Same, same but different – a top annual conference! It certainly was as the theme suggested, “Same, same but different” and this year’s Annual District 70 Conference was an outstanding success. The organising team, ably led by Past District Governor Cheryl Keane, is to be congratulated for a mighty effort and great results. In this issue of D70 News, we have the conference news... including contest results (below) and details of officer elections for the coming year (next page). Our cover photos undoubtedly encapsulate three of the main conference highlights... The visit by International President George Yen and the International Speech and Evaluation Contests. Pictured above: International President George Yen and his wife Jorie with entertainer Jahmarley Dawson on the Friday opening night (a brilliant introduction to Australia for our visitors!)... Centre: District 70 International Speech Contest winner David Griffiths (Phillip Division) with runner-up Matt Tonkiss (Lachlan) and third placegetter B Rewers (Southern)... Bottom: District 70 Evaluation Contest winner Gerard Barwell (Hawkesbury), runner-up David Griffiths (Phillip) and third placegetter Matt Tonkiss (Lachlan). Send articles and photos for consideration to D 7 0 N e w s @ d 7 0 t o a s t m a s t e r s . o r g . a u The new leadership team There were many highlights of this year’s Annual Conference, fun, fellowship, educationals, and inspirational messages. But one of the most important was the election of the District Leadership Team that will take us through-2015. And this year is very different to previous years as we elected two sets of lieutenant governors for what is the transition year to the reformation of District 70 into two new districts. David Fisher (pictured at right) was elected unopposed as District Governor for-2015. Wendy White was elected unopposed as Lt Governor Education & Training District 70 South. Bob Kirchner was elected unopposed as Lt Governor Education & Training, District 70 North. Rebecca Plush was elected unopposed as Lt Governor Marketing, District 70 South. And Michael Said was elected unopposed as Lt Governor Marketing, District 70 North. The 10 Division Governors elected were... Central .............................................. Nick Rinaldi Eastern ....................................... Tanya Wickham Hawkesbury ................................... Daniel Tucker Lachlan ................................... Sally Rippingdale Monaro .......................................... Mike Phoenix Northern ........................................... John Taylor Oxley .......................................... Graham Barnes Phillip ............................................. Peter Crosby Southern ...................................... David Wassink Western ........................................... Mark Walker In addition, District Governor-elect David announced that Allen Oliver had been appointed District Public Relations Officer for the coming year, Linda Said as District Secretary and Anna Perdriau would continue as District Treasurer. THE-2015 team – back row (from left): David Fisher (District Governor elect), Wendy White (LGET D70S Elect), Bob Kirchner (LGET D70N elect), Rebecca Plush (LGM D70S elect), Michael Said (LGM D70N elect), Allen Oliver (PRO), Linda Said (Secretary), Anna Perdriau (Treasurer), Joan Rinaldi (District Governor and Immediate Past DG in the-2015); front row: Nick Rinaldi (Central Division Governor elect), Tanya Wickham (Eastern), Daniel Tucker (Hawkesbury), Sally Rippingdale (Lachlan), Mike Phoenix (Monaro), John Taylor (Northern), Graham Barnes (Oxley), Peter Crosby (Phillip) and David Wassink (Southern). Absent, Mark Walker (Western). The new team comes into office on Tuesday July 1. Make M a ksure e i t ayour d a t e club’s – S u n dvotes a y S e are m i n acounted r & S p e aat k ethe r s FDistrict o r u m – J70 u nCouncil e 2 2 – B aMeeting n k s t o w non S pNovember orts Club 9 A selection of photos from the just concluded Annual Conference (clockwise from top): speakers in the Friday night Youth Showcase with International President George Yen and District Governor Joan Rinaldi; President George and his wife Jorie; winner of the Jazzer Smith Award Colin Levy with DG Joan and Northern Division Governor Bob Kirchner; Past DG Ted Mackness receives his 40 Year Award from Lt Governor Marketing Wendy White and DG Joan; members of Canberra Gourmet (Rebecca Plush, Leona Dwyer, Tim Reed, Tracy Thomas and John Dwyer accept the Travel Gavel); Anne Keeling, Focus Advanced Toastmasters, with the Shield for Best PR Campaign (full winners list next newsletter); Stephen Needs. John Drinkwater, Margrit Fisher, Diane Law, Mia Cong and Elaine McLoon with Peter Giessinger award leadership training ribbons, DG Joan and International President George; and flag bearers John Burge (ACT), Udo Moerig (NSW) and Robyn Peck (District 70 banner) sing the National Anthem with senior District officers before commencement of the business session. All photos by District Photographer Zenita Acaba Our International Speech Contestants on the night (from left): Matt Tonkiss (Lachlan Division), Michael Gallagher (Oxley), Sam Ades (Central), Tom Cummins (Western), B Rewers (Southern), Dale Rees-Bevan (Hawkesbury), David Griffiths (Phillip), Ellen Webster (Northern), Peri Jackson (Eastern) and Audrey Dargan (Monaro). Below – a small selection of photos of attendees at the Saturday night Gala Dinner; and, bottom right... District Governor Joan makes a special presentation to the newly “Australianised” George & Jorie Yen! These photos, and many more, can be viewed on the District 70 website A word from your District Governor... District 70 Members Thank you for being part of the “Same, Same But Different” Conference. I hope you had a great time. I wish to thank Cheryl Keane and her Team for helping David Fisher, myself and Wendy White put on a conference that we are so proud of, particularly as our International President George Yen was attending. I believe both George and Jorie enjoyed themselves and will have some wonderful memories of their visit to District 70. The year is drawing to an end but even though the new Team is ready to take over, the 2013-2014 Team still has some work to do to complete our year and do our best to achieve our goals. Continue to register new members and educational awards – we need 19 more Distinguished Clubs to meet our Goal as well as an additional 27 paid clubs. This is a big battle with only five weeks to go but let’s give it our best shot. The next event on the District 70 Calendar is the Changeover Dinner to be held Saturday 28th June at Bankstown Sports Club. This is a time to recognise our leaders and their achievements and a time for our members to get together and celebrate. I have had a wonderful year, in fact it has been awesome, there is so much to be gained by taking up the leadership challenge. As Zig Ziglar says... “You do not have to be great to start but you do have to start to be great.” Joan Club Leadership Training The first sessions of Club Leadership Training for the new year Executives commence on Saturday, 14 June in Northern Division (Inverell), followed by Saturday 21 June in Oxley Division (Maclean) and Sunday 13 July at Bankstown Sports Club (District). Following is a listing of dates set so far with some detail yet to be finalised. Check the What’s On page of the District 70 website for details as they are confirmed... 14 June – Sat 21 June – Sat 6 July – Sun 13 July – Sun 17 July – Thurs 19 July – Sat 20 July – Sun 24 July – Thurs 31 July – Thurs 2 August – Sat 9 August - Sat 13 August – Wed Maclean Oxley Inverell Northern Tamworth Northern Bankstown District Locations TBACentral / Lachlan Locations TBA Various Locations TBAVarious Locations TBAVarious Locations TBACentral / Lachlan Monaro Area 43 / Western Area 14 Location TBA Oxley Location TBA Central 14 August – ThursLocations TBACentral / Lachlan 16 August – Sat Other sessions if needed 17 August – Sun Other sessions if needed 24 August – Sat Other sessions if needed 30 August – Sat Bankstown – final session (details on District events and activities available on the What’s On page at the D70 website St Clair Toastmasters - 20th Aniversary Monday 09 June at 7:30 pm. District Train The Trainer... 1pm to 5pm Saturday June 14 – Bankstown Sports Club. If you are interested in being on the2015 training team, please attend! 20th Anniversary Celebration – Alpha Toastmasters – Saturday June 21, 6pm. Contact Tom Wilde, tel 0477 668 807, email [email protected] Sunday Seminar & Speakers Forum – Sunday June 22 at Bankstown Sports Club. See flyer with details this issue! District 70 Area Governor Training – Saturday June 28 – Bankstown Sports Club. District 70 Changeover Dinner – Saturday June 28 – Bankstown Sports Club. The District 70 Newsletter is published by the District Governor Joan Rinaldi DTM Contact: Newsletter Editor Bob Kirchner – [email protected] From the Lt Governor Education & Training... Be Do Have Our District Governor Joan Rinaldi has done much to encourage us all to step up to leadership positions this year. She maintains that even if you think you don’t have the ability to take on a leadership role or you’re not ready, we don’t care! This is not meant to be frivolous and is the absolute truth. Most important is that you are ready and able to listen and learn. In doing so, you can and are able to make the step up. This may take one month or it may take 10 months. Remember our tagline “Where Leaders are made” and take the challenge. We are rapidly approaching the end of another Toastmasters year and the start of another. It is now time for a whole new group of members to step up to leadership roles. It is a very exciting period. Often we feel the prerequisite for leadership is to “have” something, a special talent, intelligence or ability to take on leadership roles. The natural thought is that we should “have” ability so that we can “do” the role and then “be” a leader. In Toastmasters, our education institution, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth in any pursuit. I believe this is the opposite to the way we should be thinking about leadership in our organisation. Our International President George Yen presented an education session at our recent Annual Conference on the subject “Be Do Have” and it was wonderful to see such a leader expounding this view. Five years ago, when I was a very nervous Area Governor, a Past District Governor gave me the TRAIN THE TRAINER For anyone interested in being part of the District 70 training team for/2015 please consider attending the Train the Trainer session being held on Saturday, 14 June at Bankstown Sports Club commencing at 1pm advice to “hide behind the badge”. When I think about it, this fake-it-til-you-makeit advice is the best advice I could have received. Actually what she was saying was to “be” a leader – Now! In so doing, it is much easier to see what we have to “do” to then “have” the skills and ability to actually be that leader we need to be... And so growth happens of itself and leadership qualities are self-emanating. How good is that!? When you think about it, our safe, friendly, supportive and positive learning environment will allow us to take on leadership positions and learn these on-the-job and actually encourages us to do so. There are so many great role models out there for us to see and learn from, and together with this, it is just a small first step to be in a leadership position. We will then know what to do to eventually have all we need. I implore you to look into leadership of your club, or if you have been involved in club leadership, to think about leadership positions such as Area Governor and beyond – there are still some Areas looking for Area Governors for next year. There are also many opportunities open in taking on a Staff Officer Role and working with our District Leaders in the running of our district. I would love to hear from you, “Where Leaders are made”. Do take that step to “Be Do Have”. Regards, David Fisher DTM May 1 to June 30 Clubs adding 5 new, dual or reinstated members during May and June receive a “Beat the Clock” ribbon for their club banner! H a v e y o u t h o u g h t a b o u t t a k i n g a To a s t m a s t e r s l e a d e r s h i p r o l e ? I f n o t , d o i t s o o n ! Sheila’s brush with aviation history! Peter Edwards, 62, has worked for US-based company Cirrus for two years and was understood to have been taking two men, one from Sydney and the other the Southern Highlands, on a sales flight recently when the parachute-deploying four-seater plane got into trouble and crash-landed, albeit softer than expected, into the front yard of Sheila Riordan’s Lawson home. Sheila is District 70’s current Area 14 Governor in Western Division. The news report continues... “The parachute system worked as it is supposed to,” Mr Edwards told Nine News. “Cirrus is the only plane that’s got it. It’s meant to save lives and it worked.” Mr Edwards and his two 58-year-old male passengers escaped uninjured. One of the passengers was taken to hospital after complaining of neck and back pain. Aviation analyst Grant McHerron said the aircraft was the BMW of light planes and the parachute was standard in Cirrus products. “The parachute is a major selling point for Cirrus,” Mr McHerron said. “One of the founding directors of Cirrus was involved in a mid-air collision and the aircraft he was in managed to land okay, the other didn’t. Since then every aircraft they’ve produced has a form of ballistic recovery system parachute.” While a parachute on a plane could seem a logical safety design, aviation expert Dick Smith yesterday hosed down calls for them to be mandatory. “Statistics show that planes with parachutes have the same fatality rate as those that don’t,” he said. “Fatality rates looked at over a 10-year period weren’t improved. It’s a lot more money and if a pilot spends extra money on a parachute, they might spend less money on training.” Despite this, Ms Riordan is still amazed at how “neatly” the plane crashed into her front yard just after 2pm. It may have crushed her fence but Lawson residents who saw the plane tail-spinning out of control before the parachute deployed believed there could have been deaths without the safety device. There were two open house inspections in the street when the plane crashed with nearly 20 people nervously watching the plane descend. “They were all running back and forth because they did not know which way it was going to land,” Ms Riordan said. “What gets me is it is parked so neatly. It was the perfect spot for it to land. It could not have worked more beautifully if it had been planned. No bits fell off and hit anybody. It missed the power lines and that could have been dreadful. The passenger was fairly cheerful but it could have just been relief.” The crash site became a tourist attraction on Sunday with a stream of motorists stopping to take photos. Police and aviation authorities said an investigation into what caused the crash could take months. Is your club up to date with Toastmasters branding? For all branding information, go to The new branding was launched in August 2011 and by now should have been absorbed by all clubs. All banners and materials used and distributed now should only carry the new branding. By utilising the correct Toastmasters branding, your club will be helping to communicate a consistent look and message for our organisation, •in turn increasing understanding and global awareness of Toastmasters International.. motivating prospective members to join, making district and club objectives easier to achieve... and increasing pride in being a member of Toastmasters • • Make P r e ssure e n t ayour n e d club’s ucation votes s e s sare i o n counted f r o m t h eatBthe e t t eDistrict r C l u b s70 e r iCouncil e s – a s kMeeting y o u r V Pon E fNovember or details 9 Nina Francisco Thales Rydalmere A52 W Craig Hadden St. Kieran’s Manly Vale A8 H DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS Isis Hallett Muswellbrook A55 N Congratulations to the following District 70 Toastmasters who achieved our highest award in April Judith Harcourt Charlestown A15 E Christine Hayhoe Ainslie Toastmasters Club A51 M Belinda Faulkner Trainers By Design A50 P Richard Heidlmair Harbord Diggers Daytime A22 H Margaret Donaghy Focus Advanced Toastmasters Club A34 H Michael Hines Port Hacking A2 S Margrit Fisher Skyline Speakers A11 C Jennifer Horn Port Macquarie A5 O Margaret Hawrylciw Cronulla R S L Toastmasters Club A2 S Rene Hyun Pyrmont A33 L Scott Johnston Brisbane Water Breakfast A21 E Congratulations to those Toastmasters who have achieved three or more educational awards in April... Janene Kennedy Balgowlah RSL A22 H Allan Lawson Killara A34 H Philip Bendeich 4 ACB, CL, ACG, CC Mark Lim ACS Canberra A51 M Lindi Bowen Needs 3 CL, CC, ACS Helen Motbey Ginninderra A17 M Judy-Ann Cluff 3 ACS, CL, ALB Hugh Mulgrew Yes Toastmasters A25 H Margaret Donaghy 5 CL, CC, LDREXC, ALS, DTM Stephen Needs Hunter Gourmet A23 E Margaret Hawrylciw 4 CC, ALS, LDREXC, DTM Quan Dinh Ngo Mt Pritchard A53 P Narelle Kelvin 3 ACB, CL, ACS Stephen Needs 3 ACG, ACS, CC Wendy Nielsen Western Gourmet A13 W Cassia Partane 3 CL, ALB, ACS Josephine Plested Ainslie A51 M Sally Rippingale 3 LDREXC, CL, CC Timothy Reed DHS A26 M Maggie Sydenham 3 CC, ACG, ALB Timothy Reed Tuggeranong A26 M Mark Walker 3 CC, CL, ACG Joan Rinaldi Fairfield A53 P Jane Wang 3 CC, ALB, CC Nick Rinaldi Fairfield A53 P Annie Ryan Ginninderra A17 M Sebastian Sabater Wattle Grove A35 P Frank Sacqualini Winners Circle A13 W Michael Said Travelling Gourmet A40 P Dianne Sammut Parramatta Midday A45 W Helen Smith New England A56 N Phil Stockwell Killara A34 H Maggie Sydenham Dapto A30 S Sarah Taggart Berowra A16 H Mark Taylor Western Gourmet A13 W Antonio Telechea Illawarra A30 S Tracy Thomas Tuggeranong A26 M Fred Thomson Forestville A22 H Donald Toope Hurstville A9 S TRIPLE CROWN COMPETENT COMMUNICATORS Congratulations to those Toastmasters who have completed the first level of achievement... Competent Communicator... in April... A = Area Divisions • C = Central • E = Eastern • H = Hawkesbury • L = Lachlan • M = Monaro N = Northern • O = Oxley • P = Phillip • S = Southern • W = Western Paul Apthorpe Manly Multilingual A22 H Jennifer Ashton Taree A5 O Clive Bailey DEXUS Property Group A1 C Francesco Belli AMP Toastmasters Club A41 L Carolyn Bethwaite Cranbrook A36 C Lindi Bowen Needs Hunter Gourmet A23 E Gordon Brown The Hills District A37 W Shirley Childs Bon Appetit A16 H Leah Choi Bankstown Trotting Club A20 P Alicia Curtis Travelling Gourmet A40 P Daniel Tucker Concord West A6 P Giles Dickenson-Jones Blue Tongue A47 H Mark Walker Glenbrook A38 W Christina Dixon UTS MBITM Community A46 L Jane Wang Gourmet A31 L Dominic Dolan Benjamin A17 M Gary Wilson Western Gourmet A13 W Dorelle Ettingshausen Springwood A38 W Alexander Wood HSBC Sydney A54 C Mark Fowler Namadgi A26 M Maher Younes Bankstown Sports Club A20 P Have you joined the District 70 facebook page yet? Do it today!! Have you invited a guest to Toastmasters lately? Do it THIS WEEK and help your club grow!
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