M encore there is always room for desser t! DA RK C H OC OLAT E A ND RIC KA RD’S RED CA KE — $ 9 with a dark chocolate ganache and raspberry compote. NY C H EES ECA KE — $ 9 A New York style cheesecake; ask what our chef has created today. G LUT EN FREE B ELG IUM C H OC OLAT E TORT E — $ 7 With chocolate coated strawberry and Pomegranate molasses. DRIED C H ERRY A ND A MA RET TO B REA D P UDDING — $ 9 With fresh whipped cream and toffee sauce. leading man The man behind the name A passionate advocate for the arts in Canada, Mavor Moore was Confederation Centre of the Arts’ founding artistic director and one of the creators of its most famous production, Anne of Green Gables—The Musical™. MAVOR MOORE 1919–2006 specialty coffee M G ING ERB REA D MA N — $ 7 Dekuyper Buttershots, Bailey’s Irish Cream and Goldschläger MONT E C RIS TO — $ 7 Kahlua and Grand Marnier S PA NIS H — $ 7 Kahlua and brandy B LUEB ERRY T EA — $ 7 Grand Marnier and Amaretto IRIS H — $ 7 Irish mist and Jameson Irish whisky CA FÉ A MA RET TO — $ 7 Amaretto and Kahlua dessert wine IC ED LIB ERT Y B LOS S OM — $ 5 Rossignol winery, Little Sands, Prince Edward Island RA S P B ERRY FES T IVA L — $ 5 Rossignol winery, Little Sands, Prince Edward Island B LAC KB ERRY MEA D — $ 5 Rossignol winery, Little Sands, Prince Edward Island NOB LE ONE — $ 7 Botrytis Semillon, De Bortoli, Australia, 2008 port TAY LOR FLADG AT E 10 Y EA R OLD TAW NY P ORT P ORT U G AL — $ 6 TAY LOR FLA DG AT E LBV 2 0 07 P ORT U G AL — $ 8 WOLF B LAS S TAW NY P ORT AU ST RALIA — $ 5 C OC KB URN’S S P EC IAL RES ERVE P ORT U G AL — $ 5 C OC KB URN’S 2 0 Y EAR OLD TAW NY P ORT P ORT U G AL — $ 1 2 PA ARL TAW NY P ORT S OUT H AFRIC A — $ 6
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