BRAMPTON Notice of Decision bramptonca FlOWef City Committee of Adjustment FILE NUMBER A14-171 HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 APPLICATION MADE BY Q9 NETWORKS INC. IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES: 1. To allow a fence in the front yard; 2. To allow a side yard setback of 0.0 metres to a pedestrian link; 3. To allow outdoor storage; (30 BRAMTREE COURT- PART BLOCK2, PLAN 43M-873) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That the applicant obtain site plan approval, execute a site plan agreement, and post any required securities and insurance, to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. The site plan shall address fencing, outdoor storage and pedestrian linkdetails to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. 2. That the 0.0 metre side yard setback variance apply exclusively to the pedestrian link. 3. Failure to compiy with and maintain the Committee's conditions renders the variance null and void. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intent and purpose of the zoning by-lawand the City of Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: R. NURSE SECONDED BY: F. TURNER SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCU MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS iTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEEJAUTH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. EXISTIN WAREH 25 BRAM n f ti BRAMPTO N Notice of D@cision rlOWGF City Committee of Adjustment FILE NUMBER A14-176 HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 APPLICATION MADE BY 2164968 ONTARIO INC. IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES: 1. To allow an increase in building height to four (4) storeys; 2. To provide 282 parking spaces; 3. To allow a flat roof; (100 NEXUS ROAD - PART LOT 5, CONC. 10 EHS) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That the applicant obtain site plan approval, execute a site plan agreement, and post any required financial securities and insurance, to the satisfaction of the Director, Development Services. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intentand purpose of the zoning by-law and the Cityof Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: R. NURSE SECONDED BY: F, TURNER SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: _ WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCUR IN THE DECISION MgMBER MEMBER P. S. CHAHAL DECLARED A CONFLICT OF INTEREST MEMBER^ EMBER MEMB MEMBER DATED THIS 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. ^ 20'E H & i VX tti n: EX* -i $&£&» ^ • Irt IMMOUC SCAUDB) *• —[ssi H % atEPUUI t 1 » . - + MMjSj-ywggiiW.W-* I I "R 0 ~K\D asc Lr «• -4\ M M ""I-"!'**!* fet jp«w •j^..imwct>!.,- !aCT,._.||7.W s=»=SffS QESlStiAJECBBE. SSUTi •&t^PVy?lVl92l$?F^Rop&fn>f 2»>?l«22li222I2^£ PROPOSED 4 STOREY 30 RM. MOTEL 8 oct, uttacma mu »tarn Qo ow«Q F 0 G A L . .... AGRICULTURAL ty LoJ 00 / 44-1766 INUSTRIAL/ V * ICOMMERCIAL Ld HHf^-flff- —PROPERTY LINE VT '> i> LJl SITE STATISTICS noaTTMOMTHOl* MMmnWTKCK w M t w uon««ai NIIMIWKI'IU 19TMPAMM ncfMomaiumtat B «£. « » >• M» »•« illcs IUBBH I ia»a* LEGAL DESCRIPTION •wwiMcMinvm f*CPMtOK*OU<OOPM*ftMMW*9.4 It DATE: MJXI4 WVBWW: BMgratvrcruN ARCHITECTS ml ALcwwa. puronaw pcwjjp. NO: RAJINDER ARCHITECT CHAKU """Tnc! PROPOSED MOTEL • rmuut—m-tn*nt*m m . SP1 BRAMPTON. ON 100 NEXUSAVENUE. ATGRAND EMPIRE BANQUET HALL ANDCONVETION CENTRE ^ €> SITE PLAN BRAMPTON Notice of Decision FlOWef City Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-184 VESPA ENGINEERS LIMITED APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE: 1. To allow an office which is not associated with the permitted industrial use (main use); (10 AUTOMATIC ROAD - PART BLOCK 2, PLAN M-469) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That the applicant secure a change of use permitfrom the Building Division within sixty (60) days of the final date of the decision of the Committee; 2. That the office use shall be limited to 102.19 square metres (1100 square feet); 3. That failure to complywith and maintain the Committee's conditions will render the variance null and void. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intentand purpose of the zoning by-law and the Cityof Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: P.S. CHAHAL SECONDED BY: R. NURSE SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: . WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCURjlIN THE DECISI MEMBER DATED THIS iTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENTCERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. -•«•'' . TOTAL GROSS FllVW apfj, ferae. - LANDSCAPE 1904.30 sgrv (2Q498.39 sail.) 190*30 sq.m. (20493 39 sq.ft.) \ 1 STOREY BOC -»jj — -I I. !.:,., -.t •• •"?-!: .- I I. Bottom Rrto**9 *o0' fftOOf /S46J II . „ J-.., J" fesogi M 45'bsMn" fV" TT < W 4.VW30'" C »«** ~«W PARKING PROVIDED iC „„,.. .. _ 36 paring spaces (mcl. 2 disobied) •"- - j o Driveway TOC »•* /f IffE 1199.801 1 I: Asphalt Oriocway BOC p lB0C l™*** Committee of Adjustment '2 melers from Property Line olong Airporl Rood 354.89 S0M olonq Airport Rood Provided Woived by Committee of Adjustment 12 meters from Property Line Side Yord 50.53X of Front Yo'd LANOSCAPT AREA PR/?MpFn PART UF Bl OCK I imi/1 »:iiH,: SLftvrwvc :d f,is RFCl-OM-M. UUrIIC^ViU7!' >/f r'-.f. CITY OF BRAMPTON' '-•-' „ C*a // Concrete Curb • Concrete Curb i Concrete Curb *«*?' °° r,OT t"™" LEGEND-SIGNS •Concrete Curb {'i") cor.v^Hi 2ooi REGISTERED PLAN 43W-469 u , :h I 11 pi -vi or r;,u ;ve • o. .' 3M.36 S0M. »••• I. •:•. '1 1. it; •• I Asphalt!Driveway oi _ Asphalt! Drivewoy SICNACE ANO DIMENSIONS. riLi^fij UHO TRAFFIC SICNACE NOTES. ALL TRAFFIC SICNACE TO CONFORM TO THE ONTARIO TRAFFIC MANUAL BOOK #5 RECULATORY SIGNS - FOR PROPER . ?i"|Yoc '-» ^^•••Antc* .3 ****—«*in —-_S AjpKolt Drbemy E'V-'M,. .., •;l ELEVATIONS mn^ln,^ hi 4"r,-ic.3i-i u«wt nam: PIN 14209-0051 (LT) sR? S 32.59 Concrete ^Hft? — Denotes Deciduous Tree Denotes E W. Pelzold. OLS. Denotes Plon 43R-168K Oenotes Concrete Utility Pole Denotes Top of Curb Denotes Bottom of Curb Denotes Tire Hydrant PIN 14209-0052 (LT) t(RQ * M«e* Concrete Curb fsLMM \"\ A , 143.57 BRl'cK TBUILDING WW 11 Asphalt Bottom Wall /-s i >-"*-{ 7^ 143.57 Mm Bottom 1 STOREY BRICK BUIL0IN6 <• "• Denotes Light Stondord LS f-"H 1*205—0051 (LT) Denotes Monhole Denotes Cotch fiosin MH Oenotes Iron 3or Denotes Cut Cross IB CC CB Denotes Survey Monument Found Denotes Survey Monument Set Denotes Stondord Iron Bor • D SIB MO IE: 1Por^e^T 55 .*,m(592 Sq,,, ^WW™"" Thus 35 pcrkB,, spoces for 1904.30 sq m. (20498.39 sq.ft.) SOX of one side Side Yord PARKING RFO.ilRFn . • "• I*!. '-•'.-: I..I ;. bea*:ng hC'lr/ t----n ,y. ;. 4US4. J«c »oj* nouit Atpftolt . saSsae-*... »'• *BT tfvSbuNo' ^pjimot«t» »*n. TRUCK TURNING ROUTE AS PER TEMPLATE SU-9 BRICK BUILDING' .J^i'-aNL. .... T~ 5605 sq.m (60330 t- o.a(i 32,272 CR0l.Nr> f|onft AREA fGross) AREA OF SITF are ciASSirirATinN 5 o £ r> u. C SjJtp(RI) ' // X. :nrs; yy. •i9e_jKs catot JINDUSTRIAL BUILDING 10 AUTOMATIC ROAD. iMtoiiPTOM. omina VIM IIKH •< Lit. vn ,», Suu-dda Patkar A.01 JArchitectural Corporation NOT FOR ANY PERMITS PRELIMINARY -^—-—— HOI B0UNOMT KEY PLAN ir LEGEND j r 1 0 GRCOt >. enow UCHTCRTT . UACCNTA BLUt . CYAN >/' PLOTTERPENSETTINGS . miow RE0 -•»« «i r , tvwii*. »i —> BRAMPTON Notice of Decision bramptonca FlOWef Gty Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-185 EMANUEL & JENNIFER RODRIGUES APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES: 1. To allow a front yard setback of 4.48m (14.70 ft.); 2. To allow an interior side yard setback of 1.25m (4.10 ft.) to the proposed second storey; (14 BELFOUNTAIN COURT - LOT 182, PLAN 679) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That the variance for the reduction in the interior side yard setback apply only to the footprint of the addition generally in accordance with the sketch provided with the Public Notice; 2. That priorto issuance of a building permitfor the addition, elevations are to be approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services; 3. That drainage from the proposed addition.must flow directly onto the subject property, and drainage on adjacent properties not be adversely impacted. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law and the City of Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: F. TURNER SECONDED BY: R. NURSE SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: UR IN IN THE DECISION DECISION,^-—' WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCUR MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS iTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. R1B 525.92 Sq.m LFOHJJKIT^DKI ©ohjjkt Existing building area Ground floor area Garage area Roof covered patio area Second floor area 84.70 Sq.m 21.42 Sq.m 24.61 Sq.m 59.83 Sq.m Proposed building area Ground floor area Second floor area TOTAL FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE AREA - PRINCIPLE DRIVEWAY = 99.97 SQ.M.(100%) minus 30.43 sq.m.(7.6mx3.5m) = 69.54 sq.m.f69.56%^ MIN. REQUIRED 60% TOTAL SOFT LANDSCAPE AREA -HARD (WALKWAY^ 69.54 SQ.M. minus 3.59 sq.m. = 65.95 SQ.M HARD LANDSCAPING= (1.2mx2.9m) TOTAL SOFT=65.95 SQ.M (94.83%^ 8.03 Sq.m 34.85 Sq.m 75% MIN.REQUIRED. TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA 187.41 Sq.m Ground Foot Print Area 138.76 Sq.m (26.38 %) (35.63%) (incl. all roof covered area) BRAMPTON Notice of Decision FlOWef City Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-186 KULDIP & HARINDER CHAHAL APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN AMENDED APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES FOR A PROPOSED NEW TWO STOREY SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING: 1. To allow a northerly side yard setback of 3.51m (11.52 ft.) and a southerly side yard setback of 3.52m (11.55 ft.); 2. To allow a minimum lot width of 30.48 metres; 3. To allow a minimum lot area of 1,778.00 square metres (0.1778 hectares); (8832 CREDITVIEW ROAD - PART LOT 5, CONCESSION 4 WHS) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED AND DEVELOPMENT CHARGES MAY BE APPLICABLE) SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general Intent and purpose ofthe zoning by-law and the City of Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: R. NURSE SECONDED BY: F. TURNER SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCUR INJHE DBCISIO AVMu^i^, MEMBER MEMBE MEMBER DATED THIS iTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DAY FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THECOMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. Flower City THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" REFERRED TO ON THE NOTICE OF DECISION APPLICATION NO: A14-186 DATED: NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Conditions: 1. That the variances are allowed generally as indicated in the Public Notice; 2. That access be prohibited on Classic Drive and restricted to one driveway on Creditview Road; 3. That a tree inventory and landscape plan that maintains the principles established in the Creditview Crossing Community Design Guidelines, approved September 12, 2008 be submitted to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Engineering and Development Services; 4. That the applicant gratuitously convey to the City an 8.0-metre road widening allowance along the entire Creditview Road frontage toward the ultimate right-of way of 31.0 metres. The applicant must submit a draft reference plan prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor for approval by the Transportation Section of Planning and Infrastructure Services and the Corporate Services Department. The survey must be accompanied by a memorandum outlining the overall purpose of the draft reference plan and the purpose for each individual part illustrated on the plan; 5. That the applicants obtain a Custom Home Design Approval prior to construction; 6. That failure to comply with and maintain the Committee's conditions will render the variances null and void. Jeanie Myers Secretary-Treasurer Committee of Adjustment TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF PART OF LOT 5. CONCESSION 4 WEST OF HURONTARIO STREET CITY OF BRAMPTON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL SCALE 1:200 TED VAN LANKVELD. O.L.S. 2014 BENCHMARK ELEVATIONS SHORN tCBEON ARE CCOOCTIC AND ARC RELATED TO CITY OF BRAUPTOM HORIZONTAL CONTROL HONUUEXT Ma. 042010231 KAVWC AN elevation of 209.3S7 metres. LEGEND yy* DENOTES COSMIC CRADE ELEVATION loo ic DENOTESCONnXOUS REE WTH TRUNK DIAMETER ANO CANOPY DENOTESOCOOUOUSTREE «TH TRUNKOCAUCTER AMDCANOPY w •" OCNOIES BELL 80X DENOTES CAS MEIER OENOTES CABLE TV PCOESTAL B<v DENOTES HYDRO POLE «T DENOTES HYDRO UTTER CB m OENOTES MATER VALVE *r DENOTES MANHOLE • DENOTES rENCE -» OENOTES HYDRO SERVICE (OVERHEAD) OENOTES TCVEVI90N SERVICE (OVERHEAD) 8F OCNOIES AM CONMIOKER OENOTES MVERT 0«> DENOTES CONCRETE PAD CPAO OENOTES BOARD FENCE OENOTES OMAMUMC FENCE CLF »/c SITE STATISTICS ZONING 111 A 2IJS LOT COV. X ™.™ IP 432.19 M» LOT COV. 112 4000.00 H> 2023.41 U> LOT AREA REOURED PROPOSED FRONT LANOSCAPI X —.— X 70.20 X FRONTAGE . YARD* (M) 30.40 FRONT MT. STOC •NT. SJOE REAR MT. to Hid PoM 70.00 X M U 3.5t H 18 00 41.00 12.00 7.30 7.30 13.00 3.32 U 30.07 II iaso FLOOR AREAS GROUND SECOND TOTAL CFA U U H u u U 10.60 u 113.00 u' SI4.90U' u> u> 2S3J3H> 281.37 II* BRAMPTON Notice of Decision bramptonca FlOWef Oty Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-187 DIBATTISTA GAMBIN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES: 1. To allow a Private School; 2. To allow a Commercial, Technical or Recreational School; (333 FAIRHILL AVENUE - BLOCK 304, PLAN 43M-1492) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That the private school be limited to Units 1 through 6. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law and the City of Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: F. TURNER SECONDED BY: SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: R. NURSE ^^^^ we the undersigned hereby concub in the d] SeT" l\loU/*2_0 MEMBER ^MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS iTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. OPEN SPACE .1. 21T-OO006B RESIDENTIAL 197 PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY FAIRHILL AVENUE KEY PLAN SCHOOL, PRIVATE ' 1MO M» w o vim. iuui noon hn (otai u r n enact U* l « H I M urn* son. LOT AHM.YSI3 » LEGEND SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL. TECHNICAL OR RECREATIONAL UHOSCMtO <«U (KC. win) lot w a aTE 7 Tsr" / TO PERMIT ADDITIONAL USES ON ENTIRE SUBJECT LANDS PROPOSED VARIANCE: \ / "/" BRAMPTON Notice of Decision FlOWef City Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-188 1493951 ONTARIO INC. APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE: 1. To allow a minimum exterior side yard setback of 3.0m (9.84 ft.) to a hydro transformer; (2439 STEELES AVENUE EAST - PART LOT 15, CONCESSION 5 EHS) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITYOF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That the applicant finalize Site Plan Approval (SP12-073.000), execute a site plan agreement, and post any required financial securities and insurance, to the satisfaction of the Chiefof Planning and Infrastructure Services. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intentand purpose of the zoning by-law and the Cityof Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: R. NURSE SECONDED BY: P.S. CHAHAL SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE JJNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCU -MEMBER MEMBI BER MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS iTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. SITE P1AN Engineering. STEEEES—AVENWB- - (fluowAi tout uumma-wmmhnmmaf or ammcoost-t-m era uu<M w# ngMiiMM) ITU I7C3 N1TW are statistics UMC UNC UWKUM ana tm MM MAC'S CONVENIENCE STORES INC. \ O K.T.S ,\ / PAW Cf1 LOT M CCHO—CH$B» TOPOOJW-HO MVA7T cr> #* CTTY OP BRAfcFTON maoNAL iMKr/wv of rou iota -T5sw?i l co nor n i b>i»i—. UCflES: conwcni n v«wv w. ogna ocmmo* mot n a. * rm amt mmm c o m • 10 •> MSua « t o n n a n i - a » o r MX 10 rm«cr n m a •. SP-1 noma*.** HMM. com »e cwnuaiai w iw fiojkt m i coaur 1M ! Ma m* nc lAinr team m i. *. 243* i m i f l AVDM CAST BRAMPTON. ONTAMO WWW an rum ! g BRAMPTON Notice of Decision FlOWef City Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-189 SIKLAN PORTFOLIO HOLDING INC. APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE: 1. To allow a Commercial School (Tutoring) to operate from Unit 10; (499 RAY LAWSON BOULEVARD, UNIT 10 - BLOCK 135, PLAN M-775) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law and the City of Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: F. TURNER SECONDED BY: P.S. CHAHAL SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCUR IN THE DECISION HttAAftjt— MEMBEI MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS 4 TH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. BRAMPTON Notice of Decision bramptonca FlOWef Gty Committee of Adjustment FILE NUMBER A14-190 HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 APPLICATION MADE BY 2055555 ONTARIO INC. IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE: 1. To allow a Personal Service Shop (Tattoo Parlor) to operate from Unit 110; (2 AUTOMATIC ROAD, UNIT 110 - PEEL CONDOMINIUM PLAN 735, LEVEL 1, UNIT 10) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED AND DEVELOPMENT CHARGES MAY BE APPLICABLE) SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law and the City of Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: F. TURNER P.S. CHAHAL SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CO HMuss* MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS 4 TH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. Flower City THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" REFERRED TO ON THE NOTICE OF DECISION APPLICATION NO: A14-190 DATED: NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Conditions: 1. That the Personal Service Shop (Tattoo Parlor) be approved for a temporary period of five (5) years; 2. That the Personal Service Shop (Tattoo Parlor) be limited to 1,600 square feet on the ground floor of Unit 110 as indicated in the Public Notice; 3. That a Business License and Change of Use Permit (if required) be obtained within thirty (30) days of the final date of Committee's decision; 4. That failure to comply with the conditions of the Committee will render the variance null and void. ne Myers jcretary-^Treasure of Adjus N 44* 50" 40* W 49.33 (P) 50.36 (MEAS) ~ N 44" 04" 30 VACANT LAND ~ 905INK BRAMPTON, ONTARIO 2 AUTOMATIC ROAD UNIT \ f CHECKED BY:*> 110 DRAWING No: PROPOSAL FOR MINOR VARIANCE SHEET TITLE: f DRAWN BY: 22.09.2014 DATE: BRAMPTON Notice of Decision bramptonca FlOWer City Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-191 DIANA AND JOHN BERNARD APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES: 1. To allow a rear yard setback of 1.28m (4.20 ft.) to a proposed second storey addition; 2. To allow an existing swimming pool (hot tub) in the rear yard; (146 URAL CIRCLE - PART OF BLOCK 188, PLAN 43M-1030) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED (IN PART) SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That Variance #1 (reduced setback to a proposed second storey) be refused; 2. That Variance #2 (to allow a swimming pool (hot tub) in the rear yard) be allowed provided that the hot tub be removed from the easement and relocated elsewhere in the rear yard but no closer than 1.2 metres from any lot line or easement within thirty (30) days of the final date of the decision of the Committee; 3. That failureto comply with the conditions of the Committee will render the variance to allow the swimming pool (hot tub) null and void. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intentand purpose of the zoning by-law and the Cityof Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: p,s* CHfiHAL SECONDED BY: R. NURSE SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE JUNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCUR IN T MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS iTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24.2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMrpEEE-WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. o oc I TWO STOREY HOUSE #144 SURVEYOR'S REAL PROPERTY REPORT OF LOT 9, REGISTERED PLAN 43R-1030 CITY OF BRAMPTON 0120 1 PROPERTY LOT J #140URALC!HCLE SITE PLAN 1:100 PROPERTY DATA LOT AREA EXISTING HOUSE G.F.A. PROPOSED ADDITION TOTAL a F. AREA LOT COVERAGE PROPOSED ADDITION 3347 293.00 SQ.M. 133.68 SO.!!. 19.81 SQ.M. 151.75 SQ.M. 88.00 SQ.M. _^ GENERAL NOTES ooxgraeMjcm>ww» • a ooMnnUBnaM o w n ANV flVROOUCnOM M MMIORH PMT oafvoMnoH n vrncnrraMBvi amt wwouenoN* t u t m AUTWOWaPff AaCMHMMMiMimOKMI IIS UOMND KAS18VSKBDAM> BO* -ffiS BCN jga TAKBI RaRMSBUT FORm SB9DK MOBMTSBQIHURCUBM AMI Man iw uqubbmemi sbt out MTS OOAMp BUUMO O0EB 1OB8A0BBBK& SKMA3UU qouuncAnoN NmntttaoN NAMB ASBPf SOfAH BOOONIWPCTP* CTMGW FIRM MAMS BG CONSTRUCTION DESIGN PROJECT MANAGER AR86N6HPATI 847 2004738 PROPOSED DWEUMG/COmON A1 cftsi etccr M6URM.Cf«£ BRAMTCN SfTEPLW FnOJBCT ovJuJwmtT 9CM2M09 BRAMPTON Notice of Decision faramptonca Flower City Committee of Adjustment HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 FILE NUMBER A14-192 Q9 NETWORKS INC. APPLICATION MADE BY IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PLANNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES: 1. To allow a fence in the front yard; 2. To allow a 0.0 metre side yard setback to a pedestrian link; (1895 WILLIAMS PARKWAY - PART OF BLOCK 2, PLAN 43M-873) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO A BUILDING PERMIT BEING ISSUED BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON WHERE REQUIRED) 1. That the applicant obtain site plan approval, execute a site plan agreement, and post any required financial securities and insurance to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. The site plan shall address fencing, outdoor storage and pedestrian linkdetails to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services; 2. That the 0.0 metre side yard setback variance apply exclusively to the pedestrian link; 3. Failure to comply with and maintain the Committee's conditions renders the variance null and void. REASONS: This decision reflects that in the opinion of the Committee: 1. The variance authorized is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building, or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law and the City of Brampton Official Plan are maintained and the variance is minor. MOVED BY: R. NURSE SECONDED BY: F. TUSKER SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONC Sber MEMB MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS iTH .£ DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA Y FOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. UJi till °l Si 8: WILLIAMS PARKWAY 1B4WQ 107U EXISTING INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE FACILITY 1925 WILLIAMS PARKWAY Fence to be located at Bramtree Court frontage whereas Section 366 does not permit fence in the front yard. EXISTING INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE FACILITY 25 BRAMTREE COURT u tit li! v> m llllll o> T Ld O Z < C/> 0)28 PUMCTNOl BRM-895900 NTS SOIU 2014-10-07 oaix SK301 nc. hql BRAMPTON Flower City Committee of Adjustment FILE NUMBER A14-197 APPLICATION MADE BY HEARING DATE NOVEMBER 4. 2014 50 SUNNY MEADOWS COMMERCIAL CENTER INC. IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 45 OF THE PUNNING ACT; ZONING BY-LAW 270-2004 AND AN APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE: 1. To allow a private schoolto operate from Units 104 and 105; (50 SUNNY MEADOW BLVD, UNITS 104 &105 - PEEL CONDOMINIUM PLAN 952, LEVEL A, UNITS 5&6) THE REQUEST IS HEREBY REFUSED REASONS: This decision reflects that inthe opinion ofthe Committee: 1. The variance is not desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure referred to in the application, and 2. The general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law and the City of Brampton Official Plan are not maintained and the variance is not minor. MOVED BY: R. NURSE SECONDED BY: F- TURNER SIGNATURE OF CHAIR OF MEETING: WE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONCUR IN tf I\Laj*> J MEMB MEMBER MEMBER DATED THIS 4™ DAY OF NOVEMBER. 2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DA YFOR APPEALING THIS DECISION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD WILL BE NOVEMBER 24. 2014. I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS ACORRECT COPY OF THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. IECENO SMI • CM * uwvttra-* 0 i wuani » • o * 8 i l**!** a»VM«B U1<M«^ ••HI MM! w t >:::;» omimio no. }«20 MU*0ft« «3^ UiVtlMJdOfttMO III US re* Illf UKvCM WO C»JC»«3 »*w«toi w I M ctaca* n«f«ta«Kxc • ® t« to s « t mn rot LMCMO^na It iniiii hu & •« »•« — • « — • «»««« «irU to ft«es •Hr ii srJi JH'Ml (wwm ana l*Oi£«*t iUKHttCIS w wauto cox, warn ©« nuna conc.twa SUN^~MFADOy"BUTJL"EVARl^ /. ^^^^^^^:jb-=r=r=z:£r:jgjj== i J-- f-"E^ A»06.48 N32*0ff20"E R*214.30 -L--L0T^0---T Notice of Decision bramptonca FlflWef City Committee of Adjustment APPLICATION NO314-026 Ward #3 PLANNING ACT - PROVISIONAL CONSENT AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE BY M R D HOLDINGS The appiicant(s) request(s) consent to a conveyance of Part of Lot 1, Concession 2 EHS, Parts 4 & 5, Plan 43R-795 and Part 2, Plan 43R-7852, City of Brampton, Regional Municipality of Peel. The "severed" land has a frontage on Hale Road of approx. 30.48 metres, a depth of approx. 82.60 metres and an area of approx. 0.252 hectares (0.62 acres). The land is located at 39 Hale Road. The land is designated "Industrial** in the Official Plan and "Industrial" in the Secondary Plan. The lands are zoned "Industrial Two (M2). It is proposed that a boundary line be re-established between 39 Hale Road and the abutting property (37 Hale Road). THE REQUEST IS HEREBY , THIS DECISION: APPROVED IF APPROVED: IS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND FOR THE REASONS SET OUT ON PAGE TWO OF THE NOTICE OF DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT. IF REFUSED: IS FOR THE REASONS SET OUT ON PAGE TWO OF THE NOTICE OF DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT. MOVED BY F. TURNER SECONDED BY: R. NURSE DATED THIS 4th Day ofNOVEMBER, 2014 Signatureof Chair of Meeting ^p/^ THE DECISION AND REASO MMITTEE e of Member of Committee /-//1/^ks^ Signature of Member of Committee Signature of Memberof Committee Signature of Memberof Committee CERTIFICATION I, JEANIE MYERS, SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A COJ&R€CTCOPY^©F THE DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION. OF ADJUSTMENT onfor consent will beavailable to the public for inspection between 8:30 am and 4:30 p.m. Monday to ftiday at the t Office, 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4R2, Telephone No. (905) 874-2117 and Fax No. (905) 874 You wyiAeentitled to receive notice ofany changes to the conditions ofthe provisional consent ifyou have either made awritten request tobe notified ofthe decision to grveorrefuse togive provisional consent ormake awritten request tobenotified ofchanges tothe conditions ofthe provisional consent. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal decisions orany condition in respect ofapplications for consent tothe Ontario Municipal Board. Anotice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice ofappeal may be filed in the name ofan individual who is a member ofthe association or group. Anappeal form isavailable ontheOMB website at orattheoffice of theSecretary-Treasurer. The notice ofappeal accompanied bythe fee prescribed under the Ontario Municipal Board Aa shall befiled with the Secretary-Treasurer ofthe Committee of Adjustment. The prescribed fee is$125 for the primary appeal and $25 for each related appeal. Cheques are to be made payable tothe Minister ofFinance. TURN TOPAGE TWO (2) FOR THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPEAL DATE. Theland which isthesubject of theapplication is thesubject of anapplication under thePlanning Act for. Official Plan Amendment: Zoning By-law Amendment: NO NO Minor Variance: No File Number: File Number: File Number: APPLICATION NO.B14-026 PLANNING ACT - PROVISIONAL CONSENT AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE BY M R D HOLDINGS THIS DECISION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: (Also see Decision Information Sheet) (AS AGREED TO BY THE APPLICANT(S)/AGENT(S) AT THE MEETING). A. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have been satisfied that the following conditions have been fulfilled within one year of the mailing date noted below and the Secretary-Treasurer's Certificate under the Planning Act shallbe given. (See "Decision Information Sheet" for further information). 1. A Secretary-Treasurer's certificate fee shall be paid, in the amount current at the time of the issuance of the Secretary-Treasurer's Certificate; 2. Approval of the draft reference plan(s), as applicable, shall be obtained at the Committeeof Adjustment office, and; the required number of prints of the resultant deposited reference plan(s) shall be received; 3. Arrangement satisfactory to the Region of Peel, Public Works shall be made with respect to the location of existing services, installation of new services and/or possible required private service easements. REASONS: 1. This decision reflects that regard has been had to those matters to be regarded under the Planning Act, in as much as the dimensions and shape of the lot are adequate for the uses proposed. 2. Subject to the imposed conditions, the consent to the conveyance will not adversely affect the existing or proposed development. Last date for filing an Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board; NOVEMBER 25,2014 DATE OF MAILING: NOVEMBER 5,2014 Apfcicat/o/J -n '%€'£«,T/t'SLf$4 hrltrJf FD.S.V.B.wrr frl ~H45049' 10*E/^ 49 10 F. ,D,4/?7 To "Bg" / &V£ft.£& P/)<LT IftT ^STS-O^S* ?fl.V?u. x 9Ui #57*.*fiL-£ "Ti *te ^er*/*/** Til or X ^/€
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