LL.M Human Rights News - Cardiff Law School

Cardiff Law School
Cardiff University
February 2014
LL.M Human Rights News
Cardiff Law School is a recognised as a leading legal research institute. In the most recent
Research Assessment Exercise nearly all our research activity was classed as world leading or
internationally excellent. We were ranked 7th out of the 100 Law Schools in the United Kingdom.
Welcome to the first Newsletter of the Cardiff Law School LLM Human Rights programme. We have had great
pleasure compiling this Newsletter and making contact with past alumni of the programme.
Our aim is to give all of our past, current and prospective
students up-to-date information about the programme,
the university and the activities. We completed our
studies at the end of 2013 - but this Newsletter includes
details of our new colleagues - for the academic year
that has just commenced.
Ours was a great year - as hopefully the pages of the
Newsletter will make plain. Our student colleagues came
from the corners of the world - over 15 nations and shared
their experiences and insights into the state of the World’s
Human Rights.
We are now moving on - but the LLM programme remains
- and will continue to thrive we are sure. Please keep in
touch with the Law School and let us know how you are
getting on and what you are doing: we will certainly be
doing this too.
Editors Shahid Ronga and Ahmed Ali
LL.M Human Rights News
Teaching & research team... 2
Letter from Harvard.............. 4
Module options.................... 5
New Module alert................. 6
Life as HR student................ 7
A striking father.................... 9
Alumni news....................... 11
Newsletter Editors
LLM Human Rights Programme
LLM Human Rights Programme
The LLM Team
Professor Luke Clements
The Human Rights LLM programme is led by
Professor Luke Clements. Luke is a practicing lawyer
with a national and international reputation in public
law, primarily on behalf of socially excluded minorities
notably persons with disabilities, their carers and
Roma. He has taken many cases to the European
Commission and Court of Human Rights including
the first Roma case to reach that Court (Buckley v. UK
1996) and continues to be involved in litigation at the
Strasbourg and other Courts.
Dr Christine Byron
Shahid Ronga
Dr Christine Byron leads on the International
Humanitarian Law LLM module at a postgraduate
level. Christine has worked at the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and her
research concerns the interaction between the Law
of Armed Conflict, International Criminal Law and
the interaction between those areas of law and
Human Rights Law. Christine’s publications include
a monograph on War Crimes and Crimes against
Humanity in the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court and she is involved in the training of
humanitarian workers and military lawyers, both in
this country and abroad.
Erich Hou
Ahmed Ali
Please keep in touch
Email your news to the
Newsletter editors by email
c/o [email protected]
Erich contributes to the teaching of the LLM
programme: his specialist fields include Sex,
Gender, Sexual Orientation and Marriage
discrimination. He is an admitted lawyer in New
York and in England and Wales. He has worked
in Taipei, New York, Hong Kong and the UK. Erich
first graduated from the Chinese Culture University
(Taipei) obtained his LL.M. in Intellectual Property
from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law (New
York) and his P.Dip in Chinese Civil & Comm. Law
from Tsinghua University and The University of
Hong Kong. He speaks (amongst others) Mandarin,
Hokkien, and Cantonese.
LL.M Human Rights News
LLM Human Rights Programme
The postgraduate
administrative team
Sharron Alldred, Helen Calvert and
Sarah Kennedy are the administrative
team dedicated to making sure that
all applications and questions are
dealt with as speedily as possible.
To make contact - email
[email protected]
Dr. Bernadette Rainey
Dr. Bernadette Rainey is Director of the Cardiff Law School Centre for Human Rights and Public law.
Her research interests include human rights and equality law, refugee law and public law. Bernadette
has published on several areas of human rights law including equality duties and sexual offenders and
her research is primarily focused on “excluded” groups such as refugees and offenders. Bernadette
is the author of a Human Rights Concentrate 2nd edition (2013) for Oxford University Press and is
co-editor on the forthcoming edition of a leading textbook in human rights (Jacobs, White & Ovey, The
European Convention on Human Rights).
Emma Borland
Emma Borland’s doctorial research is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
and concerns issues of access to justice for migrants and asylum seekers. Emma is particularly
interested in the extent to which the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights and the
EU Charter of Fundamental Right, that relate to the right to a fair hearing, might be secured in respect
of immigration and asylum tribunal determinations.
Alison Tarrant
Alison’s doctoral research concerns human rights in adult social care, with a particular focus on disability.
‘Social care’ refers to services provided by public bodies to adults who need assistance with typical daily
activities. The disabled people’s movement in the UK uses human rights language to voice its purpose
and aims, and has developed service models based on human rights principles. My research focuses on
how far these principles have been absorbed into government policy and whether the language of human
rights is used by governments seeking to promote a wholly different, neo-liberal policy agenda.
Camilla Parker LLM
Camilla’s doctoral research (part time) concerns the potential role of human rights in the development
of a legal framework for young people’s mental health care. Camilla is an independent consultant and
partner with ‘Just Equality’, advising on legal and policy development and providing legal research and
training in the areas of health social care, human rights and disability. Camilla is a member of the Law
Society’s Mental Health and Disability Committee and has been an NHS Trust Board member, a Mental
Health Act Commissioner, the Legal and Parliamentary Officer for Mind (National Association for Mental
Health) as well as a solicitor in private practice. Camilla has written and presented nationally and
internationally on a wide range of legal and policy issues relevant to disability, mental health care and
human rights for specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Greg Davies
Greg’s research is centred on the decision-based interactions or ‘judicial dialogue’ taking place
between the UK courts and the European Court of Human Rights. It has both conceptual and
normative dimensions. The former focuses on whether and how ‘dialogue’ is the most accurate term to
describe these judicial interactions in the face of growing academic scepticism. The latter explores the
legitimacy of the interactions in light of their varied impact on the substance of the ECHR rights which
they have concerned.
LL.M Human Rights News
LLM Human Rights Programme
Letter from Harvard
Justice Srem-Sai, a 2012-12 LLM student has moved to study at Harvard and compares his experiences.
Justice was awarded a prestigious Open Society Initiative Disability Rights Scholarship to study at Cardiff.
I wish to take this wonderful
opportunity to touch base with
you privileged ones; and perhaps
to also share with you, briefly, my
experiences since I got into the
Harvard LLM program. May I first
congratulate you, individually, for
making it up the tall list of very
talented applicants and into the LLM
program. Well, I don’t know you
personally. All I know is that we now
belong to one family and will have to
deal with each other, in one way or
the other, for the rest of our lives.
Just by way of introduction; I was
in the LL.M (International Hu-man
Rights Law) program last academic
year (2012/13). I’m current taking
another LLM in Harvard Law School
(HLS). Hopefully I may come back to
Cardiff for a Ph.D.
Cardiff Law School (CLS) has a lot
in common with HLS. For example,
the LLM candidates are from diverse
cultural backgrounds with varied
experiences. Also, I remember how
we used to ask ourselves in CLS why
there were only a few UK students
on the LLM program. That question
is more prominent in HLS – there
are very few Americans in the LLM
program at HLS. Again, access to
online academic resources appears
to be the same for both Schools. In
respect of community life, the City
of Cambridge, just like the City of
Cardiff, is a small, self-contained,
student-dominated city. Cardiff has a
more vibrant nightlife, though.
Academic life? The general approach
to teaching in HLS is the Socratic
Method. With the Socratic Method,
the lecturer’s preoccupation is to
pose questions to which the student
is required to supply answers.
From these answers emerge points
of debate among students. It is
therefore possible (and it is often
the case) to end a full class without
hearing the view or opinion of the
lecturer. So, I think, students (rather
than lecturers) do the teaching. I
count myself very fortunate to have
had sufficient dose of this approach
from the Human Rights Law Modules
taught by Prof. Clements. I therefore
feel no discomfort whatsoever with
the approach here.
It might interest you to know that
a good number of the students in
the LLM program here already have
at least one LL.M degree; some
even have Ph.Ds already. And there
seems to be this subtle but keen
struggle among us to make our
alumni proud. I’ve also promised
myself that I’ll make CLS and Prof.
Clements in particular very proud.
So help me God!
Let me turn briefly to some of the
differences between CLS and HLS.
The most striking difference between
the two Schools concerns alumni
relationships. As you may already
know, Harvard has a strong alumni,
most of whom are prominently
positioned in the world. We just
started our second month here and
we’ve already had cocktails with two
Justices of the US Supreme Court (6
of the 9 current Justices are products
of HLS); not to talk of other notable
world leaders. We’re told it’s their
duty (and they compete among
themselves) to meet us. This, I think,
gives the student a very strong sense
of belongingness, which does much
to boost her confidence.
Also, our classes are regularly
spiced with seasoned practitioners,
most of whom are products of HLS.
So we’re constantly drawn to the real
life situations and experiences too. It
appears there’s no limit to what HLS
could offer its daughters and sons in
terms of networking opportunities.
Mates, I encourage you to take
advantage of this awesome
opportunity offered you by CLS.
Feel free to disagree and voice
out your opinion. It is out of these
disagreements that we arrive at new
ideas. Respect one another. Spend
time with your materials, but spend
much more time with your mates.
I believe there’s a good reason for
not taking an online LLM program
(which is far cheaper financially).
Bond and become families.
Because, one, you need it for your
career; two, you don’t lose anything
by doing so; and, three, you just
have to.
Hey, sorry I have to go. There is a
party starting in next 20 second.
“Harvard life”, they say, “is social
life”. Cheers!!!
LL.M Human Rights News
“A whole lot of reading
yet a whole lot of fun”
The LLM (Human Rights
Law) critically analyses the
impact of the major UN
and regional Human Rights
Conventions – both civil and
political as well as the
socio-economic and cultural.
It aims to provide a sound
knowledge of the theory and
the legal rules applicable to
international human rights
treaties and their domestic
counterparts. Course
participants will be drawn from
a wide range of backgrounds
and disciplines.
Although it will be of
particular interest to students
and advocates wishing to
study this subject at Masters
Level, it will, in addition, be
of direct relevance to health
and social care professionals
working in the independent
and statutory sectors.
Course structure
Students study four modules,
at least two of which must be
from the Human Rights core
list: the others may be chosen
from a wide range of modules.
The programme concludes
with the completion of a
15,000 word dissertation on a
human rights topic. Modules
are each assessed by an
essay of 5,000 words.
Entry requirements
Usually equivalent to a
second class degree: this
need not be in law and an
English langage qualification
for non-native English
speakers (6.5 in IELTS or 90
in TOEFL internet-based test).
LLM Human Rights Programme
Human Rights Law: National and International Legal Context
The introductory and ‘underpinning’ module that provides an understanding of
the international human rights legal regimes and their implementation in different
jurisdictions focussing on the common obligations created by civil and political
human rights treaties – such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR) and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and
doing so by the critical examination of the relevant primary sources of law viewed
in their cultural, historical and political context
Human Rights, Health and Disability
The Cardiff programme has a depth of expertise in relation to health and social
care rights, and this module provides an opportunity to study the common
obligations created by Human Rights Treaties that protect socio-economic rights
– with particular emphasis on the rights of disabled, elderly, socially excluded
and otherwise vulnerable people. The module considers the obligations from an
international context: not only from the UN benchmark requirements, but also the
relevant Asian, African, American and European treaty provisions.
International Humanitarian Law
The aim of the Module is to introduce students to the legal rules and principles of
International Humanitarian Law and to demonstrate the problems of applying and
enforcing International Humanitarian Law by evaluating the application of the law
in recent conflicts.
Other module options
The Cardiff programme offers a wide range of optional modules (currently over
30) including (for example) Competition Law; Environmental and Climate Change
Law; Human Rights & Global Justice; Key Legal Aspects of Psychiatry and
Reproductive Medicine and the Family; Money Laundering; Social Care Rights
and the Law; The Child and the State; World Trade Law.
LL.M Human Rights News
The way in which the state approaches its responsibilities to promote and protect
the rights and welfare of children and young people is one the most rapidly
changing and controversial areas of regulation in society. We felt that this was
a neglected area in the teaching of law that could be of enormous interest to
students. We wanted to provide an opportunity to explore this topic in depth so
we introduced a new module ‘The Child and the State: Law and Policy’ in 20112012, offered as part of the LLM in Social Care or as an option for students on
other LLM programmes.
I want to work for a NGO or in the
EU, this module opened a new gate..
and way of thinking Past StudeNT
We wanted to guide students to the best academic writing on children’s rights
and welfare in the domestic and international context and also allow them to
engage first-hand with researchers, so they could develop and discuss their
ideas on the relationship between the state and family life, the levels at which the
state should intervene, the impact of systemic discrimination and poverty, and
the extent to which the autonomy of young people should be supported.
LLM Human Rights Programme
“All human rights are
universal, indivisible
and interdependent
and interrelated.
The international
community must treat
human rights globally
in a fair and equal
manner, on the same
footing, and with the
same emphasis. While
the significance of
national and regional
particularities and
various historical,
cultural and religious
backgrounds must
be borne in mind,
it is the duty of
States, regardless
of their political,
economic and
cultural systems, to
promote and protect
all human rights
and fundamental
UN General Assembly
(1993) Vienna
Declaration and
Programme of Action:
World Conference on
Dr Julie Doughty, Module Leader
(Photo - Julie with Paul French and Zena Chaudhry)
Human Rights Vienna,
14-25 June 1993
LL.M Human Rights News
Lunch at
of Music
Class of 2011-12
The academic life as a
Human Rights LL.M. student
in Cardiff Law School is not
limited to the scheduled
seminars. There are plenty
extracurricular activities.
For example, drawing from the
international background of
our students, country reports
in the form of lunch time or
evening chat in pubs have
been organised before or
after seminars. These country
reports include Kashmir
(Shahid Ronga), Bahrain
(Ahmed Ali), Malawi (Simion
Nyanda), Uganda (Ivan
Mugabi), Argentina (Brenda
Despontin), Zimbabwe (Salma
Siddick), and Ghana (Justice
LLM Human Rights Programme
Ivan Mugabi (2013)
The decision to take up this seemingly
demanding endeavour stemmed from
my heartfelt desire to improve my career
prospects at the right time, from the
right University – especially one with
right expertise.
Having completed my studies I can
happily testify to neither regret nor
any disappointment for the choice I
made to pursue an LLM - particularly in
Human Rights at Cardiff Law School.
Coming, as I do, from Uganda the entire
supportive and experienced staff on
the Postgraduate Programme created
‘smoothness and waves of harmony’
that overrode all my academic fears. The interaction on the Human Rights LLM
has ranged from ‘formal academic’ to social including birthday celebrations
and group talks: it has been such a friendly atmosphere that I find it difficult to
express all the incredibly treasurable personal experiences.
Zulfia Abawi (2013)
I am Zulfia Abawe from Afghanistan –
a post-graduate student in Cardiff
Law School. I applied for LLM in
International Human Rights Law and
was awarded the International Cardiff
University’s Scholarship to pursue my
degree. My dissertation concerned
the Challenges of Implementing
International Human Rights Law
in Afghanistan. I have returned to
Afghanistan and have recently been
offered a position in the first Vice
Presidency Office as the National
Governance Specialist. It is part of a
UNDP Project.
LL.M Human Rights News
LLM Human Rights Programme
Shahid Ronga (2013)
Shahid is a practicing social and a human
rights lawyer presently practising in Kashmir
High court and lower judicatory. Shahid is also
a dedicated scholar and a passionate peace
activist. During his time in Cardiff, he was an
executive member of UN Association Cardiff
and an active member of Amnesty International
Cardiff branch, UK. Shahid gave a number
of human rights talks including the one with
Professor Luke Clements at the Temple of
Peace on the issues of Kashmir (see below).
Shahid aside from being an editor of this
Newsletter was also an active team member of
Cardiff cricket team. Here is a poem from the Shahid’s Kashmiri poet friend throwing
some glimpses of human rights violation happening in the Kashmir valley.
and I lose you...
H. Kirmani
Where my logic fades at will
But I lose myself in bits and pieces
As I lose you in whole...
I wither in pain I can’t explain
As I lose you in anonymity we share...
I feel the loss
Of a womb gone sterile
Of a lap left wanting
Of eyes cursing their curiosity
I struggle with the news
Like a dumb mother
Asking for hope.
Asking for life, falling for mercy…
I see my virgin self-bearing the sores
Of motherly love
As I lose you in anonymity we share…
You mean a lot
In the nothingness of my perception...
Call it my insanity coz
I share the grief of your loss
I stand in the emptiness
of my courage
To mourn you
like a fragile mother does.
But I fail to offer my tears
To wipe the dust from your wounds
I offer you nothing but my words.
As I lose you in anonymity we share…
I am- but a stranger,
Who lives with every death
To celebrate this anonymous loss
In desolated corners of bleeding hearts.
In whispers made to my Lord
I fall with every shot
And wander in my thoughts
Countless names
Fingers fail to hold the numbers
I see the torn me fading in sun
With every fall of a son
I pay my insane love to you
As you leave
And stand hiding my face
In my empty hands
As I lose you in anonymity we share...
LL.M Human Rights News
A Striking Father:
From Ghandi to Khawaja
Ahmed Ali - LLM (2013)
I cannot teach you
violence, as I do not
myself believe in it.
I can only teach you
not to bow your heads
before anyone even at
the cost of your life.
Mahatma Gandhi
A famous mind engraved into a spiritual body blossomed in the Indian struggle
against South African discrimination in the early year of 1893. Once a young
lawyer struggling to fit the narrative of a typical British business lifestyle,
Mohandas Gandhi transformed into one of the most acknowledged leaders
in world history. His controversial methods taught us one of the most valuable
principles learned to woman and man; peace in the face of struggle.
An illustrious means used to bring end to British rule in India and an end to
direct discrimination of Indians and black South Africans was that of a self
inflicted hunger strike. A hunger strike was also the course Gandhi took in 1924
to reconcile warring factions of Hindus and Muslims that had grown apart when
Gandhi was imprisoned. Of course Mohandas Gandhi is not the only famous
face behind this painful method of protest. Thomas Ashe in 1916 combating
British rule, Alice Paul in 1917 fighting for women’s right to vote in America and
Marion Dunlop in 1909 disputing charges against her in Britain have all been
behind this growing use of hunger as a weapon to bring about political change.
A small prison cell in the tiny Gulf kingdom of Bahrain holds bare, the body of
a hunger stricken middle aged man baring the profound weight of Bahrain’s
grievances on his back. Abdulhadi Al Khawaja was arrested on the 8th of April
2011 through a series of dawn raids that were carried out by security forces
during a crackdown on popular protests demanding freedom and democracy.
A detailed account of his arrest was produced by the Bahrain Commission of
Inquiry (P426) which said: “Police and masked men in plain clothes came to
the house at night. The detainee was thrown on the ground, rolled down stairs,
kicked and beaten with sticks. His hands were cuffed behind his back and he
was blindfolded. His son-in-law was also arrested. Immediately after the arrest,
the detainee received a hard blow to the side of his face, which broke his jaw and
knocked him to the ground”.
Even in hospital, Khawaja was blindfolded, faced sexual insults thrown at his wife
and daughters. He went through nightly beatings after surgery and even had a
stick forced into his anus.
Abdulhadi entered a 100 day hunger strike fighting for his and Bahrain’s
freedom, following a phone call from prison to his family members where he
declared “freedom or death” and fears of his death are echoing around the
world. The voice of Al Khawaja is a popular one in the Gulf as he continues to
defy autocratic and tyrannical rule, calling for the respect of Bahrain’s human
rights and an end to corruption and systematic torture.
LLM Human Rights Programme
of Malawi
Members of
Simion Nyadna (2012)
We members of parliament
Recognizing our unquenchable
gluttony for money
Desiring to end our personal
Seeking to graduate tycoons
from Lilongwe
Solemnly swear to increase our
salaries manifold
We shall make more allowances
by prolonging our sittings
By unnecessary and
acrimonious adjournements
The resultant allowances will
run over our bank accounts
We shall aggravate poverty of
the have nots
By increasing thier salaries
While increasing the bougeoius
richer a hundred fold
We shall give a deaf ear to our
constituents and civil society
Who are they but ladders to the
gold mine
We wiill migrate from our
constituencies to the city
Where there is water, electricty
and good roads
We shall not visit our
constituency until campaign
We shall diligent serve our
party czars
We are more important than
our country
LL.M Human Rights News
Whilst in exile, Abdulhadi Al Khawaja
started life in Denmark with his wife
and four daughters between 1981
and 2001, and received training on
human rights in the Danish Centre for
Human Rights. Inspired by the social
and political system of Denmark,
Al Khawaja dedicated his life and
aspirations to achieving democratic
and social reform for Bahrain which,
for two centuries, has had in place a
ruling dynasty discriminating against a
majority population. He is a member of
Frontline Defenders and has helped
in setting up the Bahrain Centre for
Human Rights where he worked as
the director. He is also the director of
the Gulf Centre for Human Rights.
Al Khawaja’s strive for human rights
has not ended, even behind bars Al
Khawaja still spent time in educating
the prisoners of their rights. His
daughter, and also prominent rights
activist Zainab Al Khawaja speaks
that: “When his two-month solitary
confinement came to an end, my
father engaged in discussions in the
prison, continuing to spread human
LLM Human Rights Programme
rights education and the example of
nonviolent protest. My father gave the
other political prisoners a full course
in human rights. He then asked the
commander of the prison for paper
so he could write certificates for his
fellow inmates to document that
they had completed a human rights
education course”.
As communicated through a letter
he sent from prison, Khawaja has
paid a price for his continuing
struggle for freedom, a price that
he says, does not regret. He has
been severely beaten throughout
his years of activism, arrested in
2004, 2005 and 2006 for protesting,
subjected to torture, travel bans,
‘continuous defamation campaigns’
and since being arrested during
the current uprising, held behind
bars. Khawaja speaks of the two
months he was tortured, insulted
and sexually abused, the horrific
darkness of solitary confinement
and the humiliation of being brought
upon military trials. 48 Rights groups
around the world, including Amnesty
International and Human Rights
Watch, have been calling for the
immediate release of Al Khawaja.
Abdulhadi Al Khawaja is unique in
stature; he now bares a weak body,
yet remains strong in wisdom, heart
and courage. He lays helpless in
prison, a subject of cold-blooded
torture which have led to substantial
injuries, yet his voice and thoughts
sing throughout the nation in
inspiration. A stature that has
forced me to compare his struggle
and approaches towards freedom
somewhat alike to that of Gandhi’s
in the early 1900’s. The struggles,
though different, hold similarities.
Demands for the end of British rule
in India coincide with demands for
an end to the Khalifa grip on power
in Bahrain with both these demands
proving controversial at the time.
What Gandhi was to India and the
world, Khawaja is for Bahrain today;
a leader, a hero, a father.
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always
won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for time they can seem invincible, but in
the end they will always fall. Think of it always. Mahatma Gandhi
LL.M Human Rights News
“It is our delight
to see the different
generations of
Cardiff Human
Rights LL.M. and
their life-changing
experiences since
Erich Hou
Aside from the change of
professional lives, personal
lives have also changed for
some of our students:
Some of them have become
wives. For example, Jerin
Choudhury (2009), Waheeda
Ali (2009), and Sarah Hasanie
(2010/11). Some of them
LLM Human Rights Programme
Michael Randall (2011-12)
Undertaking a PhD with a tuition fee
scholarship at the University of Leeds looking
at the adoption of a Financial Transaction Tax
in the EU.
“My research concerns the European
Commission’s proposal to introduce a tax
on financial transactions occurring within the
European Union”
Zena Chaudhry (2011-12)
“Working with NGOs in North America and
running my own non-profit organisation at the
same time. I’m also working on creating a
charity-based platform which will be launched
next May. In order to keep myself up-to-date
on IHL and IHRL, I’ve taken up blogging about
current events and the IHL and IHRL that is
relevant to these events”
have become mothers: Lillian
Matovu (2010) and Sevda
Bağcı Karataş (2011).
They have our best wishes.
Should you wish to share your
personal joy, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Julien Mercier (2011-12)
Julien has graduated from a further Masters –
this time on juridical and informatics security
within the T.I.C. and internet. Julien is now
preparing for the entrance exam to the
CRFPA (French Lawyers School) and he is
also working as a Legal Assistant at the court
in Amiens.
Glory Mushinge (2011-12)
Samara Ahmad, Wa-heeda
and Jerin (2010)
Glory is busy! She is writing for the Global
Press Journal (San Francisco) and researching
for Global Integrity (Washington). Her
research assignments have been varied
and have included the use of the web to
promote transparency / accountability and the
development of ‘African Integrity indicators’.
Glory is fundraising to enable her to start
a human rights magazine/newspaper/ TV
programme - and also hopes to start her PhD
studies in the autumn.
LL.M Human Rights News
LLM Human Rights Programme
Paul French (2011-12)
Since completing the LLM programme Paul
has been working outside of human rights law.
Having completed an internship with LawWorks
Cymru Paul has now commenced a post as
trainee lawyer with a company in Cardiff.
Antoine Giraudet (2011-12)
“I am currently doing a 6-months internship
at the Brussels office of the International
Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) to
validate my Masters 2 degree in ‘European
Policies’ at Sciences-Po Rennes. I assist
the Permanent Representative of FIDH in
Brussels, working on the EU external action in
terms of human rights and particularly in terms
of human rights in trade agreements.”
to our
Robert Neale (2011-12)
Following working at the Neuroblastoma
Children’s Cancer Alliance UK, Robert is now
working as a Corporate Fundraiser for Teenage
Cancer Trust in London. He is hopeful that
he can continue to work towards engaging
corporate leaders in future, as he believes
business investment will be an increasingly
important source of funding for the third sector.
Lillian, Levi and her partner.
Himanshu Singh Dhillon (2011-12)
Since completing his LLM in September 2012,
Himanshu (pictured here [left] with fellow
student Harivansh Jeeha) has been enrolled as
an Advocate on the rolls of the Bar Council of
Rajasthan and is now practicing at the Supreme
Court of India, dealing mostly with criminal
prosecution and defence cases.
Sevda and Yusef
LL.M Human Rights News
LLM Human Rights Programme
Disabled Children & the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The LLM Human Rights programme at Cardiff is one of seven host universities
for the Open Society Initiative Disability Rights Scholarship Programme – the
partner Law Colleges being Leeds University, National University of Ireland
Galway, The American University, Washington, Syracuse University New York and
McGill University Montreal.
Host Universities take turns in convening meetings and conferences to further
collaboration: for 2014 the host University is Galway.
In February 2013 Cardiff played host to a 2 day event, which commenced with
LLM students from Galway, Leeds and Cardiff – giving presentations to an
invited audience on themes relating to this topic. The second day comprised
a major Conference which opened with a videoed introduction from Baroness
Campbell of Surbiton, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Disability Group at the
Westminster Parliament (to access videos of the morning sessions – click here).
Visit to Westminster Parliament
Jenny Willott, the MP for Cardiff Central, in whose constituency the University
lies - very kindly arranged for our LLM colleagues to have a guided tour of
the Houses of Parliament. The visit took place at a time when Parliament
was not sitting and so allowed for a completed viewing of both the House of
Lords and the House of Commons, and the Royal area and when the Queen
is in attendance.
Before visiting the Houses of Parliament the London trip included a viewing of the
Royal Courts of Justice at the top of the Strand.
Mandela addressed Parliament here
LL.M Human Rights News
LLM Human Rights Programme
Where are you now what are you doing?
We try and keep in touch with our wonderful Alumni – so please let us know what you are doing and how we
can help. We have a Face Book page too search ‘Cardiff Law School - Human Rights’.
Elizabeth Smith
Liz has been working with David Lambert (a previous Law School Public Law lecturer and recently retired
Diocesan Registrar) on Welsh Assembly matters and also on ecclesiastical matters within the Church
in Wales. The latter work has involved assessing the laws on sometimes sensitive matters such as the
ordination of female Bishops, same sex couples and sham marriages. Liz has also become a trustee for
Mind charity which has allowed her to utilise her knowledge of disability rights in a real and practical way.
Aurane Serot
Since leaving Cardiff Aurane has taken a Masters in Human Rights at Strasbourg where she undertook two
internships (1) with the Council of Europe’s Roma Division and (2) with Cimade (an NGO dealing with the
rights of migrants). Aurane then worked in Tirana with the Albanian National Training and Technical Assistance
Resource Center. After completing her Bar competition classes Aurane worked with the London based human
rights NGO, the AIRE Centre and is now an intern with a French practice in Lille Triplet & Associés.
Pranav Raina
After leaving Cardiff, Pranav returned to Delhi to work for a Lawyers Collective (in the area of Domestic
Violence and Women Rights) as Research & Advocacy Officer, and delivered Advocacy workshops to
Police Personnel, Students, Govt. Officials, NGO heads, Media and other people. Pranav then worked
as an Advocate with Mr. Sanjay Parikh, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India drafting a wide range
of statements, submissions and petitions concerning (amongst other things) Human Rights, PILs,
Environmental and Constitutional Cases. Presently Pranav has been teaching in the Faculty of Law,
Delhi University.
Brenda Despontin
After completing the LLM, Brenda travelled to Vietnam and Cambodia before re- joining the Law Schools
Cerebra pro bono scheme. Brenda is undertaking an increasing amount of educational consultancy, here
and overseas, and at Christmas, her son was married on a beach in Mexico.
Narsis Zaki
After leaving the Cardiff Law School Narsis worked for an NGO in India as part of a team involved in rescue, litigation and the
rehabilitation of human trafficking victims and bonded labour in India. Narsis’s experiences in this work have inspired her to
take up research in this field.
Re-Al Myers
Re-Al’s work as a legal and policy analysis consultant covers a wide spectrum, including: (1) research commissioned by
Liberian and Canadian NGOs addressing the role of women in Liberia and in particular the UN Security Council resolution 1325
to complete the Women Count report for Liberia; (2) research and co-writing of a handbook for the Liberian Nation Police (with
help from the UN Mission in Liberia) concerning Sexual and Gender-based Violence; and (3) consultancy for a Swiss company,
SGS, on the Voluntary Partnership Agreement between Liberia and the EU – relating to the legal verification of wood products
(balancing the need for economic growth in the forestry sector with conservation, community rights and environmental concerns).
LL.M Human Rights News
LLM Human Rights Programme
Where Do I Stay? Housing in cardiff
Simion Jimion Nyanda (2012-13)
Finding accommodation can be
distance of 10 to 15 minutes one
problematic especially in Cardiff
must be able to find a room of about
when it is your first time coming to
£250 on average.
Cardiff. It is not that rooms are not
In a house of four to five house
available. In fact, the rooms cannot
mates, each person will normally
really be finished. The challenge
contribute up to £200 to £300
is to find a cheap room that is
quarterly. This includes water,
near the University. The University
electricity, gas and internet. Normally
accommodation is normally easily
the houses are fully furnished.
available. Sometimes near to
Bringing personal utensils therefore
for the other months. If the contract
the University. However, I would
becomes a luxury. Most land lords
has expired most landlords are willing
recommend private accommodation.
require that one pays a two months
to do a month to month extension
It has several advantages. Firstly, it is
rental deposit as security for bills and
usually due to the relation that has
normally cheap. The rooms normally
any other damages to the house.
been built in course of the year. There
cost £200 to £250 per month in a
This is payable at the beginning of
are different letting agents in Cardiff.
shared house. This does not mean
contract and refundable when all bills
However, the most convenient is the
the £200 is what the house mates
or damages to the house are taken
Cardiff Students Union house letting
will contribute. It is per person! The
care of. The deposit is withheld the
who are located in the Students
rentals include bills at time or exclude
whole of it or part of it to indemnify to
Union building. One only needs to go
bills. If the rentals are includes
bills or damage to the house.
to them and book an appointment for
they will normally going to be at a
The tenancy agreements are normally
house viewing. They will drive several
minimum of £250 to a maximum of
available for a minimum of six
students also looking for houses.
£300. The Rooms that are located
months. Most tenancy contracts are
There is no need to worry. Houses
closer to the university are usually
end in June which gives a room for
are available until December. In fact
expensive as compared to those that
people that want to go home and do
Zsome rooms would remain vacant
are far. However, within a walking
research elsewhere to save on rentals
throughout the year.
Cardiff Millennium Centre
Cardiff Railway Station
Cardiff City Library
LL.M Human Rights News
Class of 2012-13
LLM Human Rights Programme
Class of 2013-14
Class of 2011-12
Class of 2010-11
Class of 2009-10