Collaborative Mobile Network Operators Framework for Efficient Spectrum Utilization in LTE-A Subah Albinali, Omar Alani School of Computing, Science & Engineering University of Salford Salford, U.K. [email protected], [email protected] Abstract— Next generation mobile networks present significant technical challenges due to the tremendous increase on data traffic in general and on the other hand limited resources of the mobile networks’ to be utilized . As a key element of radio resources management, an efficient and effective admission control scheme is crucial to guarantee the Quality of Services (QoS) and to maximize radio resources utilization simultaneously. This work aims to benefit from the roaming concept to reduce blocking probability by implementing a collaborative framework among the mobile network operators (MNO’s) in order to maintain the required QoS. traffic such as real time applications (videoconference, online gaming and voice over IP) and non-real time application (emails , downloadable video/audio files) in addition to different customer classes (subscriptions classes, emergency calls, priorities calls)are more challenging problem due to the need to simultaneously adjust between two kind of probability , namely a dropping probability and blocking probability[6]. Keywords—QoS , MNO’s,LTE-A,LBO, Spectrum Efficiency, Blocking probability, CAC. I. INTRODUCTION Mobile networks subscriptions are increasing significantly every year as more different mobile broadband applications being adopted. Recent technical reports show a tremendous increase in data traffic [1]. Between 2012 and 2018 data traffic is expected to grow around 12 times. Worldwide mobile broadband subscription shows an increase from 268 million in 2007 to 2.1 billion in 2013. This reflects an average yearly growing rate of 40%, making mobile broadband the most active ICT market [2]. All these developments lead to a really harsh and continuing challenge on mobile services providers from operational and cost perspectives due to the limited dedicated mobile spectrum, where providers have to ensure and maintain their Grade of Services (GoS) alongside with Quality of Services (QoS). Moreover, the necessity of providing services at reasonable cost to the end users put an additional difficulty on the network design [3]. This growth has been driven by many factors , mainly by evolution of the mobile generation which open opportunities for network applications to convert from bandwidth simple applications [4]. High data rate, enhanced performance(Quality of Service)and user experience ( Quality of Experience) will be the key indicator for the evolution of mobile broadband applications [5]. Fig. 1 shows the tremendous increase in global data traffic in mobile networks, for illustration data traffic amount have been doubled between end of 2011 and end of 2012[1]. Provisioning the QoS is a strategic topic in any service provider network, and mobile service network is no exception. Supporting QoS requirements of different types of ISBN: 978-1-902560-27-4 © 2014 PGNet Fig. 1. Global total data traffic in mobile networks, 2009-2013[1] This work is about a collaborative framework to define a Call Admission Control (CAC) by adopting the roaming concept in terms of collaboration between Mobile Network Operators (MNO’s) within the LTE-A system deployment, to reduce the blocking probability and to maintain the Quality of Service QoS. This approach is driven mainly by the unbalanced spectrum utilization (occupancy) among different MNO due to the mismatch of the static spectrum allocation and dynamic spectrum demands. Additionally, spectrum has been, and will remain to be a limited resource for mobile communication. In particular, the continuous increase in the data rates usage and the corresponding need for wider bandwidths, it is expected that spectrum will remain a finite resource, so there is a necessity to find a new way to utilize the spectrum resources[7]. The paper is organized as follows: Section II covers the underpinning concept; section III describes the related work; section IV overviews the LTE-A QOS framework and roaming infrastructure; section V presents the proposed solution. Finally, Section VI concludes this paper. TABLE I. CAC FOR CONTROLLING DROPPING/BLOCKING PROBABILITY [8]. Approach Guard Band Loading in home cell and neighbour cells Recourse availability in home cell and neighbour cells. Estimating handoff failure probability Optimum CAC with handoff failure probability constraint Lower interference threshold for new calls II. Brief Explanation A certain amount of resources are reserved exclusively for handoff admission. New call is admitted if loading is less than a threshold value in home cell and neighbour cells. New call is admitted if the needed resources are available in home cell and neighbour cells. Handoff failure/overloading probability is estimated and used as the admission criterion. An admission policy is determined by optimizing some objective function subject to handoff probability constraint. New calls and handoff calls are admitted based on the interference level. Comments Leads to high blocking probability Information exchange is needed Information exchange is needed Based on some assumptions or approximations Usually solved by Markovian Decision Process Used to control signal quality and handoff probability. UNDERPINNING CAC CONCEPTS In general, mobile network operators provide their services to their mobile users in certain geographical areas, which consist of cells, each of which has its own operational bandwidth and base station that mainly control the cell resources. Essentially, there are two sorts of calls occupying these resources, handover calls and new calls respectively. In both cases, a call admission control procedure is triggered to determine whether or not to accept the call. Fundamentally, the call admission control constrains the access to the mobile network based on different criteria, but primarily channel availability, in order to avoid network congestion and service degradation as much as possible to fulfill the desired QoS parameters[8, 9]. The performance of CAC techniques has a direct effect on each user’s performance and on the total network performance. Moreover, incoming calls (handover/new) are accepted/rejected access to the network by the call admission scheme based on predefined considerations, (see Table1).Call admission control in mobile networks has been receiving excessive attention during the past two eras, in particular due to the evolution of mobile technology and further due to the fundamental role that CAC plays in QoS provisioning. In the first and second generation of wireless systems, CAC was developed for voice service, which was the dominating service at that time. In the third generation and beyond, CAC schemes are becoming more complex due to the evolution of mobile systems that provide multimedia services with various QoS levels [3]. In centralized schemes, such as the mobile switching center (MSC) takeover the admission process in the whole network as in 3G [10], while in decentralized (distributed) schemes CAC is performed in each cell by the base station, such as in the LTE system [11].In heterogeneous networks, as a result of collaboration between different radio access technologies (RATs) such Wi-Fi and mobile networks, the seamless connection and global information mobility requirements need a type of collaborative call admission control scheme, such that a call in one network has to be capable to move and be handed over to a different network technology. This is the so-called vertical handoff [12]. From another point of view, the call admission control approach, which is based on signal quality parameters, used to trigger the handoff process may not be sufficient, hence other system parameters have to be considered, such as the congestion level in the system in terms of channel availability [13]. For instance, non-real time applications can be offered by WLANs in order to mitigate the congestion in cellular networks. All these factors will impact the call holding time distribution in both networks, leading to an increase in the dropping and the blocking probability, especially during peak hours [14]. III. RELATED WORK Cognitive Radio (CR) technology assists the progress of an intelligent and adaptive wireless communications system that is basically aware of the radio frequency environment. As such, the communication parameters (such as carrier frequency, bandwidth and transmission power) can be dynamically chosen, leading to an efficient spectrum utilization [15]. However, this technology faces many technical challenges including protocol design, interference characterization, environment awareness, as well as development of distributed algorithms, distributed measurement techniques, QoS guarantees [16, 17]. In [18] the author investigates the performance of spectrum renting solutions to improve spectrum utilization among different wireless networks for spectrum management. A heterogeneous architecture that consists of multiple cellular networks that rent spectrum from each other according to their spectrum availability is considered. A similar study is presented in [19], which examines cellular wireless networks which lease spectrum bands from another system. A threedimensional approach (Markov chain) is developed to analyze the performance of channel reservation in a cellular wireless network. The aim is to reduce the blocking and dropping of calls with the spectrum leasing concept with the existence of the multi traffic types such as real-time and nonreal time traffic. Yet, the two previous studies show the benefits of spectrum renting in heterogeneous architectures and address the trade-offs between different call admission control policies. These works in fact act as reserved band approaches, to mitigate the blocking and dropping probabilities in cellular wireless networks in general (Refer to Table 1). In the LTE world, many researchers inspired by the cognitive radio idea to optimize the strategy of call admission control, intend to reduce the blocking and dropping probability in addition to utilizing the network resources in a more effective way. The author in [10] proposes a cognitive scheme in radio admission control in the LTE system by authorizing the base station to perform Admission Control, using a cognitive engine that learns from past experience of how the admission of a new session would affect the QoS of all future session. In [20] a secondary user (SU) access is based on a novel base station assignment within the LTE-Advanced framework, where (SU) coexists with the primary users (PU) on a common basis. However, the proposed framework is meant to increase the dedicated spectrum utilization within the static spectrum licensed to the wireless service provider (WSP) and assumes no cooperation and no spectrum sharing among WSPs. The author in [21] considers the same idea as [15], but taking advantage of involving the relay station to take over the decision in the handover call between the cells. The aim here is to reduce the transmission time and the spectrum mobility ratio. IV. LTE-A QOS FRAMEWORK AND ROAMING INFRASTRUCTURE scheduling scheme at eNB level for the channel allocation process and is determined by the desired number of channels (Physical Resource Blocks) to achieve the required bit rate. The allocation and retention priority (ARP) is mainly used in the bearer decision establishment and modification process and based on the availability of resources. The priority level in the ARP is used to differentiate bearers to ensure the prioritization among them. In addition, the eNB can use information contained in the ARP in case of congested network to eliminate bearers due to resource limitations and assign them to other highly important actions such as the handover process [22]. Figure 2 shows the end-to-end service delivery in LTE-A architecture. A. LTE-A QoS framework . LTE specifies a bearer’s QoS mainly by quality of service class identifiers (QCI) as shown in table 2, which considers as the most important elements the four following parameters [22]: 1) The resource type: Guaranteed bit rate (GBR) or Non-guaranteed bit rate. 2) The packet loss rate: An indication of the part of packets those are lost as a result of errors in transmission and reception processes. 3) The packet delay budget: An indication, with 98% assurance, of the delay that a packet receives between the mobile and the packet data network (PDN) gateway. 4) The QCI priority level: Helps in scheduling process. Fig.2. End-to-End service delivery in LTE-A architecture [16] B. LTE roaming infrastructure Home PLMN Visited PLMN S1-MME S6a TABLE II. STANDARDIZED QCI CHARACTERISTICS [22] QCI Resource Type Packet error/los s rate Packet delay budget (ms) QCI Priority 1 GBR 10-2 100 2 -3 2 10 150 4 EXAMPLE services Conversationa l voice Real-time video Real-time games Buffered video 3 10-3 50 3 4 10 -6 300 5 10-6 100 1 IMS signaling Buffered video, TCP file transfers 5 Non- GBR MME 10-6 300 6 7 10-3 100 7 8 10-6 300 8 9 10-6 300 9 Voice, video, real-time games Buffered video, TCP file transfers Buffered video, TCP file transfers The guaranteed bit rate (GBR) value is a predefined control function executed at base station (eNB) level; else, an EPS bearer is considered as a non-guaranteed bit rate bearer (Non-GBR) [7, 16]. The GBR value is controlled by the LTE Signalling E-UTRAN S11 S1-U SGi S8 S-GW S5 P-GW PDN/s servers SGi P-GW 6 LTE Traffic HSS PDN/s servers Fig.3. LTE-A roaming infrastructure The basic principle of roaming is transferring the information of communication services subscription from HSS in the home mobile network operator’s (HMNO) network to MME, correspondingly, in the visited mobile network operator’s (VMNO) network. Accordingly, international calls can be conducted using the mobile infrastructure of the VMNO and the cost of this service remains with HMNO. However, determining the charging is decided by the intricate operators. As a result, the roaming subscriber remains as a HMNO subscriber. Fig. 3 depicts this concept. Eventually, the home public land/mobile network (PLMN) would charge the subscriber for those calls received abroad and a portion of those charges is paid to the visited PLMN operator [23]. V. PROPOSED SOLUTION A. Scenario and Discussions An urban area spot has been considered with three MNOs sharing the same location with non-uniform mobile user distribution, which gives this scenario a realistic nature. As a result, a disparity in utilization will appear, (see Fig.4). The idea here is to benefit from the unbalanced utilization (occupancy) among the mobile service providers to trigger a collaborative concept approach in the congested network to offload data traffic. This work considers the LTE roaming infrastructure in terms of the control and charging policies between MNOs and aims to take advantage of the local breakout (LBO) feature. LBO is a mechanism where roaming traffic does not traverse back to the home network and is handled by the local operator, allowing for cheaper tariffs and leading to increased localized revenue (see Fig. 5). Networks are only likely to allow LBO given the guarantee of shared partnerships with other networks or the creation of a larger network than one that exists in a single country[24]. In this context, the assumed scenario the situation is coped with by deploying the roaming concept and activating the LBO solution, significantly reducing backhaul traffic and its associated costs. Fig. 4. Collaprative scenario. B. Assumptions and considerations for the collobritve framework and the call admisson contorol 1) Network infrastructure: LTE-A network infrastructure only, to avoid interoperability and protocols mapping challenges in legacy systems. 2) Charging and control policy: The roaming model in [23] will be adopted with some modification in terminology to cope with the proposed scenario. 3) Mobile Network Operators (MNO’s) capability: Three mobile operators will be considers with different capability such as joint partnership and licenced spectrum (capacity) to help in the offload process, from cost and operational perspectives. 4) Call type: New call is considered in this work since the priority is always given to handover call over the new call request, in which this work intend to solve the dropping blocking. In addition, to allow the operators to maintain the QoS without any degradation below the acceptance level to accept new call. 5) Call traffic class: Dealing with non-real time call to allow the collaborative process between the operators within reasonable timely manner without harming the QoS in addition and also to allow the local break out feature to join in the offloading process. Fig. 5. Illustrations to LBO in Roaming [23] VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Radio resource management (RRM) is the controller of mobile network performance level. It controls the level of co-channel interference and other radio transmission characteristics in the mobile network via schemes and algorithms for adjusting parameters such as transmission power, channel allocation, data rate, handover criteria, admission criteria, modulation and error coding schemes. The objective in this work is to utilize the limited spectrum resources and mobile network infrastructure, in an efficient and effective approach to overcome the call blocking; and to maintain the quality of service. Since the cost of deploying a network element, such as a base station, is not efficient in some cases due to site considerations, which come with additional expenses (for example operational cost or frequency license fees) or even QoS degradation due to possible interference. An overview of a proposed collaborative framework has been given motivated by the unbalanced occupancy phenomena among different mobile services providers, which gives an opportunity to offload data by diverting it to alternative mobile providers and also by implementing LBO, which acts as a second method of diversion. A call admission control will be defined to handle this dilemma after specifying interworking level, interfaces and involved protocols. 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