Department of Postsi, India REGDiBY Entry To From f .l 1r I i r General Ttre Chief Director Postal Training Centre Mysore 570010 Karnataka Bangalore ircle 60 216 '',F- / ti.,!....-.*-'-"'''-'"- it? ?t!14 General The Chief Andhra P Circle Hyderabad 001 Chief Kerala Thiru Tlhe aster General 695 033 t2.12.14 dated at MYsore 57C1010, the Sub: Training Calendar for the Tra ring Calendar for the seats al any new p course.The IV q""I*.2014-15 IV is tobircles. Priority for PA Induction training are scheduled to be commenced in tlhis . 2014-15 as Anirexure along with the no' ot has been given in this quarter' If due . this Centre will communicate in of seats allotted to induction training is only Training Centre on the Previous at ticipants may kindly be directed to report ount the trainees rePorting on the On no menlcement oitn" trainingwithout fail' day ofthe fee Howe , separate instructions regarding ent Ouy of the training would be- admitted' comm to-T:: will be i ed by this Centre individually^' The payable and ti*"/Out" of reporting "t"' fot tu"l the last daY of training' No familY hours make their departure plans after 1800 participant is available/provided by this PTC' training fee will be collected through e-payment ;;i i; to be pavable bv the trainees will be i exact i to the trainees through Circles/Regions/Divisions' commun is avai ui ,tt" po* Office where e-payment facility credit the M PTC' that the counter PA selects National biller' has to an<i date oi commetc€rr1€irt of training the correct hras to p rt. On the day of registration, the trainee head of fee- Payment of ,tt1*ing-t:-: i"g Office for "t=dit"O-the before reporttn trainee has ;ot p'uia the fee through e-paylTi *J", in any of the n"itfy Post Offices and produce through unless intimated otherwise' The sheets to be trainees maY kindlY be directed to le. While paying the fee, the trainee re field in the e-payment module and and credits the fee under'the eorrect ce original receipt issued by the Post in the instruction gh e-Payment is comPulsory' If l"V fir training, they should pay the fee receipt at the time of registration' Cont'd....2 f*--:/.\: \ 1 The calendar also available on the which can be re for any issires same may kindly be intimated to this website of PTC Mysore at to by the Divisions and participants with the approval of Director. !r'v Encl: As (K.Slridevi)/ aboJve Depuly.pi{ector - ustal Tfaining Centre Mysore 570010 Phone: 0821-2904691 sridevi9876 Ccpy to : 1. The Qy Diroctor General (Trg), Deparfment of posts, Dak.l hawan, New Delhi 110001. 2. Direcfor PTCs Saharanpur/Darbh anga/y adodara./lVladurai/G ahati 3. PMs! Hyderabad Region 500001, Kurnool Region 5l 105, Vijayawada Region 520022, mgalore 560zio, i{ortli Karnataka .R.egion 530001, South Karnataka i.egion Regioir, Dharu,rd 53000i, Cenfral Region Kochi eAZOtt Northem Region €alicut 673011, Southfrn Regien 'llhiruvananthapuri]m 695033. The list trainees' for each batch in the prescrfibed. proforma may kindly be senf/e.mailed at least 1 days before.the commencement of Visakfrapatnam each session offin"Gleneral Manager, CEPT, Mysore websitte imme.,,rtely - 570 010 with a rec to post th^ calfrrdBr en the pTC ,,,^f{./ (KSt'ideviy' Dep$:y p{rector Postal -i ;pniing Centre M.r'sore 57q010 * FOB Tr{E T'RAENII{G CAT,ENSAI{ lrI ARTER'2S14-15 ONGOING PA Induction Train I LGO's tuomL2'l'2015 to I DR frorn 19.01'2015 to f 15-9 Weeks 15 - 8 Weeks Circle Wise Seat II DR PACO/RO Induction tra from 12'l'2015to24'l'2il1 Circle Wise Seat Allotment - 2 Weeks PA Induction DR from 16.3.2015 to 8.5.20 I Weeks Circle Wise Seat Seat Allot 8377 I' P Induction Training from."!..*.01'..2015 to 25.04.2015 Cirqe Wise Seat Allotment SI No. I J a J Name r i'the Circle Kamataka AP OtherCircles Total fotal z 5 1A 31 Mid-Career Training .; . , Name of the circle .L2.74 to 9.L.15 .1.15 to 24.1,.L5 .L.L5 to\ 1li to 21.2.15 .2.15 ts 7.3.L5 3.15 to 21.3.1,5 -l Eligibility Criperia :1. FA's who have completed I years and nat 31.3.20L4 ofl seniority basis. 2.Officials who are completing I y 37.3.2075 ofl seniority basis. years of seruice as on of seruice between 7.4.20X.4 to 1.5 2. 5. .L2.14 to 9.1.1,5 .1.15 to 24.1.L5 .1.15 to 7.2.L5 2.15 to 2L.2.15 .2.115 to 7.3.15 .15 to 21.3.15 Eligibility C iteria : 1. PAs who have completed 15 years of se 25 years of s rvice as on 31.3.2014 on senioritv basis.2"Offici 15 years ofs rvice between 01.4.14 to 31.3.15 on seniority and not above who are completing L2.L4ta 9.1.15 to 24.1.15 1.15 Eligibilitv : l.Posta! assistants who hdve ecmpleted ?5 yea ----oOo-*- of serviee as cn 31.3.2014..
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