Programs Providing Opportunities for College Credit

University Name:
Michigan Technological University (02551)
University Survey for School Year 2013-2014
Fulfilling Section 245 (6) Fiscal Year 2015 Reporting Requirements
Due November 15, 2014
Programs Providing Opportunities for College Credit
Questions Regarding Program State-Approved Career and
Direct College Credit or
Technical Education/Tech
Details (MCL 388.1845[5])
Concurrent Enrollment (MCL
Prep Articulated Program of
388.1845 [6][a][ii])
Study (MCL 388.1845 [6][a][i])
Number of high school
students participating (MCL
388.1845 [6][b][i])
Number of school districts that
participate with the university
(MCL 388.1845 [6][b][ii])
Instructor type (e.g. college
professor, qualified local
school district employee,
other) (MCL 388.1845
Total program cost to the
university (MCL 388.1845
Cost per credit hour for the
course or courses (MCL
388.1845 [6][b][v])
Location where course(s) are
held (MCL 388.1845 [6][b][vi])
Instructional resources
available to program
instructors (MCL 388.1845
Resources offered to the
student in the program (MCL
388.1845 [6][b][viii])
Transportation services offered
to students in the program
(MCL 388.1845 [6][b][ix])
Dual Enrollment (MCL
388.1845 [6][a][iii])
Early College/Middle College
Program (MCL 388.1845
College Professor
Michigan Tech Campus
These are Michigan Tech
Same as Michigan Tech
N ote: This survey in part complies with reporting requirements of Section 245(6) of the School Aid Act
(Act 94 of 1979), as amended. You are still obligated to post this information on your institutional
transparency website. Section 245(6) was amended under Act 196 of 2014 and provides for university
reporting of the information included within this table. The effective date of Act 196 is October 1, 2014
with an annual reporting deadline of November 15.