Leisure Park Board - 18 August 2014 CASTLEREAGH BOROUGH COUNCIL Minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Leisure Park Board meeting, held, in committee, in the Board Room, Dundonald International Ice Bowl, on Monday, 18 August 2014, at 7:20 pm PRESENT: Alderman J White (in the chair) ALDERMEN: J Beattie MBE (Mayor) M Henderson COUNCILLORS: Mrs A Beattie B Hanvey Ms V Nelson T Morrow Ms S Skillen (Deputy Mayor) IN ATTENDANCE: General Manager, DIIB Project Manager, Acting Chief Executive and Members’ Services Officers APOLOGIES: Councillor Sandford and the Director of Leisure Services. LPB/2014/84: DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members and Officers were invited to declare any pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests (including gifts and hospitality) they should have in respect of items on this agenda. There were no declarations of interest. Noted. LPB/2014/85: MINUTES OF LEISURE PARK BOARD MEETING HELD ON 21 JULY 2014 (copy previously circulated) The General Manager advised that although the minutes of the Special Leisure Park Board meeting of the 11 August 2014 were noted on the agenda as ‘copy to follow’, these were not being tabled tonight as the Director of Leisure Services had been off and had not been available to sign them off prior to the meeting. These would be tabled at the September meeting for approval. Following consideration of the minutes dated 21 July 2014, it was proposed by Councillor Nelson, seconded by Councillor Skillen and subsequently RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the Leisure Park Board meeting held on 21 July 2014 be accepted as a true and accurate record of proceedings. 1 Leisure Park Board - 18 August 2014 MATTERS ARISING LPB/2014/86: LEISURE INDUSTRY WEEK (Minute ref LPB/2014/74 refers) The General Manager advised Members that the cost of attending the forthcoming Leisure Industry Week event was £1489.00, this was significantly less than the initial proposed visit to the European Attraction Show. Noted. LPB/2014/87: EASTPOINT ENTERTAINMENT LPB/2014/80 refers) – UNIT 5 EASTPOINT VILLAGE (Minute ref The General Manager advised that following last month’s meeting the Director of Leisure Services had reminded the Eastpoint management that as Superior Landlord, the Council had to give their advance permission for any lease to be reassigned. A request had now been received in respect of Holly Browns Ltd for Unit 5 Eastpoint. As detailed above, in order for the lease to be reassigned in respect of Holly Browns it was necessary for Board approval. RESOLVED: - Members of the Board granted approval for the Mayor and Acting Chief Executive to sign as superior landlords, the reassignment of the lease for Holly Brown’s Ltd for Unit 5 Eastpoint Development. LPB/2014/88: UNIT 3 - EASTPOINT The General Manager advised that another request had also been received in respect of Unit 3, which was formerly Mookie World. The new request was for a Funky Monkeys children’s soft play facility. The General Manager urged caution to Members before agreeing to this request. He reported that DIIB management felt that this proposal would be in direct competition with Indianaland and would be contrary to the facility Outline Business Case for the redevelopment. Whilst the previous facility, Mookie World, had been a café/restaurant with ancillary soft play facility its target market had predominately been pre-school children but Funky Monkeys target an age range similar to that using Indianaland. Following a brief discussion Members agreed that it would not be appropriate to approve this lease, as they deemed that it would be in direct competition with the Council’s own facility. RESOLVED: - Members of the Board agreed that the Director of Leisure Services should advise Eastpoint’s Solicitor that the Council would be objecting to the 2 Leisure Park Board - 18 August 2014 reassignment of the lease for unit 3 to Funky Monkeys, as they felt this facility would be in direct competition with the Council’s own facility. LPB/2014/89: TRADING ACCOUNTS The General Manager took Members through the trading accounts for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 July 2014 (Period 4). He reported that the overall favourable variance continued from period 3, this favourable variance was across all cost centres apart from the Ice Rink which was showing an adverse variance in comparison to the projected budget. He highlighted that the CHP unit remained out of use due to repair work, this obviously impacted on the electricity and gas budgets but it was hoped that this would be repaired in the near future. Noted. REPORT FROM DIRECTOR OF LEISURE SERVICES The General Manager presented this report in the absence of the Director of Leisure Services. LPB/2014/90: CHP UNIT As already referred to above, the General Manager advised Members that the CHP unit had been out of use from 9 June - 6 July 2014. An initial repair had been carried out following ignition problems; once these repairs had been fixed the unit then experienced overheating issues, resulting in the unit having to be switched off again on 17 July 2014. Unfortunately the unit currently remained out of use but it was hoped that it would be up and running again very soon. He reported that it was estimated that the cost to repair the ignition problem would be approximately £1000.00 and the overheating repairs were likely to be in the region of £3000.00 Members noted the unplanned expenditure required to resolve maintenance issues with the CHP unit within the facility. Noted. 1. LPB/2014/91: TENDER FOR SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COLD DRINK VENDING PRODUCTS (LPB/2014/55 REFERS) The General Manager updated Members in respect of the procurement exercise for the supply of soft drinks in relation to the Council’s corporate vending service, for the term of 2 years. He reported that the tender had been advertised through the Belfast Telegraph/Castlereagh Borough Council’s Website. 5 tender packs were issued and 3 Leisure Park Board - 18 August 2014 2 companies returned completed tenders by the specified deadline of 12 noon on Friday 11 July 2014, as follows: Britvic Northern Ireland Ltd Coca Cola HBC NI The evaluation panel consisted of the Business Manager for Leisure Services, Vending Co-ordinator and the Assistant Procurement Officer. Members were then shown a detailed breakdown of the scoring used during the Procurement Process. The General Manager reported that a Promotional Literage Rebate would be payable to the Council in respect to the contract; the value of this rebate should bring the overall net cost to the Council of the contract to below the £100,000 threshold, for which Shadow Council approval would also be required. He added that following discussion and agreement with the Director of Leisure Services in Lisburn, the contract had provision to extend to current Lisburn facilities post 1 April 2015. Approval had been granted at the July Board for the contract award to be approved by the Chairman with retrospective approval brought back to the August Board. RESOLVED: - Members of the Board (a) (b) granted retrospective approval for the contract to be awarded to Britvic having been judged by the panel to represent the best value for money at a contract value over the 2 year period of approximately £125,850, before rebate. approved the contract being brought before the Shadow Council in September for noting, as post 1 April 2015, there is the opportunity within the contract to extend it to current Lisburn facilities. LPB/2014/92: BELFAST GIANTS AGREEMENT (Minute ref LPB/2014/64 refers) The General Manager advised that he had met with representatives of the Belfast Giants on 28 July 2014 to discuss the 2014-15 Agreement. He advised that the number of ice sessions had reduced slightly, however, the price per session had increased, which resulted in the contract only being approximately £100.00 less in value from the previous year’s agreement. RESOLVED:- Members of the Board accepted the Belfast Giants 2014/2015 Agreement. LPB/2014/93: BATTLEFIELD SPORTS The General Manager advised that following approval from Members at the July Board meeting, Management had resolved the ‘writing off’ of the debt associated with Battlefield Sports. Management would continue to liaise with the tenant to ensure that the lease was terminated appropriately. 4 Leisure Park Board - 18 August 2014 Noted. LPB/2014/94: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY The General Manager reported that following the approval of the Facility Social Media Policy at the July Board meeting, research had since been conducted on the settings available via Facebook to provide assistance with out of hours monitoring of the site. A number of options had been identified, including the ability to block any defamatory key words and ensure any postings to the site require prior approval from the site administration team before the posting becomes visible on the Ice Bowl page. He advised that this will allow all ‘posts’ out of hours to be reviewed so any ‘posts’, that fail to meet the Council rules, can be blocked preventing them being published on the facility page. To ensure the site is interactive for customers and maintains the flow of 2 way communication which is associated with Facebook, it is important that any negative postings, which meet the Council rules, will still be posted on the page after they are reviewed. The General Manager advised that there was still the potential for the pubic to ‘tag comments’ onto one of the Council posts, which could not be blocked prior to viewing. He explained that the feature for blocked words will also evolve over time due to the scope of inappropriate words and variation in spellings which could potentially be used. The social media policy and house rules will be reviewed after 6 months to identify any areas for development, following the initial test stage. The General Manager also advised that the Senior Management Team had asked that the Policy be adapted to become a Council Policy. Noted. LPB/2014/95: CHERNOBYL VISIT The General Manager reported that the visit by Chernobyl children and their host families, took place at the facility on Friday 1st August 2014. Members were advised that the party had enjoyed their experience immensely and they had asked that their sincere thanks be passed to the Board for their visit. Noted. LPB/2014/96: YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SCHEME The General Manager advised that following approval by Members at the July Board meeting, management had transferred the employee onto the Enhanced Employer Subsidiary Scheme and offered her a 52 week fixed term contract as a Recreation Assistant at Dundonald International Ice Bowl. He added that Management would continue to promote opportunities on the existing Skills Development Programme and was in the process of interviewing potential 5 Leisure Park Board - 18 August 2014 candidates for a 6 month placement on the programme. He added that assuming suitable candidates could be found, the successful appointee’s position will once again be fully funded by the Department for Education and Learning (DEL) Noted. LPB/2014/97: CHARITY ICE HOCKEY MATCH The General Manager reported that Management were currently in the process of finalising arrangements for the Charity Ice Hockey Match that had been approved by Members at the July Board meeting. At the meeting clarity had been sought regarding the arrangements previously agreed by the Board on Charity fundraising opportunities made available to user groups and the wider community. The General Manager referred Members to Document 2 which detailed the terms of the arrangement previously agreed by Members (Minute Reference LPB/2011/147) for Dundonald International Ice Bowl to host an Open Charity Tenpin Bowling Night. The General Manager asked Members to note that whilst management extended the offer to all user groups and some from the wider local community the event did not progress due to a lack of response from the invited groups. No such arrangement was progressed at that time for use of the rink and it was agreed that further requests for the rink would each be considered on their merits. Noted. LPB/2014/98: MINUTES OF INVESTMENT DECISION MAKER HELD ON 21 JULY 2014 RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the Investment Decision Maker meeting held on 21 July 2014 be accepted as a true and accurate record of proceedings ANY OTHER BUSINESS LPB/2014/99: CHARITY LUNCH The General Manager advised that the Catering Manager had requested the use of Alaska Café on 19 September 2014, to host a Charity Lunch, with all proceeds raised going to the Mayor’s Charity, Marie Curie Cancer Care. RESOLVED: - Members of the Board granted approval for the free use of Alaska Café to host a Charity Lunch in aid of the Mayor’s chosen charity, Marie Curie Cancer Care. The meeting ended at 7:35 p.m. 6 Leisure Park Board - 18 August 2014 ___________________________ CHAIRMAN _____________________________ CHIEF EXECUTIVE 7
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