16 April 2014 NOTICE OF SAMED ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING In terms of Section 9 of the SAMED Constitution, notice is hereby given of the 27th Annual General Meeting of SAMED, which will be held on 29 May 2014: 07h30 for 08h00 Venue: The Forum Didata Campus Bryanston GPS Location: -26.044350, 28.023450 Click here to view map An attendance reply form is to be found on page 2. A form for the nomination of members for election to the Board of Directors of SAMED is attached and found on page 6. A form for the acceptance of nomination for election to the Board of Directors of SAMED is to be found on page 7. A form for a proxy to vote is to be found on page 8. We look forward to welcoming you, and your staff to this meeting. Yours sincerely, Tanya Vogt Executive Officer Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 1 SAMED ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 29 May 2014: 07h30 for 08h00 REPLY FORM NAME OF COMPANY: __________________________________________ Our company will be represented at the Annual General Meeting by the following individuals: NAME DESIGNATION Email 1. 2. 3. Form completed by: __________________________________ (Please print) Contact Telephone No.: _______________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ Return to: [email protected] by no later than 20 May 2014. Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 2 th 27 SAMED Annual General Meeting 29 May 2014: 07h30 for 08h00 AGENDA 1. Notice convening the meeting 2. Record apologies of absence 3. Elect six representatives from amongst ordinary members to the Board of Directors 4. Confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 30 May 2013 5. Confirm the Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 13 February 2014 6. Receive the Chairman’s report on behalf of the Board of Directors covering the activities of the Association during the past year 7. Receive and consider the report of the Board of Directors of the Association regarding the revenue account, for the period 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013 8. Other Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 3 NOTICE TO ALL SAMED MEMBER COMPANIES Dear Members ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 29 May 2014 th The 27 Annual General Meeting of SAMED will be held on 29 May 2014. The purpose of this circular is to invite nominations for members of the Board of Directors to be elected at the Annual General Meeting. In terms of the SAMED Constitution a maximum of twelve representatives from ordinary members may be appointed to the Board of Directors. Representatives of ordinary members presently serving on the Board of Directors are as follows: 1. Marlon Burgess (Chairman) MDG Health Solutions 2. Jeff Hampton (Vice Chairman) Surgitech 3. Albert Denoon Baroque Medical 4. Michael Woods Smith and Nephew (Pty) Ltd 5. Mike Howe-Ely Medtronic 6. Rob Millar (Treasurer) B Braun 7. Peter Mehlaphe Becton Dickinson 8. Ruwaida Shaikh Boston Scientific 9. Terence Moodley Roche Diagnostics 10. Graham Blackbeard Southern Implants 11. Judith Horne Smith and Nephew (Pty) Ltd 12. Enrico Baldassarri Johnson & Johnson Medical In accordance with the SAMED Constitution, the following Members of the Board, who have completed a two-year term of office, will resign immediately prior to the election of the incoming Board. These Board members are also eligible for re-election: 1. Albert Denoon Baroque Medical 2. Michael Woods Smith and Nephew (Pty) Ltd 3. Mike Howe-Ely Medtronic 4. Rob Millar (Treasurer) B Braun Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 4 5. Peter Mehlaphe Becton Dickinson 6. Ruwaida Shaikh Boston Scientific A Nomination Form and an Acceptance of Nomination Form are attached and your timeous response would be appreciated. Please ensure that nominees submit acceptance forms as well as a brief resume to the SAMED Secretariat by the prescribed date, as failure to do so will invalidate the nomination. N.B. The closing date for submission of nominations is 16 May 2014 The closing date for submission of written acceptance of nomination is 21 May 2014 Yours sincerely Tanya Vogt Executive Officer Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 5 NOMINATION FORM FOR THE ELECTION OF SIX (6) MEMBERS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAMED: 29 May 2014 We, (SAMED Ordinary Member Company name) herein represented by (Company representative) who is duly authorized to represent the company, hereby nominate the following person(s) for election to the Board of Directors of SAMED. NAME DESIGNATION COMPANY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We confirm that: 1. We have read the SAMED Constitution. See www.samed.org.za 2. I understand that election of Board members takes place in accordance with the SAMED Constitution. 3. We are fully paid-up members of SAMED 4. The prescribed form signifying acceptance of nomination will be forwarded to the SAMED Secretariat by no later than 16 May 2014. 5. The nominees are eligible for election to the Board of Directors. ________________________________ _____________________ SIGNED DATE at ________________________________ PLEASE ENSURE THAT THIS FORM REACHES THE SAMED SECRETARIAT BY NO LATER THAN 16 May 2014 E-mail reply to: [email protected] Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 6 ACCEPTANCE OF NOMINATION I, (Full name) of (SAMED Ordinary member company name) hereby accept the nomination for election to the Board of Directors of SAMED. I confirm that: 1. I understand that election of Board members takes place in accordance with the SAMED Constitution. 2. I am eligible for election to the Board of Directors. 3. My company is a fully paid-up member of SAMED. _______________________________ SIGNED DATE at ________________________________ PLEASE ENSURE THAT THIS FORM REACHES THE SAMED SECRETARIAT BY NO LATER THAN 16 May 2014 E-mail reply to: [email protected] Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 7 PROXY FORM FOR VOTING PERTAINING TO ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS I, (SAMED Ordinary member company name) herein represented by (name of duly authorized representative) hereby duly authorize (name and surname) to act as our Proxy at the following SAMED meeting: SAMED Annual General Meeting to be held on 29 May 2014. MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE DATE Signed at SIGNATURE OF PERSON APPOINTED AS PROXY DATE PLEASE ENSURE THAT THIS FORM REACHES THE SAMED SECRETARITAT BY NO LATER THAN 27 May 2014 E-mail proxy to: [email protected] Tel: +27 11 704 2440 | Fax: +27 086 407 4765 | email: [email protected] PO Box 651761, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Hammets Crossing Office Park, Cnr Witkoppen & Selbourne Ave , Randburg T.M. Vogt (Executive Officer) Directors: M.G. Burgess (SAMED Chairman), J. Hampton (SAMED Vice Chairman), R.J. Millar (Treasurer), A.H. Denoon, E Baldassarri , E Baumgartner, G Blackbeard, G Northfield, J Horne, M. Pearce, M.J.F. Howe-Ely, M.Woods, P. Mehlape, R. Shaikh, T. Moodley, W Hodson Page 8
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