BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES MARCH 10, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Rosemary Smedile called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at Town Hall Meeting Room. ATTENDANCE: The following were present: Rosemary Smedile Chairman; Richard Vaillancourt, Clerk; Tracy Watson, Licensing Chairman; Donald Stewart, William Gordon, and Andrew Maylor, Town Manager and Ray Santilli, Assistant Town Manager. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Tracy Watson, to approve the Open Session Minutes of February 24, 2014, as written. Vote approved 5-0. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Tracy Watson, that the Board of Selectmen release the Executive Session Minutes as listed of 1/27/03 partial, 2/10/03 partial, 3/10/03 partial, 4/7/03 complete, 9/15/03 complete, 10/20/03 partial, 1/12/04 partial, 1/26/04 partial, 3/8/04 complete, 3/22/04 partial, 4/5/04 partial, 6/7/04 partial, 11/22/04 partial. Vote approved 5-0. th 4 of July Road Race – Borderline Running Club Christopher Marshall of the Borderline Running Club was present and briefed the Board of the plans for th the upcoming 4 of July Road Race in North Andover. He requested a preliminary approval from the Board. At a future date Mr. Marshall will present the Board with the final details of the race. The Board of Selectmen gave a verbal approval Preliminary list of requests for FY15 CPA Funding John Simons Chairman of the Community Preservation Committee provided a preliminary list of requests for FY15 CPA funding of the individual projects. Mr. Simons will attend a future meeting to give a full report. Announcement by Town Manager The Town Manager attended a meeting of the Historical Commission and the members approved to rescind their decision to invoke the demolition delay bylaw on the Bradstreet School. The Town Manager has agreed to hold a Public Meeting for input from residents as to how to preserve the historical memory of the Bradstreet School in the new development plan. This meeting will be held next month once a date is secured. COMMUNICATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AND PUBLIC COMMENT: North Andover Legislative Delegation – Senator Tarr, Senator O’Connor Ives, Representative Lyons and Representative DiZoglio Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives told the Selectmen that the Transportation Bond Bill recently approved by the Senate includes $1.5 million to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety along Route 114 between the Lawrence city line and Hillside Road, but the House version of the bill does not include this project. Much work needs to be done to work out the differences between the two versions. Representative Diana DiZoglio said she and others who represent the town are working towards getting a commuter rail stop in North Andover. The Merrimack Valley Planning Council is scheduled to consider that project and this would encourage economic development along the Route 125 corridor in North Andover. Board of Selectmen Minutes March 10, 2014 2 Representative James Lyons introduced a bill to deny state benefits to people who are not entitled to them and put the money saved into aid to cities and towns. The state spends $2 billion a year on benefits that could go to the cities and towns. Senator Tarr gave the Selectmen a handout with state projected revenue forecasts with a 4.9% increase. He encouraged the Selectmen and Town Manager to write letters on the Town’s behalf to include the Route 114 improvements to the Committee that will make decisions on the Transportation Bond Bill. Senator Tarr commented about several bills before the House and Senate re: Local Aid, Unfunded Mandates, Prevailing Wage, and Special Education Circuit Breaker/Regional Transportation. The Selectmen thanked them for working together to help the Town of North Andover and their continued work in the State. CONSENT ITEMS: Signing of the March 25, 2014, Town Election Warrant The Board was asked to approve and sign the March 25, 2014 town Election Warrant. William Gordon made a MOTION, seconded by Tracy Watson, that the Board of Selectmen approve and sign the March 25, 2014 Town Election Warrant. Vote approved 5-0. Close 2014 Annual Town Meeting Warrant The Board was asked to close the 2014 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Donald Stewart made a MOTION, seconded by William Gordon, that the Board of Selectmen close the 2014 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Vote approved 5-0. Winter Parking Ban The All-Night Winter Parking Ban ended on February 28, 2014 and the Board has the option of extending the ban if needed due to inclement weather. It is recommended that the Board give the Town Manager authority to reinstate the parking ban in the event of a snow storm and use the community notification system to inform residents. Tracy Watson made a MOTION, seconded by Donald Stewart that the Board of Selectmen gives the Town Manager authority to reinstate the parking ban in the event of a snow storm and use the community notification system to inform residents. Vote approved 5-03. Appointment to Commission on Disabilities Issues – Darcy Rubino The Board’s Appointments Sub-Committee recommended the appointment of Darcy Rubino to the Commission on Disabilities. William Gordon made a MOTION, seconded by Donald Stewart, that the Board of Selectmen appoints Darcy Rubino to the Commission on Disabilities Issues for a term ending June 30, 2016. Vote approved 5-0. Request to Dispose of Surplus Vehicle – Police Department Per the Town Policy regarding surplus vehicles, Police Chief Paul Gallagher is requesting to surplus police vehicle 310 from his fleet. Tracy Watson made a MOTION, seconded by Richard Vaillancourt that the Board of Selectmen approves the request of Police Chief Paul Gallagher to surplus police vehicle 310, 2009 Dodge Charger per his memo to the Town Manager dated March 4, 2014. Vote approved 5-0. Board of Selectmen Minutes 3 March 10, 2014 Request by Marc Cooperstein of North Andover Booster Club Little League to hold Opening Day Parade on Saturday, May 3, 3014 The North Andover Booster Club Little League requested approval to hold an Opening Day Parade on Saturday, May 3, 2014 starting at 8:00 a.m. The parade will start on First Street, travel onto Main Street to Waverly Road, to Dana Street, and onto the Carl Thomas baseball facility. Donald Stewart made a MOTION, seconded by William Gordon that the Board of Selectmen approves the request of the North Andover Booster Club Little League to hold an Opening Day Parade on Saturday, May 3, 2014 starting at 8:00 a.m. Vote approved 5-0. th Request by Keith D’Entremont of Angel Flight Northeast to hold 4 Annual Ride for Angels charity cycling event on Sunday, September 7, 2014 th Angel Flight Northeast requested approval to hold the 4 Annual Ride for Angels Charity Cycling event on Sunday, September 7, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The four routes (20, 40, 65,100 miles) will all start and finish at the Lawrence Municipal Airport. William Gordon made a MOTION, seconded by Tracy Watson that the Board of Selectmen approves the th request of Angel Flight Northeast to hold the 4 Annual Ride for Angels charity cycling event on Sunday, September 7, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Vote approved 5-0. Request by North Andover Patriotic Observance Committee to conduct Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony on May 26, 2014 The North Andover Patriotic Observance Committee requested approval to conduct a Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on May 26, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Tracy Watson made a MOTION, seconded by Donald Stewart that the Board of Selectmen approves the request of the North Andover Patriotic Observance Committee to conduct the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on May 26, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Vote approved 5-0. Amend Town Manager’s contract to serve as ex officio on the GLSD Board of Directors Tracy Watson made a MOTION, seconded by Donald Stewart in accordance with the Board of Selectmen’s authority as referenced in the Town Manager’s employment contract that it will be a job duty of the Town Manager’s position to serve ex officio as the Town’s representative on the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) Board of Directors. Vote approved 5-0. LICENSING COMMISSIONERS: Donald Stewart made a MOTION, seconded by William Gordon, to open a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Vote approved 5-0. Matthew Razey of PJC of Massachusetts, Inc. (dba Rite Aid) requests a Wine & Malt Package Store License at 525 Turnpike Street (continued from meeting of February 24, 2014 At the Board’s last meeting the applicant Matthew Razey was asked to return with a more comprehensive plan. Manager Matthew Razey, District Manager Peter Hallisey, and Attorney Pam Berman from Rite Aid presented a plan to install as follows: a sophisticated scanner that will verify the date of birth on all identifications of in-state and out-of-state ID cards; a dedicated register provided so that alcohol sales can only be purchased at that register; cordon off area where alcohol is located so that no sales of liquor are made during prohibited times (on Sunday mornings) and signs posted stating no Sunday morning liquor sales; and Rite Aid employees who are minors will not be able to operate the dedicated register to sell alcohol and all other registers will not be able to sell alcohol. The Board was satisfied with the steps that the company has taken to insure the safe sales of alcohol. Donald Stewart made a MOTION, seconded by Rosemary Smedile that the Board of Selectmen, acting as Licensing Commissioners, approves a Wine & Malt Package Store License for PJC of Massachusetts, Inc. (dba Rite Aid) at 525 Turnpike Street, North Andover. Vote approved 5-0. Board of Selectmen Minutes March 10, 2014 4 Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by William Gordon, to close a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Vote approved 5-0. OLD BUSINESS: Town Manager’s FY15 Recommended Budget There was no additional information at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Town Planner Judy Tymon was present and briefed the Board regarding the three (3) draft articles being submitted by the Planning Board for the 2014 Annual Town Meeting. The Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on April 15, 2014 to discuss these articles. Town Meeting Warrant 1. Draft Article: Amend Zoning Bylaw – Section 8: Supplementary Regulations, Subsection 8.11: Wind Facilities 2. Draft Article: Amend Zoning Bylaw – Section 8: Supplementary Regulations, Subsection 8:12: Medical Marijuana Treatment Facilities 3. Draft Article: Amend Zoning Map – Medical Marijuana Overlay District PUBLIC COMMENT: Donald Stewart asked a question regarding the TIP certification being conducted by the internet rather than a training class. The Town Manager said he would look into it before the next meeting. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Town Manager announced that the contracts for the new School Central Offices Building were signed and demolition of the old police station will start in the spring with construction to follow. Capital Project Status Report The Town Manager provided a status summary of the on-going capital projects as well as a milestone timeline through the end of June, 2014. Fire Department Report Fire Chief Andrew Melnikas provided a summary of activity reports for December 2013, January 2014 and February 2014. Updated Job Position/Vacancy Log Human Resources Director Cathy Darby provided a summary of the Updated Job Position/Vacancy Log. ADJOURNMENT: Donald Stewart made a MOTION, seconded by Richard Vaillancourt, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Vote approved 5-0. Adele J. Johnson Executive Assistant _______________________________ Richard Vaillancourt, Clerk of the Board
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