GOVERNMENT LAW COLLEGE, MUI)4BAI 4OOO2O ADMISSION 2014-2015 THREE YEARS LAW COURSE THIRD MERIT LIST(ARTS: OPEN) General NAME OF THE STUDENT Dhruvika Dharmveer Bogani Shreyas Rajen Singh Abhishekkumar Nagendra Dhikale Parag Rameshwar Suryawanshi Sangam Laxmanrao Bhosle Prathmesh Prakash lyer Shalini Sridhar have :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GRADE system and who will be not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percentatge, their admission nfirm only after verifing their perce4?g". GOVERNME,NT LAW COLLEGE, MUMBAI 4OOO2O ADMISSION 2014-2015 THREE YEARS LAW COURSE THIRD MERIT LIST(ARTS: OPEN) L,adies Quota sr. no NAME OF THE STUDENT percentage 1t4 1. Landge Shruti Shivani 2 Sanap Sonal Shashikant 73.9r 3 Hakim Indorewala Sharmeen Shabbir 73.58 Note :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GRADE system and who have not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percentage, their admission will be confirm only after verifing their percen , GOVERNMENT LAW COLLEGE, MU]UBAI 4OOO2O ADMISSION 2014-2015 THREE YEARS LAW COURSE THIRD MERIT LIST(ARTS : OI}C) sr. no NAME OF THE STUDENT percentage t Patil Kalpesh Jayram 50,33 2 Kharad Sagar Laxmanrao 46 86 3 Shinde Avinash Ashok 46.33 4 Varthak Amruta Ashish 45.16 Note :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GRI\DE system and who have not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percent:rge, their admission will be confirm only after verifing their percen NOTE:2 Non-creamy Layer Certificate is compulsory at the time of arrlmission or at least the candidates should produce evidence that he has applied for Non Creamy .Layer Certificate from the competent authority failing which the admission will be ,cancelled. THREE YEARS LAW COURSE THIRD MERIT LIST(ARTS:SC) ()enaral sr. no I NAME OF THE STUDENT Pol Vijay Gorakhnath percentage 62.92 Note :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GR;\DE system and who have not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percentrge, their admission will be confirm only after verifing their percen GOVERNMENT LAW COLLEGE, MU]MBAI 4OOO2O ADMISSION 2014-2015 THREE YEARS LAW COI]RSE THIRD MERIT LIST(ARTS:SC) Ladlies Quota sr. no L NAME OF THE STUDENT percentage Raokhande Smita Ashok 56,61 Nofe :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GR:\DE system and who have not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percentage, their admission will be confirm only after verifing their ?AL Goveln ii;ent r-aw ir.riiege 'A'Road, Churchgaie, ttunbai- 20. 4 I ? ADMISSION 2014-2015 THREE YEARS LAW COURSE THIRD MBRIT LIST(ARTS:ST) Glenaral sr, no NAME OF THE STUDENT 7 MarbhalAjit Dhondu percentage 60,25 Note :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GRI\DE system and who have not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percentage, their admission will be confirm only after verifing their GOVERNMENT LAW COLLEGE, MU]UBAI 4OOO2O ADMISSION 2014-2015 THREE YEARS LAW COURSE THIRD MERIT LIST(ARTS :V'J) sr. no 1 NAME OF THE STUDENT Rathod Vijay Raju percentage 50.83 Note :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GRI{.DE system and who have not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percent:rge, their admission will be confirm only after verifing their percentage. NOTE:2 Non-creamy Layer Certificate is compulsory at the time of admission or at least the candidates should produce evidence that he has applied for Non Creamy Layer Certifrcate from the competent authority failing which the admission will be ,cancelled. ADMISSION 2014-2015 THREE YEARS LAW COURSE THTRD MERIT LIST(ARTS :N-T) sr. no 't NAME OF THE STUDENT Bodake Ravindra Pandharinath percentage 48.33 Note :-1. Those Students who have passed under CGPA or any other GRI{,DE system and who have not submitted transcript or any other statement mentioning their percent:rge, their admission will be confirm only after verifing their percentage. NOTE:2 Non-creamy Layer Certificate is compulsory at the time of admission or at least the candidates should produce evidence that he has applied for Non Creamy .Layer Certificate from the competent authority failing which the admission will be rcancelled. 'f L'a --A,. . Gove;ni:i;ni L;o ,Joiiege, 'A' Road, Chui;, gaie, il umtai;r 2C 4 THREE YEARS LAW COURSE FIRST YEAR ADMISSION 2074-15 ApMlssloN PROCEDUTU candidates are Admission must be taken by the candidates in person' selected nurnbers between reouested to collect the Admission Forms @ Rs'2Ol- with a token fee will be accepted in 10,30 a.m. and 12,00 noon. After filling up the Admission forms, the college office onlY' out' will be Students, who are not present when their token number is called placed last. DOCU M ENTS i) r,'iith four attested Original statement of marks of Graduation (All YearslAll Semester) Xerox coPY' ii) iii) Attested two Xerox copy 1-2th Std/1gth std Mark sheet for verification. 10th Passing Any one Document to verify Date of birth (School Leaving/ Birth Certificate/ iv) Certificate) certificate Students belonging to reserved categories should bring original Valid caste v) vi) with one attested Xerox coPY. Three Passport size good quality latest photographs (Old Photographs Photographs will not be accepted.) Two Copies of sUBMISSION COPY of University enrollment (E-suvidha) or used 2. (Demand Draft should be in the favour of PRINCIPAL, GOVERNMENT LAW C0LLEGE, MUMBAI and Payable at Mumbai from any Natjionalized Bank. Fees Tuition fees Mumbai Univ, 1500 4480 220 460 Other than Mumbai Univ. 500 +480 220 460 320 600 1 Foneign Univ. 15 00 Foreign Students 7500 4480 ++80 220 +60 750 Elisibiliw Fees 600 Verification Fees 80 10 7580 6660 Total pay full fees. have to categories S.B.C and fas per Note- Students belong to O.B.C Other fees Enrollment Fees Exam [Sem I') 220 460 750 600 14010 above schedule) Gove;fi riiarli r-aw Coiiege 'A'Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 20, 5 TrrT LalS Yz)^-1/ Q'=-2 Reserve Categories - [S.C/S.T/V. r\l.T/D.T) Other than Mumbai Univ. Mumbai Univ. 100 100 Admission Registration Fee 60 60 ID Card 50 50 Disaster Relief 50 50 Student welfare 460 460 Exam fSem I') 320 0 Elieibility Fees 600 0 Verification Fees 20 20 E-Suvidha L660 740 Total 3. The candidates belonging to OBC and NT categories must produce the NONCREAMY LAYER certificate on or before 30th Aug., 2074, failing which their provisional admission shall be cancelled. At the time of submitting the form they must at-least produce the evidence of having already applied for the said certificate. 4. Those students who desire to avail concession prerscribed for Backward Class should submit free studentships/Scholarship form along with admission form, Those students who do not desire to avail such concession will have to give undertaking in the following form, J. Foreign students seeking admission to the college will only be considered by admission if they are in possession of student visa, issued by t.he Indian Embassy abroad and the same is produced to this college for verification. The application for admission by Foreign students holding tourist visas will not be considered. Every Foreign Students whether new entrant or the old should undergo health check-up which includes AIDS within 15 days afterthe admission from specific Govt. Hospital, Their admission to this college tillthen will be provisional. For details pleasersee University of Mumbai Circular Dt.3.8.1'987. - \ \6 \\ tl Plti Gove;iiriiciti Law Coiiege 'A'Road, Churchgaie, llur"bai - 20. 6 3rd Merit tist ( 23rd Aug., 20t4l03.00 pm Sr. No. Payment of Fees Iime L 25th Aug., 2014 10.30 am to L.30 Pm 2 25th Aug., 2014 10.30 am to 1.30 Pm Note- 4th Merit list of SPECIA[ CATEGORY (Arts, Commerce and Science) first year of three year Law course 2014-15 will be on 25th August 2OL4 by 5.30Pm d PRiNe i i- Government Law College 'A Road, Churchgate, Mumtai- 20.
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