du C entr e Avenue Léo Co s Grand s Prés roi te du C ana l es Avenue d Bassins Riv eD r Edison S e Fe in d Avenue de Jemappes hem du C Rue 1 ON HOW 2 3 4 Avenue Mélina Mercouri 5 TO PARTY 18:00 > 00:00 18:00 > 00:00 PHOTOS INSTALLATION MONS IN 2015 PLACE LÉOPOLD You have arrived at one of our 14 information points. FIRE Av. Jos ep h Wa ute OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS MARCHÉ AUX HERBES 18:00 > 00:00 MARIE MONTOISE SQUARE FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT 7 ONCE UPON “CLOÉ” FINNISH HOT POTS JARDINS DU BEFFROI 9 18:00 > 00:00 18:00 > 00:00 A TIME SQUARE FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT 8 ez Monten Impasse SONG LINES COUR DU CARRÉ DES ARTS 11 18:00 > 00:00 18:00 > 00:00 MAPPING 360° 106 RUE DE NIMY 10 DANCE WITH 18:00 > 00:00 PLACE NERVIENNE MAISON FOLIE 18:00 > 00:00 THE SOUND CRAZY HOUSE ELECTRABEL RUE DE LA POTERIE 12 OF DARKNESS CONSERVATOIRE rs 27 su s Ro u de nd Cr oi x la de Ru e R M .G . D ou am ve oi rne se ur au x e Bi ch la de Ru e Ru Bld du é Pr ie nc lub Rue du Tro Rue Brisselo t Av. des Guérites Av. du Pont Rouge ish C e ois nn Rue du Foyer Chemin de la Procession ale eV Ru COUR DES ANCIENS ABATTOIRS uF té on Voû uill EVENTS ON A FIXED SCHEDULE al MUSICAE LASSUS Rue d INSIDE/OUTSIDE MONS PRISON NO ACCESS Mons temporary railway station 18:00 > 22:00 HOME ON TOUR RUE D’HAVRÉ 20:00 / 21:30 / 23:00 21:15 > 22:15 22:15 > 02:00 CONCERTO CHROMATIQUE BY PURE FM PUBLIC ÉGLISE SAINTE-ÉLISABETH ENVOLÉE ELECTRONIGHT GRAND-PLACE 22:30 > 23:00 Information points PLACE NERVIENNE Bus stops Park & Ride FIREWORKS GRAND-PLACE Lost children’s point Red Cross O 24 25 lle rée es P 26 17 18 19 s A es ed llé in d au x r m Che t 1e 22 23 is e lber Parc du Waux-Hall ez Avenue du centenaire Rue d ile rn Co Ch aus sé e du Ro eu 20 Chemin de la Procession rD eja rdin iez 21 a re y ed nn Ke nt e sid ôpit de l’H SUPERSTAR! CUBICULUM ANCIENS ABATTOIRS t-L az rs trie les rba A es ed rid 14:00 > 18:00 EXHIBITION Sa in 13 Rue des Archers 14:00 > 18:00 MONS Ru e INDOOR VENUES COLLÉGIALE SAINTE-WAUDRU Ru e de s Rue Vert e Fo ge La s e Fils Aym Rue des Quatr o ssé s Ch em in el Ru eL uc id Pl. Warocqué Rue du Parc du P arc Rue Rue du Pa rc Rue N euve ie n gh ad d’E n e es Ru e M . Bervoets Rue du Chapitre Rampe Sainte-Wau dru Ru e R. des 5 vis ages Rue des Gaill ers ars ss de de sF éti s ue Ru ed el aC lef Rue L amir u cq Pl. de Vannes II Léo pol d Rue Rue Rog ier R. de la Petite Guirlande Rue Ado l Rue D ubre s ge INSTALLATION #2 COLLÉGIALE SAINTE-WAUDRU e Avenu Épa rgn e POLYPHONIC Ast s es Tourterelle Rue d A nue Ave icorne e la L Rue d THE POETS’ SELFIE THÉÂTRE ROYAL uois de l’ 20:00 > 00:00 rnet s Co Jule Rue a ss Pa PARTNERS 16 20:00 > 00:00 r Bld Sainctelette 15 7 imy de N ns ositio s Exp Av. de 11 ne Rei Av. rs BONUS du Rue ALHAMBRA e Rue d es Gro seillier s n yo nnerie e la Ta Rue d ne l’Eparg e d Rue DISCOCLASSIX TO COME o mm de L’H Jardin Gustave Jacobs t men ot ré av d’H e ell Ru ch Ra e Ru Sp ira rne uve Go du 26 ch ot 20:0 > 02:00 WITH LOVE s udin s Bo Troi des e Ru e Ru Ra WOODSTOCK iau aistr V. M Av. ou 29 FROM THE BEST IS YET Rue la Pl. de Ra qu ett Bootle e x eu Ru e Rue Rue du Rossignol n rs p de Ma19:30 > 02:00 Cham du OUR dJ ran eln sB de vr é hil l la Ro oits es D r Rue d de Ch urc 25 2 e Cless e Ru n Ru e a a Je ts ar sc Le la ue rd Pe ’H ed Ru e Ru Hau tboi s de in Pe sB ar be lés PLACE DU PARC 17 s de e Ru ir ré Hav e Rue d u e Ru 14 d’ Rue 3 de e ntoin Rue A la ro Mi Ru e d u e Ru e R. des Échelles 12 GRAND-PLACE e up Co ton G de ue e ins THÉÂTRE LE MANÈGE s uotte Marq des Rue q Rue C r o n d’H Rue Vic to 29 9 e Ru u se as Br ue en Av ll e uve e No Jon PHOTO STUDIO cq ue en Av 18 19 21 W Bld Dolez 18:00 > 21:00 Rue m Le s ain s de RUE DE NIMY Ru Bl d s Rue du 11 Novembre ud Ho ce an nd pe dé e Ru THE PASSENGER erc MARCHÉ AUX HERBES de sC lle Ha ha la r tr ier de e s Ru ts Marché ts ar aux Poissons car iss Les o r an sF Je e de Ru e n yo d’H Cl G es n ba Or l ’ in lière la Val in de de Rue ue en Av Di gu ed Di gu e d es P eu es pli Pe ers up lie rs Ru Rue du J oncq uo i s Ru d R. ed Ru de Rue d es Ar queb usiers t e rie e Ru sab eth Tro uil le Po de s Rue de la Chau ssé ie riper de T ran la G R. Ru e in Dominica Rue des Rue des Telliers re Frè Av. E li es de 6 28 de r t- la N Débonna ire JARDINS DU BEFFROI la Rue de la Petite Triperi e r oi sN ur Sœ es be JARDINS DU BEFFROI 28 27 8 de d Al OF THE BELFRY 24 u Pr ince e am e-D otr e Ru e Ru ILLUMINATION d R. rs Rue de la Boulangerie Bl Chem MONS TEMPORY RAILWAY STATION 23 e Ru s uif sJ de Pl. d e s M arty niers 22 ELECTROSUPER la T erre d Rue N otre-D ame e Ru t Place de la Grande Pêcherie PERMANENT INSTALLATIONS de ue nd’R Gra ue d’R an Gr es vesn n d’A Rue du Tri eu e R. n s Cano Rue de ea Av. J t inant Rue de D 20 mon ertai de B Rue 16 s ier Fri p es Ru e d s me 10 ates s Casm Rue de aas eN Ru s es Cu de IN THE STREETS ed Ru ron R. sans Co PLACE NERVIENNE ue IN THE STREETS s cin apu ge or Ge t alplaque Rue de M 15 union Rue de la Ré C des grand hille Le Rue Ac Rue des Kiévro is R l’Ath énée Rue e Ru DRAGONS Di g lp o BRASS BANDS rte Place du Béguinage 5 4 Rampe B orgna gach e ies e Ru sseret Rue Bui De Rue de Bouzanton phe Péc her Rue des Cano nniers Rue d Rue de Rue Samson du Tra vai l s liers Éco es Now, create your own journey: what is left of the program is a moving show, it requires no specific itinerary and the performances take place in loop so that you can experience it all. Even better: wander through the transfigured squares and the hot pots of the European Capital of Culture. èt r e ud Cla SQUARE F. ROOSEVELT ière Rue d e Gag e uG azo m Rue ss Hou IN THE STREETS Rue Chisaire e la Start with checking which events take place on a fixed schedule (from 17 to 20). Ru ed asq ue lier gn etti eB ed 14 13 Bld Charles Quint 1 ge u Riva Rue d Ru e Bld Gendebien Ru eA nd ré M PARKING PARK & RIDE PLACE LÉOPOLD d Rue You are amongst the 18.000 lucky ones to have received a silver survival blanket poncho designed by our supporting artists-fashion designer Jean-Paul Lespagnard. Put it on and illuminate the city! Are you connected? Download the free app VisitMons. THE CLOCHE - SURROUND KEYFRAMES PLACE DU PARC 18:00 > 00:00 18:00 > 00:00 18:00 > 00:00 6 0 100m OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS FROM WOODSTOCK PHOTOS 1 & PRATICAL INFORMATION INTRA MUROS CLOSED TO TRAFFIC 14:00 > 01:00 (02:00 Grand-Place & Marché aux Herbes). 2 3 SNCB Schedules for all additional trains for this night of magic on www.sncb.be or at one of our 14 information points. 4 Please do not litter. Photographs © 1.Bénédicte Thomas 2.Vincent Muteau 3.DR 4.Het Pakt 5. Nathalie Vessié 6.DR 7.Yves Bercez - lille3000 8. Dirty Monitor 9.Het Pakt 10. Electrabel 11.Jacob Khrist 12.Cedric Lambot /Magicowl 13.DR 14.ORCW 15.DR 16. Bernard Gigounon 17. Dominique Decker 18.Jean-Jacques Pauget 19.Olivier Donnet 20.Mairie de Dunkerque 21.Ingra Soerd 22/23.Warvine 24.Isabelle Françaix 25.DR 26.DR 27.DR 28.ACT Lighting 29.Denis Decaluwe | Dragons DR | Fanfare DR | La Phrase Ingra Soerd | Mons Street reView X-TNT / Bram Goots | Généalogie de Mons l’Européenne Ingra Soerd | Van Gogh au Borinage KKM | Le Festival de Liège Pierre Sasso. DIRTY MONITOR 18:00 > 00:00 18:00 > 00:00 The Belgian masters of video art Dirty Monitors offer a mind-blowing 360° immersive experience: a giant-scale video mapping of every inch of all four sides of the courtyard at Carré des Arts. KEYFRAMES GROUPE LAPS 18:00 > 00:00 HET PAKT HET PAKT RUE DE LA POTERIE 18:00 > 00:00 ELECTRABEL PLACE NERVIENNE 18:00 > 00:00 SQUARE FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT 18:00 > 00:00 FRANK BRALEY & FRIENDS ALHAMBRA 20:00 > 02:00 15 COLLÉGIALE SAINTE-WAUDRU SQUARE FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT 18:00 > 00:00 A luminous and poetic performance by M. Zo, forerunner of the « 400 Coups », a colourful festival that he organises in Wallonia picarde (Tournai) in Summer 2015. 11 16 A TIME 18:00 > 00:00 With the artistic collaboration of Timothe Toury / Vanessa Abramow / Stéphane Lambert THE SOUND 12 OF DARKNESS PHOTO STUDIO FRED SAPEY-TRIOMPHE THÉÂTRE ROYAL 18:00 > 21:00 SUPERSTAR ! EXHIBITION 22 23 LAND OF INVENTORS AND INNOVATION ANIMATIONS FOR ALL ANCIENS ABATTOIRS 14:00 > 18:00 All of the Mons inventors since the Renaissance are reunited, like Jean Houzeau, one of the first to have imported and studied bamboo in Europe, or Nicolas Hardenpont who developed the pear varieties we know today. An innovating exhibition to be visited with tablet in hand, in augmented reality. 400 one-day-only concert performers recruited in the audience perform a huge improvised concert. One maestro, one diva, one virtuoso join in to perform this local world beauty. ACT LIGHTING DESIGN BRASS BAND The Fanfare électrique is seven men touring with popular songs for an electric (and electrifying) musical journey through the streets of the city. VAN GOGH IN THE BORINAGE THE BIRTH OF AN ARTIST COMMISSIONER: SJRAAR VAN HEUGTEN BAM - BEAUX ARTS DE MONS AND ALSO… TUE. > SUN. 10:00 > 18:00 CLOSED ON MONDAY 15 / 12€ 24 MUSICAE LASSUS POLYPHONY FOR DUMMIES COUR DES ANCIENS ABATTOIRS 14:00 > 18:00 The extraordinary time machine of the Tours CESR takes you back to the 16th century – the age of di Lasso – and helps you unravel the intertwining voices of the famous Mons musician. THE PHRASE LITERATURE ON THE WALLS MONS INTRA MUROS 14.12.14 > 19.12.15 The most widely known painter returns to where it all started for him… First drawings, first paintings (some 70 works from all over the world), and soon this style, expressive, colourful, tortured. Unique. An original perspective that is a world premiere for this outstanding exhibition at the Mons BAM. A phrase in capital letters runs on the facades of the city, awakens our literary past, tells, imagines, plays with the poets of Mons… Resulting in 10 kilometres of literature that seek to inspire you for at least one year. THE PASSENGER 29 BY ARNE QUINZE RUE DE NIMY 90 meters long, 18 meters large, 35 kilometres of timber boards, The Passenger is also Arne Quinze’s most accomplished work (says «Le Soir») and the emblem of Mons 2015. Walk under this sea of wood. IN THE STREETS MONS STREET REVIEW A PORTRAIT OF THE CITY 2.0 From 24.01.2015 Onwards Hacking and reshaping the system of immersive mapping technology of Google Street view, the French artists of X-tnt photographed the streets of Mons on 10km. No blurring: with crazy happenings, enacted by the people of Mons! www.mons2015.eu Co-produced by X-TNT and The Mons 2015 Foundation LIÈGE FESTIVAL IN MONS! THÉÂTRE LE MANÈGE 27.01 > 31.01 Liège Festival opens in Mons! Two performances from distant climes will immerse you in their subversive waters. DRAGONS CUBICULUM CONCERTO 20:00 / 21:30 / 23:00 OF THE BELFRY The ACT Lighting Design team illuminated the only baroque belfry of Belgium, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The tower of Mons will be seen from afar and for a long time! Become a poem: take the words that are issued to you, and stick them onto yourself. Have a photo of yourself taken, and win vouchers for the Guinguette, which will open in April at the Maisson Losseau. PUBLIC 17 ELECTROSUPER JARDINS DU BEFFROI THE POETS’ SELFIE CONSERVATOIRE Artistic coordination: Gilles Ansciaux / Roald Baudoux / Michel Cleempoel / Édith Depaule / Cédric Lambot / Sylvie Landuyt / Michel Stockhem / François Zajéga / Et une centaine d’étudiants d’ARTS², le Conservatoire de Mons Technical coordination: Sébastien Fally / Sophie Ferro / Laurent Vanhulle / Emmanuel Vincent ÉLECTRIQUE 28 MONS ON 25.01.2015 BAND ILUMINATION 21 INAUGURATED Women from Brussels, all clad in pink, that shake it brass band style ! And endless source of cheerfulness for all to enjoy ! BONUS COLLÉGIALE SAINTE-WAUDRU ÉGLISE SAINTE-ÉLISABETH CHÉRI BRASS #mons2015 THE FANFARE 22:30 > 23:00 20:00 > 00:00 M.ZO PAS CE SOIR PLACE NERVIENNE Coproduced with EUROGARE EVENTS ON A FIXED SCHEDULE 18:00 > 00:00 BRASS BAND Seventies gang is a pure disco-funk brass band. Blow your ears open with some James Brown, Michael Jackson, the Jackson Five, the Bee Gees… Irresistible! FIREWORKS MONS TEMPORY RAILWAY STATION ARTS2 From the illuminated courtyard to the penumbra of a mysterious chapel, the students of ARTS², the Arts College, combine sound, image and performance with great aplomb. This vast network of the 18 partner cities and 22 institutional partners of Mons 2015 can be seen in the House of the partner cities and institutional partners. These allow them – however not only them – to put their cultural vitality on display. One of them being the House of Mons! 22:15 > 02:00 SEVENTIES GANG In order to turn the construction site of the railway station into a poetic and luminous site, the artist Fred Sapey-Triomphe covered the ramps leading to the station platforms with LEDs that form an interactive vault. JARDINS DU BEFFROI A giant dragon sleeps in the Belfry Gardens, watched over by hundreds of illuminated elves. A monumental and poetical installation, and a sly allusion to the local Doudou festivities… 18:00 > 22:00 27 CEDRIC VERDURE 18:00 > 00:00 GRAND-PLACE 20 BERNARD GIGOUNON & VOX LUMINIS Collaboration between the plastic artist Bernard Gigounon and the vocal ensemble Vox Luminis, this video installation offers a contemporary approach to the vocal music of Orlando di Lasso, the famous Renaissance polyphonic composer from Mons. MAISON FOLIE Imagine a huge queue that leads you through the smallest nooks of the Maison Folie, en route to discovering spectacular performances and installations. A curio cabinet reinvented in the realm of contemporary narcissism… We have the masters of the Lille nightlife to thank (NAME, etc). ONCE UPON 6 FANNY BOUYAGUI / ART POINT M BRASS BAND RUE D’HAVRÉ PERMANENT INSTALLATIONS INSTALLATION #2 MARIE MONTOISE GÉNÉRALE HOME ON TOUR 26 20:00 > 00:00 Enter Saint Waudru’s Church and walk through a 15-meter-long corridor that is progressively filled with golden strings before closing in on you. The anxiety triggered by luxury according to Flemish visual artist Filip Gilissen. ALIMENTATION A highly energizing show, with flavours and colours that are harmonious, captivating, lively and exotic… They will feed your ears and make your mouth water. IS YET TO COME FILIP GILISSEN In order to warm you up, a number of particularly energetic brass bands are roaming the streets… A cellist plays for the detainees while a reading is taking place as an appetizer before an outstanding gastronomic dinner is served. On January 24, in Mons, light will shine on each and everyone. You have re-discovered the city, you can now make your way over to the Grand-Place. A dancing party raging on until dawn, brought to you by PURE (FM) TRACKS, the lot lit by a giant mirror ball. POLYPHONIC CRAZY HOUSE BY PURE FM IN THE STREETS LITERATURE, MUSIC AND GASTRONOMY FOR PRISONERS MONS PRISON NO ACCESS 25 THE BEST Electrabel will bring the Place Nervienne to life with sound and light by inviting the audience to join in with their own energy and dance on an interactively-lit dancefloor. Take the step! M.ZO ELECTRONIGHT With Le Trio Balkans Wave / Herwig Corijn / Hanne Schilleman / Soetkin Baptist / Diane Goosens / Anne van den Bossche / Pascal Schmidt / Isabelle Scoubeau / Hans Vandaele / Philippe Cormann / Ronald Vanspaendonck / Sylvain Cremers / Anouschka Lara / Maxime Dautremont DANCE WITH 10 21:15 > 22:15 BRASS BAND INSIDE/OUTSIDE A monumental urban opera in which accordionists are lifted off the ground by white balloons that change colour. An irresistible world of acoustic and visual enchantment that has already blown the planet away. DISCOCLASSIX DiscoclassiX is a night dedicated to sounds and senses! The musicians of the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia will play one classical hit after the other to make you move, dance and dream. They will take you to peripheral byways, exploring musical frontiers, from classical music to tango, from the chanson tradition to pop music. There are no limits! While going forth step-by-step in the street, expect to hear Tombe la neige in all the languages our expatriated locals have come to master. A multicultural tribute to both the locals and to the epitome of the native of the country: Salvatore Adamo. MARCHÉ AUX HERBES SURROUND 14 SONG LINES 9 URBAN OPERA GRAND-PLACE 19 COUR DU CARRÉ DES ARTS PLACE DU PARC AEROSCULPTURE / QUIDAMS / NANO 18 19:30 > 02:00 THE CLOCHE - The opening ceremony is a production of the Mons 2015 Foundation Responsible editor: Yves Vasseur CIE CARABOSSE CHROMATIQUE How about celebrating love and peace at the Théâtre Le Manège? A brazier in front of the door and Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin on the main stage… Enjoy a superb concert in which contemporary singers interpret the classics of Woodstock in all their flower power together with DJ’s ready to distil tunes from the 60s and 70s, projections, performances, a live juke box (Richard Robert and his guitar) and even Marc Ysaye as an appetizer! MAPPING 360° 8 WITH CLARE LOUISE / DOM LA NENA / BARBARA CARLOTTI / SARAH CARLIER / SONNFJORD / DJ’S ALAIN PIRE & THIERRY STEUVE CONCERTS, DJ’S & ANIMATIONS THÉÂTRE LE MANÈGE INDOOR VENUES 5 Branding + Graphic design Coast / www.coast-agency.com Floriana Da Silva / David Bormans INSTALLATION 13 “CLOÉ” In igloo tents, make believe musicians play an instrument in isolation. Listen to their part, in each tent, then listen to the complete score by standing at the center of the circle. MOBILITY INFORMATION/ OPENING CEREMONY +32 (0)65 40 52 51 [email protected] www.mons2015.eu www.mons.be www.policemonsquevy.be Thank you very much to the whole Mons 2015 team and to its 300 ambassadors, assessors and other volunteers who are making this event possible. 106 RUE DE NIMY 18:00 > 00:00 Finnish jacuzzis at the 106, the headquarters of the Mons 2015 Foundation… We will lend you swimwear and bathrobes for a friendly and soothing experience. It’s gonna be hot! Nearly a hundred dangling robots right at the heart of Marché aux Herbes will get you dancing. They will have you think they are moving with their many sounds and flashing LED lights. +32 (0)495 20 92 09 +32 (0)65 33 46 88 +32 (0)65 84 43 92 +32 (0)477 47 96 18 Project leader: Philippe Degeneffe Concept and artistic coordination: Philippe Kauffmann Overall coordination: Radjiny Schiltz Technical direction: Olivier Payen Production team: Laura Van Nieuwenhove, Aurore Vanderhaegen, Marie Laurent, Guillaume Verriest, Valentin Wery 7 In a matter of minutes, the Compagnie Carabosse will light the thousands of candles in its giant installation, which will set the entire Place du Parc ablaze. Join them in setting ablaze this place, as they did many other places in the world. MONS-QUÉVY POLICE Headquarters safety Rue du Rossignol, 1 Call 101 for emergency police assistance. Not an emergency? Call +32 (0)65 40 43 00 TAXIS Taxis Top : Taxis Willy : Taxis Millie : HOT POTS FIRE PERSONS WITH REDUCED MOBILITY Specialised, strengthened and safe facilities with clear signage (Grand-Place, Place Nervienne, Marché aux Herbes). TEC HAINAUT BUS SERVICES 14:00 > 02:00 reinforced and free lines. PLACE LÉOPOLD 18:00 > 00:00 FINNISH A labyrinth of 2015 photos printed on giant cubes, taken exclusively by locals, in a kaleidoscopic tribute to their city. Presented by the Mons Royal Photo Club with the collaboration of Emmanuel Demeulemeester. MOBILITY 14 INFORMATION POINTS IN THE CITY 12:00 > 02:00 ROYAL PHOTOS CLUB MONTOIS ENVOLÉE WITH LOVE MONS IN 2015 IN THE STREETS The organisers of the Messines Ducasse (the ‘other’ Mons ducasse) will have dragons from all over Europe and Belgium parade right under the nose of the Doudou! Face Berger the dragon, Dragon Dongui, Drac from Vilafranca, Dragon Fashoom, the Belgian Mantis and the other dragons from Nivelles and Wasmes! In partnership with équipes de la Ducasse de Messines THE GENEOLOGY OF MONS THE EUROPEAN From 24.01.2015 Onwards An interactive map draws the network of streams that have been running towards Mons since 1750, and a number of characters tell the story of the adventure that shaped the city. See progress unfold! www.mons2015.eu COUPÉ DÉCALÉ ROBYN ORLIN / JAMES CARLÈS THÉÂTRE LE MANÈGE - 20:00 - 11€ 27.01.15 LA IMAGINACION DEL FUTURO THÉÂTRE LE MANÈGE - 20:00 - 11€ 30.01.15
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