D12 Vario. - Sanilux.lt

D12 Vario.
Bathing times five.
D12 Va r i o
Shower and cool off.
Be it to clean the body or to cool off after a sauna or steam
bath – the shower is an integral part of every spa experience.
Cooling off quickly isn’t just invigorating; it also ensures that
the widened blood vessels narrow again.
Five bath i n g fo rms
i n a sm a ll spac e.
Bathtub and onsen bath.
The onsen bath is a form of bath that originated
in Japan. There, the onsen represents a public
bath fed by hot volcanic springs so that the bather is enveloped in delicate clouds of steam – a
bathing experience that can be recreated in the
D12 Vario and has various effects: it stimulates
the blood flow, circulation and metabolism, relaxes and strengthens, and contributes to the relax­
ation of the muscles. The buoyancy of the warm
water also relieves the joints.
Horizontal shower.
The extensive shower area above the lying surface provides cold and warm water showers
in accordance with the method advocated by
Kneipp. Three programmes – a combination of
water temperature and quantity – are available to
choose from: balancing, invigorating or relaxing.
Simply switch off and find yourself again. In
a world driven by accessibility and deadlines, the desire for true relaxation is increasingly present. The D12 Vario now offers a
form of bathing for professional spas and
private individuals that returns to the roots of
bathing itself and is the embodiment of relaxing spa experiences. Numerous bathing
forms are ideally combined for confined
spaces: the D12 Vario is a real all-rounder
when it comes to the element of water. So
you can get back to daily life completely
Coo l off
Ons en bath
Horizonta l
Stea m bath
The D12 Vario offers
five forms of bathin g in
one space based on
the eleme nt of water.
Steam bath.
Alongside bathing in the tub, it is also possible to enjoy a
steam bath in the D12 Vario. It isn’t just during the cold months
that the various effects of the humid bath ensure well-being.
And you can bring even more atmosphere to your session:
a coloured light is integrated into the ceiling cove meaning
that any (colour) mood you desire can be achieved with the
D12 Vario. Choose the appropriate scent to go with it – and
transform your bath into a well-being spa.
O n e el emen t. Fiv e t imes
t h e rel a x at i o n.
Pro du ct ch ar ac ter
Bath tub
ist ics
sy ste m, D12 ma ter
•D12 co ns tru cti on
co nc ep t, M k5
x H ):
•D im en sio ns (D x W x 230 cm
x 3
ap pro x. 17
•S ize of tub :
), 45 cm de ep
12 0 x 155 cm (W x L
vo lum e:
•Re qu ire d wa ter
ap pro x. 60 0 l
wh en ful l
•Weig ht of the tub
pro x. 1,0 00 kg
inc l. 2 pe
ba r wa ter pre ssu re:
•Fi llin g tim e at 3
ap pro x. 20 mi n
ate r tan k:
•Re qu ire d ho t-w
at lea st 50 0 l
co ve rin g:
•S ea t an d fro nt
ce ma ter ial
wh ite so lid
•Tu b: wh ite ge
ss pa ne ls, ba ck wa
•Wall s: wh ite gla
wi th gra ph ica l mo
r, wi th co ve
•C eil ing : wh
•LE D lig ht rai l an
The tub’s seating panel can be easily adjusted. Be it the horizontal shower, footbath or bathtub, the modifications for your favourite bathing programme can be
achieved in no time at all.
The D12 Vario in the Argento Bianco variation.
A u str i a | S o n n w i ese n weg 19 | A - 6 3 61 H o p fgarte n / T Y R O L
T E L E P H O N E + 4 3 ( 0 ) 5 3 3 5 2 3 3 0 - 0 | F a x + 4 3 ( 0 ) 5 3 3 5 2 3 3 0 - 3 6 | i n fo @ klafs . A T | www . klafs . at
S w i t z erla n d | O ber n e u hofstrasse 11 | C H - 6 3 4 2 B aar
T E L E P H O N E + 41 ( 0 ) 41 7 6 0 2 2 4 2 | F a x + 41 ( 0 ) 41 7 6 0 2 5 3 5 | B aar @ klafs . C H | www . klafs . ch
02/13 Art.-Nr. 5000228 Subject to changes and misprints. Printed in Germany.
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