March 19, 2014 Meeting

TOWN OF DANBURY - Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting Minutes
M embers P resent :
Others P resent :
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
James Phelps and Lyn England, Jessica Hatch (newly elected & sworn in)
Administrative Assistant, Sylvia Hill ; Jody Troiano, Deborah Aylward, George Turgeon,
Jeannie Creamer, Carl Buzzell, Cheryl Dubois, Ginny Edwards
6:30 Jody Troiano
Police Chief David Suckling, who was sworn in today, and former Chief Kratz
Checks/Applications/S ignatures:
Checks were reviewed & Manifests signed.
Minutes of 3/5/2014--MM by James Phelps, Second by Lyn England to approve. Motion carried.
Purchase Order was signed by Selectman England for Office Supplies--some annual supplies for both offices.
DRA Form for 2013 Equalization was signed and will be mailed.
Building Permit App - Drake M418 L11. MM by Jessica Hatch, Second by Lyn England to
approve, motion carried.
Intent to Cut - NFTI M418 L003 on US R oute 4. MM by Jim Phelps, Second by Lyn England to
approve. Motion carried.
Report of Cut - Timber Warrant - Rondeau & Hardwick. MM by James Phelps, Second by Jessica
Hatch, motion carried.
Dept of Safety - Request regarding High Street Auto. MM by James Phelps, Second by Lyn
England, to request they defer action until the selectmen determine whether it must be approved by
the Planning or Zoning Board. Motion carried. Letter will be returned to State, with a copy to Eddie
Phelps along with the application for the Planning and Zoning Boards.
Application for Current Use - Brailey/Hewes Map 406 Lot 164. MM by James Phelps, second
by Lyn England to approve. Motion carried.
Application for Current Use - Brewer Map 413 Lot 2. Will be further reviewed and placed on the
agenda for next week.
Intent to Excavate - Clarke Map 418 Lot 20, Eagle Pond Road . No action was take on this
application. Selectmen will await further applications and consider them all at once.
Old Business:
• TAN - MM by James Phelps, Second by Jessica Hatch to vote on amount up to $600,000 and to borrow
$250,000 at this time from Lake Sunapee Bank. Motion carried with one abstention, Lyn England because
she is an employee of the bank.
• LGC - Background Checks - Response received--not necessary but good idea. Forwarded response to Chief
Austin for his information.
• Response from HealthTrust on Contribution Holidays (they needed another written request in order to do a
contribution holiday vs. check)
• Road Postings --MM by Jim Phelps, Second by Lyn England to close the roads immediately to a weight limit
of 6 Tons until further notice. Motion carried.
• Truck Bids (2 so far). Will request the Road Agent to come in to discuss next week and bring any additional
CAP Volunteer - have requested background check, start date is 3/24 @ 1:30PM.
Checking with DRA - Shelley Gerlarneau whether Budget Committee needs to resubmit the MS -7 with
corrections she noted.
Jody Troiano and a group of individuals from the Danbury Residents Against Wind Towers (DRAWT)
attended. Jody asked what the selectmen planned to do with the Rights Based Ordinance (RBO) that passed
on March 11th. Selectmen had not met or discussed prior to this meeting so plan to have it reviewed by
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counsel. Any town meeting votes are typically certified by the Town Clerk. She also gave each of the
selectmen an invitation to an RBO Strategy Meeting for Saturday, April 5th.
An email was sent to Paul Brown asking if he will be able to help us with the MS -5 this year, if not, we will
need to find someone else again --sooner than later.
Toni Maviki stopped in. He has been contacted by Dick Hakins attorney and is working with him to
set up a hearing. Toni was also asked to set up an organizational meeting including new members
within a month.
New Business:
• Chief Suckling came in to discuss police issues. MM by James Phelps, second by Lyn England,
to now make former Chief Kratz a Sargent in the Police Department . Motion carried
unanimously. The Chief plans to swap hours and work approximately 30 hours with Officer Kratz
working 29 or less.
They will still be using Officer Riley part time. He is now working in New London and will be working
here on his way home. Officer Vincent will be continuing with his court cases. They will still be
looking for another part-time officer that does n ot need training. They also discussed the Dodge
Charger. Selectmen and Police agreed to take the vehicle to the Dodge dealer in Tilton to find out how
much it may cost for repairs. Depending on cost, they will determine how to proceed. Chief Suckling
also informed the selectmen that he had Nol Prossed a court case yesterday. He will plan to attend the
14 week full-time academy in the fall.
Foley Oil - need to seek a new gas carrier before 3/31. We have an application for Evans and will
submit for both gasoline and diesel.
Yield Tax Abatement Request - McIver. MM by James Phelps, Second by Lyn England to abate
$89.55 based on actual figures. Motion carried.
Request for information on Welfare Lien MM to go into non -public session by Jim Phelps at
7:35PM, second by Lyn England per RSA 91 -A:3,II(c). Motion carried. Came out of non -public
session at 7:40PM. No votes taken.
Request for list of Mobile Home Owners from Ledyard Bank (they plan to offer financing to lowincome property owners). This would fall under the "Custom Reports at $25". Selectmen agreed to
provide the information per request.
Request from Mary Fanelli for a list of the property listing for the town (RE: fundraising for the
Grange) MM by James Phelps, Second by Jessica Hatch to waive the $25 fee. Motion carried.
Request from Lakes Region Planning Commission for update. Admin. Asst. will update.
Received proposed Amendment One from Waste Management for Transportation and Disposal of
Municipal Solid Waste. This will be reviewed and put on the agenda for further discussions next
week regarding the solid waste contract which expires at the end of this year.
Complaint - filed by Robin Wentworth - requests mailbox replacement. Road Agent Huntoon has
already been contacted and will take care of.
Request from Div of Fire Safety for response regarding fireworks. There have been no changes to
our ordinances in this regard and we'll respond accordingly .
Bathroom Estimate - MM by Lyn England, Second by Jessica Hatch to approve work for updating
the smaller bathroom by the Police Department as proposed by Millstone Woodcraft. Motion
Carried. Money was carried over from last year for this purpose.
Town Meeting Follow-Up
• Budget for 2014 has been entered into the computer and just needs double checking.
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Selectmen appointments to Boards & Committees. Lyn will remain on the Planning Board, Jim will
replace Sandy on the Budget Committee. Jessica will be the Welfare Officer, Recreation meetings
will be attended by whoever is available when they meet. Vacancies after balloting were discussed.
A list will be requested from Amanda so they can be filled as soon as possible. A memo will be sent
to Tim Martin requesting that the Budget Committee meet to hold an organizational meeting with in
a month.
Selectmen voted to change the amount of match for retirement from $15 to $20 for full-time
participating employees. It has never been increased since it was begun several years ago. All
full-time employees will be notif ied so they may make changes if desired.
Raises/payroll - discussed implementation and timing. Memo will be sent to department heads with
forms for employee evaluations so they can be completed as soon as possible.
MM by James Phelps, second by Jessica Hatch to make Lyn England the new Chair of the Board.
Motion carried.
Discussed policies and procedures, waiver of lunch for employees if requested.
Will request Tax Collector to deed the parcels that need to be so an auction may be held this year.
Other Correspondence--FYI:
• Various miscellaneous correspondence was received that do not require responses.
• Notice to Towns - Probate Notice
• NHDES Certificate of No Further Action - Sisson
• School Vote Results
• Comcast Programming Changes
• Legislative Bulletin
• DES Weekly Letters
Meetings/Other Committee/Dept Report/Available Workshops :
Any Other Business/ /Questions for Selectmen:
May need to purchase new QuickBooks Payroll--will investigate further before it runs out on 5/31.
THU 3/20 - Meeting here at Town Hall 7-9PM on Health Care
THU 3/20 - Free Seminar RE: MAP--21 funding programs for Bike/Ped
MON 3/24 - Merrimack County Budget Hearing
TUE 3/25 - Planning Board Hearing - Phelps Excavation; RMR Site Plan; RMR App for
• TUE 3/25 - NH State Health Improvement Plan, Dr. Jose Montero in Laconia 2 -4
• 4/17 - HealthTrust Benefits Administrator Workshops
• Labor Law Seminars - long list of dates
NH Broadband Conference on Friday May 16 in Concord
Any Other Business/ /Questions for Selectmen:
• Still need to follow up on Labor Alert Safety Summary
MM by James Phelps, Second by Lyn England to adjourn at 8:00 PM. Motion carried.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Hill, Administrative Assistant
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