BORBELY, ADRIAN Ph.D. in Management Assistant professor IÉSEG School of Management , Negotiation [email protected] Diplômes et Formation - Degrees Ph.D. in Management ESSEC Business School, Cergy Pontoise, France, Management (Organizational Behavior), 2012 Master Indiana University Bloomington, USA, Public affairs, concentration in Policy Analysis and Conflict Management, 2004 Master in Law Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Paris, Litigation, Arbitration and ADR Law, 2002 Expériences professionelles - Employment Experience Consultant in mediation, Center for Mediation and Arbitration of Paris (CMAP) (January, 2006 - August, 2007). Paralegal, Cabinet Duclos, Thorne, Mollet-Vieville et Associés (September, 2002 - December, 2003). Matières enseignées - Courses Taught Courses taught, but not in the Schedule: Publications - Intellectual Contributions Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture - Published papers in refereed journals Borbély A. ADR and managers' involvement in disputes: are management students well-prepared to handle dispute resolution? Revue d'Arbitrage et de Médiation / Journal of Arbitration and Mediation. 2011; 2(1):51-70. Borbély A. Agency in conflict resolution as a manager-lawyer issue: theory and implications for research. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; 4(2):129-144. Communications scientifiques dans des colloques à comité de lecture - Communications in Refereed Conferences International (2012, July). ADR and Local Legal Traditions: Comparing Challenges for Lawyers, Clients and ADR Promoters. International Association for Conflict Management, Stellenbosch, South Africa. (2011). Agency and coproduction of professional services: evidence from manager-lawyer relationships in conflict resolution. EGOS Conference, Göteborg, Sweden. (2011). Opening the black box of a corporation in dispute: manager – lawyer coproduction of response to business conflict. International Association of Conflict Management, Istanbul, Turkey. (2010). Consideration for ADR and managers' involvement in disputes: are management students well prepared to handle dispute resolution? Negocia Biennial Conference, Paris, France. (2009). Slow development of interest-based dispute resolution in France: A first look at the gap in competencies. International Association of Conflict Management, Kyoto, Japan. (2005). La médiation dans les Conflits au Travail : Perspectives Franco-américaines. Negocia Biennial Conference, Paris, France. National (2013, January). La place de la gestion des conflits face au droit. 1ères Assises de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche en Droit dans les Grandes Ecoles, Paris, France. Chapitre de livres - Chapters in books Chapter BORBELY A. Gestion des conflits et droit : les défis posés par les modes négociés, In Press, In: Gaelle Deharo & Xavier Strubel, eds.Penser les relations du droit et des sciences de gestion. ; 2014. BORBELY A. Comprendre la médiation interentreprises et la lenteur de son développement en France, In Press, In: Paola Cecchi-Dimeglio & Béatrice Blohorn-Brenneur, eds.Regards croisés sur les Modes Alternatifs De Règlement De Conflit. ; 2014. Borbély A. Le développement de la médiation – résolution de conflits face au carcan des disciplines académiques, Usages et enjeux des dispositifs de médiation.Nancy, France: Presses Universitaires de Nancy; 2010. Professional Memberships ENA - Lecturer in negotiation ("Maître de Conférence") through ESSEC-IRENE, 2010-2012 International Association of Conflict Management, 2010-2012 European Group on Organizational Studies, 2010-2011 Prix scientifiques - Scientific prizes and awards Award 2010: Young Researcher Award. NEGOCIA (Biennale Conference). Award handed by Prof. Bill Zartman during the 2010 Biennale Conference at NEGOCIA Funding: 1500 euros
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