Modified Multiphase Induction Motor with High Starting

ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
Volume 3, Special Issue 3, March 2014
2014 IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET’14)
On 21st & 22nd March Organized by
K.L.N. College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Modified Multiphase Induction Motor with
High Starting Torque
P.Nagaraj, V.Kannan, Dr.M.Santhi,
M.E. Power Electronics & Drives, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sethu institute of
Technology, Pullor, Kariyapatti, Virudhunagar, India
M.E. Power Electronics & Drives, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sethu institute of
Technology, Pullor, Kariyapatti, Virudhunagar, India
M.E. Power Electronics & Drives, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sethu institute of
Technology, Pullor, Kariyapatti, Virudhunagar, India
ABSTRACT: This paper present the development of
prototype six phase induction motor using mat lab
software and proved that the torque of this motor is
superior than that of the three phase induction motor.
Three phase induction motors are standard because it’s
cost, robustness, reliability and maintenance free
operation. To improve the system performance facing the
limits on power ratings of the power supplies and
semiconductors motivates the phase numbers more than
the conventional three phases and machine output power
can be divided into two or more solid state inverters of the
same power limits. More phases bring to control
additional degree of freedom for the further improvements
of the drive system.
INDEXTERMS—six phase induction motor, reliability,
torque ripples, reduced harmonic power loss, better power
distribution per phase, improved power characteristics
improved efficiency” When compared with the three
phase induction motors. The six phase induction Motors
have several application were high power, high current
and high starting torque are needed such as “Electric
traction, hybrid electric vehicles, electric ship propulsion,
and the more electric air craft.”
The equations that describe the behavior of the
six-phase induction machine when expressed in the
arbitrary reference frame are listed in equations shown
v q1  r1 I q1  p q1   k  d1
v d1  r1I d1  p d1   k  q1
In the environment of industrial drives, the Variable v 01  r1I 01  p 01
speed induction motors replaces DC motors drives v qr  rr I qr  p qr   k   r  dr
because the DC motors have the inbuilt disadvantage of
mechanical commutator, and brushes which undergo wear v dr  rr I dr  p dr   k   r  qr
and tear with decade of time. In the fast decade years the v or  rr I 0 r  p 0 r
technological opportunities in the area of multi-phase v  r I  p  
2 q2
Induction Motors undergo important evolution but soft
control of torque and speed of these multi-phase induction v q 2  r2 I q 2  p d 2   q 2
Motors have forever been a confront to the electrical v  r I  p
2 02
engineers. The six phase AC induction Motors are used
Where ω_k is the speed of the reference frame, ω _r is the
for high power high current industrial drive system. The
rotor speed. Also, the expressions for stator and rotor flux
inherent advantages of multilevel inverter fed six phase
linkages are:
induction Motors are “improved torque density, enhanced
system reliability, reducing the rotor harmonic current  q1  L11  L lm I q1  L lm I q1  I q 2   L m I q1  I q 2  I qr  (10)
losses, lowering the dc-link current harmonics, reduced
Copyright to IJIRSET
M.R. Thansekhar and N. Balaji (Eds.): ICIET’14
Modified multiphase induction motor with high starting torque
 d1  L11  Llm I d1  L lm I q1  I q 2  L m I q1  I q2  I dr (11)
 01  L11L 01  L lm I 01  I 02 
 
 d 2  L12  L lm I d2  Llm I q1  I q2   L m I q1  I q2  I dr  (14)
 q 2  L12  Llm I q2  Llm I q1  I q2  Lm I q1  I q2  I qr (13)
 02  L12 L 02  L lm I 01  I 02 
 qr  L lr L qr  L lm I q1  I q 2  I qr
 dr  L lr L dr  L lm I d1  I d 2  I dr 
 0 r  L lr L 0 r
The electromagnetic torque equation is written in
terms of λ_md and λ_mq as:
Te 
 md I q1  I q 2   mq I q1  I q 2
 
Where J is the inertia and TL is the load torque.
The equations that describe the electrical and
mechanical behavior of the machines contain mixed
variables (flux linkages and current).of these two
quantities could be eliminated from the differential
equation by algebraic manipulations of equations (1)-(18).
Thus, the currents when solved in terms of flux linkages
are obtained as:
Id1 
L12  Llm d1  Lf 2md  Llmd2  Ldq q2  q12  (21)
Iq1 
L12  Llm q1  Lf 2mq  Llmq2  Ldq d2  d12 
L12  Llm d2  Lf 2 md  Llmd1  Ldq q1   mq
L12  Llm q2  Lf 2 mq  Llmq1  Ldq d1   mq
I d2 
I q2
 qr   mq
 dr   md
L Ir
 L D  d1 L12   d 2 L11  L Idq  q 2   q1
I dr 
 mq  L Q  q1L12   q 2 L11  L Idq  d 2   d1 
 md
L D   A  L11  L12 
 Lm
L A  L11 L12  L lm L11  L12 
L Q   A  L11  L12 
 
Copyright to IJIRSET
12 md
lm d2
 (33)
q1   vq1  d1
L12  Llm q1  L12 mq  Llm q2  Lldq d2   nd  
 (34)
d2   vd2  q2
L12  Llm  d2  L11 md  Llm d1  Lldq q1  nq 
 dr  
 dr   md 
 qr  
 qr   mq
 Tem  TL dt
 r   r dt
Thus equations (19), (21)-(39) essentially will be
used to simulate the six phase (dual) split winding
induction machine. These equations are arranged in
integral form rather than in the differential form so as to
avoid having spikes as a result of differentiation of signals
with ripples.
r 
Fig.1.Winding disposition of six phase InductionMotor.
L Ir
Similarly, the mechanical model of this machine
comprises of the equation of the motor and the driven
load, and this is usually represented as:
2 d r
 Tem  TL
P dt
I qr 
q 2   vq2  d 2
L12  Llm  q2  L11 mq  Llm q1  L ldq d1   nd   (35)
Substituting equations (21)-(28) into (1) – (8) and solving
the equation in the rotor reference frame, (that is ω_k
ω_r) the integral form of the machine voltage and torque
equations with flux linkage as state variables is given as:
L  L   L   L   L     (32)
   v  
Fig.1. Shows winding arrangement of the six
phase induction motor. The stator has the two identical
three phase windings which has the phase displacement of
30 electrical degrees between them. The dual three phase
groups named A, B, C group and M, N, O group have an
angular separation of 30 electrical degrees between them.
The drive control scheme consists of model of
two three phase inverters with 30 electrical degrees phase
shift between them.
M.R. Thansekhar and N. Balaji (Eds.): ICIET’14
Modified multiphase induction motor with high starting torque
Fig .2.Dual inverter fed six phase induction motor.
Fig.6.Out put wave form of six phase induction motor.
Fig.7.Out put wave form of three phase IM.
Fig.3. Flow diagram of the electrical part for the simulation of the sixphase machine.
Fig.8.Torque of six phase IM.
Fig.9. Torque of three Phase IM.
Fig.4. abc to dq transformation block.
Rectified voltage is fed to the two voltage source
inverters and the output of the inverters is connected to the
six phase induction motor. The output of the one inverter
is shifted 30 electrical degrees from other. If there is no
phase sift between the inverters the motor act as the three
phase induction motor. The motor is modeled using the
above equations. The motor simulation results are shown
on the figure ( 6) and(7).Fig (6) shows the result of the six
phase induction motor and fig (7) shows the output of the
three phase induction motor. The torque of the six phase
Fig.5. Simulation circuit of six phase induction motor.
and three phase induction motors are shown on the figure
(8) and (9) respectively. From the torque wave forms (fig
Copyright to IJIRSET
M.R. Thansekhar and N. Balaji (Eds.): ICIET’14
Modified multiphase induction motor with high starting torque
(8) and (9)) the starting torque of the six phase induction
motor is about 565 N-m and the torque of the three phase
induction motor is about 345 N-m. i.e. six phase induction
motor torque is almost 1.6 times greater than the three
phase induction motor torque.
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the area of high power high current applications. Because
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propulsion, Hybrid electric vehicle, more electric aircraft
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Copyright to IJIRSET
M.R. Thansekhar and N. Balaji (Eds.): ICIET’14