, N.Schiff & A.Owen S Ps Altered states of consciousness Coffee / Tea Break SYMPOSIUM S K Cs MENTOR LUNCH Levels of consciousness 17:30 16:00 15:30 Visual consciousness CONCURRENT SESSIONS Lunch break Agency 14:00 12:30 S. Marti, J. Eriksson, J-R. King D. Soto & D. Trübutschek Unconscious working memory? 10:30 10:00 9:00 WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 19 SCHEDULE 18 SCHEDULE
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