EE 221 Mid-Term “Hearing Aid” Project Objective The purpose of this project is to design, optimize and construct a hearing aid to correct your client’s hearing response to that of a normal hearing response. Background This project combines your knowledge of the frequency response of AC circuits, transfer functions, passive and active filters to enable the design of a filter system with a complex transfer function. Outcomes Understanding a design process Top-down design Increased knowledge of more complex filter design and processing of broad-band AC signals Cascading, summing transfer functions for a more complex frequency response Team work EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky General Design Process - SIDDE “S”top! “I”dentify the problem Know your problem. Identify the specifications and constraints Formulate a clear and precise problem statement “D”iscuss Brain storm a set of potential solutions Sketch a top level design for each proposed solution Question if each design will meet the specifications and constraints of the problem “D”ecide Choose the solution that best meets the constraints & specs “E”xecute Optimize the design, prototype, improve, optimize again, validate EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky SIDDE STOP DISCUSS DECIDE No EXECUTE Did not Meet contraints & specs Meets contraints & specs Yes Prototype EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky Top-Down Design Process Top-Level View View of the problem as a whole Break up the problem into high-level functions Develop a block diagram of highest of the problem Each block represents a high-level description of a system function Identify the purpose of each function block Hierarchal Description Under each function block lies another level of design Set of function blocks describing each facet of the system Continue to the lowest level EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky Top-Level Design of the Hearing Aid EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky Hearing Aid Transfer Function Clients Ear a ( jω ) C ( jω ) Hearing Aide a ( jω ) Therefore or H ( jω ) o( jω ) = C ( jω )a ( jω ) Clients Ear C ( jω ) o( jω ) = N ( jω )a ( jω ) N ( jω ) H ( jω ) = a ( jω ) H= ( jω ) dB N ( jω ) dB − a ( jω ) dB EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky The Hearing Aid Problem description In this project you are asked to design a custom hearing aid that amplifies sound non-uniformly over the hearing spectrum to compensate for frequency dependent hearing deficiencies. Objective is to design, optimize, and prototype a physical circuit of a broad-band active filter that corrects a client’s hearing threshold to a normal hearing threshold. Constraints: Circuit will correct the hearing over the frequency spectrum of 40 Hz to 10 kHz The circuit will be designed to minimize the mean and variance errors of the circuit transfer function relative to the ideal transfer function measured from the client’s threshold of hearing The circuit will be fed by a source with a 50 ohm impedance The circuit will be terminated by a 2 Mega-Ohm audio amplifier load The circuit cannot pass DC The transfer function must be < -3 dB, and falling at least at -20 dB/decade at f = 20 kHz. No more than 4 op-amps can be used in the circuit EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky Threshold of Hearing Threshold of hearing is the power level at which you can no longer hear a signal Measure your client’s threshold of hearing Compare against your hearing Threshold of Hearing 60 Normal Threshold Client Threshold 50 40 dB 30 20 10 0 -10 1 10 2 10 3 10 H 4 10 5 10 EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky Transfer function of the Custom Hearing aid Compute the transfer function Recall: |𝐻 𝑗𝑗 |𝑑𝑑 = |𝑁(𝑗𝑗)|𝑑𝑑 − |𝑎 𝑗𝑗 |𝑑𝑑 From the hearing threshold: ( jω ) dB Ct ( jω ) dB − N t ( jω ) dB H = Threshold of Hearing Ideal Transfer Function 60 10 Normal Threshold Client Threshold 50 |Ct|dB - |Nt|dB 5 40 0 dB dB 30 20 -5 10 -10 0 -10 1 10 2 10 3 10 H 4 10 5 10 -15 1 10 2 10 EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky 3 10 H 4 10 5 10 Project Overview Measure and tabulate your client’s threshold of hearing at a set of discrete frequencies. Determine the desired transfer function for your filter at these discrete frequencies. Develop a top-level design for the filter by devising an appropriate scheme to realize the filter response. Optimize the ideal response using MATLAB or MathCad such that the mean and variance errors are minimized based on the discrete data. The continuous response should also represent a smooth interpolation of the transfer function, and should not contain sharp peaks or nulls between the discrete points. Simulate your circuit using B^2SPICE (or your favorite SPICE program) using non-ideal op-amp models (741) Optimize the B^2 SPICE response to realize as close as possible the ideal response with off the shelf parts. Build a physical circuit using the Digilent Explorer board. Test and measure each sub-circuit, and measure the transfer function of the full hearing aid circuit. EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky Reporting The project will require three reports to be handed in. Preliminary report (Due, Thursday, 4/3/2014) Problem statement Hearing threshhold Top-Level Design First cut of a transfer function Phase-1 report, due Tuesday, 4/15/2014. Optimized transfer function Minimize mean and variance errors First cut of the SPICE Circuit model Final report due on Thursday, 4/24/2014. Optimized SPICE model (based on off the shelf components) Prototype the circuit using the Digilent Explorer board Final Demonstration: A final demonstration of your physical circuit must be completed with your instructor by 4 pm on Friday, 4/25/2014. EE 221 S. Gedney, University of Kentucky
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