Minutes - Melton City Council

Item 11.6
Appendix 1
1 APRIL 2014
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 28 February 2014
Appendix 1 - Meeting Minutes, 28 February 2014
A Proud Community Growing Together
28 February 2014
File No
Heritage Advisory Committee
Attendees Councillor Nola Dunn (ND) (chair)
Judith Bilszta (JB)
Christine Love (CL)
Carolyn MacGavin (CM)
Greg Heafield (GH)
Sera Jane Peters (SJP)
Laura Jo Mellan (LJM)
Janelle McCallum (JM)
Apologies `
For Review
Please Comment
Please Reply
1. Welcome and apologies
Meeting opened 4:35pm
Cr Dunn welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Previous Minutes
No comments on previous minutes. Minutes approved by CM and seconded by
Outstanding actions:
 LJM to make contact with QIC in January to organise for the electronic
files of the heritage board to be provided to Melton City Council. LJM to
make contact this month as her contact has been unavailable.
 ND referred to an earlier discussion about organising a present for John
Little as a thank you for his time on the Committee. SJP to organise.
For Your Information
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Item 11.6
Appendix 1
1 APRIL 2014
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 28 February 2014
Appendix 1 - Meeting Minutes, 28 February 2014
Action: LJM to make contact with QIC in March to organise for the electronic
files to be provided to Melton City Council
Action: SJP to organise a gift of appreciation for John little for his time on the
Heritage Advisory Committee.
3. Heritage Award
Three nominations were received for the Heritage Award. One nomination was
ineligible for the award as it did not meet the guidelines.
The two eligible nominations were nominated by Deborah Barrie, and were
intended to be considered as one nomination. The nominations were for Edna
Barrie (Posthumous) and Wendy Barrie for their contribution to the conservation
and promotion of heritage in Melton.
The Committee discussed the shared award outcome, and it was agreed upon
that it was appropriate. It was considered that they both met the assessment
criteria. SJP proposed to circulate the statement that summarises Edna and
Wendy’s contribution and what is being recognised. The Committee will have the
ability to review this statement.
ND called for a show of hands that deemed the joint nomination as the recipients
for the Heritage Award. Eight votes were in favour of the shared award.
Accordingly, the Heritage Advisory Committee has determined that Edna Barrie
and Wendy Barrie as the recipients of the City of Melton Heritage Award 2014.
Action: To notify Deborah Barrie that her nomination of Edna and Wendy Barrie
was successful and are the recipients of the City of Melton Heritage Award
Action: SJP to circulate the statement that summarises Edna and Wendy’s
contribution and what is being recognised.
4. Heritage Strategy Progress Report
JM and SJP are currently working on progress reports of the Heritage Strategy,
which was determined in the strategy as part of the monitoring and review
section. JM and SJP will continue to work on the progress reports, and will be
presented at the next meeting.
Action: JM and SJP to continue work on the progress reports which will be
presented at the next HAC meeting.
5. Heritage Week
The brochures for Heritage Week have been well received across Council.
Brochures will be distributed to the Library, local businesses, cafes and
community groups. The Committee discussed other options of advertising
including the Council website, and community radio. There is also the possibility
of ND speaking on Community Radio closer to the event.
6. Street names within the municipality
There has been discussion within Council about street names in the new areas of
the municipality. It is proposed that a list could be developed with the
Committee for appropriate names that could be used. It is important for there
to be a strong relationship between names and a places, and themes help create
a sense of place. JB mentioned that there may be options from the list created
from the Suburb Naming Committee. CL said that any options from the ANZAC
list should be checked. SJP will contact appropriate person in Council for the
existing suburb naming list and any other appropriate documentation and bring
JM and SJP
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Item 11.6
Appendix 1
1 APRIL 2014
Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 28 February 2014
Appendix 1 - Meeting Minutes, 28 February 2014
to next meeting.
Action: SJP to contact appropriate person in Council regarding the existing
suburb name list and any other appropriate documentation, and bring to the
next HAC meeting.
7. Date and time of next meeting
The next Heritage Advisory Committee meeting will be on Friday 11th April at
8. General Business
 Today is JM’s last meeting.
 JB asked about the status of the Willows. SJP confirmed that the roof has
been completed.
 JB stated that the Family History Group has been receiving enquiries as
they are unable to contact the Historical Society. SJP answered that
someone may have to contact Council to try and contact them.
 GH and SJP discussed possible policies and procedures for the Eynesbury
9. Actions
9.1 Actions for Committee Members:
 LJM to make contact with QIC in March to organize for the electronic
files to be provided to Melton City Council.
 SJP to organise a gift of appreciation for John little for his time on the
Heritage Advisory Committee.
 SJP to notify Deborah Barrie that her nomination of Edna and Wendy
Barrie was successful and are the recipients of the City of Melton
Heritage Award 2014.
 SJP to circulate the statement that summarises Edna and Wendy’s
contribution and what is being recognised.
 JM and SJP to continue work on the progress reports which will be
presented at the next HAC meeting.
 SJP to contact appropriate person in Council regarding the existing
suburb name list and any other appropriate documentation, and bring
to the next HAC meeting.
JM and SJP
9.2 Recommendations for Council:
No recommendations for Council arising from the meeting. All actions
are for the Committee Members.
Meeting closed at 5:31pm
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