The Regals Mopar Car Club – Annual General Meeting Held on Wednesday 2nd September 2014 at 8.13pm Chairperson – Chris Mede Present: Simon Griffiths, Andrew Mede, Chris Mede, Bruce Rayne, George Tatsis, Brett Roberts, Trent Roberts, Raf Jelicich, Nick Tsacalos, Gordon Kyd, Anthony Gouras, Jim Clews, Eddie Caruana, Andrew Doring, Josh Gajinov, Mick Looke, Anthony Cope, Brian Whittaker, Andrew Whitlock, Guy Gulotta, Darryl Brooks, Romeo Susnjara, George Portelli, Michael Hardy, George Tihanyi, Cherie Tatsis, Michelle Griffiths Guests: Justin Caslick Apologies: Adam Roots, Bob Nix, Matt Searly Chris Mede welcomed all to the annual general meeting of the Regals Mopar Car Club Inc. Previous Minutes. Last AGM’s minutes consisted of a Presidents report and a finance report. The Presidents report was emailed th to all members on the 28 August and a copy of the finance report was made available to all members present. Copies of both last year’s reports are available for those wishing to read them. Form A6 will be lodged next week to the Dept of Fair Trading to remove the amendments to the Model Rules. The Previous minutes were accepted. Mover: Brian Whittaker, Sec: Andrew Mede. Presidents Report th In the interest of speeding things up, the Presidents report was email to all financial members on the 25 of August 2014. All were asked if they received it. The report can be found below. The report was asked to be accepted. The Presidents report was accepted. Mover: Anthony Cope, Sec: Mick Looke. Presidents Report for 2014 As an Incorporated Association, we have certain obligations and requirements, so every September we have our annual general meeting to review the previous year, and to discuss the future of the club. For the benefit of the newer members present tonight, the following is a brief history of the club so everyone knows how we started, and what we have achieved to date. History. The Regals Mopar Car Club Inc was formed in February 2009, which makes us 5 ½ years old. We started with seven members to form a committee. We now have a fairly constant membership of around 105 – 110. Towards the end of 2009 we gained the ability to offer our members Historical Conditional Registration by becoming affiliated with the Council of Motor Clubs. We held our first car show called the Mopar Rumble in November of 2009. In 2010, the Mopar Rumble grew to become a very successful multi day event held at various locations around Sydney, finishing at Sydney Dragway on the Sunday. The event was held again in 2011, 2012 and 2013 and will be on again this year. We are proud to have one of the best car club websites in Australia, with a comprehensive events section, along with a huge gallery containing over 19500 photos. We openly encourage our members to display their cars and projects in their own personal gallery. Our newsletter, the “Regals Torque” is now issued quarterly, and is without doubt one of the most professional assembled car club magazines in circulation. We regularly receive positive comments on both the newsletter and the website. We have a range of merchandise available for members including t shirts, hats, stickers and key-rings. Financial members receive a 10% discount from Pentastar Parts & Restorations, and Hemi Performance, and we are always looking for further discounts for our club members. We encourage our members to enter shows and events that benefit the name and reputation of the club like the Shannon’s Eastern Creek Classic. The club pays the entry fee for participating members who enter such events, and to date we have won 5 trophies for club displays and we hope to win more as time goes on. Most of all, this club is about bringing people together who share our passion for our cars and getting out and using them, having fun and forging good friendships, and knowing that there’s always help at hand from the vast combined knowledge of the club’s membership. General Meetings Since the formation of the club, our general meetings were held at the premises of Onsite Rental Group in St Marys. An invitation from the CMC to presidents of affiliated clubs to come and check out “The Garage at Eastern Creek gave us a fantastic opportunity to switch to a venue that was purpose made for car clubs. As of December 2012, “The Garage” has been the venue for our general meetings. The feedback on the change of venue has been extremely positive, and has elevated a lot of hard work for a few members of the committee. On average, our general meetings attract between 30 and 50 members and visitors each month. We are one of the few clubs that offers a lucky door prize which is drawn at the close of every meeting. Club Runs and Events Our club run is called the “Rollin’ Rumble” and is held almost every month as a social gathering for club members and friends. We hols a number of established events each year, with each event attracting a larger audience every year. Those events are the Mopar Rumble, the Mopar Only Swap meet, and Mopars Down South. Our commitment to being an active and social club is furthered every year. Committee This committee is encouraged to meet on the last Thursday of every month, and club members are encouraged to bring up anything of note, for the committee to table for resolution, amendment or action. As an Incorporated Association we have to conduct business using certain guidelines. When the club was formed, we adopted the Department of Fair Trading’s “Model Rules”. We did lodge one amendment with the rules. We made the opening term for the office bearers and committee positions for four years. The reason behind the decision was to allocate enough time to see the goals of the founding members achieved. With the four year term completed tonight I can personally report that all goals have been met and superseded. Some of the goals included maintaining an active club with good attendance at general meetings. Having regular club runs and events on offer for our members to enjoy. Participating in established events like the Shannon’s Sydney Classic and the Rattle N Hum car show of which we are on the committee. Offering our members Historic Conditional Registration, and providing a network of knowledge for our members to draw upon when needed. We’ve constantly strived to leave hierarchy out of management, and make sure all members feel welcome no matter what they drive. At the 2013 Annual General Meeting, the club moved to using the Department of Fair Trading’s “Model Rules with no amendments. A copy of the model rules can be viewed or downloaded at the Department of Fair Trading’s website. Regards, Chris Mede – President The Regals Mopar Car Club Inc Treasurers Report Andrew Mede was invited to the chair to give the finance report. The report was read out and can be found below. Financial Summary for the year 2013 for The Regals Mopar Car Club Inc th The Regals Mopar Car Club Inc became financial on the 17 of February 2009, and this financial year end on st the 31 of August 2014. st Opening account balance 1 of September 2013 $4375.20. This financial year the club amassed an income of $6170.00. The club’s expenses were $7587.04. st Closing bank balance 31 of August 2014 of $2958.16. st The following is a summary of the financial year ending August 31 2013. Income Membership Fees Misc Cheques Xmas party re-emb. $3570.00 $1010.00 $1590.00 Expenses Insurance BBQ BBQ Food Postage Fees Merchandise Bank Fees SMS Alerts Torque Printing th CMC 50 Luncheon Xmas party/drinks Non paying members Christmas party Web Design Shannon’s Classic P.O Box Renewal CMC Affiliation Charity Donations Beyond Blue Regals Assets BBQ Regals Pull ups x 2 Fold Up Tables x 3 $679.42 $145.50 $700.72 $210.00 $335.50 $120.00 $305.70 $990.00 $400.00 $1590.00 $510.00 $453.20 $450.00 $107.00 $80.00 $500.00 $220.00 $200.00 $150.00 Write Offs 6 x Regals banners (worn) 2 x club marquees’ lost due to storm damage at Albury. Compiled by Andrew Mede Treasurer – The Regals Mopar Car Club Inc. The financial report was accepted. Mover: Guy Gulotta, Sec: Brian Whittaker. Voting Chris Mede left the chair and Bruce Rayne was invited to chair the voting section of the AGM. All committee th positions were declared vacant. All financial club members were invited via email on the 7 of August to nominate themself or another member to stand for a position on the committee. There were no nominations received by members for committee positions. The current committee members had all agreed to continue in their previous roles. Those positions and holders are, Office Bearers President - Chris Mede Vice-President - Simon Griffiths Secretary – Michelle Griffiths Treasurer – Andrew Mede Public Officer – Chris Mede Sub-Committee Editor/Webmaster – Bruce Rayne Registrar – Raf Jelicich Events Coordinator – George Tatsis Photographer/Website Galleries – Gordon Kyd CMC Delegate – Chris Mede All attending members are asked to accept those members remain in those roles. In favour – All. Any against – None. New rules and policies. Simon Griffiths was invited to the chair to discuss a number of introduced policies to the membership rules. The new rules and policies are as follows, New changes/rules to club membership and club events/runs to be introduced at the September 2014 Annual General Meeting. Committee member’s points of consideration discussed at last committee meeting. Committee agreed that original direction and intention of Club was lacking. Decision was reached to return Clubs values and culture back to social events, activities and member’s participation. Decision for Committee to put more effort and consideration into Club events, runs, activities and etc. Considerations around providing more driving destinations for HCRS holders and varying span of activity days and start times to enable all members’ avenues to participate. Committee discussions around proposition for all new Regals Car Club members as of AGM 2014. Clubs expectations around minimal participation level. New Expectations for Probationary/new members Effected members – All members who join online after the 2014 AGM rd Launch date – 3 September 2014 3 months’ probation period from point of online probationary membership submission 3 Club events to be attended in probationary period (Run, meeting and show in any combination) Probationary members to be marked off an event register by a committee member at events/runs/meetings to prove participation at 3 month review Committee to vote on member’s application at 3 month period Only upon application acceptance will probationary members be required to pay $50 membership fee New Expectations for current and future HCRS holders Effected members - Current members already using the HCRS through the club and future members wishing to use the proposed modified registration scheme. Launch date – The new changes will apply upon renewal of your club membership. 3 Club events to be attended during the year (Run, meeting and show in any combination) Compulsory attendance at Shannon’s Sydney Classic. HCRS users to be marked off an event register by a committee member at events/runs/meetings to prove participation. New Expectations for current members Effected members – All current members. Launch date – The new changes will apply upon renewal of your club membership. 3 Club events to be attended during the year (Run, meeting and show in any combination) Compulsory attendance to at least one Regals organised event (Mopars Down South/Mopar Only Swap Meet/Mopar Rumble/Club Christmas Party) New Expectations for committee members Effected members – All committee members. rd Launch date – 3 September 2014 3 Club events to be attended during the year (Run, meeting and show in any combination) Compulsory attendance to at least three Regals organised event (Mopars Down South/Mopar Only Swap Meet/Mopar Rumble/Club Christmas Party) For the commitment to attend as many club sanctioned events as reasonably possible For the commitment to ensure club events are kept dynamic and varied For the committee to maintain a forecasted calendar (6 months) of monthly events, subject to change, but to assist every club member with planning their runs around family and work commitments. Club Runs Early morning coffee runs Club race days Family picnics Saturday night cruises Promotional / Photography day Poker run style runs Car shows Established club events, Mopars Down South, Mopar Only Swap Meet, Mopar Rumble and Christmas Party Close of meeting and open discussion The meeting was closed at 8.44pm and Chris Mede was invited back to the chair to open the floor for a communal discussion or Q & A session. All changes to the expectations of members were thoroughly welcomed by those members present.
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