Contact: Uyen Mai - Cal Poly English Language Institute

Cal Poly English Language Institute
College of the Extended University
Cal Poly Pomona Undergraduate Conditional Admission Program
Prospective CPELI Student Information 2014-2015
What is the Cal Poly Pomona Conditional Admission Program?
The CPP Conditional Admission Program allows future Cal Poly English Language Institute (CPELI)
students the opportunity to apply for a guaranteed admission spot for the Fall term 2015, on the condition
that the student meets all of the eligibility guidelines, achieves the required TOEFL/IELTS score, and
maintains his/her SEVIS record with CPELI for the duration of his/her studies prior to entering the
Eligibility Guidelines
1. Recent First-Time-Freshman applicants only; only students who have graduated from high school
in the past year and never registered for or taken any college level class in their home country, the
United States, or abroad may apply
2. Completion of a comprehensive pattern of college preparatory study with grades of "C" or better
in all subjects is required; high school grade point average and test scores are used together to
determine eligibility for some majors;
3. Grade point average of B/3.0 or better (A=4.0) for study since 10th grade is required
4. Official high school transcripts/marksheets need to be provided for each year of study since 9th
grade; official copies of high school graduation certificate/diploma are also required if applicable;
and official documents in languages other than English must include certified English translation.
5. Students must place in Level 2 or higher at CPELI during Fall 2014 quarter.
6. Students must be enrolled at CPELI for three consecutive terms, beginning with Fall
2014 quarter, which begins 9/25/14.
Application Process
1. Pre-Application Evaluation Form Submission: Pre-Application Evaluation Form and
unofficial high school transcripts must be submitted by June 27th, 2014 in order to be eligible for
the issuance of conditional university acceptance in conjunction with the student’s initial CPELI
admission letter and form I-20. These documents can be submitted as PDF email attachments or
by regular mail. Spaces for conditional admission are limited; pre-application evaluation
forms/transcripts will be reviewed in the order received. Once we have reached our maximum
allowance of applications, we will not be able to accept any further pre-evaluation forms.
Please note: When completing this form the first choice of major must be a major which is not
currently impacted. An impacted major may be listed as a second choice. The SAT exam will be
required in order to be considered for acceptance to the impacted major. The list of currently
impacted majors is available at this link
2. Pre-Application Evaluation Form and Unofficial Transcript Review: The CPP Office of
Admissions and Outreach will review the pre-application evaluation form and unofficial
transcripts in order to determine program eligibility. Once the Office of Admissions and
3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768
Telephone (909) 869 -4814
Fax: (909) 869 -3777
T H E C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Chico, Dominquez Hills, Fresno, Fullerton, Hayward, Humboldt, Long Beach, Los Angeles,
Maritime Academy, Monterey Bay, Northridge, Pomona, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Luis Obispo, San Marcos, Sonoma, Stanislaus
Outreach has reviewed the documents, a CPELI staff member will inform the applicant and/or
applicant’s representative of his/her eligibility. This notification will be given no later than July
11th, 2014.
3. Conditional Admission and CPELI application submission: Eligible candidates should
submit the following documents to the CPELI office prior to Friday, July 18th, 2014:
CPELI application
$100 CPELI application fee
A copy of your valid passport
Bank statement with a balance of minimum U.S. $21,500 or more from your own account
or that of your sponsor
Conditional Admission Application (paper)
Official Transcripts (original/sealed/stamped)
Conditional Admission application fee of $390
4. Issuance of Conditional Acceptance Letter: Upon approval, the Office of Admissions and
Outreach will review the student’s file and issue a letter of conditional acceptance to the student’s
academic program. (Second or third degree program choices may need to be considered in the
event the student’s initial choice is impacted or closed for the term.) Applicants will receive the
CPELI acceptance letter, Form I-20, and the Cal Poly Pomona Conditional Admission letter no
later than August 1st, 2014.
5. CSU Mentor Application: CPELI staff will assist conditional admission students with the CSU
Mentor Application. All applicants to Cal Poly Pomona must complete this application. The
deadline for submission is November 30, 2014. CPELI will host two application submission
sessions during the month of November 2014. CSU Mentor application fees are included in
conditional admission fees.
6. English Placement Test / Entry Level Math Exam: All applicants must complete the English
Placement (EPT) and Entry Level Math (ELM) examinations during the months of March and
April 2015. The purpose of these examinations is to place entering freshman into the appropriate
levels of study in English and Math. Results from these examinations do not have an impact on
the applicant’s admission status. Fees for the EPT/ELM exam are not included in conditional
admission fees.
7. Student Intent to Register / Enrollment Confirmation / Orientation Registration: In April
and May of 2015, applicants must complete the student intent to register form, pay the enrollment
confirmation fee and register for their freshman orientation. CPELI staff will assist applicants
with these processes.
8. Supporting Document Submission: Prior to July 15, 2015, all students must submit the
following supporting documents:
 Affidavit of Financial Support
 Agreement to Purchase Health Insurance
 Supplemental Visa Information
 TOEFL/IELTS Results – minimum options listed below:
o 71 IBT TOEFL (525 PBT)
o 6.0 IELTS
9. Confirmation of Admission: Once the applicant receives confirmation of admission to the
university and has fulfilled his/her coursework at CPELI, the applicant’s SEVIS record will be
released to the Cal Poly Pomona. The student will receive their new I-20 from the Cal Poly
Pomona International Center after they meet with their international student advisor.
Classes for Fall Quarter 2015 will begin on September 24, 2015.