LICENCE TO PUBLISH - OPEN ACCESS Manuscri Number: SREP-14-02228A nature publishing group • Journal Name: _ _ _ _ ___JI §cientific Reports (the "Journal") Pro osed Title ofthe Contribution: Zn vacancy induced green luminescence on non-potar surfaces in ZnO nanostructures (the "Contribution") Author s: F. Fabbri, M. Villani, A. Catellani, A. Calzolari, G. Cicero, D. Calestani, G. Calestani, A. Zappettini, B. Oierre, T. Seklguchi and G. Salviati* (the "Author(s)") Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Ud ("NPG") will consider publishing the Contribution pursuantto the terms setforth herein, including granting readers rights to use the Contribution on an open access basis selected below. The "Contribution" is defined as the text conteni ofthe paper named above and all supplementary information such as but not limited to tables, graphs and images. 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