WORRALL PAPERS Serving Btoomfldd . ^ n u . •,..,,, „ j s*. THURSDAY, JUNE 13,1985 »i Page 11 Grad Patricia Bukla of Bloomfield has received a bachelor of science degree in nursing from Seton Hall University. She will join the obstetrics department of Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. Franclne Zambolla of Bloomfield was recently awarded a. bachelor of science degree from Manhattan College in Riverdale N.Y. ' Francint Zambolla Regis College in Weston, Mass. has awarded a bachelor of arts degree to Mary Elizabeth Connolly of Glen Ridge. Robert Anthony Ruffalo of Bloomfield has received a certificate in physical therapy from the School of Health Related Professions of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. A magna cum laude graduate, he plans to enter chiropractic college in the fall. Three new Bloomfield nurses, graduates of Mountainside Hospital School of Nursing, were recognized at commencement: Eileen Patricia Cantwell was a co-recipient of the Phyllis Lovas Surgery Award; Cheryl Anne Schmidt won the Faculty Award for outstanding bedside nurse; Eileen Patricia won the George R. Read, M.D. Award. John W. Ashenfelter of Glen Ridge has received a master of business administration degree from Emory University in Atlanta, Ga: Frank C. Conte of Bloomfield has received a bachelor's degree from Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. Paul Giullano of Bloomfield is a recent graduate of Mount Saint Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Md. Uura Lopomo of Bloomfield will join St. Joseph's Hospital In Peterson after receiving her nursing degree from William Paterson College in Wayne. James Quern of Glen Ridge has graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor of arts degree. Former captain of the Glen Ridge High School golf team, he hopes to become a professional golfer. 1 Joseph Guerra of Glen Ridge has graduated summa cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. He received the Francis E. Lucey, SJ. Juris Doctor award for the student maintaining the highest academic average throughout law school. Karyn L. Helln of Bloomfield graduated from Fairfield University with a master of arts degree. Bloomfield graduates from Glassboro State College are Nancy Bellman, Carol Gilbert, Maureen Larkin, and Richard Lynch. Keith Lordi of Bloomfield was honored as a standard bearer during commencement exercises at Pennsylvania State University. Mary Carol Joyce, formerly of Bloomfield, graduated from Emory University, Atlanta, Ga., with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and religion. Ralph Acerno and Craig Hading, both Bloomfield residents, have received bachelor of arts degrees from Northeastern Bible College in Essex Fells. Elissa Cantone, Elizabeth Dimon, and John Hamilton, all of Bloomfield, were graduates honored on Founders Day by New York University. Mary Carol Joyce, formerly of Bloomfield, is a graduate of Emory University in Atlanta, Ga., with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and religion. Tracy Trent Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., has conferred bachelor of science degrees on Timothy Gillespie, Thomas McKeown, and Tracy Trent, all of Glen Ridge. Shawn Robinson of Bloomfield and Linda Zappulla and Danielle Jadkowski, both of Glen Ridge, have graduated from the Katharine Gibbs School in Montclair. Colleen Kelly of Bloomfield has graduated from the Katharine Gibbs School, where she was selected for inclusion in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Jerome Mlskell of Bloomfield has been awarded a bachelor's degree from the University of Akron. The following Bloomfield residents have graduated from Montclair State College: Jill Amato, Carmen Ardioo, Karen Banda, Elaine Borowsky, Garnett Brantley, Francis Bruey, Christine Bucco, Anthony Calandra. Dan Calhoun, Carol Carlucci, Ann Marie Carollo-Smlttle, Leanna Coyle, Joann Cncolo, Janice Degnan, Louis Dias, Loretta Douglas, Fidelia Emele, Robert Farrington, Barbara Gervasio, James Kenney, Joseph King, Barbara Laura, Nancy Markewlch, Lee Ann McCabe, Ruth McCartney, Nancy Molee, Karen Moravec, Carol Naddeo, Michael O'Blake, Lauren Palumbo, Adrienne Pasternak, Alan Peppel, Clara Rennie, Carolyn Robinson, Deborah Ruskowsky, Joanne Saporito, Carol Scagnelli, Michael Sims, Theresa Sivitsky, Maureen Stalarz, Amelia Vaccaro, Gregory Venezia, and William Zlsa. tant head nurse of the Onocology Unit, and Joe Harrison, staff nurse on the Unit, serves as the program's coordinators. The Clara Maass "Make Today Count" group is one of many local chapters which exist across the country. It is open to anyone hr neighboring communities. Further information can be obtained by calling Inserra or Harrison at 450-2230. • Days S Hrs to meet your needs • 12 month program available • Developmental programs In: An. Music. Skills, Language, Social Development • State Licensed Cert. School & Teachers REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER EXPERTS P l o < - * l s , pn<t-»-S ( *-nr>pC$ SESSIONS! 634 M I L L ST., B E L L E V I L L E HRS 7:30 AM-545 P M 751 -6380 M A J O R APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE Refrigerators • Washing Machines • A i r Conditioners • Dishwashers • Dryers Complete Foreign * Domestic E*ON Repairs Carburetor-Rebuilding AIR HOMMv/ L E T M E & U / FbUPL [' 1 -Hop£ Vou L(K.£ TriErA. Ties-Po^ Li&eitry; Kindergarten Enrichment & Pre-schooll Computer Programs Nutritionally balanced lunch Dedicated to a Program of Early Childhood Education! Inspection (with complete electronic tune-up or brake job) CONDITIONING OLVfYtpiC MAD SO VA^MOY G^eAT T I E S T O cHoose" Prcjowi — "A Child's World.Where Playing is Learning!" Shocks Free Motor Vehicle Parisi, Lorraine Errico, and Sheila Murphy were inducted. Special guests for the evening were Helen Wollner, junior advisor; Marge Hemmer, GFWC v Women's Club president; Betty Activities included presentation Whitley, mother of the junior's; of year-end reports and awards. president Katie Kettle; Kathi BaxGraduating members Joyce ter, central assistant director; SusMoskal, Martha Natalizio, and an D'Agostino, incoming state reDonna Porcelli were commended cording secretary; Vera Johnson, for their dedication and years of EMD 7th District vice-chairman; service. New members Margie artc^, Pat Mackinlay, EMD chairAdams, Louise Palagano, Patti man. The GFWC Bloomfield Junior Women's Club of Bloomfield held its Mother/Daughter Banquet Mav 29 at the Forest Hill Field Club. Cancer support at Clara Maass * . . . ^ v ^ , < ^ V, Exhaust, Clutch A Trans Repairs Spring Tire and Battery Specials Complete Front End Service Alignment A Juniors hold banquet Degrees were also conferred by Montclair State on John Crowell, Amalia DiBello, Marilyn Flynn, and Ian Ross, all of Glen Ridge. "Make Today Count," the program designed to help patients and families with cancer and. other lifethreatening diseases, continues to give support at Clara Maass Medical Center. Sessions are held every Monday at 7 p.m. in the third floor dining room of the Continuing Care Center:— The self-help program is run by patients and friends and focuses on dealing with treatment and dealing with life. Rosemary Inserra, assis- Patricia Buckla BLOOMFIELD T E E N SALUTED . . . at annual Teen Volunteer Recognition Awards Ceremony at Clara Maass Memorial Hospital. JoAnn LoGreco, center, who was honored for 100 hours service, is shown receiving her award from Robert Curtis, hospital president, and Miss Holly Bauer, director of volunteer services. Other Bloomf ielders honored are Jamie Ham, Donna Lurker, Catherine Sehring, and Tracey Servis. EZZJ 5% Senior Citizen Discount on Repeirs FREE Pick up and Delivery within vicinity i f R P $5°? Off ANY COMPLETED SERVICE CALL (Expires 6/30/85) REPAIRS & INSTALLATION SERVICE ON ALL MAKES ! 748*385 1 > u v m 0 1 ManteWlr, T W I I i l / f l j l Cald«.Ui * vicinity 324 B R O A D S T . , B L O O M F I E L D 429-1649 e FOR M E N MERKUR XR4TI OLYMPIC CHARGE'MASTER C A R D * A M E R I C A N EXPRESS-VISA MON -SAT 9 'TIL 6 « M O N . & THURS. 'TIL 9 NEW 1985 NEW 1985 COUGAR TOWN CAR *r<k. w/Std.: 5.01. V/8, auto, ovrdrv. tr., pwr. itrg./brk*./ wnds. & v»rt», w/s/w ROCK., auto tamp. art. oh-, t/gk., pwr. •»,, whl. cvrt., etoe. AM/FM »tor. wtrt. w / 4 ipfcrc, pwr. ant. twn. comf Inge *tv w/eH. nee,, ipd. art., fft, int. wpn., ling, key ent,/iQn., dl. rem. cnt. min.,.,fl.cooch coach lmp». 2 in dfc., No. 51TC134, CUR. FACT. 1ST: $20,152. GRAND MARQUIS Mercury 4 6r w S*d 5 0 l»f v ' 8 . Ou*0 « ' 0 " , w 0 * t r d n * e pwr trrrtg brks t g l * , *w>n CO"* tori lou^gt ( t o n W duol recti"* • op»«« v<n coach r* 1r rr maH -H entry jyitem. w % « % conven ipore ttr» tilt sped ctnrl 6 * o y pwr WO*, fr rr bmpr rub iripi. rr d«f air * M FM stereo COS! ' h rem cntri m-tt lock wire wHI twr« . ffcr pr»l mldg. t git . tor*ver» 'ight loc« g r p i hcw>' act stupe* 1 «n *tock N o 5 G M 1 M 18 OTME»S I N STOCK WITH VARIOUS OP TIONS AT SlMUAP SAVINGS' UST W l C f V A l M » f t u f y 2 dr v. Sid 6-tyl . outo front p w r tlrng / b r k l plut optnt 'Of w p r i , . w / t / w firoi. t.lt w h l , t p d ctnrl tr wrrwd d p i . oir cond ., dual pwr f t m o t t cntrl mirn,. v o l * . , light g r p I • n dock No 5CGH197 18 OTHMS IN STCXK WITH VARIOUS OPTIONS AT SIMIIA* SAV INGS1 UST PRICt VAtUE 112.770 M.,199 J&«& 18^046 BOYS & U P P E R M O N T C L A I R S 2 2 Valley Rd. 744-0044 NEW 1985 LINCOLN SPRING MADNESSI D*o«ortd W M t w/Std 2.3 Itr tgrbo chrg. 4 c.y!. 5-ipd mon trorvi, md rr tutp , got filled vhoclt*, coit alum alloy whl* . fr./rr. stab, bar pwr strg./brltt., air, hlgn headlamp* fog lite* . AM F M ttereo cat*-, dual pwr o / l Md mirrt . mulrvodjutt fr. wat* . mi wpr* „ rr. defr... duo! ronvole map life*, split (old down tr, if ptui opfni,; fthr. i n t , htd fr *ea<*. convert grp. incl : pwr wmd% central locking. 1 in stock , No XJt4tl-7 LIST (18.046 1 OTHt* IN STOCK WITH OTMf R OPTIONS' s OLYMPIC ue si5 3?6 13,299 AREA'S BESTffiaSELECTION '14 TOPAZ Mercury M r . Dk Blue w/4<yi.. outo. tr.. pwr. trq./Mu., <m, pivot wM»., vm. tide mWg».. bmpr rubtfr.,f/glo». 7,142demomi lisi_$9586, NOW : $8100: $810 down pnrt.; Amt. to Fin.: $7290; Total Pay.: $11,51460 Oef Pay: $12,324., Fin. Chrg.: $422460. This home, located at 18 Adams Place, Qlen Ridge was recently sold by our office. 'Evityoni't Special to UM' SI 91.91 M I mo.* '14 MARK V I I TURIO DIESf I Uncoln While, V/8 oulo trom., pwr strg./brlu./6-wy dual stt, air, air mtp, elect can. elect inst. pnl t / g h . tilt, kyh ent. at. alum. whb. 2,974 demo mi UST: $24,923: N O W $16,500; $1650 down pay; Total Pay: $22,88680 Oer Pay $24,53880. Amt to «n.: $14^50; fin. Chrg.: - „ . $803880 $381.48 t»»o '83 LYNX 'SO CAPRI '81THUNDERBIRD '82 COUGAR W G N . Mercury 3-dr. Blue, 4-cyl. outo. U M , pwr. »trngybrki., AM/FM radio, air conditioning 25,000 mi 54995 Mercury Block, 4-«yl., 4 t p d . manual tron»., monuol brake*, power sneering, AM/FM radio with cattetM. Ford Landau, Burgundy, V / 8 , auto, tront. pwr. strng./brk*./wind«./lockt, oir cond., t/gli., ttereo COM 45,921 Mercury V / 6 , auto, trom., pwr. itrng./bHkt., ^ .JU\ Schweppe & Co. 44.101 mi. $3495 *m I ^kV K ^ m H I ALTO * S 736 Valley Rosd, Upper Montclair • 744-4700 14 MARQUIS IR00GH AM Mercury White 4dr., V/6. cute tram., pwr. drg./txfcv/wdwv/eiv, t/gkm, rr. defog., dig. dk, int. wpn, tilt wN., «ne artH UST: $11,217. NOW $8700 $870 down pay., Ami. to Fin.: $7830. Total Pay.: $12,21660: Fin. Chrg.: _ ^ , Mm $438660 Def Pay.:$13.08680 $ 2 0 3 . 6 1 rn«u>• rv Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com liaet. $5675 *i)(Hi'i Leave Home Without l » r 1 , • J i I •iti i m m !"• si Jhm. < M l <KI H * 790 ROUTE 3 (S5S?S)CLIFTON Untitled Document 40,200 mi $4995 ^ M air cond.. A M / F M radio, woodgrain 1. :T. ii • * ^•^•^ ( , o»mft>l^ b o ^ f d on 14 APR * • • " 1 1.tinor< for 60 m o n t h * P r n r \ , t > n l i p i and M V ( e « i >nd 4 /•>- /fSlHI Saturday nil 5 IMVI.
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