20th Annual School of the Longhunter The Pricketts Fort Memorial Foundation invites you to join us for a weekend encampment with seminars on longhunter skills for the 18th century interpreter, re-enactor or history enthusiast. April 3-6, 2014 Prickett’s Fort State Park Fairmont, West Virginia Phone (304) 363-3030 On-line registration available: www.prickettsfort.org/shop 2014 School of the Longhunter Agenda Thursday, April 3 12 – 5 pm ARRIVAL AND SET UP *CHECK IN VISITOR CENTER* Friday, April 4 9 – 10:30 am Mike Galban TUMPLINES 10:30 – 12 noon Mark Hersee SIMON GIRTY 12 noon – 1 pm LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 1 - 2:30 pm Matt Wulff 2:30 – 4 pm Heather Schneider 6 – 7:30 pm MILITARY CAMPAIGNS ON THE FRONTIER TAVERNS FORT FEAST *Please bring a covered dish* 7:30 pm Morgans Glade ENTERTAINMENT 9 – 10:30 am Mark Baker TBA 10:30 – 12 Suzanne Larner MAD ANNE BAILEY Saturday, April 5 12 noon – 1 pm LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 1 - 2:30 pm Bill Schneider & Kye Jaroz GAMES 2:30 – 4pm Mark Baker TBA 4 – 5:30 pm Dave Dykema 5:30 – 7:30 pm 7:30 pm TBA DINNER ON YOUR OWN BENEFIT AUCTION *Please bring a quality period item to be donated Sunday, April 6 8:30 – 9 am 12 noon Gene Thorn SUNDAY SERVICE DEPART FOR HOME Schedule subject to change. 2014 School of the Longhunter Fees Pre-Registration Fees: PFMF Members $54.00 Non-members $60.00 (Fees at the door $65.00) Camper Fee (not attending seminar) $20.00 includes Fort Feast. Cost includes camping and seminar sessions, entertainment, Fort Feast and Benefit Auction. Sutler Fee $50.00 (must be pre-registered) This entitles the sutler to have one helper/camper stay with him/her. Sutler can have one store tent and one camping tent. Helper must stay in one of these tents. Price includes Fort Feast for the sutler and helper. Helper must be listed on the pre-registration form. Sutler & Seminar Sutlers who want to attend the seminar must pay an additional $50.00 fee. Visitors $10.00 Visitors who want to stay after 5:00 p.m. must pay a fee of $10.00 to the Visitors center prior to closing. All visitors must leave the park by 11:00 p.m. This is good for all evenings of the seminar. Fort Feast tickets may be purchased for $10.00 if desired. All such paying visitors must be in 18th century period clothing. Children under 15 accompanying campers or seminar attendees will not be charged for camping, but will be charged $5.00 each for the Fort Feast. The School of the Longhunter is limited to the first 100 registrants. . Please complete this registration form and return with payment to: Pricketts Fort Memorial Foundation 88 State Park Road Fairmont, WV 26554 or REGISTER ON-LINE www.prickettsfort.org/shop Name _______________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _______________________________________________________ Phone ______________________ E-mail __________________________________ ______ x $54 ______ x $60 ______ x $50 ______ x $100 ______ x $20 ______ x $10 ______ x $10 ______ x $5 ______ x $25 Member of PFMF Non-member Sutler only Sutler & Seminar Camper Visitor Fort Feast for Visitor Fort Feast for Children under 15 Individual PFMF Membership _____ TOTAL FEES ENCLOSED Non-Profit US Postage PAID Montana Mines WV Permit #3 88 State Park Road Fairmont WV 26554 (304) 363-3030 www.prickettsfort.org
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