KOL JESHURUN iurah kue Rabbis: J. Rolando Matalon • Marcelo R. Bronstein • Felicia L. Sol HAZZAN & Music Director: Ari Priven BJ Rabbinic Fellows: Alex Braver • Sarit Horwitz BJ STUDENT HAZZAN: Shoshi Rosenbaum HUKKAT ROSH HODESH TAMMUZ Torah: ANNUAL Numbers 19:1 - 22:1 TRIENNIAL Numbers 19:1 - 20:13 1: 19:1 - 19:6 2: 19:7 - 19:9 3: 19:10 - 19:13 4: 19:14 - 19:17 5: 19:18 - 19:22 6: 20:1 - 20:6 7: 20:7 - 20:13 Maftir: 28:9 - 28:15 HAFTARAH Isaiah 66:1 - 66:24, 23 NEXT WEEK: BALAK Torah: ANNUAL Numbers 22:2 - 25:9 TRIENNIAL Numbers 22:2 - 22:38 HAFTARAH Micah 5:6 - 6:8 June 27-July 4, 2014 29 Sivan-6 Tammuz, 5774 FRIDAY, JUNE 27 Preparing for Shabbat With Song Kabbalat Shabbat Service Gay Pride Shabbat 6:45 PM – 88th St. Sanctuary 7:00 PM – 88th St. Sanctuary Speaker Assembly Member Danny O’Donnell (SEE P.2) SATURDAY, JUNE 28 Shabbat Morning Services ROSH HODESH TAMMUZ • Gay Pride Shabbat 9:30 AM – 88th St. Sanctuary Children’s Services Community Kiddush 10:45 AM – 88th St. Frankel Hall Following Services – 88th St. Frankel Hall SUNDAY, JUNE 29 Morning Minyan ROSH HODESH TAMMUZ 9:30 AM – 88th St. Tze’irim Serving Sunday Lunch to Seniors 12:00 PM (SEE P.2) MONDAY, JUNE 30 Morning Minyan 7:30 AM – 88th St. TUESDAY, JULY 1 Morning Minyan 7:30 AM – 88th St. ! s o c i a l a cti o n/ s o cial justic e o p p o rtuni TY O F TH E WEEK • Volunteer with the BJ/SPSA Homeless Shelter this Summer Monday and Tuesday, 88th Street Frankel Hall and Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday, 86th Street Social Hall: Many of our regular volunteers are away for the summer, which means we need you! You can get involved by joining our set up shift (7:00-9:00PM), sleepover shift (9:00PM-7:00AM), or becoming a food donor. We are especially in need of additional sleepover volunteers for Tuesday nights. If you are interested in signing up for a shift or learning more, please contact Larissa at [email protected] or call x272. Women Choosing to Parent on Their Own 6:30 PM – 89th St. Roof (SEE P.2) WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 Morning Minyan 7:30 AM – 88th St. THURSDAY, JULY 3 Morning Minyan Judith Bernstein Lunch Program 7:30 AM – 88th St. 12:00 PM – 88th St. Frankel Hall FRIDAY, JULY 4 BJ OFFICE CLOSED Morning Minyan Bim Bam Independence Day 9:30 AM – 88th St. Cancelled • Renew Your BJ Membership! Thank you for being a vital part of the BJ community. Members like you help make our services and programs possible and your support enables us to continue providing a vibrant home for the BJ family. Please take a moment to renew your membership for 2014-2015 today, either online at www.bj.org/about-bj/membership or by mail. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Greenstein at [email protected]. JOIN US AT THE BJ MORNING MINYAN: The morning minyan is an opportunity to experience BJ tefillah in a more intimate setting and a wonderful way to get to know one another better. We’ll have coffee waiting for you! Please help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones in a supportive environment. Learn more and find the current schedule at www.bj.org/minyan. To register for classes and events, please visit www.bj.org. sANCTUARY: 257 West 88th Street • office: 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024-1705 • tel : 212.787.7600 • fax : 212.496.7600 • website : www.bj.org BJ’s Ner Tamid at 88th St. is powered by the light of the sun. Announ c e m e nts Ha-makom Yenah em TODAH RABBAH The community of B’nai Jeshurun extends sincere condolences to the following members and their families: • Tovah Feldshuh-Levy and Andrew Levy on the death of Tovah’s mother, Lillian Kaplan Feldshuh. • Svetlana, Alon, Rachel and Emma Bochman on the death of Svetlana’s grandfather, Ilya Galperin. A big thank you to everyone who came out for our semi-annual Blood Drive on June 11. We collected 50 units which may benefit the lives of 150 people in New York City. B’RUKHIM HABA’IM • Rev. Lisa Holliday and Fifth Grade mission trip participants, The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, Leawood, Kansas. MAZAL TOV To the following members and their families: • Elisheva Hirshman Finston and Steve Finston on the birth of their son, Zachary Dalton Finston. We also extend a mazal tov to his grandmother, Debby Hirshman. COMMU N I T Y ACT I V I TIES • Women Choosing to Parent on Their Own Tuesday, July 1, 6:30-8:00PM, 89th Street Community House Roof: There are many incredible women in our community that have become moms on their own or are thinking about it. Join Rabbi Felicia Sol for a wine and cheese gathering at the 89th Street Community House to meet one another and offer ways of supporting one another. Share with friends, BJ and non-BJ members, who might be interested in joining. R.S.V.P. to [email protected]. • Assembly Member Danny O’Donnell To Honor Members of the Marriage Equality Hevra Friday, June 27, 7:00PM, 88th Street Sanctuary: This weekend is Gay Pride Shabbat at BJ, and Assembly Member Danny O’Donnell will join us at Kabbalat Shabbat services to present a framed copy of the Marriage Equality Act to members of the former Marriage Equality Hevra in honor of the dedication and hard work the hevra put in to help get it passed. We hope you will join us for this special occasion. CR EA TING K E HILLA H SOCIAL ACTION/SOCIAL JUSTICE tze’irim: 20s/30s • Hazon Bike Ride: Join the BJ Revolutionaries Friday, August 29-Monday, September 1, Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center: The BJ Revolutionaries team is gearing up again this summer for the 2014 Hazon Environmental Bike Ride. BJ has traditionally sent one of the largest and strongest team to the Ride, and we want this year to be no exception. Join us for a wonderful Ride and Retreat in the southern Berkshires over Labor Day weekend. Contact Gil Kulick with any questions at [email protected]. To find out more about this year’s Ride and Retreat visit the BJ website, www.bj.org. • Tze’irim Serving Sunday Lunch to Seniors Sunday, June 29, 12:00-2:30PM, location provided upon registration: Join Tze’irim as we make an inter-generational impact and brighten the lives of low-income seniors. Serve a hot kosher lunch and socialize with the residents. Get to know your peers and your elders. Afterward, grab a bite to eat with your fellow volunteers. Register at www.bj.org. Hahamah merosh ha-ilanot nistaleka bo-u venetze likrat shabbat hamalkah. Hineh hi yoredet hakedosha, haberukha, ve’imah mal-akhim tzva shalom umnuhah. Bo-i, bo-i, hamalkah, bo-i, bo-i, hakalah. Shalom aleikhem mal-akhei hashalom. Kibalnu penei shabbat birnanah utfilah, habaitah nashuva, belev male gilah. Sham arukh hashulhan, hanerot ya-iru, kol pinot habayit yizrahu, yazhiru. Shabbat shalom umvorakh, shabbat shalom umvorakh, bo-akhem leshalom, mal-akhei hashalom. הַחָ מָּ המֵ רֹאשּׁהָ ִאילָנוֹתנ ְִס ַתּלְּ ָקה אתשׁבָּ תהַ מַּ לְ כָּה ַ בֹּאוּוְ נֵצֵ אלִ ְק ַר ֵההיאיו ֶֹר ֶדתהַ ְקּדו ָֹשׁההַ בְּ רוּכָה ִ ִהנּ ֹםוּמנוּחָ ה ְ אשׁלו ָ ָיםצב ְ ִוְ עִ מָּ הּמַ לְ אָכ בּו ִֹאיבּו ִֹאיהַ מַּ לְ כָּהבּו ִֹאיבּו ִֹאיהַ ַכּלָּה ָשׁלוֹם ֲעלֵי ֶכםמַ לְ אֲ כֵיהַ ָשׁלוֹם ָהוּתפִ לָּה ְ ֵישׁבָּ תבִּ ְר ָננ ַ קִבַּ לְ נוּפְּ נ הַ בַּ יְ תָ הנָשׁוּבָ הבְּ לֵבמָ לֵאגִּ ילָה ָשׁםעָ רוּ�הַ שֻּׁ לְ חָ ןהַ נֵּרוֹתי ִָאירוּ כָּלפִּ נּוֹתהַ בַּ יִ תיִ זְ ָרחוּיַזְ ִהירוּ �תשׁלוֹםוּ ְמב ָֹר ָ ַ�שׁבּ ַ ֹםוּמב ָֹר ְ תשׁלו ָ ַַשׁבּ בֹּאֲ כֶםלְ ָשׁלוֹםמַ לְ אֲ כֵיהַ ָשׁלוֹם Please visit BJ online at www.bj.org for more information: Membership at BJ • Class and Event Registration • BJ Publications • Calendar of Events ASL Interpreter available upon request • Printed on Recycled Paper 2 Please Recycle sANCTUARY: 257 West 88th Street • office: 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024-1705 • tel : 212.787.7600 • fax : 212.496.7600 • website : www.bj.org
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