Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX Luigi Scarso Abstract support these directives it’s still able to compile the code. For example the aforementioned loop statement can be translated in OpenMP in We describe a SWIG wrapper to the Pthreads and ZeroMQ C libraries and how they can be used to add multitasking and multithreading features to the Lua interpreter of LuaTeX. Simple examples are shown. #pragma omp parallel for for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) a[i]=2*i; Sommario OpenMP is supported by the following compilers: GNU gcc, Intel icc and Microsoft cl.exe, while the LLVM support is ongoing. OpenMP is a well-established and supported library, with a good community and a rich documentation (see for example Chapman et al. (2007)) but it doesn’t automatically reveal the internal parallelism of a program. This task requires a huge amount of resources in terms of man-hour and the benefits can be less than expected. Keep considering the for loop example already seen: while it’s reasonable to expect that each 2*i operation is performed in parallel, how are memory assignments a[i]=2*i performed? They require a shared memory which is, as a consequence, a shared resource requiring a synchronized access. This access can in turn reduce the parallelism. Even if we think of an architecture with some amount of private memory, many situations require the communication of data between different processors and hence again a synchronized access to a shared resource (the bus of communication in this case). Different hardware implementations can show different performances with the same code. Another important point is the Amdahl’s law to calculate the speed up S: Presentiamo un wrapper SWIG a Pthreads e le librerie C ZeroMQ e il modo di usarli per aggiungere le proprietà di multitasking e multithreading all’interprete Lua di LuaTEX. Mostriamo anche dei semplici esempi. 1 Introduction The average TEX user currently uses a recent TEX distribution on a quite powerful hardware, usually a multicore, Intel-based desktop or a notebook PC. The operating system is very likely (in alphabetical order) Linux, OS X or Windows. Latest releases of all of them support these Intel CPUs, so a natural question is “Can luaTEX have some gain if it supports these additional processors?” Before answering the obvious way, we will consider two kinds of support. In the first one, that we call implicit, the program source code (in our case luaTEX written in C) is modified by translating, whenever possible, a sequential chunk of code into an equivalent parallel one: e.g., supposing that a is an array of 8 integers, the for loop for(int i=0;i<8;i++) a[i]=2*i; can be executed in parallel with a max speed up S = 8× if we have at least eight processors. The programmer usually has to indicate the use of a parallel for to the compiler (for example with pfor) and let the compiler translate the loop body into parallel code. We can immediately see pros and cons of the internal support: the end user (the TEX user) doesn’t have to know any new instruction (i.e., TEX macros are still valid) to gain the support of extra processors but, on the other side, the same user needs a compiler that supports a minimal set of “parallel constructs” which work at least under Linux/OS X/Windows. This last point is the least difficult: OpenMP (Open MultiProcessing) is a C library that offers some parallel constructs by #pragma directives, so if a compiler doesn’t S= Tseq 1 = Tpar (1 − Fe ) + Fe /Se where Tseq and Tpar are the execution time for the sequential version and for the parallel version of the program, Fe is the fraction of the original time in the sequential execution that can be converted in a parallel one and Se the speed up that can be obtained if all the sequential code can be converted into a parallel one (Hennessy e Patterson, 2012, p. 46). So, for example, if we have eight processors and want a speed up S = 4, it might seems reasonable that only 50% of the code need to be rewritten. Amdahl’s law says instead 1 that 4 = =⇒ Fe = 6/7 ≈ 86% of (1 − Fe ) + Fe /8 the code needs to be rewritten. If we just rewrite 68 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX 50% of the same code, we will have a mere speed up of S = 1.77. The second way to support more than a processor is to explicitly delegate the end user to manage concurrent jobs. It’s better to explain now that the difference between parallelism and concurrency consists in timings: “a system is said concurrent if it can support two or more actions in progress at the same time. A system is said to be parallel if it can support two or more actions executing simultaneously” (Breshears, 2009, p. 2). According to the previous definition, a system with one processor can be concurrent but it is not parallel; a system with at least two processors can be parallel (and hence concurrent). It can be a bit surprising but, since all of the aforementioned OSs support background execution, often by means of the system shell, a simple solution for a concurrent TEX is to run in background the needed jobs: the shell_escape environment variable must be enabled and some macros have probably to be written to encapsulate the specific call in the system shell. The problem is the communication of data between different jobs, that can be inefficient or even impossible, and the fact that there is a poor control over the job themselves (for example, it can be impossible to kill a background job). In this paper we will consider how to use luaTEX to explicitly manage parallel/concurrent jobs, so we will not consider the OpenMP library. In the next sections we will first introduce a minimal terminology, then we will present the used tools, then we will conclude showing some simple examples not specifically tailored for luaTEX. 2 This technique is called multiprogramming. Before going on, it is better to remind some terms. A programming language is a formal language that has a machine as target; a computer programming language has a computer as target. An alphanumerical string is called a program in a programming language if 1) it is written according to the syntax and the semantic of the given programming language and 2) it correctly translates an algorithm. The machine (i.e. a computer) running the program progressively reveals the underneath semantic executing program statements, that we can consider more elementary pieces of the program itself. The execution of a program requires that the OS creates and fills the appropriate data structures in the memory so that the CPU can find the machine instructions to execute. When the execution ends, data structures are erased, freeing the memory for another execution. Data along with CPU registers form the task or process associated to the program. The term process is generally used in the context of the data structures for a specific OS, while task is used in broader sense. Anyway, both of them indicate a dynamic entity, i.e an activity that has a starting and a running time and that, under certain circumstances, can be stopped and restarted. An OS is said multitasking (seldom multiprocessing) if it supports more than one task at the same time. There are two kinds of multitasking: cooperative, where the task itself returns control to the OS or releases resources, and preemptive, where the OS will manage the execution of tasks, stopping one of them after a fixed amount of time (quantum or time slice), and resumes the run of another task. There is a difference between a multiprogramming and a multitasking OS. The latter is designed to use a single CPU and memory that are fast and large so that interactions with the user is no more negligible. The OS will indeed manage system and users processes to give all an adequate amount of CPU time (fairness) and will guarantee an overall good responsiveness. On the other side, like in the multiprogramming, each process still sees the computer as a dedicated CPU with a memory of contiguous addresses starting from zero and ending to some limit (flat memory model), eventually higher than the physical memory actually available in the computer, and the OS takes care to keep separate each process space. If a process tries to access an invalid address it will be terminated (killed) by the OS. This is a mandatory feature for a multitasking OS, but it comes with a price of big data structures. The time to create a process, or to clone an existing one, is long, as is the switch from a process to another one (process context switch). Another complication is the communication between processes (InterProcess Communications or IPC) that involves the Processes, threads and processors At the very beginning of the computer’s age, a typical computer had an expensive CPU and central memory, both limited in speed and size. This means that the first Operating Systems (OS) were not too complex; even the work organization had to be quite elementary: each job had to be executed in a serial way (batch processing) almost without user interaction. This will be the optimal organization (i.e., it maximizes CPU and memory usage) if each job has no interaction with Input/Output (I/O) devices; if a job had a long session with a slow I/O (like a long printing) the CPU would have to wait until the end of the session while it could be profitably used to serve one of the waiting jobs. With the increasing power of CPUs and memory size, the next step was the creation of a primitive OS to manage more than a job still executing a single job at time: if a job is waiting the end of an I/O operation, the OS saves (a representation of) this job in the memory and gets the next job; when an operation ends, the associated job has to wait until the processor is again assigned to it. 69 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Luigi Scarso 3 OS due to the need to translate memory addresses between processes. A solution to these problems is to allow the existence of “processes” inside the same address space, the threads. A process is hence a collection of one or more threads and the key point is that the context switch between threads is faster than between processes (even ten times, see Kerrisk (2010, p. 610) for Linux, but similar figures are also valid for Windows). On the other side, if a thread tries to access a wrong memory address, the entire process and its related threads are killed; the same stands when a thread exits (i.e. signals to the OS that its process is terminated) all the other threads also are killed in case they have finished their run. Supporting threads and processes under luaTEX In the first section we have seen that OpenMP is a widely used library to expose the implicit parallelisms. The question we would like to answer is “Is there something similar for explicit parallelism/concurrence in TEX?” We can consider the following facts: • TEX has no construct for concurrence but most, if not all, current modern TEX implementations have the \write18 macro that can execute a system command, so it can be used to launch a program in background; At this point we have to consider that a current common desktop computer has more than one processor. More precisely, a motherboard can have one, two or four sockets hosting a Central Processing Unit (CPU), and each CPU can have from two to four cores. Each core can manage a different process, and in the most common hardware architecture, the SMP (Symmetric MultiProcessor), all cores are peers. A process running in a core can be stopped, moved to another core and resumed. Furthermore, the Intel “Hyper-Threading Technology” (HTT) splits each core into two logic CPUs with shared L1 cache. This is a proprietary implementation of the Simultaneous MultiThreading (SMT) technique that maps a thread into a virtual CPU to maximize the use of a core (the rationale is that two threads of the same process share the same address space so the cache L1 and L2 caches have better chances to already have the needed instructions and data). The HTT is a hardware feature and need support from the OS. As examples, computers used for this paper have a K55V single socket motherboard by ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. hosting an Intel© CORETM i7-3610QM at 2.30GHz with 4 cores which implements the HTT, offering 8 virtual CPUs, and a T101MT single socket motherboard, from ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. as well, equipped with an Intel© ATOMTM N450 at 1.66GHz with 1 core that still implements the HTT, offering 2 virtual CPUs. The first one is in a notebook running Linux and the second one in a netbook running Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium1 and both the CPUs are soldered on the motherboard (so practically there is no socket). Both OSs support SMP and SMT (see Kerrisk (2010) for Linux and Russinovich et al. (2012a) and Russinovich et al. (2012b) for Windows 7), but under Windows the SMP is not enabled because there is only one core. As we can see, the single processor era is ended. • Lua (and hence luaTEX) supports cooperative multithreading by coroutines (Ierusalimschy, 2013, ch. 9) but this doesn’t mean that a Lua thread can be scheduled by the underlying OS as a user process/thread. Anyway Lua (and luaTEX) can call an external C library when a suitable wrapper is present, and this one can create a user process/thread; • despite Linux, OS X and Windows are different OSs, they share the same concept of process and thread2 and they are mostly implemented in C, with (usually) Assembly code for drivers and C++ code for some abstract constructs (OS X also uses Objective C). Standard C has no support for processes/threads (only the latest C++11 standard has the new std::thread class). The problem to come is to find a library that at least provides support for threads. Under UNIX©, the most important library is POSIX Threads (Pthreads), which is part of IEEE standard 1003.1 (see http://pubs.opengroup.org/ onlinepubs/9699919799). Linux has an almost full support for Pthreads and the API are described in Kerrisk (2010, ch. 28–33); OS X fully supports Pthreads (see http://www.opengroup. org/openbrand/register/brand3591.htm) and, even if Pthreads are not directly supported in Windows3 , the Pthreads win32 project at https: //sourceware.org/pthreads-win32/ is a tenyears-old project, still active, which offers an almost complete implementation of the API. The other important point is that the API is specified by a set of C header files so it looks reasonable to try to build a Lua wrapper for luaTEX. 3.1 A SWIG wrapper for Pthreads One of the key points of Lua design is to facilitate interfacing with external libraries with a complete 2. Windows has also a variant of threads, called fiber, similar to Lua coroutines. 3. Windows has a partial support for POSIX.1 as subsystem, but not for Pthreads. 1. On Linux this information is available using the dmidecode command; on Windows, using the System Information command 70 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX API. SWIG, the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator, is a program that assists the developer in building a wrapper and can automatize many aspects. Supposing that header files that list the API are in the pthread subfolder of the current folder, a typical workflow consists in preparing an interface file core.i like this: point: it means that in C it is possible to implement threads with functions. Looking at fig. 3 we can see at line 87 that a thread is started by a call to worker(arg) where worker is in fig. 2, line 25. A call to pthread_create immediately starts a thread worker and returns, so it is available to start other threads and the problems raise because all of the variables are inside the same address space, so we must be sure that each thread doesn’t interfere with others threads. Now, in C variables are of three types (see Reese (2013, p. 2)): /* core.i */ %module core %{ #include "pthread/sched.h" #include "pthread/semaphore.h" #include "pthread/pthread.h" %} %include "pthread/sched.h"; %include "pthread/semaphore.h" %include "pthread/pthread.h" static/global: A static variable has its scope inside the function where it is declared, but its lifetime is that of the process. A global variable has its scope inside the program and the same lifetime of the static variable. For this reason static and global variables need the special treatment assured by threads; and let swig produce the C source of the wrapper, core_wrap.c with automatic: An automatic variable has its scope inside the function that declared it and its lifetime corresponds to the duration of the function. The C runtime automatically manages these variables so there are no problems with threads. Local variables and parameters of a function are automatic variables so they are thread safe; swig -importall -I/usr/include -I/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 4.7/include/ -lua core.i Then the source of the wrapper is compiled and linked against the Pthreads library: dynamic: it is a variable created with malloc or equivalent function. This is usually a pointer that can be passed (by value) to a function, and hence is a sort of global access to the memory addressed by the pointer. Its lifetime ends when and whether the memory is freed. This means that it can lead to memory leak when the memory is never released. Threads must carefully manage a pointer of this type. gcc -fpic -I./pthread -pthread \ -c core_wrap.c -o core_wrap.o gcc -Wall -shared -pthread core_wrap.o \ -llua5.2 -lpthread -o core.so That’s all: the C API are now available to Lua (and luaTEX): luaTEX has several global/static variables and a thread-safe version of the program implies a rewriting of a consistent part of the code; it is more convenient considering only the Lua interpreter because, as explained in Ierusalimschy (2013, p. 251), each Lua function receives a pointer to lua_State and uses exclusively this state, and this “implementation makes Lua reentrant and ready to be used in multithreaded code”. We can hence follow the idea of Ierusalimschy (2013, sec. 31.2): each thread (the worker function) creates its own Lua state (in fig. 2, line 27) and this interpreter executes a chunk of Lua code in (fig. 2, line 48). As we can see in fig. 3, there are two dynamic variables: code_clone (line 70), that has a copy of the chunk so there is no interference with the lua_State of luaTEX, and arg (line 75) which is worker argument. It’s not possible to free these variables in swiglib_pthread_create, because this function can return before the worker is started, so this last one would not see valid data. This means that worker has to free these variables after their use. We can see an example in fig. 4, where three threads are created and all of them run the code local _core= package.loadlib("./core.so", "luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print("error loading _core") return 1 end local pthread = _core() for k,v in pairs(pthread) do print(k,v) end A complete interface file (for Linux) is given in fig. 2 and 3, but it is better to discuss some aspects of threads, C and Lua before commenting the file. One of the main problem of processes and threads is the management of a shared resource, which almost always requires a synchronized access. We can think of a shared resource like a cross between fours roads: without synchronized semaphores a crash is almost secure if nobody takes care to respect the rules. With threads, the memory is a shared resource because, as we have seen in the Introduction, each thread inside a process shares the same address space. This is a key 71 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Luigi Scarso in code_base (line 17). As expected, the output in fig. 5 shows the printed lines output without a particular order. The thread workers are joinable, thus the master can synchronize itself to their termination (lines 46 to 48 in fig 4). We can make the following considerations: Moreover, we must supply two other functions: pthread.lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p and pthread.void_p_to_int_p (in fig. 2, lines 91 and 108) to translate a lightuserdata to an int. If we don’t need to pass data we can set data=nil as in fig. 4 and there is no risk because swiglib_pthread_data is also set to nil. This technique is general, because with SWIG we can define our data as a struct (as in fig. 2, line 20) and then provide the pointer functions and the lightuserdata conversion functions. According to point 2., we can mitigate the problem selecting the module to load. The auxlibs of arg (which is passed by value, thus it’s thread-safe) it’s a bit mask to select which module to load into the Lua state of the thread (in fig. 2, lines 41 to 43): -1 loads the entire module. But in general we should check that the system functions used by Lua are thread-safe. As we can see, Pthreads is a low-level library and its use requires some knowledge that is probably not so common to the average TEX user. In the next subsection we will see another library do the deal with concurrency in a more abstract way. 1. in the C code there is no use of any primitive to synchronize the Pthreads API (mutex, semaphore) because there are not any static/global variables and dynamic variables are not shared (they are managed by the worker). In spite of this, the code is not threadsafe due the void pointer data in the struct thread_worker_arg (fig. 2, line 23); 2. it seems that also in the Lua code there are not any shared resources, but this is not true. Indeed in fig. 4, line 27 there is a call to os.date() which can call the system function localtime(); this one is not thread-safe (see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/ 009695399/, subsec. 2.9.1) There is a threadsafe version of localtime, localtime_r, used by Lua 5.2.2 (and hence luaTEX 0.76.0 ) if it is available at compile-time (i.e., in a POSIX system, but it works also under Linux even if it’s not fully POSIX-compliant). It is not used in Lua 5.1.4 (and hence luaTEX until TEX Live 2012). luatex.exe for Windows is linked against msvcrt.dll, which is thread safe. 3.2 A SWIG wrapper for ZeroMQ ZeroMQ is a C library for Message passing. In a broader sense, message passing concerns the exchange of messages between threads, be they in the same process, in different processes on the same instance of an OS, in different OSs on different machines. The key concept is a generalization of the UNIX© socket, the zmq socket, which has several types, each one defining a message pattern: Considering observation 1. we can say that the void pointer data is a way to pass user data to a thread. We show it with an example when the user data is an int. First we have to create a pointer to our data; this is done in the interface with the line %pointer_functions(int , int_p); (fig. 2, line 15). This means that on the Lua side there are now those functions to manage this type of user data: Request-reply: connects a set of clients to a set of services. Publish-subscribe: connects a set of publishers to a set of subscribers. This is a data distribution pattern, which means that the reference data is published in a service bus and only new subscribers need to be added to the service bus; there is no need to change the service to serve new targets. local data = pthread.new_int_p() pthread.int_p_assign(data,99999) Push-pull: connects nodes in a fan-out / fan-in pattern that can have multiple steps and loops. This is a parallel task distribution and collection pattern. We can pass data to the thread: pthread.swiglib_pthread_create( t0,attr,-1, code0,string.len(code0), data) Exclusive pair: connects two sockets in an exclusive pair. This is a low-level pattern for specific, advanced use cases and still experimental. In fig. 2, lines 42 to 47 data is stored as a lightuserdata in the swiglib_pthread_data Lua variable and we can read it as shown in fig. 1. The main advantage of the lightuserdata is that it is not managed by the garbage collector of Lua in the thread, so there is no risk for the pointed memory to be erased, but on the other side it is the caller’s responsibility to protect and manage this resource because the worker doesn’t take any action. In this sense worker is not thread-safe. (please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Messaging_pattern.) ZeroMQ is a mid-level abstraction library; it can be used to replace some functionality of Pthreads; it has not its own low-level mechanisms of synchronization but, on the other side, it has not any built-in server program (like http or ftp servers) — it can be used to build custom versions of these programs. For example, it is currently used by 72 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX local code_base = [=[ local th = "%s" local _core= package.loadlib("./core.so","luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print(th .. ":error loading _core") return 1 end local pthread = _core() if swiglib_pthread_data~=nil then local d1 = pthread.lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p(swiglib_pthread_data) print(th.." data value=",pthread.int_p_value( pthread.void_p_to_int_p(d1) ) ) end print(th .. " end") ]=] Figure 1: Passing a user data to a thread (no thread safe) CERN to update their Controls Middleware system software previously based on the CORBA middleware (Dworak et al., 2012)4 . The authoritative source of documentation is the site http://zguide.zeromq.org and the new book Hintjens (2013). processes in background (line 20). After that it “pulls” the results with a receive (fig. 6, line 32). Lines 24 to 49 ensure that all workers are served5 . Each worker shares the same file shown in fig. 7: it opens a ZMQ_PUSH zmq socket connected to the same TCP port and “pushes” data with a send (fig. 7, line 24). The mentioned data is an array of char, managed by the external library helpers — a simple SWIG wrapper to char[]: A SWIG wrapper for ZeroMQ is straight: %module core %{ #include "zeromq/zmq.h" %} %include "zeromq/zmq_utils.h" ; %include "zeromq/zmq.h" ; %module core %include "carrays.i" %array_functions(char, char_array); The key point here is that we don’t use threads but processes, so there is no need for synchronized accesses; on the other side the way we run a process in background now depends on the underlying OS: under Windows we have to use the following string for os.execute: Building the wrapper is also simple (here shown for Linux ), and it needs the Pthreads library: LUAINC52=/usr/include/lua5.2 LIBS="-lpthread -lzmq" CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall -I./zeromq \ -pthread" swig -lua core.i rm -vf core_wrap.o gcc -O2 -fpic -I./zeromq -I$LUAINC52 \ -c core_wrap.c -o core_wrap.o rm -vf core.so gcc -Wall -shared -O2 \ -Wl,-rpath,’$ORIGIN/.’\ $CFLAGS \ core_wrap.o \ -llua5.2 $LIBS \ -o core.so "start ’worker’ /b luatex.exe ’ex008-PUSH_PULL-worker.lua’ ’%s’ 2>&1" ZeroMQ also manages message passing between threads with the protocol inproc://<name>. Fig. 8 and fig. 9 show the same push-pull pattern with threads. Running times are as expected: the process version lasts $ time ./luatex ex008-PUSH_PULL-process.lua \ >/dev/null real 0m12.120s user 0m0.196s sys 0m0.852s In fig. 6 we show a push-pull example: the main process opens a ZMQ_PULL zmq socket connected to the TCP port 5555 and launches max_workers while the threaded version lasts 4. “We are migrating an infrastructure with 3500 active servers and 1500 active clients from CORBA to ZMQ. We only provide the library, our users implement the clients/servers on top of it and deploy where/how they want. We also have many combinations of hardware/OS: low level front-ends, middle tier servers and workstations.” (see http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.zeromq. devel/18437). 73 $ time ./luatex ex008-PUSH_PULL-joined.lua \ >/dev/null real 0m0.712s user 0m0.064s sys 0m4.952s 5. It’s a very primitive mechanism for synchronization: production code must use more robust solutions as explained in Hintjens (2013). ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Luigi Scarso i.e. approximately 17 faster. The approach of ZeroMQ is clear: don’t share state and hence there is no need for synchronization to access shared resource. In fact the only object shared is the context which is declared as thread safe (on the other hand, a zmq socket is not thread safe so it must not be shared). 3.3 Considerations luaTEX for integration For example a two columns layout could be rendered in a pipeline by two different threads, or n threads could be used in parallel to build a vbox with different parameters and then choose the best one. The process possibility means that we should have identical instances, but this is usually not a problem (just uses the same version of luaTEX and format for each instance); of course the runs cannot put files in the same folder because each instance would interfere with the others. The problem is to resolve the implicit dependencies (as, for example, page and chapter numbers), and the synchronization of the common parts, as for example the index. The thread possibility looks more complex. Communicating with the Lua internal state of luaTEX is complicated because there is not any API — which is reasonable: it is a program. A more feasible approach is a pure Lua implementation of some parts of luaTEX, as for example the line breaking algorithm. In this case the problem is how to exchange data: void *data is not thread-safe, so it must be carefully managed. in The current implementations of luaTEX, pdfTEX and XETEX support at least Linux, OS X and Windows, so it’s almost a mandatory requirement that an extension library also works at least under the same OSs. We have made our experiments on Linux 64bit and Windows Home premium 32bit and we have still to do tests under Windows 64bit. Due to the lack of a machine with the latest OS X, we have not made tests with this OS, but we are confident that there we would not have serious problems because it is a POSIX system and the clang compiler is a mature project, at least for the C language. An important problem is where to put these so/dll libraries without cluttering the OS: for example, under Linux, passing -Wl,-rpath,’$ORIGIN/.’ to the linker has as a consequence that the libraries can be found starting from the directory of the local application, but a similar switch is not available under Windows which has different rules. luaTEX has the Lua file system module lfs from http://keplerproject.github.io/luafilesystem/ but it’s not usable with a worker because it has a separated state. A solution is then to load a lfs module into the worker, so we can switch from the current directory to that one having the module to load, as in the following chunk: 4 Conclusions The implicit parallelism offered by libraries like OpenMP can give LuaTEX an effective support for multiprocessors, but simple estimations indicate that the amount of code to rewrite is extremely huge so that any potential advantage is lost. Explicit parallelism/concurrency by external libraries is more convenient for an existing program like luaTEX that can take advantage of the very flexible Lua interpreter. The Pthreads and ZeroMQ libraries cover the “dual” aspect of processes vs threads giving a good coverage of the subject and we have shown some simple examples working with the Lua interpreter of luaTEX. We think that these examples justify more investigations explicitly focused on typesetting problems, especially in the area of adding parallelism to luaTEX using threads. We are open to suggestions and critiques to get the best solution. The code is hosted in the SVN server of the Swiglib project at https://foundry.supelec.fr/scm/ viewvc.php/trunk/experimental/?root=swiglib. _core = package.loadlib("lfs/lfs.dll", "luaopen_lfs") if not(_core) then print("error lfs") return 1 end local lfs = _core() local current_dir = lfs.currentdir() lfs.chdir("./zeromq") local _core= package.loadlib( "./zeromq/core.dll", "luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print("error zmq") return 1 end local zmq = _core() lfs.chdir(current_dir) References Breshears, C. (2009). The Art of Concurrency: A Thread Monkey’s Guide to Writing Parallel Applications. O’Reilly Media, Inc. The Swiglib project http : / / www . luatex . org / swiglib.html tries to address these and other aspects, as for example a generic helper module. While it is clear that Pthreads and ZeroMQ open new possibilities to efficiently manage different data sources for typesetting, the other aspect — probably the most interesting one — of interacting with luaTEX to add concurrency to the task of typesetting still remains to explore, but we can delineate two possibilities: process: run several instances of luaTEX coordinate by ZeroMQ, typically with a tcp connection. This could be useful for example in processing a book if some chapters are mutually independent; Chapman, B., Jost, G. e Pas, R. v. d. (2007). Using OpenMP: Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming (Scientific and Engineering Computation). The MIT Press. Dworak, A., Ehm, F., Charrue, P. e Sliwinski, W. (2012). «The new CERN Controls Middleware». Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 396 (1), p. 012 017. URL http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/ 396/i=1/a=012017. Hennessy, J. L. e Patterson, D. A. (2012). Computer Architecture — A Quantitative Approach. Morgan Kaufmann, 5ª edizione. thread: inside a single instance of luaTEX use worker threads that cooperate with the Lua state of luaTEX. 74 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX Hintjens, P. (2013). Code Connected Volume 1: Learning ZeroMQ. Code Connected Series. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. URL http: //books.google.it/books?id=hY6olQEACAAJ. Russinovich, M. E., Solomon, D. A. e Ionescu, A. (2012a). Windows Internals, Part 1: Covering Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. Microsoft Press, 6ª edizione. Ierusalimschy, R. (2013). Programming in Lua, Third Edition. Lua.Org. — (2012b). Windows Internals, Part 2: Covering Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 (Windows Internals). Microsoft Press. Kerrisk, M. (2010). The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook. No Starch Press, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1ª edizione. Reese, R. (2013). Understanding and Using C Pointers. O’Reilly Media, Incorporated. URL http://books. google.it/books?id=7dOwkQEACAAJ. 75 . Luigi Scarso luigi dot scarso at gmail dot com ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Luigi Scarso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 %module core %include "carrays.i"; %include "cpointer.i"; %include "constraints.i"; %include "cmalloc.i"; %include "lua_fnptr.i"; %{ #include "pthread/sched.h" #include "pthread/semaphore.h" #include "pthread/pthread.h" %} %ignore worker; %ignore thread_worker_arg; %include "pthread/sched.h"; %include "pthread/semaphore.h" %include "pthread/pthread.h" %pointer_functions(pthread_attr_t,pthread_attr_t_p); %pointer_functions(pthread_t,pthread_t_p); %pointer_functions(int , int_p); %array_functions(pthread_attr_t *,pthread_attr_t_p_array); %array_functions(void *,void_p_array); %pointer_cast(void *,int *,void_p_to_int_p); %pointer_cast(int *,void *,int_p_to_void_p); %inline %{ struct thread_worker_arg{ char *code; int auxlibs; size_t is_joinable; void *data; }; void *worker(void *thread_arg){ struct thread_worker_arg *arg = (struct thread_worker_arg *) thread_arg; lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); char *code = arg->code; int auxlibs = arg->auxlibs; int res ; int *retval; if (auxlibs<0){ luaL_openlibs(L); } else if (auxlibs==0) { luaopen_base(L); } else { luaopen_base(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<0)) luaopen_coroutine(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<1)) luaopen_table(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<2)) luaopen_io(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<3)) luaopen_os(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<4)) luaopen_string(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<5)) luaopen_bit32(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<6)) luaopen_math(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<7)) luaopen_debug(L); if (auxlibs & (1<<8)) luaopen_package(L); } if (arg->data==NULL) { lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushlightuserdata (L, arg->data); } lua_setglobal(L, "swiglib_pthread_data"); res = luaL_loadstring(L,code); if (res==0) res = lua_pcall(L,0,0,0); /* is this th joinable ?*/ if (arg->is_joinable==PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE){ /* main thread must free retval */ retval = malloc(sizeof(int)); *retval = res; } else { retval=NULL; } free(arg->code); free(arg); lua_close(L); return (void *) retval; } %} Figure 2: Interface file core.i (1 of 2) 76 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX #include <string.h> int swiglib_pthread_create(pthread_t *thread,const pthread_attr_t *attr, int auxlibs, const char *code, int code_len, void *data) { int res; char *code_clone; int attr_value; if (code_len<0) return -1000; if (code_len==0) return -1001; code_clone = malloc((sizeof(char)*code_len)+1); if (code_clone==NULL) return -1002; code_clone[code_len]=0; code_clone = strncpy(code_clone,code,code_len); if (code_clone==NULL) return -1003; struct thread_worker_arg *arg = malloc(sizeof(struct thread_worker_arg));/* NO ANSI C !*/ if (arg==NULL) return -1005; /*worker(s) must free them !! */ arg->code = code_clone; arg->auxlibs=auxlibs; arg->data = data; if (attr==NULL){ arg->is_joinable=PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE; } else { if (pthread_attr_getdetachstate(attr, &attr_value)!=0) return -1006; arg->is_joinable=attr_value; } res=pthread_create(thread, attr, worker, arg); return res; } %} %native(lightuserdata_touserdata_int_p) static int native_lightuserdata_touserdata_int_p(lua_State*L); %{int native_lightuserdata_touserdata_int_p(lua_State*L){ int SWIG_arg = 0; int *result = 0 ; SWIG_check_num_args("lightuserdata_touserdata_int_p",1,1); if(!lua_islightuserdata(L,1)) SWIG_fail_arg("lightuserdata_touserdata_int_p",1,"lightuserdata int *"); result = (int *)lua_touserdata(L,1); SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,result,SWIGTYPE_p_int,0); SWIG_arg++; return SWIG_arg; if(0) SWIG_fail; fail: lua_error(L); return SWIG_arg; } %} %native(lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p) static int native_lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p(lua_State*L); %{int native_lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p(lua_State*L){ int SWIG_arg = 0; void *result = 0 ; SWIG_check_num_args("lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p",1,1); if(!lua_islightuserdata(L,1)) SWIG_fail_arg("lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p",1,"lightuserdata void *"); result = (void *)lua_touserdata(L,1); SWIG_NewPointerObj(L,result,SWIGTYPE_p_void,0); SWIG_arg++; return SWIG_arg; if(0) SWIG_fail; fail: lua_error(L); return SWIG_arg; } %} Figure 3: Interface file core.i (2 of 2) 77 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Luigi Scarso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 local _core= package.loadlib("./core.so","luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print("error loading _core") os.exit(1) end local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end local pthread = _core() attr = pthread.new_pthread_attr_t_p() pthread.pthread_attr_init(attr) pthread.pthread_attr_setdetachstate(attr, pthread.PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE) 12 13 14 15 t0 t1 t2 = pthread.new_pthread_t_p() = pthread.new_pthread_t_p() = pthread.new_pthread_t_p() 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 local code_base = [=[ local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end local s,s1 local th="%s" for i=1,%s do local s=os.date() local s1=th.."<"..tostring(s).." "..tostring(i)..">" io.write(s1,"\n") sleep(%s) end ]=] 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 local local local local local code0=string.format(code_base,"1","10","0.4") code1=string.format(code_base,"2","10","0.3") code2=string.format(code_base,"3","10","0.4") data = nil rc 40 41 42 43 44 rc = pthread.swiglib_pthread_create(t0,attr,-1,code0,string.len(code0),nil) rc = pthread.swiglib_pthread_create(t1,attr,-1,code1,string.len(code1),nil) rc = pthread.swiglib_pthread_create(t2,attr,-1,code2,string.len(code2),nil) pthread.pthread_attr_destroy(attr); 45 46 47 48 pthread.pthread_join(pthread.pthread_t_p_value(t0),nil) pthread.pthread_join(pthread.pthread_t_p_value(t1),nil) pthread.pthread_join(pthread.pthread_t_p_value(t2),nil) 49 50 print("end") Figure 4: Test running 3 threads joined (1 of 2) 78 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 2<Fri 3<Fri 1<Fri 2<Fri 3<Fri 1<Fri 2<Fri 3<Fri Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 18:07:54 18:07:54 18:07:54 18:07:54 18:07:54 18:07:54 18:07:54 18:07:54 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX 1> 1> 1> 2> 2> 2> 3> 3>1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 3> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 4> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 4> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 4> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 5> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 6> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 5> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 5> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 7> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 6> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:54 2013 6> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 8> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 7> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 7> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 9> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 10> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 8> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 8> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 9> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 9> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 10> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 10> end ############################################################### 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 1> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 1> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 1> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 2> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 2> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:55 2013 2> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 3> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 3> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 3> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 4> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 4> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 4> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 5> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 6> 1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 5> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 5> 2<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 7> 3<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 6>1<Fri Sep 13 18:07:56 2013 6> 2<Fri 1<Fri 3<Fri 2<Fri 2<Fri 3<Fri 1<Fri 1<Fri 3<Fri 3<Fri 1<Fri end Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:56 18:07:57 18:07:57 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 8> 7> 7> 9> 10> 8> 8> 9> 9> 10> 10> Figure 5: Test running 3 threads joined, two outputs (2 of 2) 79 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Luigi Scarso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 print("PULL BEGIN "..os.date()) local _core= package.loadlib("./zeromq/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print(th .. ":error zmq") return 1 end local zmq = _core() local f = package.loadlib("helpers/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(f) then print("Error on loading helpers" ) return 1 end local helpers = f() local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end local max_workers = 10 -- Socket to receive messages on local context = zmq.zmq_ctx_new(); local recvfrom = zmq.zmq_socket(context, zmq.ZMQ_PULL); local rc = zmq.zmq_bind(recvfrom, "tcp://*:5555"); if (rc~=0) then print("error on bind tcp://workers") return 1 end for k=1,max_workers do os.execute(string.format("lua5.2 ’ex008-PUSH_PULL-worker.lua’ ’%s’ 2>&1 &",k)) end local c={} local i=max_workers+3 -- uhu a sign that push-pull is wrong while (i>0) do local size = -1 local bufsize = 256 local _buffer = helpers.new_char_array(bufsize) helpers.char_array_setitem(_buffer,bufsize-1,"\0") local buffer = helpers.char_p_to_void_p(_buffer) --msg_size doesn’t include the trailing zero "\0" msg_size=bufsize-1 size = zmq.zmq_recv(recvfrom, buffer, msg_size,0); local data="" if size==-1 then data="" else if size >(bufsize) then size=bufsize-1 end buffer = helpers.void_p_to_char_p(buffer) helpers.char_array_setitem(buffer,size,"\0") local t={} for i=0,size-1 do t[#t+1]=helpers.char_array_getitem(buffer,i) end data=table.concat(t) end c[#c+1]=string.format("SINK: seen %s size=%s data=%s,#data=%s",i-3,size,data,#data) i=i-1 if i==3 then sleep(1) ; i=0 end end for k=1,#c do print(c[k]) end zmq.zmq_close(recvfrom); zmq.zmq_ctx_destroy(context); print("PULL END "..os.date()) Figure 6: Push-pull: the code of the pull process (1 of 2) 80 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX local th = tostring(arg[1]) local f = package.loadlib("helpers/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(f) then print("Error on loading helpers" ) return 1 end local helpers = f() local _core= package.loadlib("./zeromq/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print(th .. ":error loading _core") return 1 end local zmq = _core() local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end local context = zmq.zmq_ctx_new(); local sendto = zmq.zmq_socket(context, zmq.ZMQ_PUSH); local rc = zmq.zmq_connect(sendto, "tcp://localhost:5555"); if (rc~=0) then print(th.." worker:error on connect tcp:://localhost") return 1 end local msg = "123456_"..th local bufsize= #msg+1 local zmq_msg= helpers.new_char_array(bufsize) helpers.char_array_setitem(zmq_msg,bufsize-1,"\0") for i=1,#msg do helpers.char_array_setitem(zmq_msg,i-1,string.char(string.byte(msg,i))) end local res = zmq.zmq_send(sendto, helpers.char_p_to_void_p(zmq_msg), #msg, 0); zmq.zmq_close(sendto); zmq.zmq_ctx_destroy(context); sleep(1) Figure 7: Push-pull: the code of a push worker (2 of 2) 81 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 Luigi Scarso 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 print("BEGIN PULL"..os.date()) local _core= package.loadlib("./core.so","luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print("error pthread") os.exit(1) end local pthread = _core() local _core= package.loadlib("./zeromq/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print(th .. ":error zmq") return 1 end local zmq = _core() local f = package.loadlib("helpers/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(f) then print("Error on loading helpers" ) return 1 end local helpers = f() local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end local attr = pthread.new_pthread_attr_t_p() local max_workers = 100 --512 local limit_socket = 512 -- FD_SIZELIMIT ? if max_workers>limit_socket then max_workers=limit_socket end local th = {} for k=1,max_workers do th[k]=pthread.new_pthread_t_p() end pthread.pthread_attr_init(attr) pthread.pthread_attr_setdetachstate(attr, pthread.PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE) local data = nil local worker_skeleton = [=[ local th = "%s" local f = package.loadlib("helpers/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(f) then print("Error on loading helpers" ) return 1 end local helpers = f() local _core= package.loadlib("./zeromq/core.so","luaopen_core") if not(_core) then print(th .. ":error loading _core") return 1 end local zmq = _core() local clock = os.clock function sleep(n) -- seconds local t0 = clock() while clock() - t0 <= n do end end if swiglib_pthread_data == nil then print("error with swiglib_pthread_data") return 1 end -- Socket to send messages to local context = zmq.lightuserdata_touserdata_void_p(swiglib_pthread_data) local sendto = zmq.zmq_socket(context, zmq.ZMQ_PUSH); local rc = zmq.zmq_connect(sendto, "inproc://workers"); if (rc~=0) then print(th.." worker:error on connect inproc://workers") return 1 end local msg = "123456_"..th local bufsize= #msg+1 local zmq_msg= helpers.new_char_array(bufsize) helpers.char_array_setitem(zmq_msg,bufsize-1,"\0") for i=1,#msg do helpers.char_array_setitem(zmq_msg,i-1,string.char(string.byte(msg,i))) end local res = zmq.zmq_send(sendto, helpers.char_p_to_void_p(zmq_msg), #msg, 0); zmq.zmq_close(sendto); sleep(1) ]=] local worker={} for k=1,max_workers do worker[k]=string.format(worker_skeleton,tostring(k)) end Figure 8: Push-pull with threads (1 of 2) 82 ArsTEXnica Nº 16, Ottobre 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Experiments with multitasking and multithreading in LUATEX -- Socket to receive messages on local context = zmq.zmq_ctx_new(); local recvfrom = zmq.zmq_socket(context, zmq.ZMQ_PULL); local rc = zmq.zmq_bind(recvfrom, "inproc://workers"); if (rc~=0) then print("error on bind inproc://workers") return 1 end data = context for k=1,max_workers do pthread.swiglib_pthread_create(th[k],attr,-1,worker[k],string.len(worker[k]),data) end local c={} local i=max_workers+3 -- uhu a sign of bad design in push-pull while (i>0) do local size = -1 local bufsize = 256 local _buffer = helpers.new_char_array(bufsize) helpers.char_array_setitem(_buffer,bufsize-1,"\0") local buffer = helpers.char_p_to_void_p(_buffer) --msg_size doesn’t include the trailing zero "\0" msg_size=bufsize-1 size = zmq.zmq_recv(recvfrom, buffer, msg_size,0); local data="" if size==-1 then data="" else if size >(bufsize) then size=bufsize-1 end buffer = helpers.void_p_to_char_p(buffer) helpers.char_array_setitem(buffer,size,"\0") local t={} for i=0,size-1 do t[#t+1]=helpers.char_array_getitem(buffer,i) end data=table.concat(t) end c[#c+1]=string.format("SINK: seen %s size=%s data=%s,#data=%s",i-3,size,data,#data) i=i-1 if i==3 then sleep(1) ; i=0 end end for k=1,#c do print(c[k]) end zmq.zmq_close(recvfrom); zmq.zmq_ctx_destroy(context); print("END PULL"..os.date()) Figure 9: Push-pull with threads (2 of 2) 83
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