Agenda - Voorheesville Central School District

December 8, 2014
7:30 – 9:00 PM
Supplemental agenda items are marked with an asterisk 
1. Meeting Call to Order by President
1.1 Evacuation Procedure for Fire Emergency
1.2 Roll Call of Trustees by Board of Education President
2. Presentations / Reports:
2.1 Update on Superintendent Search ....................................................................................................L. Wells
2.2 ELA Common Core Implementation ............................................................................................K. Conroy
3. Approval of Minutes
3.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting, November 17, 2014
3.2 Minutes of Special Meeting, November 25, 2014
4. Visitors and Communication
4.1 Opportunity for students to address the Board
4.2 Opportunity for the public to be heard (15 Minutes)
This is an opportunity for the public to address the Board of Education. The Board will not address specific comments but ask for your name
and address in the event follow-up is necessary. The Board reminds residents that the public comment portion of our meeting is only one item on a
long agenda. We, therefore, ask that each speaker be as succinct as possible and that remarks be limited to two to three minutes. We would also
expect that residents speak in a respectful and courteous manner, so as to model proper civility and decorum for our students.
Please address the Board from the podium.
5. Action Items
5.1 Treasurer's Reports
5.1.1 Acceptance of Treasurer's Reports
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education accept the Treasurer's Reports as
presented in Enclosure Folder.
Acceptance of Warrants
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education accept the following Warrants:
Payroll Covering Warrant #19:
Multi-Fund Warrant #20:
Multi-Fund Warrant #21:
Payroll Covering Warrant #22:
Capital Fund Warrant #5
November 6, 2014
November 13, 2014
November 24, 2014
November 19, 2014
December 3, 2014
Personnel Items
5.2.1 Resignations
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education accept the following resignations:
Francesca Gagliotti, Food Service Helper
Effective: December 1, 2014
Coaching Appointment: 2014-2015 (Correction)
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education approve the following coaching
appointment for the 2014-2015 school year:
Lynn Kelly
JV Cheerleading
Reinstatement of the Varsity Wrestling Team
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education approve the reinstatement
of the Varsity Wrestling Team and appoint Taylor Treadgold as Varsity Wrestling
coach for the 2014-2015 school year. Mr. Treadgold will be paid at Step 1 of the
VTA Coaching Salary Schedule.
Bus Monitor Appointments
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education approve the following bus monitor
appointments effective December 9, 2014.
Elizabeth Glath, 4 hours per day
Jennifer Murphy, 4 hours per day
Step 2
Step 4 of UEV Contract
Step 1 of UEV Contract
Adjustment in Hours – Bus Drivers
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education approve adjustments to the
following bus drivers’ hours effective December 9, 2014.
George Klapp, 4.75 to 5.00 hours per day
Robert Alft, 4.50 to 5.25 hours per day
Adjustment in Hours - Cashier/Food Service Helper
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education approve adjustment in hours for
Jennifer Smith, Cashier / Food Service Helper, from 2.5 hours per day to 3.5 hours per day
effective December 9, 2014. (Mrs. Smith will working a longer shift due to the resignation of
Francesca Gaglioti.)the following reassignment:
Change in Civil Service Title
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education approve the following change in Civil
Service Title: Michael Goyer, from Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds/Transportation
Supervisor to Director of Facilities I. *This title change has been mandated by Civil Service.
There is no change in Mr. Goyer’s responsibilities or salary.
Bus Driver Appointment
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education approve the appointment of Cindy
Kimmey as Bus Driver (4 hours per day) effective December 9, 2014.
Step 1 of UEV Contract
Teaching Assistant - Probationary
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education approve the probationary
appointment of Devin Papuzza as Teaching Assistant effective December 15, 2014. Ms.
Papuzza will serve a three-year probationary term.
Step 1 of UEV Contract
CSE Recommendation
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education approve the recommendations by the
Committee on Special Education as outlined at the meeting held on November 12, 2014, November 13,
2014, November 14, 2014, and November 20, 2014.
The Board designates the Superintendent as signatory for health service contracts related to special
education students’ IEPs.
 5.4
NYSMEC Resolutions – Electricity / Natural Gas
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education approve the Resolutions Authorizing
Participation in NYSMEC (New York School and Municipal Energy Consortium) for electricity and
natural gas supply commencing May 1, 2015, and authorize Interim Assistant Superintendent for
Business, Charles Snyder to sign the Billing Schedule agreement with NYSMEC.
The full resolutions and billing schedules are included in the enclosure folder.
6. Administrative Reports
6.1 Elementary School Report ...................................................................................................... Thomas Reardon
6.2 Middle Level Report ..................................................................................................................James Franchini
6.3 High School Report ............................................................................................................... Patrick Corrigan
6.4 Interim Assistant Superintendent for Business Report ......................................................... Charles Snyder
6.5 Superintendent’s Report .......................................................................................................... Teresa T. Snyder
Curriculum / Restructuring
7. Old Business
7.1 Audit Committee: ..................................................................................................... T. Blow, D. Saia, D. Straut
7.2 Curriculum/Evaluation Committee: .......................................................... C. Dozier, C. Monaghan, D. Straut
7.3 Facilities Committee: .......................................................................................... T. Blow, C.J. Coffin, G. Hubert
7.4 Policy & Governance Committee: .....................................................................T. Blow, C.J. Coffin, C. Dozier
7.5 Voorheesville Community Alliance for Healthy Choices: ............................................. All Board Members
(Members will alternate attending committee meetings)
8. New Business
8.1 Acceptance of Donation – Technology
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education gratefully accept the following technology
donations from the NYS Education Department (Project Create).
30 Dell 19” flat panel monitors
Acceptance of Donation – Network Switch
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education gratefully accept a donation of a Meraki
MS220 – 8P network switch donated by Meraki.
Acceptance of Donation
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education gratefully accept the following donations:
Edward Niles Huyck Preserve (Gr. 4 Field Trip)
PTA (ES Field Trip Transportation)
Budget Amendment – Gifts and Donations
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education amend the 2014-2015 budget to allow for
the expenditure of the following gift donation to the District in the amount of $1,380.68; and to
increase the revenue code A2705 to reflect the receipt of these funds.
Budget code to be amended is:
Elementary School:
Garage salaries/extra
Fuel cost
Meal reimbursement
Transportation Salary
 8.5
Bid Awards – Door Replacement
Recommended Action:
That the Board of Education award the bid for the door replacement
project approved by the voters on May 20, 2014, as follows:
American Glass Co. of Albany
Cost not to exceed $ 89,917
9. Other Business
9.1 Opportunity for the Public to be Heard
9.2 Opportunity for the Board to be Heard
10. Dates to Remember
10.1 Regular BOE Meeting
Monday, January 12, 2015
7:30 – 9:00 PM: LGI
Executive Session (if needed)
Recommended Action: That the Board of Education adjourn into Executive Session, if needed, for the
purpose of discussing one or more of the following subjects:
Matters that will imperil the public safety if disclosed.
Any matter that may disclose the identity of a law enforcement agent or informer.
Information relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense
that would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed.
Discussion involving proposed, pending, or current litigation.
Collective negotiations pursuant to article 14 of the Civil Service Law.
The medical, financial, credit, or employment history of a particular person or corporation,
or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline,
suspension, dismissal, or removal of a particular person or corporation.
The preparation, grading, or administration of exams.
The proposed acquisition, sale, or lease of real property or the proposed acquisition, sale,
or exchange of securities, but only when publicity would substantially affect the value of
these things (Pub. Off. Law § 105(a-h)).
Return to Regular Session
Voorheesville Elementary School
Families Come in All Shapes and Sizes
To: Dr. Teresa Thayer Snyder
From: Dr. Thomas B. Reardon
Date: December 1, 2014
Re: December 8th Board of Education Report
Despite the immense amount of effort put into revising grade-level report
cards (to reflect the rigorous standards of the Common Core), grade input,
and preparation for over 500 parent conferences, Voorheesville
Elementary School faculty has been able to maintain its commitment to
perpetually acquiring and sharing best practices. During our December
Faculty Meeting (a.k.a. Share-a-Thon), time will be used to share
information from our turnkey trainers who are being sent to Greg Tang’s
Math Workshop, as well as representatives who will be attending the
NYSCATE Technology Conference in Rochester, New York. After the
initial sharing of best practices, grade-levels will use common planning
time to process this information. (Goal #1, Area A, Action Steps 1,4).
Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) update: all formal
announced observations have been completed at VES, with 45+
observations written, scored, and discussed. Pre and post professional
conversations regarding the teaching and learning process have been
extraordinarily rich, and once again, have been painless to the overall
building culture at Voorheesville Elementary School. Over the course of
the month of January, we will soon begin our series of unannounced
observations. Though this is not a strong deviation from regular
administrative practices, this stage in the review process will allow for the
opportunity to document the superb instruction that occurs daily, even
when there is not the immediate concern of a formal observation. I have
had the pleasure of experiencing this instruction during my daily visits to
each classroom. This opportunity simply documents this regular, familiar
practice (Goal #1, Area B, Action Steps 1-6).
School and Community Relations:
 In addition to the success of our October 31st Spirit Assembly, the
overarching purpose of this assembly continues to showcase our buildings
wide theme of family, particularly the role animals play in our lives. Funds
raised during our half day staff pot luck lunches (as organized by Terry
Luyckx and Laurie Lysenko) will result in a very substantial donation being
made to the Heifer International Organization ( Yet again,
VES makes its mark in the global community (Goal #3, Action Step #1).
It is with pleasure that the Blue Ribbon Ad Hoc Committee, along with the
Site-Based Committee continue to look at means of celebrating our Blue
Ribbon success throughout the school year. Plans are underway for
community recognition of our achievement, and other grade-level
interdisciplinary assignments that will assist in strengthening our
celebration of this priceless achievement(Goal #3, Action Step #1).
I am pleased to announce that, for the fourth year in a row, Voorheesville
Elementary School has been nominated as one of the Capital Region Top
Places to Work! This nomination-based program attempts to recognize
both profit and not-for-profit organizations in the Capital Region that foster
a positive work environment. While there are other factors outside of our
control (number of nominations, size of the organization, etc.), it is
certainly an honor and testament to our school culture (Goal #3, Action
Step #2,5).
With over 260 followers on Twitter and the number of School News
Notifier (SNN) subscribers up from last year, we continue to maximize our
ability communicate in multiple formats, particularly accentuated those that
are paperless (Goal #3, Action Step #5,6).
Important Dates:
December 16: Faculty/Staff Share-a-Thon Curriculum Meeting (3:30 p.m.)
December 18: Kindergarten Holiday Show (2:20 p.m.)
December 19: K-5 Holiday Sing-a-Long (2:20 p.m.)
January 20:
In-School Concert Assembly Fifth Grade Dress Rehearsal
January 21:
Fifth Grade Band/Chorus Concert (7:00 p.m.)
January 30:
Annual VES Spirit Committee Talent Show (details TBA)
Other Resources:
The most recent Elementary Principal’s Corner:
See the video from our Inaugural Blue Ribbon Ceremony, Courtesy of Rob Carte
and Justin VanDyke:
Voorheesville From the Camera Lens
Mr. Burns and I Preparing to Accept our Blue Ribbon Award in Washington, D.C.
(November 11, 2014)
Staff Enjoying One of Three Communal Crockpot Lunches During Half-Day
Conferences. Money Raised was Donated to Heifer International and the New
Scotland Food Pantry!
Voorheesville Middle School
Dr. Teresa Snyder
From: James Franchini
Middle School Principal’s Report for the December Board of Education Meeting (A
Recap of the Month of November)
VCSD Goals
VCSD Goals
 The District will create an academic culture of openness and
continuous improvement, including continuous teacher
development, and high quality instruction.
 The District will support student achievement to develop
students’ potential for scholarship, intellectual curiosity, problem
solving, and critical thinking.
 The District will strengthen communication through parent and
community engagement and partnerships for student learning.
 The District will be faithful stewards of the community's financial
commitment to the children and will be responsible in managing
The District will create a culture of openness and continuous improvement, including
continuous teacher development, and high quality instruction.
o We held our first month of Instructional Rounds in November. The teacher-leader for this
month was Jeanne Young and the group focused on vocabulary instruction across the
content areas. As previously stated, the participating teachers developed a list of themes
that they will discuss in depth during the school year on a monthly basis. Each month one
teacher will be responsible for the group’s professional development by providing a
related article and facilitating a discussion. In addition, multiple teachers from the group
will be observed by other group members each month as they implement the theme in
their classroom. Finally, the group will meet every month on their own lunch time to
discuss the article and their observations. The participants for this year are Dan Chaize,
Emily Vachula, Jessica Bradshaw, Jeanne Young, Jamie Gray, Natalie Kosar, Marie
Coppola, Joe Iannotti, Lisa Spadinger, and Judy Zielinski.
o The VMS Faculty Meeting for the month focused on two topics. First, we did an article
study about a middle school that has implemented a blended learning model. Second,
with the support of our Technology Support Specialist, Mary Jude Maxwell, the faculty
was given time to utilize Atomic Learning, which is a professional development web site
being used by the District this year. Specifically, faculty members were given time to
choose a module from Atomic Learning that interested them and then work on that
o The VMS English Language Arts and Mathematics Department Meeting for the month of
November focused on three things. First, we discussed how we are ensuring that our
students are exposed to greater rigor in the classroom. As part of this discussion, teachers
were asked to bring lesson plans and assessments with them to the meeting. Next, we
reviewed the Map of Standards from the State Education Department’s web site. Finally,
we discussed our plan for administering, grading, and analyzing benchmark assessments
in January. Special thanks to Karen Conroy for facilitating this meeting as I was not able
to attend!
o The second VMS Staff Breakfast was held on November 7th. Special thanks to Team 7
(Jessica Bradshaw, Jamie Gray, Allysa Seaburg, and Jeanne Young) for sponsoring this
o On November 10th, we held our first joint work session of the year with our colleagues
from KIPP: Tech Valley Charter School (KTV). This six-hour session was held offcampus and covered multiple areas, including a review of the NAATE training that two
KTV teachers attended, a turnkey training done by the VMS ELA teachers to the KTV
teachers regarding the Teachers College Units of Study Exploration training that they
attended in September, time for the math teachers to create assessments that have
questions with the performance level and standard noted for each question, which will
enhance the data analysis that can be completed after the assessment is given, and a VMS
discussion on vertical alignment. Special thanks to Lauren Furlong, Jamie Gray, Allysa
Seaburg, and Rachel Stark for their attendance and hard work!
o On November 7th, the middle school dismissed students at 11:30 a.m. The afternoon was
used for professional development time. Specifically, VMS teachers met with their
departmental colleagues to discuss a topic relevant to them. For example, the Technology,
Social Studies, and Science teachers met to discuss interdisciplinary projects, while the
Music and Art teachers discussed portfolio and rubric assessments. In addition, the Math
and ELA teachers worked on action steps based on their data-based goals they created in
September and the FACS, Health, and Physical Education teachers discussed curriculum
redundancies and gaps, as well as new mandates for next year. Special thanks to Karen
Conroy for her assistance in planning this day and to our facilitators (Joe Sapienza and
Chris Jantson)!
o On November 12th, I attended the second meeting of the Greater Capital Region
Principals’ Center Board.
o This year we began to have our Library Media Specialist, Chris Menetti, attend one team
meeting per month with each team. These meetings have been a great addition to our
already effective use of team meeting time. In November, Chris demonstrated for each
team numerous ways they could utilize the e-books that she has recently purchased in their
classrooms. The books were mostly purchased with monies provided by the
Dissemination Grant.
The District will assist students in developing their potential for scholarship, intellectual
curiosity, problem solving, and critical thinking.
o In our continual effort to reflect and improve upon what we do in the middle school,
we held a meeting on November 7th with the ELA and Social Studies departments to
review this year’s Character Day. This meeting was especially important because
only one faculty member from these two departments has been at VMS for more than
four years.
o Grade 7 held their second character education event. The event went along with this
month’s theme of citizenship. Specifically, as part of “Everyone Counts Day,” 7th
graders were encouraged to wear jerseys or shirts with numbers on them to show that
everyone counts.
o On November 14th, VMS held its second Teen Night of the year. This event was
once again well-attended. Thanks to the high school Honor Society, who are advised
by Kelly McHale, for sponsoring this event!
o VMS students had the chance in November to enter a contest to have their art work
displayed on the front cover of the VMS yearbook. Submissions were due by
November 17th. Thanks to Rachel Stark for organizing this contest!
o Sixth grade Family & Consumer Science students have been sewing together 12square pillows from three different fabrics with the help of parent and grandparent
volunteers. Through this project students are working on spatial relationships and
kinesthetic skills while learning to thread and run a sewing machine as well as doing
basic hand sewing. Many, many thanks to our volunteers who helped make this
project to go smoothly! (This information is posted on the VMS web site and was
written by Judy Zielinski.)
o On November 12, 2014, a group of 7th grade students participated in a one-day
workshop on the Underground Railroad sponsored by Minds-On at the
Rensselaerville Institute. At the workshop, students experienced history as runaway
slaves and abolitionists. They used codes hidden in traditional songs, plotted escape
routes, and even interviewed Harriet Tubman as they put themselves into the shoes of
those brave and ingenious souls who risked their lives on the Underground
Railroad. (This information is posted on the VMS web site and was written by
Jeanne Young.)
o The Builders Club would like to thank our VMS community for all the donations to
our annual Turkey Challenge Food Drive. Once again, our food drive was a success
as we collected 292 food items for the Kiwanis food pantry! We would also like to
thank all of the teachers who participated. As a result of collecting the most items,
Ms. Cluckey will be dressing as a turkey for the afternoon. Also, the runner up, Mrs.
Young, will dress as a Native American. (This information is posted on the VMS
web site and was written by Lisa Spadinger.)
o 6th graders launched their hot air balloons in November. This was the culmination of a
four week project in which students researched, wrote about, and then constructed
balloons out of tissue paper, tape, and wire. While not all of the balloons flew, many
of them stayed up in the air for nearly a minute. The science behind hot air balloons is
closely related to several of the topics we’ll be covering later in the year, including
thunderstorms and volcanoes. (This information is posted on the VMS web site and
was written by Dan Chaize.)
o On November 19, a group of 7th grade students participated in a one-day workshop
called "What a Character!" sponsored by Minds-On at the Carey Conference Center
in Rensselaerville. Published author, Alice Lichtenstein led students through a series
of writing activities to get them thinking about characters’ back stories, voice and
dialogue. Students worked side-by-side with students from Greenville in order to
develop a complex character inspired by objects in character boxes. Their characters
then “met” another pair’s character, and as a group, they created a dialogue that made
the characters come alive. (This information is posted on the VMS web site and was
written by Jamie Gray.)
o This weekend, students and families were magically transformed to the world of
“Wonderland” as the “Stuck in the Middle Players”, Voorheesville’s Middle School
Drama Club, performed a very musical and wildly exhilarating version of Lewis
Carroll’s “Through the Looking Glass”. With a cast of 55 students, audiences were
all smiles watching Alice weave her way through Wonderland as she meets a variety
of familiar and new characters, all with a musical story to tell. This included country
music’s newest sensation Humpty Dumpty, the tap dancing swinging Tweedle Dee
and Tweedle Dum, the very sweet and nostalgic White Queen complete with her
1950's backup singers, and the very sassy rocking Red Queen. The production was
directed by Steve Suriano, with musical director Mary Abba-Gleason, and
choreographer Kelly Flansburg. The amazing live pit band (a first for the Middle
School) was under the direction of Brian Kaplan. (This information is posted on the
VMS web site and was written by Steve Suriano.)
The District will strengthen parent and community engagement and partnerships for student
o On November 19th, we held our first Principal’s Reception Breakfast. This is the
third year that these celebrations have taken place. Each team of teachers was asked
to select five students who consistently displayed outstanding character, work habits,
and citizenship. Those students, along with their parents, were then invited to a
breakfast in their honor at the school. We will host two more breakfast this school
year. Special thanks to Tim Mulligan for once again providing our guests with a
terrific breakfast buffet.
o A representative from KIPP visited VMS on November 6th to meet with Dr. Snyder
and me. In addition to our conversation, he visited mathematics classrooms and
talked to members of the ELA department. The goal of the visit is for him to develop
a story about this unique, successful partnership between our schools.
o VMS report cards were mailed home on November 20th. Parents have been informed
that, starting in the third quarter, report cards and progress reports will only be
available online through our Parent Portal.
o Our second Site Based Management Team Meeting was held on November 24th. The
agenda was comprised of two items. First, Rob Carte, who is the Director of
Technology for the District, discussed the impact to VCSD of the recent passing of
the Smart Schools Bond Act by the voters of New York State. Next, we had a
discussion about our new community service initiative for VMS.
Clayton A. Bouton High School
November 26,2014
Dr. Teresa Snyder
Patrick Corrigan
Principal's RepOli for the December Board of Education Meeting
District Goall - The district will create a culture of openness and continuous improvement,
including continuous teacher development and high quality instruction
District Goal 2 - The district will assist students in developing their potential for scholarship,
intellectual curiosity, problem solving and critical thinking.
On Monday, November 3, Brian Stumbaugh chaperoned ten students to the Carey Conference
Center at the Rensselaerville Institute where they participated in a Joumalism workshop and
worked with award-winning joumalists on writing, editing, photography and multi-media issues.
The workshop was organized and sponsored by the Carey Center for Global Good, the Minds On
program, the Times Union and the College of Saint Rose. Due to the generosity of several donors
to the Minds On program our students attended this workshop free of charge (except
transportation ).
Jen Fuld brought a small group of students to the Rensselaerville Institute on November 5 for a
day-long Minds On Workshop entitled, "Fiesta," which focused on Spanish language immersion.
Mr. Lawrence chaperoned ollr Model UN team to the Brown University Model UN conference
that ,vas held November 7-9. All delegates put fOlth a great effort and represented our school
well throughout the competition. Special congratulations goes out to Devin Freeman for winning
-'Most Outstanding Delegate" for his role as Cyprus in the European
and to Ben Denn
winning -'Best Overall Delegate" in the Central Committee the Communist
Games movie trailers old and new.
District Goal 3 - The district will strengthen parent and community engagement and partnerships
for student learning.
Thank you to our Key Club members and Mrs. Michele Bintz, advisor, for a sllccessful food drive
hcld during the month of November in support of the New Scotland Community Food Pantry.
From November 12 through November 24 students vvere asked to donated non-perishable food
items and place them in the box with the corresponding teacher for vvhom they wanted to vote.
Six high school teachers participated in this event and the teacher with the most donated
agreed to wear a turkey costume on November
the day before our Thanksgiving recess. The
winner was April Levy. She \vas a good sport and wore the turkey costume for the entire day.
The event \vas a great success and fun was had by both students and faculty.
For the month of November Kyle Turski and the varsity Baseball team sponsored -'No
Shave November" where students and faculty collected donations for the American
Cancer Society. A dozen male teachers volunteered to stop shaving for the month of
November. Students purchased rame tickets for the right to tell the highest vote-getting
teacher how to shave. Dave Lawrence won the most votes and will receive grooming
advice from Limn Brennan.
With the assistance of Tim Kelley, Dollars for Scholars hosted middle school Rock & Bowl
( 1 1110). high school Rock & Bowl (J (113) and McDonald' s Night (J 0/9).
Upcoming Events and Activities
Deeember 1
Deeember 8
December 9
Deeember 11
December 15
December 19
Dec. 22-Jan.2
Faculty Mtg., 2:40 p.m., LGr
BOE Meeting, 7:30 p.m., LGr
Department Chair Meeting
HS Concert, 7:00 p.m. PAC
Department Meetings
2 Quarter Progress Reports Mailed
Deeember Reeess